PREPARE AN EXHIBIT FOB THE BOANOKE FAIB. WILLIAMSTON. V C-—4 KK DATS 5 BIG NIGHTS VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 70 FIVE DAYS BEFORE ROANOKE FAIR OPENS ITS GATES Fair Opens Monday Night and Continues Through Friday (hly out more ank Wfarr ear grates* fair will «pak The Roanoke Fair will will begin ant Vcou) nigtu the mast daWrtt peeparations ilal hjrr ever Men — » H far ui fair in this HriKalMC.- the peopie of thi> «KtMO «U fipfrwnw the happiest week in the year. There will he plenty of fan 2nd amusement for all and fna ir. rtaraUonil -:n»ipoir'. the fair tfii y—ar will be north nwr thin it has •w before. The wnain'i baihtinn. « la dtarrr of the Ladie» Aid Society of the MtHatet c hatch with Mrs. L it Harrtot. cfiurmut and! witl Mr- Hamson as mum m 'fc? buil-img all exhibit.- will be carefully handed iml the mo-t excellent care » of them, so brirg all the things thai >«u think will imr - prize or a Mat ribbon ami they wfll be safely budeu ml r»'#rr*>' to yoa I. noer the MfuibM —ef-Mesrf.- Jacks of Rock) Bowl aikl IWrr>«o. and Halberstadt of this city, the poultry iieputaeet * ail he oar of the prates* features of the fair Me>»r». Ihni kokenM ■ ctiaig* of the >wine aat cattle ietartiwaLv and Mr. T. B Brams-r. ta Me farm exhibit bwUap, the p'opie that this will kelw*f»*rthey lave i»elpe»t ta put w This year the Fair wdi give the largest am# the rwalrst number of prrnius- Kit it «a- ever Siren. They wfll be fiw. on t«r> thine from the faanr>; «*r>e 4®wi to the tiwe>t plan: It mah= no «Jif ference what the emhihM »>. t.-ft «■ a premium oa «. if it is the best. Remember, a ha* of potatoes or a hunch of turnips may bra* yoa sever ai 'lollar- as well as a eh—pi—Alp in your particular law. Martin roun'y ■» a typscau wait) and it should 611 every mch of spor ui the exhibit hul-imf that is not al lotted to .oaae other c«mty or wr me Cattle Dipping Ends JLn Martin County Cattle •iipp;r.-r «fe4 m Martm county Frtiay with the of «ne or two vats that wfll kite to dip again. The faithful cattle that k«» iSroarti Main street for • many mouth.-. parsed t' n .#fc Fi*toy with apparent J»y ami jhrtnesj. The men le»iar aid he k»* - 4w ing the cattle were all -mfles- fr»e thr rlalnrs- in theu Urait. that there rouki be no ihore eow-s u> dip. (He man said that it «- gome *o he an end to lot# of tr >:U J another «MH that it was rota* t* h at end of .til his rirswr Official- fta" - feat wgh the rvrrp t j«n of a few wtmcril pastures, the „ tarantine wfll me Ns IHM aid we ■*ill have the S*E- -Hppwg privi- Irjts as any otbe- county. Craven com -11 be he nearest county to es fe" is yrt m the ixk •.•strict, after January hrst. Car Ac ,: d:: 4 . on Wash in ton Road Another ni amdrM TO ailei to the already «. * unit that have oc curred on the Ka-k-atton Wdlia* .