EKING YOUR TOBAQCO TO WTUJAMSTOK GOLDEN WEDDING l SEATED AT DAEDENS 1 (C—>!■■! it from Fk|t Ok 1 ■ I l-'Tilßg put ■ ik bdlac of 8l i Lhb, aigntod to iianri hm I TowMt This tnttiaal history. , CNpM with the fact that this cm- | try was settled originally by pti|le , far* Scotlaai asd Norh Ireland , leads ■ae to hlku we are of Scotch j 4tfctaL Hoi at nr. tht Scotch are very t ulsti n. while the Irish are am , free hearted and gencroo* and ae wiwhtf little, this maker Me think , we ht he of Scotch-Irish descent. Brothers and sisters and fiaadi, ( we hut cone together today to da« hrate the tiatinasarr for hfty years „ of aa American home in one place, j the caldea wedding of oar beloved Mother and father. What a thrill of pride the thought of it brings. Let oar imaginations tarn back the pages of time to Aigast 27, 1874. a half haadred years ago. just a few years after the dose of the awful Gt9 war when this great native sooth!, land of oars was in the throe* of! ler—fraction. What a different scene row before as. Instead of looking apon an aged man whose hair is hoary with the frost of sua; win ters. and the featares of a s—as whoae form is bent with tofl and the loriag motherly care of many chil dren. we see a young man. stalwar* aad bronze from the voyages on many sens, with the strong re-olutic on his fare to establish a home aad to protect and provide for the girl of his choice, and a Mashing and roc fm>ed bride of barely 1C summer* who does aot realize just whay she is W-- ■ng lead away a willing captive, hot she is resolved to stand by the mar she loves and establish a boat of pari ty; all are hi the sitting room mi an old plantation boose surrounded by relatives and jesting friends, dre*- ed ap in their bib and tarker of I» years ago. This coapte were not the kind of people who helmed ia gettrng married today and anmarried art. week. They believed laterally in! "What God has joined together le" j no man pat asunder." They had taken i a steady job. Was this drear- of him* realized ? I Did they establish s .-acmsfd hois' ? j Ko one' dreams are every folly realiz ed Bat what for i memories Bs4: throagh our minds at "he thooght of that honor they made for »! What is I home? A place of wst and security . - ' Fir£ Advances and on Participation «■ Certificates 1924 Crop. WRAPPERS CIGARETTE CI'TTERS PRIMINGS First Column is grade g . . . . . _, , Cirade A ante* i>oan Tol.»» >rade Adv ance Total D- 1 i l.« * !_vt> (.udi Advance l»an To(»i Second Colum is First Advance - 32J50 16-25 ■ -.8.5 I) 2f". iiu 13.00 A— - - made at delivery— A— 3 25.00 12.5(. 37.50 [> 4 20(H) ~ 10.00 30.00- y »0 ;:?5 1150 FXPORT ('I "TTIVI' 1 H AI-' !! '! !*"*! tr? ~\ tu* I" •* OO .I.oC 10.->0 Third Column is loan that can be . " o.nri ■ ' * „ J*~ k 1000 K.OO L 4.1 * p I r».N» 2.~»» 7.r*> secured after deliver,- through r "'V" 1,7 D—7 1100 *.OO 2UW j, r> j (JO o (MI the North Carolina Agricultur- . R " T .J. £ 'qs2 -- V r!I! Fl 3.00 1 sti l.5'J al Crpdit Cnmoration rs —«S Hi.oo 8.00 24.00 D—9 .100 LoO 1.-*) p 7 oAr t 1 -jiuj ai Credit Corporation B_4 12.00 H.OO ,18.00 SMOKING I \TOKS F ~ 7 Zo ° 100 300 Fourth Column is total money rfi 500 *7 50 F \ 'IJoO j*! J' -J! IX >M ESTK 'CI !TIX«; LEAF that member can get on de- « livery of crop unUl r_ a 300 jSO j e 4 550 2.75 525 II 3 lli.oo *OO 24.00 can follow— B_ 9 2.00 1.00 - :j.OO K-5 J (H» 200 * (Ml H 1 . 