IWUIUBB WILL fWD OUR COLUMNS A LATCHKHT TO ISM ■o OP MAim COUNT? VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 56 LEGISLATURE PASSES FISH BILL Net and Trap Ashing In Daniel and Station's Pond Prohibited The I fuMdi btH which ■m ntiW mm tW 23rd of Ikk month. liiiftiiH frkmg, m the Foster Mill FW. cx»|tiaK the hook and line ■Hi « The Footer Mill Fond is not kaaaa aa that haow ht aa the Daniel Thii ■ ■ (crjr good h« ud thoald be enforced by the mteteatod pute. It has beea hakßad with many of the ritiwi d Martin county to ga alaag the pads and itnuM in the «Ury with neU awl other fish ■K *»«» and practically destroy the Mm aapply. Ths fdhaic hi the hoi as pnmit •d by Kept——atf— Moore: A Mi to he ililli d aa art to ttfbte the ralchtag «f AA ia Uuial and Statea MM PM and ha trihatarieu ia Marth ilj The General Aaaeaably of North Care lina do eaact: Section L That it shall be nnlawfnl ca:ch fish of any kind by net: or traps oat of the watery formerly known no Fosters Mill Pond, now known na Hariri and Statan If ill Prad. and iu tributaries ir Martir. Conafty; Provided. that nothing in this Act shall prohibit fishing by hook aad line and cast baits ia said streams. Any person or pi mm violating the Ptwahu af this Act -hall he guilty Section 1 That all laws and clauses ' of law* in conflict with this Act are hf.b| rrpaalt i. Sicti>n t That this Act *haH be in fcrce from and after it* ratifies ft— This law bar arm effective Angus* =• '«* . ■ . BOAD KI'ILOOK MISTREAT RI'RAL MAIL BOXES state highways are complaining^ aboat the danagt near u aai boxes by the roaa force*. Many bases have htm knocked down. Mat ran over and smashed to aval aaphats have coac vecvatly fro* the patraas liriag aa the Hamfl taa road. The rathleaa altiladt of aaaae road heßders as well aa contractor* has •ay syrtem Daahtlaaa there is groaad far aaaay af theae complaint, It is safe ta say that the state highway waniuiis weald taliratr aa sach ac tiaaa if it hat a af thiw The troahl t Uas ia the fact that apae men whea they waar leather baiM fed that all paatr ia hawa aad earth is given iato their beads They forget that Je in i ma Idk pay the Mb aad |he Oaiy a few people disregard the riphta d athaaa- WILLIAMSTON LOCAL NEWS Mr. aad Mta. Phi L'tley :_nd chl drea. Ada Lee aad Phyllis aor Miss Raby Red af Wake For-st left this at the smc af Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Mimes Came Mi White sad Sase May B'latfll petaraed Saaday even fag frsa Tilaiiut shut they * waled Rev. aad Mrs. A. V. Joyner far twa weeks. Mr. aad Mrs. C R. Fleming aad seas. Charla aad Ma spent Saaday mithg frieads aad telatNCa ia Reh- Mr. aad Mis. Hh-tt S. Fed ia mcad where they visited Mr aad Mrs. dry. ' Mass Eva M aataraad Saaday the paat week. Uioa Clyde Haaaefl wfl leave ta titi Mr. aad Mia. Jaha Henry Throw baa a varki vioß ta Nags Head. iTi i ril i Paal aad CLDI Gar- KtftantklaikmMviAw- THE ENTERPRISE 'LEAMAN-COSTON • MEETING oPfc.Mil> SUNDAY NIGHT Services Each Morning At 10 and at 7:45 Each Evening i —— The I eaman-Coston meeting opened Sunday evening with a good alter.- ' dance. The tabernacle was not filled ' to its capacity bat it was a good aadienee and the parting was fall of interest throaghaat the evening. 