PKETAKE AN KXHIBfT FOB THE IOASOU FAIR. WILLI All STON. -V C.—4 UC DATS 5 BIG NIGHTS BOANOKE FAIK. VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 62 INTEREST IN EVANGELISTIC MEETING CONTINUES DESPITE INCLEMEN A* WEATHER OF PAST FEW DAYS Large Crowd Attended the Special Sermon for Men Sunday Afternoon at Tabernacle LADIES HELD A GOOD MEETING AT BAPTIST CHURCH WITH MRS. LEA MAN i Uuiest in the meeting is still at ki(li pitch despite the inclement wea the past three clays. There ■UI gild crwrds both Friday and Saturday ei(iiinf> and many wtr; Saaday afternoon, .-boat twelve ar fifteen hundred men kmrd Mr. lj-auaaa presch a special sermon to ■at He changed his subject from the mm* that bad been announced to ""Wanted a Man" and it was a very IWf sermon, appealing to all those Mrs. L—aa held a service for the weawn ia the Baptist church anil in ■ it" of the fact that it was so rainy, there was a very rood atte tdanc* It was a anting in which mar.y took part and it was very beneficial to ail The Satarday evening sermon was « a -abject that bean: on all our h»*s and aack good was derived by those who heard it. Satarday Eveaiag's Srrasr The itimuii subject for Saturday eteaiag was TrawMrs" and th? paaadaa was very dear in his dis tmctisa of the three dillerent kinds of trsahlf. that we And men suffering with today. The tnt classification »ts the trou ble that is imaginary or borrowed, the bridge that is crossed brfor* it is reached and sometime- is never ■cached. Mr 1/Maun gave JOWC very Strftjag dlast rat ton s which flowed th" fatffity mi worrying over xrorthnr thall is not real nor has never hap • peatd. He said that if it wa_- not serving the Devil *s pur pox*, it was I at least letting the Devil get a joke oa jwa, far you shoald put your trust m God aad leave it all to Him. TW Nuod kind" of trouble is that Mad that yea being on yourself He ■attalad this kind of trouble by Iki father iaap up what he had sown in his awa life in the life of his son. TW saddeot thing that can ever come iato te life of a parent is to itsnd by lulplii i aad see the downfall jf .a chad. Aad he said that drunkards aswally reap their harvest in the Irve. of their children. if they do not reap k ia teir ovrn. And nothing but th*» power of God is *ble to help those who have brought trouble upon ihtm arivtt. Aad even after repeadly deny a« Christ, He will help them in their t tisar mi troahle. The third kind of trouble wa> the Uad that is the result of the «ieeds of aaeaeeae or something over which we Woe a* power It raay come in thres* forms, aaxiety, grief and Acurtf is the form of troahle that Bathers eadan more thaa any one rtag. Watchag the wayward child even M th; has brought the trouble ■poa iU self, in any kind of distress b to tnati it suffering to the mother. Walchag a loved one turn away Christ when He wcahl enter iato his Ufa. is aaothrr form of anxiety that is hard to bear. But with the help of faju aad God's care these trouble, wffl be taken away. He illustrated th* . paiat by the story of the woai*n who went owe night to ->a evangelistic awetiag aad kneeled for prayer and waaM not rise uniii her hasbaad wrs l oaiim I She said that she had ask ad God what to do and He had told • her to stay in that position until her bulbar I was saved an she said that the had praasiaed Him that she would mmi «he remained mm her knee* until