ADnmsns WILL HUD out ■n—a or MAKIW COUWTT VOLUME XXV NUMBER 58 COOP. WAREHOUSE RECEIVED TOBACCO THIS MORNING Farmers WeM Pleased With Advances Made By twriiliwi The Tifaarn Growers Awirirtiiß TOTMH mm IK* IMTL AB of Ike tabic- j ft wan mt Ike KM variety, rwhing Mr. Lewis H. Feel mt GriAns tsn •hV was the first mmm to faring a lead am the sarfat this aanix The per fHai We dU art gat the irntft fmera am satfaked with their first »My kicker adnMeattfalLaaa than it "W last year aa all law pades and it fa aaaae itif as tke better I' ad ■ Ne adiaaae is leas tkaa two etrte per paw! From tke faaaka tke kraos caa karrww eae fourth af tke er paapaali.a af tke valae ef"ttoir crap tkaa ever before ia tke history af Tke (sal pajaaat mm tke IMZ crap mm tke ISB crap wB eaaae ia tkis Free For ALL Fight Last Evening in Col ored Section of City Tke Mayar** court roar was tke wkea fear cafaeeni women were before tke csart far a rn H a t wkick seem ed to haw* beta free for all except eack had to pay IMS before facia* granted piilm to pe ty tke pe l«e Tkey aU nftod to par far ex cept aat, aad itan d tke city peliee tt marl tkat tke fight began arke* a haack ml cUdrta ea'ered ia represented ia tke altorcatiaa hegaa aa diCmal that Mayor Heteell could tatty, yet taw kady did what is to* aftoa doae ia coast, bed aad ike a* nana at Hay have irftui Tke fnadoa of people is oal) too eftea lost hacaaae people have too little regard far tke truth. Sow ml tke wimra arke ware charg ad aritk tke tnmm stand high ameag McKIM POPE Tkis aonai at tea e'caock at Ike M mt MM. tlian Mckia. af la dkaa. Tke aaMk( was vary qaiet tke ! i ii'i'"'af'oady Mill w*_ wad of faaaar. Tke hrtoe. wke la a »■!} paatti yoaag lady was very ilaiaig kiaitaf Mae witli ac- Nn Mdta fa tke oUest laughter rf Mr. aai Mil Herkert Pope of tfna fatfafaa falrik die North for tke paat few jaan aad fa aew ease af tke aaaMat eagiaeers at laknah aa! 3ft Ma Mhpe agi oaa. Ma LAMM BAT OUOTED fecal peat sAee aad faaaka aad a lew I. keaasaa j i In laj. a day of g I I fa tkej THE ENTERPRISE TWO THOUSAND , HEAR SERMON SUNDAY NIGHT ''All Prophecies Lndia; 1 to Coming of Christ ; Have been Fulfilled > Oa Saaday i nii g. tke feigest crcwd ever aaea at a retigfaws serv-. • fae fa tke kistory of WMaauton ay' preaer.' at tke service. Can ' tke exception af tke fekmpliia wkea tke frawa were called oat to g* to j There had faeea a Saada> after ! aooa service aad tke anbjact. Tke, Signs of the TfaMs aad tke Fdken TketeoT* takea froaa the teath chap ter of Koaaaaa. was began ia the af tcraooa aad Maisked at tke cream* service. Mr. Leaaaaa said tkat after twenty sevea years of carefal stady of tke Bihle aad alt other books writ tea aa the sabjcct. he was coaviaeed that all the prophecies concerning the second cfciiag af Christ have faeea fdMed aad to tfaae fa acar at faaad whea the Lard shall caae aad call His «n lbr prapbin ii i as they related to the palilii al sita atiaa of the aarit He said that cavry that baa beea held far making a world treaty er Icacae af aataaaa has beea very distantly fore told ia tke Word af Gad treatment af tbfa aliiilfag sabjcct was the eraae far pleasure that ek aaaaes the world today aad which j' sprang ap ataaost