PSLABE AN Eumrr roi THE ROANOKE FAIR. WILIJAMSTON. N. O—4 BIG DATS 5 BIG NIGHTS VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 68 HON. CHARLES U. HARRISON TO SPEAKTHURSDAY Will Speak on Port and Water Transportation Question Hon. Charles U. Harris of Raleigh will speak -«n the Port and Water Transportation question on Ttmnrfay night, October 9th, the place to be announced later. Mr. Harris is a plead ing speaker and will present the situ ation as it exists hi North Carolina and oar great need for water transpor tation and port terminals. The question that he will discus* is one of the greatest importance that has come before the people in year* and It particularly concerns every business man in Eastern Carolina, whether h be the largest manufacturer or the smallest farmer. For the benefit o four owntelves. we urge our people of Williamston and community around to come to hear Mr. Harris and find odt why it is that we are so poor when we cannot pick up a paper without seeing that North Carolina leails in the producioa of this and of that and she stands high in this and that, and yet many of b are not blessed with enough to call a ilecent living. Township Roundaires Changed By Board NORTH SIDE OF CONOHO (REEK ADDED TO HAMILTON TOWNSHIP That portion of Poplar Paint which is on the north side of Ctaaks creek was added to Hamilton township •t a meeting of the County Bourd of Commissioner* yesterday. The tax payers of this portion of the town ship were in favor of annexing i' to Hamilton so that its rauk would be worked by a fund ice cited through taxation. Those who put the thing aaw> ■ma puplt who did not live in the community and people who did not have to contribute wjliki to the up keep of the reads but they wanted better roads naming by their property even if they had to pay to get them and as Poplar Point does not have a road tax. they annexed to Hamilton. Poplar Point new being the only township in the county that does not have a road tax. HOLT OOMMCNION SERVICE Ft HI MEN Friday morning. October I Oth a" the Church of the Advent the Holy Communion will be ceelbrated ia a Corporate Ciisamar i» -i for the men * I the Pariah. The Rartoc. Rev. Clarence 0. Panto, MARGOUS BROS, i BROOKS W. R ORLEANS STORES CLOSED WEDNESDAY The Arms of Mareolis Brothers and Brooks and W R. Orleans will he doood I— UIIOU, I Wednesday » in ob servance of their chunk holiday, the Day of Atonement. Jtsmy wuh to m form their patonas that they wfll he cloned f«r that day but wifl he ready far business on Thursday marniag- Mrs. Sallie L Wdltarns who has been visiting her aaa. Mr. 4. L Wil liams and Mrs. WflMaaas on Main street, has returned to her home in Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Minnie Matthew* and Mrs. ■Salisbury of Hamilton were visitors in town Saturday. r Manors. J alius & Peel and O. H. Hand metered to Greewrflle Sunday- Mrs. J. E. Edmondsen ot Hamilton was In town ikuppisg yesterday Mr. H. M. Pee. Manager of the Reanake Fair, haa arrived in the city far the open!!* a t the from today. Miaaas Ibme Adams md Mary Burhnge of Washh«toa vimtod Mn Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A Jones attewd Mr. Aftert Wads am lb mt new Sew Bern visited Mr and Mr*. J W Watts jr. during the week ewd Mr. Nathan Rogers was m the city yesterday. Miss Mianie Orleans left Sunday r for New oYrk after spending a wueft P®" with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N Orleans. ' for New York when he w9 attewd the wurid aeries. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oill mi d AhaaUe Sanday with Mr. md THE ENTERPRISE 'FIELDDAY PROGRAM AT ROANOKE FAIR TUESDAY, OCT 21ST The morning of October 21 when all the schools of the county will attend the Roanoke Fair here in a body, will be one of great pleasure. Tuesday if that week will be know as school da yat the fair and every school child in the county will be ad nutted free To make it a real school day at the fair, are being made for a field day program in which nine schools will take part. At a meeting of the principals of the various schools of the county at the local school auditorium last Sat urday a program of event* was work ed out in detail ami will be prints.' m The Enterprise next Friday. It was ruled that the events would be con fined to the boys ami ((iris brtvw the ages of 13 to 20 ami that the schools would be divided info lr» groups. Group One, which indu.l. R. bersonville. Jamesville. Oak City. Everetts ami Williamston. constitut the accredited school while group T»u which includes Parmele. Gold Point. Farm Life and Bear Crass, contsiturcs the non-accrediteal school. Messrs J. S. Seymour and W F. Ricks of the local school faculty were appointed as a committee to see that grounds were put in proper shapel lor the field-day meet. NOTICE TO FEDERATIONS The Leaman-Coston Evangclistar rampeign opnb in Plymouth tomor row night. They are anxious that ai. three federations atteml the opening service*. Arrangements have beer made wherby reservations will be made for the WQliaaaston people Lrts everybody go and show Bro. learner that we appreciate his efforts ant work and the great good he accom plished in Williamston It is practically a certain!) that the trip to Plymouth can be made by automobile. ■ B. D. CNITCHER. MEETING OF MARTIN COUNTY ALI ? MNI OF I . N. C. There will be an important meet ink of the Martin County Alumni As sociation October 13th at eight o'- clock at the oAre of Lamb and Co burn. HARRY A. BIGGS. Secretary. Local Tobacco Market Merits Co-operation of Local Business Men The local tobacco market has reach ed a stamlanl in proportion to tho-e held by markets in towns much larg er than WQliajU--?o.t ard i* ha mI/ i reached this point by the steady ami hard work of .XHW of toe warehouse- Men an lthe corps of buyer*, many of whom have been on tha- market for year*. During the deflation period, the mar ket went below the -tandard that it had always been up to. and it has had a remarkable "comeback' to have reached the point where it new standi I People, who had aeqaired the habit of ■ carrying their t«»u>arco to other mnr - kcts, have come hack to their homr ' .uarket and are standing by and - boosting it oa every awaaian. And i «mce the opening op of the Bertae r territory, a great quantity tsbawo is sold on this market mad the ptapie of Bertie my that they have found it to be always as high here a* aay ether ad&ce and they patronise this markr* almost exclusively They say, toe that | they have found the warehousemen at interested in the farmer* as "hey have found warehousemen anywrhere. The farmers of our own cuuaty anr 1 other rauntiais are barking the mar bet and are patronising it. but the - business aad professional men are net as active in the mterest of the 1 local market as they cinll be. The I abases market of Wilaanaster. is its t greatest asset aad when we realise r tins, we knew it iln aid have out s hearty support. s Hi one who