hit ia the aight before her hasbaad was tamed from the errcr mi his T%m second form is grief, that is iw iaffi inii we go throagh with il ■ \he loos mi a laved one or ausfortone I ililllj l ( OM aad in that time of (mill the luatid hope and peace • caa be foWad ia the Lowe of God. Thr third aad perhaps oae of the Ml horriUe forms cf ti t eblr is the MM of that cimn to as when at aae the way of thi Lord aad find Oat we have been living ia sin. And ■hen we da feel that we are guilty ■d aok Ik fnginaiai. it ia- always «bt» aataaa we bald owt aad will aat gjoe a» the plum mi the world . the Mtaptaace of Jeans Christ iato oar # The yhjirt. far the Sanday after ante was chaaged from the THE ENTERPRISE I whiskers and breeches as a man were often mistaken. Only the man. who stands seven days to the week and truly purposes in his heart, not to defile himself and stands firm for the word of God. for Church, for Homo and Couutry and all those institution which have their foundations on the teachings of Christ, can really be call ed a man. He strongly emphasized the need to teach the Bible in the schools, even though it is not approved of by some who are seeking* shelter under our ' flag. The Bible is the true and only I foundation upon which our Govern - ment and Constitutiar were founded. Another class of fellows who could not be classed as men, were described as Drug Store Cowboys" and "Curb I Lizards*, who delight in making dis paraging remark- about passers and especially about women. They were , not only describe*' as unmanly bu'_ un worthy. The kind of man wanted is the fel low with a strong body— a fit temple for the dwelling of the Holy Ghost—* a body that should net be defiled by the diseases of sin. He made the statement that more than three fourth" of U.e nude popul i tion is weakened by some kind of loathsome disease. The use of " hese things which unduly stimulate the body should be avoided Vet if a per son has the drug or drink habit, hi can be eared by the help tf God, for they are being cured by it every day . The curse of the modem dance wa touched upon rather heavily and the many avenues leading from the •lane- • lcl to the downward road were de- 1 satibed. Just as little mercy was shown the bathing pool* wheer men and vom-M almost nude. r» into the water to gether. In the course of his sermon, tin- Evangelist paid high tribute to the Wil lams ton women. He said tha' ri many ways, they were above th-* average women that you find in ' town ami cities. He said that in all - bis travels, he had seen as littl" paint used here as any 'h it he had been, the orange cheek and th" whit*? nose so often seen at some places are seldom noticed here, lie, also, snid that the women of this sec tion were credited with we--ring i lie m»st decent dr-v that he had seen. A real man mu-t a souiui mind, because as a man th'iikelli. se is he. If he think- in term*- of honor ami truth then so will he I/*, hut *f his mind dwells on th" low. r thinp> ir. life so will bis dee«l> be. The fellow who goes arouid will I his pockets full of dirty literature car net be claused as a man He is only a dirty, iangeruu- animal and should be kept in a hog pen to dwell with brelhem The picture show, where practically nude people !,rt staged in ((uectionable performances, doe not help to produce real men, but movies J erase men who might do otherwi.