T w»ai far SOT THE LARGEST baa GOCD AS THE BEST THE ENTERPRISE ' MfiM fWTJ Tinfc? am* Pr*J , S ■KmtPitlSE PUBLISHING GO. VKumUe. \erth Carwlima , w. C MANNING, !' Editor U « C MAXXIXG. JR.. M Ln&iiifff Mmmmm i Price (Strictly Cash in Adnncti 1 1 3 Baaxh> |i Ebwio. i: tne I'as; Ofcc* it *" | lnwj..T \frt» laroliM a# ««» I | dii- Barter, anir-' U»e act of Mire , *. ISO. 'i all twr.monicjtior.- to TW • Enterprise. X. C. [, TI'BDAI. AI GI ST II IKL I, r ■M " #• Hit-r rpnV ir Marur. enent? hxstor} • —liawilii t'n "1 r~ Lxan?«rii.-.«t Jfc**-j >iag. htficsuit Sawav. Auru.-: | ( Tfrf- Rosai.-kr- Fair. beginning Oct ; _ a 1 aiu tk « tter 24th We c*T. the*e tiutT s p->- * r-« | tistt-n of u* e»ur.iy caia-e , piM oeme- :"r»rr W.f will f j- Of owrrf there arv a rut f* fer J. thrnjr- to out C** 6 ' i; these t»> staad MC- |. UO« A#in TUI ? —. War Abrahan: IjKwir *a* a }«■'« ~ - rat for U«r l [. |l|ir Vl . aw *i- i»*il> ?»?«!:(*• otx~ «Bt*nfc buMi*v — fi'ifi-*.'' , tyoa year- of ra> lif- !«.;•' «* »P arks of a wortr.W*v- p.-.r'^r He was- i- '—* r * :« f - bewttf*!.. sonar: u. vtw » wcjw ». urare*! j —»i tneti .*!* die»i- Knlerxrr n* rta? ** ' tber tr«e«* for ar. app»ir*m*«>t m ">»« I citcic S*-> .f Lu.c 02* . bat fa.l** Af'jer thfc tut l*wi» a for tiw I'ciuJ Sta'e- S*-r.iU- -r «t >- wa ir Ik-VG he br-caw a c n>t»taW f« r j the net pitekiH.o. l-u! l«t the rant*. j 11. isa* he «v- ~oace .tef*at«* tkc ban b> Uiajriat. |b tlx fat of ail '.ifr. m nrr'.Bii Iv btOß' ow of the countryrreat (st met. if ijot the rnat-st. How wo«M you star..: tr fa« *f MKT. S*th«t* Think r > *«r Th. obi) !!# r»-rvc» i* t»eee tl .-j felio* w*x- t«* e.v» ai»>* '.w f«4U» > btf.«t«:-" two ntt at the Wit! i ». • ever t> rr nift! t» a «» I the two feiU-» brink' accmurt*. Tne mj.i» r due>.A " s U »« ir*-DCf sfx*r ail; j "j, * & what i*iß» coo"'-" " I T>- ; who l*- *(■-= «» : ran*'' by U«V l»t '-** r»A faiU to o» t:- ca»> rL- k wk" •* by tbe L»» ab !-isr tltafr «. '' * " ir (m> twnt ai>i betwMii It i- e tk» ■ wrrt or riot »rv * I'sfti'liti llie ia*. ?•«* be if J is * .wry etker who .-».rtck.- fiwe the ihtx? of his post ; - A few ihumms at tKat • east >«* wberx tbe bttiV:.r.jr ..f a *iber»a«rie fcere w~.H t>e of aay bf*#? te tse l«t Frwr a material .U»tpuwl it «aj UAY FEVER ~ n ■ r- —• VICKS T Vapoßub ** - • » J —i# V««b» *. 4 fifinn r A "-ssl" M to the Town and its Patrons. Appreci atesall Always Accomodate jf intr and Other*. ii ' ■ ■ ■ ■■ M - I "I~.i , " . 1 ■■—■■- ■ ■ ■ in [&. . V * " • id ~~ ~~~ Tlßfcr • • **■ ~- » nn. s>i ".• _. ... &&««:.- ,_Si ;* • Mi. .jfc a*. MB, bat bow about tbe other stand-1 Bert —tbe one usat. eventually, will} rwir more thar. all tiae materia! wiattt rmbrani It i? nußoted that nrrj citiim ir, tbe town ts foinr to offer hi« *rr-j Mb- |»WIK boukiiSf tbe stTWtur* «'> j trTrm~ ®» sar"s lahor fw* of chant. J If tilt- is tnr ar«t of a ur.ivfr ai raiwt. limite«- to tlus community, o! cmi>». it will be of * rrea" hrir. It misis; be ftotr a social -ta; j*»:nt re ri »u.; r tr.i- ptie of tne re\iva! tr be mR >a: it will (* a rreat help Xow to make tbe revival a saftea, wf v r.o! a-- itrr. «ns» of cur raaio , Inc- Vr.