boahdkb fair. willlamstox. *. C—4 BK MATS S KG NNITB VOLUME XX V—NUMBER €9 PEANUT GROWERS ASSOCIATION It) MAKE PAYMENT Poßtts of 1923 WiO Be Again Used For 1924 Season the Peanat Graven fl ruriaiian has Board of Directors hJd^Xorfoik. Tha aaaaciatiuu only ailed for voluntary Mm» in IMS. bat had better Men* than for aay p—H— 1* Brat adrancr equalled tkit*. fearth* of tkt opm market and an dauktodly established a higher and •ton«er "aifcrt to the outside *row «r than if there had been no amcii Uml It leaked as if the year's business *» d *• completed by October 15th. aut teal settlement for the I*o nop "«•**- but the Board of Director* fmmm * * wrid not be possible to a ake final settlement before a boat the '•* * f November, ordered a second ad **■«* uMaediatoly and if all indica tions materialize, final paylnent will "Bade about the first of November Association expects to follow the same policy for the 1924 crop as ■t did ia IKS It has auccradcd in getting a more favorable contract than it had in •W or a 19tt for storing and clean »« the crop. The first ndeaace will be as large Proportion to the open market Mfaa as last year The plan followed last year, to al low each member to sell half on the o*sade and deliver half to his as rakad the price of peanats «• the entire belt, makiar both clean er and speculator ball the market for ai they were worth The Association is expecting macb larger deliveries than it received las' year, and if member* can get a little their neighbors. they will ** t* establish a high and Utoady market for every body. WATERS IX ROANOKE FALLING RAPIDLY HEBE Tbe waters of the Roanoke are now rapidly The Ronake freshet lacked about 18 inches of reaching the mark it made in 19». yet it did considerable 'fama ■" to low ground crops, coverimr about half of all tbe "Island" farms, some crops which | were covere-l will be a total loss while other*, will only Miffer partial ( CaMfW. The crest of a river floo-i ( always reaches William-ton jus* ( eight days after the rainfall, which ( was this Way this time, reach me it> highest point Toes-lay The present water h*« driven many I deer and rabitts to the hills which ' have been slaughtered in Urge nam bers FEDERATIONS HOLD MEETING IX JAMESYILLE THI'RSDAY 1 i The OinaUaa Federations of this cHy held a inevine in the Baptist church ia Jan* -ville last evening with Mr. B. I Hike Oitchrr serving as lead- ■ er There were a goodly crowd from ■ * ißiawtf i. who drove lown there for the aaeetinr. The Jaaof ville people rave them a M«d attendance and the meeting wa» inspiring to all present. I ABETOI'MS KALE . BEGAN THIS MORNING Praonptly at nine o'clock today* the Lender store began the largest «ale they hare pat on jimte their earn I i ir to WHiarr.-tor. Ia their pst aJ-ertisement you •S aee that they ;r* making bar rains in all kinds of wearing apparel for an, women and childrer They h ve ai extra sale force and rervice awaits you, c embin ■ I with srunderfaJ The hnibling has been remodeled and refurnished and handiome new win *••» have been bnflt, giving a new appearance to the store. Han S J. Everett and Mr. Unas here ndniy. Mr. B. G. Moas ai the Moaa Plan fee MO, Washington was here yester fcr- Mias SaOie Adams of Foar Oak* wfll arrive tan%ht to risk Miss Saßie , Hairis far several days. Mr. E B. Tawe of Vka was a Conference wUdi was kdi at Si. Ma's Epiirnpal charch