MOT THE IABGESTh* GOOD AS THE BEST THE ENTERPRISE mum Frito? bj tfcr ENTERPRISE PIBUSBING CO. Tim, —• North CiiWou T w. c MASSING. Editor W. C MASSING. JR. Bu.-ine.-v- Sliracer Sob-cr-pt i.>r. Price (Strict!} Cash in Aifrai**' 1 ytmi - —=- € C month? 3 ntcihi Eatntti at the Pe.a fftw at W4- lLxmiton. North Carolina a- seeotaJ matter, uixwr th» act of Marcr. X IJC9. all com—nication.- to T* EHUrPRK, William-tor. N. C 11 ESDAY. SEPTEMBER » l«l. IIAIIS .SHOWS I P K! P» bt.ll AN UOTTONESS— Vl'sstif-ftori. I* C —Jnhr. 1 ~ t**r eivsr-r jortKTijr if" " » K- !«*■!:! Tv tr«e n rrvjC cffitii!- ir Wa-hiß(ton. a- e\p*--*-: !•> • f --e- .«t* ii f-' satiric f"* " ia-t *:rvr of 'W importart i« ;r# investigation of tw 1 fcefu **. r- •-" of !i-t »ir.>r »i- !" Mr-i >. wto wa- or=e >! V.f ■ wi - c.f tr-e # l*epartfr«er>t of J u-tar» »tiif M 1 i er, aa- %f. r-. . Or#ra *:..ler l"r»-;Ofr.t Har--.u af-~>| ta»ij;CT ami urtti tt» i J-?*.**-". r»;t.»ttfa? | *jm-1 out 'j? !• •- • • lljrr V • I> af• Vr - . »tu> a if!>f to V- Dkvt> !' -ort of a t ji-atr -• *•- ; Itukr :u! Jo»ir Vv I>aik- • . • ! k I J»*t an-; .ti>i tnat «ia-r It repji-lialr.! the tfStUPWJT he T-.l • e 1 Bat the. !»•>» M' | [fei I-. lii-t»r. I; \!»jf ra* ■»!«»'. 1 : te-1 iat*»r tt'e- Vf I-. tJ UUlr- M.rr\ \t "* rv *** »»w ..ff In prfi"rr;- ? «,a- . to* B M»-ar,-. re -a.-:. "It »a> y-a ij-wrt-Hr Harry M. m# Altera l } • »rr;»-nk!' »«.*#■**• -pf* mte-T t;ir W j. if. Itf !»»-partmer.t ■>' Jo-tic* \ft tiilr if!» !f » rmir «.f your iti!)inatr. V-i »r*a".*«s Hir. a f.vmiwf! jr. -1 \... fJ i. t-* r.L- cre-'ertial- *t th» t-rr* ..-ol **3 •* Jf jriftrf alrra*tt »a- I torx.tt_- Ar*j. tf ! am | t«»f* w.«. trer. 'war-: iun-4. t.f UiTr-tijtalii n «.f :■» |* ;ars»i', &f Ju-t»c*- a !•> ir. *'»'• j ».»» ri-t.-ry aj. "aEi> I o>'*"l ! ra' irnaif ;r»- r.u >•*!! 1- ] tratK.* ; r, ai.v er» rr»- tj.' •>[« »- j na-T.S !5--r» »ITmu- -f.jr n«!t «f .uc* fforirtu ~ TKEASI K> bEPAVTMIAT ATTACK— .. Swrtin «f th* T r»-a-ar. »A> rT(»rie.: tvf n\\.ru~ 113".-} >«-ar to Kahk; TKi- t- a' ■UipMwL- -ata. * '»J it tr kiM.> pt,—[Ut rh*t tl«] •tliosiiw? of thb (t-ttttn ' muain I U«ir taa* - to nc* ■ ** hi» (rjrjrw Uat tM-r' s«t>! ir. tittu cx.rr«-c j •WW tale* The? U* T Ik- j *art»i.t ftnit- that J->.r Joot-. ha-1 pakl inrone tue- on SI/«M«k» wtojcr. f«e ji (*_t»al- 1 - , ■awfcMMs ar*i uhet for " Take . @> lor the liver ■ ~ _ ijihr earr>ing on of his kesme>>. Mr. Mellon rule» that that million «k4'ar 'i n- ierit imate expense of the !»-»- | r-e-~ mar arxl so he rteurr- to a«AE. .] Jones- trie i2«u4H*'. taie? which, he. 1 Mellon, claim- should have beer, ciass- U»i a> espen-e an«i therefor* net Ui jaHe. Thi.- i.- r.othir.p but faeortt-ni T-ien whefs ail »uch ea-e- are tak-»r Uf ai« 1 'he refu!.l- made awierlb rulinr b> the Tr%a.-ur> liejiartß*''" l er- another rule i- nia-ie exemptir.e a>other da.-. Sw wher. the Tre--j.air> l*rpartment return.- thL- m»nev li j«'e-e *eait»i> »a*payer> tKej. ol . jc« ar!