- to teaartsaw-, Kamnety, etc* | If iac a-i: ar. b'«t3|n»- 1 rw,:lfi>u!;' |or tbe fmt where he i> workinr. w j in! more liar: hk iy say. "?*■ *hereJ ra- rw ■*» to **. > k.* w r*r» l true twr» ««i !e rs.-e. bj ".ijen: or ■M. ha! it ' w*i hurt to try Vf» «s* lat irrr.ii t« t«r hA Ifw. kjLi-1 ju: r --_T»na> week. 'm> iGtkr k of aii> er-r hc>o i*r». thai j i.-. 'rem n* vr of i»- j .* *ai 'to -ai» 5!»-i -jU" ! is • .Wrib»' fi-r st*«-k i: a j :>( !»jr a Kutiof f>* wili ji i be * ?"! r* t «>>art v> >u'.i-rrii» f«t t •' -t *■ !4,!» V "'* ■ Itl- Ij. • "iha* awl --Tt-f w ill Ai.sitbrr. e" -h that **- ,T1 'i "f») I i U j ' « .ti-lm? an»- koa lrea.-mn I it>jr a * ws i- i H->n.c .| ' * ■** : L i f ( f j I . «... 4 - •«-.-• - a- 'm ..»!.( j»Jf I ?ntc--r S-jct- ;»?» a -" c. ! »« ' t*lp- IK-* ■ -'in • ; .»?.• ■ .t'-rrf>-r it.- "c bi!l "" |a -H" '»-*wr-u*•«") *' > : j Sk- '«»: 3r iw*i. j T Kar*.i: o«n*J Bul-i -i- r* -W. .4 will c|» . •».- Sf St»- i -f-r* Sasnnby. Jy'WM'Wr 0 t mraticn !V j«r- jti • • - LI ' • - r *. f-r It^lf ll ASr ■ bcxOOlllKtr. lit »hk v.» -_i i a- bib.' . k > t** - • | ' TUI Ml YEARS |\ « IINfiKIISS |€>\ lsl> KMfiKU X* » *:• -* \ «!1' 1 I »I-T. ic! k- §a: " «*- a—r r ? f»r T* U tf.t t-i ma- th** t s*rr.-? ruiyi' front the »CV . * "»;i) dovn Sou!». " -* si"•»t* " \TI \\ rt« ( M „ „ I "Standard" PoLinnr incdwni) (■! buy it kj y * "'i ■*y the anna ail. Ask Mar «J ii» fcir ii k m*mt and «* du« >on mmm ■ pi k- Good foe other cat*, too. „ |M j t| J- Mum i *Rolarine .. . • * ] 11 1** lihootod whet Uid ifcal | j miiiion> of the peoples* cone? weie I spent for a inland maid- | i —• 1 way that would open up a P*»»j j e»-untrj Jifd iidp all the people of tSK | jsuu*:- j Tn* irgiUßent wa- full cf trut-_ Tit* ii'an ."•aterwzy l- all rigb;—wwi*-sjj ,'»r,ucs. mc»ne ;h:.r. wluet it coS- ] ■ shoski ?>ot k>ck. but -aLber CMarki * oui li-«" rn; ker- for .ipemiaT ® •"*} i . , ' ,for the cor.stmeti Jrf o? a free ?i»: ifc* > . waie*wi> c*>*ir.pci!«.-' a!l 'h * ri>*~ cf ,jla. U*ni Xirtii Carol-na wtjs 'act USer .airi will, t:-e w*ter> ->f ii* _' porki. J Nt.tr. x( ir* lo «' tba.: w i- "o- | jneed tiie caiod. fcy tie ffi , iutfxe that ther* 1 too l»* " sh.ppißif .lit. w. t- r- ■ .pMti'.i _ T.r j : •"K i t our.* :'- jt ifk» o»jf v ,t,, ,-r-' -I :: brn >*e of I'*!-- »•'. to tHsihl : h t!-e --.-i J". •» **■ . iv.x |Hit ~ ". ? • n iu i •'» :il v. - r wij r t. w Ti- Jr. . • m aim" t r-.? piK •«*. L- 'it r«. - rr "■ t«'. t-a' »• i"**- »s wj j I! •. P- 'if I'.er-- sl.'iul'f 2 nee-.: i». ...' carrier . t** »*.4|rf-* 5« C:* it j !>•* —Ti l>tt.-!nes- vwL! !r.**jr lirlH-f. ' i. _r.ei.-t. ww.,r of tS* ( sl.tt* of t"K* pdEitVß* P *j. . ; "i.; of ui j'" T*>» " \ ote*l for r :>:c; r c j:*i jr • of a ct"ia:>. »»■/> ar. )• :■« ->rr« «• win tin t . at* I] •!«>• *1 'Bwyn'x 3jrf !ba! I; ■ • v t-verv u. kawwy wa » i j ■- .-. Nx ?•€ tHt ntu. * '•** ni\ i :ter- t »jc to l*ar t"^ " «S" it.- f-l'lur.v- - s«i a«-jk . . r:-it it i.