1200 IJ.HO 18.00 B- 10 3.00 150 4.50 E 6 300 1.50 1.50 11 5 8.00 1.00 12.00 THERE IS MORE TO FOLLOW * B— ll 2.00 100 :sfoo E7 2.00 KM) M«0 II 5.00 2.50 7.50 THIRD PAYMENT WliJ, BE MADE ON 1923 CROP SEPTEMBER 271 H. SETWEAIE.Vi VTmTsY \ ttt22 CROP--lAUJLTnRER • % ■ ' 1 4 . ' With the above advances and Loan Value, don't you think your As _ sociation deserves your support? \ * 4, . ' * •• - ' • . r .\ . k Organization is Your Only Hope TOBACCO GROWERS COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION where one may dwell with his family. They say the Preach language con tains aa word for the English word lime What a legacy iailnil at has home has said. ~Hoaar! Upon that weed there hips the sanshine of i hand aad the ihsiluw of tondsr sor mn, aad to leWrctisa ml tea thoas and ■■■«!. Home! When I aee to rise aad sparkle aad leap and thrill aad whisper aad chant and pray and weep, h glitters Übe a shield. It sprint ap He a fountain, it thrills the a song- It twinkles like a s ar. It leaps tte a Same. It flovrs like a saasrt. It siags like an Angel. And if "seme lexicographer, urged on by a spirit from beneath, should seek to •erst forth that word from the tar.-1 iguag* the rhfldren would com? forth cad hide it under garlands of wild flowers; and the wealthy would come forth to cover it' bp with th?ir dia i —ds ami pearls! And the kiafc J ■sahl hid? it obdrr their crowns, ami, after Herod had hunted its life from' Bethlahean to Egypt, and n'terly given I I' ap the .--arch, some bright warm day it ■■■id fed) from amour the rems | and breathe from among the coro nets. ami the world would read it [ bright sad fair and bean iful and remnant a> before, —Home! Home! Hme" What a pit rare lngervm I gave u> ci himi in hb vision at the tomb of Xapoleon. If 1 can I will quote him. "A little uhd 1 * ago I stood by the toash of the great Napoleon—a magni hrrat tomb of rlt and gold, fit al most for a dead diety—and gazei upon the Sarcophagus of rare ami m omelet* marble. ■h.ie rests at last he ajhej of that restless man. 1 lean M ever the hat us trade and thought a boot the career of the greatest sol dier of the asodern world. I saw him wal||ng upon the banks of the Seme, contemplating suicide I saw him at Tool or. —I saw him put taw down the mob in the streets of Paris—l saw him at the head of the rrmy of Italy—l saw him crossing •he Iniß ff Lodia with the tn-color {in his hand—l iaw him in E?ypt in {the shadows of the Pyramids—l >aw |him crossing the Alps and mir-rle • the earfe* of France w.ch the ea»'le. [of the crags. I saw him at Maremre. lit l~lm. aad Austerlstz. I saw him in Ko.ua ahcie the infantry of the snow i aad the cavlary of the wild blast scat tered his legions like winter's wither led leaves I saw him at I-eipsir in de- Vat and aiisaster. driven by a mill m i THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTOX. NORTH CAROLINA bayonets back apon Paris. Hatched like a wdd zeast. banished to Elba. I taw him escape and retake an em- J pita by the forcv of Lis geniu i saw him apon the frightfal field of Wju r 1 100. shit Chance and Fate UTibuie' ' | to »mk the fortune of their f.