-sc, to drink, gamble, murder, rob girls of their virtue, things that real men will not do. A man must work. No one respects laziness. Everyman should wrrk to build up the community :Jong those | lines which will produce mole peace .and prosperity They should work to ' remove those things which tend to ! hinder and hurt the morals, and fight Ito remove those Usele.-s habits that . , i I cause sach lau of time. No one can be called a man, who ' j has net first a conscience for God am) ■Jesus Christ. We should have a eon-| , science to vale right. *nd contend for these things that are right. There are some found who do tot like th Eigbteeath amendment;yel. it is th' law and will always be the hw of tl._- land. Men shoald have that high pur pue that makes them sirve God and I die before deserting His cause, aid jotizeus should be willing to back •faen in the execution of their dn- I A man cannot be called a man un leas he is the bead of the family and |«*epeHy rales the home, yet few an t'oing it, the wife, the son or the ■itlighter is taa often running the One af the greatest defer* of th? ' present day man is his lack of cour -1 age. Sa Many men are ashamed to (had ay aad proclaim their religion, • their CMatJaaity. The kind mi feilaw that Jeremiah was leaking far in the streets of IJeraaeiaas ia hard to And even in this day. Yet that ia the kind of ' IMa that hath Gad ud aea admire. Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. September !("». H»2l MEN S FEDERATION TO HOLD PRAYER MKKTiNOS EACH MORNING AT O t UK h i - Under the leadership of Vl*. E. Duke Critcher, the Men's F«>ientk»i of thi.; county which was recently er ganizsd, will begin to hold prayct meetings each morning r.i > ;,« h some business etabli-Umcat in tlv center of town. In his announcements tht n:or !.** Kvangelist Leaman statetl that the l men of many big citie-s. I»ui | ham. Raleig!i, New Bern. l".o!d-b.»r. .1 were holding these daily prayer J meetings in their stores. Mr. Leamir said, "I ain sorry for the Ku -re man who caiin->' devote thirty rt.r utes each day in prayer." The place of meeting for the to morrow niornintr'.; prayer uieKirr has not yei l»*en iioci»(e.i un>.> t»u' will In* announced at the srrricw- thi-. evening. NASSKrs DKI'AKTMKNT STORK w h I. ii v\ k ihii : \i: m:\T i KI«; The N'as-« f l)epartn»ent S >r»- will run the first "dollar day" that V. »>- liamston has ever r;"i nr\t KrfLi The firm will have some \ory strikim Icirjtains itnd on that >iay one .t«.!l.*r will buy nearly tw'ce as mucl-. a- ill will on the everyday seal*. 'lhe management of t>*e wishes to announce that it ». - ** l rre;it i|uantities of new re*-- since "he opening about »r k ago, and there will he crnt kirrr.!- :«> lie found in every j»*ie A great crowd i.- *-\[ket> t i. at tend this dollar day. for Mr N_t>.-. f |>r«mi4ei~to make '.his one of the best shopping day s for the of th .•action that they hav-* *v» r r*n. For tho-c who are not very fi I miliar with, dollar days, we ajx t • them to visit th? Na.-.ef IV.par'ment S*« re Friday. It will l>e fntyml £n every 'detail. SPKCIAL INDl'f F.MF\TS. MIXHKKSHII' t \MFtfi.\ I stimulate Interes-t ii the | t i i | Mctioi. wide mem-«» htp I paign of ihe Kastern Carolina t biu | ber of Commerce the week of «>rt j >th the following priz - hat« Irfe- I Minounc-vl by Chairman F»lis liar*» y. j jr. The county that r«-p->rt> it.