ia Wash i . -too oa Wednesday Mrs. Statoa as THE ENTERPRISE N. C DELEGATION WINS RECOGNITION AT CONVENTION Mra Z. H. Rose Address ed Covnention At AogwU Mrs. Z. Hardy Rinse. president of the Phßathea I'aiou of North Caro lina. returned last -:g£t fiwi Ur? na tional convert .ion which was bead at Aognata. Georgia. She wa» one of thirteen delegates from North Caro lina to the imi nation and the only me from Eastern Carnhaa. bat at an execative meeting held at Reidavdlr a short while ago. Mrs. Base |n naai i ii Eastern Carolina wnld be th-re :r "uAcient ?iaaahcr» so that 'le feel ire that all Carol am is west of Bal etgh won Id be lost forever. The North Carolira delexa'ian vra regarded at the Convention as betnr the best organised and the most nsde' organisation and all the states in the L'rian were well represented It has been an ontstaadmr fact for year* that New York ha* been the lender in the halls of the conventions has thr tables were turned this year and a So at hem state, oar «wn North Caro lina. was acknowledged lender by the ' nd by tbe nrwipnprn of Aagnsta. North Carol ma was the e:ily statr 'hat had more thaa one speaker oe. the program. Mrs. Z. H Box of this et>y allnml the raawentiou oa. "Making tbe Pannes* Meeting Go." The papers spoke highly of Mrs. Re-e and her pictare appeare I in :Se San day mat of the Aagnsta Cuni ier. Mrt. N Barkner of Abbeville. whe ts- secretary of the V C I'aions -pok « "Everybody'* Lonesome" and th» was conceded to be the best speech de livered daring the entire sessioa«. not escefting anybody's. Mr W F Penny State president of the Baracvas. al»> *** de aa address and presided at some the tmifliiewes Mrs Kose wa- honorol by beinr piacetl on a OHnmrttee to ieride » Set her tbe Sea*h vith>irav from the Nort ai-t form a IHie di vision or whether they thoali 4*ll re main in the national organization There was a delegate from each of th» Southern staw and it wi drr»M n>» pursue this coar>*. on acrounr of ■■me temporary circwaistance-- that are now existing in the orrar.iutk>r Nit it will probably be can*»! out at tHe next national cor. vent lor Mrs. Rone, when asked which tr ■ -minations prentarainated it tbe cor tention. -aid tha* all the tkms were represented bat that she believed the Latherar> ard Pre>by t- were nw» Largely repe»--»nt ei REGI LAR MEETING SKEW %RKEK UIDGE K-rular meetinr Skewarkec La4r A. F. A A M - Ta'*«*ay October 14. Work ia tbe third degree II moter acsrr,. e»«d .-'andsr.- r>rittally invited.— C. D. Car>tarpfcen. jr. secretary. SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHI R( H Sunday *chooL i»me-for".y-five-—J II Pope. Sapt At elevn A. M. tbe Me*ho>ii>t mem bers of the Federation, both me? a» ! • omen, are a>knl io participate aie? condact the entire aareting Mr. B. D. t'ritcher will be in charee. Special ma-ic by male Y'oa are cordially invited E D. DODD. Pa-tor . MEMORIAL BAPTIST! CHURCH NOTES Saaday School. »4& * Morning Worship. UM Evening Service. T:IL Tbe Sunday Scbaal was abai r the Ml mark again last Saaday. There were five aihliliaßi at tbe mnraiar hear and ane at tbe r naiag sei eke Tbe hands of fcßawUnp was given tbe new year's work were mafia. Tie largest nambrr n the hirfery of the cbtuch partook of the Lord"- Sapper ■lpim'T- 1 to attend the Raanabe As ndij with tbe Baptist Cbarrti at Tarbaro At aigbt another service wfll he held at the cmrt—ion Afi members are arged to be peasant and a cardial invitation js^rxtended % ■ ... ~ Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday. October 10. 