■J «, ' BRING YOCR TOBACCO TO WILUAMSTOK a ———— .^— GIIL RIDES ALTO (JT STRAIGHT WALL IrtM tot «kh Mau ui Mfc Nicktty "TV big thrill with the ifuman umd Pollie shows which are farnbJtinr the umismnit for the V. F. W. Fes tnral is the motwter lutoJnxne. which k awnM at every performance to watch the —tor cycle riding of Joe Dohtsh and Seed. It if all very ex citing. but the great big thrill comes when a frafl little woman. Irene Hare 4»y name, drive* her automobile up the side of the drome, and hitting the perpendicular wall sends her ear a i iiminl the ""straight ap and down" track at nearly sixty miles an bout. It is true that she doesn't keep it ap for long, but more thrills are irnwl- ADDED FORCE Tt» PREVENT SMCGGUNC OF ALIENS * *. Washington. D. C. >'fp« ember Z* —The Cirtl Stnriw Coui«>m h*- anNimd In runimtiM to b* held October 8 to fill pn-itmn- of ian nigratioa patrol inspector for 'lit) »- long the Mexican and Canadian bor ders .Appointee* will be required to per f«« maid duty akxut the t*» in trkational boundary lines for the par poor of detecting and pmnla« the illegal entry of aliens into the I'nit- H State*. The condition* under which this «NK is carried oo are rfocely COM parable in nature and requirement* U the duties of a «4iditr under actual feM conditions Applicant* must hav had at least two y ;ar»" experience as * law enforcement oficer. or at least rix months' experience in a cmmhi,- aat branch of the Army, Xary, or Marine Corp*, or at least six mouths* experience in a State. Territorial. «* foreign police organization comparable m rank to such farces as the Texa« bapn. (VaasyHnuua State Coasta Wary, Sew York State Contsabutary. Royal Northwest Mouatcd Putin. % The entrance alary m lljMt a year Puß information blanks may be ob Uineri from the l ulled States CITU C, or fmm the secretary oi the local heurd of mi service examiners, at the *y- S' BCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE ** —. —. . . —Jj NOtTH fAWMJNA j | STATE FAIR 1 IM ITlfc, Mi i /IHH ummewax —, I {■'"■■ l Eifar«»i»B«l Opptt—lty I A Saoal &*«t A Mttiw of Amdtua! A. Ann. «r- FM, C—p«i O^im^m _ A* Arnal Ccuas of PrtfiK- j v A IMwa of Enhuff far «f* Acmkair • —* F*«m A rural mt Fhtw THE BIS! CATTLE. SWINE. SHEEP AXD POULTRY i PRODUCTS OF THE FARM AXD HOME PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY BY THE BOYSt AXD GIRLS' CLUBS AKD VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS - A U?t^" A * T S" o *- IKCLI DIKC A IJO AX EXHIBIT FROM • - CITY REFRESEXTIKG SOME OF THE BEST | AfIILKICAN AKTISTS W 5 A ""SSraiEciffiffi" 4 "* MAnc ™°" BtTTE * "•raSS^EOTSS* 1 - ™° ™ AK U>ABS - FOR »- " DAILT - °* "* PIESES or EACH MAMMOra Obi iuK PALACE. REQUIRING !• fAßliups OF 1 UCEXSED A. K. C. DOC SHOW FIREWORKS EVERY MfGHT NO DULL MOMENTS ' MEB ® 18 K tllnt * AT THE X. C STATE FAIR ' * Ed iaU those two minutes than prwb . ably were ever furnished on a show gnaads before t Miss Rare offers a challenge to I anybody in the world to duplicate her feu*, but so far name accepted it last eichl and probably never »ill i All -f tLe shows ana att»aetio»» • ith la* iVwmi" and PoM. ? -ho«- ?r* of the i.