SUBJ. TONIGHT. "UNMASKING THE MODERN DANCE" AWBTBBBB WILL 8188 (MB GOUMXS A LALLUBF TO UN VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 60 "UNMASKING THE MORDERN DANCE** SUBJECT IONIGHT OMKKBC «ff Scnaons For - Past Several Days LARBGE CROWD EXPECTED TONIGHT HMC** tkat he kai tmrtufw de liimud to hit people Hi* in* m~ «• affNM the eel af Christ came rtin they •• A* teqairy room «toc Mr. T chewed the* *IW Way ef Ufa-" Tihi. is Christ alliaf yee? Are yea heeb« his call or ere yea again rejacta« hie? This may he year liit ipf ineeity to ackneelulge Hie ea eer piece yee «m that fatal *deed- The text of the erew nu tehee fiem Matthew IMI. He aM, the~ the Tapeitaahk Sui' are the chereh ted. the aarsaa is Inetil He tea —I the 'deadline.' aad there. Gefa spirit erfll eot follow Ihea The -L'epantooahle Su' ■ not mar dar er aMhqr er theft, far those site trfi to foagiiea. hat it ia palliin «f the eel ef Christ, rejecting Hies fraaa dej to day until tore cone *a far'that it is atterly iwpn nbl for as to kteaae Christians. Are yee isawsdliog that sift today? Kow? If •a step, toed Gad's call before it k toe lato." Slediy E»reiog*» gnaw Sato*day nighit. Mr. I ee— Mt with the ipattMa "Is there a*) teste ie the while ef tm (gf?" The text Jeh«A * j to deMhfhf this text, Mr. Lea- • ll I kill! it then by neglecting the j ilaaih Tea always get cold with Gad before yee leave the (touch. l Becfcihdiag togiaa ■ Uv heart. Fteo-.' Mr JIM ib tatters are backslider*. ~ persse. eto are eat to the church *1 ted that the waiu nana why pea pie weald eot jaia the chairh we beceeee their hearts heea gattau hard and away frees Gad. "So way" to eaetoedad "refuse te biliiai that teat aa their ewe. Bat Gad deae eat ee wfl fat gat ear daaaaafaetaaael vmM fcwi wbk. 9m * of the egg with the iidieaaiia of the church, hath baea* ae life. Be stated that the yeft of the has the life tmd aa baa the eater of the ihenJi whidb ■ Joans Ghat the white af .factnf p ii into* taiaiag ever, ae that we wiaH —tohi this paiwt hy c4bg the ma withie a erieato af the rfeht time. tai aiig tor a«g» ae that the In i Z;:Tthe emaa Bk* Lea man till I. "Bmj ate af aaaaaiaatoi ud imi i i baa the blaed af Chrtet aa it aai we ahaeid tare f ran it te OhriaL- Thfc ii ■ll wea aea of greet depth bat aw that oawh ptraaa maid Mr. Laaaaaa read a few verses faa the Bait at the tahy dlaaap ate*. M prwawd te ha cm af the Mat aagr told toee. Ma saa» madefy •apr w&th ft we* bfaatafaS af Gel THE ENTERPRISE 75jQOMPOUNDS SOLD ON LOCAL MARKET THIS MORNINC; Farmers Well Pleased; Average Price Was 23 Cents Large numbers of tobacco fanners are leaving the local market highly pleased with the sales every sale day. There anere 75.0U00 pound* of the weed aa the three auction floors this morn iftg and sold at an average of 23 cents The grade of tobacco is above th> average and seems te be selling higher than the advanced grades of The local market is adding on new customers daily and throogh hard work and courteous treatment the warehousemen aim to hold them. We stated before the opening ef the market that Williamston woeki have the best market it ever had and basing oar statement on the sales ,-ince the opening, it is nothing bat the truth. were is hiding in the Garden. When God caaae, aa He always does, and fuend them ahaent. He called. "Where art theuT" The same question might be asked by ear neighbors or frequently by our faaailies of as, "Where art thee?" He described many children as having as goad as no mother. The woman who should act the real mother is too of ten at the