overnight. Ttap. have so aaacb fa the last ten tears that there fa aa deaht fa the 1 mind af aayeae if they aaalyae the'' situation that the period a* are ia f 1 fa the aae apofaea of by the Ptopkala |" A natter prwof be dwelt apea was)' 'he spriagiag ap af rufca aad form* of reUgiaa that Make aabclimia aad ' W paapfe away froa tha. toackiag* of iaaaa Christ. He said tlmt tke rwl far tke dfakelief of asaay If ttelJ; I radaates aad pa»gs. their tiarifar fa tke raaba af arieaee leattg he j yoathfal mfadi to the i laitaaha that the m aliaa of the world fa a atfaa ' tike fact faatia I af the *— 1 *- af Gad. earrad wu the malatiaa taenia fag tke lews. H fa prapkeaiad thai ( tke Jews weald be fa control of the. world aad the statfatiro aad fact* show as dearly that they are daw anting certain spheres of the life of ail aatioas af the world today They , central faucet, with aa rival,. Tkry i are at the bead of aM the gnat , •-ewapaper*. aat oaly of Aaaerira. bat , •f aH the warld, aad they are swift- | whale world over aad whea the Lord , cow*, they win he r-ady to take , their position of -rprraij fa tke , world. j Marriage license for Month of August ' ' \-i i ■cgfater of Deeds fell a# several fau died per ceat feat aaoath whea thrae were oaly twa ia the white calaw aad ■ oaly twice that way fa the i iln i I • larhelar af today, aa aaatter haw aid i he be, aeedat give hap*. Jasper Weaver. IP—Myrtle Perry. 18; Lewfa Everett. C-Cuice WbUe i bnat. IT. r Catered oaa. m Take Lopkias 22 Daisy Kwuß. XI; Joha llowell, 23—Ufaaheth Jehaaea, IS; Itichaid Jaerf, tt— WKUL MU9C AT CMLBCH Or TMK ADVENT. St NDAT | . > i cad iiiai i to he aa alfalfa IW UMT: TO SMALL FAMO.T. , A "T» MB. Me C TaneA. XU May Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, September 2, 1921. FIRE DESTROYS 75 STABLES AT ROA NOKE FAIR GROUND Fire Department Called But Too Late to Check Flames - * Saaaday night just as the services : at tke tabernacle were well under way, the call af ire was Riven out and the Are caaapaay rashol for the station. .Tke caaapaay lecated the Are at the \ Maaasfae fair KTOOIHIS and rushed to the sceae as tpdckly as possible, hav jfag to attke a detour by .^kewarkee ! uat) -five of the* horse stables *-e«e barnine and they were so far 'taw that the fire coni|Muiy was un able to do any good. They had started fawraaig froaa the middle and had fara J alaaost to eaAi eml when the Inau irrned This set of >tables were the oldest on the rroands and •ere valaed at s3ofa»-0g and cwvered hy STSP.OO insurance There is no Hae as to how the fin originated, bat froaa all tha circam stasees. it woaki seem that it aau have hem started aaalicioasly or wa. tke resaalt of a lighted match hem; careferaly tha oaa down by war oat who had paaaakly "shootiax crap" fa tke rtahla PROMINENT BEAUFORT MAN DIES IN GOTHAM Waihfagtoa. K. C, Aug. 30 IJoaeph r. Tayloe. M years old. for- Iwty chief clerk of the U. S Sen ate committee, died today of yaraliaaia ia a Sew York hospital, iwailn to a message received here. ; He aerr«d as derk of tke Senate com auttoe whOe Senator Sfaaaaons was it> Mr. Thylae was prominent tkrouKh cat the State il Democratic polities. He fa aaarvived hy three brothers. Dr D. T. Tayloe, who was with him |fai New York when he died; Dr. 3 ■ rhaa Tayloe and Dr. Armistoatl Tayfee of the Caited States Army ami teaee sisters. Miw KUa Tayloe, Mrs. Thrma Prichard, and Mrs. A. L (towers, all of this city. Tke funeral will lake place fa Wash iagtaa Tuesday and interment will be '■ill at Oakdale cemetery with serv ice by the Elks- PIATEI SEKYICKS BEING HELD HMI HEX. WOMEN AND CHIL- I«EX EACH APnUINDO.N Praj_ services are tx.ii.