niPill AN EXHIBIT FOB THE ifpOß FAR, WUJUAMSTOX X. C-4 BK DATS 5 MC NIGHTS VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 67 1,291,734 POUNDS ] SOLD HERE IN SEPTEMBER TWO BIGGEST BREAKS Of THE SEASON TKSTEBOAY AND TODAY ON LOCAL FLOORS The lata! tobacco market hid two of the kiRHt breaks of the ««■ jmiiil ■ j ami today. Prices, which were a little off an same gwte last meek tiac to tahjr weather, hare re nral ami are as pwii if not better they have been at any time this T~*- The continued rainy weather has 1 been very hard oa the farmer* wha had tabucco ready to brine to ■arkc. and sane of it was damaged slightly bat not to any great extent. Since the raia* have ceased. the lows have been uawded and the local market is getting a larger following each >lay- Famen from arras* the river say that it is no use to pass the Vißiaa ton market when the price? paid here are as good or better than they are in Green ville. Read the awrehonse fchrettwaeitl in today's issae. they speak the con dition The local market snrpa.Md all records in pounds when it sold 1.291.- 734 pound- last month at an average of 21.5* . MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES B—dtoy gthaal. ML Morning Worship. 11 * Evening Service. 7 45 Saaday will be hoar-Moimr day a oar chltl. Oar Sunday School broke all lacatds last Sunday with an at tendance of 227 and an offering af 57&.49 Nearly SOU people attended the prayermeeting and Baptismal •arvice Wednesday night. The haaarf af charch fellowship will he given all new lather l Sunday morning. The pastor wdl speak briefly on the «ak ject of "The Christians Signature at the laiimi of which the Lard's 9m pper wiU be arwd At aagbt. the pastor wdl repeat by request a sermon on "The Piuphstir Call of the Church." He is anxious that every per inn who pmiily car cmm shall he parsent at these serv ima. The newly elected igwn wffl he ia their places Sunday Already the aew Secretary and Treasurer. Mr aad Mrs. H. G. Horton have began their duties. A carton of imthp have haea mailed to every member of the church Pledge cards will be detiibat ad Sunday marniug and oar church will be off far its aew. aad we trust aad pray the greatest, yaar a* Ms L;. t __ . * RMOn. k I- SHIRLEY. Pastor. IHSTRHT MEETING AT AT ST. PETER'S (HI M H The District Get-Together of a> the women's organizations of all E paacopal churches in the district wili be held Oct. Hh, beginning at IO JI o'clock ia the morning. The utrt mg will caati—r all day- I aark will be aerred. Mrs. J. G. Stale* of Wißmmatou will be present aad also the cuavga tiaa chairman. Mrs, J. D. Cos, of Miaahin of the charch organaaa taaaa ia this parish are urged la make the* ptaai ta he able to atlead the mrrtiag October Bk This is the to* ■at rag to he held m Wash aagtaa aad with the urn aparatiau of all the alibiw it shawl! be a great sneeem.—Washington Dady News. BOOK Y MOI.VT TOBACCO ' BAB ONE MILLION FOi'ND LEAD OYEB LAST TEAB I than it had las* year this thaa'it has aay year m its hiatavy. The warehousemen of Rocky Mount the farmers aad they mack fag the highest prices far eiesy laud of to bam sold aa their I 111 la Oa edition «f The Flakier the beaks aad be alar n of Racky Moaat are advertisiag their market aad they are taapttufmg ia every way with the tobacco am. Mr. ai Mrs. ghtnad Carey al GriMaa were shoppers here jft tor day. Chief A. I. - af HertfoW