MOT THE LAECEST bat GOOD AS THE BEST THE ENTERPRISE I Mkfcrf f«n Twdhj aarf fn4,J fci IV LXTECrn:>C PIBUSHINC CX>. \V_. .artac. \artk l iiWiM V. C MASMXC. Editor v.. C MANNING. JR~ FT* lUfcjrjTv- Minipti aixr|«:vr. Price i Cash in Adnr«' Iy«r_ «-» r iw.a- - *° Z moßtbs ' i *■ at tit I'"-' it w J" liaaestsa. Sort: Cawtoa a.- -e«orw --i .--ft uTKjfr tr»e W. of Marcr. 3. A«h-rr>* ail t«ir,jr.*itior»-- to TM EtUfpr.-t. V\ N. C FKID%Y. «*l>B» K X l»it lrtrr»?»rjn t.ii* mar. • treat - f,' an it car. t* -*-e ! every !ar»i ar*» a: i*aH) every plafe ore r**- >«®f fre.,uen* map elfiKn>' i» -ia-1 *• 'ear " the m f* attitu f * * •* arc' i"»: ur-f ■' "' * "* :».(«■ '»r p>- !•' •' ? * I' •»'••' i&' i" e«-r*er p*. «la*> ar»: '* »f- *«-i * vac**-- by ru !ib as- b> rc-or» A, * i the k «**«T form- «-f r«-\»r e-cr. r.-x attlt»* of -p.r;t . n,. re t -0 c.-,; " v a • srrj' hemp. , V.r ail fate meat re-a..-.*. for i until it> *b»: ov*iit t« >•> >'«ftl> lr. , t'.« **«»» sne? bail-: a!ur -I>r prayer- t„ hverla-'inir I 3'f.*P T BSi? or st* « '"iii t" »f.orv t Uiifjr t- acre- i- r*>l fit f«t f-nK-vf lr»je«-i. .-pin'- if e-aa&» -« -hall«»* a?.-- oJ-i t*a' tw> •ti f.vt se--er»e jt .VoUiTf x» «nr.(ft»ii. r -■• f«-r tlv awti > a :rr* ,» I* o - *■' o- ... : »- f" J f ut- rr*-':i !t . i •.*' -i' »rac» ie-a*-- n«- *'- .i!■» t Ki aiM r> wi-r —i H litet IS THE TWM HLE7 T'* I S Market >er* vcr •Vwi.* .'>tflraWr .>>•* N Vi »r / erbfcar# ye -tartlir.i: f.trt t v a: oUuzr- im -H?a» r.* J'j* burr a Im a- ?" '« !»•-?■««.,? «t »t .• P».Lk»i j- aa-b* i- r ••• i . • m Itait ***** ; ■ »>- «■ 4, i it "A Jil jb .|( >. :•« . a" lb* rile »f iiWi"« l«rr ! twer.*> I.—♦ a- 'trt a- "be 1 *• U»r* "!>♦ brkiyt pricr for the » ear- i? '>»» V ,rli j- J].' |*i tK- ii»*t evrr.t u»- r T tie * prx* TW Ba't:fi».re «®«l*a*-e r..r • '«>" Ne« \ «-rk. Ue fam*-r prow* -- - - - -;-tr r —:' - - - - .'■ I- -r (V | J * " * a " Mt | % A 'I Buying Good f 1 S!ifi|pj- Coal Fuel | " J?P* Economy j \Ye have clean co.vl for s:-o a SIO. and Si l . per toi:. Full weiirht j«i j&j Rebate of 50 i -or tor. on nil ea h onk is. M V.'e have ijou.i*ftt of .Oak wood, which u\ are retail- gj 2 inp ai S3 per wi tnafewuays wc wi! 1 lu.vo a c?' l«"v.i of ham' Ijl & c alf^rdelivery. n —~ iff g I'rompt AMcntiO:! jjiven to all orders. Deliveries ma«e di'ily •,*£ I Lindsiey-Lilley Ice & Fuel Co| tlens. cart-- them ".o raiiraao, tbf> i-'- 'j to BaJti-nor*. aboni liiftam to Wil)iair.-tf.r. there 'h-- y >ell for a half cent per pour.i. i.«? ; r-JroaJ rets par:. tr>e farmer pet* • a ps»rt an.: a ' fe« h» iifcfT the bal- , aate Ther. 