* IMM in tn ly R\ .m: of the town every if IcraMa .«e for thr women ami chil dren ar >ing Md in the home;, ami tkiae for the men in thr basine:* of the team. There aras a ireet mg at three-thirty this afternoon in tke MoaUceUo Cafe with Ke%. Ua arae aad Mr. Custon leading. It was well attended. As these mcetmie last far only half aa hour .it is pocvsibl? for aaast everyone u» go. Soaae mi th> good wromen of ih. Law are lending the women's * - ■ags the children and the >uung pjo pie's larctiags aad they ar* dotikK - gnat deal ia ailing the mertinc IK- Tb aaea'a prayer services that Md at the tabernacle just before r. iin fag aeiis'j, are resulting ia great good. VOCATIONAL TEA! HEK IN JAMESVILLE Mr. W. L Tatum has beea employ ed as teacher of vocational education k tke JaaaacviUe High School for the aafag araiaa At preseat he fa doing half tfaae work fa tkat community, peeparfag far hfa wgk during the year. AT THE HOTELS Allaatir—W. M Sitter-in, N. f; C. H Haaa, N. C; E W. Ragla .t. Hahamare. Md . M. M. Sesiaaa. Wil sea, T. W. Cobb. WUsoa; T 1. Hack ney. Wflaoa; W. S. Pike, Buck: Moaat; D. E. Joaes, Norfdk; C. H. Belford, Norfolk; M B. S : r pson, Charlotte; C B Clark. Norfolk: D. K. Lmga, Norfolk. ■rina—E. C. My era, WLa, P. C "" . High Pafat; J. a BernhiP. Bab Me; B. M. Oak City; W. H. Holliday. Baker-wih; Nathaa Bagefs, Bear Gia>; L B. Crawford. City; Gearge C * iuteol Baeky Moaat; Mr. aad Mrs. W. T Ctepepper. FliiahUfa Cty: J.' P. Skfae. Pafaoa; Mr. aad Nn. J. C. Perry. Edaatoa; Mra. J. L Phfeaar. Mr. aad Mro. C HL' N. B White, llradrraan | Everykody fa iavitad to efafa tke *9O ADVANCE ON EVERY BALE COT > TON TO BE PA1I» | Raleigh, Fmtr> of North Carolina | M aia ■■■>!! of the Cotton Graven AuoriatiMi will lecetve an Wturt cf «n each 50" poard hale «f UtM cotton deferred, i fi* ScplnAi* 1. whet; far the «rr cm -\cre i UiiMiu *rrj.;! accwn'-i--' L tc a uicaaf iuar fim the ».ead t q a tm ■ hhigi la-' n>eM , IV association «in 4>kw for the st-an n. said T. W. !Xin>U.-> Duir: r . of lnformatiaa. aal r'-Ka,' agkt-tsj lave* been ■ppsaitCM ti;roe-h.-«i- t.Se' territory, and roc tracts have Irai! " r made with Wri> for the; coming *•■». The association US I I beer, abb to Make even mote I liftiM cmMM* villi warehousemen and in aHiHw has wtwri reduced in ' «mw rates ted it is estimated that ' cared the acabrrs of the association rill he saved approximately s>oo,ooo n »he=* two Reins. warehousing ar».l Concern lag tie ahaate, MrstHam JUs said that the Cotton Grower*' Cia prrativr A— ciatinn would ad r *nco $79 oa mi) StU pound hale nil the North Carolina Arricaharal 1 tVrpa ration i i«IJ Make an a.iditional 'vaace of SW the bale, tukint the] «Hal advance of WO a bale or 75 per; m of the naikr: \ aloe of the cotton! J»d la the ffMit state of the