WOK BBsr nxv, sell toci tcdacoo at wmstok. 1 SERVICE- -QUALITY WllfHAfflKr a~*~ZZ | GURU BENNETT DRUG CO. »""= SUNDAY HOI KS-9 to 11 a. m. and 6to7p. m. NORRIS CAHWES PARKER CONKUN PENS KODAKS - FILMS | " e=== B ==== = == ====== ————— a ß===========^==========================^^ I ANNOUNCEMEN ' ■ 4 | THE ROANOKE WAREHOUSE 1 I WILLIAMSTON, N. C. 1 B Will oien WEDNESDAY, SEITEMBER X I 124 Under the Firm Niw of | W. B. WATTS And H. H. MORTON i j Hubert Morton who o|>erated the OLD KOANOKE Last Season and tried to please everyone. He did it and will do the same this season, having z§ 5P was raised in Will iamston (son of J. W. (Wig) Watts) hashad 14 years in the banking business, will have charge of the office. m lhe ent,,e P er sonel of the OLD KOANOKE WAREHOUSE is the best that can te secured and it is our motto "To Please Everyone." w „ Rememberthe opening date, Wedneaday, September 3, 1924. X- o«?Mm^™ ,a J2l»i?«^A verjone 10 co me ' nto see us - When you have your tobacco ready give us a trial and be convinced. JB w REM EMBER- THE ROANOKE WARE HOUSE—WILLIAMSTON, N. C jS Yours for service, WATTS and MORTON jLQca. is | Mr>. Twmuan ■■ ■ .rtimnr w uiu~tilcf MbMs Krmu aa»t Eimbrti . 'ikiimi . »f WiUiaustoc auc nr a' Cn«io , Uwv. are vasaling Mr. urt Ni> » 1 * at tiflf «J Mil M Jlu !iwt *- - Mr jbc Mr- Silk Mwnr k»r rr | lurnrv fiw» VugiLu v.jm 1 they -peni UM )K-I tft daiv • . * • Mr wi Mi- K J. tvAMt »f i.ai Uaßiltm »rfr ibMM> r*rt *r^Uruj' mmtv'mg . m * Mr- hfllar Grim, iarf «ui('l«r. Ml-.- ,|m; «mi oays « '« »i»itun rrl»"-i>r- Janar Ik-.- aeri • • • Caul Jxk rw Mr. J W. TukfMar. of Muklwr »rt ia li» city tnuma) for 3«t«ni Immt. • « • Attorney Z. V. \at*a> «f HibmiK was »rr «e bttNMN • • • Mrs Mark IL'lu- i»' Mr.- Edjra' of tUadur «r~ u. uw alt yesterday. • • • • Mr Hrrwil Ldlry »f J»r>iilk n> ir. tvcu ycstfraai w Mbiu>.- • . • • i , Mr- J D will arm* If Burr* from Bait in r> rttrr »** lu.- brtr iL-rtitjr kn |amu, Mr u>4 Mr*. McCWkr> ?•* tk t«« weeks. Mr. u>i Mr- A- C MsUWli if tt mi j Mr »«* m tow* »"mti .ti y nriLif j Utriidiiir 'fcr revhai >»n we • • • • Mr aad Mrs. Marriott Bntt im ( Mr?. Haft G Hrtw ril loir u. ' [Sell Your Tobacco In Washington | I Three Large Warehouses Knott's, j I and Graves & Hodges. j GOOD BOADS FROM ALL POINTS ANI> HIGHEST PRICES HAKE WASHINGTON THE BEST PLACE TOR YOU TO SOX YOUR TOBACCO. If You Want More Money For Your Tobacco Sell It In Washington B . for \urfuik cisi Virginia i I"** ametw tney will spend -• vrral *«tayjL . . • . I'r Ji»M. Ll. liimp has bee.i in ' K. f-ixr, this «wk al!itt.iiii); u. bust ! ne- ' .... I-Jis> Aim \iiwrll uf \A uaiiMir 3 i- i I lu.lua Harreti «f Ml. (.uukl - »! oN rmars MmUioark uf Ij >rur»K --;* - tie ne rv tt edneaaiay. 1 ... Air iiki Mr.- Harry Wi!>k ami Mr 1 1». G. Matthew- of llanultfi. * -*or i r tOW!l tAL- U.