«l>es» imifceur;.' nltlwr r:«d it 1- q-—e evident ths the au>- aww i« produce i a «kn*r. .levw i M all lit» objectionable "eitui*- -•=■ Is-, r asMit'.ed with t»vHi>* o*g • »- z>i.Uocs f this sort Som* «' the shows »?( fitte>l u;»j Ike beta'ifu! theatres, wen - j-i>f «r - ] table seat i.!ush drapes, lim si- > h*- i*al «Trft. stages and ligr "•».!; »f --ffrti. Splendid music is furnished by Con H Jeper-en and his sixteen piece bwd ~ AhdMu Tribune. I MONKEY Hint mm I'd i *1 I Hi* Laugh I"east at Show. The f■inuring L- a HTdT up uf till j I /cklmaa and PoHr J»»- which will | J play the Roanoke Fair here October) - 3P to S4th It appeared In a \ irgm a ntw^paper "One of the twenty show- ami rides' carried by the Zaeriman and Poll:e L shew* now playing j "here aal one to which the children ' Itspecially flock is the Monkey Hippo '|D~ C«l«ncl A.~St*rho Jong known as a * dare devd auto racer, conceived the« " ftdeu of framing monkeys to drive their •n cars around the bippodroase trark ' cad the result i- one of the big buch ' feasts of the whole show. . Jennings Bryan witnessed these monkei races last i»ar in Fl»r- J I kh suce wHen very little has the «ic -1 ttrguiihtd Commoner sa*l relatrv- to' . the rroluOor. of mankind All of the many attractions with the j Zeimaa aarf IVllie Shows sre worth while, aal . ame of them are of a par- ' Urwlariy high class nature. , Col H. Juptwex and his barad far-] nssh gill music" ' VODDER PI LUNG DECREASES %AH E OF 1924 CORN CROP I Our corn crop is eipntnl to prM I «lj M/Mjnil bu heli. or 30 per; teat less than last year At llJli p? r Icjhel farm price. IdjMu.mi u this) yearns value The fodder crop wB», | , therefore. he wwrth aor> than «cr- j > tl ird that of the gram. Recognised ' sMhMiti» believe that this year's nn crop would have yielded per haps » percent more grain had noar of the fodder been palled This shows a grain loss of and leaves a art nhe of IftjNKUMXi for the fod der. or SICJOV per ton and liOO per acre. The qaestioa is whether foddrr fe not expensive at this ra>e in car. s deration of the labor. diCrul*ics of harvesting. stacking. He. Wouldn't , I ay be bet er T It off-rs more feeding iizlae than fothW and ~akes bss l .bor—Cooperative Crop K. porting ( Strriee. ULD NIChORI CHIPS IWrTt worry abnat Ma Ferguson. 'she will have aa • opportunity to mother the SjMtuMu peoplr of Texas. Lots of people righ now would rath er knou whirh team will he wurfi champions than wholl suceee«j Coo! idge. THo-e who have h*en stna-mllM in politics are never *~ippy until the* have -earn-nlml somebody rf-#. . » ———. J Still. wHat particular dasfervafe jdoe> it make whether (Germany jul war evjilt or ikwT Everybody jb»«> it- anyway. If we roald »ee oarvelve> as otheis |»ee c*. we' never pnk to thei.. i g*m I'resiien IwjKif ji- o'.jt ! In country ree«*> t> cwmna.Mn kiss* Ami [let's hope that after the txpenmce ««*f the la>! three years it's rot it { ' ! ''" s »1 "tub*- The Itrmpsey-Firpo | h*ht baled! ftfteen minute* ami tis-k 'in lIjW'MM; the Olympir contest.- j l_*te»i » aknntfc anil irew onl% the M«rU War lasted foar years I and ran up a io*cit_ llalf the wwrid doe r, t know hot the other half livrs, Uj« it ran mak •a good ! ==::: == : == : ==== = j\£ >^TMDAR^^ N E JwkJorK Always /I* tePw?> 19 Jit rf.n ■■!