'bey are >«-T.t to William- •' r . an,! -ere is *wif the heav\ ] fa!":>- The ra:!rt»a! jret> more . ft i Srinrjr.jr tr* >air«e caW>act fi*>m flalt.n.ire t« W i}liam»to(i t>jir th»- f, .r N>* York wht it i ,i tK» rsi!ri«i from that -tate to » PJt!RK»re n-mbtrs€«i r«tivH' f« r pro :2r:r;r ami im^p&rtinf. Ar*-tK«-r of North Camlfns • TR+NHX raif-, I; w»» r# r .| \>* York ha\f 3 >f u rrnunaJ*. 4 r »• ? > '«.» tran'jM.rta • •u- *• ' «*rrr ft»r tK i - *. «•-!! u»lr*i l»r»re- f«»r ■#- • - - a r t»y \ t i*\ ttif* kiCjil • s *'i3* t »tici» ar * 1 ;i r«*alizifiif • • #f |r • r l - •• * 'J ? art ' !• '*»!*•• r f ! * - ' *-•-« • • '• - V * • r* a lav. * *i* i* f r« »ti crivifif •*:»- . '.t :•»*•?, Mrt "4ltM* ; ... \i#.i | p »-t - f. >*-r -"j • * th*- ' r-ii- v »«»• 4" \»'j , t«»«. -!»«»» i\i ;••!.» i:» ' • v ' ••' •! ' • " * • • '- i> * i# i __ f • A •. Imr I>•'--- t*' f A. f • w«>ul> j r Kifk 'itf ai I | - *■•+•* . ■ 1 ' .U« r- a (?»•-«-r J.; t i. .r --. f ».« -!, a* ■' 1 - • • ft" r a"* fh !•'»* • " • * .1 %..* * \*»¥ * U * . i. ii; - .» Vf4,it uf croN^i 9 f fsavf., ft w:t>h A ' • r * " - f ;s - • ?1 r ♦urr». Mark*-? i i •• •. k- ' r i» f*T. }>ui in 4.' ( ' Uvvo L. 1. I -|l /■■■ KOt V ~ - CIL CO. FI£W. R " fiii.H SCOOL INSTRUCTION IN MARTIN COUNTY ( from (V f One j • iter, teueh r? a isfajir r.ujrber of pupil.- i> expen.-ive. Ar:>! Btir) *.in»e> t: e tax fur-i.- to the Uneftl of a •lu-'rict ar i.uaU> are ia . Hie tent to Hie- »-l IT*-' *.ar. #o' .or i»K#rr hai: ?!X V.» »* we eoii>ir««ipr these fact- xha; I i >! " mo-t eccmomic ot the ; • I."m Trui -[w rtatK-n ha» wes pnniiM law, lea%in«. tiie !a* f«-r r:«r true*-, in the main, up to »nej ' •Ui.V. "Hwur«! «-f h»!ttratk*n- It fca--| •en t b» -l r..t s » operate a i ttuek »»"i '«•: r»«a - »»!> i * !1 >* lor •>|*-ratK« l ei thir J '.!. r ! if ir.-trt!e«> isr in* papeS- * *,,.r .ii-*r»rt in «'• if the pttpii- r> » j A -ufticiertt > utr im-t «f puf.:t - -*i»! 1 ti? Iw at«-»t "F t'-jrk h«-e at af.— "J of a- in'*': 'iiiw | '•.e «.'i tral i.> warrant ti* e\ |»rtatn>ii ti a! 'rurk »:ll ha«. | .iail> u- Hiaitj a- t«ent) I: ri ~ sue,*. |.r«>i ur>ser "l* ra« iln-rvwi b\ tfie Bar>i «>f E»'uratjo" for trai.-ferrsriC chiWre? sill i | Gained | j I Ten Pounds i[| ? Mrs fleo RRR S Hotter, of ||' X Columbus, Ga., *ay» ihe saf- o J Of re>l ve\trv!y »;lh female O 9 troubles. X A "I had to fn to W a» -1 6 9 .-tar sometime* t»Oj neb at C z a time.'* says Mrs. Rttr.!ef. j X A "I cvultl iK>t work- Mr.-.ljj M -r.vr. im :."iiar wi I pot rery S 9 thin I wrr.t fr.,m i2 rojrv.i X j A -vn to k-s than 1C" Jiy 0 1 V ir.V>th« t f;2-. u«-a a iwr of X mm IThe Wcnian's lonic || a-vl .