left this mora speaad a few days mmd attend tha THE ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR PORT S A Part of the Industrai Development of the State and a Necessary Requisite of Our Trans portation System' Rep resentative Connor Ab ly Discusses State In vestments in Railroads. (By H- G. C Jr. in the Wilson Times. September Si, 1924.1 One of the dominating idea* in the aimLs of many of our people | just now In Wfl the propose.l Port Terminal Measure pay; Will the re toras be >uftcie:t to take care of the interest and the principal, or WiU the State 10-e money, an-l wor.T the money he wasted? TV allocating the atop* ion of the measure, the expenditure of the money, should not object to the put ting of the «parstaon. or attempt to aioil an atswer. Suppose, astead of putting the ipedar. mi this form, we ask our sdtes: Are we going to spend this ataey or are we going to invest it : Are we really spending money or are we baying property, and if so. Will the property and the returns there from he worth more than the orig inal east? •"iiamnnr ha« right!) said that *he only gable for the future is a know ledge af the part Suppose we appl> this tot to the proposed expenditure for the Port Ter minals and facilities. We are not without eipenrnce in North Carolina The |ae*4iea of transportation h* beea one that has been discussed D North Carolina smee the foundation of the colony. First one proposal ami thea aatther was advanced. Finally, in the early part of the last century the laßrod came in and almost im mediately the Slate of North Caro liaa became «twrsle>l Sa great was this interest in the baddmg of railroads that the State labnadii 1 for stork in the Wilming tea and Weldoa Railroad; in the North Carolina Railroad: in the At tar.tac and North Carolina Radraad aad m the Western North Carwtme Bifcul There were other investment.- by the State in one oi two other rail iad*. but for the present we will •aly cwasider thote mentioned II he others were brought into cwnsid ratine, the eanclujaor arrive I at >dd aot he daafid. The Wflmingtoa A Weldon Rail nad. begmaaag at Wilmington, runs eathaaN aad traverses the coun ties af New Hanover. I*ender, Dup lia. Wayae. Wilson. Nash. Edge -ir —he aatd Halifax. The North Carolina Railroad, be gaming at t'oH-huco. runs west | ward aal tracerves the counties of Taym. Jd—ka. Wake, Durhaau. . Orange. Alamance, Guilfonl. Ran lilp*. Davidson. Rowan, Cabarrus, aad Mecklenburg The Atlaatar A North Carolina Radraad abo hegins at Goldsborx ( ami rwa» eastward through the coun ties af Wayne. Lenoir. Jones. Craven f aad Carteret The Vntm North Carolina Rail - . mad starts at Salisbury, in Rowan t -runty aasi runs through Rowan. I ireddL Catawba, Buncombe. McDou f ell. Burke and MaJisM counties. The State af North Carolina hav ( ag anefed m the budding of these 1 Radroad' through these twenty-nine imm til i. it remains to ia«|uhe what it the paeatarn as to population am) wealth af these counties in the State of North Carolina. K According ta the census of 1930 being the last 4he population of the " State was 2JfcM.IZ3 and the popula e tiaa af the e—atata named was 1. * >».7at "* r Aa *——'—*•— af the tax valua * tiaa af 19X3 diadaies that the total r- fur the Stale a 525?