PREPARE AN EXHIBIT FOR THE ROANOKE FAIR, WILLLAMSTON, N. e.—4 BIG DAYS 5 BIG NIGHTS VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 66 DR. J. BURKE HAYWOOD KNIGHT BURIED THIS AFTERNOON Died Early Yesterday Morning As A Result of Heart Trouble; Was One of Wplliams ton's Most Prominent Citizens Dr. J. Burke Haywood Knight, one, of Williamson's most prominent and best loved citizens, passed away yes terday morr.inir at six-fifteen o'clock as a result of attacks of heart trouble bit which started about six weeks ago. He was born in Wake county, Oct o|>er 12, 1856, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Knight, leading citizens of that county. They educated their son for the medical profession and after he completed his college course in North Carolina he went to Baltimore where he was graduated from a medical col lege. Dr. Knight came to Williamston more than thirty rears ago and since entering into the practice of his pro fession here, he has always had an extensive practice Today there are many who have been patients of his for years, whose hearts are sad dened, because they loved him, not only as a doctor but as a true friend. He has been physician for the Atlantic Cosat Line for many years. The deceased married Miss Ada Bullock of aßltimore and she with three children survive him. Mrs. W. K. Parker of Williamston. Messrs. Bay wood ami Charles of New York City, Haywood being a chemist of note of | that city. Dr. Knight was one of the leading members of the Methodist church and , had been since young manhood. In | the affairs of church as well as state | and country, the doctor always lent nis moral support ami force. His hearty laugh! anil his genial j ard sympathetic nature emleared him I to all those with whom he came in contact ami he will be greatly missed by those whom he saw in his daily walk of life. The funeral services were held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Methodist church and they were conducted by- Rev. E. D. Dodd and burial waa made at the cemetery. Pall bearers were. Dr. J. H. Saun ders, C. B. Hassell. Dr. H. H. York. Laalie Fowden. Dr. P. B. Cone, Dr. J. D. Biggs, Wheeler Martin, J. G. Godanl, W. H. Crawford, Dr. Wm. E. Warren. Dr. J. S. Rhodes. F. K Hodges, G. W. Blount, H. M. Stubbs, A. R. Dunning, Clayton Moore, J. G. Staton, K. B. Crawford, S. R. Biggs. Dr. J. K. Smithwick of Jamesville. ami J. W Bight. WOOD—J ACKJM IN A pretty weeding was solemnized Saturday evening at the home of Mr. ami Mrs B. F. Jackson, when their daughter. Sabra Mary, became the bride of Floyd Elmore Wood, of this city, son of Mr. and Mm. W. R Wood, of Charlotlemrille, Va., The house was beautifully decorated with palms, ferns and rut flowers, ami the ceremony was performed by Dr. R H. Cross field. Just before the cere mony, Miss Mildred Dorothy Jackson, a sister of the bride sang "I Love You Truly." The wedding music was play ed by Delmar L White. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a gown of wood brown Kashmana cloth, fur trimmed, and with accessories to cor respond. The groom had as his best man, John StrolL Immediately afte the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Wood left for an extended northern trip. Led ger Dispatch. The above account will be of in terest to relatives ami friends of the bride inthis county, where she form erly lived. Mrs. James Manning laft this morning for Saulaton, N. C where thay will teach for the coming school term. Mr. Joe Taylor attended the foot bt ll game