card party, or nerving a "poodle" rather than giving h*r child the proper care and training that is so esaential te good health and goad Mr. Leaman answered the question "Where art thou" for some, thet they are hiding behind the tree of inactivi ty. They are leaving alone the thmg. they should do, they are not taking a a ami for (Smat, they ere not fat filling the greatest command ef "IWh the Carpal te every creature." They are letting opportunities te do 'thr work ef Christ ge by every day without taking advantage of them 4 Others are hiding behind the "tie afraid of being laughed at." TV) wfll not testify nor take a etenrf far their Lord because they are a fraid that aome one will laagh at them. In their everyday life they will sat ewa Jesus bet they expect Him to know them when they get ready to die. Aeeatding to the Evangelist, one of the greatest trees that exiats every where is the "tree of plteaai ". There are more hiding behind this tree thar. hah toil any other. They travel in both high and low society. Those in high aaatoty do exactly te aaase things as thaae ia lew society and (heea ia lew srriefy do exactly the same aa these in high society do. The worst rrimt i aad the moat loath roaas and dastardly are done in both rlaaar i. the dance halls, the moving pictai-s aad bcachea being seme ef the ripest fields for »he work of the Devfl a- The "tree of neglect" wes anather tree af good aire The Lord ha Idr those who are in high position re sponsible for neglecting to rare far these under them The baaineji asi who daaa not carry the mrtaage ef Gad to hia employees, will base te aaawu to them before Ged If we ere hiding in sin behind eay of these truea we need not think that we are foaling Ged, and iaatead of calling apoa Him when we have sin ned, we de jaat Hkr Adam did. we fad that He ia angry a* ua aad try to hide. But we are net fooling Ged aar aayone else save ourselves. He tried to beep us from leading the path of sin by cast in ■: the bod af Hia ealy Son, Jesus Christ, ia the way. Bat if we do fall whea Ged calls, "Where art Than" are -'.oald net try to bade bat rami out aad aeek 8 abject Teeight toe toaight ia the "Madera Dame ~ _ It ia geaerally expected thet it will he aa artißoy char— ae the line u very ah sag aad Hght anaa wB net reuqarr the enemy. A large audience ia expected te heai Mr. Laamua'a awaaage tonight. d days hi Baltimore. Mr. Arthar Aad nun ia ia Balti aerre purchasing goods for Aadenaa Crawfaad aad compaay. inlwi ef the State Board af thi Chriataan chareh af which he »> t poeaidaad. ytotorday ia the city «.! -.eaul days af this weak at Mat i Baach with a party ef frtoada aa i cfiahing party. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, September 1924. CITY FATHERS MfcfcT IN AN EXTRA SESSION investigation of Light Plant To Be Made In A Few Days The City Council met in extra *s smb last eight in the Mayor's office to take ap and discuss srrcral busi ness matters which were impossible a came up at thrir tegular meet ng of a week ago. The aaam quertinn before the Coun cil bud to da with the city's light plant. Mr. IL H. Crews, representing .he Fairbanks Morse people, went he /ore the Council and asked for an in-, vestige*ion of his company's engine, Utmc that a would net cost the Uwn one cent for the investigaion. He farther stated that it would be a great help to the town in that it would show in black am', white figures dww where the profit fran the city'; plant is going. The four members ii he council heartfly arreed to hb proposition and the investigation * !' be made ia the next eight or ten days A special engineer will be sent hr by the Fairbanks Mone people ar. he with Mr. Maurice Moore, th plant'* -uperm'endent. wdl start tc gt.the ring data ta the present plat: aad its future. The way that such aa I came about was whea it was seen that the local plaat had entirely too much power and that its laad was ae un qaalty balanced that k required the watap of about fear hours to run '.he plant the other St hears During the aseeting it was shoom that the aresest autfi* was breaking even, but was dat mabmg aaythiag. The City Fathers, working for the beat of the town have been' inv-sti ;ating the sraetiea and have founV hat k wflL pay to iaatall either a small steam aait to handle the smal! •tad ami ase the preaad outfit to ,1e the huge laud or to install oi l>- The use ef the "latter to be •'etermined hy investigations made b> the Fairtoaks Morse people. The installation af aaore machinery m our present plaat aaay look foolish •o ear dtiaeaa. bat a thorough invest i -atieu will pawae that it iaat ami th. Cfty Fa then are to to congratulated foe their eurnest work in behalf of all af us, the taxpayers of tie town The result af the investigation will ' he known in a few days and it shoul* 1 to af merest te everyonevespecial I y ' to the far r tax payer'- of William j mm. . - v __— : — reiMHTIXG DOGS TO KI N AT 2.48G8 AT SIGHT A MISOEMKANO. Sectiau MB—Cnnaaliditid Statu Ne pen on ahal aSew hia dog evet six msnthi old to run at large in the night time aaacceanpankd hy ie own er er by aaue atahir of the owner'.- (aai;, or same other person by Uw rvaet'i pamsiisa. Any person iateatieaslly,; ly. aad wfltfalJy vialatirg this see HI to guilty f a misdeamanor, ant apoa ton vidian shall be fined not o:. n rdiag fifty daßara ar impriaone.; no eacrading thirty days, and shall •» liable ia damages tc any p-r.or f irjaitd er saßti ag lam to his f-c t p rty ar chattels Notice ia here*; rivea that this lew wdl he enforced '■» Williamston J. L HASSHLL. Mayor. [ NEW TEXACO FILLING STA r THIN AT JAMESVILLF. i There wdl to. in the near future. r tioe ia Jaaaesvdle, end when this is ■ completed it wdl be oae ef the mos a up-to-date fill sag stations in this part I f th? state. The plaat- are beinK it drawn aad the jlatha wdi be ready k far ipirarisa ia the aeer future. Mr. L F. Horathal af Plymouth r * wes a busmeaa visitor here yester n *+ II Mtw (Uhel Griffin has returned from * Chapel Hfll where she haa been at * ti ailing the aeaafaa ef the tawmi i aafceaL * " Mr. aad Mrs. D. C Cowing of Bear Gram passed through here Sunday af terneee en rente haaae from Farmville whaaa. they visited friends and rela ' trees far several days. They also at ■ tended the yenrly meetine of the Gum Swamp Piimiliii Baptist Choreli ■ Mam Emm ia rutin p * friends m Greewrffia. « Mr. Jamea Griffin visited friends ia r- WANTED—BBC I'Ltf AND TBAN * "I Baaadaa*. Good reeana aad ae See Mrs. J. C Oawford. phoae 48 COTTON ASSOC! i AHON NOW RE CEIVING COTTON Kaleigh, September 7.—Announcing tint everything is ready for the re ception of the 1924 crop. General Manager Blalock of the North Caro lina Cotton Grower*' Cooperative As sociation calls attention to th„- fact that the Association has successfully , finished its second year. With a tninii , force of workers ami with the most j modern labor saving and economical office machinery, the Association is prepare*! to make a considedable sav- , ing in operating expense the c*ain( { season. Lower insurance rates, lower storage rates, some concessions in i freight rate* and a substantial redar- , tion in interest rates are among the t features. It is estimated that the sav ing of the members o fthe As. delation in operating expense wil be Hot* to $200,000. | The first year cf operation the As sociation handled over 135JNM hales , of cotton and averaged for r > inem-j, I' tier* slightly more than 2» crr.Ls a I |M>und. Approximately kS •(! ne cotton r?e-ived was ol>i cotton .k L vered by members wK ha v.