-ton highway b>t Sonday. It hap pened near :V East S-ir farm of Mr J. l_ HflMay when M'. TW Bafley s ear struck a mule to Mrs lena Mikley The vale was hJy itippled and the tsr r» almost total >r ■ itched, it hekt* smed over sevor *l time* Mr Bafley was hurt hot rot very jeriinrly ax 4 at this time he • itet'nr along righL Speedme . \ .9 tie CWK of •he anflrtf. aetoni iq; te those who saw the aceifct Dr. Pritchaid of Vaiw was a Hasine-s vn-uor here this mr ruing. Mr. Herbert Mi-iumg of Grfc township was here this iiitm- Mr. and MIL lalnts Cadoin and Mr built VOiam of Farwflr visited frieuiili and nlatiii i. heve Sot day- Mr. and Mis. J- S. Shades return ed Saturday from Seu York and Nor folk where they spent the put week Mr. Jesse D. Green of Ihk ma ■■ r is visaing hi* ciMta. Mrs. Ot» Moh tey and Mr. X. C. Green far several days. Mr. Joe W, ■—m hf the Kxmcf iur ntnad jw -erday farm X«u Tank uhcie he has THE ENTERPRISE SHOOTS FOR DEER, KILLSSON Mr J. J. Johnson of Near Windsor Slays Son In Accident While hunting for ileer Friday at iemoor. with son an>j severs! ■•triers in the river swamp. Mr. J. J Johnson had the misfortune to ac cidentally .-hoot ami kill hi; #°THI teen year old son. Roosevelt. Mr. Johnson was -landing in a path when he hemi the •logs brtnpnfr out a deer ami wj. waiting in a -tate of nervous expe*- >»»wi for the deer i« emtige free he thicket when his son steppe*! cut from behind a tree zn«i wh-re he wa looking for the deer. Mr Johns*** fired "he fatal shots before he wa? ■are that it was hi- son he ha.t shot n-tead of a deer. The shot went .ti rough the body of the yiiunK mar «nd he liied instantly. Mr. Johnson wa- no' a*ar- th..* his son wa> anywhere about or h» xould have thought of ihe ib'ieer of hooting without examining mor« closely He Has a double trouble, the li*-.- •,«f his son. ami the fart that he kill him and although he has the svm ■athy of all who hav? heart! of the ae ftden'. there is nothing that can lift he load of ,-orrcw that is beartnr lown on him. Mr. Johnson is a farmer of Bertie "•■Bty, living annul one mile fron. te county sea". Windsor SCHOOL MKCTINC AT BEAR '.RASS At a meeting of trie citizen- ..f the Be>r Grass School District in." night the -chool fcoi'se in Itear t»ra slaft? were formulaU-d nhetehy ah election cwuki be he 1.1 ftr tl;e en 'anrement of the district and the twiMinr of a high school. A pe'itior was -i|rne«i by a number of citizen s. -ame to be submitt 1 to th« Boa'-i of Education and the County Comnis i«ner'■ at the meeting if each on the first Moixiay in November- At thts liw all committeemen ami patrons rt«cerne«l in the formulation of a new •tis'rirt are invitel to be present ar*i »epiese«st their interest. Sup* Pope was prr «_nt last night M»1 explaineal the la..* ! n the matter as>l Hon. Clayton M CM- j» k>- on th« Count) wi.le plat fo- High School Building Dixie Makes " od Avyr. As Sh* .!« by Adv. I r*t.- ami avfrij;' - Ei* along the l«e-t U- be fouixi a.- slwwn by the a>i •■ertisement of tlx lime W.-rehou-* n the las* page of tills paper. Lank the ailvertisement over and te if h can be b-at anywhere at,.t js>k the customers if they' not I*ea-ed with their -ak*.. I M»IR PASS WILL BL BE ABY MIR TRAFFIC BY XKXT SI Ml W The uixierpau-- a ti»e end of M uii - treet will l«e ready for traffic b.v I unday. Residents of upper Main street se oort that cars are daily goinr up a • far as possible on o l *' Main an»l -t -f* to take a look "under the trestle" to .«e how it looks out around Gar>.*» Terrace. It has been about a ve*.i ince they've seen those part.- an*t it| -ertamly look- jroo.l ZR3 Expected lo Arrive in IT. S. Tonight or Tomorrow The ZB3, t-ie frr&t tiiri.-U.. bo lt «v Germany for the l'nite>i '"State.