«,33ft.42«. and 4 af these twenty-nine counties it a ' fIMUNIJir * Bulaii lto averages*, we Ind that >- these taeaty-ame caauties should have a popatatien af 742.129 aad a t. taxable valaatam af y la other the result of the 4 mnalmial ia that the tweny-niae y eaamties Uaieaaed by railroad* built with Stole aid, hi population exceed the average by M7*U, or by 11.- 9K to the ciamty aaad exceed the average of taxable wealth by $394 653.179. or Sl«J«lv«« U the caan «y- \. , Sat ae bad that there is every rea aaa to i luilafi that the State has we Mat Bat forcet that the stack of the North Car ■ baa radraad ia pays* (OMtad aa Fsage Three) _ Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. October 3. 1924. — * J UOOD SPEAKING AT j (.Ot RT Hoi SE | SAT IR DAY. !Jt P. M- 1 I Mam Saaaa Laadoa of the | . Narth Caralma Cattaa Growers J Cooperative Aaaoriataoa acd Mr. | J. K. Swam, also of the Cottoa { Anaiiilaaa. wiD speak at the Caart Hoase Saturday at r3b P. M. Mho laadoa aad Mr. i Swaia are exceptaoaally good speakers aad should haie a crowded houoe. Men. Women aad thdurew nhould hear them. The speak- era wiU daarmo the thiags thai go la brlp badd up rural life. If yaa are blemied m a | better commuady ia which ta i , live, thea hear Mas* I mdaa aad Mr. Swaia tomorrww afteraoua. '■] KKS>IATIONS OF APPRECIATION | in appreciation of the un iring work ami the faithfk! service ren.iere«l us by our friend ami brother. J. C. Cos ton. we .the Christian Federation of Williamston. hereby resol\e: FIRST. That, we most heartily "hark Brother Coston for his leadership that has done >o much for as iadivWlaally a- well as for our friends am! nrigh bors. Especially do we apprecite the spirit of Christianity, that he has Wp etl to instill in our souls SECOND. That, we commend him to all me> everywhere arvl hi>l him Godspeed in the great harvest field And we hope that, wherever he may go. he may be to others what he ha le* n to us. in brinaring as closer t.» the kingdom of God. Wll.l IAM.TON CHRISTIAN FEDERATION. It D. Crite her. President Rural Route No. 1 Has Been Extended I'ostoffice (Acial- have ordereo thai ' rural roate No. 1 of WiUiantstor. he extended 3.40 miles. The exteaiann he gin.-, at W. I- Taylor's ami runs a long the Mill road to W. 1_ lones ami retraces. This brings Route No. 1 up ! to the staadard K mile ran. The ex tension nerves IS fanile ami fifty people over ten years of age- It was ordered through »he effort - of Postmaster. J. T. Price, who is al ' ways on the lookout to give first cl&ss service to all He nope- to have up ami have them painted i» •Undanl form by Orrober sixteenth, the da> the service begins GASOLINE PRICKS MtOPPED 11)11 CENTS ON THE GALLIIN (m-soline prices droppe>l four cents - t B the gallon. October the first- Th» tialf Refining Company uroppeai four r cents at one jump and 'he Standar i. onlereal a rut that would compete with that of the Gulf The Standard ha; . previously dropped the price one cent ami to compete with the Gulf they i came down three cents more. The l> Texas ami air other indepemlent com (nines have cut their prices. ii The tank wagon price today is lir ami the retailers are getting 17 ami - 18 cents in William-* or. This as a cm i siderahle drop and the coeisamrr* wil i. he greatly benefitted by the cut aad' - by the Gulf Refining Company ' 4MTOBER ISHEBED IN f B» W INTER WINDS t t October was a-he red ta Wedne—lav il by winter winds but they were ac e compananl by a blase of glonous >uo shine which was very welcome