-nner ' kir.g. And I sac him at St. i.ei«r_ with his bu»s nosstJ behind n *n.. ' gazing oat uk>& the .sad and soletni. sea. 1 || I thought ei (lie orphans and widows he had nade—of the tears that had ' h*n she.t for his glory, x.td of tfcc only . woman that had ever lovei him PBsh :^ e>i from his breast by the cold hand of ambition. And I said 1 would rath- er have beet, a Frenc"'. peasant and I worn wooden shoe... I vrouki ratnerj' have lived in a hut with a vine grow-j ing over the door and the grains j - 'growing purple in the kisses of ihet autumn sun. 1 would rather have beer. that poor peasant with my loving Wife j by my side, knitt'r.g as the day died j! rut of the sky—-with by children upon i ' n>> knee and their arms abut r^e —I! 1 ' j v.-ol.t rather have beer, that nur. and j 1 . .rone dawn to the tongar >3encr 1 , of the dreamless dust than to have 'that imperial impersonation of force ' and murder. known as the Great." Let tss rrns-n> r that hous*-s and! j lands do no* rsike hemrs It is the ' lives that ate lived ins "he h«ise> that nv-kes the hoi«e>. The old house there ' v lth its wea'Nriiwinr tre-ight utkil -f I •town is home to me and to mu-i off • fs. From its -mail windows 1 fir-'.' lut.ked out U|»n a strance worid. a* >i j ■ sometimes rauw, in mj dreams, i et 1 till hear the r_ in patter n*; mi •! ' roof of m> little attic room lulli , I my ur*»t bodj inU. a 3rtaakss . ler. t Fiom there I fcai my first adventur and my firs* >ys ar>i there also t. t first litt!e sorrows ean&e to rse. as h - is it"l alwsys Mmsh nr. Uc eve. man's life some ram must fall. ( : ays must be dart and dreary. Tt . home has ai-o been touched hv > - row as the mute evuwi*. oi in. r two vacant |im>s imiirate. I.d^ar > Guest has very aptly put it in hi- lit r tie poem. "A Heap O' Ijvin ~; r It take- a Neap oln in' in a house t f| Mil It lllllW. —* r A leap o* surj an' -had.i.r an' ye > ~ometime« have t" roam ,1 I Pills 'i | AGAINST MALARIA j Afire )M really lie lUa(> ye ieft Wund An" har.ser f«r 'rm wtil >m alias om jtr aoi It don't make U| ddlrmce how rich K«t to kf. How much jer Hairs an' taMr~ (wl. ho-* (treat jrrr hmn ; I; aict hem to ye. tbou;rh it be Use palace of a kiw. I'r.til somehow yer Mai is .x»rt o' rnppn! jrM'nd rvi rithmf Home air.t a place tlu: jeofci can buy er pt ap ill mir.ute. >for>- ;t'> hvnc there's fol to Ik- a heap o" Irritate in it. Vi bin the walls there's got to !»• some babies ton. and then Rbciit there yfV pot C Knnc Van ur to *vraea. aa' Men: And jmdjerty. as time pw> we. ye tiki ye noaUat part With anything they err-r u-e-I—lHex \e j irrorn ic:e yer heart; The old hqch chairs, the pla\ thinr^. too. the little J*,--- th». cor , Ye eard; and if ye omU >e'«i ke*p the thumb marks »r, the kwr (Omtmaed oaf»« Four! NOfICK I will be ielurbted to Jo your or l«lirtary brick ami eenwnt work an* i *P-.> > «Hsr JU.KC 1 vl til be open for mratfetnent oa and after June 14 a-..! if v>u hare ant of the aN>ve work to do yoa ma • rite or cal 11> Sfl south IVarl street. Wdliamston [ A »k .i.>ne in arid oat of towa Get A- Roger*. ' n tVTKH: KKl.l l tK AND THAN Ml hoarwr- tkyJ mm..lat«r.- Rate- tea-soraWe ?e Vr> J. C Cram ford. Ila«--t-- [ S-r-et ; IH>! ! °.! IH)U * j We have iust ret eiv- j '! e~ a h.if e ship : *• :\z j | of dolls i The I toll Your Child I Would Clicose Wetfave | We itae "he |>r-i- r (• !l for ] Vuar Cbik'i. Are RrSSRROR. I J Ii»i» >our kJL- iri» ai>! -dl Ti«r (• Jaaoro or tr»* \\ a*J»- _ meton N. rl'! I l{ W r ashington. N. (*. it::: pen.. to .small family. , 3 partly iwm.