came from a distance and even thooe from rime at hand ap- L make a visit to a place aad me shsuM see that they set R whan they visit i_ ear town. Make them want to come i. again aad feel at heme while they \ Let thsm knam, aba. that yuu y yen are barking it and haiku ia it, J k Messrs. Frank and Irving Margate I. motared to WaAingten Sunday. Mr. I* C nil tin » m New Tart y this week attesdiag the wurid series, d Mrs. Lsomfs Chessoa and Mrs. Bea Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Maaniag and 4 children spent Seaiay with Mr. aad d Mia. Jos. L HaKday at Hart RUh .J ' __ '• Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 7. 1924. iHfc KEHL KEE ASSOCIATION! Next Meeting At Spring Green Church, tins County The ia9lh Annual Session of toe behukee Primitive Baptist Association was held with kehukee Cnurrh. about a mile west of Scotland Neck, last Saturday. Sunday and Monday. Oct. 4 a. and 6. kehukee Church was formed in 1742. and the kehukee Association va> organised there in Itfi, ami it is ihe oldest Primitive Itaptist A»ociiiwn a« the world. Of its 37 churches 34 were represented, situated in 12 coun ties of North Carolina. Halifax. Bun combe. Na»h. Pitt. Man in, lieauiort \\ ashington. Tynell. Hyde Dare Cur rituck and IVHjUuUi.k ami in two counties of \ trginia, S«thampu>ii anal Norfolk the \isiting ministers were as f«l !«•«>: li. E A-lani-. J. S. Cor hit t. W. R. ( raft; C. F. llenny; L II Hani); li J Hut chilis. F tt heen; J I*. Tingle; G W. Trent; and J. tt \l yatt. The home ministers were: B. S. Cowu:. J. N Rogerson. W B. Stncklami; W. K linings; J. L. Bos>; New>ome aHmsw. J Jt. Miore; E. C- Stone; T. Sawyer: J 11. Harrell: J. A. Sham. A B IVnson ami Sylves ter Ha*-el I There mere about people I resent on Sunday when Elder New - me Him-n poke with grea' liber ty and puwer. For fluency ami vigor of speech it may he safely said that there is not an orator in North Caro lina that can equal much less sur pass him. co'istdenng his age of eighty years. ( The next meetinr of the associa tKn was appointed to hr hel.i at Spring .reei: church, this county. MISS LANi)ON DE LIVERS ADDRESS AT COl T RTHOi:S£ Miss Susan Lank>n of the Cotton Growers* Assocmtion. addressed a meeting at the court hou.-«- on aay afternooo ami ma»te a fine ini presaion on her hearers. Mifcs Landon is a farm reare»l daugh ter of Samp-on county, who has had . lie a>t* antage of a rooil CStitration ai.d has Lad wide experience as r teach er. she having heen connected wi'h the educational itepartment at Ral eigh for >oane time. As a speaker, aim [ a* very pleasure ami she knows ami presents her subject. ""Community Up lift" in such a manner lha it gets across to her hearers and makes a tasting impres-*»r. ami her work doe a great good I i.eaman-Coston Meeting In Plymouth Tomorrow The Leaman - Co»ton evangelistic imetmg will begin at 7 :*a u Plymouth ' Wednesday night. The tabernacle is ' tokiag form rapoily and every detail wdl be in readiness for the opening An erroneous statement was circu ( laled in thas commnmty. that Mr. Leaman was il vita pn umonia in ' Elizabeth City, but Mr. Cotton stat e«* this morning that he was well ami would deliver his llrxt sermon in t Ply saint li Wednesday night. r The variant federations of William , »toa w«U he well represented ami rwrysm is anted to attend that pas The tabernacle is completed with , 'be exception of the covering of the i re mt and placement of senU. Mr. Cos . ton farther stated that