-e. will sa> We rarriot retp i! j f the ' rt-verr:ntert j-ive- the moeo-i i- |! ..ek to u-." Th- «- one -»t" tc* nt»—: U.inr- thai «a- «« !;' t'icnrii in any -f the krt.vert nn« r,- | jtrtment> No *or.« ker *rie \ r»>r ri , are en*tr, i.g urt-ier -urr> r»an t.:Sie- »h*-ti ttie government i» rtvir* - j:»tk million). u|»-f milliort- to *-a J »eajt v taxpa\er- It L- nof time u - 'un, ihf ra-ral- out Tj l«r the |«a-! two >ear- the t».'har I-• 'w '.' f\ h. rr hi..- bet-r rvmasr int ' - , -*le an«i -t i- -»oiothir? we car"? uat ] j« - r-t:;!.»-. We have a vaurue nea »! : jtr« itiK of t«-hacr-> an*t >{iie(y a > % m«l lie of it w her. it t- t* "j« sr, tti« . ■» ra f ft.r ,-ai" *•«*• it* j, - fr«»»r w.i!-» ..u »• to -h w » ' - *ut "f -ur Ithowinr Tohnceo 5 ,i ' J ¥>• mailt hat..!.- br-twe»r j* '■ T Itravf- the I .»>u.-e r am** p**' uJi With a t«'bc-cr-> t»*.-i»'t tfr !c!t> aim not in «f»-»ati'.h t- wif ».f |l H.ii.r- w«- -a-,"t lif |c «ur-« it - uot nuuiifurt'irr *•'-■"»■• l-W—it-- —»-» *. at t i fT.jj • |. !• it for t. m..nufartur»-r |- , , 'h:»t a f»iir Ntt istsr • Iff* i al U -t f»«» «*o>*=r thun tf> «n j- *le-.- h ha- i»-»» rumnrwl that the - j 'i *ive- »HI- hitterl> »he |f-*«or> --I*-..*!1 f■ *r UtMj rit Or" a " «.f r.».k» K » J l * ; i-' a *ai t a-i iri 'v.rr►a'- | r «uhi frinnti i»ia» | Ii- *•■ -a.-1 t«--f"r>'. -a. kn mr miirniiHr '-■ it •'- op.-ratH>n ~f »h. . far*or.;. l*-a? *.r ... k.low tl at it i- i.if» irrt at it j- a chance the se r of ■ #-rcf t» u e it- ir-.fftj-ewv I l\ ». X\|i | h\h'\ r | I '' ** a- -jt |»..jih- run Ware fiw , • * hat iri|f tw- !•*§• i J •. *ilh n pan ir Jtime- Jtl - «..a* *r\ -f >ul-l fove bst'» fc-««n. ni ' in.iu--r» -i..Jre.t Uf „. „ • -cancer nj-t er,.Htrt wa- rea!l> hart »«« J" to make ~ mat. U t stk JaJi-i rea!ii- TT any movement •>r .r - f -'atK-r. wiVli mt-ff-rr- «ith ,-»>ri*:„6 j !wiK>tm| activity -trike- lot .j j' -r*e-t at the w..rkirr n^an A- farm pr»-perit> r> tu'tL-" (r.^.te' '* *' have jmi»- MI! unh on tre 'arp- I :jU " w .-II lutes of inlu>trv j -A mar, who work- in a -aweuJll j r ,-alire thai his j»ib »i»|m-o t- «>€. t |r» -psrjt} ?r> other line- ..f bt »«! I ■ tl« |>r>iurt !«• pro»!'*te--. | II '* 'Tak« n.ii »r er.jriheer . ** a fieijrht trail -i re. lixr that km^ 1 | . X !>■*• >'ep-r^!- ..ii -the oth t * ' I jiaake- an article f.,r tran-fwrtatm* Il . "li PAINT VOI R AITOMOBILE - 1 ' r LET ITSl T S PAINT VOI RAI TOMORILE WE WILL DO IT IN 10 DAYS AND IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW. j N. A. Riddick | Motor Car Company •*:" ... . ! Agents For Buick Cars SCOTLAND NECK NOgTHCAR I *.S ; . ; • j -,i if *c piii together a> a .'allot J s -Jttcs.- await.- us. If we fight among i- rrffvti we court hani time- ami I a f jzlure. r' i ..j The people of Europe have -uffer*-. . Sit long year- to learn thfir lesson— .. —that or.* nation cannot profit I L i_t ihr expensf of another. g,|„ Th Anw-rican people hevt or!y i s! Lrkh! future before ti:> ni if They >_ j, r'and for the -quale iea! pc.lic;. whkr e j»J! i-iure coii'inoei uirricuhufal aie. * 'iu.