-, i expected to arrive in thi.- C">ialrt either unight or early tunuirux oniine It left Germany Sunday rx-minr and is coming by 'he *:• > of te Azores and Bermuda, arrvmg U rrat craft the longest flight over i ethmir bat the deep rea» that any air teaf" has ever travele«l. The dis tan re to be covered bap he made, if the expected -dvrdule i> »»-amtained. in about sixty hour-. The greet flying ship is more than A yards lone and it strong enough *• carry a large company of peoptr and a root, quantity of snpplio. The ontSt is complete with witness ap r a rat as and most of the modern con veniences. The Germans built this rnat air -hip for 'he United States and far fay mint, credit was given her en he* car debt. — ~ 7i Mr. McGowan of te Taylor Stndio af Norfolk wfll he In town tomorrow te tate pact are* in the home*. - Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, A\iesday. October, 14. 1924. MARTIN COUNTY'S i BEST GO TO CHICAGO Small Percent oi Breed ing Stock (k>es To North Carolina Mr. Walter Halber.-tadt. a local { !k eltry mar shipped iJtIK Chicago i nreersity recently tjfle high cla>s I i.ight Btahma cockerels. The ,-peciA- ' .*s.sions on this onier calle>i for birds j ! e' true Brahma type, that is long? f *«le hsefc. carry me their width to tail, deep full round breast with leg.- i set well apart, high "nough on legs to develop a -pecin>.-n weighing twelve ' pounds or better whet, maiund It was through the recommeiHiatior c-i a very high authority in heavy ' i ultry that this or>ier was received 1 I-* our local breezier. Mr. Haber-tadt who L- im»W apprt>act.- '■•r msiWle age ha- h> . n i.n anient a.i ftrer of the grarxi .4«i Hrahma since childhood and while ne i- not com r I- 'le«* to rrise chirk us for j iiveli fcood. he Kjs found a handsome profit "i- well as mart, ple;--ur» in his favor ite |a*tiire He regret?, to tit. however, Sia! a very -mall pei cent of hi- »>ut|>ut ■rf breeding stock aid hatching egv , wfere tliey >houki —in Xorth Caro . lira. He says 'hat Martin county -hw«hi take his er.tir* -upply of f tatchi>>g eggs for the nest throe ear-. Mr Halbrr-.arit an ailvocale of j a pure ir*oi of chicken- on every tim because pure breed- cnea\t* ih r " terest ares mtere-t lead- to investi ■ ...In* of If* -ulijeft Inve.-tigatlon • t »«alifys ore* for t.rou r operatior and i wot any i4i>iii *sj*ope'ly operaU'. I t-uailv pays dividend.-. 1 .•Kilt HKS «> « \TKI; BILL TO Bi: MAUL IN (OI Ml Mr. R O Lverett will -peak in the j -chool aanitorium ir« Ki berx - vslle i rWi) night at h o'clock. Tl>e public P omlalli invited to hear him. Saturday afternooi>. Mr Everett •CI -peak m Jame.-vdle on the Mater i ■jn-p-itilMi B»ll ami Saturday I eigl.t at s e'click he will -|Hak in "be -CIMMJ anditor.un in Ila'nilue Mr. Everett is a g»o-l -p>aker aiei large crowd.- are e\>iortei to hear dl-CUss liie i--ue- of the \V;iter ' Trar.-pu*tatM Bill. I • Kpworth Ix'ague Visited Windsor Sunday Evening , TW Kpwoith of tl* local . Methodist cituicil visit. >1 tie- M>-tho . i«us church of Widior ami field erv ke by tivmr fcw «f the it-iulai | k-agne ptucram- Tie Wmd-or league I ju-I bees organized ami it.- mem I b»rs invited the league «.f thi.- citv io e»- ov-r ami give »r»e of il> ;>r> .'tan- Ttxoe who ".•»-k part in th» riem.