1924. RECORDER'S COURT IN REGULAR [ SESSION liifcS.; . Docketof Small Conse quence; Small Fines Imposed f The Recorder » C ourt of lait wee-k j . was of small eonseqneuce. There weie . a few cases of tbe regalar oruer of j [ things, that were taken ap and soaacl r of them were tarned over to the I . next term of the Snpenor Cwt ami . others were con tinned or disposed of , light fines. Judge Smith was on , -h Bench and Solicitor Peel Was "oc [ jab" again after a week's iliac** , with the "fin." Tbe first case was State against * dlie Shewed, abandonment. Sherrat ■ plead guilty and jisigment vra- sws , -rsled ipun pay ment of n»U. State vs Robert Sallnar. was a charge of abandonment SalKvan's case wa» continue-! until tX-tobrr 21. ander 'he -ame bono Stale v» [Von John«w for failcre to dip cattle hps beer * the calena.- r for so long that it is alaaost out of •-ate. Johnson has -pent she -ummer •.own oa the liiifp twenty-six ~,car( miles of low JW. hantirg about a doaen cattle p5pT ha* mpiml omr :ling more Milan pa*letice for him to hunt them, for they are not only *« wild that they are wor>* to catch ban deer but they have been down that neck of the w«d» so lone hat 'bey are as ferocious a- buHalur f" every time he sees a cow while on fcis hunt, he kill- it ami brines it to ■wn where he sells er for anything he can ret In state vs l>-nm- for as s-»uh with deadly the defer.- «.ant plead guilty and the juduaaeiit of the court wa» that he shoahl le ' nhnol to the county jail for ten ''its pay a fine of |2SI» and the costs of action, indudinc his keen while ia jail. The ease of State against J S Moore for 'ran-porting linpior war- aol poiitil with leave Tbe ■ext case was vs Wesley I I'arber an.l Cowan f-i larceny ai • •cercing. It appeare.l in the Court that thi> ca-e «-h»uli have been re- Surest to the Superior t'oart and it was onlered that es>rh lefen>iant en "ei into a hon-i in the sum of |£lij|W foe hi- per.-onal appearanre at the r*xt term of the Saperior Court of Mxrtm county State vs Frank .rifftr, cv.mplete«l tne >lork.t for the day. Onffn was ctiargevl with a-sault * ith deadly wea I'* hut when the evidence was hear-1 it was fouiel that hi.- c»-e laJ al ••ady beer: turne«i over to the Superaoi * • urt of Martin county RFVIYAI. SERVICES WILL • Ijisl: SI NDAY AT BHHMtE'S GBOITE Revival -erv ice- which have heer. it progress at Ra>*lirk*- Grave Baptist thureh will concliete Sunday after The preachuiK ha> been -tone by Rev. Shirley, uhw is the pa-lo , Splendid congregation- haie attend •-I all the services- There haie brei several addition.-. Tbe new* ronveru wiU probably be baptised here at the local church on Sunday night Tbe exrk at this country church is pro gressing very nicely. WASHINGTON MILL ENTERTAIN PRESBITERI %N SYNOD Washington * ill entertain the Presbyterian Synod next week ami at this meeting will be bandied.- of l*resbyterian preachers, laymen and visitors. The Presbyterians u>u}ll. hobi the synod in tbe central or maihtle westen. part of the -tate where they have many very strong rharrbes but this year they have selected Washington. They can depend upon W'ashing*on to give them a hearty welcome and to i« enttertain ia a royal maun ii Mrs. Z. H. Rase tttanni last eve . big from Aagusta. Se«rgia where she attended a aatio..