1 Mr. Cat on, the masic director, had ; the choir in place and with Miss Dowtll aad Mrs. 1 ramn at the pianos, they rendered good aaasic during the aervice. Mr Castaa has had the choir practicing for the past week and he has proven himself a vrry able direc tor and leader. Th- sermon was on The older of an introduction of the evangelistic party to the people of the community, and an oat line of the work that they hope to do here. The text was taken from Paul and wat an the subject of the manifestation of -the void of God. in wisdom and knowledge and in the call ing ef pastors, teachers and evange lists. Mr. Leaman developed the idea, showiag that each vat essential in the whole program of God. Mr. Leaaan demonstrated in his fit «t sermon, a strong faith in the word of God aad a peculiar raj it) to express his faith and beliefs in a con vincing. plea ling' oratorical manner. Last night's sermon subject was. "Who says the Ribte is tSe Word of God?" Whsn Mr. Leaman had divided the people, those on the one fide, who say that the Bible i> the Word of God and those on the o»her ride, who say that the Bible is not the woid of God. he dearly showed thrt the great eat laden af all past ages were be lievers of Gad aad His inspired words, and that no aaoa. who had disbelieved God and his ward has ever been able to laad his life through to a successful close Al rulaeu wha have attempted leader, ship aßliaat the gwdaace af the ward of Go! have failed, from Ada* in the Cardea to our awn time ia the person of the Raker af the imperial German throne. In his portrayal of the anbelkvers the made mists, the evehrtieaists aad the infidelv, he finished them up. lost in sorrow, aad finally swallowed ap The attendance was good last even ing despite the terrible downpour of rain and the aervice furnished much inspiration to those preser.t. This morning. Mr. Leaanan took for his subject. "Am I My Brother's Keep er?" aad he haadled the much asked convincing to the most scepti ronviacing manner to the most scepti cal that they are their brother's keep ers. The mammy services are held every morning at ten o'clock aad every evaa ing at seven forty five. Everybody ia arged to raaa SAFETY RAZORS BEING GIVEN AWAY FREE For every dollars and a half sent for one year's -uhenption to The En tgrprisa the subscriber will receive a Big Chief Safety Bator absolutely free. The rasor ia a standard one dol lar siae and of high qaalrty Toa get the paper for aae year at the regalar rate which is $1.50 per year aad by sahocrihiag at this tiaae you will get with the paper a Big Chief Saftey Razor aad a package of blades. There are ody a limited num ber of theae razor.- r:..l the first to subscribe will he sure of a trior. This is ao frame-up, bat is a gaia to the This rasor ia made to fit the face and holds the blade at the aaaae angle aa the aid straight razor and is ■beelately safe aad good as the best The blades are Aawriean made aad guaranteed See ad an bac^p^^m Dr. Jaaaes E. Smith wick aad Mr. J. town this — mmg Mr. Miaa Haaaeß af Jama i ilia was here this maial^ Frieads of Mr. W. H. Crawfard are sorry U hear that he ia aoafiaed to his easy chair with the gaat. Mr. D. A. Bran af JaawaviHe was a richer ia toa a this mavaiag. Miss -Dackie- Novel ef Wiadaar ia viaitfcag fm the dty. Messes. Marria aad Henry Everett of Oak City weaa visitors hi the dty mmwdmg. a Mr. aad Mrs. g. R. Biggs aad chfl hutf of this aaak far Portsmuath whaee they aM vidt Mrs. Biggs' iister. Him. Joha J. Phllipo mi Mr. | Robert Everett of Palmyra was Williamston, Martin County, North Carojfcia, Tuesday. August 26. 