irarkr' practically al that aay fanaer could | expect to >■« if the cottoa wa> •lumped oa the Market aad the cooper ■tire market iag a**ortatiaa wrs to withdraw float haiiiu v. The advance to be made ah bales r weighing tkar. 5M poaadt will he ia the aat proportion, as fallows. Mnea 4io aad iIW poand*. total M; hetwven 400 and 450 . •Utah, f»; httauii 350 and 400 pounds. j "ALL OPENING IN ENLARGED STORE I Mai Rolls Brothers and Brooks will ' hare all arrat wafnU for their baffj fali opening an Friday ia their store I which has bee«. rraoratol ami enlarr ' rd to twice its furwrr >ue The store j f« rmerly accw| »>l by J. A. ami Compasy has bees added to their : old store by aii archway ami is ased j for the ata> aad boy's departments , and a shoe depart—t for both men Th- fonaer sioie has been teato-lel . d. new cabinets installed for the' ' .die* ready-to wear aad for the new j nOliaery depart meat which will be • -lite an added at tract ion to 'he tore. The referral arrangement of the store has been so ind that when one enters the store of Margolis Brothers fad Brooks, he might think that he was -fiterin* a metropolitan store ' Mr Prank J. Margolis has been an vuHto to k»f» his starr arranged in. hi r-yr.ner ever star*- he has been i th* mercantile ha in WU 'iaaas'on and not untd recently has he heen -Ur to ret larger accoaioda !»• >he benefit of all his friends' nd i a ileus. Mr. Margolin has arrtased a fall line of goods that will '* large caaagh aad great eaaagh in rariety for both men and woaarn to get their complete fal ami winter outfits a the latent styles at the m»t reasonable prices aad he assures them I that it will pay to hay ia Williams ton daring the fall of 1924. > Mrs. C W Haitfiaaa. Mrs. It. A. ! Critcher. Mr. aad Mrs. Rogv.- A. ; Critcher. Mr aad Mrs R P. Pop*. , Messrs. Perky Jherry aad CJ. Coer ot ; s.tended the revival services ia Ta-- ! » ro last evening. Mr. U>>d Hight left yesterday af .rrvooa for Waihiagtsa ahaie he will ia the ea&ploy mi the Knott Ware- Mr. E. W. Ragtaad of Baftiamre ■peat «be week aad hi town visitiag fritali Mr aad Mrs. W. T. Culpepper af Pi-rahetb CSty are spending a few ways ia the city. Mrs. Alice Yeager ml Wilaungtoa vaotiag Mr. aad Mrs. Joha Me Call at their have aa Smith wick street- Mr. B & Tswaaiad. Jr. will arrive in :W city liajgK to apead several aroathi «o the lacal tibarti market, Hr H. T. Wuna wdl arrive to- fna Darham to spead same here who are always glad to aae him return each year ta upnatal the Li(Srt-M)(rs Tahacxn Campaay. Mr X R White, grader far the i arrived hi town iwady far the work COMMISSIONERS OF COUNTY IN ■ REGULAR SESSION Tax Levy For The Year 1924 Was Estab lished. The Board of t'oanty Commissioner n«M a their regular esaite voter , I day at the cowrt hou-o with the f« j I lowing members present: Vi >rs. Il l C. Gtea. chairman. J. U lUirhdl. T F S'mc. jr.. C. A. Askee _ut i W. B Iliai r ngton After •itspensinf; the mir.»