PKEPAKE AX «HIH NOW FOB THE EOAXOKE FAIR >IELD DAY AT ROANOKE FAIR Accoiiiing to reports from the various of the county. the feU-da; eitra» '• be hri'i Tuesday. October J1 are ijoinir to be of as kigfc order- Real practice ha-1 been icom* on for the pa-'. 'f* -lay- 1 if the wpitV* cor.l nup- tool j for the an; ten day- a road irnrrsra! will be reader?*! >*! the children of ■— 11 -—■ IN * V~"" " ' i NOTICE -DFXCf RATIC CANVASS THE DE?»i(X!*Arif CANDIDATE FOR THE LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER H COI Nr • OFF ii KiiS V. II I ADDRESS 5 THE CITIZENS OF THE COI'NTY AS \\ FOLLOWS: JAMESVILLE TOWNSHIP . October-1& Dank -is School House October 27-Brown School House October 31'—lamesvilie. School House. i WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP j October 145—Sandy Ridjre ! 30—Fair View j GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP October 14- Li 1 ley's Hall October 18—Township House October 27—Fann Jfe School \ BEAR TOWNSHir October '7 Pe?»- Grass School Housi j : Octohe** 28 School House J CROSS ROM S TOWNSHIP October Coads Church I November 3—Eveietts i _ ROB«KSO>rVTT TOWNSHIP October 14—Parmele October 28 Gold Point October 29 Rober-*»nville POPLAR IH>l> r TOWNSHIP October 17- Snrin? ' »reen Sch«»oI House November 1 Mill® School House HAMILTON TOWNSHIP Octol)ei 30 - Hai uiiton October 31 Hansel' J (;OOSE NF.'T" TOW NSHIP Octoljer li>—Oak uv. I Everybody is corriiallv invited to at- Itend an J hear the isrvu*-; «» t ' J e :«v (lia-us sed. Ail meetings will l e !.eU' at 7:30 P. M By order of the Oeroocratic E: • cuti ve | Commute- of ■ »anty. CLAYTON XtdiiUt', ( hairman. 1 ;■ i 1 _ CAPT UN WARNER And one of his Pets with Zeidman.anU Pollie Shows at Roanoke Fair (Jet. 3>-21 f • 1. .—■ ■ - ■ ■ .—. . - - T ' I To the VVilliamston j w People j 1' —"—' -" ~ ' J] Every fairiiy that nas rooms that they I i J wiH rent ou-: t ur:ng ;he Roanoke Fair ? V '' ' «| will »\lease leav? their names with Dr. P. B. . j Coiv\ Chairman or Housing Committee. j '. [j Chamber of Cpffiriteftea k ...... 1 1 . ■ v ■ ' 'he county wtH be arhultM free on that itay ana all im all a imeat day if expected- The nine -crioois putinpatic« ate divided into :w® zrwtp-. UmMriki Jamesville. Oak City. Everetts and | WQiiamston -omaiar sexier mmp 1 ' while Parmele. GoU IW, Farn Life t and Bear Grass wt wider *T«p The propraii of folic*?: | BOYS—I- Kelay race: *» yard-, a. Four to each ten*, h I aifom rpoifcl wj«th of 12 inrSe c One .cam ir«D each .-chovi- i . i_ Lonj and J. L Jones, chairmen 1 Running broad jump, a Three trials for earn er.icac.. h. One entrant from eacft school J. S. Sei ipur atj.l Iblmi jir. en, chairmen. 3. 1«>0 yarti dash. a. One fr.m each 'sciwaS-—i_ H Hubble ami Brace Wjub. chalrn*-.. 