- f .he Association. 4, lie ports for the second yt.ii ftow hat approximately iolr were hcniile*' and that the U.lal opei , it ing expense by reason of ■u-lhng d>- { vect to con iiiur was very cbstit j -ally reduced. The member.; 29 cents a pound net for MiAUinr esttan— a very good price for the season and in fact the second highest , average price in a period of over half a century. In the beginning of the reason, the management mapped M>t a program and Mowed it. A liberal advance paym-nt wa- made on de livery another payment was made is December, another in the early spring lid the final settlement in July. By this program, the membership lennad 10 per cent of the value of the cott— jefore I December 25. Now with the opening of the third i—on. aad in vtaar of the fact that -everal thousand new members have joined during the summer an- ha, tha management looks forward to a suc cessful season the A wcalwa will make an advance payment to all mem bers of S7O on every bale weighing 00 pounds anl over with slightly educed advances on lighter hales -Ihe Association has arranged with he North Carolina Agricultural Cred it Corporation for marketing loans MI all cotton of the members, time Irons to be made at the time of de livery and at a very low in'erest rate . lieae marketing loans on bales weigh ng 500 pounds and over are set at ?20 a bale—by tlii.> arrangement csens iers can secure J'J») on ever)- sto found bale if desired on delivery. MB*. WOOLARIfH CONDITION REMAINS t'KCHANGEII The condition of Mrs. i. L. Woolam • cording to a statement of the atbaJ , ir.g physician, remains unchanged fri m what it was one w-ek ago. For z while no hope was held far her re coveiy but as she holding her own, | slight hope is entertained. /» Mr. O. B. IJpscomb of Tartoto aa» ir. town this morning on bu>inei. and visiting his grand daughter, Mrs. & 1. Vick who is now residing here. CORRECTION ■ In our last issue we state.! TV« . the son of Mr. GriflSn was bitten by a bli-ck snake. This wasat true, the 7 bo> thought be was bitten and fell out the tree. PRICE OF COTTON MOTS f ~~~~~~~ t ' Price of cotton giadaaßy k«u". t The price of spot, middling aa the f Norfolk market yesteiday mas 24 1-2 y - Lout a half cent lamer thaa the price one year ago. This is lae fent time in several months that the MM pries* h have dropped lower thaa iM pkm The anticipation of a large crap is the eaaae for lowar prices. " AN ORDINANCE OF THE r TOWN OF WILLI AMBTON, M. C. r That it shall be ndnrfd far dag* to nut at large on tha itaaala it Wi e lUmaton. N C., or, and after October I- 1, 1924 Owner violating this ordinance wfll e! be fined one dolar and caata far each I' offense. g f Passed by the Bcsrf mt Tama Com miss inner* in saaaiaa. Sefdcmher S, a 1924. G H. HARRISON. Clerk J I. HASSELL. Msi«r. t-' Mrs. Sal lie Biggs' Pto-ar Work r. wfll he eaatinaad by Mrs. Ma Nr I and Mrs. Warren Biggs. i*eaa ITL 1 CONFESSION CLEARS-UP 2 YEAR OLD MYSTERY Sunday Afternoon Serv ice A Very Im pressive One The mast impressive, as well as the moo* mill thing that has happened taring the Leaman-Coston meet.r... here, occurred during the mctirr Nmiai afternoon when Mi. H. B. Hdsnaii came to the pbt!»rm ait. stood be»ide Mr. Uamjt, a?