-es »ere Mi -e- France- t.ur ?a»a>. Mary Clyde l>egge"t. 4«*se pNiite S\ke-. Battle Fjdmondson. Mi»ry Harri—c.. Ellen Cowing. Olive Mur rill. Mattie ljum Kogerson. Fannie Per > ry. Martha leggett. Christno- IK-1.! 1 rulah Ward I'age. Hiuletl. Gur ; ai>a- Emma Robert Mrs. t'arl I Kelly. Mrs. Jair- A. la-ggett. ami - jirs J. F Thigpen are) Me.-.-r- Bill Harra-an. Bill Harrell. tiayhnl Har rison. Joe Fvere-1. ami V jrr.: I Everett. The league wa.- accompanie-l 1 ta Windsor by Mr. ami Mrs. W. C i Lrcermaiii and Mr. Charles (iolvin Misis Wale Able of Wilmington is' 1 (eitiaf her sister. Mr- loin Mc • 'all oit Switkmirk -tree*. •i the city yesterday. Mr.- Spcnfll Spam ami little son. Sprnfli. jr. have joined Mr. Spain ami f hey are making their home with Mr- Fanaie Carstarpheri on Main street. Messrs. O. 11. Hea«i. J. G. Gcdard, " j- aiM Jaliu- S. P-el -pent Sunday ' sa Greenvflle ' Mr atd Mrs. Johr. L. Botlger.-on Mai •saughter.-. Misses Mary ami Mar r raret ami Mrs. Anna visit r •>' Mrs. Fraley and Mrs. A. D. Mizeile m Sunday. H EBBING-EVANS - t i Mrs. Myrtle Allen Evan- ami Mr. i Lean Herring of La Grange were > ia»nnd Sunday at the home of he. t brother, Mr. Wesley Allen in GobU - ton by Rev IVrry Case of Wilson.' :■*. c Mr. aad Mr. Wesley immedieUly f ' after the ceremenr notoretl to *.Ye*t-, r era North Caraflisa where they will > f spend tergal day. Mrs. Herring is the daughter of Mr aid Mrs John Allen of .James f vflle and wa* for a number of years » employed by Harrison Brother* and Compney of this place. ' " ,_ r , SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION TO BE HELD HKIU: | S. S. Workers From All Parts of County Ex pected to Attend Programs are out ani plans are be : i'g rapidly completti for hobiaig tb- I Martin County Sunday School Cor v en'ion on Thursnay night ami all day , Friday. October .%» and 31. Tue c*»n »«ention will be he4.i with she Bapt:-> c turch. at WiiKam-tcr.. the opening -e—ion held at 7J» Thursday night. It i- expecteol thai there will be a p«»i a!*er«dance from vj rious parts of the enwnty a: th»- first meeting. o"het sessians w»ll be i«eW Friday mnming. aftemoor ani night, the convention rle-irr with »he Frtilay night The Committee in charge »f |4a - ~»nd program for the Convention have autounred that the •»r.»rtm b. hp. e prepare.! »ith the h»ea f laimg ~a convention for the .«i-cu— IOII «f to o j tical problems-"* TW plar i- to make if |»viMe for worke' fn-m all .w pert men's of the Sumlav Sc*to.4 to re eeive practical concern ing their specifir v»rk During the cnnvention fKere will he •»aestion ami di-ci. -■ w, pereaL- I ee those pr e-ent will he given ar> t*p p rtur.i'y to pre*T- their Sur«lay School problems for disntss-ion. ami •:d any t|ue>tmn- on SritaJ werk. The convention i- ;nter tiemtmirvs _ JoWtL ami worker- from all Sunday. of all evan--!,cal tsons are invited to partta-ipate ia the work -1500 People Attend Sunday Service At Hymouth PEOPLE ATTEND I.KA-COKT "llie ."»ui.-ia> evening -ervice beht by *he I eaman-t Ve-tar Evangeb>tir |or ty in My mouth wa.- at*ende>i by at lea.: fifteen kiumol people, aevurd uig to Mr Co.-to- *ho wa.- in town ye-tenla) The wa_- tille.l ami the house *a- ••verfloaiag. The ba-inn - lw»e. are beginning to clo-e fur t»ae ■nee*mg. all the churches aiV o-operatmg. ami tbi meeting is lUui t.