>t Hu«iaes-« jtfce Boent procee«kxl in ,a tax levy for the >ear lKt I The business a- >it>p»x-«i of fcl 'lows: Ordered that Clyde Ty n»r he re leased from payment of II.Mt .k> tax. Ordered that allowance to Geo Kiys he discontinued s.nd that he be admitted to the County Hene. C. A. Askew w*> directed to in trtlfa"» the ree»l for work on thi- Warren Neck rvcui in Jamr>ville t. wr »kip. ! Oi«l-*re«l that John Oi v»or. (col re«i I ■ U allowed ihe -um of H«» per moeth j that R. T. Robert n be =d I ".it ted to the fount > Homo The >(Uest-Vu upon the proposi'ioo |t« f'lin*.' the Haiudtcn-IVpLir Pou.t Jt -hip lines wi> d -f.-rr>-i tr- the first of October l umber was provided for to build a bridge on the Everett WJd Cat roal lear J. L WynnV farm. The bridge * to h- 12 feet fa length. C. D. « arvtarpken. Coaaty Treasur er. presented his datna-ni as Coanty Treasurer of Martin County ami saw was accepted. Ordered that thr Main «.f tOOi*' be appropnatei to be in placing the Hard chil-tren in a proper insti tution. The Uanl (he 4! levied t—\e. for the year a., follow: General school fund 75 ml* on ih* IIOP.OO valuation Interest and stak ing fund & cei.ts on the tIOUdO Vj.l nation, tfeneral County fund 15 cent en th"4lft'M' valuation Kor hndg—> IS cent.- on each fllaiuO irliulhin Special ruaJ I air- wet* if-taed a. J f4low]> ■ (Jamr>vdlc town-hip . „ . +5 Williams town-hip , 20 iiriAn> township .Ji 'ltear Grass township £> Class Koa>l- town-hip _ 25 I William-ton township .25 Goose Nest township . 25 «*»e Nest town-hip (I'olll .75 I Hamilton township _ pi Special Srhaal Tarn school- 311 I >ardens «hools .20 V;da P :.i ch. ol> . Ange sckools Everetts schools ,t>> Pbraaafa schools 25 «U4d Point school.- 2- r . Ha--ell schools „ ' (Unoaa Nest school- 25 Ik u.ilton schools _ _ - _ ___ .15 A petition for election to authoriu tlw of special road tax in Williams township was r'.ntnl !Supt. and Mrs. J. S. f. Seymour Arrived Mr. and J. S Seyanour arrived So. urday ami will make tkeu hum with Mr. aad Mrs Jno I' Simpson on Main strwet Mr. Se>ni»Bi will be super i.lendeat f the city schools doriag thr coming ocniun. The Wlliaaa>tuo • traded and H«h School wdl open for th? year s work September llth lull details a»l an oatln of 'he work with a h-t of the t»a(.:en wil be givea ia aa early Lvur of this paper. SII SAILOBS FOl NO AT SE A Hamptoii. N. Y- Sept. 1-- Sia -L-.. vor> of the four iiS2SI schooner "Samuel W. Hathaway" which was wrecked at .«a last Ta?»- dry. wre picked up early today ky the steaaaship "Soothere Croaa." The rescwcd sailonaea w~re found ftai liag atop of the ackooner's sky ligkt where they existed for four dry_» rating sack i) ing kh as they coald share aad drinkinr water i nag hi ia their hats They report -'•Tor wy drowned. « Cap*. BKatt of to Hathaway was aeea Twesday night dinging to a raft. The Hatkeway was bound froaa Ckartestoa. Sooth Carotins, to San Mr. Praak Caritirphrn fans accept ed a job with the Eagle Braad Shoe caaapaay. We ranridrr the Eagle Brand Ska* Caaapaay aery fortaaaate to aecare tke aniiaa mt Mr. Car- ' —?- - -•» -■ -—. LARGER MARKETS • FLOODED WITH TOBACTO TODAY j Average lYice Ranges From 15 to 20 Cents per Pound The larger tobacco i:ork«t» of Ki>l i»rr Ctniiaa wero flood*! with tohac RE today. Wlmo r|jim> to a million pnamU on it-- warehouse floor - with »n av-nit* of twenty cents per p> und beine pakl for it. According to a late (depiuw me saj. lortav. it will bp impossible to tu>Uh the, sales fn Wilson toaiay. Reports from Greenville ray irterr lb around 754J800 pounds of the «i«»l |« '» the floors th»rv today aroun: fifteen cents p?r ponml is the a*er asre price brine given. The report - say further that the Krate of tutor c« is Mi.