reservation f would be amde for the Williamston t people and a special invfation is a r waiting them in llymouth t ' f MLSS HARRIS ENTERTAINS r PHILATHEA CLASS Miss Sallie Harris entertained the t Fhilathea dam of the Memorial Bap - tast church last Friday night at her r heme en Hangnton street. A After the naval program was render I ev. the haitera served a delicious salad e course assisted by ker her mother, r Mrs Harris. Margaret Everett, Secy. ■ _____ ' SEEWARKEE LODGE NO. M L MEETING TONIGHT AT t There wfl be a special Is "aan of Skenaikae Lodge No. SO. A F A A. M. tonight at eight o'clock h Week ia the let degree. All aadei 1 iwei ia good itaelhig cordially in ■ sited. * CD. Carstarphen. Jr, Secy. e Mr. C A yen of Rev Grass was a blearsi visitor in town yesterday. COUNTY BOARD 1 ! COMMISSIONERS IN SESSION MON. Several Import nat Mat- ] ters Passed Upon At |j The Meeting i The County Beard of Commis. sioners !. met in its regular monthly session 1 . yesterday at the cour ks>ase «n.l all i its members present. Henry C. Green, chairman. W. B. Harrington. T. I:. , Slade. jr., C. A. A-ke» ami J. G.'| Itsrnhill. t There were several th:r g- to en- j irage the attention of the Boani bu' the most important things passed M were the putting on a Home I Vent.. s-iation agent for the year 1925 and j, n scimling the order ma>te by the ; ISoanl, July 11, 1923 ami the sum of! slol. per omnth being appropriate d ! fot a County aFrtn Demonstration j Agent for the eeaemg year. The business as it came up «i> pas— ; , e-i upon in order: By unanimous vote. tK> Boar * »Kenire>i the line between Hamihoi ' ami Poplar Point as folows: llegn tun j at the Cox line on the Roanake river. : thence the Cox line to he IV« - llrej j torn branch, thence up ai»i br-tuch toji Conoho creek, thence .f.wrn saoi creek! to Pasture Neck bridge, thence a] straight line to Wi!l.,« Point on the | Roat.oke river, then*, up the nver to l the beginning, addine this territory toj Hamilton township It was also unanimously agree*! to builf a -mall bridge near the heme! ot Eil Roberson in GrdSn's township. A loan of ISO va- m»de to the Jatne %'iile townshin rua>l trustee for ' a short time. There were several a>hie>i to the] charity list o ft he county. The* were ' Maria Purrington who wu aßaweslj a month. TV allowanre here j tefore made to John I Vss* ii. J to H.flO per naoa'h. Neai Page. J colored, was aliowe.i k oe -uie of #2 00 j !er month, all to the account | i ot the county poor It was ordered that a pabtw >■*•! he , i laid out near >lk home of J. E>l Gar- j iganus It was also ordere»i that a suAcient nuantity of lumber be fuaolml to, build a footway arrow Poplar Branch ner IxMiis Go>iar>t's resklence I It was agreeal that J. kC Ihxon be I allowed to fill up the dipping vat at - his home, provided the saad I»i\" i woubl agree to open said vat if 'tame was needed again for dipping parpise. • by others. I After some coiL-ilmlion, the Boarai decided to defer the qae taau of the - Tubercular 'Campnign an cattle rntil > the next meeting which wdl he m November. I*pun motion ma>te by 1 B Sla.'"- y and'secomlnl by C. A Askew that She sum of $-M"> be appropriate*! for a County Home ellmuastrataon Ager.t. 