-rk • • Mrs (.arrir Bigp tt illiaiu.- ana l« vt). Harry A. Burr aim Juiiu- S. i l*eei will n-um tough; from a trip, « V rjrinta lirvl. and thru an "Ulo i »•*».!• trip thrvaxil the- valley* of V ir- , u-.ia »ill a p.rty of fn*nds. .... Mr aul Mrs. I l_ Kinga kft Uec- j «,a.-y for lfc?ir hontr in l"el« r-hurg j ••f.n their rki k*r Mr.- Mary ! E. I'-tI. Mlm» Kvdyn Harris*.. ami K. i »nr- HiniisMi xcum|wraM : LKni imt • • • . Mr. Janes 8- Ithodes. jr. lefi yes t« r> a; for N -rfvtk where he will visit hi.- ~uit. Mi Frai.k C. Lav is for ,-everal lay;. • . • • Mr aiw: Mrs- Sin Lallty ami iitthr x* were in town yc-trnky shoppiar ... tlyde Havsell ami livrvlhy Thrower left >r?t'nla> mor*ii-uc for I rttlr'o' »(x n- they w ill-visit M ■ sikl jkr> J. H. Tnrower for >everal (lay*. • • • ! Mr- J H. SMikirr- ami l.ttk ■«. j Jack wili leave mmxi for Murfrre-. 'miv ('where she will visit her .-iter. Mrs Collie iSarn>».- and Mr B?ine> for -several day? ... Mr- I. I. Braswell ami tiiur'nlm. Mtoes Mabel ami I >elia Brasweil of . fc-anoke kapnl- anl V i.-.- Sadie All* jj j Ixook of Scotland Neck visiting ' I Mi. ami Mrs. J. H. Britt this wrrfc !| » ASHINGTOX I >PEN I\G SUTKMHKK I H KI- j Everything is in imlines.* for ihe opening of ihe Washington To()j>cu Market on September 3rd. The three f li#: warel.o'j>*> there h -re be—a 1 liioroughly ovt-rhauled ami veryth-n* i> in the l*»l condition for the t>pr> mir i't rket j tt a. hingto.'i is the must (vr.trnirnl , nwirket for farmer.- in this seetton j ami witii its three vairhvii-es! ami two big re-dry ing plants it is »dl . «-)Uip|»—• to take rare of the tobacco curnt«i there auwi sell it to the best I advantage. | Washington will also have esp trial |ly goo«' buyers this yjar and all 'he itiou.- leading into Washington are Jlfoou. The nK.d lianl surfaced from (■rr«i\ -lie ami Williamston and :-uwt rvad.- from Plymouth. Itubrr- I c«tiville and Vanceboro. \\ a.-Kinfrtor. i liokiiif; forward to an unusually ! Ukareo season this year/ —adv. I WAVTKU: KKGI LAK AND TKAN-1 sient boaniers. Good rooms and air- j comodatioris- Rate? reasonable, j M»>. T. W. Thomas. It.oor M> | «M» N«ri lAJiil U)I K SHAVE? | BIG CHIEF SAFETY KAZOit BLADES bruii ikts happy rehef. • Made of best raur steel akt laiUi Made ia Ike ( niled Stairs akere rack Made Is hand tested. Tkeae Made«. caa he used ia .ither BIG t Hil l ar GIU.ETTE K AZIIKS. Try Ibea aad you »dl be surprised >1 Ike daler rate. SCBSCKIBE TO THE ENTFKI'KIsE | TOE ESTEMTOB. WIUJAMSTOM. NORTH CAROLINA r I RICE & SPAIN Will Sell Your Tobacco For The Highest Market Prices 1 SELL. WITH THEM AT | FARMERS V AREHOUSE WILUAMSTON, N. C. - ; EXPERIENCED WAREHOUSEMEN, COMPETENT FORCE, BEST ACCOMODATIONS VOI R I'ATRON A(iE AND CO-OPERATION SOLICITED AND APPRECIATED W.L.RICE

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