■ i many town msm Hue «t hot, or whuiwr HlSmI you go, you can't fey better MADE IX THE CAROLINAS. B I fi A GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS I READY -TO. WEAR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS B*J \ I»n*j«» FAR Udo, MLV- Vitfe. Gulan, Haip>. MM- ,/A --i CUlm; Iritiiw and rtolrn.-, Aatokarp. Slru-r- for nrr H«tier>. Viafa. an.l CiiUr-. \ artroUr I §jj M»i Rr^.^. >K SHOES rjj. s| DRS far MM. Ladies "IT! RE FRMES tff CUdm; Mtb im Boys „ . . . MH f£ Wwk ~ - "»* to yw «*I A full jtt ™ fa* of Eud Fraae. |ZL DRESS GOODS " !JJ? SPORTING GOODS s!L b tU> trfannrn( ar kin *L >ll km*L mt pinp K *** Kat "- jjjj H ''***• Mitts, Smls uri £ > orkkig» (K i CLOTHING FOR MEX AXD BOYS. READY (ft! 3g ZZZHZZZZZHI. made suits made to order, jT j I RUSS BROS. VARIETY STORE I jj W ASHINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA J THE ENTERPRISE wnxiAMsrox. liokrH CAROLINA Ketiwd \mtaa H- who Uugns last is o--u*;iv the dwabest. PraktU; Ktmmmt* (•«»_ Wife— ; "Anything new in tbe papers?' Hitdwkl —"No. ttrly liUTfW" ■ Bamfs." Berlin aacmt war rc p. sponsibilitifs when it shouVt he thirk t inf of future nuanml r*-~p.«i-ibd jitie*. What we cant mkr>!ani i~ wh\ '; sotnr prl- (tree up gmd j#h> to Jiv* ion some mir.'i liahiov ckaritT. If opportunity lioocD fin.: you. fin.l her. | if war be alwli>M. what will be » substitute for those ku crops of wire! chair heroes? , An op" is a st»iei ' who H | ptcL to frt an edantw. without I study. • Senator Kief proves «v .'jr|i E twooirrvi swwni for Mr. Krac in tfw •Xcw Jersey -enator>a! primary Ton j Sta.i he himself is to be ».•>.>! .iowr |by his IVmoeratir opp»*,*i: in \.. * ember . P*-'or—"\\ ial woukt hapfwi. w*-re to break one of tbr Sen corn mumiments ?" Willie- "Wall. lhe-. ts»u «u(ii" iw mne left." Kfi»>rS inmr-I the IV n -\lvi ta cual nniw- ha- It I ha' thrr> i- an up ' | wani tendenct in the prtr> »f an'l ra f icite. Is this to be retear - : a.> ?)*■ natural re*u»t .if reeeM tnrestiga tin—? 1 Prohibition is like Chanu in . rr.«p(rt«. Vital—to •he bo«>tletnrer> K*m SALk SM KK %L \lt K Ijtll S well lueateai .-V« K. C- M--nn.ne H»H SALE ONE MH It hi KVKK I» rain Kerosere f«4 Stun-. Huih G Hc.rt.Mt 9-26-St S -NOTICE ' «be ddncbted to do row or dinary bntk and cecieat work aw also year lathing. I wiß be opn foi on »nd a/fat Juar Ist .•»ad it you have any of tK abtn« work l> do you stay «rste or ral * lo 221 m >uik Pearl street, W aiuaautoc *«k Vxie in ar.i out of Uram. A. Regers. "NOTICE OF SALE t n.ler AI •. i b\ virtu** ef p®*we* I- c-f sale con tailed .1 tfcit if trust executed to the «a*rs-n»>, on the nth .lay of |i*, I3cst». t>> J Charles Ih»w»s and w;f«. rod of r*cor>t y w V art in Cavity Pubiw Krr. In n c i"****k C-2, p&£e 441, c* ttain benil- of even date arui true- tVre-- *s'h an d;he stipulate ■> not . fcarinf been comp.M>i with jr.i - tfc» t of the lieUier of ,>i»i handU, the andersigimi ;"i-?e# *3l or il»> 24th day of Sept.. !»?!. I2«n>. \W_, ' iti front cf the curt Se»e Jn.it of f Martin Co ity offer at peM«c :.i *k.