*] awetirg o* the Phdathea Lnian. Messrs. Elbert l>el a mi Bo*«it Biggs spent yesterday in Jaaaesvill* attending to ha»inr m. Mr. Minoo Jackson of Jasse-vJIe was a visitor here yesterday . Mr. Marian GtMa of tbe Wlliam dm Telephone Caaapany of Jame viße was here an baaae» yesterday. EPISOPAL CHl T RCH (Maber 1% l«K " JL Charch school. »:« ' Maniag Playci and Sown 11 w . ' . ' i itfHMfell •NEW INDUSTRIES AND PORT FACIUTItS The citiaens of Nor n Carolina on November 4 will have an o|>portuiuty to help the dale go forward by vot ing for state oom-; termmaL- asd crater transportation facilities. FaJ ure to do sn Will prevent tbe -"ate . :iom securing the adilitional cmla>tnal j expansion to Wlucii it r- toettuaately titled. Freight rate tlbrnaußatw . ! ,J °V coaflMe a heavy burdert opus tbe mdi( idaal ami upon commerce a.»l indastn Belief.rar he oely through tha fisvelopment of water :ar.>portatiun' an t -tate-ouned term :r»IS. Great valtr . of freight into iod oMt of Worth Caalina no* pas tr.roogh tbe parts of other state- be I cause we lack s«rh pubi c port Ities at home, if Aa lnatance of ladiMiul Lao* A few days at l ' a man intrn-V: IB .-tate port terminal- aid uate: tß.n>puruilian call.. on a fiieis! in Wmsto' "A *eek --go.** lie mfoimt- hL- vi-r»r. ~l *a- to stato-os trnwra,.. hut a thing has just occurred which nci l«etely changes tne I jn> r ,,» .v terminetl to do wver> thing l*> carry 'he Port IM} w \ w> embe» 4. "While -tandir.l. in froct of R»4»ert E Lee botei, 'Satd hf. I es»- tc'-ad into conversation with a -trang " Tbe dlscussh -aturally drif'ed t" business and ia«lusTry. The .trane *r said he was fironi 80-to«t and that he had been sent South by his com p&ny to find the best hwa m> for five or six textile plants." He has! oten through AWunu. lir»nru jtiml St utk Carolina; be was thee on thr last lap of a tour 'hrough North C;.c!jia. He war enthu-ia-t«c wver .he «gns of progre - in our date He -Sated that North ~arolina tmpi».-ol him as being the best state in tstue outli; that our *c'i«>ois were better and oar rami system -ec.n.i to m America. 'But unfortunately' *H the drai |pr.' *e rant heat any iJi mills ia your state. Oui om jn«V "port- all of its pendurt to Soutl. America and European cuwn ti*s. I fiud that North tarolma ha lm adequate purt facilities Ttwrefore. •I mill be iin|i>n»ibb for u- t» com jo te mtb Eastern lexrde mill., as J»l*r present condition.- we ooubl he f-rced to haul our pro>iuct. by ran' at present rates from thi- date to the >ame ports we are no» using;.' The n«os> impm»nr thing about tl is incident i* the fact that it is typical of many other such uuceaent ol late. 1 hey are aol likely to dwp oc (■rui( until the state >irvel«>p- il cwn port-, pis'es its .>■ n termi:%al ud eapande aaterway Irafc-prftalM -■•r the benefit of imlustriat concern.-, i -rmer. and busines.- men Ihe man 1,-»m l:s'xi dnl not knou he was a n : -tonar) carrying m-tant convaction lie ii.lelieet -of a North Carolinian .-le ut to vote atrain.-t |s>l r •tneb|> •ie«t_ The visitor simplv -tate-l the facts. It was riot he —— but the facts thai won the .lay for publir pert. u this casual street meetinr Asd it is the fact.