- aL-.> "Jt.«abi' that 'rvi.' r ■ thens j.. »-e--"y j*.: :rJ; i•, V.H' tai'f fcrlp l* i : uuli'ic. The i * 11* lt.iir.li offer.- i.- »»r.# ; tU>v3t|t hi- 'iutv. In r matii f«urp»>-' of the =-f*w . . ■. (•. jt" *3*tc*' tie is . ' i the rr! Mmy tine irj ;i i. the \o» 'tr.b r ritrr»>r f i ja t Saturday -t to t* a wa.-> nj-'. y f«.r f««ck«-* krmr (he B&as'i ii. |(ttil.cs --!as!iftl from hU Af> «-U*r sufferetl -ovrr.* rti > abcJ* tb va ck ut'i ■ hou!«ier. A th»r>! -o'cie.' u ;l> Va i.. ••!. M- .*v k ar»i 'ar r»al:*i Catarrl: .-iedicine Tijf s# a"- - tr* In a " run-4>«»' .«•». *:ii r- • ;jtf • *L-rt« (muci - :-ft» ' -..jTi.* t**7 gr-taco ! -.Hi- Vt r ■>*** «l r ! - kr - I- **! 1». -! I * * p tt -?SrXfc*f fww*# a, i mr 14** • *5 l UIiKU Vk 'Jk lU' • «4 T jrn. »r?t. I'lb V-'ml J»a»i « *' -xfi i ; Jk«t ltr« w *f •'a'trrh fcr • »-«r S«c*»- f»4r. 1 -'.a H • f J ~ki t.f 4 IV. Tt irl.v O" 9B THE EXTEatPIOSE, V. ILLiAMSTON, NORTH -CAROLINA «M*IMTV HWUKLss- I Three >*ar> ago Rev. Mr. Perry #f jluAerwrilf bat who aaw rwiup u» lTn» htld a churcfi meeting ic set |r(jgUHino|! town, Lver-ttr At tia: riav Use mrfiinf ns iidd over a rsJire £nd Mr. Perry's ehcrcfc be but a small fullowiLr Tk» metucg 'tui linard several weeks 1.4 at fc the uane> of bakiiM * r..«rier.- were added to the ehuid r 1 ■ in itself was Krot. txii whea tlx m» member- R»aembie. and bout a T-JW9 uoliar chcrc;. ir: le- : tia? a i \ear after the mee' in™ » even rreat jc.-. It showed that the of tha" id-raaiinit) were on the j(J> »tier i • iist isterest of the tMmscL; «a; a: rate ■ | Mr- Perry is tw-'artn- aw'ki |nrtiir4! in Everett- at the "tine and the future of ;t i- very I|k Bifev I IS ivit too t.arly to |»:ck sr. ir- I I fir h> place on exh!o*t the S«?- 1: k K;.ir and win a prizc le »i-e—SviMribe to T-* Lr '.erpr.-* .NORTH CAROLINA, MARTIN CO'"NTT, ix SCPFRIOH conrr BEFORE THE CLEKK. Mr S'.uUb vs. •Motxi . Deral S cbo- - . Lm Ella Sfutmuf. L uitf >'ukr*. j Walter StuMr- ami M:-.ti . Gardner The defendant* above aame-J w:C pake tice that an Ktwr entitled a -1 above has l*»r. cxmorr in t?e •Sur*"W Cocr*. of Martrr Count;. North Carolina, for the [rvpu* «,?' iv *l* juiuiiiT iter «w*er ii. laawls of her «leeea-e»j Narf|tas Stubhs. the t ■ V im» heirs-at-law: arvi tl» .ief«r«t*ir| will 'jrther take rots.-* 'fat they ar 1 I Our Buyers Now ! I In New York K . : ■ v, . W . —— i . ■ P ' m; . .. v. - § ' vlr. T. K. Harrison And Mrs. Anna Harrison g V , j I Arc Buying Our LINE Of FALL And WINTER f (lords READY-TO-WEAR And MILLINERY. J W " 1 T I 1 Jly ■■ f Look Out For The New Things And I I New Stales About September Ist. | 1 - . ' i jW ' ■ ' ' ' ffi ' I | Harrison Brothers & Co. I T? . , S WILIJASISTON-S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE 8 required to appear before the Oak f of ti* Superior Court at his office in k ! WULtamstoa. N. C, on the 28th day at Aag., IMA, and answer or deemr r to the complaint or the plaintiff will 1 apply u> the cont for the relief de i nanded therein. Tfck the S day of July, 1924. K. J. FEEL, R Clerk Superior Coart f ... T2S-41 " V ria iarUica, » ilariii (Mat), r ■ Septra* Court B*l»re the Clerk 1 Toe Haruifor * *a Vesblh HiJxi son The defer.