- i_, I raise«l first on the morning of ■H ! I »«th. will l>e given a full p. ge Ad »r. h«- Manufacturer- Feoul. free. '« the first town of le. than I IN*, pupu l;*tion raises the largest -ra sunt. If I capita, population, wll t» *.w - a full page Ail. in the Manufk.'t'! Record, free; and 'o the ef nior** thi.ii I.INHI p«.pul:-t : «,a. t. -*» —. -% the lirge."* amnU'ii p»-r capita. "«i!l b given a full p:ige Ad. ia the Manufac turers Record. Ihi.- in th r.|: r * *- i f the committee, will s-rte '•» *i«t" in the rar.i|Kilgn. AH the town.- ar-l countie. |,>>ki'n' for .-•(\. »t» «•».-. and thi« will mak> ft p«> t>4. f w r those towns and counties to "f real gooil advertisin r free. Chairman Harvey and ti.e leering committee are very much I will, th-* responses thai are raping irum all over the district in the inSere-t of this campaign. "We want the fieopi. to think of their own campaign." -sfeid Chairman Harvey. Ill* ,-logai. "Ho it for Eastern Caroliin"' L- its way to undertake thi.- tfc.-k° be con tinueil. W. It. Harvey, Chairman of' the publicity end of the campiigi. j is keeping the public inform—l -j tr.| all details incident to this c^mfdV;i I There are about seventy new paper-! c*n the mailing list and they ar• be j ing supplied with the data. Jul* K J Warren, prominent of Trenton ami. • Chairman of the Speakers' Bureau Ssj going to launch an active .-peeking I campaign, beginning the week of) Sept. lHth that will rival the election promoter- that are mmk M - ] ing f jrth over the country. Everything] points to a real successful campu»-i.. | Mrs. F. I'. IJarnes anal x.n. Mr , Francis Karnes have retort-d frunJ Pocomoke City, Maryhml, vjer lhe« : visited relatives for the per two' months. Messrs. leaman ami Co-toe lr spending the afternoon ia , Mr.;. Fannie Carstarphen i; tb-t- J ing her brother, Mr. Watt - M-.rtL-j in Norfolk this we^k Mr. W. T. Culpepper rid Mr. jr>! Mrs. Hell of Elizabeth C*»r were i-» 'own Sunday. Messrs Colrepner an i Hell returned yesterday but Mr- Be!! will rperd several days in town open ing the books for the Culpe pp r Hard ware Company of this city. Mrs. J. C. Coston aad lit'le soa Miss Manol&h Pittfllo of Her.dMrsaa ville arrived Friday to spewd the week end with Mr. Castoa who ia chorister for the leuus Evaagelwtir P*rty. They returned yrsteiday la their home. I PREPARATIONS BEING MADE FOR ROANOKE FAIR Many Premiums io i*c (■iven Away This Year J-'im*rs everywhere are rnakllie .-ita pts partion* for tho Ko:tn. k lair «rhid> L- only one nK>n*h of* « pip-. art- being placi in pen.- awl fattened for the exhibits i in! im-luif exhibit ;irc being as niil-Vvi anii pr-pui« .i for th" «ro.'!e>: "air 1-1 these parts, Th« K> a:u>ke Fair valuable pixniium- will b-* nver aray this year. Kv«i more *h_~-i *• i«- given last year and the nutnaure -1 vri promise- _Jjlhave .the. w re.-uiy for .tie »" :er- when they g. hnmc he !.-! ta\ of the fair. If y .«u have not rec-'iv.vt pr« m»t'r - J > «*k write M-. It M l\ m_"> Koa« ke Fa r A»so k.i,oi- K.*k M.-uiuy j.ri.l lie will el ,ti> . ,t »,> u .*• 2k or no Iwuk I" wu «va-.t •.! * i a select a i".» • f .>f io. a few K«Hsi t 'k ■ Hvi. o* s..\ k n.l of con or »ri»ltve ""a; y«»u may have n; ' w.'-lch *..u iNnk to I*- above 'lie .ivrrai e n>| !. v them exhibit. !"»»*p-n- o brim; :!(•• I. l- to , • >1 >. --o that !»!■• i-i -(.» s.