in Wake Forest and the fight rn Raleigh Saturday last. Miss Lucy Turnage of the local school faculty, spent the week end in Wilson Mills with relatives Mr. C. D. Carstarphen spent last week in Baltimore purchasing gsxx's for the fall and winter trade. Mesara. N. & Godard and R S. Biti motored to Smith field last Fri day night and from there they went to Wake Forest and Raleigh Sat urday. , From Baltimore Mr. Carstarphen went to New York where he visiter I his son William Carstarphen who is connected with the Hanover National bank. Mr. Carstarphen will reiun this week. Messrs. Irviag Margolis and Frank Margolis ulwaed from Goldaboro thi> ■sraing after spending the week end there with friends. THE ENTERPRISE FEDERATIONS HOLD SPLENDID MEETING The joint meeting of all the differ ent federations last evening at the church was well attended. Mr. Coston was leader and it was a great meeting. There were many testi monial from the new members as well as the old ones and it was plain ly ste-i that the good that the meeting benri has only just been started ami the good work will be carrie*! on j with great zeal. There was no business transacted at this meeting but at an early date arrangements will be made in regtrd to places for meeting for the rent organizations. E. G. LOFTON JAILED FOR STALING AUTO. Se\eial ago. E_ G Lofton io»k a r'oiii car in i r near Wilson am! drove it n the direction of Williams ton. A rv»* an! was offered for his ai rest in i l ie return of the car The heal police authorities were notified ai.d began a search for the law > lolntor. Monday night they found that Lo't in was in a hotel in Washing ton. thief Manning drove over to W-uJi'—it m fhis morning and carried h;m to the police station. Lofton is u twenty year old hoy ami helped in jtlie street grading of the local streets lust .•' ,r. He has visited William-ton very fieouei tly since he left here and on rial occasions he gave had th..' It- OVERMAN FEARS CENTRALIZATION Senator Declares Caaalry U Reiag Rained By OSre- * Holding (tea* Lexington, Sept 28. —"I tell you thi> y is being ruined by an office I idling oligarchy." declared Senator I-oe S. Overman in opening the Dem ocspetk>- • imfaigr. of the , county at the court house last night "There are now 175.U00 more Fealeral , employees than in !»15." he said "and the cost of salaries has been in creased $ 16x.««0> >.*■> per year " "This great payroll" said the Sen ator, "has become a political army with power centralized at Washing I ton ami is threatening what rights t yet remain to the people through the State. "They are srasting the people's ' money ami stealing it too." said the Senator as he turned to a brief dis cussion of the charge of corruption levelled against the Washington ad ' ministration. "Six great constructive inea-ure were passed by the Wilson adminis i tration," said the speaker, but he ' declared not a single constructive 1 act is attribute*! to the present ad ministration during three am! a half veaas except a tax bdl framed by f Democrats. The naval limitation f conference, he declared, had resulted r only in the United States junking - some partly completed powerful t ships while other nations have rash ed ahead with the building of grea* t battle cruisers. FLIERS SPEND ONLY SSI * HOI'RS IN THE AIR ON p TRIP AROI'ND WORLD These fliers who recently circled the globe, traveling in 117.532 miles I spent only 351 hours in the air. They ■ | were about five and om half months g on the journey but they spent most of their