1924. [MARTIN COUNTY j NOT IN LIST « la the laiversity Xta. Letter. p there ia a rntaaaa roa aader the head •of "Stadyiag Neath Carolina. - Maay toußiirs are making up head hbtair* a: id skrtcchs of their pr iple aad op portunities, sarin as natarxl Vvai - I b(t> ° Martin county cvuki boasa af as ! fine people and a» ika a—a— as kiiy coan'y in the State ami she shraid r have her sketch paUskd m the News Letter. The New j Letter is a weekly publi cation of the L'aivevaHy af N" 4th ' Carolina arui is oar of the asd «x> ' giessive shrets ia the State. Communication With Mars Not Yet Had Scientists have admitted (hat they were unable to caaverse with Mars The other day when it va> thoaght " communication was gaiog to be (»« >ible ami we aie not yet able to "ril whether there are boh haired ftap,*v~ on that planet or aoL Mr Marraai. the mveator of «•« less telegraphy. wiaM aat Katea ia b-. cause he doubts the pis art's hnac aa habited. Mr. R Lee Meadow* of Hope-sell Va. arrived Friday to visit his be» h -- Mr. V.'. T. Mea>h»ws aaad Mrs. Mea dows at their hoaw aa Mam street He will leave tmaarrnw fa his haar. His son. Mr. Rafas Meadows, who as pitching for Petersburg ia the Vir ginia Leagae, sprat the avch cad here, returning yesterday to Wii aa where he joined his lean*. WAKE PUREST ALI MM S WRITES POST MAR NOVEL Mr. Lawreaer Stsßiagv. a Wake Forest Alumnus aad wha ia aoa the literacy editor of the New Yeek World ha. jjst caaapletad the ami, "Plumes", which ia a aah shooraag the futility of war. Mwdha to pew report., he has "pa iaia»al"the caae a gainst war ia a aaaaaer that is eiear, rogent and reaiiaeiag—to bailee the diction of the legalists" "As Mr. palla In- say: This novel had to be wratea*. The wide and wideaaag circle of Ibo.r are in complete sympathy with the altitude of the author (tel *ao war ever did aaythiag save lead to aa other' can weU be thaakfd that their point of view has beea giver expres sion by such capable haaas ~ Mr Mailings, whs as a hra(hT i law of Mrs Wheeler Martm. jr. has ing nurried her siater. Miss Hd. Purefuy Patent, to abim "llaai is deditated, a peat several aamdhi a" the front daraag the World War ud was very cntacaHy —jaul He has spent aaacb d has tiam siace the ead of the war ia h i pit all aad hnflj had to have one leg amputated before ae l»ef coald be fa sad He has vatatod Mr. aad Mrs. Martm ia WMaamrtoa and is very pleasaa«ly icaeaber^ 1 by all thooe whom he aset for his attrac tive personality aad geaad aaaarxr BEAB GRASS LM AL NEWS A large crowd from here air ii i he yearly meetmg at *!lha ab's Creek Charch. Saaday. Bee. Bea Laßm d Old raed held hm regular appoiataeeat here Saaday af Mas Mary Stakes a peat the aeek end with Mas Faaaac Cawmg Or. Charles Roebatk aad Noah Ilog eraon aaotored to Warbmgti a Tbeada; night. Messrs. J. B. Bager. aa aad Soak Rcgerasa altiailad the daace at fia's IJeach Thursday aagbt. Mrs. A. T. ARea d Vaagka. K C idt anted hoaae Fndaj after speadaar a few days with her ait re. Mrs. Chas Kugersc-n. Mrs. J. M Ragenoa aad Mrs. Obas Rageraoa ■itmod to Gneatfle Tata day afternoon to aae Mass Laaaae Rog crsoa who ia ia arbaal there. Misse. Myra aad Aamie Whibehar«t d Bethel weaa the gamti d Mia baa beet, speadiag aaaae taaae with Mr dad Mrs. Charles Rageraaa. - Miaoes A aae Naaefl aad Kddfe Haamß apeat Saaday at Caleram. Mr. W. B. Everett af Rabinai*-- Mr. aad Mrs. Sam Pad d «ab iagtaa visited Mr aad Mix. WL J. Peel Saaday. Tarbcra"" 7 " • ridtar m town 3^J . i "^ C - a ~ Rank af Oak City Lmm a baaiaeaa MARTIN COUNTT P MAN HONORED BV U^GISLATOK^ ' 1 I Resolution of Alliietion * For Veteran Mefeber On Retirement W" " , Rdeigh News and ftlianiul e Harry W. Stabhs. who served I « the legislatare aboat 39 ago. . > estetday daaad a record of 0 years Uat bag period. Mr. StahhTZa ner^l , refused the by ttk Deao - cats af