— •>!»e f -Kt rf.ite;* f:>i' »v l 1 V > psr !of th* country }«»! \»# H II I I \MSI»»N I!t|> I Kit Vis To SI I IM H»K vn isTK> I - Mr. IVrley IVrrv 1 f' !a f week f..f ! "«n v.ll-, Kentucky » Si.*rv be will «s!«-r college f»,r y-:sr Mr |VrT> will ~ t ,i\ f„ r t ' ■■nislrx in tlie I'le-by't ri.-n ehurrh -iwi w II (MNflptc his oil. v cur- • before enter>nit a the 'logic"! ch. ol He the fir-t young man of Wi»liarn t *" n *• * ik«- up the m I'st.j- for ntai v year* -sad h- is sefii'i r. wrihv ex j-eip 1 ! 0* \"r> of th» own* "*■ ha mrtny frj-ni' relative h.-ie »l«. will l» interest in hi., .work tlw -evei | ye;'r> .f tody • lit will t«- re« ( uir il to finish hi: pre Jp >a* ion Ml VTINC LAWS OF IIIKTIF ( o| \T> F«r the benefit of t lose who »» h u. tanl in IW-riK county ami atol* b% ttje laws of that r .unty, we » |i itin«r le*low the ianie atnl I'th • -•* as by Itertie "fbe »r al «teo.- are verv •litferent from !*«■ * of our own county. Tl.«- x)u>r i-l wsmni in Murtin c>>unty openinc first uf this moil'h when in lt« rti# it du-s (1* Ix't;in until Nnvcntlx r t»r !. \ irowi man) hunters have/ Ku'ftnl i - . .rb -err s the river for the p>~; *«- k m sinc« tie- •■peninv of the s»a «n nin coin ty liec .u>«' th-* > J»w l kitow that there wer° 1 fferenl in the t*i (..unties, ! Ner ma> taken from «>et«ber I ! *. to January I N'o one cas. kit! lir-'ie t» :«n five s4|uii i> l in one -ert-ori S,»U'Tel.v from \o\ einlier 1. t to IK'fcnt n Ist. Xo one can killyiC.i»- JitMj si* in e:.r day. NiWttU, in any numlter, from I•Vf to March Ist. I V|wail from November 1.-' to tl. jSr I tey of -February. Wild tui k y. j -n« Xo one can kill more itan I« M :uik-ys in one eason; n-»r moe Jtlof 12 «|U'til> in one iay. I Xo |*-r«iii can from af.y stream sby ■>> of or mean- of any wire trap, jpyke aet or frill net, except fr .m a»>t lirHvi i»r tli Is* «lay . f Itir nits r" '• |t.V iiith iay of March, sny • p re*., iima.ii pe-ch, iwl tbn»ls, ye!- b.w »r other peich, or any sun fi-h -.r-i tkass of all kunls. T>' ilmve wa- tak *"* from the l*ub lie Lm.! Laxrs « f I'Jit. applies. >o li i for»l iwi Chow-Mi, :iml went into -ff-rt 2iel. 1523. _ Jxtll I.AVII NKt'K I'AI'KK CELKBRATKB ITS I2\l» HIKTHItAV j The Scfttlaf i! N» rk '-itnni*»nw a!»b JcvletMaU-ti it-= 42mi lerthilay, Septnn iVr 12, «ri*li h twenty-four pujre ! « A i e* is a ftfit credit to itself awl r cuauit*. ; its pjire- show up ml rrfleet f**o». riij', the it,!*"**: t» lif Ha!i '-.x coaaty as well as the honw town t-f the p.-per. Sen' Kid N'eck. Wr (»a*j itujste Th - ('. ii fftMiw.-rl'li ca itj achi.*v»nr»"it' nrd wL 5» for ;t a wit success in tb frtar* I Jlr. Gi*Hf- Baker «f Dunn spent the wefk en.l in the city ->tten.iinr the Leunan-Coston meeting. WhO bere be was the ruest cf hi» »ttrr, Mrs. J. W. Andtr on and Mr. Aa dtDM at their home on SimmoMS «w- ALL Sit»KKS IN ItlrtN t i.x»- l\l. .4MIKS i t KiNt. » Hi. MIKXKLS %»' fA»KK\,\tLK I' w \i the vf ii~,- ,i~ «• * -~-f. w>-;. j_. bein I; !■ o. V. i i'. tl:.- m„. a": in.. :> of tr* ..u ns?n a r »3 jctite» »i«:i in cl.», -t: cir j»,ace> of ba ino. - ai. ortH» !>,« trr. ur.iil -h-'.en :or »i ■ i. iir li -... -«■»>-. j:i.i oiivr. Itesfal: followm*. . t - !:•»•:! f*ot>ifp> UU*tl r.ovk every v bu-:r.*- a!>t elboe in .hp c*:- i i tire town i«» --» iiinnf ?'• -oi;i . j 1 th» n: «-:. i:., -erv ice-. Th: partjcvlar ii-iotH-.'M : . ;;j-.-.r-. fmm ;tn u- -.'