>l* kne * what a JfW-i ft ■ medicine it *a? for lLi_- LrwiV 5 ie. «o she tol l me to ( ; •on* a»J taae it- 1 y«t to 9 the after it aa*i Wf->*e V] I Lui taitf n the first bc.t'.e X * up 1 k{33 ti ir.;rraw My e, ti !e hurt .e-s arii I berar> to I a mead in bcal h I tool fctr r. i bdtlei in ali dai ag the lx>t ? 3 | t« n moitth ". Car tai as X | 3 i a tine tonic. ..1 am well i»* O J 1 I ha-.e fa'fj'i t'r a.-, i 5 j ]| am si..! raisin/ My >i«ie J r i do not t.'i it'e r-.e at » ! i ar-1 O j • piy .. . .|U»U I Jf 5! know that i ardui srill help X II others i ufennj f rum ti* $ J' suae tr):ll»\" A i T*' Car »oi. 1 THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH I AROUKA ca» of a chJ-1 who resides ia » re-, ■•it earner of the County aa ilterra . tire is offered the parent of the child. , IA pziur ~o located ma. tran.-por : • itimi own cnildrefi by private cor-rev- | i./c» awj wil! he Rfaßded a per-caprta ! f« -ia\ co-1 which ir the eocrvaler.* 19 ihe per-capita per day co.-I or. j I owned truck- Provision for a very br««a-l and vaii ns ciMUst of llish li.l-rur ioi J us mJ;. be nuule by lirintfir.i- n, J i*ether about SO" ar«i increcsii. - • wrv TO'.eral!) the -meant of feve- {' • * r.ow nteiTM by our larije-t { ■clswjr. I: is haniii '>r*-fe::bl? j tivre- than one Hr" School sr. : j • w'itv of *.he -Of of Mirtir ca- I j f»n» ucK a sch»>oL l! nauti r • I fore pa> the special chartered .-* « of our County to Wcome p?ri i • ! the County s> -tern !n a-i-irtjon to . 1 special chartered chwi! oe.r.u L-iitei- j i"- b\ its charter it m..ull lie imp -- --ble for the Buar: of tiura!k! | -urToundin* dL-trart.- r... ur-ler if juri— ;ictior u>.th lUrs are firs* -urrnv'" r«' Corn ; ;-lion of tv-» thir.jr- wil! tot,.! . • cibt a County system. f«.r the t*- I pie •s»-»?iar>d the saw MIV NOT ENJOY" titl K SII.WE? I:«; CHIEF SAFETY RAZOR | IViXT I l r T \T>Tr v hT: \i r ».\;oiiiLK \\i-: • i/ Hi I:; ioi»Avr. AND IT V>" ; I NO«: I.IKK NEW. N. A. Ridchck j Motor Car Company •Viviil.; Fer T'LIIIK « ;t?s ■| SCOT! WDNK' K NORTH' AR! i F Never Before Has There j Been A Time j WH-X rr WAS MORE IMIH)RTANT TO MAKE AN INVESTIGATION, THAN IT IS NOW. S WV« .jijti illy invite you to make an investigation of our large assortment of READY i O-WKAK »r every memlier of the family, MILLINERY, OXFORDS, SHOES. HOMER Y, 1 IECE (iOODS and NOTIONS. We have never been as well prepared, as S / \*e;• re now o show you such a large line of MERCHANDISE 1 and the LATEST STYLES. \W are receiving x> nething new every day and you will find at our store. || the STYLES that are beinz shown by the largest Manufacturers of New York. We would b • pleased to show you the quality of goods that we are