>l m_«ie a. great confession. Mr. Iluloman stated that He h»> been a liar and a thief ard in hs* cvefts-iMi he cleared a mystery tk 'has bevn standing for two jea.- T»o >ears ago ahite collect r x. Mr. B- S. Coon*) in the Dardeir section of this evianty. Mr Hdlonac claimed that he had been robbed He r;me home one night a little Late aitst urder a spell of great excitement h r'am»l to have been held up at tK» Hector Moor? cedar tree on the J.-mrsville-llymouth road b> two letww, who he saiii. stepped •« th? ri - ling board of his car 2s he roon-i nl a short corner He further dainw>) tiat one of the men b+l his attraln* j*i«h a pa-t«d p lilted in r.r ftee »ku l: e otner the w itch ke> tip I proceeded to go tnr.-ut.-ti ii- pockets, jkffit thetefrwrs $1320«> in ca»H an»« a Ct} d dlar check Mr. HolLtman came ln» with his statement, saying that on tl as particular day he Ha.l good col lectic-ns an>l had been drinktag C*- sidrrable con- lt|U >r That MI hi. ia; lo ■«- satan im|>;> s-ed it on ha- mi»l that he owed >oi«te -maltl bills he should pat. if he expected to ao# tain the respect of the I f'*k> «» the town. He thought that no WW would ever know it if he were to ap propriate Courtney's mone% to bl own u«e aad leM that highwaymen had nibbed him. Thinking the Devil's advwg a ptjJlj g*»l eherne he a>opte>t «t and The added aniWher "tn it by lymr 11- said ttiat the Devil »a better please with him for stealing ami Ijrmc ttnai simply being uiaMe to »«t ha> debt.- P««ptl> The hunlen seemed to be more tha' Mr. Holloman couhl bear so hr ma>i> the cwnfe>s»ion before near eaght»e» hwmlrrd people During the cwwfes io.r Mr. Courtney procee>ietl to the (hi ferm ami presented his harwi and of feted forgiveness for the wrong dwne VIII NG MI'RDEREKS Til I-EARN THEIR I ATE Ttnit>Kl(«i« L T a>ii-ri h the rfj) so* *or the maam»«r U | of the ate u. I«np4i and Lath, the famoia.- he) mwrderert. The case is cau-ing mwch interest a I mag the people. They are fuwad to he on both side.-, with the prednmmai : sabrr tor the •te--tk peralt> I NDERP ASS BEING HORkllll ON t 'a» The udtf|ia» at the Atlantic Caastj Line RaiisMd on West Main street • Ulug worheal on again astl the >J!a at en looks mote hopeful than it has > m i ame tiwte This ha- if vived the hope that it ■say be opetied in time for the fco noke Fair. Mr. and Mrs. G. ti. HJl'a***«ti left this morning for Norfolk where Mr. Hailing: worth «HU sp »i several weeks ■« the hospital He has not , teen in god health for several manth* |and friends hope h- may permanrs.tly U-nefitte*i by the tr-ataa»r.l h will toke. RANKS HAKE A BH. GAIN ■ K.Tik resowrr- tn Jisitf Cara»*i m* I ircm f1»3,!H.4-t« m Ifril to *473.117. I mt- in 1923 or more 1k.3 K-r The hank n-»o«irc*s in this netaod ' Tir-- from 944.98 to 517«.4a foe ach inhabitant in the S'ate. Xe * 1 Hanover County shows for each i'- which is the great est amoauit per capita rf nay coe.*» in the State. The Md hoe hpes! " «uata» in the State are MeeUewatrr Durham. Forsyth. Gwlford aad Pas Martin canty is fortieth m the list r with 1122.43 of wealth per capita. This «** that we are art M I low hot with oar natural iti.mrrr mt * should he higher. And we wfll be be fore many years laager at a bighei - plue in the list of !