- that uill win every time, if only the citiaen- of Nortr tarolina will lone to think about them ami be (mini by them for the good of our state. Tbe Vater*s Palb to Duty The foregoing is but one dlnriratm of the marvelous variety |f rce- that an at murk for the lrwm|> mt tKo ieat date port «levelopanent pwian Admittedly North Carolina b grossly :-r mirtat ■ against in fre«M rates. Public I'oit Facilitie> and Mater Transportation are tbe only correc tives. In vo ing favorablt NovemWr 4 the voter should rente miter Mat re fiuced rail freight rates —the natural . rxi immeitiate result »f waterway « velopmen'—affect everything he «*ts. wear-, or u-es 7he reductions *•' such cost- mean personal sai lac - 'v the individual. They mean greater •■I irortanity for industrial ilrvwlop !»st in North I arolina along Ime c! present denied our state ti ronri. lack of terminals and use of water ways. The evidence above staled i»roves it- Vote for State Terminal i aad Water Transportation on Noveaaber A—Pan Terminals ami Water Tram part! »lim leaflet No II Mr. B J. t'arlton, aa ifii i»l of tbe Imperial Tobacco Cmnpaay. of Rich-; wan) has been in the city that week Li*tie Pres-ton Edward-, jton of Mr. | :nd Mrs. F l>re Edwarb. who was i ' perated on for tonsils thr* naniaß at bis home in tbe Tar Heel Apart awnts. is getting , along nicely from, tbe effects of the ipnaiiiaa Mr. Wilmm Harmon DUniH and Bi de grandson mt GriMas Township pnm el through here yesterday en raade hoane from Norfolk abut they hud been to aee a specialist dbaat thr Ht itle fellow's ap«L ~ -,- w DEPUTY BAIaLARI) STRIKKS FANCY > DRINKERS A BLOW ■ Nine Barrels and Hogs head of (*rape and Turned Oui r Fancy drinkers, who prefer icr.t|* !u ' all* o'her hiaixt. were -truck a Wow f I this iiwrnmc when l»eputy cdientl " I'aal IVallanl aixl an assistant luir.ei over nine barrel- ami ot«e hoc-"tea*» I ' I . * trrape alhi -uirar. in Topiar I'uir ja: n was heme mixoi by IK«. Jor.r |r« aisi Joe Sbile i .be officers ha«i been «»r>iere»i to tfc" where the mixmr was e»iPif on ]L/ a number •>( i».»rlie- who allev-' » a tie while he wa- ilrmkbiK Some i l |vple who have hear>i him ot- >v | when he treate«i hi- wife I rnelly. liave watched him an>i oh aut «« iitformatHiu which H to trw a .ch TV ofhcei. weie in- •waitnt; iht | at five thirtv «rer Joh-» n , aiw a c«d*»r*-.i nun Sia.te a|H»-1 e«. Jwrth a mule an-' cart aisl (■•ur hun i .ivl «>' «uv..r ahich 'iw; un ts adrui ai«i le.: XfTer a whib- thev r .1 I !»t«n*>i a is! he;.jn i«ut"ini» the -u- ; !«h the i.rape yui.-e. At Ihi- f «fiKrr> one up :tn«' -riir.' i»« n ren '-seal. Thev *oun>i out th-- irr^te . 1 - •or ami brouirht in lie >u/jr !H""y cou! i i»ot fiiid iSe -til! üburh vas to le Use>l in manufacturing the II hut the |>lace was an .*' i - a. I "' wbere a strtl hait been ru" f— xfcra- I time, from all iihlk-ilim.' .j It was only a few week- at>• that r |ll»e same hor-head wa- at an ( jdl»r fdace "ii lie Johnson far *t. till t 'i«( wrh meal ilnl .» : till- JpiepaniMn ~:• .'eh-» •'s. ■ sve-se' wa- not knorke.' to p—»•» liu' . "fter hi- tup. the irfticer -av iK: it I aid » re- te •i.l ntrain . I Van Jot," .f l! "S s-."' til » 111- "Ifac'-aner of fancy Ixpwi-. .. .• ; jjly to tl.- fai ..; >1 i! "ri- ai . S-.-w tiaah- -say • liat r~e ft* t. e . i hatch of 10-ei - yaai rji. teli 1? hi th Iwii f>ea- folk- ft*»t a ' li'al mil * j*w»y fie .ji .r. jir> icb' . h Ii '•-t J >'l*e at thejjif..i.kt - t'oui* Tarain fourtW.ith »«i »ri k»> H'lIN f itilTWtIN hll.l_^ I. \KI F tt II.Id \1 T " Mr J i IL l >ltia!n hmorii' a , laree «ill cat in o town Sal«i>a» '.jibe ca wen I iil l> it ',ioiii> eirh' ' ;pK«u*eis .