.1.- t 'I n, ;»ll "Ifc- ie*-i4i i.f th#* towr uj> ir a „ « -k that w ;!! help to in. k the u.- j' s '* -e- ai«i saf« r t«» !i\ in ir-i to .to ' - in h m:.rk • r r r ve-—ac- f.-r tie I „.r»i\« c « k \o na- r»n pjo j»>r witli-j of l.'ni \n! t w :1 ' • t'ws t-- lnwv! :.>i - r\ •• llifo. it,* le.s-t. pjjee- h«n-e!f in «•) tbat i- rfqiiirsi b« hi- V|. k t , , ,[ nl- „ ',.-c • { s , that ;i]■ ~K v rt.' :»» , Ti re i- Mh.rr 1' v ■'! 4 U . o *n.i ..a 1„ (t- ;• „v fc' ( !•> fit:-!. I'-js t'ey are e„ u . t t th- ilV> n \ |>\ w :| ? -,*.■• f ith jlhry-> or,. .lU-i-t -w w'net- » :b" «• .« ;!l i«- • . t .. , r ~, t (.v i s rv „• ( jt.» • -la • • , t -.»!., . V - r tl I, :., x I , [- ' r "til f»r .1 f U felli f • v •»"! -.M,S| f.JI .Y. . UJ- 'I 'mis -, lunii - r , . • I tv,-.- A!- I ■■ jtM rcrts!- ,!4 eCV-t. t.-. , , |Kei .turn ~ , | momine ar-' --- ; • t ......... I l fi c! If * * . ~ i.. . ~y r-.;. t. ! t. • |» 1? r,. T v. I !>;» CUPim.lvi, f- rt> , ! I! w tj , -|ch»..l l»l l l«;uin\- rmiM «i* |.mii; \M» II \Mil "TiiN TO \T tfvii tiFinivr. t\ , ini|i> [ . «■«-..»»!.» jr a.ITK.UIW 'OM I t ,s-I. k o. ,f , t- JT , V.,| „ r ... ,j Iff.-™ «-U" n-ieihi.Hn- tA, 11 ~ y « ? V-st t». -n .r. t tb.- --b. r I zbtn-vhA J \ the «i» .m U i.UI cn-«n»" I« ii v ?il 4i«»l!i« r I ■: *i|| .j ;«»•».-»rw t JlS'ti Sl I i X !»••* 4•*1I •. • ' \ || t |c*'i.-Ifc«BUt f» «it s«» (hr 'Uk'it«*u. 1 * rt - t % r» \%ll«l UIIJ. Id !|||. Ivifv i i tri -lit x i . Ae tjke n' i-tsr. .I. .ii'i!..uii*uiif ';thi*t ?-S} cf «*it • or ik-> ' jca-» -erure ± «..I pumpb'»t. fttl (of fjn: arxl p.ti t. ifie~ 'j«f cilice, t»> «-ietin" li '} tl«eief.-i. : cent- in Un ir. tt. l» I ifl M«l t"u«.|Mfll h |r|. I V . V. --.. h- -tij. I• i t. i, „ Mpcrfy rarrwsl • ne' . ' Ithe- !„-• !i !"«. ulent-u .1. „ . It {rue l!r >lutilni , t ■ n I I . pii.te ii. I"• 11?. for H I «•!>. Ilfp. ,•[ jkuo-m lt, I'r *» # ' " v iv.-; an.l T.M I: ' I |Mi»Mar;-o. *mi il-e >itu e.i I Il.i'r- O.IMP A fii '.t i • it I- I . —«t J AI-O tl -p. .«t , . .4. . f IMlfi . .• £•* ■» ( It -how- mi.Hh -* . | |i»;«il*- •, |ui * \ 3i,| nr.nt .1 nvratir lin ISt.*, m>.re than m'Up'i '«• i|err Jltevis. and ISrya. | LIJI'INIIM %|. STtll'M KKi; %.N Mm n' _ ,1 * FW IJ^IMX ij|-sJi.ri> /.ii. »'»«! ,Ji«» -.luait t silve o'r" ek Sur'f iy >•> l»- CnstikM4 :» » .u-.i V«b). 1 »'• • t' . ram fi»fl» te iw.r'J* t-. ;>T.n.|i. .n>: )l b> jst-l e»»ai- }, li-wr *o ft'lioi-* u tbat fall > appro;.c)iii,i., -t-irt«-«l lh> , ?t« nr. «ff »i«t ci.ii> im( > >.. i a ' a k I-.i"j-l.t mV ni„ - u. .whlx - «" >p a:»l curt- if nu k'- fi. .. ?» • { rk lit,; .■ r ii.:i' j.' • • F.i ii*. -I».r.- wh*-rr th-y w!l atte>. i f I the Xtth Candiri i' '}.ll'^«u'i»riß* Iths cauk; year. MrTTf ! lr'- thi ir r- k u. f«r tie I u>.t : -'i- ! !• :! t i ' ee» '|»- wJi ■ Ur a- a fr> -to ... j! M'. «s- J J K«L,w cwi H. H |R- fce»r -»- of t irlfir.s *..»wr> ■•••» w. r » ye>-t*f>ilr! nor it p f-" . | - L:WI W '.lle n | Mr. ami Mr-, fv. S, r i lil'le dj-siet-*- r. IV : y Mrnni;.:' : r jrt . e«| Ser-lay cve&'nir fmtß kic' nt »l Mk vi it Mr.-. Liwwhk!» ficrer • Mr jarJ Mr «l C Mr. laa |mt« l-ft J»-Ui4?v for i*.-:lei,-h t|w'»!t he will -pei«i a few day- and t Mare tV latl' r prjit of th* week. -»! Hca S. J Emrtt of Creenrtlle is r, itteWire e«rt here this w-ek. i* Mr. Mrrt Everett of Pi!siyrn n s in t«n yeitrrday itiuidu to ba-i ■w*- * ir.