Martia County, in the service betwaeti the Mruaa aad the Senate. The retiring IcgisUtor was paid the "■ honor by the 'prriajaaaii .n d n taadatioa d "red aartaa ami genaiae affection" The A I la lion U » hCT Marphy. d Rowan, aio him self begaa haa legislative addvir- in "■•J aad who has been a^baaM •a* his tatii term in the Hdkoe. l adrr the rotation system in th. i-«rict. Martia Coanty w .aat en- , id to a senator ia IK4 a|d Snu Stabhs. decliaad to run for | the Hoase. the Doaocrats o( Mrrtn | Coaaty nomiaataig Clay tod Moon *« his third term in that tfedy. During his service here. Iha aaaal i j 'iwta 'lartia •as been kiowlt aa an | d qa«e* speaker aad a maa d in , dependent jadgment on ' i , However, he never debated ■matini ' n, l* those he considered af prtaae i mapartance and dams', neveg iatro dacrd a hdl of any kind He has ! always been aaciabk- in hM habits ' sad his dinner parties Krre been a 1 hgaalatave tradition far maay years. The resolution adopted by the Gen i etd A-aembly: * I "Wheeeaa. the HoamraMe Harry W. i SiabW will have aeiwid at the expar- I atioa d this Spacid d the Geaeral Assembly aa a Maad'ii d tiaaoas period d tw»alj ll» yuara. State d North Cardina by haa as a J legislator have been real, highly I merits! ia at and distinguished, aad. "Whereas, the General Assembly i haras with deep regret that his aerv ice* 'ermiaate at the adjvarameat d i this body: , "Therefore, ha R resolved by the Heaase. the Senate roararrinp- That the General Asaea*ly of North Carolina with real sc-rrow and eoine affectioa expresses its regret tlat he has volun'arily -everetl bis .-■anertibn with this body, ami it topes at 'i aw future day to see him •ace aacre a member mi the Lerish 1 tare where his dupient voice so ' oftea beea heard and ia which he 1 has rendered such valuable aad boa- 1 *rah>e aervice " 1 I Yesterday's Storm Is A Real Hurri ' cane On Coast Muaday's storm proved to be a red; bamcaae oa the Caroliaa naat, where t the wad reached a very high speed. 1 sawpaag the waters over the whole of ' Uracukc Island aad doiag a vast a- 1 mi aa* of daaaage to shippiac- At Ocracake the Irlephoae lines ml ' the U. S. T.i v ramrnt weaa pat oat I d aa—iadaa at ten o'clock and all 1 with the storm rapidly raging. The ' t-k-phoae lines to Fort Macon treat 1 k vrn at nooa. ' The center of the storm was ex- 1 ytrtH to sweep Hatteras aad edjaceet ' -rl mm during the early part d last 1 light- Owing to the daatraclioa d ' wires aad the perils of the waves, it has been impossible to get aay d the detads d the real damage done, bat • it as feared that great deatnctiia has 1 beea wrou~h« aad that many lives ' Lave been loot. NEW BATTER T SERVICE STATION OPENS HERE ' 1 Mr. Pad Jeaes. who has been eon- , aectad with the Bamhfll Garage far , the paat aeveral yean haa apeaad ap aa ap to date battery auilia atatiaa j aad am dectric shop ia the rear d the j, -- T ' pad it wfl be oae d the boat aa this uttiaa. lanyiat m stock afl pacta far , batteries aad ilariHral needs far the , Aat lint i af thia aectiaa have had , awed fa aach a atatiaa far asam tiaae | If bytjMr. iaaes. a kaflke known aa Jaaaa Electric Shop. "'■ ■ ■ "i RAIN PLEASING I TO FARMERS Ihe ram yesterday ami last might was highly pleasing to maay farmer.