after I. the awful rains of the post few week r But there was enough tinge of winter t- in the air to as that it is 1. time for the harvest and to make ready for the winter wealevel whirl - will soon follow. J October, the harvest month, is a d glorious month At night the moon * shines brighter and softer than a' »y other time of the year. After the J long hot tanner days the ones of d October, with a touch of frost in thr a air. give oae new life and hope and ir ia with joy the harvest is made. Thr e red apples are gathered aad placed it e the cellar, the peaaats. potatoes, con It and cottoa are brought from the d fields before the wiater's -now gets r them. v " e Of all the month* there m none so I- sweet as October. It bamgi as wel *- come fruits of a year** to3_ I* bring us mountains of scarlet beauty aad. i- ia fart, it caall have beea the month is af Thaaksgfviag. n I- FOR SALS: HAND - PAINTED K Greeting Card*. Christmas. Birth if day. Friendship. Peace. Tally. ChH g dreaV Birthdar. aa U aad M cents each. Marian R. Abrtley. Phane 17L EAST SUITERS !: GREATLY FROM HIGH WATERS Train Service (*reatiy Hindered; Another Rise in Roanoke The high wm!«r ha* wrought } ii st ruction tkrgughMit the wtm section of the United Slates. Brkipr- j have been swept away haw! been broken, lives have been l«*>t an»t Kreat losses have been sulferea from the water. The highways have beer, •lamafot conmleriNy anl the rail roar!.- even more. Trains have beer, ranning on a delay tsl sctuMulr for, several itay* and mant places art j without lights. Easiera Carolina T«rw See Hi shea* Water la llalw) ROCKY MOl" NT, Oct. 3 —The river j L- receding and the city water ami j J light supply has been restore*! All the' turbines of the municipal plant aere under water excepting the two that j l'urnishei light for the streets iwl ( all other light anl waiter -upplir- . were cut olf for a day ami UMfht. TARRORO-The river is -till ri> , intc there at the rate of one inch an hour ami at twelve o'clock u»ti> it only lacke-l two feet >f reachim; the 1 , ■nark made by the 191 V llt-od. At that time the water had reached the rail rnad bridge and loa«i..' cars .standing on it were huldinr it .lown. It was | further reported thai tlie county 1 bndge. leading into Tarboro would be t washed away, but at noon today. Mi ' Walker of the S"itr Httdiway lW .! m*.**ion >tki if was holding up all , rirht ami it probahiv would not br ' washed away-. The water had alrva-ty covered the roads leading out to Williamston end So.tland Neck and all traffic w»- r~a rated so no attemi-' wuuld he ma>l" | to travel uver them Many houses in j l*rinceville .the eol«»rvd section of j Ti.rboro .are all under water and [ others are partially covered There r- Housands of acre* of laml atoniKt which were umler cultuats-i that arc entirely tnltr Wbfa-i an» ereat los.*s will he suffered. One | farmer. Mr. Cliff Rufhn. has acres j umler cultivation entirely- covered b> ! water, most of the acreare was plant , ed in com hut there were 20" acre - j of cotton. Trains brine unable to cross »he railroad bridge, mail ami passengers are carried on. the_William-ton road to Mildred where they are transferred : to a train. Pa.