«• eaaatiß#- t Catawba Coaaty formers mafta crimson thai soed This year thej LOCAL SCHOOL OPENS THURSDAY AT THREE O'CLOCK Every Parent and Child I'njed to Be At Opening: In Monianre with the announce aent mole in the last issue of this payrr. the l*ub!ic .schools of the cit> will oprn Thorsatav afternoon. Sepl rnsber 11. at 3 o'clock in the, audi tcriam. An appropriate program is (*ii-ic amnifci), It is the desire of the Imcm and faculty that every parent *•>" cuarxiian be on hand at the formal (wnim;>. Since this is a : mil! >ch«MM lay, every child who r\(*v »to attend school this year ihewld he in their respective rooms r. at later lioa 3. o'clock. All parents an-i iruardians. who have cfiWren that will he si* years of ait« prior to the opening of school, are re quested to mail a postal to J. S. Seymour, prifci jii-l On'this can! state t*ie name. date of birth, end aite >f th» rftiks This is highly important in riassificatKwi of your child. If possible i*t the cant reach th? hand of th?« principal by Thur lay morning. The teachers coming se* >»n> aie arriving and everything wiP Sf reviy for the opening Thursday af I-rrooni!. With the corps of teacher.. that Ihc local school has. a splendid year's work call he extiected. in fact "He w»ik this year promises to sur pass that of years before. r H II.U IJiSTOV HOYS AMI " "tIRLS I.KAYING H»K SI *ll MIL AMI COI.LKGFS Many of the younger p?opl of Wil will at!end various schools a.*i*l cJlege- in North -«iul South Car» Iwa Yirpni;. during the school y» of llrjl and 192.V They are now leaving daily Mass Sadie Perry left yesterday - Miiinc for Wilson where she will a 4lfcifftt at Atlantic fhrisltap 4 . Ile^e Mtsse. Ltuitf. Mar*lia and Ksther hamxiii a ill also leave soon for A " C. vhrp they will apend thr com ift y far. Miss \ elma Harrison left this after tx«« for Uock) Mount where she will *-■ l. Miss fclizabrth lirsswell and tlae> will leave tomorrow for Winston > ilern where they will enter Salem • ~Jle«re «.—•• M srs. \\ 11 lam llmlif : and Herbert I Vel. jr. wil leave th" sixteenth for H ikf Forest where Herbert will en let as a sophomore and William as a freshman. Miss Pat Harris will leave the last of the month for Itichmond, Ya \,a_ a lie re she will spend the com iMf winter with h"r sister. Mrs. A. M lapp and study at some secretar aad school James (iriflin and Frederick lloyt 1 la-ate te sixteenth for Hurliam wherr Jam 1 wail be a senior this year and will re K ** ve the It. S. degree Frederick »ill enter a.- a freshman, having tinishei * tM Williamson 11 i|f l> School las I year. ' Misses Knuna Hell Harris and Hon wr (jurgarius will leave soon fi.i «»«e>?iisl»oro where they will be sopho ia !*> this scholastic year at ti>> 1 \« ilii Carolina I 'ollege. ' Mr. Bryant 'ar»tarphen will al.-a ' I* vac the sixteenth for Durham, when ' fee wiii spend the winter as a stiaieni * at Trinity college. T ■ Mr. Gu- Hanson was in Norfolk la_-i »eek la* the interest of the llarrisoi oa «w.i pan). the Texas people. Mr Hartison. while in Norfolk, raa-te new plans to erdarge the local company': oil business and take on new territory r fIM»AY St"lHMil. AT -4 TENDANCE IM KKASI" r On Sunday September the ?th then - were &0 people at the Baptist Sun 4ay school, 148 present at the Christ f iaa Sunday school and 105 present a " the Methodist Sunday school. TH r Fplinnpal Sunday school 'enjoyed i *- Ui(tr number but just how man; CMM oat be learned at this time. * The various Sunday schools repor b by far th; greatest al * in several years. ' This is one af the testimonials a s the ped that the Leaman-CMtaai E * vangHutfic (Campaign is doing. If your label shows that your ar * in arrears send in your renewal to •* day aad help those who try to kelp ym 