-:rir: 1 aetivitv.—Th° Manufuftur :i" . ,t J Six per cent "f.'le p>;>u!a , jt-or i- in A o.'-rca. ThU i\ ff-r cent 4 |(w«»*e- one haif of the worhl"- lum '■ ~ , r |»# r. are: * ii time- a- li'.uch ptuntbEiis ►.la- ali Furwje ,1 He pro-iuce half thf w«>rl«i"s f-t 4 |tor h-_ c-.n-uiife more than r»r* -fi>jrth r 1 ii. v.. -i« |*-r rent c.-n-iiii® w. _ S" . f t.'.e «ori.!"- ca-aL It :"'S' we i.r.«rjce.i more tha»: tww thi»>i- tlx- wV.H.r- -tee! an«t Ud ■Mot f it Mir-ehr-. We u-"' tw-^ r [it.ii.i •; alt the alum num. s p:. - ri'n.- fruit we t lkr-i over pr> / I-1 l«yr we u-*-*> t«f» JcaiHo. J a « 3i ii!' form.- home- now r-iertricitv f«»i litrht. p-wer aiwi I M'J' we ti-a-'t :tr >i -4»t ' i Iw \aicuum rial «r . k-ctrie fart- a-i --»a-rii- nutlmir.-. i *«u. h ' i- ,-fx per « i • own- S3 p-r fir-sJI f all the telephones ui im J f J «or>. ;.m u-e them M-l time- a yeas I' rl;*r c: pita, to 11 call- a. year p»r I' "prb'x« for the Britons. • - f \Jl'.' -it Hit- huitHr ■-v ». I • r hi t)uittufaclure.i ira.- 3'i-i lai-- I aiel 'iit.ruikian trar %* r>?M: ••*.-•-■1 all other natU.E... I ■"* f-r cen' American.-- ownert . -.« p»r c-t t of the automobiles in the i » -tw Jj'uan 1. aiwt now ..we jßßore To -up|ily gasoline we pruiar* l«arre!» of nil a .ia> -ar J jJjoc: t»arre|. a year mor. !'« A»e-r.can frrtctHin >.f all th- I|e«f4f !!-»-■• more ra* material ar j,.. .. ... —it. ronytfx i" I■ ai too- plore—*•> than al! the re iraawr («er c»-nt, -avape am) civ» lri»e«s put 'opettwr. accor.iiriv to th» j|« i. «--*£• I iherty .'f .Auifu.-t .'t» 3 * '• CIHIH (M »| \KHITK.\TII»N ■ ! a Jw-Uib!e terniency ii. ii j ■ j -.•-In; I. p>'!it:cx.l ..r.i rc.' - !- m»c re!a > e -oft lie >r»- to. arbitra'ioß ar - I WRIGLEYS Aft* Every Meal ■j ir» m kelp to 41- | flestloa cleaner j kcarHlaa wcßm I j I / r / THE ENTERPRISE. V. ILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA |le&* to force. _ ! Tm maiM hand of militarism, the 1 | boycott and the strike are lesn in j |(Tiduct in international affairs and j roelrtrerMfs between capital and j labor More time and money are to be j spent in the future in threshing out - the muimhiik details and arrivinr 1 at! tlx actual fart.- in differences arisin? ■ tietweer. government- an.! -tratigk> ue-tween empiojer- am! employes. "nl:i.r Premier Mar Donald, before ?h* ---enably of the Lea-.iie of Nations jsa*» 'iic'iwis of rcrunty and dis amannit must be set -.led by arb-tra twt. in fotu*. He wcian« that no permanent e> U.hh-hmei.t of worl«t wace i« p&- yibl* without a scientific system of H'.'.ratwn beir\g put into operation. The iitdicaton.- in the uxiustriai wori«J point *o the «uh- ience «»f ntar.i fe-tatjoris of kai-eri.-i:: in -eltleroent c-f bt«r controversies In *.he death of I>r 1. 15 11. Knight *ii!u»!-t«! loses a ftiehl> > Juoi •**• r ai>i citiren. K..r almost year fe has an-»»rf-: tne call of he *icl> in this community. ai»i answer- j «.? »ith a -mile alwav.