'he Hoard voting on the AUTAMI ar.d ' carrying it by the votes of Slade. Harrington an-1 A-kew. Mr. SI lie, then ma>lc another mo ticn which was .secondnl by Mr As kew that the order of July 11. I*2! be rescimled, and the sum of II4D prr month be appropriated for a County Farm Demonstrator for the year lt£i This motion was also carried. Askew Harrington and Slade voting for it An additional ream urhirh is to be cut off the eastern corrhlor of urt hone was provided a*- a>-tor-, ruom for the County Board of Ms cstien. It was nlered that no diwonnt he maale for the payment of taxes. The last thing at*e»M to darins this sitting, was the order for l»d --for placing water works ia the f oart House be advertised. PITT CWNTV FAIR NEXT W EEK The Pitt '"oany Fair will begin in Creenville next Taesday. October 14th s i r>d will last through Friday of tha' week. f The Pitt County Fair ia manag-d b> . Mr. W. H. Dad. one of the lewdini r fair men of this state Mr. Hail t> greatly intereatei in harac ransg ai> r he maintains a stable of thorough 1 bred hones ia Greenriße. At this fair will be seen sanae mt the beat horse racing that will be witnessed at aay feu in the state. There wdl he harness races everyday at one o'clock For four days of salad enjoyment, go to the Pitt County Fair ewery day But if you raaast ga every day. hr h sure to visit it, for it wdl be a great h fair ia a great county. L r Mr. Howell Wadswueth of near i- New Bern visited hie sister. Mrs. J. W. Watts, jr. and Mr. Watts daring Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Walde mt Ham a St on were ia tana yesterday on ban- IS IT A SCHEME TO INCREASE TAXES?] It is the «|ue lion that iimM p.> J pit were asking about the is>ur of! bonds for highways loui j years ago. and about the sli/eW.«d>" j cf highway bonds two y ears ago. It j has taken four years for our Slate! Highway system to if.-wer it. Thej answer is overwhelming. License fees! and gasoline taxes have pin the' operating cost of the Highways IV- j partment. have set a-nle f-a»i a mi* for roai maintenance per >ear. and fcive already pakl off two aini a half million dollars of the Highwat hoots NoHmiy four year* ago couki have .n-weresi this question about puklv highways. Nor can anybody. ir>*er ihis question now .IUHIC puhlac put j terminal-. more than to ~a\ ' j state-t»w ne»i terminal -in other state « lire financei on (*rt termira! charges ! for services ren.i«-re>t ar>i tha". th» | Act i; s«-lf reqaires stato-*»win«i u-rmi ;nals in North Carolina to hr finyrace-! lexactly in the same way. Se* >ei .ti««n 1! »f the Ac ! . I'rtvat.ij |»*rt terminals are' expert d To |uy 'tlieir »»a> end the> •!*> PuM c' |«>» Iterminal- na> tiieir »a> in 31 o"her water-front- tates. ar«t they can he n-ieie to do s« in North Carebna. ur, [less we have less busme--. :»h«'- > than I the people of thirty -on-* otSwr tates. |lj" the six sta'es own th. .. «wn , p-»rt terminals, namrl., Maine. Mas iacliUsetts. Klosl.- |.la:>i. Alabama. llxHiisiarm. ani California, liw nor'. f fees f«ay the operating expthe ii;tftes( anil sinking funs! charges, anil Ta> no lav bunlen~o« anyfst~y" The Ship and Waier -Tevst Commission reports tlTaf wislout e\ | cejtion state owneit terminals have been self—uppnrt ir g The Sen»r »l llandi til in Ti.e j»eople of North. «'ar-il . a [lon r heen ui:«l»'r th. wpre. mi !}.., jw« «ave r:o" rwiiura! laihnr »>.l tha* !nat .:T f - lad .lon- her worst fo* u> in this particular. The m nr.! hj'W • facilities of North 'Carolina are !H* j worse man l'w»- « J Kl -t»; On jfc ]Contrary. t!ie\ are •iis;inetly fa-t er. j Twen' •. *vr r ngr. the- channel t.i j Jack'e. % miles inland, wi- l»-«c than !*♦ feM «! ;>. pir 4 J. oar Jit .hips w,:h draft. \Ve«t Palm Beach is diggin* IL- «»wn ehvwel (Kim ~h the sai»«'- Itm"* .