- ami mail service j to Norfolk is hamlled ii. the same; manner. WELOON-SCOTLAND NECK I The Roanoke river reached the highe-t point vestarday morninr at Wehfon ; which was 4H.2 feet jukl there was I no •lamage of importance .lone to | rua-l- or fills at that place »r at j Srr4la»l Neck where a bridge is he ing built across the river The water j is coming alown f ran this rise slow J (ntujfh that it is doing little lamare | to torn ns on the Roanoltc WILLIAMSTON—There are noj ~igns of high water of any importance | . yet evident here. The river is berin ning to rise slowly ami durinr the next two day* it will go higher bait . it will not reach the high water mart j Highway official- have machinery all loaded ready to be transferred here | in case anything should happen to j the fill across the river, but they an , * icipate no danger as the water did : rat >;> as hieh at Weblon as it «- feared. Official reports from Virginia, thi ma rning. tate that there is another . freshet there but the water wdl have time 'o receale at WSliamston from the present rise and take care of the new freshet by the time it arrive* * _______ Services at Church Of Advent, Sunday i -Sumlay. October sth. Rev Clarenc-- k O. Panto. Rector. , Holy Communion. 8.00 am. - Church School, # 45 a. m Morning Prayer ami sermon 11 f Evening Prayer and Sermon 7:44 Everybody welcome. I _ Mr. E- w. NoUes of Rocky Moon was a business visitor in the city ! yesterday- Mr. Milton Norman was a basing** e visitor in Plymouth Wedrnsday. Mr. John Selby spent yesterday in » Washington. - Hon Harry W. Stuhhs attended ■ nan in Washington this week. Mr. Clarence Ansboa of the Kaa ■ roke Beacon of Plymouth was a basi neas visitor here yesterday. Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Mrs. Wktdti » Martin. Mrs. J. W. Maaaing and Mrs - J. G. Codard spent yesterday in Wash it- Mr. J. C. Caaton was a visiter ia -'towa Wednesday. —u I MK. Bt_\MAN Ttl SPEAK INRtIBEBSONVILLE TONIGHT Hon. * R. Reauia. Serre tary ol the * ih—■ Chawher of ! t ommitt i wdi speak al Roh etMnidir m thr school aodilor ium taaigbt. Mr. Beamao as MM- of the hrM qualified experts m North t are liaa. be hatat sriifd many years for lb* Merchants taaari alaoa ia Ihe capacaty of freight expert. He as a>» working for Ibe Committee m ports and iraa»partalmn. The Hd mb • hamSer of t omaaerce he j , at *• much interested « the j t pasoage of the measure, haie | , j Usaed lum to the Cowmrtlre J , j ** 1 ; MH. A. L. WYNNE DIED WEI>NESI>A\ Mr A. I- Wynne, one of Martin • ( unit's no—t highly n pefe.l an«i ; l>rontnen: plaaiers diesi Wednesday 1 l ornuag a; his i.onie rear Spring 1 • ireen. lie ir_« : lw«. - «"i f-»r only a teavint he*ti stricken with ' ;s.r jl> -is without warning on V. d ' nr ,bk ««f last mrrk and era Ually 1 snkecnl unti! the end cam.-. Mr Wynne *a- fit> hw oar o!d the sineenth of U-! May. the -on ; fs»f the late M ick ami « ri--ie i V >nre l.> }*- marrhd Miss i i Virginia tiurgano-. vh" d*sl Octidser. . 114VV To this urh* w. r-- is.rn l«»ur iliiklleti." tK?ee o h.»m—ate liXXDg. J | ).ark G. W yrne of - I Robert Taylor «if Rj.hrrsonvdle ami i Mrs. \\ Itailey >-f W «|son j. In !>'T. M? ttiws- nijt»si Miss ; I eoeia V- Watren al« with ««te -«»r , , xtTivc him Mr Wynne al.-.. leaves it**' brother Mr J II Wynm >»f M.i> iville ar . five mterr, Mrs. John II jlrtfett -d Iteaofort count.., Mrs. A. f I Roebuck. Wiley koCT'-nn. Mr i S.mon E R«d«*rt «n of li l> r -.»n* ••l* > j«j' 'Mi- Join E"imonilssji of Wfl liaaUucL IV fanerwi was l*l.i yestenlay at | 'he Christian ctmrirh of Rohersoiiv oie.' I.d which he was a hadii.g tr.