-. In ner> ; i-mi« n*nt of the chui rii he wa- a! ' reat; to let*! a helping' »Vc all nil! miss hi- heart> rr»*t u*»r which went to the j*».ne,-t to the • «ches an.] e.-pecially will his' pa- I** '--, whoni he has -erve«i >o well, I i in the »ee hour- of morning j ?r>i in rain and snow to lo so. mUj hirr. SI BSTRIISK TO THK KNTKKPRISf MITM K OF SALE ~ Notice is hereby given that uiwier * ; ij'l l»> v tw of th" pi.vv. r of -af-» coo- ■f ■ ■»*.. > j We Are Showing j I !uj " *'■ Everything That Is New In 1 i * 8 $ ' I | : I Ready-To-Wear and Millinery f Di I I Harrison Bros. & Co. | / WILUAMSTON*S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE J •Home and See b AO We Ask" S WILLIAMSTON, I ' t n/t':c t v7-r«rt n» «■ o»»i» ■ i Im rtur-* on. »>u"n IINI m ■» » M«. L . , 5 >- "jr ji ycyw f yir"c> rr* 'itr * r c'»t?yr f ?rl >ll i rrt >t lH*yrSV | taintd in that certain title retaining note made and executed by G- *. j I H jinan to the ander&igncd mortgagee, and bearing date of July 28th 1924. j and of record in the pabik registry !of Martin Coanty in Book 7Z at page ) 118, default having been made m the j payment of the indebtedness therein j recited, and according to tbe pro j visions of said note, the undersigned mortgagee will on Friday the 26th «lay of September 1924. at Eleven O'- • clock A- K , in front of tbe Garage c-f W. L Stalls, known as Stalls ' Garage on Washragtor Street in tbe own of William-.ton. N. C.. oftr for I .-ale at public t-UCion. to tbe highest bidder, for cash, the following de scribed personal property to-wit: ONE CHEVROLET COUPE tbe same being Number 3B 41S1*. and the same automobile purchased by .-aid G. W. Hymai' from said W. K. Parkr-r. This the Clh day of .'Tipumbti 1924. W. K PARKER. Mortgagee. Dunning. Moore A Hortjn. Attys. 9-S-3 NOTICE OF SALK Under and by vir*»e of power of sale contained in Two certain deed's of trust executed by B. J. WhitrJoer wife Ir E. S. h*i. trustee which is of Kecord in the officr of tbe Reg lUr of Deeds of M-ftia County. N. C. »he -ame b~ing recorded ir Back' . K 2. pare aZ7 and 529. records of j j Martin Cou.-.ty, dated 22nd day of April. 1324. default hiring bem m>t* | ; in t«K> payment of the iralefctrdnr- - • -ecure. 1 thereby, and tne bolder of, .-aid n«t»v having m»ie d?mard or me to fered-fc* the same. 1 will offer for sale at public anrtion for ash I A Good Tlaag - DOVTT MESS IT Send yonr name and addrmn plain- 1 ly written, together with 5 centa (and this slip) to Chamber tea Median* Co . DM Mown. lowa, and HTDW In lotorn a trial package ooauMm CHAMBERLAIN'S COUOH REM EDY for cough*. eoMa. crowp bran rbial. • flu and ■ hiniftoa r npsto. and Inkling thm«t. CHAMKB LAIN'S TABLETS foretomacbtrow MM. indimtfcm. gamy pla that crowd tbe heart, tuunanaaa ami can etijatm. Abo CHAMBERLAUTB SALVE, needed In wai family far born*. t* aide, woanda. ntla* and db affections. tbmerainedfbmOymadl dM far only 5 cento Don't mbn It jural. MAaW NOT THE LARGEST fc* GOOD AS THg BEST to the highest bidder at the Caaat kNK door of Martin OH on the ' Hili day of October, 1924. at IX •*- Idod M. Ik; following real estate to 'urit: r , Beginning at iron stofe ie Whits.