-, especially peace: growers. We have beard several say that they expected the rain to pat new life m their pea nut crops which were first drowned and later almost bakru in the ham* ory sod durinc the period of drowght. The rain was dso pleasii>c to tfeaue with large cotton crop for where they expected to get ody oar-fourth of a crop a few days ago. there are aunt who expect to get at least a half m crop rwv. There are however, very* few farmers ir -his immediate seniK who expect to get a* as ti-ree fourths of the averairr yiehi. The boll weevil had a h»i lurk. Some say the earl* frost in I»JS killed many in their infancy a»i I others say that while Mr Wcevd like wet. damp weather, the Jane-Jdy ■ealher of this year was too wmrh for htm The squares and boll, cor laming the eggs and yoang were washed down by the flood- into the ditches ami drowned. Those left on th cdton were kille.l by the sun"* rays, that were so strong after the wet t \>OQ I I RUSSEIX—WYNNE —_ \t high noon .hi Monday. Aagast ametaaath. Miss ldlah Wynne of thi> city became the bride of Mr. W L Raaaaß of Silver City. New Mexico la Elpaso. Texas. Mrs. RumHl, who has hem teach ing in the city schools d Silver City was en route to that city where sh» was to have taurht this yc.«r. fr.vr Wiliaaiton where fie has he- n visr lag her famdy durinc the saram • amnth-v She was met by Mr R»—. ' ■a Hpaso aad they derade.l to naarrt there - Mr. Rus>ell is the daughter af the late L B Wynr. aad Mn, Wyaaae of thia dty. She with her parrots laved d the aid Everett hamutead. the Siace that time she has lived ia Wd liamston where Jv- has many fnewl who regret to >ee her take up b-r miltnre so far away. Mr. Ru»seH is the of a life ia-urancr agency 4 Sdver City and they will be at home ia that city. — ISA «R\WH»RI» JR. REIi:i%ES MESS AGE I ROM PRESIHENT AMI MRS. CtMILJIIGi: W hen Calvin C»dadge. jr. was •aken II al the White Hotase. as a ie aft of an iafertioa d a blaster ca the f« t i.ari e-h rh 'ater IV .walk uf the yoai.g ma.i. Au j who had had •he aaae tr uUe an I who came .-a near lo n g hi* life t* - yaars xgn, wrote he hefdrarfS wc a letter nhirh (a- t'lnl »>t". I I e ar-d cheer. I lit fore U* Irttr' reactucl U dkati II •In n Ik* v anjr man aa oea>l U; I» f»-w dry- ..f> Asa receivod v rtm luanati .i. from the secretary of tie l*ie-nV». ei|(rrx.i'r .the apf«ii> ; tion of l-th IV>slrt.l arol Mr. fwlilfi for h>s kind letter erattca it th* i- .-on. Cahr.a. j» ar.l taarkwg kua tor hi.- !Ui|>tfalaes, The letter is prue.l vary highly by Asa. as naturally aay boy widd ap preciate a personal me r > age froaa the President bat was u teasel> ntersM aa the wad it iaa d >oamg Calva Cad idge from the hermaiag d aas H ess beea aae he has straggled far life for moatl '■ ami aim aat years auder the ravages of the a aaae daease aad si.Sd a short while ago has h* k .wa wha' it is to be ia. go»i heaMh fa over two years. Mrs. Oeaaas Taylor acd chtbuea left Saturday aaoramg fa South O'dau where they adl visa* nlatiio fa soaaetime Mr. Harry i>am ml .\ecfc peat the aaek ead ia town. Mrs P. B. Caae aad chdlren. Surah aad Howard are nutaf idntrves ia WRaaa and Gallibira. . Dr. 4, & Rhodes ami Mr. P. H Biaai spent the week e»i at Cole- Mr. Robert Everett vmaud frwadi m Bel haven Samday. Messrs. J. G Statoa ad iohm Cook Mr. aad Mrs. Sick Mokley aad chd drea are viaitißg haa mother. Mrw Hi Mr. E P. Whitby d Kdfoed apeat the week ead haa* with Ida faaady ~ Mr. N. S. Gated apeat the week aad al Caleraaa. Mr. aad Mix P. R. Caae aad «M- 1 Mix X. T. Red aad Mam Lulu Mae I Kad aad Mr. X. T. Bad Jr. d Rocky (LEGISLATURE ADJOURNED SATURDAY] Boat Transportation the Most Important Act of Session The Uci4a'.nrr Saturday j a t*» «prcal sessk.t In J a»T) this «> an 'mportar t ' MOM Sev-ral act* wrr pax4u futiwunj | ttkie IB tV previous iff TV* of the not iistere-t to I »- M» thf curmtm of tiv act i I -•». livfcir-e oar Vptrrtvr wart. ar. j «*h*r was to provide t «mkin; C'ir-«t I to rrtt«. all iu»l bond*. TV bw mf.'rOi l act of the ses- J shr» the of shal L- | kr«ow- a- the Boat Trii! port jln»r * Itjl thr qn(stwß to th;j voters at the next general election. } Atlantic Coast Inventors TV follows* pal ent- were ixar>l' last »ed to Atlantic l»»-1 Icveator-: I repoi -.e-1 by l> Swift and COL, patent ! laayv-rs. of W i?hipUHi. 