« mher. bv the pa-"or. Rev Janie- laimef ais»> ! burial wa- aVJe at tie Wynne grave ys.rd on the J. Henry V* >line farm The ■lecva-esi mas a «,uiet anji ut ja-sum tig man wh. was note.! f«»r hi ! k nl ami gentle manner ani wa- al . ways eeking to t«» for hi )| ! fellow men For maii> years he was a I ICSste;.t trf K4*rs.a,iille iml the lir-' [of this year he moved to his farm Sear that place. wl>ere he died Sunday Services at Slelhodist Church • ! Suadat Stiool at t !-'• Mr. Jol.K ||Vpe. Sup*. | M««ran»g serviee- at lid Kev 1. |D. Ivdi. pastoi j Kveu s g -en ire- at T ci»t.-l'Jcte-t (by «dfceer- ar*l imnilei- of the Kp Iwortf 1 league Mr> J I Thigpen Lender. j I'veryore is cordially !ii\ te-1 to al |te»i these -eniec-- ( I MR. (.EX* ». HUM NT A LEtIHNG 111 NISMtN Frarmt- of Mr. lUount remember ! f hat '«Ji a few m« tiths ag»» he wa - to he slowly but -urely dying l.ut "I nele" Oorge fwdesi even !he wisest pliVMCians Not ftsli is he well e»-ought to haul m«»re go.»l --eR more roui> i-r milk a f»v i|Uiek ■e; than anyborty hut proves himself . a better Hunlsanar "han tie '4>l arei - easMxr-I a«oilsnje-n. Thur»iay. he wvat to has Warren K«ek farm near Plymouth to look after hi.- farm af fairs. He wa- not even hunting, hut > jast kok Al- gun along a- a matter of pa-.- time. When he returned he bnught a eight -«|Uirrels an-l a live fox. —■ When we think of. hunters «f M» Bloant's da--, it just make- u- a shamed of tlese drug store, street (*rwr. earb -tone. 2xl fellows al ways talking ahout game and guns. Mr». Ihtk Taylor. Mrs J. D I Urn bdl ami M.-s France- Gurganu- motor ed to Washington Jes'eniay Dr. and Mrs. J. S Rhoiles wO! at ' tend the wxrfW ene- in New Y».rk next week. Mr. Eirua «f Lynchburg, who ha- I been vintiag Mr Ihoma-. reprnen tatrve of thr Hughe- Thomas Tobacco Coaapacy. has returned to his home at Lynchbwg. Mrs B C. Home- and little son. , Coartaey left this msramg far Bayd toau Vwgiaia. where they wfll visit Mr. Humes' wether for several weeks. Mr. Spank Alexander of Plymouth j , spent Yesterday in the city visiting j HIGH SCHOOL I INSTRI CTION IN ! MARTIN COI Three Schools in County j' Offer Standard High = School Instruction, Two, Others Kxpected to Ik'! Added to List by Term 1925-26, Many Others , Are Recognized High Schools. At th« jrhool> in Martin County. llico School InstructM»r. ha- , hwn provhlo: Al * »*»tinß of Ihe . 1 'ofant it ' IT nkrn *»( 11* county a CHUT t v • plan wa- adopted for High School , Thi> »»- UHif in 'he , Spnnc >1 IK3 that there should lw|- . >t«H|Latr Hw» !>dw»l Inst rocl ion f.«i j very c d»i IB Mimn t%mnt». Mak « lt>. W ilim«>M! af*t Ko!*' •Hiiflb rdw4.» .ffw Slain! ard ll«sh NrttnJ InsiiurtHW. 1 ■r.oiu iir front the above schnols will c" te(«cr.tUn !.*• fout year wurk ' when lhe» for S ate nrtilWj!' I lint havr rrtrim* In cla— V col Jin*-villf lltrh Sfb>«4 at«-( rtmrlt llifli School, it »> empectr>l. will he wMhl Jo the Standard High li>t hi the term IW- _'»• l"a»n*l«-. Karm Ijfe aifl Hamilton jrr mil lli»rh Schi*ii>. • ila-itute' front the above will net iwoKMtwn of !»« year- ot lltrii School work ai*l be lea-i > to enter tfie IHh trra-ie of any St»»v4ar»t lltti' -Srfasal. 18. *he * unfity "i State l iolil Point and *.ra-- -c.n«o)> have a ilicK School teacher a" each -chons THe> n|e«t to (■rti-mr -Recognize.! ILch. School- In Ifl • J*i term. I vn> chibt «hn ha- ft* " Ji«d the v. .