4. Running Hwh Jump. a. Three trials for rati-- jeetrar.;— R- '■ M i intuit, c.ajiwi. Ba>e-ball throw, j a. Bal! must be tHn»«r. whi-jr a lane of 60 fee*. b. One entrant from eac. -c m>i'. c Three triaLs *■ iver. each e»rtrai:i. d. Standard Reacr- nc-l K ■ used—V\ K. Rck-. H. J Smith chairmen. «ilßl S—l. Relay rM': jank, a. t esch t«im_ b. I'niform roawf »>lt»i of ! ' inches—H. M. \:a-Vf. Mt-- Vj r\ Bell. 2 Basket hall 'hnw. a Two trials for eacfc eotrarl. b Or.-' entrant from each ch«l - E. X Ri>hHe. >lbs Ele*r«4 St «i --back ? aO yar 1 dash. a Imi.. unrer fnw ej-- school— I>. V. ,Vm>+!. Johr l i'V -4 Sack Race. '£• yaM«, a One entran' fr»«m mcJi stieA, !b. Stan«'ard Sll .-ack »•!! \>e usol—R Aikra. \li-» Sa:t*i« •i. Potato Racr. la. One entrant from «ac? I>. Five rniform ?bo ! feet wtH V- 1 ra-re —R. A. I"hi* p - E 'la' t At a eo>rvd roeetiiee of ft* r,*r l m:ttee on Octaher Itfi. *h»- f-Jk-V n* i rt ie- vere f >3btL»iw>[: ! Tne aire l.rrit I" 21. T'.-- ]«.ir" icipatiiitr hi.K lui*e - |>er cent «.f th i t m- from tue fr.'v s" aibkwed to enter .tar o-j !»■-'. Th« relav no ffid -h-M »• ' o P— rr ulatwi bve o be d si • .] i> P | .shall br f>t>i 'h* (c-k-i h; *1 nr teiTni ; Ho» 4—T- hp-k.; »n I within a tw» rt> f L*;* 11 ri lU potrto r tc-" ;»• .5- ' :t!" *rve r ii r.gnit»>:. «1 i'. i«U I r " r ' ,r " ,' • j W;.'f j. ' ,» J r«ach f !i k: V •*; . ? i Si hool. tki sni irs SALE By yirt»e of »f»e a« : lfc-r** . O'; »e.l in r se by a l*e»! »i Tre ". f\fn" ■ I to me hv W €». W j,,i ai»« Hll« Winn on the !!!«► >-a; «.f Ji-v. at and tul> .yn »t-* I;. j ..f IW» .' *ffhrr in >larj-ff; 1 r. b-.k A J a*, par" iT»t s« »« j 'he p- ymerit nf a «i» l»«»! !»ar .ijr cv»n date therewith i (!w 1i;»a 1..tKi.1: 1(1 >aut I »> »( |f«,t Bui I iujf h vii ro.uitii*-*! with, i -Latl * > at puMtc aiactt-.r i—f ca-h a t i*. M. tl»# MtK "i--. «tptf - t-iJ - i tVil. in fi*»fil tpi . I kwet-t- lie*. Urc in tb» t»«n «-f t.r*-- -lart n County, the following n>« ;« . . . Orte tract or [air*t u f !^i".! !; : and beinir in cV_»r Gn*- '.aitin Count). M>'e S—r *- t"a:• ■ lm; i-">d buuri-">) a ii.» '■.•> .. • '-J Sw i' ISnu.i" ii th.' "V.! ! :»F.« : ~\ -I. »• '!• w :ke • ara««- n*r— I ' aid tiMI n So tfiur IW «.f iw-ai t«fa- »3i>t rt. t > ? n. - a owi- r 1 1 »e *f! T" "f." li»i»- "henn* a -*iti j erly r cr-e at-isr «>-«-« R !«• j l n»- "i -t- b:» c .r»:*» -m the Wd ! ljui '(ino tir»e[iT?!» ;*iefx } isestv ar»t ! ~ cif...r-e al*vr— rxta- 1 ; i# I the K' , " ir i nr esf 4 i|ee' J r-cn - r- r.- nr le-,. Th v »fav of Ur'atrr l»| !• !« i| Mr. Tchacco Farmer We Give Below a Few Sales i* j| Made On Our Floor 3 'ljg ETC ROKEIi H'ATON HOKNK " ffi ..„, k ' ' i l(i pounds at IS 1-2 -! pound'; at gO l ejits v 1 .) I ! jguilds at 26 ceiiJLs ... 3.64 if , rA ~ . ... ite pounds at 38 cents | Jjounds at 0! eerils -k- -.-. 97.00 112 pounds at 48 cents -53.76 $ «§§ «X) fMiunds at i2 cents - 37.2 i 9 ifiE ' -72 guilds at 70 cents 3Mi H .