- akmc with eapec tat 101 - of a great nntrune 1 »- v -n •>a- tieen no itivitation giv«-r. yet bo. • .re »ill be given very -wo ami great results are expected. The party will hold service- in the I'ethel Hetbsti-I etiureh «n M.-t>iay i.ftenH»on. October s>th at 2: ri «' (lock. POULTRY MENT TO BE A LEADER AT FA IP The Poult ry liepar* merit at i ."e R. anoke Fair. ' act. Jwr .»• to 21. * d : le* .«>e of the greate-t ii. t !.»-"«ry ami will lank *tlh the be-t ir. *bt >«uth last year poaltry ►eu-e- were bud;, thi- ;.ear th. • umber ha. been .ucr-a-e-i hy tai ai >i yet tS-re is r» sign of -larfcinr ar in its pace Th*. merchant- and (-tun.- of Hil !»m*t»a have e tablis'ieil £ (eei I ! etze fun>! an I - teral babimi dol ' mdl le given by them oat eh «f the regular |«emuai- Thi- dnarat«t i> ->f» r. to all wril ami ar.ile She four eorr«er might r«o| le- fepre—ated all part -1 S, will he Mr C. W. Jack-. Supr ->f this departmert is highly (dea-*-l with the poultry department here, a ire that it is the i» -t to he found any wlere e V«M poultry department ami one of the mu-t beautiful rdler Son of hard- you law ever »een ~ Mr. Joe Carroll of Aidandrr wa u busine-«s visitor here yesterday. Mrs. Nathan Rogers of Bear Gras.- n- her» -hopping yest-nfay. Mrs. A. R White ?nd Irt'le .tangnui Miss Rent, will leave this afternoon "or Washington where they wfll visit relatives until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H Harr-oa. Mr -mi Mrs. J 11 Muolard and Georg* llarrbon jr. vi>A(t! relatives in iiltn v die Sunday Mr. and 3rs. J. I. William- i.xrfor *-l to Grifton Snseiay. Mrs. William is spemiing -o»we tm- there with her mother, Mrs. I- J. *hap*ac. who is >.oite ill at her hoaw there I Ml-.- Mary White of GreenvXe was here for the week end with her mother , Mrs. W. R. White Mr. and Mrs Gwdwia iMuuag d Ac lander visited Mrs A. ii. yertarflap. Miss Mary hmg FBim of BH haven spent the week end m the] city with friends and relatives Mr. Wfll Rhodes of SMe Rhodes . • - —; — ■;—* ■»» 'i: MIL WEATHERS SPEAKS IN EVERETTSj I Speaks On The Port and Water Transpor tation Hill Mr- Carroll VVeath.r- of Kao-i«-*- f*»k. on the Port ami Traa..p>r 'i H-n Bill at Kterett.- la-t Friday He canv to till the appoint ment of Mi Charie- I . Harris who wa- uraMe to attemi. Mr. Weather- fir-t «!L-cu--e»i th? •real progre-- 1 h:.t North Carolina «5 mr.iV in the la " few year- "She "ow -tandmg wi'hin ea-> of very top in she agnrultur .1 » »rl-> ' *r.i -h-- L- takiiig a long lfa.i . \ I many other -late, in manufacturing ■ Ami N««rth Caroli; a pay - more fe«ieral '2\e- than any other -tate ir. TV ■ 's 10l with the exception of Vew " Vork. IVnn-ylvania. Illimti- ami Mich 1 »an. \we derive !e-- breeti' 'rott, our iatural re .»urr.-- .. pr-- e - .tr many .-tate- Ti...t n... . -• •• high, at;-; they are the -t.i ► lit save »a>r opi»>rtunitie- ami r»tak. ' of them "" Mr Weathers ait that »E * -e r ««i to ay nuhh ahon ..ij x f -^l • "artdiif ntnl 1 h-t » "' *r.e •>e-t Our -.-bool- ae.' «f f -■ *.■ V .I'lrv-t ever;, liiu*. we rank » "i . « '•est. wrh the evcepthtn »:* .w? *,trk f p.*rt teirminal "Of cour-e there a.e a •oat bnrfmgs at &. number > f thf voter town-. \V Omir«!to!t. N» . litrr. .Vashinglon. I>ieiror*. K>- .:•!