«- the ?»--raKe Sotk> M >urt has rrp.-rt-si heavy sr-le- but prices were not available at 'hat :ime. LOC AL MARKETS TO OPEN TOMORROW WIRMM; Everything is m ie»!inr» for the « pening of the Wtllliam -ton T«ban» Auction warehouses tomorrow a* ten o'clock. The name of tfc- warehouse that will have first sale wilt oe drawn i'. the morning ju-t befo« v - rale time The buyers for lh» J itTerer panic* have been arriving »"l eek anil a few will arrive tonight, n_«kin; •he largest corps of bu\ers *-• 'a» ever bad. A huge crowd b expected to oowv to William-ton tomorrow and it is evpecteti that there *ill be more to hurro on the floor than there ever Kx b«en- From all indications 'her- will he; for before -even o'clock this iroraing there was nearly a whole row on each of the local warehouse floors. If the people of our and surround ing counties want to make money on their toWr*. then brine it to Wiltun* «ton. the nuied an-1 bnt plae* to sell it The local warehou-emen a-sure th. farmers that th" will get the best prices ami the faiiest treatment •' C hampion Handsaw Ilayer Visits Here Mr I- L Pierce of N t" was ui our jflwe last Saturday imiir some estimates made iwi * rotioo a leather ca.e about thr SJT sf - No 7 handsaw anal of such a >hv»e. Oui curiosity led u> to ask cpaest '«ll> "f Mr I'irnr and «-r»e nur-tn i k l »H tu an -0 s>er until we Sad him play: t; th? 1 aiMlsaa with a violin b"» Sjl v many years ae«« »h-n lb.l nuulii cka."* we boy- out t*> fIW a«»l • he. I awl have Us -a* the Wow.l for the boaters and fiiepiac*. the only sweet OUIMI I ever beard i«» c-mr mm 1 • ne of *n was at. u a great L'K piece of >r*een p-ne «■■« «l was ju?t atc-ut cut thmueh aivl tie sr» «t..uM bend awl * |Uirkinr soura! rouh! be beard. Not until last Satui I •lay d*l I ki>ow that other sound were ir the hand aw. Mr. Pnrce played several |,ieo aiad that of "When YMI anal I wer • Voatir, Ma-gie" was must -tnkini Mr. Pierce has practic -.1 at this for most two year> ami K»> &lU>r«l the (.lace where be calls himself th • cham pn-n hainlsaw player in Amerjrr* He i* that all right as judged by us As to the class of music re-sJere>! Ly such a combination we are ur abi. to say, but we do know that it I qfaite the stuff Mr Pierre is vi-Miif kt br» tier near he/e. Messr J G Godard. J G. GnAard, jr.. Joseph Godard, third. J. S Rhodes -.nd Warren H. Hires attended the opening of the tobacco market in Greenville today. Mr. WiUte Watts is attending the tobacco opening in (treenville today Dr. J. F. Thtgpen and Wkit Purvis are visiting the Greenville mraket to day. Mr Wilson G. lamb is spelling ; nmetime in Baltimore in the house of Daniel Miller Cumpnny i Miss Nellie terras of Richmond visiting Mrs. Mary Bed Osborne Mr. Norris of Washington was Messrs Hubert Mnrton and V. Pike ilwri to Gnorlt this MI. fc"g Mtw Eva Wynne and Mrs L C. Bennett attended the revival anim at Tarborc Inst evening- Mr. L L Pierre mt Wr remary m visiting relative* in tbe maty. Messrs Harry A. Bigg* and Mm & Peel