-»n>l »',»»!• - le savinc' ii freights al»n*' to for it an two ye-ars, Miami, St. r hur,* Tampa. IV- Osok h ve, s*t J» ! lie > freight tiouhles wrgf poi" t to th co iim-rrt of all the worh! Atwl the man i-ho a k» I in aof the--~ FV mieitie- u puhtw pott ser«ii«a3s was a s.> -me to raise tax* - would l«e a lau|- .. ie-stoi t. Mune pal t -rmii lis Jake -tat. own- j ed tenaias!*, rre en'erpr--. thai p.-) fa r themselves in terminal charges just as aaur tiij hv. j .tie with gasad .na- taxes' and licen-e fe* Ihey I la. \a». Tsa laid or Pee eaal Properly Moull itale-oaneat to-muxals in North arolma ihe -'K hia'r>ii ml the same way ? The enly po >iU' ai ,-wer is that they have |OM in ,r ownj wav ;n other state.- It will I..k* hve 1 . or six years t» era ate the-*- p>art terminals anal the bnoL. wdl be i«- sueai as construction neeis ane. H they were issued dl at once, lie in 'ere-t ami -inking fund ctaarge- wouhi ii? a year. Suppb-ing that they wouhl not earn their own way during construction a> the Mane statr terminals d»l, the amoun' wouhi jhave to be taken of the general fund of the state. Who pay.- tax money into th ■ gen | end funal of the .-tote? 1. very hod) ki ow. or might nil) know tha* | owner of real and personal propert) aloes not now pay a cent of taxes m-j te 111.- fund; that tie Legislature of Vft\ aboh-heai -uch taxes for state support State port terminals would laot increase the tax burden of land owners by so much as a singir cent Tie geneial funal of the 4alr is oe lived from bxri on unaea, in her; Unices, franchises, stock fees. laorrue>, and so on. If you >lo not pay any of these taxes you woulal pay aothang to support port terminals, so matter how much the state invested ia them. The history of other rtale owned terminals is plainer than a pek* staff They alo not increase taxes Ana! tfcs nne thing is almost uniformly true of municipal owned, teraritah akes thri are comp|et.-ai ami in fad operation. Port terminals zre not a ache me te i*rea e taxes but the ijaae.-tion ' frightens the an informed man. The ■ opponents of the measure know that it faeghten.' him and this is probably ' 'he reason the ijoestaon is &sknd.— 1 Port Terminals and Water Trans par tot ion Leaflet No lft. r Mr. Jee Naaaef left Sunday mom . ing for New *arW where he wfl take r in the bueWli -rashes of Ur world series this week. . Dr. aad Mrs. J. SL Rhodes ate in . New York attending the baseball games this week. „ TWO DEMONSTRA TORS FOR MAK'iIN COUNTY IN ii>£> I Marlu. ruunt) »>ll luive U«n » I Farm and Home Demonstrator the cominit year, 1925. At the mtt ii«jf uf th« l«»oi ! County Commissioners !ht t.-UMi-h --j irc-nt of t«o a|fri'»t-» aiulhot |Tite t niie*t tSate> Govemmen* ■ ;.»lf the salary of the>e officials be- Icaun' it knows the itm»i thr> .w a community. Of course .there are j icreat mar.y people who iio not t*e>i the services of these a*ent-. at->; there may be some who do not thi'.k they lies I them. but there are thow u«ls wro ilo need them ami want and they will he crea'ly hfwtittf ?ml it is for those who nee»t and ' v nit their serv ices that the l!a»i>i K.te.l ye-terday to have the is the county during the year IW2-V ~i tie commissioners ha-1 re*jue-t- from all over the county a-ktn:; lor the-e arents ami '.he 1'...a r «l 'ell thi'., tiw creater proportion of the »• "i ' ' •- - sled them. Now. if the>> |*»plr t ■■■» (i mty will pull together and nak*- : • w« t k possible, treaf thing- nj> !».