\y —« jjS -MO iiounds for -2 *2.6' - ~ 3E ]ffl 1 " . - ,*. 452 jiounds for i. 5189.70 . AVERAGE ..:.. . 5: 86 AVERAGE 44.00 BRING US YOLK NEXT LOAI> AM; LET Ijc MAKK Yt >U THE BEST SALE YOU HAVE MADE THIS SEASON. NEW CUSTOMERS ARE TO US I)Ai"* BECAUSE WE HOU) OUR SALES UP, PUSH- a 1 IN EVERY PILE TO THE TOP. '«S £ ' - 1 L Dixie Warehouse Mead or and Taylor Props. § WHJJAMSTON, 7 j THE ENTEkIrtiSE. wILLIAMSTOS. SOU ill LA KOI. IN A A new phrnoi ,ph fc- atr.ou«eii. '■' i- "GO larger -un a ntch." Ana the surU hopt «> NUTht OF SALE 1 . Notice is imrtby given that under • j ajvi by virtue of th«* power ai»i . 1 aulhon'.y conferred U|» *ti me as Com .• nr is.-joner of the V'oar* in a certain f ;.e;ial i ii the - County of Martin. Slate of North • - :c!iu, (Clitlni "B. I_ Hies ami .»~Vrise Ivatc. by Vr (• tan'inr. ■i i'.ber. Lm.2 again*? r'.wi* « ■ If AVemite is not on you. car Irt us tnstail it. $5 to SIO B **eto»Juig to cuke and model. Loolc for the Akmite apt * I " * ""* : " -'' "rf -• ?=r- 'f- •■'. I THE ROANOKE FAIR I " i* fl ;(K¥WMfxdVk(ti x .jtauaßVtt' '« ■ at • '»V # - «. JW * m •» I—- Williamston North f 7 $ . * -V ? Opens Monday Night October 20th | ; Aij \ jar 1 Full Programme and Fireworks 1 _ I Tuesday Oct. 21st School Day I | Every Child Admitted Free | : | At The Gate § COUNTY riKl I) DAY BY THK SCHOOLS I ft- - * . • n aaciv^Kirsa '* Bv | Five Nights Four Days J I Each Different 1 i® ■ * ■ * fii ' I ' ■ - -' - - - \ /Jr'r-t " ""Vf ~ " -f- ."" -r?-k»r * «'wht, Frank lartvriciit. Spencer ana N. C. lliiie-. Alter Ka*> iixi ' ethers™, I will on Mor>lay the 10th day of November l'X!l at 12 o'clock i >l., in front of the Courthouse I»oor of Martin County at Williamson. N ' C- offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest biitie/. for ca>h. the fol l.-winjr described lais-i-. to-wit:- That tract of land in N'es: I Martin « .»ai t>. N t.. Sl '"| joining -he lithi- ol N M. W'orsle\ . .-ml others, ami* a' a small Oak. Hine-. 15. I- Tew ai>! Je- -e Thomas* corner; thersc»- N 'I W to KOAVOXE F\IR. IHTOBCK a* - 24. UIUGEU AND BETTER THAN EVEK jch.i L Hmes ana N. M 'Aonltf .• c a -take; thence S ft" 1-2 W io lite right of way or. the Sn!h si}e .of the Scotland Neck ar>! kir-toTi Railroad; thence 34 East »!••-; said j r»cht of way to John I_ Hi&f- ai»s j Jesse Thonn- line; tSwnff N >'• ' ! K to the beginntrur Contain ;nir j FORTY (401 acres, more or k ss. awl i i _ \ -JSdcßm HI ■ .jPfvP®!" T iaR ■ i H R - - *HWlhihys» h ■ m g RASISt,\ KAAIU/I \\ ith Zeldman and I'ollie Shows situate on the Ea.-" suie of tfee 3«*- !;.?■•! Seek ami tvkstMi fcand l«-.nir the -ame !• B. I) Tew by John L, Hiiws ar»l wife. jl.te Nines. i This the *th .lay of iJttl. HI GH G. HORTON. Commis_ioner of the ' wat. 10-IM

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