retnrned Sunday ewsnng from Bu#alo -Springs, Vn. >■ WATCH THE LABEL ON rout PAPER. IT LARRIES THE DATS LOT R SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 CHILDREN FALL , FROM TREES AND ; BREAK THEIR ARMS I Boy Breaks One Arm j While Sister Breaks Both of Hers The r.ine year old -on of Mr. W. W. tlrdfir wis up a tree snthering wilii >rrapes last Kri-iav while his ~ sister wa> eath-n»;e ntpes in an other tree rear by. The young boy sutMenl\ -creamed that a s rak? had bitten him ami loosening his hold fell •o u»e ami "brofc? his :>nn be treen Uie wrt-t an.: eibow. He SBC eeslnl i:i *ejchir-e th. l rouse, nor rso* icuie his sister. While the moth"" w-is a>im:nbtFr itat ahl to h»-r .-on, 'he littl" tfirl was hear»» cr>ip? awi the mother ihink i«* she was on!> fp *f ierse>{ paid very lit:I - attention to her -cmou. •'"WO' f»Urri> vert at the houae rthl tli-y nw. the little g'H a>! foun>l thct sfce ha«* fallen from the tree i'-d ha«) b»ok-n both her arm'. Af t rviP' -.lh sta-eil that she knew riethine of what hapvnoi nftrr tko ls»y fell afciil she had rrachni the Kou-e. It is thought that sh« fainted fr»m the frieh' aiv! fell U> th* rrwnad Vo«ki »e bi-th her irws. TV b- ken limb.' of children •ere >e. b> l*r> Smitnwark aiki thwle- aiwl the children, at ;m.-»nt, ?re cet'ing along nicely. TV boy was bitten Nv a black ■ante. Injuring him very littl* i ounty A«rent*s Re|Mirt To County Commis sioners for August The r~p.-rt of the County Acent for tbe nv.-iih of August to the l'iunl of t'ounty Cnmiinjp u r.- ; n session here jestrrvia> is a.- follows: 13 days -|*ri t in fiebi wo.k, T days . i» rt in work. 6 «3ys -pent as annual leav.v ITS mcffences with farmers, ft' 'etters written. SI firms vi -ted. i held w,th an att 'ti-Vnce j miles iravrlnl ■!n p>-rf>rmai>ce I«-f -lulies. »-t »rtd.'- written. ITI hoes trea'ed making «. total since April Ist of hojf- and pigs. &etnl contrvi work. * farms »:>ited in regru.l- to live -lick. 5 farmer.- visite«l in regards to use ••f fertilisers. 3 farmers visit in rH' -nl- to fre.l - l»r twk. I farm VI-MVNI in reeard- lo Vaising ., a farn-ei- vtsitet in reeanls to poultry. I* farmers advised in regards to culti\ itii.f cotton., Wen j n.fe tatK>n ; opears lighter this >ear than it was last year. I ho;*- .to have ome valuable in fr>rmattoi « »e--vil . p»i-.«n work I s-ne tin." toon, as soon a- the n u!t.- can lie colleCtet At pre-efit I have rvuu* -t.- from tmkn to ileal neady 3UU haa»' nf . _ '■( bogs and which will oe .Ion? -a. the i>*vt ft w days. T. H. BRANDON, Oow.t) — — IJLLK\ -HARRIS ' I. M-s.- i Harris aud Mr. & ill tun V. Lilley. both of Grtfi..- t->«ti aere nuirml Eriday, the twenty-ninth . f Aucust at tbe resi>h-t* » »f IJev. uncord Hagb> in Washington. all. and Mrs. Lilley are aoth vtrj , pular >ou.ig |>eople in their ctn mnnity and have nant friends thrv ugh -ut this section. . The meifciing was attended by only a few frierxts and it was a surprise tn : rood many. The) are now |m lit £ few days at Virginia beach. Upon their return they vfl he at home at Mr, Laßey's hone near L*Uey's Hall iants j Mr. Surry Parkcraad faafly pmj*' tr, rough town yesterday en Mate tn •heir Imm m Norfolk after |i H | •ome time in North Cnrslmn.