time waiting for storms to paw. t for fogs to dear or making official t cells anal sight seeing. - S J HENRY CALLED ON BY SCHOOL n CHILDREN IN PAST FEW DAYS 1 Hearing the call of hand red. and * hundreds of school children, the Ford has answered manfully in taking the >- children to school. Ia owr town this i- morning Henry's product* were lined up smiting a chance to discharge'the t- passengers. The little old Ford con tinues on its way to help build a bet n ter world. Of course there were a d few other makes of can on the job, Is but Henry led with a large majority. J Mr. Brace Wynne is teaching it Farm 'Life school this session. k ' is Rev Runo filled hi* icgular foi'l'i d Sum lev c, pr-intipent *S the Epio-oj i church a* Haauton Sunday. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, September 30, 1924. IMISS SUSAN LANDON TO VISIT COUNTY Will Make Several Ari-j drseses at Various Parts of County Miss Susan Landon, who for a number of years was officially con nected with the State Kducational Department, and who is now connect ed with the N, C. Cotton Growers* cooperative Association, will visit Martin county this week ami make addresses as follows: Thursday October 2nd. 3 P. M.— I Sandy Ridge school house. Friday. October 3rd, 3 P. M.— | Cross Roads Frialay. October 3rd, 8 I'. M.— Robersonv ille. Saturday, October 4th. 2:.'10 P. M.— Court house, Williamston. j Miss landon will alekl with those things that go to help make home life easier. Every woman as well es every man should hear hear as well as make it a point to attend the: ? meet tings. Keep the dates in mind. DODGE AGENCY ESTABLISHED HERE Messrs. Chapman and Hurnette of Greenville are opening a sales room for the Dodge car in the flat iron building on Washington street. The agency will handle all models «»f the Ihjalge car and will carry everal on display. Wrtliamston. for some time has been without a'Poalg? 1 agency and with this one's estabiish iM-H the list of auto dealers is very near complete The lower floor of the flat iron building has been remodeled and very l ttractive show rooms have been wade. _ LAI NTH MOVEMENT FOR STATE ADYKRTISING The resolution adopted by the Realtors follows: Having heard the address of Real Isr K. C Uiuc An Iha .ulijarl a f ''selling North Carolina" and it being I rop-jsed that the legislature for 1926 authorize the appoiutment of a com mission by the Governor to prepare a volume of authentic and accurate information pertaining to all of the iesource- and assets, life, opportuni ties ami progress of the State of North Carolina; therefore, be it Resolved, by the Real Estate As sociation of North Carolina, in its r nnual convention for 1924, assembled in the City of Durham, that the said proposal be ami is hereby endorsed ami the president authorized to ap . i - int a committee to take this matter i hand, said committee to secure such t formation as it may find of value, i to call (linn the civic bodies, chamber . of ca.mni.-rcc ami other agencies of 'lie Stat* f»r aid and assistance ~i i -eeuririg at the next General Assem bly the necessary legislation ta mak 'his pro|.o«al effective.