- full tear- of llifh ScHi«d i en".111«-1 to iilmiuieit free of>' to »i y Standard Hich School nhr'i L- a peart of th«_- t «»uiit> sy-tem T?te Supreme t'oiirt of .North aio Ilia 111 'he tiianville I -uiH V Hi I \«th I af-iiia 171. |un- 4. li a»«: -lli K h St«wl- ate pt..petty A com |Mirnt I.lft of the uniform -> tein of. PUHLTC CIMII4>, OLINTETNIALATEVI JTNL (H» > aliii I 'I .i.IKI .W atwr i> iur, tiie Jiar4.ii (Mini) l>Mfi of blucatioii •- "I'll ratrl a>k tin *v . rll>. 9W*rr lo (HMVUI fuixl- uill) whicli to t urm-n ilae .vtB«J m -inaction toi the Cora >iiuiiuiul Uiui «•! .v pli'tilh in iif lot that |ui t of thv cbowi p»fMila*ton «|UaliiMii to leceivel •t. I !«*ie a- a further cutnoiaml lo \ mke tie- NIIIH ii '->■ i i.aji.v. I * Nhl« Law- ItCJU. "It i.- thf uutt I »I tte t WiiMt; laal'l of Mucaouli ai a-aenfuale (ni4 »--elil 10. (lie bright of ail Uir twi| ell lilt ti II of" the (14U1Iy a» directed l»y law. Ihe bwar>l of lnlwalMi >hall -«> •!- trtct the I'nW.t ami locate tlie -chool.- ti at l>aw'.Ur> ami Hirh School In --tiiart»H. ma) 1" axadalde lui all 'IK chihlre* ir. the I uunt) " No mattei «hei» the cß.il-. aim ha- completed .V -eventh rraole re *lO 1.1 the I nut. !- ane penva-iarti lliu«> be li -i-rtinn 1> ami t$ of the I'ubltc School la* - of IK? there 1- a prohibition of Hix;> Sch«d lii-.ructmii bemv offered "1 oae teachri The i|tie-tit»l „I-«-e IM>W -malt a can |ino kli :-*ei|uate I lie'. School Iri-tructh'ti. In !hi- matter the Hoard of l-iucatiua was rurk-l by what I rot -rlaol practice Ihe Imu>! of blMatiuli uf Nortr. (.'aruiuu ha- compde-l a pamphli t 01 the tia--Uacatorfi of liif;. School- lln iioauil of Ijiwation due.- not think it ai.4 so jme High School 111-trv* Imi «r. a -cbwuj havtnjc le-- than four tearher.- u. the faculty hrom the a bt.Te nrDiMiH ,-!»ijr it i» tU op-ti kr. of the IVuaf-1 that :t will be hilar. cta!l> liuntrnuiiK for our fount) to Lwihl aa>i operate Stamlanl High KcW- with 11. a frie mile- rspitu- of earn other ami that an attempt 0 aio four ;ia4e> of SlaiKiar-i High School cork with les- than 4a pupil- ami three whole tune Hirh School teach eu abl le-.- than -pe*'al tai nJletlM annually for the par t cular xhool mill BWrl witti failure. SLuubf our ipiTiaJ ctiartere»i high Mhiak. WiHunUM arm Ki her rvill. iecwme ru»;ni»iit (arte- of the (Vault ami the n-miiiiiin pr - pert ire Stanant lii«h Schools de velop to the -lamtar>i attained by Oak City, we- will have a sufficient num kei of StaManl Huch Schools. Ami. tin* mil! «*aU be irrrat honor left , for the other schools to attain by. be . win StamlafiJ Elementary Schools However .we have **al that aiie . owate H«h School Iwrtrartioa ihouhl he piurifcil far every child however rt—te the corner o t the County in. . which you resale Also it afptin , that a iiwplication uf H«h School 1 . teacher* -WU* «rre oaßes of each TCMTMME* mm PUT T*P»> MAKE YOI R PUSS TO BE H WILLI A MSTON lit RING THE BOA. NOKK FAIR. OCTOBER »2ITH. IvSTAIiLISHED 1898 KaUL LOFTIN tOUC;ES CHECKS ON LOC AL i^OPlafc t \KKIEt) T«» «»»_ «»> 111 MI.rTT «nl K I t H AKGES: IITHERS Id T«» HK MET 0 Karl Ijhftiri. iiw »a- Ukn-. lo l*tt -, i, Wninesia) 6> pti** o"~oer. I* A l'rce of that town. «3i \ar. 3a.- k rit- of warrant.- to n.-*er Aimk them w ill h- check for*ir»c wiiiCM is irai'io in nKurh he ''m jf.'li in • iiiiire- .! apjei;- it k_- been utiiy recert!