« • »'tt> Wtlliam-toii. Ilam.l a- .• i.rjl -•her- Tt.e . vi har>r in mo- cj-#- sre prvatelv .■»f .i ...■. >t - , . a urai se of rmi|t ti'ive ► ih»' that v«r. F-r !•■ no- l ca-»-- :he r iitrvad. I «?ve Men c»-nteo? of 'S-- i*-. : t imi I'll- ; ,h-y havt never m ui In to /i much in ra>.* when '' - >j -I jot happen. - ha- f »«•'.( 'her »e down i«« •» mallw- tfli ::r.i (h' rulrKsl ha»- r.s>t ho-. .-:i. ugi> competition from their to mak- any difference IP fr*i—F" I rates. "A »' a"' .he pre-ent lino- Nor»" ,* a rot In. . . T ...g iWi » .iv . tre«el.; a. - •• _ t r- i;.-> .•t» • .-.lne—i an. ,-iale n t»>e I ni>. \ - ; l>r»»of 1 . *..» l.i . i. «i«arge»i 1... it- th- f.e-.r> - f 'l.e Atl ;ilc Coast I 'r«e. ttr- Sou»b ern R- .» y vmi th« Sea |UuM Ah lane are aZ! sn -t. iMvh • .r. nr • a mini on tie .■m I - nt N « thai on Ihei; *-• . .r«' \ t» m- If u' • .. b-; tate- fi Idnetl. ""Hie » • nut '?• : * more ;> "ole ir- *,i..: # i CrnJir tiiat. «t mikr on a mile n any other -tat« !ia! it • perali -in I ;.e .*i .tr>» make r.r j» "v Ja,i«« i.i..r>- |» r mile m N i than, n any other ta'e Tie Suuthern al -o get- it- largest .iivsh-mi ft. o- it - ".orth t .-irolin i traik "Ihere t- no >iouh' then that h railroa-l ami it- alls - ami ht;»-ltr>g .te working ovi-rtino- to .lefVat tk« .oea»ure To -how you * hat liw t C I. woul.l |o-e in Martin f.-ut,'v. Its. ■'•2 l yearly, if they charged u- th# ame nls that thet ilo in otler 'ale «aild convince everyone tliat ..nF* "he rai!r..a.l- are the only .*e- 'hat rould m.t »-ant port terminal- ami -rater tran.portatii n ~I he city of Ral.-igh 1. a.».ni ti y ll. il.— marer Ih-trmt than Nor fo % • irginia. yet Norfolk only plt - J; I 5» Ireiiht on a car I ■•.el ■> i Fords ohile Ralesgj, |i y - |l*«». which i a l.ttb litre iiaii fifty per cent. %m! tHal fake- a loni cat alenit 111 ir. •frleigfi lliiii in Vintstiia." d Mr Hiatiim i? not ar 4i 'no ,«4itgi in irtit just a young nan *b» *-a- the intere.-t of the p. iwpb- at tart ami he makes char by fact •ml figure- the roo.l that m;y he- de -iveti fftfli adopting rl*- p.> : -t Terr:; '*l ami Wa'er Tran.-portati «n iva ure. fEAt HERS VEDIMe SATI RIIAV. INTOBEB In Ther* «ill lo- a County-w:'de aiee» ing of the teacher-- i f Mart!"! founty ! ai the tt -lliarn 'Mi gra* -*• i i thill j Satur»l t> at two o'ci>L , Ortober IMh. IWI ' TFe teacher.- who e school are I «p~ned ami tho.- no* now tea» -1 but *h i hat e bee i engaged » stpn a %*.! at» urged to te pre-r I T> i» are some very important matters aa! •gr. fir -nt plan- fiertaimng *o the aork of this school year which wdl ] Is p»*,-**T-d. Come all. R. A. POPE, Supt. of oCuaty Schools " ' I J Miss E-telle t'rawforil of the Bel-, 'haven cheat faculty spent tSe weH ( 'lend here with her mother. Mrs. J. C.'* rvawfont " I a— ~.'' 1 S r JAMKSVILLE A WINNKK Out of Twenty lYizes Offered Jamesville IJoys Wine Five Marina County a true mat >»: \»rU. ( jn»!i;u. f..r iik» the Su;e. it . aa\ - -it at iw '•« ai -ii •he tabk. » ••er. rt s»t»- from •!*•?>.-K l> : rnent come - real in the winning «>* - by t«w cU - in V .*a* :i ! I raminjc i»4 Iti*- Janje>vilte Hiri x-*'.«4, at the K-ck> M«ui>* Kan- thi «r»«sth \ .-:«t i«* I mmmg ha-- tush adopted at Jamr.