* h* I taeen catchlli - \fi I'ol ••lam'f c! kk«i- for -nme lime jirl ■j.-atur-la h .li„« *t -on Ire trad •]*4 the thief 'i 1 track ■•I it f«r iraai miles sWn at la • the cat ... ■ weary hat it Hinv-al a tree wbere t|» 1 iCVltrairi foutHi ami kille»t it. . i i The rat was a imvi-lt > to many |e ' |4e wl.-- hail never -e»-n. a h«»«w Igrwwa wild cat t« Mr «'a>ltrain hrouriit it to taawn ar»l irtaf Mr L»i jvaf»t- to emlaalm it anal it t- »o ;»vhdattion at the '!f F I- 1/ivinl- Company. UN UIUI NT lIF >H«iKL AGE •>! •i trmilN MK. WILL MEE AII. ', RESIIRTS 111 \li»k\- TAte holl weevil, in a tit a»f 'le-per ilMi. ha- left the barret, rutton 6e(*t «f Mart ii. rounty arnl ha* rti h*»i to the woods where l«e i- n«»w eatinr MMiU' last week Mr. loui- M. Peel 'I in a lirs:. number of acaair.- .jB pwrrfture>l by th* hull weevil . Sure pi i-af aa- attar Iml t his -'ate merit h\ acmn inWihic. a weevil . had pu-haai its heal aa far that it, ; .-aJI anfii: and was hel-i fa -t ami in ll'iymr to i'lea-e his ha-ak f«e hail pull ied his heaai off ami left it m the arorn ~in tie acorns shown, the err- a.f the ' wee-vil were depo-ite.l in | the I . i-ame maiiier a- thev are ir. tie cnr . to. bdl Me are toU hj cotton riper*- th»t ijike weevil iloes not le»*her any plait i xcept the cotton plant, hut it 1- \r error a» proven by Mr. Feel Man. I , people examined the acorr.- ami the ! amevd ale! they all arreed that it "jwa» th» -ame kimi of' srevil as is Ijw ktaown a- tbe had! weevil > What this will r lean to u- m 'he rom ing Mason, re do not know hut wv • bow that if Mr. Weevil will -tick to .: aoc rus and leave cwt* on alone, it wdl Jte be for our frtemts, the farmer j Mr- LC. Bennett. Mr. J. M' IMsMOUBg, Mr- Oscar A ruler-oe. Mr Itilm S Peel m-.toreai to Tarboro iWodne^iay J Mr Harry Bigg» visited fricmU ia . >a»huucto« tbi> week. Mr. H. M. Poe aaade a baunt» trip to Washington Wednesday. Dr. aad Mrs. Jabn D. Bigr- ami I Mr. and Mro. Asa T. Crawford and Maao Frances Wiltam* wnU >pend to- 'FEDERATIONS j VISIT PLYMOUTH lATTENDEU LEA>4AN - CUSIOA E* ANCELISTIC MEE 11\t; l\ fITHOITH | o«ur«. a Ui tre • irin a ' iks 'mbi *hr tiuw federation- *»f IM -ilaie>hc vi-itw ifce opening -erv a* of thr IjMmari Costun Kvansrtbtif I mcel:is* which hflw. m that cit* ' bt VV *(• last atv-u. ihrtr 1 or f«w «vk- IW; stiv |wvtji|r mho hatt bw! h ;jKi tfv «f the •rasters of >hr (urt> ami il*) »tT ". to >fc««r thnr appmuth't: for 'he &M - ii. IJ-rir brtjlf «■!!!* time of the fir-; -fnsc •si- *akef. u;> atth te-t -moi-ia! - t he mrt \ fn-m VV illiam-t-«n an«i • mm& N-mf «rf (»*.■♦ the n*t! —» «•«•. Mr> g "A. Mj»iix>n Vlr?. ! •* l«i rjrtl. Mrs 100 (iursu u • rai» Mr- Hucfc Hollnman. Mr ai • • V,r- \\ 1' Jfrratii!. Ml a.'. Mi Hrr,n lUm-4" Mr an.! Mr- Jjnir »Uin-*>r., Mr. »ijt!, Mr- II K I'ope, Mr- St" lia*. Mr arvi Mr- \ I I! or» r. Mr ar«i Mr- Ii \ f"u!l!|»!-er *!>-*■ Oli\« Murnlt. t Vmc IMI V ' -Ice. I'rancr- t.urcami-. K-..i I"•-» I. M-:sar llwn. Mary Hi - I .if anr \WI%. I I* H*rt>>«*i ! > iWL S:*«l HiHrll. I Hike t'ritcher. I Swmmerim. I"a! I'-aki r. Jor ■in WiW. Jame- l>l«in llirrri- Irii II niMW lamrrrtrr I'rrl. Krank far I Kun*) Hiunnl. J l» V\ar>* «■. lutiwoi Raher on. ' fcr. *itK IN-!.). k «* Sikr.. Mattic lami RvyrrxHi, Mr-. J V Mai m*. Mr- t t'ritcher. Mr- I • .ewrre '.uirii-u-. Mr-. Theodore Rob Mr- J O Manninc. Mr aiHf Mr ji (*r Hratrr. ar») Mr-r>. t'ha «u»S*rr. jr. VV llun- 11..»e|l W--!i-u. *eian H u.r-ll V »| VI >M %1.1. HE HO \ltOl T WE4IHER I»AM UiKI» tOTTON? U the a> rf jfr ol-rnrr, *r! 