—News «>»id Observer. .) N. C. llines is a Martin county man ami wis raiseal at Oak City. His father, John 1.. Hines, was responsi- Me for changing the name of Goose r Neat to Oak City. r We are alway- glail to see the i Martin county boys on the front * .eats. [ FAIR MANAGER. POE. WILL ARRIVE THIS WKEK TO MAKE READY FOR FAIR * ■ ——— --••'* j H. M. Poe, Manager of the Raaanoke Fair Association, will arrive this week from Rocky Mount to make final ar ► rangements for the Fair this fall While Mr. Poe has not been station j ed here, he has been making arrange f ments for the past several months for f the Roanoke Fair this fall. f BEAVER DAM LOCAL NEWS I Mr. Minga Rogers of Hear Grass spent Saturday night and Sumlay with his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Rogers. j. Miss Jessie Peele spent Saturalay with Mrs. John Simpson. Messrs. W. H. Rogers ami Sylves ■' ter Raynor motored to Williamstor. '' Momlay on business. f Mr. ami Mrs. H. A. Cullipher ami * Mrs. J. H. Rogers motored to Waah ■' ir.gton Saturday. ' Miss Mabel Price of Washington h spent Sunday with Mrs. H A. Culli •' (her. * Messrs. Lester Rogers ami Haywooa! Rogers motored to Williamston Thurs '• day on business. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chesson motor it ed to IA ill lams ton Saturday shopping Me#*.-?. A. R. Dunning, C. A. Har > if-ii; .Til John L. Rodgerson at tern I i i■' the d'ake Forest-Carolina game 't V rt( Forest Saturday. MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SEPTEMBER! I r ~ Musical Instrument vs. Razor Indicated By Name Marriage lictnats issued during September show a r.wing back to matrimony which is an indication that conditions are becoming better. Mar riage licenses issued during August were very few compared to those is sueal in September. There were more inan twice as many colored marriages in this month than white. One girl 15 years of age ami one 16 years of tge are in the list below. This seems rather young when the ggneral tendency is to increase the age limit. The State permits an IS year old boy and a 15 year-old girl to unite in matrimony when neither of them can make a legal contract for three years to come. Mat tiimony at this period in life should I* discouraged. Th • most peculiar name in the list ' is Piccolo Razor the name of a col ereal pic. alo is a musical I i instrument which Would certainly up ' |ieal to the average c'o|ored person hut on the other extreme he has a razor. Licenses issued were as follows: 1 WHITK ' Thomas McKim-Elizatieth W. Pope; W. J Starr-Pattle Sherroal; W. S. McGee-Nellie Roeburk, Jasper Scott- Sialne) L. Whitgker; William 11. Ma allm-Sualie Martin. Walter E. Ty son-Hessie L. Moye; Phillip Ambrose- Virginia William.-; Raymoiul II Stalls-Alice James. COIjOREII John orship-Num> Williums; (allepsie-Annie Eborn. William Ste phensain-Piccolo Razor; Freeman Camp-Polly William-; Walter Parkins ' l.ula Hines; Charles I»aughte.ry-Lil lian Wallace; Flo>al Spruill-Ma' tie L Hill; Isaac Gay-Judie H. Davis; Thos. Overton Isaalore Holloman; Freal Sim m.n«-Marj' M- Parker; Waller llattie Jones; James Scott-Matt ie Hines. II .IWJ.-j. a I ■■ II Albert (Jray Cherry Died Friday Evening Albert Gray, the ten months old son aaf Mr anal Mrs. Nathaniel Cherr> dia-al Friday evening after a few alays illness. * The chilal was hurrieal at the James II Waral burying ground Saturalay afternoon. The funeral service wa» camalucteal by A. J. Manning. DIRT ROADS IN VERY RAD CONDITION All the alirt roaals in the caiuniy ara in ba>l comlition as a result of the long anal heavy fains of the past few alavs. The Jamesville raiaal is unalergoing construction ami detouring has to he I resorteal tai in order to reach James v ille The Hamilton highway, which is r is usually a gooal road is now cut up baally ami very mualaly. While all the alirt roads leading into Williamston h are all mualaly ami sticky, they are all passable. A STATE PRISON SANATOII M NOW HEING ERECTED The state prison sanatorium which v ill lie the only institution of its kiml in the L'niteat States, 0 now in pro a-oss of erection on the State Sanator ium property. It will be reaaly for oc * cupancv in liecember. i HI RRICANE WARNINGS RAISED ALONG COAST - * —_ Washington, Sept." 29.