-ville si: S- tn . «tek commence* t on t"e l»th ■f Sepg«mbri. the ih-tk!i»' »' fi 'lr—T M I Tallin'.' nf ha> . "ei !le. mho *drt t«« J.hih \ He fn Vam-! to ret the *..ri m line Hi.- «'>'• Kit f»r. jim»y- Iniininr. ye *as of the twciitv nrire • !Terw«j f»r s..«rius; live- -tock ,*r«i |»»u!try . >le-. - bronchi hnmr five |»r te I t*ir ";r l;!f at l'ork\ MuUr ' m*i:W ' em e-:ter »} «- n.»r;t*>-i a* the S'a'e s a«r. asci thri -*e..t 1.. Kaleu "«eiek T 1 " »-tk «f 'he cla . an-> !f trwrtor i- biatbly i-ratif\inir !» the ' *ar-- of K'tucatN*fi ai»l Sum* !' >i» * - tive fapev «iee|>l\ intere te-» r S> t- !em ■!( part men* in Jan- » il'e. " J «n »a» rrarste-f by the S - ate |>i -*•* »* f VaratiaMl Train trie •• i "S-HirW tf a; m> better «..r k »>.» he.- t--tw sn the State in -h«»rt ;• ■ *rT'- IVlmi- rinnmi' are 1 maw-- Kmowtes :*«« pnir in |«mhi> : lirotn H ihlk*. prize in • > . H- «ir* * r»l prar in mule- an>' i»h ir a;r\ com "_ * I ■ MR JOHN A. .°JER*»: I>lKl > SI'NDAV (* ,•« •*"+ \ !*»* ?ct* a*. hi t nwi,iius. Mi I'err *« .ti* u! % ear «»* ! and «... SSJ fe-3 ti; 'ir I'ott.l m .i Wt *rc cir«j!. H w » .* * rW> * pkr 3 jih l *mh\ nliif lie k-*vc hiMr-% J I i* § ilt *r»«i S.. V. I k-rrr .- 8 V141.1T l.iulHt of I o|ri.»i I i Sli- v, i f # j»ft *i bw. ir - b) .!*»»«! figh' *ejir^ Mr IVif*- Ka«l lw*ri; u r r . ' l*i»- is \r lu«f* k irtiurrK i»t * f*« 3a i«»f >r;»I all"! ** - ! *l»* fuitrraf -■a- f »jwlurte«i 1«\ I !«U-r It S * * -a k-.* > -!KI»Mi»VI 114 II M IHi >ll|c\| Wit: I s IIAK I ii \ i kim %\ \I«;HT! n Tlhr |Vi«»«mi? I yreum »»f A !•** Il» *■ll |«ul **9 i a |H*rf«rilUli4>- life thr . «ft>f3lM(»«at9i of tlw- Hak l?\ MriltMtl m f r>!U> netiinj;, M *ii»»r 17tl» TK-* «4-' * Jk4.> M.,k 1 v »l! Sf v.• I>- f.* I OJKbirJllM4: «f li» M»f»lE*- >•* I hi »itli Um> in-lfufiwntal mu ar «»f i ita kkl. TK- prafnm * ill l» a* virKl » | ,-I *.X jHims- rt.ii *.ll »*• nft> | fi.t *tuh ufrtl f'*»t li# l • u ill »1» !•> y f> 4 tek f il% »"haul. Tl# i- :» I ti* 4*fl is i> t«.iiur»s? f K* Sml* TKH (kfiiirrsm w;*t f * * 4 St*- - irijrifir>, »r*? a IfMfu! (r. - v-ikt ftf th#> r|*cl mukirtf *arl> *tav - it. «wmr SatMuJ It »«H mwrlk inft'li fb«* 4i«n Father and Fon Sentenced t» l>ie In Klertric 'h:»! r .SMl|»rt. V • , "tt 12 I Stem art aui hi- >«, 13m ? rt *rrr 4 litw --1 '«« th. ei. r" r«e rhsl! Inbt l>t Ju.i.*r 11-nr A !r»ls T>*v ■« n ranrtrw*! b> a l.r"»n «:ek umbli jurj j>' irtv IM- i ir,r after kfflr I'm fn rr (1 1 iiirii *!»•> » •• c««f» irt(>i «*- It* ktllirx .f I>» r«r»-ar t I • . > ..r;*" an-! I"» ie-t> I Mtnlitll. Sain U!"j «f V. i!»-ir.ri e |«-i a Imjelj n*" i*» ltrui.-» irk n it Jaly «-f this. yevr. Ihe (4k-r> wiM. *■ rr k lle-i. k»i - leen* 1: to ar> J1 r-1 mfef-n ;feey airinal, ti#> "• r- ar»- * I n M arxl -*«»t t«. >Wath b> ike Stem | art- unf theii hey mere 1 :«l*fk»r te IfiKtt- by tbeir avii'a •>y 1 The caw ma- I »;i - bf>i ILotli -*ie- biiif rep«--~;lit*-.' b> jiownl I' - | jnililßMl M%\ BEAT TO WE HTM Mdiuc Bel!, a *4cre>l m.n wai teatn Uriemth in Chirac* »WnH*J rixbL Bell ns with asaalt mr In y MWfr mhi'e ' Akimt lira huihireii men ami boy • jufrd «■ bin ami beat him t* intfi He was ih»at thirty-'** »f agr. The UHh| took place in a Je*M : 1 nun if the tMj. MAKE UIIK PUNS TO BE IM U ILU AMiiTON IM KIN; THE WIA- - * SOKE I mloßkk 20-21 TH. TIIL kADtLit-Fc, CHAI I.alQI A Hr.Kt-, vH 1. L 6 Jb ( omes After an Absence (>I Several Years I . wiu a vatr, mM*- si- «*r-ijcr iuu* \* ill wm t»-f. jk -eveu. > ar- ab-e: oe. i' *- **f a lihiiee _ »- . * 1 ._* Ir, i* *> a tr re^P • ■>>« »i ! u sc, nwreatkn. 