carrying, and the j| exceptionally low prices that we are asking. £ w jiv Mi lis;" ,i_ A • 1 Harrison Bros. & Co. i i Sh ' " H j | WILLIAMSTON*S LAu'iEST DEPARTMENT STORE jj ' Came and See Is All We Ask" ! {§] * WILLI AMSTON, I ffl ~ ? d » J* > \9 I.LADES bring (hit happy «***-! Hade of hot raaar Mtj tHimMf ' Made ■ the Luted State* where «ah Wade is hand-tested. Hear Mai— can be and m mWr BIG CHIEF •r GILLETTE RAZORS. Try them ami IN he ipiiaid -4 the differ ■cr W ANTED AN HON EST EN ERGF. t> > ooitr man to represent as in | this town and surrounding coun'ry. Hostler can make money, one of our men made *V**-00 last year. I i Write us for parUndars if yon mean besj*^ Sah-bcry Marble ft Granite Com-! pany. Salisbury. N. C. i MCE HOI'SE AND LOT ON MAIN ! itr-*t and wart lot adjoining. ; iHth cere of br,.i for rale- Price • rr.d tTnf liberal. John D. Sim-, j peioiL Wliiinftci. J-.V | 666 ! I I m a prompt»— for Malaria. Chill* . and Fever. Iftrasne or IMnc- Fever, i It kilh the Krmv PERMITTING HOGS TO REN AT LARGE AT NIGHT A MISDEMEANOR j Sjctk n ItMC Consolidate) Statu- • PUTS-SORES ~ £ ChM» thoroughly -then. * nbout i ®pplj VISISS Ommw IT mm i JmnUmmd Tmm+ L-ICAL VA2KET NOT THE LARGEST bat GOOD AS THE BEST | No perwmm shall atUrn his dog owr ' tlx old te rac at larp it the rr gi kjr towt ■eeeber • fthe owner's family, or aoaK other person by the !■*■»'» pUBiML Any person ■Utinally. knowing ly, acd willfally vioiatin* this section shaE be rmi.-y of a Misdemeanor, and cpca ewnctiM! shall he fated not ti ceeding fifty doiUr or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days and shall also be liable in damages- to any person injured or saffrrinc !•» to his pro perty or chattels I Notice is hereby given that thL; ' law wiß he enforced in Wiiliim>tor it J. L HASSELL, Mayor. I *■ii ~ . J r 1 | Time To Sow | Fall Seed j v j 1 ; HAIRY VETCH CRIMSON CLOVER. OATS. RYE. TURNIP, RUTA BACA. AND OTHER SEED IN SEASON. | WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GARDEN AND FIELD SEED i _ Permanent Pasture Seed may be se cured at cost at the— Fanners and Merchants Bank, Williams, ton, N. C. First National Bank, Washington, N. C Farmers Banking and Trust Company, Robersou ville, N. C. | ! Or get an order from your county agent j and we will sell you at the same price at j our store. • ______ * H. B. Thompson "I -1 Seedsman \ 1! Market St. Washington, N .C. ! L (Lit'sPnis) 1 OK OVfcRjMYEARS I ULM CA TiW nwcm mm ' of i i Q*oli wtkk Qaktlj Rdima h bol mm* «ho tbmaSi * aaas I ben, thus irtmiat A* toAßaaowtim j Bud try all «n>cr*a. ■ p. J r»«er o*x

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