'tilhri -Umuf- cotton b\ oautt.p -rj■» •( tkt l»«.|| ai»l dt-eoi •in.}- "I ihl r*-«hmr in low fn-N- rr.* to® Thi- L- trur but tlx- rwn! « «r--l*> rainfall lia- also Cju-*>i a 'Unucr than this." -a>s l»r |i V% irat»-r-. liar;: Itreedi'-e Virmn »mt-t for thr State I *ollef?c Kl |«*-ri mrM SUtMc rW(i , ' I *jt talriar- - *-t ttw season aiei :t urn! of Rk«ir> I- Ir-ultit-l. ifi 'he |-»-k.!i ul j Ur(r amount of - ami* N-mr «.f thi* I- brli.j; rw-beo (6 the al>l "ne t> l> mtr -toii 'i «rt Ihe »f'' «n. ,Bhat 2 »w mill I* Jcin cut «r produce a>n - |V-I -an |4e t «ttun |ril.ii»l •lamp will matted t«« U«e fin a«.- aie ir me «ul «fIU OMr-lei. -«-r in ktw' > iti • te*l of a flail) na» that for»B> a rnimal lr> -ample This I- likel> tu (•ulnr tte piotucer tei. to trnentt t re- kjlar- |ei lair, a loss. of ten to t*rrit« fine per rent on a Mi- Thi *- a hi*h Mnt4. "liar tURiUatM, of l'k- uf rot tMi Ui «|«ii or crxkri boll- that r rtr t l|» r'! to tie nun.-. indicate* •be -aouirr l- -irrj« r than -lamp ai.-i Itbl. I he -eH are ■ljlnairt-I rundbatioi «f ""pen bolts in he*.*- rat-ar lUkirl. ireiicate- :nat ten to hfteel. |> > cent of tbe -a-e«l lit the t» II- thai »|ries or •turii.»r the iaih- are *ea*l Tfa- can le tested U> t««r heM- bj cutliaf! open seeds oi la U- that anr open luni.f the ram -Ihe kernel- of tt«e iama«M seed an yclluw»-* to >ello« 1-h brown in e..1.,i I rtljer- -h«« a -Jirbl The rruaer mho -a»e- -e*-l fr»m pirk irf- ma-»e taiibr-liitrlt after the la-n- ha_- air. a-f> -tarte«l i- U»*us|f mean- that he aill plant -ee.l re-mt -print, that contain ten t.» |aMt; IKe per cent lea>l -enl ar»i u Bbtarf, larrer tinnier that are so r eak they will ltr MMt after r-rmii.» IKb. >oaße may -av. "11l have rn> -e»-i ;i mitaint an t plant more per acre Thi- «- a ri»k> practice becau-e a hi* portaoti of the -ee-i that termi r _te m ill be wak IMr br-t »a> mU of thi- ftltftcull> t> t* -tirfaid !«d from all cotton tt.a ■ n tpf «■ racke-i >iur;ii|f tfie'r*- »*tt run.- The lint will me tamp for xirial 4a) > aiwi the" -e>l cart} a uige amMUI of moLsture The mot.-- 3tare ui she lint aihi -en! is »ufscieiit So cau-e furtia-r 10-> ta storajfe if the -ee>l cwtton packe.l away in Ui«e l*t> wittwmt fr«*juent -»irru>|t. %he ti-rare aaei -timntf will pivr - b Iter -ample at the *w awl -ill p»> mtM which open.- after the rme» wrfl al-o contain ror.->ierab4e I KM4are The examination of seed in there ball- indicate* that they are n—l. If tha* lot of seed cotton is h|t e(arab from the damaged cot taa the tame and trinklr of preparinr . «tra ilwn «9 It «tll speat. "If tkh ic wt pattiWe on yamr farm it «■ pay yoa well to m the , f ■■■■» tiki I Sow that the Wis j. MAKE VOI R PLANS TO BE I* UILLUMSTON I*l KING THE BOA. MIKK FAIR, OCTOBER S-KTH. AaLiSHED 189 V [i'klCES COS iINUE Hiv.H ON lAKAL. TOiiACcO AiARK^i ( oin pout ion is Keen; No "- Room For The Speculator lit course all (rate- of ".atom ir-.- not reaching tr-e |ir-i is the) dni in IVIS bat tbe bej* . ra>sc> are ir, mar;) ca.-o rtadtog al nio.-t the «iollar nwrk on the Willicjj - or. market rarrcr a.T torn* here aeekiy. ■ :>o h_\v been t hi* —jrtK tree H;t ii> ,h*j onm.w -a:i-tie.i kiih the ait Hen ret. VV;tn three »jre)t«-j -- ar.i .