3i*«i is -|Mr»ln«! • V *.£r a .il 4pp>*ar !>r. .tiivft «■»- Hi. v l*r. «i. Xart£r. ar-r i # r lecturers • tv» r»i 4U»r.r! .n '-!r- jiil w"«#' v c* jjXi \ It H vie • > • - a C*rjHfctAsa»^iwiart-r br' |irr»!e •»-r. I«f V! sfl-t 1- j-4» t • - ji.»i a!-*- '5-*-- « lectar ir V" I. I' f »;.-u ar sh |m»f« >^.r ■ '"isrk* i- maifi *f:« i»a^ ■ trirsf to %.?/*' nIW it. «b»fer ■ * 1 h-v - it ?» lrr * 'Lsfk- \« cc»?f*psaf->. -■• .- J®t a" r r-it? «»f real - J»T *>liik , ji He - ->.«--»« I>f>- 1* * !i>m« tttit nulf » tLjirtrfle * - jrrt) |x»^h ■ -•ar i »>«r* > * i!S ••? • itie l»*i ee ' '-3 I» T"*^ > fnr If J« ' -4H X>!o>. • ers JIIMJ *ai* - ;»r - •*■#» l* s T'tf •- , Sfira^ae ifee *.. m- a» ileffi^rt ■ •^f>p,.^" i ar ——* —twi tfar I - *' ail* t-*r »•' prPx nt •*fW l*iaeF" . sft giif i 3 - 3f- t fc * w *»A » v -i? I \ II |* i'mr; \\ i? k! * FtHeration Men*h»T- I "rued !«» Meet Friday » *er> m mstf ! tas4 r-\»r> 4 .» a a*•• e. T* • ''t Ihrte I e.ler .* . .-.rt •- ■> mjik-iM u fleet ' tr»e Hth»;H»t >n nh Krutav 'iirt**. • i:.. •«! m t '.' ;- 4 I •. r V 'T' JI; .»ii \ »-n:i. i: l»« kl ci!iTlll ♦ Kltll K I'll I IKS *IM» In |IM.K» "I TH» \r I Wilt HOTEL i . - -o ' . i.(> in *-• r» ,• ' ; a'' * Hotel v hicri.sup .» rt . - ' v *a i ft .d »■! much »•• !lie S-»-k- ft IK hßikllßK. It alx) •»>ark- •«* r --- r ' " - »* *k-« - ...if - •.. a■ ■ -v j i «f Mam (i.e' t . I'.rtt ti. *«-S ii'it*t Ufteii Mil* ii - •-* i at- . ■ |*>reh r.j «... ,•*»! - 1 «- ii: ildwh t* * ■»( a •i, - *• -en ■ • nC* •-.' by a **«««*, \l I MM HI-HlK\ 111 1 iii: I N|\ I KMI \ «»r \. c. Ike At«»»»-*-! ii'.-ti - f n.vmi -» *-■ " I i— jt- . oT the rle-- ia»i =i - .-■ -al - ? ■ 1 " *l* ver e*s It a*i**? fa- - a -u!t , rati* e . * He '. m -r f ■ im ;t -errlore _ t.-r i-f*- ul * - rm/ru! fstrp»«-e_ t)*B* 0 »- inter*- '■' t«• trie •lair -i *4 I'e I f,n e-i' > .he.r • rieret- a«a> There ir 13,- »*» »«f 1 ?ii\er- t> men *»! ■ i use I. -re —.me of the 'ih>-t nr«l -f \. rt' t'ar*«iii - ■«-. >1; a'-" v I l; ,Sv.'. T. Mrs. f II Bntt, Ms- J I' T' «• --r awl \.f*tte St»- IJlTlhrtfc II —eli ami l!r I insai l;r»tt . »i. Uy Ir, 'Obnl Vvi Mr |ir«»m«i of U+ lmi l*rat C*. ma- a l»m iiiiir* i»- it**r i*iv i • -teriiay. l»r a&>> Mr- (. J. Sawyer of Wimt %l» J.e - -ew, uf Hair *l*on a a.- s® 1,-m r,-. ye-te--tay " Kr-s I l» Ifillers hi- re. alzr «r Hamilton The frfpi- of ibe M. E church h»r* *a> ■ e*-M|>»e.: bi Mr B. I Nike l'r:trt 'r. Mr J C r«»tc of the ' pom »f ma- here for a -ba*t mhile M«e»ia\ Mr Uorrr Hanvae *4 My month ■is * tie city »e-ter»tay S Sir fc H R«v *rt sirm! day ' ii W&-9B ud (onnlf last "• >k apfws-isiw. f- nt for *j * North f inlha Joeat S«k lar' Hank Mr. Jaor ■ pieviJri.' of the bank, of Dttkaa. praie- Mr. Ke«e an a land •nwrji-er rrrr UtM; mad h- teils th 1 * i*iflr of thb «N(iw that he coo alua ha mm* of the best apptii'- er» that the hat l*f in Narth Care lira. Mr CbM. a*nmm an# Tor the BaMfe Qui n mm tm ak- ■ Hr pwpiMhw far the ChML-wpn. which v 3 hf(fw aw Ort*-' r aaj R 3 - > **

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