-~» jSt/I'EKIOktWRi i ! IN SESSION HivKE THIS WEEK W. A. I levin, oi Oxiord I resid ■ I ink" i Sujvrivr court of M. n.ii -«>un > f a; I* o* «.!«* *,sh jw.l*.- »\ \ iv\,„ ♦.'\fwni. (■?*- .fin* ar»i S..|.v.t -r IV.?. .» ; la lIuRI *«f | «*?:- • .N? Rf- • inu tl-« :y |»t ( ■ "Pi • tin' ."Ij:; *, > : C»«Ur» ,J. iH. \ \iT •. '• t v* '• r. us!\ • viir»N cowur: foi iw t:nv • * «*■ 1 - A *.i> —i- cauw Misa: Us liw rut ;n., | \ * « V, I ,■ j ? , f>. M. > - :l .»»* »«ui S'j» ,ii » • r »r. «* ".* ;i• *. i Mi. S s »4 nb » t« : »? ;i!i t:* **UT Ca> i- ! v i« k Jutf I* \ M i-o i» «»! - ~f 1 If f *; - . J . - », s th— «-i ;•».* -, , »t. •- -nwt tm T ch.-*.v* *«' » •» ji*f> .v%rr?S « i «%>j.i r. UV f*t --** U|» t f vafii ? 1 i- U »> tlr.i« :v l n; !"ft r\ *f. «• r-«' cvn. '* *«»'W F'v Hz - ■ * St.* «* \- : #j". w-Ho * - i »ah X.'. j .! *,. r _S*fi - • - T f-i . - ,4. i *- 'l\ ■ w.t •)•;**■ .«••»> . »-i , t t: >r\l f.. »-t 11.-- ■* IV • 5 U r n. .j.-fo. .... I. i: \l. *" —; —t ? —!■ r •>. ' — ■ I v»-. f*x y ? i 'h* !•' - «*a f mr th it• : r court !' . >.♦ , •• v r«*»w| M»a\ H»f. A i JiN* Jinlfe. ' I r fK'\* r -.. ,• ... _>• .* • \ \\ • •«, * j', i . . ra «• |it,- k t' -11 t* ,v f|? "* « .•' » «*r m rtui T t! •v . h j\ •' * . If • at* i ' a.l? *> - * V ■ «T-* * ;i ri» i»r» I** fa in >s*r i 4, *lv f l -**# t- l!|. ..S» \ - J I'M- .fj.: I |L • 1 ff. - I* |ns> Ihf i»f.« *»'.!♦- $-"» i» | |N> r IIM i(h fwt Utt > I I"*-.- ti>.l i Smj.' >«_ , i lK»\i ih |«f. : «/ r». i i. i»*f» rr r |«m ,ih to 9;« m* »♦**•? *hn I*. >1 r •, r », f-vf nr-ar S »f I i |»«" |V h i J n« rt.n I Mf "* lh%* IK % half Ir' ' t Hur> !o llir.r *-i* 1 f »|» j h\ c.t*« t Si . - k ..? n \ -z r«> 4 j> *!! >■ • I u| I VK. -> M V. •» i l> \ i lis |( J.* \ \ITKK UMVf o» !.•' i I MIS v Jlfts %* ..**> *f S-llf} |» I \ -J' i-«i •?» •{jr.ittf l» ■ |ii v I . ,i. 8 t. fir | , 5 ; ! v. U j f r ;i •• . ' I! - "*7. *4l f" 3!'«| |.>«-v5 r* . ! S m*-\ ■ ? : j Is* . a '•I *. - t- * -». i.v A a I » rr. K s-t r ■ i. r> - t . ft. . I. . ?i _. , tii.* *. . i •' \ . • \lv '* yt i. i juvriN*! of >• a# f «»f (. iii -'l ; - ' «'•«' *•». >! |*n*m citi ' j I 2 - r* - Mr I Kioi Smith ll«»*» J VV »C« f ifk v $* *-1 »*_«> - »»k lt»« fit) 1 ii*-> I* ft i*> nn*t(ir ?"•»» • rV,r Ikitif ihi •I* M: rtf-us .!i«f H«tMr i!iirt , (*A I* f" >• »Ir!*U> for wy oh fc t*-rr lb i «»ii »»1 i A l.«ti(ir «hf i «:y. « i • »l|r«p it « i annrf» !: r *4 ! /-> !tth *ltv jil k Hr*il If-- • I I II i#"f; J »\.l i'l.Jo*. I! S Km-t! ' '.'i t i!}, It \l .I f .£ 4 *. J 1 t Ji|» , I'hk r •. »> .V; . |« ... « .«a-i. I! k> V«« I t • j-; I .rimfn; K \\ V him a«i. | Vi -Alm . Oif !*•»«• j r| TaiiUfw. 'I >!fvK lifti. A. Il«*l«irrv.rtue-i I i*t- *f tkr « SUnlanl ] II (- !a rraisf* 0.»|MII), of Tarijor*;. :|;.M C. I», filr 1. ' the IrS+r-*, | ,f r I, I II li n t'iiminnj Tilth lx:U : u. i;t --* at R«tr Moui.t. r?of. »«J*ji ««l b> Mr II M»Ui uf WiS>u«i p:.^ 1 thru i i l . lli f Mr Jvf v • ..! (mU I'oiiit ».v --»r t« - :«• tw- w#f . I Js-'j* J.| C. SMiih of ki l> r-.. vilk : w- j fasa jcr ir Willum-lur. - r>w tvc«br l»2t i»Uiv is not i on Ik br rh tm> ipp- .rinr *# I ;".torwy in lir rwin Mr. If mil I'm) ira in town )** ■ Mv. __/'■* Mr Jim; E. Gvife left : BMT-.isr far ike I'mrrmky m ,HB »hn k «9 reniit ki» B. & ■ fegwe tkas jwr. >1 \KK *OI K PLANS TO BE IX \k iLLI XMSTON IH RIM; THE BOA \OKE I" \lli. JO-2ITII. i. : ESTABLISHED 1898 >il.