« Mr T. It Hrani»n a- count, far nwiemonstrator. has .lore urrtol>i ptxl .luring the -hort time ilut ne lis Iktii hi the county ami ha l-as leeri 1 tit he county ha-- be Come very popular with the i»->.pfc- C(H NTY ACCENTS REPORT FOR SEITEMBER IV followinK »s the r»(» r! of I tv Aireiit. T. B. Brandon. to th» I-om of County Commissioners f.«r 'k month of September. lil days >p«nt in fi.dd work. 7 days spent in «fti-e woik. Imi fonfcrfiirr. with farir- i- letter* written »V farms visited on offirul Jyi^. 2 meetings with an atU wbiMir of 132. fi*i far md»moiistration. betl, 7i4 miles lravel-»l in r im'.y per fointinic iutip- a- count % **->'. d articles written. 1 orchard.- inspected aid lions mal*, iOl hog treated. Advi-ed farmer in r trar*»- In "r» . - , ui|» 72 head of -heep for -U-ni*l. I worm. ! Advised a I L. I as.-i.-ted 11 farme"- »* starting 3* acre- of |I.- i tore . Advised 12 farm-*.- in mn-t i>mii.y crimson clover. Advised 42 farmers in t« lh#r cover crop-. 12 farmer- were!-».l tr t - far-' to ilhrax control for tobeico . 4 farmers were »l«i.-?«l in rrg tr»l' o growing full truck crop, Part of my lime was iterated t« ret I line community ami -cho««l nliJMl nade at tJie fair, also a nu* In of farm exhibits 1 This month will lie larr dy «l» • »!"l "o treating hoe ami ifrttui* e%hrhi** ' for fair. T I! HKANIHIN, fount > Arn' 1 Messrs. Julius Pur*i- -n-f Frark Carstarphcn pent Sunday in B lhaven ' with friends. Mr Frank Gladstone of ilanulfv* ' *as in town yesterday 1 Mr ami Mrs T. W |t*vmi».rt ' ' Oak City were in town Mobday -Hop 1 Mr. lien Worsley of Oak City wi ' in town )ft>t?nl?y attending tli regular meeting of the County RojH of Education » 1 Meters. Joe ami C. F Madlw of ' Jamesville were in th«- city yesterday 1 attending to bwiniv>. Mr. ami Mrs. C. B Sweloff. Mr- J r I». Thrower, Mr*. J H Brtll ami Mr W I. Hriley rao'ored to *i.K«»ft'« ' Sunday afternoon. BEAVER HAM LOCAL >CTS Mr Jesse Keel went to WJlum tun WolntMla) on busiw-.v f Mr. ami Mr*. Sylvester Kaymx an.' a Mr. ami Mrs. W". A. Burrwyli "-'"o« r «-d to Greenville Weilnesday. Mr. ami Mrs. A. L Kayiur ami Mr. i Ijester Kojrers attemle«l rburrh i» ftJ "J Lams'on Sun-lay morninjr r- Mr. ami Mrs. A. 1- Kaytor f a few days in tt il«.n la-1 «v*k Willi I relatives. r • r • • . - m m I ~ There was a great leiinl heM at i» Vernon church last week. n Mr. W. Henry Ko*er> went t» W ( lis nufon Momlay on Bu»ire». t . Mrs. Mary E. Feel* and Mr. and » Mrs. G. W. Hardison ami faanfly - were the ifoests of Mr ami Mrs. H, R> rers Sunday afternooc. Mr. A, B. Rogerson of Bear Gnat i- «w here yesterday y e Woraley of City we*e ilipprn d :>ere Saturday. i Marjorie Eagiaal aad Em b Jordan of tk* tnrtin staff of the II Oak Oty ichaiU wit in the aly ah«y piag Saturday. MAKE VOIR PLAN'S TO BE IX WILLIAMSTON 111 KING THE KOA NOKE FAIR. IM.TOBER 2*-2« TH. ESTABLISHED 1898 L_vr% -I L. UKli on i'AK ;vnri LAKoLK OanES .... i »ist three Hays* Aver . a#je Stands between 25 and iiO C ents Imi i i-c locai tobacco market is >r a }s«r witn inarket> of \v .ban. «.reef;ville ani other large to>ii» can Sv* by pay liit tr:e local ma: aet a V I-it VeJcnu) tobacco oUi ,uk.h«r for m-—5 era.!e.- 'hat it l\a> all The prjee- for the pa-l few ia> - r.ave as hijth a- eiithty or ninety* cent> with a treat many .-ales avrraif •rn ar.*uni fifty am! tift>-five cents. The av*raee fof all -ales for Watts tr*. oMrton for the pa.-t three days fcas beets between* t»enty-t".ve ami thirty cert-. In Friday's t-.