—The follow r ing hurricane warning was issueal by the weather bureau tonight: Aalvisory hurricane warnings or dertal 6 p. m. iit. Amlrews. Fla., to Cealar Keys, Fla. Tropical disturbance approaching the coast between Cealar h Keys ami Appalachicola will causa alangerous anal probably alestructiva gales tonight. Southeast storm warn irtgs oralereal 6 a. m. Jacksonville ta Fa»rt Monroe. Tropical storm will aal \e.nce rapially northeast waral anal causa strong easterly wiml.. anal gales to h night, shifting to northwest. 1 "VERY RHH OIL SAND BEACHED AT HAVELIMJi. n New Hesn, Sept. 29.—A report brought to New Rem toalay by Dr. E. C. Armstrong from Havelock '' where the Pennsylvania Drilling '* Company is sinking the first well in search of oil on the Great Lakes Drilling Company's holdings near I- that place saial that a stratum of what was described as "very rich oil rand" was struck late Saturday ami I- thai the machines were cutting e through it today at a depth of 325 'feet. i THE MAINE l*ORl TERMINAL i I The advantage to be aierive*! :"rvn> | "iie development of water rout- - jsj ( veil illUsirateal by th? experience ol j Maine which has only this yea. ca-ie I plete.i ti.e first state-owned tetu.rc.Uj st Porlla:Mi, on a site h>iuite: •>> ae | laiunit >| ulaties. The st-ite ha> ii've".- j e.I "Jt (110 in buihiing a iraiatein I t\pe o." i :er with ample freigb; j' l>ng eajuipment adapted ba>th for a-er j' seas a:i«' coastwise traltio Th? i.e«.a! •■f this p'er was so great >hat !jriH'4l the a-i'i-11 uction a.- fi.-t a- one |»>r | tiorj. *a. complete! it put lo u--j ! r>r tl j ; ocomoaiation of ships. Self-supprting Iron the IW-ginniag j During construction a new line of j steamships between Portlam: afiai ' .New Ya.rk was inaugurateti. Karl\ in' 19*;: a pairtion of the pier was mi far completed a.-, to permit its u-e ht a line of steamstripts running Ir>>aii port lanal through the Panama Canal aa Pacific paaints. This -ea-a>n the pier is lieing fully utilize*! ha«th f.»r caaa.>t vise bus iness through the Panama 1 t anal, ami for trans-Atlantic bu-ine.-s anal during tha» |O-1 -uminer its us«- so increase! that i»nly a few week- a gai a steamship latadeai.with Wr»«! pul|a from Europe couiai not !«- acorn rnoalateal at the "tale pier which W;as that alay being u-e«f to 'ull ca pacity. Even aluring const rucfor *» e.only partially in Use. the pfer a- .a*.. aaper ating propositia>n ha- pa:! ,.« n way. Fair the twei%e nior.lli- jaeriamj enaling June *ti». t921. th«- ra-reipt* have exeeealeal aaperatnig a-\|»-ij.«v. In more than SlO.ihni Wi»h ih• pier complete ami in full •.p.-mtio: ar „j \vftß tha* huilaling up of Jf-." ' t.> a normal Rrun'. !!*• pip r -houbl i show a very -üb-tantul -urplus ap plicalde to paying irteivsY at?d a.ther charges a>n the investment ltenelit> to tha> Stale The the frsr.i *!n proyision of tin- moalern i>ate: iia t terminal have been th- aU-\elapment a>f new -teamship lin.- . iiw l.awerin t of freight rates, the «i.ieriiM>; of aa|.i market.- ami the ieve'aapn»etit of new markets for new prualuct- This !>j. haarn iKtrticularlv tme with referetw* to the business carrieal iaatw»-en Maine ami the P.ioitic o.