-a to th* hi-hest bs-i.U p f-r cask f« lowinc described real estate: Rounded by tht W illun ausn Hamilton Road. Irn.l. of CrveSet * '»e. M I) WilsoQr Coe.dio Crwk ai»l •tKr . rontair.ins; lit acres, r » I AS. Thi> the iir-! day of Autt ir.'l NI KI: CRITHIER e T-j!,. M »» " NOKTLL CAKOI IN \ MARTIN COI'N'TV IN THE si KPRIOR • in i:r BEFORE RM NRU jl> I HIIMV an«l Claric* lore "j kn Guanlian. Robert I l*ar. ■ VUNR r for H .■«—» tW khM I I ft.T lICMTt Ma Hlhh.taprfd.wn »w—A» «C hi •• «A* SSSCSJSSS. S3 USISR""** ■LV,7T=2E==^- W ' ttJintersmiths : «! • == r -= a = . — ——— ! STYLEPLUS I CLOTHES If lllP 44 America's ' [jgg "ol'J fmemost yyi style line at ■ wr-.- popular prices" Just what the name implies—style plus quality. Styleplus bbrics ate all-wool —the fashionable colors weaves and patterns that give the designer and the tailor the chance to create distinction. Young men —we have the proper thing for you, all the latest fashion touches. Conservative dressers —we give you atyitsh dignity, bu3t on Styleplus quality. Made by Hctary Snmrhorn & COL, Inc., Baltimore, Md. Popular pikes always. See Styleplus before you buy i clothes. Pay usaviM* Harrison Bros. & Co s* , .«- » ' • ». ' ..." " v.. ._. ' , FOR HIGHFrr I-RICES SELL YOI'R TOR.ACCO AT V> SISTOX « -s==r T>- j Ksn.iy tjirttrright and Frsnk Spmccr x C jll-r*,. Aha HII*S J. W *- * WMifai . ami It ]) Tfs " -* k, ■•*- ndaots. Kmily l i -twrifcht, tartwr.**. ft |» Tew g>T*CM K. Hiaes ibore -» _ ' ' w>: ** an actx-ii tr!i;t|>j ~ j***"? hi> hf-rr. omiwro.. ,r. ih- Sc r,"r ,0 »rt of Martin l:Wt!v t,v an* hem* for the r „ r ,I*"'' of a dniion ~f cr.j-- Jam", ;,- 'j*** 1 Co«jr a.-l Stat- :r#i in «Mc ( '* ' Mn-iiSklnj «*K.vi >M> ar* fluted: ar.i th , a i. -v, , «>» further -ak.- notice that ] I '"> anp to jpj**.; a t j I •* lhe ' of tfw Suprnor . t,lin "• Martin Cant; an ih? 4th j day of Ortoher l»»l W,l!iam>t«>r.' . f- ar-i 3f •»«•? or w;nur to t!v J r ■■•'"'H in wtid ; SiST will appU to the court for re- I ■ef •wnjinlAj in im ;-c1 :or / _ DON! BUY OLD-FASHIONED HEATERS IV. you »ani- 3 hotter 3k| I i. l j liwtl**! of h«,!i!,( y. UI thl- *ll tri ' Tljrti '_" '"'"*** • *'*''»"• '*'ly -*■ v attH»Y«- the | \ n,» t-ratsm: | IKs! «».*> th- I 4iJ| ||j H "p'k of two of thnrr .1 B •iinary || I I Ir» hrjithful »a> by sts..i»t i>r rl'rabii.B' ?• ""4r*VT* vH A ea-iSx ke,.: rtran .«• .. b f S » 7 «• -c«- of fuin'.BK \■ i m 7- ~jf H «*a- pumian rratarl *•> j ft* «l !/. f iEfIV »-►: m Mai', eui. ru' »»v- «RV at * «.r |Jjin J V L Allen's Parlor Furnace^ I*l VTltt V V\ tif li X \>lllo\l |t sTli\ | m 111 \ Mil « '•! r Tills I'll ! I l.>s I I I;\ ',t 1 I (IK \| M«ISI IIN - \ MI: M«l\ I w ' nuijitltr r\.a iwj'ili- m j|| |».ir[- ol Ik - '■•>■ a§-J i "mi nii iiis w i.h i la. i j B. S. Courtney I ' ThL- the 4th day of -Viitcmbrf 1924. K H- J. PEKL. Clerk Superior ( .ort. . Moors A Horton. A tlomf) for piairtiff-. | t I- ■ 9-8-41. ,i OOHT TIT TO lAISE^. - Foe stomadi .dies and i MM rfnn. M iii|| irtiln.,l ;i t^rrjjra.t i CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY NmtUtoWniiwUML .— —— Caumui Kvddievk 1 - flu a- «1 li , -.J .y^«a r- £-?*'*♦. ""***. *- '•** t m taa 1 . ' 4 a£ it* :sU^a f n n- f'b S j Ka-J y|- *►" lrr r 1 * ,MS 'aflinmiiioß an ■—« —> , lUH-* nrMKH «CIHH\E VIA 1 . .*' ** "* m'-r - t -»! r«,r -***rt i Wrrt* r bT • ?- 'I K \. * a f'Trv »r ♦* Tnn • - '"*■ * "*•- TV M- Ohio