\> i r.i»t.K \ i ION h vmii ii»\ mciooisi (.111 Hi H SI M> > , l'h. M-n - holtrj lor. «f c u.i j, *• lit to t.*iO M.-tcniirth il..iv..'.ti-.. »"•:>iuct -1 >n tr. |: r K«v K 11. «ti,. h4.L» a It -UrrVlcC' t fFY. i t r» «fr»' v. c~i > T *.'} fiv? member* :.'l h»v-*i liar :J. I*l'-' C SJfCtl a > tlOrU ls> fcir 'M t! „ •- T> 2- ' r?i. , i»_ * : c I, R i l*iitch r va« -vi* i ctr*i for ni»* j . hr Hh * ' >•»! tn f O'a' • I ilk" lit • i > . .? u. rv \ r; * » * i;iil l\ \ >VNI»u vii i «>i; run: \| iit\ r> ml ;i Kl,i_-» •4» u; i:\ tn »it k »v \i.v. \t** t ,•{ r. \ « . >- ,! V rt » .•* |*» *sf r l\ .VtHr >. ! I: rr> • i?\* if I* \f! A • . ;ir. « .n .il 1 .. "... • EaJ « i . ! K .if I if • k r a? * t : .t \ w. V*» "k - i «v . t*.. 4 . •»i . ,J,u S> v ' »•!* Tu* v* k * ■ r > •. ' "i l r» « *h *. • ! „k"" «p -r :h*r*. jr r x i lb+ r* . - ri> rn »rr*ft i a> T»m «' ac * t'*v * M-* r vul!"i n .(? inti ni » **r. th,;' [-»*• •*.. iv iii>r» *«> iv ' th -* if» s «' . - ... far *.«»■' In »« i»* ft *H* «. urop ™ c x " mti / • *\ n: x *•» v v \Kf x . |?| ti»> .» it k % •: wit • % •••!*» 4 S Th*"*" * i*»\ r *r* ii *ii*" s * v. »ft'l t «"i\ * ** i « i « ; • s * t J i-o;r»» ♦* *"-* r%. * -.r t* *i 1 ty . • ' * , - . to c,t • • ~- . . ~. .£*. i §•* I).} i»* .• * • r»-!i • >kii vw j - *•* iatr•. *t * mu' Ft H t« lllikf * .* *' I 1 •• l« ir !«» '•» ft a>i IHI '-HI fw% "i * i. ict: »• .» > SW.«M \> «;in V fi! of J fruoi HthiW II j ; 1 i r i . l rr Ij! k-i-r U , iii! i ' l A tt m ..... i. £.-■ iv iv I. i t-!:il .«• a - ift mi 1.i1.-it \i r Wri.'ht .f.i tfc. • •■•"al fi„- fa. -'it .! -l ll lt»«l to r-*ib I- ' !hc IVli.- Jul'j V. ritht H-m. r s .vMj'.hsji ■ Kuml 1 . "ti Wr tll«-r«*. f«r h* (uf)*.-* of I'l'M ». r ,|i¥ ; irl- lhtt.u£»h tf#ir itßm" r. u> T' ■ r. 1 fr«»n« '.(!•' i> «•!• n> -. »'«). trill ..rtwunt to afmi". jl »>»• 3 . ,-.,r * >l| I* u for f.ill ..i Kirtiil -f!..4:tr-li t>> i*»rl» w 't.i i #*,j if; irt-|!Utif t 1 Ml \ II: ■ ' u!s.. f-:..1.|i 1..! t»> 4l An*ft tTiitin .■( !■ i■ o »l >«tcr. "I !•,•■!..• J-jli.i V. r..-h:. »k» ■!- j l.*lt-itlc>t |ki|iuLi nwmi»( of *lw C«—- ! iM." at l.- k* l> Kit. II til Kl. «»! ST *IE I \IK ICai :i'! —lVjiiu:.. |« |i oPI -f.l i l«»r »i\t) t'.rt* j vr» llifc* ..uri- lw»\«-l |J:>*a tii! ( ..iUal I'-it M >'.u'.* :. .I \r , ;'.'i»ftf' i ßifrt .f Ihr iSoH-»r. -n ■•r. iii' f to . bri'H; a j*i«l bmarfc of .•.ix 1-. I.h IV,' ii «»rt«4>-r. I . ck ill U:- >t)> s'kli I; l»» f' r nirtt tr-»/»l?.f ih4ii if*-- ru«etn r.» v i?".- . . i. n' «ja «' t of Ul* Jl. till •till- I'j> Mm i.u.» j that jf ff ij&t »t!l rakf Tt7 .iT mj beio in Oriul r bj Ml*- r-.-l.Lr, n .;k i. .• ,lhe (nil in a. uaaf I. E. a- it u. M la t'Jke ls«r 4«ys of raring will be • . f»i by K S(»nrfr Hairis -ml llr. J. K R>ii'rs, two racing wubniirts .. e>u l' i ■ ?akti mfr *kt itfrfiitap- _ '.«y of 'bt fwaU Two ftl3.-, iw .■ff.w.l f«r Twsd.y. M. for it* Ul tiat anl the 2:11 put, ~r"*B~ on fo'k.winr Ha> if t*a KckiitJ «> liar- w>l! hf put ap for tbr *:ll trul, lh* 230 parr ami th ?:11 tiwC. Hn,*baV kippuirMK wcth tea iif frryii fVK t.- is jfu npr *0 funisk taaw »klitiaul -bill iiitK ri— lli aaa4 wpt »ilkrr> mpplyiwg s fear tjtn. Mriidiiur to the lain aiiaMil. kat abo * raaafli.lL aaaaat lanrtbar tmlmi t* tke State fw merit of show* for the »Uny Al «* assured hy tkaat ir cku|» tiht they nay eqwt a fair with plorty «l thrflU aO the way thnagh.

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