«a-t states Through I ha- nieaiiuln a,f che-aiaa-r water trans|Mirtatiaan a >Kaa> in an inlai»l city a.f Maine can slaija I'is shoes ta> I'a iby rail ami at the state pier lawl them alaaaarl a Pacific coast steam-hip fa.r tnuispaar tation thra.ugh the i'jru'iit Ckiml ana 1 lanal hi.- sha>e- at any paart oi- the l*a cific coast at a tran-portatiai .-t considerably l»-low that a.f any -haae manufacturer at St IjaauL-. «!«> mu-t pay rail ra'es fr-.m his f.aa-l..r\ taa this same Parifia- marko-f Kalrn (aw pa red t>n the freight movwi tlnaaugh tin state po-r in one year's t,naa l«-t»eeo Maine anal tlx- PaoifW- cuast la) way aaf the I'anaiita Canal Ilia- avmgs in freight rates, over wfiat tt.r.- merchnn alise waauld have cost f»r rad oarriaga across the ea>ntiner>t. have amouiateal to appraaximata-ly a>ne-|uarter a.f a niillion dadlar-. On the water line la-:weeii Port laml anal New Yaark City the railroads : ml water carrier.- have maale a lif f'-renc»* in rate- which average aroum! I * 100 |aa-r ta>n, arwl the result mi far is a saving of rmarr than on freight rates in a year's time The t'>tal savings in freight move." through tne state pier ami tran-porteal by the variant.-' water line- for the year eiaal ini- June 30, 1924. have been a.ver s:ttJO,liM) a>r more thara 'Jn per cent of the state's investment in the tate terminal, ami this result has been a -0 hie veal aluring a period in which the pier was still incomplete and useal to rn'y a part of its- full capacity. Water Sen ice >«perM(r Transportation by water, regaral less of t !.e ra>utr, ha- laeen fa.un! ta shipprr- laecau.-e of Ihe ii tin, awiw rwra ein! by •e, el- -;.."inj a>n re/u ar sche tale. Tin- has letii s.i. ■! factaar ir tlie ato- eiupiair .1 ad las throu n .li the* po-r IKc :«■ 11 er.- I»etwe -a Maine poo.;.- ami NVw Y-.rk City can me'e t'a :r |a«-gl,- » ■»! nrUmty an*' in il - i:t i*. if i* e !iaa t.y water that W-jt.l-1 le >tonel iu the maavement i.f the -anaa- fa«-igtit !•' an allrail rnjute 1 he ships engagr>i in the Pacific coast .loaie run on icra'ar -claealules ami . -ylliiiae-- rrsfcj t ill ji a alay or two iriei. tr «ir «jai J -«r. a :,t> are due at any poirt. Tiie i:re.T« r . i»i -■ .i, well as car ; faint a of r ir».e leul •' water freight ; m\y !».» a|- iieriattal Vr we consialer i *i. at, tairir.f. e*.%nlty over, the i avera -e *rei*fct t-t «.j our railroads r m*ive- !eu than 31- ■ «es a alay. An r intere.-ttog c trior n c-f the mox-e- I inent of '.eight Ly *4.ter and by rail | -h" m in 1)4 transportation of r ?Sin or- the .i«-..( Lakes and thence ajty rail to 'W '.jt rr parts. The average jlake 'ate on wheat from Dululh to REVIVAL MEETING CLOSED LAST SUNDAY NIGHI ! Three Federations To Carry Work Of Meeting On j The meeting at the Tabernacle i closed Sunday night after a period !o* live weeks. At the beginning of the ine.-ting | there were only a few |ie»plc who be | l eveil that the mpetiin; r»uM shake ] tlx. town to any treat extent. Ho* ever, these few remained intact ir. tl.eir belief anil are largely rv-pon.-iblt for the success of the meeting. The churches of the town rendered (support from the beginning and help «->! in a large measure to get the meeting started. The greate-t cor. tiihutmg factor to the meet it, * the frequent prayer meetings hel.i at various places in the town ami com inunity. They brought a new vision t»> Hundreds of |eople who had never heard nor -een the teaching- of JesUs Chri.