1> wrhoj •81 f»rr,i-l> nwies of tr.> of the! 1 abrve patent*, in. listing the «*rav. J BTv for 10 cent- a p~-ce to any of j oar r«ad.>t.v: \ ifKHua. Alfred C. Harrow. Lynch i k"T. Patch pocket John J. Helm tjwantico; * omhwation a>h tray and) cicsrHte t»sc Andrew J. Sager. U in- j' rhr»tr. Cone timer for internal com J' ba>tMi etifinr. ( North Carolina. Eagene R Carper. I >r. AawiMe. Firrle « cooker Ar-1 •har I I'aulku-r. Sir lkfc.U; Hedrir; »•*» William R l/>u Atwicr: IH» ! apparatus Sowtn farm! ir a. Cordon B. Baker, j ilree-rvdte. IVUcluble cam or pulley William H Sanders. Winn-born. TWnl gaide Perry 1. Tally. W'ißiaaa- Im: IN mt warmer MTTllit flgl Hm ON THE OCTTOME OP THE * LUinil li *M» U)EB TRIAL Hettm* on the Mtrumr of th.» I » . paid trial i> now fifty Aftt Of rour-e! nrrykal) tayi that the two boy - j hwld be Use but there are only I Ifty per cent wU> are willing to -take I their money on the ju-tie* of the law. j the other 6ft y per cent betting on the I r**"it and alaao t uidim.tr>! power of i WEENIE BOAST Mrv Walter Of lean- entertain*-! ;««r»l of the young |>rvf4r at a w*e i.ie iua>t la.-t Ihur.tit at •' t amp Haston on the 611 aciuv the 1 tuui kr kaouinf ill— I'mln Or j' U. » of Wm-ton Salem, whu ha- brrl. ] (he rur t of her uncle. Mr Nathanj Uilrvo aid Mr- Oile-u-- l*%M«cti was" s*r«»l at Oriean-'j Imk .-i«! then the party drove in j car* io the icle.'ol |dacr where wee I »*» were nadnl aid >eml with I .JMsicW TVb» k>) w-c her ho&patality were | Mi— Margaret Manning. Mary C.I Urr«U. Oarva ook. Margaret Kr j erett . ami Mejr- Joe Everett, la*. I lUxrfll. jr. Brace Wynne. Soilie Or ! lean- Irving Hargalis. Frank Car I -rarph ia. Will mm Howell Wdlttms.j ami Mr Waher Orlean.- J Mr. J R knowte- of Iltanlens wa.- ■' a caller -t our yesler day Mr J. H Jarock- of Tarhoro |i*M . hi> MUit, Mrs. Irene Sn.ik a VL-it. •• la»t Piarxh) Father Oark through Mil I I lam uk on last Fnday on hi* way to] Wndvd> where he heht merrier on| diy I hiring his stay in town he I was tne ru»>t of Dr. ami Mrs. J. H. I ff Mrs, T. B Jacncks of Tarhoro spent I a few days m tawa last week wi«h I her annt. Mrs Irene Smith It was her I int visit to Wdliamston far several j yean ami she was delighted with the« improvements a f the tawa Mrs. Em met I Edward* ami ma. Mr I >MITH FIELD HAS HOG [ WITH SEVEN FEET C ili birw—Smdkk'U has a cari wl; whim is rvmiag a great deal rf rimmint m' and araamd that thrrr- W little Hty V. V. Taylor has a which has sever feet, tarn perfectly f-1 mad an the right leg aad tma aw em mt the f not legs The extra hand hat is jahaed near th> -aHr af th right foot aad arts haJ) an the WATCH THE LABEL ON VOL"® PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATS lOl.lt Sl itM KIITION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 ILOCAL TOBACCO j MARKET OPENS NEXT WEEK Three Auction Houses To Be Operated I The W tiiiams'ort lofcccrv nurkrl jope.i- Wednesday. September Ir'i for I The «l* of leaf tobacco. Fvery indication U that toteccic mil | ell for a profitable um tr.ss i-on jaiid a banner year for Us*. l-jcal mar ket is .i ourad. | The Ihxie Kireivja • a til be under tl* management of Marnier land Taylor, mm witS mw e tper!