-aant above tamei will I lt take -voKe that ar actior entitled as r vf his been K>!Biaen«l in ti* . Ssptiur Court of Mania County, North Carelir.r. by th? plai'tsff for li-f -.'jipoi* ni »rerin? ar iWab r dHronce from .aid ?-" the , «aM defendant h further repir*»l *• take ; -tiee that »kfc is requir- to - : ;pK.r before the ' i?rk of the Su perior Couri of M rtir. County at iie »X(* in Williams ton, X. C-, 05 th» >4h l?t of Seft. IW4 and at'wer o: - *i>nsar to the comptnir* or plainlif . i rfli ar-ply to Che Covr* for th * efrrf « it mac ed. | Th'i j-the 6th dty of R J PEEL. Clerk S«3:7»»r Court P. B.CONF Dentist Office Over The Farmers tnJ Mer chants Bank Hour* SH2 ar..! !-a OR* IVae No. 9, Ite. Phone No lit j t j ' E\ECITOR*S NOTICE r ' H this day qualified us »i«5 L«jt»r of the '••law of M*x«. M. L James e late of *' e county of Margin. Dotare fc 'iw'-v -riven to all i-r»OM hoM i ing H-. f»i: jjninst said wtile to jre-, n sent ime for payment on or before ' the 18»h day of July. IKS, or this •>4** will he pleaded in bar of their' wtt-ttry. . All person* indebted to said es*ate LOCAL MAKKET NOT THE LARGEST bat GOOD AS THE BEST wffl ow forward mm Mb te- Bfc «■ Itt 4as m **». P& | Q)*AKD JAMES. J "NOTICE OF SALE Cater and bf Tiif rf * and atatd by the Superior oat of lUrtir. CoMtT in the special •rocceding ectitird "ATOFF Jeaeea, FT ,k TV Ants FHtifsid, et *l*." the U.u.uyd wfll 08 the l«i> day of September. 1924. at the coon boose cocr of Martin Coanty. at 12:00 o' rl S->or. offer rt psblk auction to the hig. net bidJer, for cash, the ftilrrr-T described bsi: 1 !r*» T* - Gr.ioiff Join IA GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BOTERS | READY-TO-WEAR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS for Ladies. Misses Violins, Guitar*. Harps, Man -35 and Children; I nderoear and Autcharps, Saings for 7r Hosiery- Violins aM Guitars; Yictrolas Records. ' SHOES $ jpL 4? Oreos Shoes for Men. Ladies PICTL'BE FBAMES it "XLi and Chikiret; Mens and Boys jtt Work Shoes, M - !p 10 >°» r A S SR. line of Easel Frame* fft- IIBESS GOODS ii» JSC , . SPORTING GOODS Iff : J*. In thas depart naect we hare JJ* i aJ! k r»i» of piece eoo-i- and Base Balls. Bats, Gloves, and 'jjfp Sotion*. Mitts. Suite and Stockings. is I'L/LTHINF: FOR MEN AND BOYS BEADY /> V MADE. SUITS MADE TO OBDEB FT IJRUSS BROS. VARIETY STORE 1 I fife WASHINGTON. NORTH CAROUN A JJ Ladies Bent Rim mm Sm> Floor lElectric 1 Electric Elevator to all Floors to the roomy road; than alaac S»- nel SoKinck's line so as to vht Me jbalf mfle froa the hezhuc ««| ' 'line of marked trees to a rod oak and rifawmfaa the Gn Tract of Load that ! 4 J. P. Lynch beared from hie tether. JJ R_ Lynch, and for a more perfect ildMuipto sej^Book XX. pace M, (•Martin onnty Public B-scistry. j This the 9th day of Augmst. ISM. sj B. A. CBITCHER.

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