-t through the n 11.1 i church service In this manner tlwy were able to see the person:;! application of (■id's love. The results of the meeting will evidently lie a bles.-smg t.i th- t»wn ami county as w—ll a. to hundred- «.f individuals who have taken th • ii.iirf of then laird as their guide through life While this meeting ha- not the town perfect, it Jui heJprd t.> .• I'res* extent to awaken the and help them realize th? nece--it\ .if • righteous living. Life ami pr»|>ert> will he -afer ami the -ociafUife clean I er that it -hit- lieen in Ihe ■>' MfwS.'Jiave o|ienly -It*..! ;>n>l a.iimT~r tedjheinir wholesale dealer- n lupior j Many have admitted gambling. tl-. ft | ami other debasing thing- ami now they are denouncing them openlt ami declaring their wil!ingne» to live the clean life. The earnestnes-. ..f most „f these young men cannot lie doubted iml it means for them happier and im>re profitable live- One of 'he Ui*lie-t. as well as one of the most u-rle.. that | has prevailed in our town was that * : ..r «. o|ienl> declared that the'\ will not cur-a* ami will do all |fc«ssilde to pre vent others from curbing While the meeting ha- cloal am the evangelistic inrty ha.- left out town, the work ha- ju-t -tarted With three federations, one of the men. one! of the women ami on® of the >i.ui*«- I ladies of our community, a i-reat work tan lie expected. It \lt WEATHER OKI \Y- Mo\ |\(, OF TAItER N \« LE TO |»|.Y Mill 111 Sftllfr* Will Itrgin In llymoulh October Hth Instead of Ne\l Sunday I »ue to the bid weather, wk tia been delayed on the tearing down ana' ' moving the tabernacle which has been u>ed for the pasL h\e week- in the union revival ai|d instead -if le-gln iiing services in Plymouth nest Sun ■ day it will lr impo-.-llie to bt-gm the meeting liefore Wediie-«la>. the Ma. I What wa- a -tructur-- yesterday ■ is now in many part.-, -ome already i loaded on railroad car- with more • waiting to la- shipped to Plymouth KK\. AMI MRS. LEAttAN LEAVE Toll % t ' Kev. and Mrs. Mel l. la-aman left ' Uh'.iv (or Elisabeth City where they • will join the Ham Kam.-e> Lvairigeli.- • tic Party and spend tbi- week Nest > Sum'ay they w go to Plymouth to be;rin the meeting which the IVjUin Kvangeli-tic Party wili hohl in t. at city. , r ill* fain for about three year- ha L liee msl under '.I cent- |ier bushel, . nl u» one mill per lon mile, IS * . ana: wheat mo vet 1 by tail from i Ili iTa.o to New York City, if 'le-tined i It . the export trade. is carried at i t'>e rate of 7.1 nulls per ton mile, ami I lit for ocme»tic market- at 'J.7 null* I jiet ion mile. In other wonL-, in tran t J. i t in,- wheat by l-ak- tail route • frorlluiuth to Sew Y.-rk City the L tran.-|«o lition charges lor that part i of the distance carried" by rail- is i fr. hi .-ever to ten time.- the cLarge t f»r t airying that -ame wheat -by water. The people of Maine are eminently t s;.t i.-tieil with the result of their un r «k rtaking to dale awl look forward s to the continued growth of freight movement by water routes to such an t extent that another pier will soon be - needed at Portland to accomodate I the growing business of the 'Maine] f industry.