N'fc • * PtKTAKK AM EXHIBIT FOB THE ROANOKE FA IK. WILUAMSTON. N- CL—-4 BK DATS SBK NIGHTS VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 63 FOURTH WEEK OF REVIVAL ENDS NEXT SUNDAY Good Derived Very Out standing in Many Respects Tha* Mrb the fwtk mk •f the j LeuauhCwtM revival aad amrii«! to statmenb ■■ If bjr Mr. Uubb the party «il remain here for at least another week. At oar of his services. Mr. Iwm stated that the revival waaH dot when the people W the team were in a better position to Met their God. Mr. I mimi stated ia his last night"* MM that the work of Gad had jest •MMMtd m wr town, that the g.ll —I had heea prepared and that Mae real work of God aaelil he ar- The g»H detieed from the aMts* tha* far ia very ortitimlin ia man\ res porta. The Saday ochaolo have! realised aa imiajf a attendance af J ■ near M per fi.it ia war ew* while it has increased pnit; hi all. Two Christian federotaoeis have been form ed. ear by the men and au by the ladies of the town. There is to hi an other federation formed and will b~ among the yoaang Indies of the tow*, j The exact tiatuhr r let has hrei> lata ed to Gad is not known at present I hat it is certain that it wfl be several handled. While throe may be the oat staadiag faatarw of U; awting lhu» far. the pal does not stop there bat where good was unknown before Sanday aftetnooa Mr. anil pmfc to meaaea only. Tha wiiu will he held at three o'clock in the afternoon and every woau that can! paasaMy attend is arced to do so. Par the men a meeemg will bej teld Saaday afternoon also, hat aot j at the taheraade. TV plare of thej meeting will he aaaaareil later by I' Mr. Lea man The attendance apaa the meeting caring the early part of the aeeek was Urge when the caaddma of the wea ther la taken into ranrideratiaa Shier the bad father, the attendance has gradaaDy jarreaaed. and last Bight The liiihante of the tewa are ( ,dnhf they stores and are rtteadnag ( aehaal attended yeteaday and this , ma re rag ha a body and Mr. Lraaaan spake to them this aaoraiag. Wahtaky aaimine's service at the , tabernacle was enjoyed hp ail pwaeat. I the aeraaoa praaehad that maramg , oa the "Jmtgwiati" was one of the meat interest lag that bas been heard , da nag the entire aeeta«. *" The Evaagvlin said that the pre- J where aH people, gr-at and muil. ' > Rfeed and bad. waaid came together to J he graded oat, same to the right and . asm to the left, was an error. Bat tkencare far different judgments and whaa aa mdii ideal has obeyed Christ, there wdl then be na mare naiiw ( natiaa and every am wfll he forgiven, ( tod. WmW —— ■ ' The aacaaad jailgmeat wdl he oaly ' for the parput of rewarding 'he he- ' W. - J » » n- -aa a. _■ nilOf MM iHJ IM.IMIII I vw wt Jalgrl The arte af charity doae to help the pear, the chareh work, and of Jan hy the helaevera wdl he the •aly oaes courted The af mi ' bona to feed the poor aalgpa given in ! the name af the Lard wdl cant far The thkd jaiglaiiat efl he at the caaaes to Jadge the antiaaa. Pint his jadgmta* wil he af the mfata aad then the aaarts wfl attend him ia the fadgmraf and aaaay people wdl he left The fawrth ja tgm tml wM ady he . far ahmen. aad wdl he far these ■ho are then dead and amy die there - fore the Great White Tbiaaa. aaaee thaa a thaaaeal years after the al ike fifth jaigWFl wdl «aly dad with the fanita af the Cfefatmar ly kaowa aa the aiilh jndgm*aat, far ** * "Jtikt af which he kaaw nath dH »*—*• -55 the faeeat aad * Sb' jWlritik"' i ifrflti" -aitsrtl iaaragfmgfr miti THE ENTERPRISE WOMAN'S FEDERATION FORMED j Forty Members Enrolled At Meeting Yester day Afternoon ' Waaaan'a Feed ration wa. organized | yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wheeler MaLrtin on Main stree*. There were aboat forty members en rolled and there are many more who express their desire to join. Rev. Leaman of the Evangelistic party presided over the meeting ami helped the ladies to complete their organization details Mrs. Wheeler hiartin was elected president. Mrs. J. j 1- Kodgeraaa. vice president and Mrs. J. W. Watt*, jr . secretary and trea aier. Mr. Lraman explained the mission j of the *© the women, giv- ' tag them *he duties of al! members of ja Chratiaa Women", Federation. The> jare to go oat «.m>ng the people of the town and county and letf'ify for Christ and to help save tha last. The organization wW hold thr.«e me>t mgs duriag the nraaainder of this week and the next and as long as the re vival meeting last. During thai time | the meetings will be held in private I h-mea. bat other plans will br mad { jto carry on the work af'er the af the revival. ' , The Men a Pederatian was formed ! seversi weeks ago and this org. niza *" daiag jphialid work, the mem h®»» alraady having eoa>la»rted a serv ice aat af town. There is yet to k> ano'her feder i tioa forme-1 arhirh will be rmong tlw >"*"ag ladies of the town. When this |«-ae is organic -d it will bring the . total to "hree and ti>e work from these jtfcioe organizations is expected to b. of great benefit to this community TUBERCULOSIS SEALS SALE TO START IN NOV. Mrs Luke Lamb To Be in Charge of Sale Here The anaaal sale of Tuberculosis Christmas Seal* held in William-tori he conducted by Mr, ljimb *h*s f"»r Mrs. Ijimii has been in te»*»-:od ia local enterprises for civic repß«en*ative of the Sta'.e TaUrru '•"* I' aerialiaa. pupates to launch aa i-teidre aale of Seak in this oaaama irty ad .laahle or triple the retams of last year. The local benefit deriv.d from a largv sale u The sale is planned aad canirolled by a .-tale ar farril on that operates on a "for the people, hy the people, aad of the peoph" hash. Evory citizen ftmiliar wrth the work of th? North Carolina Thharcalasts Association is cognizant cf the fact that for every dollar paid cat for scads, seventy five cents is r» tehwd ia the city for use in preven tive luh.iculu.ii work, twenty-five caats gotnr back to the State aad Satiaca lAssociatioas for opmtiar t-ipemei The sigmficanrr of that ataumeat cannot be overlooked. It ■team that prevention aad regiment of tabercaltteis ia provided for the catiarn af thia town who has .tiamll |cr aa faads without pauperizing him; it rJßawi far the or part ■a h 'manor of his family while h? regaias his health Briefly, it helps bauld up a healthy dtiur>kip Mrv Lamh, und-r orders from the A aaaciataoa nfirri has all plans form adrted to place the aeaL. on th mar-. ket aa Thaakagiving Day. They will rramie an sale until Dacemhc-r 2Uh CHURCH OF THE ADVENT ■ev. Clara ma O. Pardo. > act or Charrh aehaal. »:45 a. m Holy ( oumawaiar aad sermoa, 1140 a. m Aayhady cardially ravitod. The preacher rampaM il the bKi af the faeuat to the pea pit af the aarth. Three are high trees aad there are aad pewad peaplc who ataad head their fdlow nun, there are green trees aad there are people Mvhg life to its at meal, aad. aa there we Warty tree* that are aap pad k* the Hill wa, there are My«d weak people arhoae atreagth k aappad hy than wha are atreager thaa they an. It waa thia type af Urn wdl h* oak al their roots aad thewwa m the fee. tiiim fTririM'TiiMrtiiiiMiiriißii Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. September 19. 11*24. MOONSHINE i REVIEW OF » LAST WEEK I Officers Busy In Many Sections of 'I he County llooushinißg ia MarUn cwm:y as r»v*ewe« for oar week is an every day :Hair a!m»t Frv- out of «rre.i days proved to br ba. y ones for the . rrvenae oficen. The wvirw follows: ) Moaby moramg. lA-pwty Sheriff J. K. llaxniag Ami llaov Jons> caughi f *tdl .it Fraaklin \ fk. aesf Dar der-s. With the stdl !Vy czp ami five gallor>~of whisky ami a large qiunti »ty of beer. The operators ran a-nl 'tetpwl capture. Wednesday. Itrvenae £gmts Harris and Holly accompanied by Sheriff • EVhersj'. rt ited Crasf Kavt- -.oarn ' ship ami in that variaiity ihey captur ed .t steam plant. M gallor> of beer 'and ether aaitiVu a»>d by th - moon shims. This oatfi: wa- cold and >Jwv ed no signs of havmc been opcrtnl in thr part few days- Thursday the iae o*r|» of dhers. accomp...iaed by Ikepaties J K. Mm ning and Claade Janrs vrct down "o visit the Prre Union -ectn>*. At (his place they foand tm stills, j whicL captured with *ver» j barrels of krer. Seversl oltrr plao-> ' were visited wSere they found stdl j ,m«i 3.2*4* ■rJ!ot»- of Jirrr TH* > per I . tor- w»ir ait prv.e-" at any of the rffflla _ cawraryd. Friday. J R Maar-ng *,A Clawle Jones npttml a stdl nar '.he Grim place Th»> still aas ii". oper • tior and bodmg hot. in fact i'. was j> extremely hut that thr cap tdow ••I off just as thr' oAn r~ approaHv»l thr .-cene Samael Modlin w-as operat ing*" the still. The b*er ami .* all w-re takea. -ml Mi Modba will apru be fore Rrcordr; Smith here at an early date Saturday mwrnutg. Sheriff Kohrrson ; nd J. K. Maaase« with Agent H_ms. made a aeai.'d * rip to *he Kr • I iiioi: district And faand a rll aad eight harreb of beer. No «*»e aras pm-.-ent ml the imlicataons were that tne -till luul not Wii (fnato! in -everal •lay*. REVIVAL SERVICES AT EVERETTS Meeting Conduct ed by Rev. Yearby of Tarboro The Ever-tls Baptist Church start ed its arriaja af reara.nl service* last Fr:«ls) night T\e pi lot of the titurch tpened the meetmg ml run ducted the services uatd Morda) light when he was ralaevrd hy Mr Vearh>. pastor of thr Ksr*~ |:-pt-t (Tnarch of Tarboro. Mr. Yearby daliaaiad a very strong and forceful seraooa MowUi light, using the following t-at fcr his ser mon, "If My People that are rilled b) M> Name, wdl Humtd« Them selves, aad Pray, aad Thra fnm Their Wicfcedaesa. I wil Hear from Heaven. I will forgive yoau Sans ad 1 wdl Heal Your Ijxah - In iic fcr-t imaaa fc.- aude an n t J-in .tron aa to the type of .evival he wished to see ia this ate ting. aiM that was aa aid 'me, Hraven horn, God sent revival His > itomi aras baol oa baaaddy aa. I pMetod oaat the rea.ioar we akaald hauihlr •atidi»> "Wr aaust humble aardars, becaee God can t a» a pecad pbsua. God tells aria has word that aiot i*-r humbles himieW as a Utile tSukd, the aamt ia the greatest ia th sight af .God. We ihauld he haanble. for w • rre ia Gad's paei«e:e. We ihealJ rd.-o humble uaaaalut beraair are are de pendent apaa God far all 'hinga of life. If arc fad to haaable oanelve. Goil can aad amy haaable as ia a ways Saaaetiaaes M. may be hy death ar some derr ear to k in order *hat we aaay he haaahl d EVERETTS SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY The Everett, school opens i"s IMI 8 aro ion next Monday in at newly Mr. IL A Phdlip . priaripul of the ■rheal. that all arrange will be i for the npeniug neat Monday aaod tha* the math of the aehaal far thia iioiain paaaaim to be the heat yet Th» aehaal heUefaew has been car that it aa arfad to a very - troll kaviag atanm''heat. Brcry pagd m %rged to altead the - » I THE INTEREST OF THE TIDEWATER j The uwai %-* 1 cities. aa.cr !t rants in the tidewater country are greatly interested ia the state develop | rrent of Public Part Terminals atvl The State Caaamii aion oa Ship an-i 1 Water Traasporatiaß sent eat ipaes | i tionnaires to tke various Tidematei towns, calling far mforanataor. ahmii ■ > ihe State Port Terminals that nugh; be e>"ahltshe>l ia ration places. Xine\ responses were nemo! a# follows: K i:\etteville. Wdmmgt- _ South port. Morehead City. Benufort. Cape Look '• uut. Xew He tru Maae* and M inM i The irfjirtnatwa furrby these, places appears on page- I! of thej ('• mraLsiri'« Report Ihe Report of the State Ship aad { * ater Transportation Commission j ft-tes that docks, wharves and land-1 ing places are avdahlr at swr 2$ or! 3D towns in the state.that the Com-j mis*doa has been erniered sites j through gifts at Soutt }».-•?_ WJming-1 t *n. New Item. Moev»«»i City, and I Manteo. and that other are promts**! ! It is not ;oo late Sot the u(»p> > 1 > lewater Couctry to ge« mto it*: game. If the Bdl now hef -e • e j pie for approval aa WnVt 4 car j nw, it will be the duti rf the Poit i 'l erminals an>l - j wissioa niraoi m the Ar. * » ] experienced, naprter: errfr■*■„* to sar.ej the avadable «tes_ locate the rablti- port- mi thr acvaa. -nn.* and r wer waters of ih «uv. id build '• terioiaal i.o .sin Both >Jie C«aaaii»«t Kfurt ar I 'St Aci to be approf- b; i«fml>> V« ;e f":ma the waoV 4 «ur Tide - ater t'jurtry If aay Tidewater tow or city i.Ui>e« a chanc- it ■nght M U» he to any nwiifferenre e tleir pa't. A* present sarh pw;> a* we have •ui tie i.iiaml waters ami .cv-an front •f the state are private!* owned an 1 '•>' ed They need to he state .»wn ed. i>uhlicly operated, and oprii on >i. i-iual fuotmg ta aH pnvare hnat line arhat.soever. There are C* poMir panrt terwuiul in 31 state* of thr lam. many ot m« st of them rreal#«l in the last 3 jears There is no uay to cwn'rxd rail rates except by water compitition. •*l*l there is no way to have freedom in water rate com pet nana except hj puldic port fardeirs open ami e«(ual j to the commerce of aff the ororld Private port t-toaalt are bailt to j create profits for private owners ' Public port teraamal. are hadt to dr velop eommunities ami state, apoai a haaiaeea bam The I pper as cer tainly aa the lower Tadrwater need public port terwail. "The right it free aaen is aa nprn ■ role, it seems as if anr stood an) looked with li>th« gaae. while our i. -.rhbors. after their wwnted aaaamer. ar- scramblmr for oar spod»~ -asl " r Joseph I Uwell ararl} a hwndred >' ars ago North Carolma is -tdl loakmg hut -'e is no longer lutlew DURHAM COUNTY BUILDING $114,000 COUNTY HOME Ifcirham county _s haddmr a coun ty (»*» m» that wdl cart tllljM whea. it is cumpletesl. It wdl be located anlv two miles from th- nty af Dwrnam on the Roahoro roadL I" wdl to one of the fiu-st heme J. ia the a&tte wter. it '% finished and the cwaaty of Itor ham should be proml mt prwvadmg such a home for its aged, who are poverty stricken aad hoaehs. Ilurham raaaty as cVhg ar. «sam fde ia the huildmr of thia hooar Uut many other mall's *1 oar fan state, might pattern after, mm* would cer Umly aay. who bad teta nut af the county liaart ia oar ectiaa. Ihirham raaaty, thoaogh a small cronty ia a very rath oae, aad can af ford to spend over a kaadhid thoas .aad. far the laadait af ito paar aaad while few other cooatarrs are ahle to "Pend thia aaarh. they are ahle to have mack better oaea tkaa they now hame. Take oar am cwaaty haaae it ia not as fwad as oar pa a i piiau county can afford aad this fact ia m»erally ciare It I by the nwt con wriajte af aar cenras. We anul that ws. the people of Martin eaaity. get bay aad badd a Surely we aa do tha if the people of Durham county cno ball awe thm costs lII4JM TAL STEALS "Oa the day of thy hirtk thaa didat weep, aad thaae abaat thae were clad. Oa the day a# thy death, thaa wflt Kaaw thea. thaa wdt oae day he beta HaTi>r latiba'-Td. .. , ; ■ - . , " 'a . CRIMINAL DOCKLI - COMPLETED YESTERDAY ■ - ! Many Road Sentences Meted Out By Judge Devin 'cRIMIMXAL DOCKET OK SI P Co| | The criminal .fccke ->f the Super ST C'jurt was complet.-d yesterda;' at | ; aaoa. T'.ie dock-t was ui thai I thrre were so tew ii> 4 u >r =n.l assault I |e--ses calhsi Practicallv ail the time was taken up! m tase> of theft " here being few ca-e-j Ic*--cs of fighting a;«i so n ay cas»s-| , f theft, it w»ul! UKlicate that -amei folks are geUing too lary to fietit or! #to work ar-i are -tealitig a in l I stead Th- following,; tlrij w oi-p,. ,-! !of since the last issue of this )uper | State vs Stephen Statou. ji in J which citse S'.aton wa- chaifni wit! j hou-e breakire an.i hrr-n; Staton (was fiturvi t-uil-v aid ws sente-ce.: jto the State roen- f«r no; l» -. :ha:s three nor m. re than fiv,- years. The in - eye called wa- Stat.- vs j J..m . |l. Gurganu- for r s-aulting jvitli tlea-lly weapon. Ther? ai, p,-ay«-r ■for juilgmer* i:».l the ca - was cw? j ttnuesl f>r a terra of two years, capias to issue ufs-i, r»n» -t «f •-■ther the Sdieitor or thr Sh-njf. if -he «!* did .tot rent in «.f gsod Is lavior. In the esse of Stat* ars 1! B •el for jbursl-rtim-nl. lie ,tant w-as fournt ruilty n.l p.»j *o F J R. . buck th - -urn of one l.un*lred aid fifty -ioll-rs :e, c. h'arso th.-- balance ia ten nsoittNh 1 taents of fiv. .lolhr each Th- d- fendant. upon pavme »s to have im ms.lb.te charge of Bctp—tt Djayl. h> si* vea* ohl sw. William llupkiit- an-1 Arthur B lison. in the cxeof State agun-: t v ent for hoa- * hr»ak : ng i&l bwnv were foun.l not gcsltv b> tfwl Jary. Th» case of State T- Vsola Statot for lenvti) a:»>l reo n ir.«r wa- r»>! praeed In the ea.-e of St.-te r. John Ucko-i for sealuction. the ea-e Wi 1 csr.'iiia e.L William Syke , in the ca— of Stat » against him for a-.-ault. pi*a I gudtv ami receivesi a jail - -»>t« rare • f twdv | OH-nth- with leave to hind >ut !«.i jewst b> the judge. I I s State vs Klijah Mannuir f . 'larcefiy of aa auioaaohde. Ilaanm.' was -entenceil to the llatarccwmt» msi for a term of om* ytaur. In St&le vs Henrv llark-r. for as saalt. P. rker pJej.o-i guiltv ami wa sent' tiCnl to the cowt'y yad f— the term of oe— year to be hu >1 out f.-r east. la the case of Sta:e vs John l-om H) man, for huase breakup; .mt lareeni. llvman pled gudt> .tml was sentenced to th - l>lg?r»mhe mads a term of two years. In the cue of State again t W dltam Mil-, for larceny aiei txtrtviiic tl d-ferelaot plead gudty ami aa 1 X«■ teocol to the KdgeeoaeU- roel- 1..» a term of eight im-nth la the- ca-' of S* ilr versus lb o IHr*s. with a charge of lurea; aid house breaking. Biggs plead rudt> ami be aras sent-ncd to work the l>dgeromh»- roads for a term of eigh* mor th- also. State rs Jes -e Ror«-rs for laro i,> ; rd receiving wa» the list of hr tasts in which all ,l ie defemlaa's we- - caught at one tim:, -a a Saturday right ufter they had been breaking into thr at the rrver wharf •r «l t>alin? -ug&r which th-) h d hern -slims to lk(Uur maker f«.r th~. small sum of fire cents per poai»L Ob the night they were arretted they del rot steal aay sapr hut they wen o badly frMrbtened war* their plaa. were frustrate*! that t}»-> cv>c.fe&sed everything in regs-d to their pre vioar« rrsds Rogers pi-, d guihy. also, and b* wa.- sentrnce>l to the hde eaahe mod, far a team .of o«ts year This case- completed the lathi for thia term of cwart aad th crvi dacha, t was hegua yesterday af klllia aad will cweitinaae thnarUo! the greeter part of a~*t week as th docket k a large oar. KNGJJSH WOMEN ARE CAPITALIZING WIBBKH HAIR The Kagli ■ h woaaaen ere the firat to capitalise the hair that ia "haJa'J hahhed dady by waaaea all oaer tie warld. They are ta aae the oace their coat collars, cadfs aad other Thia aew thaaght Hay. piuMy. lower tke prices that are paid far «• " T:r • ROANOKE FAIR S ASSOCIATION TO ISSI'E I'Al'iai* i i ; r i« Reach Thousands of People in This Section | At»riiin lo an anr ounce met. 'by Mar_i|p-r It M IV. he r«4f F_sr Av-aratw.n will iv>or thi year us the Mil few «rrk> a (taper ahwj.-in* tht- K?r which i-" 1., be k-W Kerr the 3». 21. S-. Si am! J of nemt Dkmlh. IV >ai>. an.! h> meats wfat he say». h? miL-t nrach from I'itt county to tKe *e-', to ft> fcr.hmM one this trie of the t K«m riwr at»l tell them of th.- |' »l fair which t» to He he!.i here i tie number of a-p«r> to be pt snte»; nuilo. ou* *il :«n into many thusmus l.> r.-ri»er.l- a ill be .»f a * -irie»i nature. mlir4> «nr she ;ijJTer f#i •iepirt-nent- of tlic fair atf (n si * a gei.erai :-iej of what mijh! t«- fvjwftol «.f 'he xDsarctM thi- year The name of the paper hi>« not bren »- ye». bur then are «*ril ur>ier ron>ki. raiier. ar>-t ar -ppropr .i'.r one will be thaler, by th? tor ii»l will lie announce*! at ar? e?rty iste T>- (uaml m ill M be of a wiM l alU'- but will br tery cwn-*rvalive c*'rt|t m the be ! Tray p.. We the .r«j -IrviH. uner t »f the I l;.-jiv.-k Fait -srw it- »r: jniz.itM! I -everal iear» aj(» -S * P«I kr-.« Jlißw -r P.. " 1 abTity when t. r m«— !«• issuing i | I»eper. for it u> woe !h.*i: Ke has § o*'empte«i. but jnirint from hi.- >jf j with hi- Other >a.ii At:-]"-. .1. :i --:S» pup-r r ill K» .. gra- Every |» i on in Jl_ as (CTiiiiy will t'tiT* one i. wml a- mart), maty p-».ple in »tSer . ..ur.tie- Arrange r.ient - have alrc..ly been m;. r 'ar lte pnn of Sfc- paper ai.-i It i>! ho|i*»t that If Will be r"»l\ for di-trl ] faction in r'» re».t T-.-r te. k I RESOLUTIONS OFRKSPEC!! j On .-xpt •niter I Uh, our »«-ter I Auru-U it Mauluii. n> tillol u> h. r ri»jr ui . t- .v. | u . to •|U 1t..-, why «h«- we ukrri. 'mi to bow ti! huu i».« «. Hi. will l.*t when her »pir>t Irft thi- 1 earth t» dwell with tl«- llrjt -nl-. | Father, whom 'he !•■«*>l x» i h cfc. w-J lust «ne of owr n»> t I »yal >i>l n> -t l*nl member »UK BE AS. Be li n-.01.e-l THAT the narmto-r- of the W| Vl i- > n .iui> an»t - 1 f the Oin-tian church fully mln - the laotf of o*e who ll£r work'*! trv! •-« rve»l •• with them thru many year?- ami "W wno hi beer a -irntaai luM "o it- mriil> r- in ■h-ir *s orrilion wijk her THAT. *i her fnerel-. we- will k.-e|» l.er memory ileal. ami UU in liirh i« her life, of which it ma* •» a~l. that >fer wa-. rti.tk- n >p>rit. true ir. chaiarter. a wi-e pare.it, a biJ frten.l Iroleeal, her life wi> m tr> wnirh the irarlutt(- of J« -u --t I ri«4 • ere esraupiif»i«L THAT, a ropy of Ifcoe ir.dmx.i. he xwt to the family of our ffricl a copy each -ent to The l-Mer ' Iml to the North I jralina t"hi i tiari for ptUr-'ML B*»pectfully akaittm. mh> B J rm, MBS. A. K In NNINt;. MKS EUiEKT S. PEEL. t on inlUo W Siaobtmi. X- 1". September I?. ISCI MEMORIAL BAITIST C'HURt H Svmlay -*r—l:4L lior rtthr w or-hip. II •> Our Sunday -ehooj i» nowmr kit >. th; i- bo* rr »if ■ t« i il3y ar»»r»l lt» iww kimfirii mark '- ar pmupti) wit Swmb.yai.-i catch the prit K»tur wIH at the morion* kt-mr on ~Hi» Work.aan>l.it. " The en •ire member-hip urlaiuir all »» *p4 prospective iak r> are to he prtnL At ire o'clock th? «Hiuiire of krftmm will It for al tho.e who are xeadjr. Lrt m make thewe xnk»j a rrewt ocraii»n E'««i;h. ly at the take made at *%hL B. L SHIRLEY. Pa-tor PUCE OF MjMMM BALES OF COTTON BUNG LESS THAN MUHMB LAST VEAB Accw&f tm th* price ti cwttaa te- Mttm to he nM this mm w» %nrn vmjmjm Im tton MJMMB i ****' - y' I MAKE YOt It PLANS TO BE IN WILUAIgION 111 KIM. THE BOA. NOEE FAIR. )MTI)BEK »2ITH. ESTABLISHED 1898 LXK'AL MARKET SOLI) OVER 140,000 LBS. VESYEkDAV Sold at an Average of 24 Cents; Farmers I'leased THE LIT TEE AUR;S»«« (■ OT( » WAV - t O! LIV ,OR-. AARTRT IAL ,1* IARRE-T K X • -LERRTJI THEY HAVE Fl * PERVR Sir. TWO YEAR-. OVER HOJOOP 'POURM- OF THJ WEE*T WAS ON THE TTITE | «ARR>.U-E FL.