> that he Mr Jul- H I'urv-:-' nanw to a cs**ck which he ha>i ca-(«i m l:.tfr-oavj!f bj a Mr J.ime |«t-t .-prinit he .irew a +eck with tin- name of Mr Puriv- signed to it, ti- the Mar 11. Cour.ty aivi |Trust t Ths c eek Lofttit - | tather ntztle t«ot to Mr llirn.- ami , the matter »a- .irwfpn Other charve- 'Hat w:ii !-• apjin-i I iif* tit are btte:> a«'«- iHyiiil- a:.-1 I'iti.i'tt j. '.-ti - a e\ iral fiao- H* nf- itre tM Tw oa> at the llanti fit hotel. »V - -hut' ta\i!. «here He «a- rei i-".ere- uf ter the name «f Ji»hri- r He i- a > .-air itaß of 'i-tn swoi .iplvarance ami [*r-«Ml't>. Le' |»-ar to lale r.o r—wer to !► no :r.p an\ t h;*iv: he pU a->e>- He ».11 -taml trial in U ;Imm c*uni> r.r tar« ttier. he «ill t'aie t.« ar-wer CaTPfs io e. era! ..tier onir»- .« RKMYAL'SKRVICES RIDDKKS t.ROVt: lifv i\ 4I wr* " »it at Rh (it«k > t t r«»\r jt ' ivVinrk n+xt Sb(nta>. K 1 Sn«r». > a.!! .*«» l r >* ptrarhir^. lit* rvprt-ts to ha\f jt •if uir !V.u rittt»r • ir. H>BW of thf ir-: «r-isprl prfachine «lit frai .-rr» «»f thf ,4!i - \ l.*r*o- xttfimrrf ant*r»- •»' Ilif hovrs of •frfMV •as!! ii* »ritaf-libr • rivirr >ur»Li> |"*fr)Wd> i » Jl) T v o * \« i IT:«*M V«»KV >1 M h MIXtH INsTWTLV I -i.nJ-.'ii, lit* J. ee? Way • I f IC>»! iitle aiJ I t-a li.etrVk of S«*ith Kw'!».••». a\ M*r» ktllnl 11 -a- a* hen tKri fell !«• ';r.!fwl and twer!f '.. t fri-f i ;i«* ti-|. a n.-ke -"a k • f -l e t.e a !»ati»sr r«2i>l .»f the \ .rV I 'o! I.a • —lle-re f't V- • tarn lo^r. ih> i?ei: -ait i.-iurOirerT-l to piace I'l urttimri.' i'i; t-.f* of lie - wly wn i>lt ti-i -tack M fee'her 'Kri im; their f.w'mr «»r the liailier L- i.-.t knoan W.ENTI «»l IIIKII I - tT THE ST tTE I \IK I:.lie tar';. N. C.' yt 1 1 *re I f lie fce-t coatbutation -i*a-env -1 ■ a'trac t».! ever -een at *»>e Nocii. t'andiria Sta:-' Fair t- pr—tußnM thss- tiir u: I the fi«rt«t .»f Hinatflaf's H :(i>-n.rv. •* L.N h L- cnnipi-ol ~{ fnae'een IHCJCS fourteen per-oft- a:.i a CUM plete auto («4- >iut tit of five tar- ac„-i Ave !5«4e1 (■la. tk Thi> wJ! fce i*are*i «-i t}e ran- track in ful* vsew o* ail fair . VL-itor-. h:e of tne n«a«r. attlMft.-ji.- - tlif eutopola. which fc >Mami *• 'e tic ir> ! eve lilt r t-f "wterr. ilMIt Wl T Coir tile* e rarra-- will he tJ'ieu daalv tn'iivei. the "llo.»-er Tim-" ar*l thf "It- an l!ear>." Ai,i.ther "fir.«>vat « wiH t* pu-h hall, -taceil her ween tea*.- « H»rfe hack ai. ~ p!aye>l wit*: a hill over four fee* ir diaßteter Thfrf wail aJ a lie Hon tan -tar«imr race-. emthiee 'e:.m- of two hor>e- at! rM*. -tarai titsr hiopufr»me rao - .- - -tiiijf »»f. fwo team.- of three hor-«>. ami run nirr race- between th-xuuthhniU. " For more cotnaral amw-ew-eal- tiAre will he the urir» leahV- tsaSe an eiirht chiir horse elimnta"* - race ar i la.-t * :«ut b> ito mean- lea-', thr S ekiac fi.nt.ia novefcv of -ese- prw "V" pi rt..*.. In uMitme to thi> b:c -i-t at at tracfion, there are also «a. '.he list ;f the fr»e hill -he I Wire- troupe of C> and the S% Frtt: trwape of trick am: comedy cydifU. These acts ail! furm- plenty of ihrib. it » de clared. ' ' e" On the Rainy this year will be the Johnny J. Jones coßcctioa of rhows. which are weU lwi> a this >cctioa of the country. All at the Sta'e Fair this year wiß have la acit the staadard set by Mrs. V mttihil, when she fit i■— piiiilm. TWjr fttL-t be whdefMW aal there Mat ha 'j Mr J M Sparks wsa m ton this 'afttiaiia