>—Apply j, to Mr>. Jennie C. Yarrdl, 211 Ka> ' u street s I To WHOM IT MA* CONCERN j ' j T l . : t% u-.ifv i!l prr >ns inter o"; Monday lh - olh day of { tVtober. I£l (ih' s -.ib iieine ih«- L » Monday in tV..*l>rr. 1«41 , ar,.l ir>> r per-w-j wh--> may .ie>sr. to ■»•.«• in ai..l jt> n * IT. lie p * 2l«o-n mill appo by petit u r ! ■ to tbt lioarxt of Coui j « . mmL»»r »r.- H for the coanty of Manin tu aiter the j kuurjiif!- of the Toan.-litps of Po|>br j 'Po nt arwl Hamiin--. b> taking the fol- I' L>winy described lar.«i fr«»m Poplar P i-- T-wr-Pip an! same t»» Hamilton Towr.-hip. —hi lari beLrjr jile-crlbol !. fo?'«*w-, :>->* it: 'I "Beginning ai the Cox Isec on the J K>ur >!■» Knrer. Uu ..«:»* :ilonit lire . to IV»# Bottom th-»nce up ( said br-.nch to Conoho Creek. j , k>ws said Creek to Pasture Neck j pjKJtUt t lttlt V k '■l ; 1 Change of : B Life B r B * W iven ck.uiK« of life began 5 on me." savs Mrs. Lewis K Lasher, of Lairar, Mo- "I a 2 w w:t * > womanly J *[ 1 sutTered a great j K dral of pur. is my back and J K s»lr> Mv lsmba would cramp. □ W 1 d-lat feel l.ke doing my J L mark, ar.d there are so many " I k steps for a woman to take on a farm 1 was very anxioia 4 ? to »re; better. A /nend rec- r | v onuaeadeJ * f| ; I SMI ] I m Hie Wash's Toais I ,'i i 9 xnt ar..! 1 Ui'nf it. d i l I *rtsialy in* -«>■ •- P i -.» ent Si y th;x'4..*!i of iile with- I*l jjb o-t Mif tr>*o* >. 1 run hiijUiy j . • • U rwwti-ncnd l » c: At :»«e ar-" of .'-out -J*> ta I j i j R .'-0 tv*rj wry •n Pas t > .-ass *j n th-—'r** * *•*>' .»'i t.::>e *u h !! f, is -ailed »" e t iia> fi cf Lite. ■ - II M As riS t!!M» grnt cbaiwrea j; ■ r ! *- « ,'t her -n. S I M Tinooi j •inf-al ihiia j j | Q AasrMbla synspuJ y If y?*j ai* f, rnvV » tr.'j r ! ■ y b noj. or ara already » J"Ter | I n ir jj from ar.y of its trouLles f, { ® y -ir tyiap'«!i ', ' 1 I N hel v J a. u | (f~ b p 1 fj Sold by all drcßftii's. f | 1 k>. »AUa>: \.vwr. FUR MQHERR I»RICE, SELL VUI ii TOBAG&O> AT V. XSTQH l-.'xige, UtMitit a feUaight line t» Wil low Port M Rgomk? Rr»-r, t'rate up -ae-j rrr-T to tfc? b?pnr,in?, the Briur the North Eastern port A. ; of I'i.pUw IV-ml Tosnsiiip. a«!j»biin»; Ibnillps -ijl lytn-' on ;h.' Northern ~a«4e of Conoho Creek." • iiJ iMiliiia *•!! if (.rc sei.U-i by tf* ■Wfr;-ntnf"l to the Roar • of f«an »• C on the 6th •lay of OeteV-r a' H» oVJk A. V ir, tfo oftop of tht Bfri>r>r of I is Oi . ■i - —. . . ._— —.—.— - _ I ' i I Time To Sow i I Fall Seed i Ii HAIRY VETCH. CRIMSON i.nMIR. I I OATS. RYE. TCRNI!'. RF'.A I»A« iA. ! AND OTHER SEED IN MIASdN. } ! i WE CARRY A FILL Li Nr. OF ! i i ;ARI>EN ANl> FIELIiSEEI) T~ , , Permanent Pasture >et> ! may K- >e- ! i cured at cost at the • Farmers and Merchants I>a;;k. Williams, i ton. N. I l**irsf National Rank. Washington, N. t. Farmers Ranking and 'lrusl Company, i Rohet som tile, V C. i i i | ! >r .uet an order from your I • ami we will sell you ;it the same price at j ; our sto'-e. : 1 I l|_ H. B. Thompson j J i i ! • j Seedsman i! ! i ! Market St. ' Washington, N ; I » j *i 1 ] Martin County. All prtciu inte; • are hereby iwtilM to he prtaent. TV.i- «h iby of Sep"-n"Ser, 1984. i I>. S. H ATTHEa S. ,1 J A. DAVENPORT. F L HAI-SUP. Mar* in ar.«l IVd, i Attorneys for tartw*r=. . 1 >-5-1: J I». IhTTER TON MEADOWS * STATUS, 1 KG HARRISON. Hi*.

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