- | , enr» in the *..riaceo t>u tne.-- Me—rs. R.ce art.. Spain.'tew men ai ■ this -eetHT bat o|.| nw in the to- Ihscco busine-.-. will ,ur the Fanner*' Warehouse I tionut to the thiru aucts->n MLe. J Watts ami Morten wtll -jy ntf the I Koaroke inl 'hey have no > »mr {preparation to handle the 'inner-' ju hacco in a mo t -atL-fart-*ry mar.ner. It u no ioubt your to -el! Iy ui tobacco where toe 'vS! ret the i t>.p market p-ice for every ole aexl jhs-ve every courtesy an.f cvrt-ider ia" s>n dm- >>u, thit L- ei«ciy ar at [you will «ret if you %•!! with Watt* jertal Morion I No stone ha- been i-ft unturned or no expen-e -pare-i to trak' I;* Koa jnoke y»ur choice I The-e men mi.k the golden I rule 'heir rule, "To do ur-to o'her* as [they w .ul-1 har- them -lo urv them."", IConsequwitly. whe'.her yeo are white. Ic-dor.-d, rich or poor, yea w«ll hare every fVTi*i>lerrt k>!i that i- In their power to ten-ler. Hubert Morton was * mefher of the Arm of Tucker. Mi.rt«.-n ami ' Roger- last season and m.- t of yoa * lkia.w Hubert. Bill Watt- is the -on of J V» «Wigi Watts, wa- U-n ami rai.«e>l in Willu.nt.-tor and seeds no mtrntucl mi W alts and Mort -n are workers ai*i in- working art. I that is —smethmg caniiot .ifff f' I to .»v r t • k All ia II an.l to say II from ultotnaliM!, t> ocM yawr > diaccn wrtth W »a«I Mar to.i is to have the ataf-wtiri af krs vii.K you sohl it for tfc-* market price ami got a Mpiar.* deal IWOMAN NtrMINATFM l'»»R tdIVERNOK ON lILVBK K *TIC Tit kI.T IN LtiNi; >T VK >T \TE I Mr-. Miiuni Frr»;u--.>, w >man can didate* for tloverreor ia the Star State, won the •Wm r.»t:tr > uiaiiatMS. SiluriU) over Juiige I'tlu l» Rdier hit Juie vi -upiK-rtei by the Kil ktuv Klan zf»«t" w. Nt down in defeat r itfc "-h - cause tlat he repre.-entr.i Mr-. Ferguson is the fir-t » man ■ ever nomir>aleil for the hivfh af jrovernor of a state Hi the nrw work! ' Trva-. which .always grves big i'lenw«ntic majoritie-. -hou»l i»e fcsl |to elect her to the high which I-he a-p.re | Mi Joe kuOeraxi of ll>irto«tft -pent Uesterday ui tl* city att 'mlmg to ktbues-v | lie.- >ls Herbert I'eel aod W diiam J llwl(!« visited friends in Wiadaot jsuiriay evriling. j Mr I>. I» Stalls left tie n»rutg I lor High Pom; where he will -pemt Ueveral days. Mrs. C. A Harn-oit an! i lark, hadherme airl Blarcue. will re |turn tomorrow from Legt*tt» where they have been VL-tmg lel-inres- They will be accompanied hotae by Mrs. ! Him'«'> mother. Mrs. lilamV Aa •terson, who wdl -pemt a week as her jraest. Messrs. Marion Jacksm ca.-h»-r of (the Bank of Jame-vdfc? aid Frraamlo I' William.-, vf Jame-v ille. were in town this adfcfniug. Mi-s Freilia Orleans left Saturday tor her home in Winston-Salem after Landing some time in the home of [her uncle, Mr Nathan Orleans i Mr Frank J. Margult* has retimed |from New York where he vtsited Ms 1 patents for a auatli. Wkue ia the city Jhe purchased the fal stack far the 16rm of Margolis Bra ai.l Brook*, j Miss Imogene Riddick at Uoahetk City letam-d to her hoa&e last Sua (day after vitalise Hiss Sarah HarreU for several days. Mr. C A. Askew af Jaamflk was k town yesterday. Ralph Edwards af Higk Poaat riotai Mr. and Mrs. Kader htj here hnia> the past meek. Mrs Martha Hardisoa rttartd to her heme ia Rocky Mean: Scr«lay af ternoon after liailißg her daughter, Mrs. Arbar Aailmai aid Mr. Aa deraaai far several auk* . LARGE CROWDA FROM ALL PAROAFLHI. COTART HERE TODAY. AH ■ IRAIIG MPA DP IVATOD to A RATTMG MAPA AIL AFT «R £-: