PREPARE AX EXHIBIT FOR THE ■OANOKE PAIR, WILLIAMSTON. JL C—4 BIG DATS 5 BIG NIGHTS VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 65 REVIVAL MEETING EXPECTED TO CLOSE SUNDAY NIGHT; EVANGELISTIC PARTY WILL GO TO PLYMOUTH OCT. 5 Meetings Have Been Well Attended; Conversions WiD Number Almost A Thousand; Uplift Of the Community one of Great Results TO MOVE TABERNACLE TO PLYMOUTH / - . TV Leaman-Ooston Evangelistic campaign is approaching it* dose If everything continues a* it is at pres ent, the meeting will dose Sunday night. _ The campaign which was begun f«ve weeks ago next Sunday has been a union campaign and all the churches of th? town and commuuity have work ed hard to make it a success. The church people of all the denominations hire pot their shoulders to the wheel a lad have straggled hard to make it the success that it has been. And the results that hare been wrought are. to the mind of the writer, funda mental, far reaching ami lasting. Many church members hare rededi cated their lire*, and hare been spir itually strengthened and livened. Many dead wires hare been recharged and promise to be lire wire-* in the future. Many who hare never affiliated themselves- with the church hare tak en the important stand and have given themselves to Christ. The record up until yesterday showed that the num ber of people who have rededicatod their lives, or affiliated themselves with the church, will be almost a thousand The result of the meeting is being felt in the very atmosphere of the town. Too can now walk down the streets of W3liam«ton ard never hear an oath uttered or a vulvar word spoken. Ton can go all day in and out among the people on the streets and ■ever smell whiskey on the breath* rf those whom you come in contact with. In fact, a former resilient of the town was here the other day with a gallon of A-l apple brandy and af ter exhausting hi* acquaintances and t«ing unable to find one that would take a drink with him. left the town in disgust. He said that where he had found drunkards before he now found A father has very adequately sum med up the influence that the meetinr has had upon the town in one sentence "Williamston is now a rood place in which to raise children " Number of people have asked that the meeting be continued for several weeks yet. but plans have been made to dose the meeting here Sunday night and prepare to begin a revival in Plymouth. It is understood that the structure here win be removed to Plymouth next week and that serv ices will begin in that town at 3 o'- clock. Sunday afternoon October sth We fed sure that we speak the true sentiment of our town when we say that we are deeply indebted to the Leaman-Coston Evangelistic Par ty for the wonderful work they have rendeid us as a town. Wednesday Night's Service The Wadnesda) night's tabrrnade service was wdl attended, not oal> by local people but by those from many miles away. A large delegation came from Hamilton The sermon subject was "Ishmnrl and Isaac." taken from the fourth chapter of (Talatians. This sermon had been preached several weeks ago at a morning service and it was re peated by request Abraham, who had the promise of Cod that brought him the nations should be blessed, began to doubt God. He tor*ed to depend upon his cwn knowledge of things and soon was disbdieremg God. Sarah, the good wife of Abraham, never doubted God and she was wil ling. in her desire to pi care God and to hdp His paamiae to come tone, to let Abraham bring a bond woman into the home. To the bond woman and Abraham a child, Ishamd. was born &ad Gad withdrew his favors from Abraham far thirteen yean and ua tfl a child, Isaac, was bora la Sarah aad fttoaham Then the conflict began lutmuji the wicked aw aad the Holy now. with bhmad ever trying to Induce hio father. Abraham to da the things of the wudd. the smful things. Isaac on the other hand, was always beseech ing Father Abraham to walk in the Straight aad Hants Way aad to obey the voice of God. that are w||i ilml to us by Irbmael Among them were the dance, lienor, bmlg*. poker, mt aatoing. ftnday Ashing and bun .Ire Is of other*. Ishmad could ne no harm m any of these thto«b and could sue ua gm* m praym an rices or aay other serv- Ism to praiae of God. Isaac took ex actly the ipfiiilF liiapilal la riming. Mr. Laaama stated that - > THE ENTERPRISE if you had these two different natures in your nuke up that you could know that >ou were saved. He stoteu that you were saved onlv when little Isaac came into your heart. That it beboores all who are not saved to let little Isaac come into your soul. THCKSDAY EVENING'S SERMON Thoor Who Can tie Saved and Those Who Cannot Be Saved" Mr. Leaman defined rery clearly ii. his last crecing's sermon tho.-e who could be .arcd and tnose who could t-ot be -aved. according to iJI the me sage: that he has brought to the peo ple of this before. First, he said, those who >k» not full) and complete!) accept Christ £• their Sarior. hare no hope of being -aved wher. the tune of judgment comes That is the one and only one thine that is required to be saved and that is : uflicient to take care of any situation. When Gml says. Remember and our book of rnemor) is op»>iM#i and we see all the sim we have com mitted. we will winder how we can he sared. but Jesus shed His blood for the- remiv/xn of sine .«d there is plenty of th. N«l to Wot out and change the so>= that are written dowi. against u» Hut it is up to men to accept the Blood that was shed for them and if they reject it. there is M> other way by which the) may. ex fed re-iempUots. There are tho e who put off accept n»j teh offer of God. expecting to do so sow time ami put it off until it is too late. Sometimes death come and fakes Umu away and they refuse to It-ten until the time come when they nee«( Jesus, they hare crossed the .lead tine and can't he sav ed. Then there are the sdf-righteou.-. who fed that the> have a much bet ter chance to eater the Kingdom of (jul than *ons? weak Christians that they can always Slsd if they look long • iMMtgh. Those»who enumerate their own -I&-. an-i those of the weak Chris lians and they come out with an al nw-.t dean record while the others hare innumerable sins, so the self righteous compare the Helves to th -m and think that they are all right be cau-e they are not so low as some rSorrh members. But the Bible says that thr harlot will enter the King ■ici «f Hewen before the sdf irghteous Phart-ee*. and this passage «.f cnpCure. in itsdf. ,-hould he enough to convince those who fed that 'heir morals ere enough to «v them that they are mistaken an- 1 they should be dependent on Christ as I their Savior. Bat the sinners, whether they were church member* or not. were not spared. The Evangdist said that the saved will not willfully -in ami he mentioned many things that Chris tians will not do. At *ome unguarded the) ma» sin but if Christ I has entered into their lives, He is stronger than anything else and H* wdl conquer the devil or any thing that may make one sin. But there are forms of pleasur? that are sinful t»-at when people contsantly indulge in them, they are willfuil) sinning. ai>i have not been saved. He said, as I»r. Hall said, "when one accepted Christ, they can do the things they want to do, and are free." Friday Morning's Sermoa Mr. Leaman preached on the -hod tut most beautiful sentence in the Bible this morning. "God Is I^ove' The Eriagelirt staled that that sen tence was the greatest ever written. I greater thin that of any poet. AH 'he way through he died examples pi 01 in>. thr sentence. "God pardons >, oar sins" Gad. though he laves as 11 punishes us far our sins as the i f parent mould punish the child when it ' had wronged"; He gave his only were a few of the proofs .'given by Mr. Iranian in proving rI , The snaiia. this morning was said ! to he by lime to be the most beautiful | preached by the Evangelist aa far. .1 « » '! Mr-**■ H. Leggett wDil r t regret to lean that he suffered a se vere stroke of paralysis Wednesday r and is m a very critical oanditinn It I urfl be nuimhrrol thnt Mrs. Leggette - jhna been am invalid every since. They Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, PYiday. September 26. 1924. ATTEND PRAYER MEETING TONIGHT j - W ANTED—TWO HINDRED AT MEN'S PRAVER MEETING j TONIGHT AT SEVEN OXIiKI Wanted, by those who hare been at tending the Men's Prayer Meetings at the tabernacle every evening at seven o'clock, two- hundred present ■ this rr^ning. These prayer services- of the men I which were begun -hortlv after tH? t-xangeltstic meeting started. have done more than an) thing else to make •he meeting a *urtT— They have been eo--«ucU«i by Mr. Coston. vho>e personality is an in spiration to those srith whom he comes in contact ami these meeting hare been of vmurful power. espec u.ll) in then fork with the \oung men ami r hc bo%> of thr- community. So. men attend the serrice tonight. Those rtvo hire already been going to them wdl he looking for \ou to night. Rocky Mount Fair Begins Next Week The Kork) Mount Fair will begin ■•eat Tuesday last through Satnr uay night. The official- of the fail arc counting on having five days of the biggest, best and larg»--t f-ir in the hUtory of the fair assorietioa. The) will hare Victor's famous hard uf twenty piece-. »ith four in -trumental -010 i-t- arid one lady ro calt-t Walter Siantor.'s fanwit ' Koo-ter Act"". S«g Franz troop of Trick and otpoh Cydist."" Mar and Manu- 'tor aerobe Ls" and Koehuck"- famous trainol hor>e. which is adver Use*l a- a North Carolina e>iurate-l hor-e and happe=t> to be a Martin count) horse, are ronte of th- fea tures There will be a fifteen hundred dol lar firework- program which mil ex ceed anything they hare )et evhrbit e«l at any fair before Th- 7.-*lman and P4le bows will he on the niidwa). These -tiow- will h- «,n the msiwa) of the Horv4e fair l one of the best shorn - on the fair circuits this )ea»r There wdl be |j«* pur>e- paxt for hors- raring and count) race.-. This is the fir t fair in l--a-*em Carolina arvi it u-uall) attract- large • row.l- from all thiough this -xt.on State Fair Itoosters Visit .Martin County The State Fair booster part , nhich indmles Mr*. Edith Vandrrbdt. presi •lent of the fair and man) oiler N C. notables, visged Martir. county at tnly one place. Parade, when it was '.uf on it* bo mter campaign to -prrad State fair wdcome. on Wedne-da). At omc place-. Mr- Yanderkdt male speeches ami at other places • member- of the p«r*y -poke Mr. K L Uyftdii msie a short -peech mhen the part) -toppM at Parmele. Mr. I a.fidd is a member of I l-inr'.- Bu-me-- College faruß) tM»PEICATIVE ADVANCES PROVE BITTKK THAN tICHUN PICItES I had three grade- of 'ofca/T". «rww i by a tenant wie wantei *" sdt mi the auctiu r this w»i. -- I ter he did The -Ul a- 1 I ij»«: 'J> p ur-t- at 9wf .it-: 1% pnmois n* i r i-2 cesgs ar I 4-' puir/l- .• i VI n nts per puv '. "I u total re lc; > s teuig a check 'or HUT. Tie tenant was -• rius thr sale so he tar>M the tags ar. i tv.k the tobacco off t* ksr aad j ried t to the co sp a - dws« am' the foltowmg advance - aa#. 90 pounds at It cent.-; iS'pMir-i --at 12 cents ami to paa—ls at 7 cent*. It brourht a dear check for 133 74 and I ran get for ban toda) an ad •i'tional loan of SICJT7 bringing the total up to taull with another pay ment to be toade in thr next few months. 1 (Sigmedi M. A. LEGGETT. 10>1.1. WEEVIL FINDS SO LITTLE IN OITTON HE HAD TO GO IN JEW ELKI Bi SINESS Goldsboro. X C. Sept. 2*. —Whil- repairing a watch Tuesday morning. R A. Wat?*, a local jeweler, foand a live boll mwil hidden away in the works, and he aaw has the weevd on exhibition to a buttle at his place of hnimrn on Job* ihta. The watch bd»ug*d to a farmer who ted asked Mr. Watt* to ■ ramiai the marks and Mr. W. T. Ward of Rocky Mownt ia spendtog several days m the city. SERVICES Sl NDAI ; j I AT TABERN ACLE ] ! I •• 5 U:M A. M. —Sdbiect: ~lhe CaR la Calvary." : 1 P. M.—SaVrt: "What Uol j Voa Da »«h W" 7:45 P. M.—.Subject: "The Men j | at the Gale." f • OLI) BELT CO-OPS OPEN OCTOBER 1 The third season of cwperative marketing for V.rgima ar>i North I'i.rolira bright tobacco farmers ailli te in full swine on Wcdne-tlav Oct ober 1. when thirty more warehcu-e --«*f *be Tobacco oovns t'ooperativ- A- -relation will open ia Virrrna ami Wiiltn North Carolina. Memt» -rs of the in th - cl.l belt are wai.:rg earrrfy for Jlie .n rival of tae rr>le cards at their aarehooses on the openire >i n TV.>e shew the Eastern iarolina ar>i South luwlna co «p thi»t thsir or ear jr.. tron is paying the t.irt* cw-h a-l vance- in its histor> thi- -ea-« n Tlk a—ocatk[. ha- Iw -r. .ddrce>l t-r turn away hur.tre.r- ~f ;«hucro firmer- who were t&> la".- in -eekmc admission for their pre-e-ral crop.l >inw th- dir«Ct»r- ruksi lh_.t iw IX!4 t.daacco would be MKpted from rtew memhtrs who after the open ing !ate-s_ Man) contract- t-> .ieliver the crop of 1925 ami 19# have n»w reachsil a-rociation headmt rt-r=- from finr er> who were to— Sate to'-ign up ileir present crop after tre cooperative floors open*.i Thr tobacco far "ft - of th- Easterir znii Southern be!: are finding th.i *hc trcreased ca.-f a*lvance- ami ti»r privilege of ever> mrmk r tn obtan. an immealiate loa . of th amount of his ca-h advancv- on every toad L- greatly to' their . Mrne) was efrtol an •; rdv-iiai miwngiir b> a farmer out Site of th- as-acnlMk. bn meek for he p. iv ilejrr- of marketing his pre-en' -r.-p through the a-sonatio« hut the l;r-c\or.i ami rdßciils of th. associa tion oontiirue to ngaHy enforve iheir ru'ing that m> more chntrasrt# for de Irrery of the pre -eat crop will be ac cepted after the openmr .lay Membership h»»k- for tie l»!l de Irrery easot. wdl doe at all Okl ltdt warehou -*s of the imwu" ion i« October 1. rhe - u r-n is now pc.) .re out millions of iotlar% to its number- u> irrijas belt- lju-t week it bl- Ii . (si.fpsi to V ircnua ami Western Caro lina co op*, on their l>st «ea-o»'. de liveries-; thi- seek it ir to the member- in Eastern Carolina on •he crop ami arcordmg to the latest armour .cement the dark (ire«l • - hacco growers of V irginia within tne a-sociate.r, wdl divide approti m. tel\ or thirty per cent nf tlr> raliH of their last season's de liveoe- . m t later than Nov mher IS These pa> meats wiD hrrr.r the cash receipts of every urmter in lie as '■riatK.n t*> tfiree-fonrihs or nw.r* of 'he hank«r.'-* alurtme. on his tost drfrverie» of trbirrii to the I ci operative Uxors.—S li. Fr*t>sdL MONDAY, A JEWISH HOLIDAY The Jew.-* holada). the Rroch a -hona, or the New Year will come | thi- tear on Monday September 2tth U there i- ro -yeagogwe n Will ran. -ton, some of the Jewish peopli wdl ■n out of town to attend the rdigiou-- rnrs- that are hebi on that day Me--r.v Frank aad Irvwg Margoli* ■ ill leave Sunday for GoJdsboro and wdl rot return natfl Monday night The stores of Marfdu Brother* and Brook* aad W. R. Orleans nil he dosed More tar in ibierrance of the holiday. Mis. Ml- n e Orleans of New York wdl arrive Sunday to spend the holi day with her per-wts. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Orleans- Sha will remam in the city for ahaat a week. PI LLMAN BI ILDING PRIVATE ( AR FOB (IMMJDGE TRIP Wdmurgt- IM. Sept. 24.—Al 'hongh tCrials of the couapay de - dined to coaftrm ar dewy the report it was learned hue an reliable aa t thrrity this aftoraaan that a private . rar is being baft at thr Pnlknia car , -hops fur President Coobdgv's coming f western trip. i The car. ft as and. wfl he n i||i ' I with ampliitra aad radio appuiln FOOD ON' SATIWAT NKIT. A Gid's Hat. Owner may have sauar t by pnymg far thaa ad. Hn. Temple j L Taylor. R. 2 CSty. Tt1.,1 in M ARTIN SCI'ERIOR ' ! - COURT ENDED THIS AFTERNOON' Full Two Weeks Session • Held; Minor Cases i Disposed Of Toe . ; uj*rn»r xmiti ha« iv..; in -e> J , »iea all of tM> U-i »uk' but ; there- have Kc. only Csvil lhi> *~k 'hf;. * erv ».4i} of i i lonjc>tan-tinie utuir ai» i f S U«- impurianrr. Tare* bki -ail • m*re !r«j an«i in romt if them tr* pr > l-r" \ mtai'.W wi> iml «orth half tk of the >ui:>. S !Bf »f »*rr >im«l Uu. ti* partie- mirhi ftr.t i u «nri. a« v ir, the nrt:'. urt.: r;vl 1 r.-m a n->in .«f! (He ir- u> «**»■" the p.» pris> >^li'fcu.i IVsitr tfw- iSt acre !rw»i l>> J jury, there aer.- a fca ■>'• a i|*~' t |T the il>Kkrt boof t&r • ti>- r-! a - r«- •i«-a>l »r Is* r nlf»i*r H»l f»r fo'tfn iHfir .'iffffif x» . 11 t!.e or.-• i f the lirar.u of •'f ir'»xti«n of the Takm» Givs t " j A-x riaimi' awia»: T W ill", -i. . tb«- -iKiil wtlm'l ifw fa- c*» !inB"l 14■ } r f.rut! hnriiif. (V the civil': of \ turns ty iVr-' arc mwy t.' rietit miarh it i a tml )>it> 'tial tho-e m-rj-r ci lak' up mw+ of th.* t mf if Ik court llwrc arr n|t*r« w.~»tinr i>f mufK nitre intp-ltjnr* MeeJins: of the lAM-al Tobacco Hoard Tmde TV W til lam-ton T»lan-> l!>ui 1 of Tr»le nwrtirn: lhi »«-*k of licrr- aihl » aifc»irr --mmitlrr-~ for Ihr ly.'l tnkx(» -*a~- n »rK i.«t»»i Other of im|»>rtai«r *.i- at l». TV iiffw!- for lK» \«-ai W T. H J Taylor. Vk» I'lr-.K-nt. V». I». tt»ll : . Swrrtan a»l Sale* Committer, k B. Craufani. 0 || llea.l an>t B A. TMMbI. jr ArfiitralMi « II T War rem. B. C. Holm-. W V . ' ■ Slaton arvi J W llirM Kxfmtiir i Vmmillf H I- Mwlar. Hubert Warren an>l V. I_ I;*' Fisheries l*rod>K-t Co. Placed in Hands Of Receivers Tlie minrton ami N»» \»-rk «r rarest in the manufacturer of fer tuizer- «a- |xi' ir> IV kai»i- «f re ce-iver- oti li-l lartlai Ji»!r» '.jm of S« l>rt, aiai r I' Al«»i of WOminrtnfi brmr nal' receiver- Mar > MJ rtin oxui! ja"«.|4«- hatel - |«k m li t- ar-l a ill |rfA ire a |uit of U,» vjlik of ttar.i I • t«k. a- the lulmlilit- 'A V com (an) are in of fl ar*l mone> I- b«t available to lV« « Uiratmii-- -HUNTS" I'RKSI RIRKI* K) THKMtI NT) HOLTH ni l HU Kaln Km; I'areat >h—M "Wfir 1. -eiul a duU to -choul that 1- ■»! well until jour -»*-ct"-r la an eumiiatwi) ani n»«» rcil >«m free frrm tMilarwe. ar-d aeil J. I lout vnrf a child a lift a c*l>l 1 r courft to -choral, but k* |> kw at bat 1 I ion t n>l a rniri I" -c«oml "VI ha> a .ore tftrui! or ur.tal a ptiiMian V- >!i»l IM it i- *i* for him In mrr-ifV aith otVf chill*' 4. Ilor/t Lik> a cKjice ciU cw tafM'ii- dtvae . tS-ey kill chiMicn Keep tV ailii-r chul-S at hi«e A fea ia) > our of -chool *e> m i-arm atari ii>«t not kill. If |rir«i' a ill IV-» H(-l (rttiwu. tVT will V fiimt the |uar rrttine -Art-r the k»l of n»|ria'M> that count- an»l uhkh aeao- math in |»i>tilih( !»••• !♦»--. uku ami' »eath Km E. WAkRKK. Vtanuiliae t lfirer i m»:rp%ss at end nf HUN STRUCT HILL HK HIH ri.KTKIt JIT i:\RII OATK ae-t cm! *f Main Owet k r«« bnr.K *■*•- attrd ami b> cuaflftiML Thi a.H Hme the tnHiac |«Uir a« well as the State Hirhway fimai ijm Tie cvt of dH -uniif ka be-a a rreat ileal but the i«Min*ien(iP ba« been rreater. caw4r the yblir ta travel L u 11 i i of th««ja»a-. of mif » in lrt*an The mleryau v 9 cer tainly be reUjr far the i|miMg of • the fair hot R it pnl.ifclt that it may k beofewdbefoK. The aid rami fram Aakntu'i farm ijte Ererett ail haw la be m! mi tithe faar -in k kani «rfamd a. tW X " 'Z ALL SCHOOLS OF j COUNTY TO MEET » HERE OCTOBER 21.! Field Day Exercises Are To Be Held At The Fair Grounds I •> ' !J r»e wrvHi- of tbe count} 1 ' ( irill irrrt he-re at I* Ktom-kr Kur j| rr-un-i (Vif-wt 21 ■ hrn- tbey trill j Ukr )uil ir. an ill lrtic prvmm ! !"rrfautMi> for Is* inrrt are uim jnt ir. HUE) of the aixi al ( 'ltaygh the t:tne i« limiieid. a mr» I of ! ; Inißfh merit 1- rip«V; The program ; (- kr.owrs a> the ft. 1-" «iaj nrmr aM should I* nra-r by all the u-af v . j . 'fr- ar«i rhiklirn of th- court* ' ! tVn-ir' 2! A l> li* si>i 4: yof th-- j j IKtunvkc Fair arai *dj Lr a boiaiav I a for all fhrf-inr and tw to thi- j, n er> scf.i«l n tbr cocru -houi.i h. | i i rrj**-#n(«M i>> £> ma:.* a |s»-lUf. The p»"v-»jrr as»» r~>- follow: **ofifinf»i to f«iol K: > a?!*! rjrl- from l(i» of 1.1 l» J»» \ Arrre»iite.i i .r-up 1 \* r. vh.Akl —t.r.-u|. - t.raap I Kotwr fXitillr. Jana-viiie. ILk fit*.' . i rr»t!- a(»l V\ ille. m-t-»r liraay ! I l'jrm»{>- 1 llamiltor. .ol.i Point. • J arm I ife li>l l>-ii Grass I Irtinlilw i mnrr- plu —A t»j.t*r» minu I, I'lnxa Boys—. I \ K--L-* ,'J I tini- T ~ i IL Tlni I®" 7 !*l«m •' K"Ui»i ■ «i# i; iwV * Ku rtlif br*u ■ ;ump I! Tin* tiol- . I • ' One rr.tivil j > I.V !•» )i.»i .1.1 {. I I I: 'hK tfitrar.l A Kb oant ki;ti twerp L 15 Tl.rr* trial- ( * fW ntlran! , J* lU-r'ull I i t K Mil- be t»m»n viDuii a width , of "50 f»»t j C Ihree tru * I" « -r ..—Jaj.i Peach ball K. ilr* 'r._ "»t t.irl- - 1 Krii> Ti arJ» I: I'.-ui to team C 'Kouad wjtli 12 unci*-- 2 lhikrtktll Itrui ( I: T*u tr^tl • 1 »w entrant I 3. SO yard «laf II One entrant * >ark law. i'i yard- Is One entrant ' '»e -ta»>iar-i .«rk I Potato rare* It •)» entrant Kite p4a!»e t.. f«-» , l» • nifuna H>t" A •«»*•( "wtin, of tie « ••'■iinittee i aharfe ita-l na September ?«»,. ,»_-H I * «JII> %m. «V*ober I. \*Z4 ot , '** "* A V in the .1 awditoriun 11 the » tlliam-tnn llirk School Si*ie.|, J S SEYMOI K. . M F. Kl ( k>. t haarmac * f r t- EVERETTS SCHOOL OPENED MONDAY I TV Kuretl. H*»i Srb«J I Mtifay, - arbOnr*! of IK.- n . the bir f I ei.r«#llm» i.t Ike Kierett- -chordj I ha.- ever fad at tbe ke? of a | , ""-"J term and at tha.- time tie pro l*r s f"' a uK v ■ *er* evkleat TV» town of KimtL- ha.- j r a | AJ4>> -ctjool buklnx ard it J I r JI wnipK-l !KI- year V- iti. a-'.lr-t eacveaieaires ant e>juipc»t nt ami » I rjfer ? umber of tearbrrs. the 'o he a irresiter «nrw to tbe e..ta>nuriit>. ( T>* l.ier»|- L urxb-r tht j-Ue leartervbip of l*rofev or I; A lt>illip- aa A. It rra*iuate Hr i> le ■* ai--t»toJ ib lb - Har*b S«u«« of UntM. \ C. wh. •» » rra.»«ate of ftoUfA Mvuf> W'MKUks Caller* of l.rnrbbarr Mk- IVar Wirnti of Vk«~a*ell .»t Mr,. . Fifia Tii: «Mk in the fTsamr tiiV- Mi I of William ton and Mi-- Mar f tha BaUnr of A)4ra viE tearb ta " be primary bptrtarat. * » Mr. Oicar ljrarb. terntan of tbe 1 I*ll da»> of tbe I'anerxty of \ortb 1 Carolna wa> a visitor in tbe city y** • Ifrtbj- Mr. Irart baa attorney for * tfce C. Cpu and _wa berr attendir>ar ► Ike Saperaor »«t Mr* Howard Gaaa. Mrs. Can ami f Mr* Lara* af riiilrd r Mr. and Mn MH G I rawm at tbe Britt Hotel ■ ■ ■ . I - _' I near nal Tbis jifl nfrin wmrf f MAKE YOLK PLANS TO BE IN »ILUAM>"TO\ b( KING THE KOA NOKE I'AIB, iKHIBEK 2»-2ITH. ESTABLISHED 1898 WATER TRANS PORTATION WILL HLLP Xorti. Cart-iira a* I*CT»(ETUWI as I to m oUwr ir. tbe I r. !»a tn «j»tr ,tate is at the top »{ u>* fc»ser it ertn rr.-pec nwft «» fa.r Uii eajujlauk- fr??*ht rate». The are a-»t lo be Wiiw f®r faiiar*- u *ive rvj»ef. The " caie t'e t~~ -jn r«me»jy in i'«*ir .>«n tsar>i» a majority vole J«'f i'rt Tnai il-'taj Wiifr Trans i**rTatio« \«(t*iirr t !f c~ if"-e p.>ri lerwira"- An nil authorize tfse ati».n iri" N.»r*.r t.'ar«. xa. arvl the ir.- tallatii.m of proper laadsal facilitk-ji 'j f-.r* far thrf- * i-" *we-.T>r?— ih? state ■. «r *'* • - pi-». J'tnsj'ti jort. of • :*er -tat*-. *o ffieir material a.l --• .-ir.eefnef-t ar.r ;«• % .»*•- CarolinaV • 'rlirrj'rt. . I lyoam.trd Oar -tat- -.a- 4». tliu> far. *•« t tkraatk attt In ,*hle frrt;V rate-. ir -pit*, of tfc»- "i>* -T'oi a crra" husHtat**" to a r «re r; pi-t a*"«ar«»■«>• -n" l«t t.c.^tmert • * ".iter fras. |»--rtati'«t ar«i p»«r? U.rm iral- by the v»-cer ar: \.\mi*-r will m»_r. that tr.e- rr-au-s rarsiirafi im trri'aab zr— year* »>.as been re n«>ve»f a:.* Thar 5H* tile in the fu ture »tIE S. c » a?.. • i !,• evjuuj.j in 3 (Turner trc.! » il »rfia-- the e\|>ec *at wee of ti- Boo»-f i ..mis; »• I aet« *f InnrJ \ ret»,rt i-r«enll» a«.,u-l the • -"i-u- Buna seJask'-- liut tl>e t. tal ,as»?tii "f V>.rt". • arKhrtn iiKtra-fl ».i fl.y|T.T>l.)o»»» ms t»> M.- I !«».>**• lt T» tin'- i north |.» f.wtifL:!".- c- .«..»- t._A t*>e -tate tr#nl tSat aatbnrorsi ia|*it:.l for X-rth '"aroitea r-. i--i;eH! in t l'*2i a:n..i.-o Sli-'. ««•(» »* l; in 1 1TS' to #S >: ►«•«. ai»i in . 1923 t - s_'! '» »»> Vorjfc « .-n-litia taiik *»: lift aw« ' «I« tr>e statr - of tfc*- I r.aea m *■' pr«»ftort «a I5»!3". asna m the .Sou" *a- **••».« ««l. •» T-\a• Nortf ir" l.ia "t> ! .ta- IR L*?'. T« . ;B> 4 »f th*- I-R.-FlTY (mr«tpul r» ff i»; the .'f aR ifr»v ' » fir-* th» • .'«»■ ff tob«a«" a«tel it., eot t-*r r".p *>f t Ualo v . ■eon.l •• to tbat 7 va-_ itK- . aliae of rr..»»- iKfranol f*>a«r fi;iit" v««l in !*.«» to, il»'l jai**» m ir S'orth F&TOLINA KA- tie SSRR --4 V.I«ACR« in . Ke L rr» t {>ul|> mitt. the L.rr»- t .V-pm m.ll-. tfce Irrjnrrt hos ier* milf-. aa»t jb- larre>l . 'un.inum t tn th»- \ ('—.l I* K. '.arie led \ fad «. i ,-iv. nto the puhtic b& tae -".al»m»-. ; . f a N't w ■ -rk ,tati.-tiK-jB lama, runnrly, t hat • .rjriftta fesa» moriaßaiH) & ■ per rent m>re afe«4e-saie a: -! jobbing k.o»-e- than « I'anina * €0 f*r cent im>r* retail e--taM\ *-i nt- ' tiari Vir rau Th«. -fifcjrt» war.- tt>at the fii.-rili- fii»nr!Hi r-te-- raj»v t | by Vir riria. kn-of ■« "W Knr o-*si (* .iter wa> 'raa.-f**rt.vr Vi t*t> *■y •. et:- »Ue- that '-tate i«. m-m- rich a' the exper -e of »h.. -ell s» ««r mii tiuJ ■ ri.-umer>. T>« latter ~p«aj ti«r fififtt". tn.ikinft k irrma rars.-r afwd tt ; |-a ret Xale Pra4e )■ l-»er> No«ta, * e promi of _li -tate lie '.twill CM.- iter it a 1 priv ilejpe w br to lake part I>r a »iU relieve his latate ar.i iLiani-elf Mf putt iur farther trifau'e jo Vinrnuu A favoi. Me vote |it N .oatof for lae -tat. .iev elop ' lIJ n! pr. f. a: - Mali break *IT rhwMtlt Joi « rfmfa* to a; other jaurte Vbe Ifiaili * i>u..e»ii a •*«-« n .pr- i water tiar.*p«u(Aa, ai toad for Virrinia. wall b better f~t aitjina, -«* a* kuirrly that -tit\ Hate b.!i ■.• it pojm- m r%4wth Carolina »t*i »eB f->ttea -.tate-s.*Tisd term v al- an tt a ate? Ta upor tatw-e »ill b •( jv-3aef. This ran b? .uuafk-aei. ar#k a for Cae IV f' iff.-hm «• \*r«akr A MK.-V A H. B»i: LEAVES IX« AI 61STA. CA- TO ATTEND t rfOLATHE% MEET. Mrs. 7_ IL Ba>. hcali«t of ths , PT.latUa I aaaa af North Carolina left tba» aaanuag far G fWfia where -be wfli attend the N. tiaeal Bararra Pklallhi nafemrr next auk Mr* Bwe wll gm kn th- way af TVaatt i ■>. X. C. afctw tSf bs in"* at s aa Hint af the Ijrathe Camri af the »—n — TTnlilhw Vaiae which wfl he kril kj its MB i-fay *** ** *" m lb*. Kane m my ppiwfcn 1 fa A* - the fMcnw rf «hc