-u e\- «»|-t!>-riail> c«t lift"".o«~ . ( T|> ti* ••• !- kern a t -ttT) ItW i- jta-he.l t • rt- Ismit. >«"ecuLi !»t- who j>" i' i>: 'hi- I. irk.H j |«"-t\:ou- ifjr ;a\e the "-wasp t :n»' t.» be -a. rrjr?-: the> *'o r.j* n>e a. \ more. If \.iu u il! iLt: t*ie ?«ivert>« > - inei.t of Wa.t- i Mortor ->n lit la-t (iatr »f ihi |«.pe . um »>'l .-*# t>« tr r» iiiil- .:»>rtir- a. a, ! \«rnnie»ii -Ui .-t:c -.>| 't v tl. t>e u,.ran ■ t- nt ar * ••i thi- Mti*: •' a! rai-e ;f e arr it»f i f Snii'Ci- t•-.•• *r • • ac»i io* it -"„rwi \t atmiiwT p!. «e I- ;f '. pape-r m!l !• four*! a-iv.T of the l»:*ie VV arehoti-e a .-t there are e»**c ii. i: -ome of the avrrare- that ate i-'ine nab- v ,-ii» ;V-or- I Tue-la> 1--UT. Kice ar.i '? (five -line hjrure- that wdl -how r-nclu--IYel) n.m tolaarco rfltm; ost t' . I'Mtk •• Vonr" Hanker Kills A !>ee r l'l>e very p»tmk' a-L-tant ci-rner. o* the Kamwr- arn- Me rrrant* .lack. >ll 1 l> i ar-tarphvs . jr. ta. recer. - . ,-t i|ri«-ln|ri »r»* • a v» r> S e 1 j»l --r: i-1» Ml at- - ■ |Ji.n hi- hwMil (• ai :u*, .h;f .i£»* real It .11 He u- "surd i san next to trw l«e;.r aben lie i iti . » bnui' ia- -h"t -ioon H- aa> al va\ - been ai anient f«i kufter and l.inr man oho -- ar.^wml •en ,mr are uininK. ettfwrr Itv -r iiu-itsma 1.. he l- always in the lull Hi- m.-t -tirtlinr feat I. wr-\ .-r -••«- tHille • rff fe-t T a»—tey ii!.- rniii .- »i>iS l-uir .r; .ire- )u t i rr t*-e ri*er in IVr*k- |l( *'ar-tar !-• rlt »j|. i >• - -» ln„wiwr t -at ti»e «ieer rs u-t i . vrh near t i- t':i|- \e» 4- i r "». *.|r t""ar t>ri4»en ha«l ' -l-» »... '. ceeat I' -'ti- r. ;» well ki-owei iw Ie( ■ Sni »h*- 'rnk The trad ->f a 6 ie '•ii'-k The liurk »a- coftin* to r.i Mr • ar-tarphen at a m.Se a i" .nu'e i' |i h*-ir.e a yean? nas aho "nla.s.- k" |.- I.i> head. -a» n a fa-k * 'at the ii-er aa- ».>iii* t« r\ar. a'.a ' * 1-ariie.i Hat- He «ait»4 a - :coi-i ami -uie ei .ut'f lk*- k g. rmek da-h* I iiito "he ?• *r at a 'eo. «■; T.» miles per hour arai »mi. fce re l-« Ul-e>l t l» -..K tha! he vejt l» iiriit thine for r*> hanuui tea/ •-•ul'" f.av.- kille-1 rhL- Jp*e.i-ter «hea iHnnr his sie-t • l». -aw ii at tr— 0.-er hj«i a., aami -111 h n-elf b) the pr»lW f >«ii - if li'm-l ilnac Ist- neek hg" « ihe teer r:ich;i hljtl- -If -tarte.! atrAm i. a) ff-m 'loe are! huh; aid,.-., ■i "i.a -rif »h re tie fence this tie vatilleil this aret a-' he 4al . « If plac»-.l five t>«ark -hoe in his "ui while he wa- a", let-! Ui feet in the air vaulting the tutkoi «.re f nee- Mr- 1_ HennetlL Ho. J. W. Manninr Mr- Carrie Bmrr- Wdlam, Mr an>i Mrs. 0.-car Amierioe. and Mr Julius life! aituaihi the Waoftwl K...r >i-.-teniay. Me-.-rs l_ C. lienr-ett a>d L P. ' antrn-.'Um re* i-uriol th± o*_-«ars in ni \\a hmrtoi. an.l Sen York. Messrs J. I. Kverett attrmM the hir -* w Pair ie-11 r>ia» Miss Kmnta t.riffin «s ti-:tni rela tive- tiar r-»nri!te. .1* ai.tnif r.oramlily a 1!*, fe tlrotifk the fiehls and park faugh sMil cotton from receatly up'ant halls t» supply >eed for next >ear. Y«t ei not find more profitable hhar far \i-urself or. npenrami haadt this year. The cotton pawers who have carried over aeed from hit year should try by all t>i to hald them Year aid .«ed ot goad oat die- tril do better than seed and tkrn faTt On aceoant ai the nWwi aeed coantry gaod phntarjthl ■■ ke . ;'A .. W illiß