—F. Fay. of Fay, Spiigj II itntl Thormlike, Consulting lUupneers f in planning and building the SUJe u I'ieTs at Portland, Me. MAKE YOIR PLANS TO BE IX WILLIAMSTON DI RINC THE ROA NOKE FAIR. OCTOBER »-2« TIL ESTABLISHED IM» FLiiERA iiONS M^Cl JTIIIVFIJ\ IONIUDV m WK. » iisio \ WILL BL I.KICL 11 IK HIS LAS I MELTING Another joint meeting of ttie free local Keileration- will be held tontgin at the liaptist churcn. Kvery tnera?x» a- well as non-member i- urge>i to w there. Mr Coston will be at tht- mw-:- n.g ari this will |>robabi> I* Eist ap|»-arance a* a meeting ir. vir cst>. Il will !ea-i the -ervice and it i, es |-"'te>i to be one of the m>»-t®-i a-tic meetings held {during the er.tire -eru-,- of meetings ltKat begin. With 'ln revival here -e/eral week- agw. MEETINC; IS IM)S1 PONE TO LATER DATE t Hi'ii'i: t«» t.eavv runr* vurm r«»a« • ut» t iaVt* |—tjior,p»! the a I I i Sprmr- to later «iale whir! w i'l w announcefl ir ?lle>e , i *lurr.Ki- iat# r. !i th« uraft.ei break- we «ill fee a:in ;» mtp'»i ,t" at \>rnwi c -.aief* li»ui -ia\. JKi.'Ur The eentM i..i- arre#*s t.» r«»n*iurt thi> riwetiprjr . r 2.x U*a-t srteatU the i i li W\t a> niorntnif it the \l«-U iMiist c\ urrh tie *io«»rx will be «? ( >en i«»r i!e rervpti»t) of any ciut »»•..»> .• it*" t«« join i.ur chitnrh '"|i p':nl rviv will hp aS *i %- f v,>n k*»* The pabfirf- a ;l|\ i»i\ ite»i. Y l> |Nk|V|» i.1.'l I I IN— I Hi Ik'ION ».(.|.i, Se|» .' Jn \ rr-.irrttce h J ti*iK*h if tfit*-t to the fneftefc* oi ' l»p rout ra* t »mr |Ktrti«*-' c«>«.4 ■ M»«* Christian rhurcl. NHf Irt*it* Klizaliflh rhorn(t«e Mie *nn»>t ar«'oiti|»ii»he«t |M>|>ular la.ii—. t»eeair»nf tfee « f Mr. I Inyit t»r»ffcu. v«>it mt Mi and Mr- A I t;r;lTir.. ai-« «f lft|tisinffO j I llie uiarriaiep ¥ka witne>M»i •►nlv b) jt few tHrmK yf tJie ti uirfe, arwih p*r f«»rn»iii r»\ Kev i irmer. of I hi- church kftrr , % ! r r ,j ilry l-r ifi-e Iff! f r |M»int«i iti \ »rifinia» «be*e w ill >iat*fi«i t«»n ia> - >»i m«hre. rf !um !•••" to i"«»|«f born to *hetr Uml j J \r; >I i HYING ' 11IRA', to VHIkLIINC V« a .loiigton, .V(h is '«■!> iiir Aim ricai. methwL- n(' t>itM* m;,rk»-tiiig ami toiiacco giotter*." €&- o|*-r.ative orgamzatiuas. It Y inu hjta romniK-Nuii-r of the la ti nt 1,-tiacc> rm-riopoly Ks ■iiakiog a tour »-f SiiUthem f rrgt..ti-. it wa- anniMnrM hy the 'e|iartii,en: of .tgrirultur-. whach i- ii--L-tiiig the -tmiy Jl Ik .L N A. SINt LAIK Hi>U>- l-«: I 111 Kl IN HI %l loICI 111. N A. Sinclair. *(!•■> Ww» «• ern.asly hurt in an ant. 'tt.iMtt ac c»••«-! ' in Wc.-tern I li" Mils ago, an.l which th *" health, ha- recovere.l ar«l t- tu>* -.544- iiig oiuit in lleaaf-rt c«4.nri .'edge Sinclair k- ws* ~f tke a- well a.- i»ne of .rhe Him-f ,>ta&ar jlldi-e- ill the State .Mr. Klliert Marifung ti-itH 'euem&s. m V. ashiiigtun Sur .Lay Mi ami Mrs. John ( M> ail peal Sumiav in W a-hingti.r ' • Mr and Mr . • C. • itraw children of KiHite I vt-ite»i frwais i ere Sumlay. . Mr-. S. S. Lawrence aarf htl» • ■aughtei. Ihhy, will Wane r fol their home in Ki-rfawial a i av l g -petit -ome time here. 'I. --r-. B. Haywoo.l aarf Oeaa/kttk , Knight arrived^Su»i4a.- '" ni " la hi i t'if bedcide of their f-»t*er. Wr_ J. R. i l! Kitigi.t, who dte.l "Jt.j -if Milij \ H. .I. ing I Me->»r Norman H: • il-h. It \ljL . t'..huin am! Stanley S-. «■ If A lison Sumlay ¥s TtstS. fin4l ' a :t t rtrss t tan cwiiegw «INVItT IDENTIFIED AS -DEAIIT SOL 111 EX Had Iteea Rrpwlcd Uo! la Jgw tior In Fraa-* Barf) Kitaarf New Orleans. Sept. Hl— Ft HUT & - Claire a tianiH ia the fc*ii ynaaa I at Atlanta. Ga. has heea iialflai l as John Bergeron, ai hi ■ iam Vk, i who was list ad by the war li p—| . i me nt as killed by the war a it was learned here WFM tha ■|r» turn of F. W. Hll|i lea, LA CATHAC. I r|TL-e hotly af » I ilMew itatiM AS ; A LINK of Bergeron was ntmri " » thia j f coun' ry and BOW ret * r r RTM | in Wiscoasxa. . - 4

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