- ker's line; S. W. Whitaker'a corner, thence with S. W. Whitakers line a straight course to Crisp line to an iron stcb; thenee a West Mm to a gam a corner; Osborn snd M fold's corner, thymtx with Oshorn's line a Northerly course to :n iron dab; Richmond HighsmithV earner, thence with High*mith's line to an j SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES > I, J. 0. Manning, Tax Collector for the Town of Williamston, N. C., have this day levied on the following* tracts or parcels of land and will sell the same at public auction for cash, before the City Hall, Williamston, N. CL, on Octoiier 8, 1924 for the taxes due and unpaid for the year 1923, unless the taxes and cost are paid on or before that day. • u ■—tHy'JP WV > • * *» 3 This Bth day of September, 1924. White TAX COOT TOTAL .Mrs. Byra Ballard, one rKidqn CI-#® ll* Ul* Ceo. W. Coltrain. one vacant lot _ —— ll* IX® IXBO IW. R. Cherry, two residence - TSJB IJO 7CA3 (Hirganus Ice Factory ; its« IHO 54 30 ,'E. M. Conly, vacant lot ; . US LAO TJS jHrme Realty and Investment Corp. 14185 lA# 145.® Harrison A Peel, 1-2 interest lot Washington «L US LM 7Ah >W. A. James, residence Main street S4A4 IJ# KM W. H. Leggett. two reiideans .... _ IOIJOO 1J» 102AO J- B. McGowan, one residence 4-ttt lAO 44AS Martin A Fowden. three loL- . 124-95 lAO 12075 Me—iing & Peel, one half interest lot SiS lA* TJb 'Julius S. Peel, four lots . „ 3X03 1 ft) MAS Mr*. W. D. Roberson. lot . *.lO lAt> I*B , Williamston Cooperate Co.. 5 vacant kits SO AO UN 92.10 i Ward A Critcher. 2 lots 50.40 100 «A 0 ' tVilliamston Realty am) Imp. Co.. One lot 9.45 1J» HAS Colored I ■ V O. Brown, one residence ... _ 39A5 lAO 41CS lA'illum Andrews, residence 15.70 100 17A0 P. S. Bullock, reKidence 11.55 100 13A5 W. T: Alexander, residence ". " JgJS Ut IRA j Phyllis Bailey, vacant lot .... 2.10 iao 390 ohn Edwards, resid.rce , 5250 lAO MAO John Everest, residence . 11.74 |jw 13A4 .Ceo. W. Hyman. residence I. 21 00 lAO ?t , Gertrude Has.* 11, residence _ 840 u« 10A0 ; Lizzie Hawkins, vacant lot 1. 2JO lj« ian 'Andrew James, one lot ' 15.70 lAO 17AO Mary Rebecca Lanier, vacant lot Xl 5 lAO * 4AS ;Hannrh Uoyd. residence lOAO lAO 1230 H. Moore, vacrr* lot iu ija t n Caesar Purvis, res id nee .- I 17.14 ]j» 1A94 residence _ .... 14 TO lAO lASO TwPa r * sid " K ' - li«n lAO 14.0" I J** nce . 11SO lAO 13A0 ■.ovinia otfiuc, vafint lot _ 910 i MA t m Sherrod Sink, residence • ~ oin •im in 9«> Cmhr i»-l Wiir rin residence . _ ~ .. 24 10 1 Wfl « w Turner Wlliams. resi.»enee ~ ;$ J® « »» Rinmr Williams, residence in SO im nw » . iron stah C C. *hrtiker'» carter, thence with i»e» „ This CU day of Stplialw MH E. & M wrlsis

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