-OR- FOR SLE. IWE PRICE- R*CEIV-»I W ER-- TFTE OF ?NE :*I - « E.- T> »■ TN_. RK» , - J?. IRETIP OF TWENTY FOUR VER.:..- OR ALL '-BXR» OBI. TW URMER W -I! PI -,> U. I H TNE ieb. A; -1 upwv-os IS. M.-EKE '■ «*R> Fl\>RAl>J> I- TO '.IR -TRE? ITTH OF ■W U LILIAM-T. RR NCT'K' R»-. ;>>AK WELL FOR TNE !•=? T IRK-: A COR • TN.U«I -UOF --- I- NJT FIOI T.«LIY"- ATLLE* ON TLSE W ARER>OU> • ?*«»• R- * -R-' ALR»O-I A- HEN Y THOS* I"F >E»TEI«LAY AR >• THE JIR »- F «*I»IIRI-R 1 .5- OWN, V» :>l*E TFC. K'JISIIF I R" ARE 15..? Y." KROWR- IT I- ABOUT «S THE (!.•*•* TO HOLD SERVICES IN HAMILTON NEXT SI'NDAN TLV- I'AT* Y HFTI >FNITE» AT THE I'IM IU-U-T CRTURR'- IN WINDV 1 T SAR-I 'I : LOINIRI: AN.I ILW» T MIL - ,-UR.L-Y * !; S. -N. THE JPTTF WILL E. 1.. HI. |»,„ THO MR. J*> "ILL B- .~E»J .. KAPTI.4 ♦* ! -! TW SVIITI WI»! :E U*R« IN TIME IFOR (KE ..RR •» - J ' TAL»- : • • 'ia-ie her h•! aft it :! o' 'cock J ' * **' *" *W«I ■A .II .TT!EN. I T* E •". --* I IAN HON IIRVT IHE-RE :» AIL * .., I ,-ERY W-MAN IM x-t. 1 ARWRI T« ..TEN«I TB« -NICE J! ie.. -JBRR.OU-; • ; -IAY -J —A. R, I' TH -* . K i MANNING—MO^ i Married * * Fa nv lie \ esteri.- "r r. in** - V. IUV I».RIR.F AT THIRTY AT THE T K»I TS» OF F&RAMBE. MI- NELL V YE .»»J VR J_M - MI« • • !!. WI IR ' R AIRATR BY L!RI J. »• K ! .fie i»nji». .45catmr |K » J V .MHC- FATT»-R OF TH.* |R«»*LR WH.» WH L\E L»;-T-I H3..-S IB?E R„ ? » .. . ~f ,|| I RE IT. - .1. R." 1.. *" -V Y IKCMT I"! THE .«• _• L. - IROL-ITTI N»L »• I- JIJ. »- J L » -IPER « ♦ (IRR»MSI». PE-IDOI AT THE ORRAI. Mr M.0.-. Mo*., brother •( TH» br,-ie. AN "KRRLU E" W| J| R H-OF PROC '••R OF UR»AIJ|. -AW*. "O L*ROMI-4* M.". >!R--R IJ« RV»*V MOYE. SFE-R. I!N>«N LLW*G» JR-L !;«•». -RT MAN RORIJR WERE M»- .-JLE A-IAM OF FOUR • »AK WA- NUT OF HONOR AI»L MR- II T' « HE ITI ,*- .? LUIEQ;): WV- ■LAM-- 4 B-TI»! I J»11- L.'WT -F FMSM«, II PT» WOF IHE 1 1>* WA M r MK«- T'ORA L~~ I'lL'-R AMI LIRARE Mj-nnmr W- R— T»A»R RUL TI. BR»B*. WISE N- DIE*. 1 IN A HR«.WN UD UU* CREJLTURF, .WRH. BAT TO MATCH, WA c'*.l AWAY ti*HER BROTH ER. RIIFTON M..YE THE ITRVRFR. W IT» KB HR-« NAO, MR. * IF- MA.-NIUMR. JR. MET ".BE- BRIDE AT THE ALUR. WHEIE TINE *OW- WN MAD'. TM' BR*!E. MTM, I- -HE TER OF MI -IE- MR A J MORE OF FRRM * J'E. I- RRRY *»L 1} KR ,WN ' ' ROUJJH «-«T EA- U m T WROIMSK. im I> A VERY POPULAR YOUI.JF WOCAM. SHE IT. TETNL FROM A'URITBR O.IOLM • ULEC, WIL -ON IN ISSS _RET T-I YEAR T*S|B IA THE LIAK "ITY —-CTSFCOL — THE - ROOM I, THF UTI-4 -OW OF BEV. »R-.L MR-. A J MA« - OF W ILLIAM R* N HE AL-O RRA.LUA.T--I FRAA ATLAN T* CIRTLBII T OLL-**- ;N LU >PRIIK OF 1923. tKu lav Ipk Im teachrnr m M. rt a H - it Mr OF THE I*C*4 AMI M»U.T F" TLLRLMC Y WIN; MEN OF THI> MTC M AFTER A MOTOR TRIP TO NORTHERN EITHER . THEY AOl MAK-* THEIR Im«W IA 'IOKI HORO WHERE MR *3l TEACH THIS NMNR RES:.. * r - BL SI NESS MEN'S PBATEB HLIUNCS ABE BEING WELL ATTENDED ARE HHG TFL RTLNLIL. ~ ' THE* ■WLKII, UT KEA« HTU AT TWM F-R KLTFH F I ' lbs. J. L WSM b M (V»m A* -■%'

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