5 VANTCMT ONCE, JANITOB ROI " Wdlamstoa White Schools, Appl to Mr. John D. WW|IIIB i WATCH THE ÜBEi. (Ml IWt PAPEK. IT CABBIES THE DATB IOIK stßscurnox FTIHW ESTABLISHED l&tf .COMMISSIONERS I OF COUNTY IN EXTRA SESSION | liainisFor i>ama&es L'p At the Mee t The Count) Boani d Ciairtva . t-ts bw; in spectaJ yfiSrwiiijr ux the tour. Hocli? far the pii|i~c ai hearing cZasii- tor aaraages ia 4d*lk*t ***** IMt # i ' >tru)M by ihe Siaie Cam mission. The com 7 Messrs. H. C. I rfwi.. C. A Ashew, W. It. J «. isan>ll acxl , ( T. H Slade Ihe MMIBCM aw eunra can.*' before Ot>trt! that k-i Uttrgaawas « ja.l Unieto' trat U-t e.iale ui Jas v hvrrrti he pa* 2 Sre •»« d • n-magc-s to cr>-j»- , t>r-terc-> that '.?* c-lale o! M. t'- Ia) l»r be pa *! ux -WB i>f 1 - 'JW :ar civil damages. Orderett tftat J U Stat.-, te p»s! th«- -am o! t>i V for .rop aauges C. A Askew atA' ra s **»■:. pit'. «**• ly apfvUitni 'e ;r.\ :.atr the bar ren Neck nw:, it-pu>rteu Ual U-* amc *a. - p*a* n>ad ahwut li years ago aM api-a I nktk>n tlfce ttwar.' refu*e«i f«utn*r . lH.n >ii th*- a?c Ihe clerk was .«*rrx> io twZn . .1. pc.wh». .avc ma?e -aat«l lor laisi b> tHc SLate Hag»- way. that claims were -» is*fc tlMt ine It->JM (ur.tar.afi S4»" foa nivestigataon. I p>>n motive by C A Aha ai> -ci>n. , .-.s by- ft It. H i-rtmartoT. the •;ue>'tion of a|fn>pnat.c,t tie -aai of ItWiiO or. the loal leaau r froars Ha* in GnSs- towr-.*:p to '"i>rey s ' atbie in I tear t.ras- twwwship. »;> dLscosseai at lenarth- The trV,|M was _ Vl'loi down. Mr a»l Mr J. i S*« »,i ui NWtfe ,l3 t*inr> are * i-.tmr fund* a town. r KKY. K I- >IKI LI » %LLEU In hI.MI ' hi BY litUH HI Hi> t.Ki»l HFR Ke%. 11 l_ SfciHey.- (U !■« of the I Ylrntorial '. • hanrL, . trim a j • lephti-nr if t !"» I ■ u.*.t«a. krbtuck) SuiM.ay ai|M ÜBf IKat | his bruthtr. Mr. H I Slairtey. «ad been kille>; ir»-tar.ll> in a raliusfci ac cslent wharf, t • A fher at 1 laakfort Suii»ta>. 1 Mr. Shirley Wt t»> wu"r !• k k> ' Mouii! ahe re he vnh a*, eariy traaa >e»ter»!a> nwrsiiif fa Uia«tac s > herv the h«biased lh»i et*J «■ d! be >Ol el Mr. ."Jstrtn r.iura '' tme .Satwitay I Ills many fiMu fcere e*"*«d kip ■ warmest »>|>a'n for *ls lass of I- his brother. mi>. away s» swi>lenjy t Mrs Stolne l:a>ert-«. M.«> Miaade * Robertson aaol Mr. VkiH lto*er , »en * rdariaul muu ft«a h»r tvarky wbeio- Uey nael Mi Ibleit li -s«»fi"-. **» ft, Mr Oi kubitaa. They d r tuniM by the »sy of Kashß.toa >1 City where • ne> rsuid lei «M(Mtr, Mr- H II UoAt aad M(. f-«hr 1- (or several days. " Mm- I wciltr Hassetl ard Fraart* l Ydiiaar- and Mr. *floa t 1 rhe * Mhunl to II) wi nth Sues.*). Mr» A. T- Crawford, Mrs. Came * Biggs William-, MR- J. tt MIT,AF f ai»l Mrs I C. Besartt aMar .! to II Washington y ?>terday Mr. an.l Mr>. Tom Hot hh. Ms* tlihet Taylor. ML--*- Mo»-» ar»'. Mr. -t 1 ergett of kia-tM wciud M.sae* a Mary am Gncra l«ak Sr »ta) r. Mr. J. I- Jwfcft af Arte spa* w -e*vral days of last week in tew* *s visiting ' rah. f. Mr. Jack Ha-her ami >*-epj New suaae of Atwloe *ae an tj«t Sb day s; Miss Mary Ct>4* lr* *t fcar rw- EhriM fioea lUky Macs' where she w viMtiJ fiaan Ir htac hit week Miss Laan Orfcaas tir -jiitd Stc j. day froaa JSew Y*o«k wW.e Ar h» ' ,1 ei-ited her sister. Mew M «ti. Or- M leans foa i«Nni nils S&» «a> Met 4 it Kuk) Maait by h-r father aad „ another, Mr. aal Mr*. Vatkaa Or t*as». Mrs. Waller Orleans ai Srilf it Orfceaa. 4 . r Mr. W. T- nil 1 left ye* rday a# a ail at aa early date fee w® , " m WiliMM. »• K. J after ndiw thefr nMfee* bee* { for lal

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