-ue of The |j>terpn~c their regular ad will Con tain of the averages of the in ■Mriual sale- a- well a- the warehouse neraiv !..r this »nk Th» ».l! ire a accurate statemen". whico ctrtiM n»»t I* ifi+TT' li«-f..r** pr«s« tin'e ihj ll* floors of litre .ir >l S|au . 10~ • a>. ve-".-r.iiv and Friday. tuUcra ->!.! hieh a- niia-ty cent- and th.»re 7 . !» -eienil .Jarni?*? w".u» got ?rer . "f fi«"t' ai«l -nt'. cents VII tiie fl K.r- « rr full t.xlay ami ie w*i* rood. Vi-it tt.e V. ill>am ton "i-bacco nu(>.. tl«i» am! to ooue sati;- j . u'. «. u will rec.-iv *. for « ey _ ili !• ,v- a- yi u can iret -• • i._*l;ere. ST \1 »~MF\T «»l 1 IIK IIH \ERSHIP , *■ W \«.FMF.\T. CIRC! L \TION. IT« _ KFt|l IItF. I • TIIF AtT *"nl t oi vu.l ST 21. l»li »l 111 l ENTEKI'KISE pobli-lie«l -vitn aeeklv at Wtlliank-fofi. \ i". 'or Ik totier. 1924. MiTr «.f \orth 'arolina. .«iot> of Martin. ISefore me, a ri-tary public in «T-i \ for Stat- and county aforesa«i. IK r-«n dly app> are.l U (" Mif ji , who, having U*i .iuiy »wjrii ac • xiuuii; to law. ( a> .-s ar.d -a' i thjt - • si* • ..uu.-u of TN» Ente.-prise atrf that Ihe, f"llo» jiif j:, •o tlx- be:-*, of hi- k»ow>e>i.' .mi belie', a tiu* statemeni of the wnersnip. twi /or tie .iate I .own ii the above i«|uir».| by the Act of Ainu-'. 24 "I*l2. «ml»o«lietl n .ect»n 44'. Po-lal l_ and K*-ifU'stions. pruiJ.-l on the reverse of 1 hi- form. I» wit : I. That the names- ai..l ailore-jse- of *«e |iUi her, .lit*! U.-inrv% K. M Mai.inriv- an»i \\. (*. Mm. .me, jr , William.-tun. N. I titor W. i' MarmiiiK. 'A illiamston, V' «* |:jfiiie« W •' Manning. jr Williams! on. N. C. i That the owner* air: 1 M Marimrie. \V illiai:'-ton. N. C. F S. Perl. illi..m-tor , N C. V « Mauninc. jr . Williaißston N. C. .t ( Tha; the known b.-.dh«kiers. n»! raifee... ami other 'l'trity h»bl rt ow r.iriK or holding I r» nt or ne»r rf total amount of b»»"'"ls. rm»rt- Cit-'-. or 'other - cur I lies are: I - dsui: I'rinter- Supply Co.. Atlan f la. «.a. 4 Mie two paragraph- next ~ Ams~* a _givirijr the name- of the own tr- .t-*ki ol lers. ami security holders, if joy. contain not only the list of ( «4«a kMdrr> ami -ecunty 'ud.lers as they appear upon the book- of the . c»*ii.>'«> hu! also, in ca -e * h *re the or -ecuritv holder ap prj.. - upon the l»ook- of- the company 1* tru-t«e or in any other lidueiary rHjln.i:, the f.ame of the person or rvrp.ratK.r. for * hom -uch t ru-tee is if' ii c, if giyen: also that Ibf -aei !n. contain statements ~ e-wbraciDK affiant'- full know le.||te u>! l«eln f a- to the circumstances and - .orxixtion- umler * hich st>kbolders ami -ecunty buHfrs who do no* ap -1 pear upon the buokf of he company .s tru-!ee> hold stock ami securities in a cafetcity other than that of a bona Cor owier. ami this affiant has no leafon to helieve that any other per son association, or corpom: ion has I any interest direct in the *aid stock. ; bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. W. C. MANNING. JR, Business. Manager. Sworn to ami suhscrihcd before me h„ €th day cf October. | J. F POPE. N. Public. r 4My commissioa expires Dev. 13,1M4| Mr. and Mrs. Boh Hardenreirh of Btibrrmirilb spent the week end in i t.«n with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wats. Mhw Bell aad Hairr o t the Jibmi • vMe school faculty were m town Sot r Wm- . 4 -J Mios Curie D. Msnnmg was in the p city a short while pasta*dav- John McCal) motored KGmk-

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