fw momiT PMCEB. BPI TOTTt TOBACCO At WMSTOK I —— THE ENTERP j MfiW HMJ TinJiy aad Frifaj , by.be ENTERPRISE PI BUSHING CV j WJlawiM. North Carol :~a \V. C MANNING, Editor Subscription Prief IStrirtly Cash in Advance > I year : t mocth? - *> 5 months _ - • jjitcred il the Fom (.Hliw ait ft il t jatslor. North Carolina as second- j (jas> matter. under the -Ct cf Mare-; r. 1879. Aodrrx" all communication? to Th- 1 tnUTprr. Williamston. N. C — . I TUESDAY. (UTOBKK 14. IJ.'l bootlegging mam: iLVSI BY THE CtH RTS— A committee recently iff' nt®>* tr - •Atom into the illicit Imuor bu?i less it the District of Columb a ■- I -Mtmlly f alu? that it i? '.(> f. . of the court--- Tne committer f« tie average fine to only aw ever if a bo»tkfj»r c.iu r-' rj inoctf tr: 'he i -ar •coui- amount to only about a ' ■ > i-jii iioliar- which i- n« r>t-r»* It. tan woui«t be. ?t wa? found th;' 7 f nxfmll} cau«r*it aid ' -|u:r— r »* pu - Ep botic arvi are k-»it brwcrb" '» f«?» the court.- at all. Tr«e cuaunr.M did not nak» any , menl** of the police alliance? »»tr • !«ttvr met. wnich is oiif of the m«* t » CumnM method? of beatir..; tr Certainly Uerr ar.' rut many r W tearTJ» with la* b**-ak*-r?. >» * fiere are nwuri to put lot- of *»■■. Sejsper? through tne line?. The -inic thnnr that appiie to the I L-tnci of OJumbif ipfJif' to nut * of the country The !wa»i W-me>-- i? ruti ori a u>- - t* ar*i !«» awi »hr? proft" - *fe c lea" lan t»r»-ak- r? will nn*' f'jfJaiJ thf bfW* . o?i tr* jttf> *-• r lUf |*djct- fore#* Tai*i> (v ' •jje weakest points for their attack-.® ri MNHING ihi: gi ILTY— I Coolidjje is "punb-hmr S its? fsi!t)' in the Tea l' >t iMmr ar>t 5 4wr oil karf- He eadrose? toon? Te»i-I> K«--' ( for *oven •' N» »V rk ; wt.. in hi? • •ftcqal evi.-iitr' . almost the exact ha fatner, wa? the ulfitu l who, orrol t •jtie fiuper- m the lea?e re-attir? to b.* \ :ifDN by the Tre>i«ient It »a? tni- ; h4 of paper? f rom * 11eh »a- !«■' I bet **en ' h«- Navy IVpart BHit atw: the W Kit-' Hattot. the pro [ lot ajrainst tne leas*? of Admiral tefe It was Ki*>e*Wt wra> set! , >W V i.net) State# Manr#- to ma?r • ( lilt St. (Tair - pofesesrton of the Tea hit Dome Tbe Prevalent promote? Rear Art-! Miral Kvbu»on >ai tne orJy l«*t navaS officer who approved 'he' |o»ißf plan. In fact, he became in- j imftM in Dohetiy year? b?fur* wh»r ( Dobeny »a- a ?üb r>!irate ->f j ben urtrr him. Robinson f' J ttM >m that the leading la«? p?w- j ««i»f the Navy's, oil rovM br rinruir | ws'ed b> pay the oil irj •3 for buikiipir fterine tank? —to- , iamb of oil for >' orajre for ote tam) | —i The UtßacralK car.imate i«r tl s Ufiiblii* au Ttriou? county odref u» making a thorough canvas tht» wnk of t* tavians precmcs in tbe raw; /.II the .-peak*** are interest ed am will take the ?"~mp in lead tamal fo: tbe pnwipir-? of tbe «U Dhmcr x par"). Tbe C 3va»» will K* Mt November. SL'BSCI IBE TO THE ENTEKPIUSF fP9S9SP„ y/tc^s { With a condition of 47 percent of J jr fall crop prospect and a product of 723,000 bales outlook, based on re- j eit condition?, the North Carolina ; co.ton crop ha? only 70 per cen' of hst year', prod action in spile of tbe iarre unnax in acnaurr Tbt United States- averajre b 52-5 per cent condi i>or. iadicatinir 1— .499JM10 bale?. Tbt? r abou* 1 per cent bs? than *a_- la .'icated maridle of September arid al tTKtft 3 per cent les? than was iodicat •c' September 1. With 4.. : «25.520 bals > rineo lo October Ist. there is abou" .&• per cent of th* crop jtt to srln r~l Only about 5 per cent of the i North raralna er*»p was rinnfd To t the first •' the m«»ntb. ,•*. Jane Stti the prt» pert of vhe ' crop «en- rowl in ?pite of the had m --atSer i; »«. iate ?prini:. On July 16tb tbe con-iitKff. *el» 21 per cent l»urir.ir tf» rei! iw.i t' it rose 'i per cent. Since t'hat time, it ha? fallen 11 per c^nt. the hiti no* arn*H'fT at 47 per "cent « " : : .•nnal or full crop prospeet ifcrr tto the t umeroos commeeta v »- •..? frutr. reporter? from all part? \ i:r «"an*!iria. the crop had a y •»» -?.:.«iy |«ir prx>?pect. 1: r. ~ul>. l« kii-.twr.. however, that la-; re;«ort »a? madt by reporter . " ; i* diM of a I" to '3' 'lay ,-iii.y perkei. srhen e\erythu.jt k'jkefl . jt r anew rir.me*. The ?«ei *'r tji'.,r»-- piou.tcr isn t'* !*" iT'ns- I«1U ' bill- weiT ;.iunr t" hk. I vei. tf» stems r»r> tr* boll • r-sily .4iil«-«i o". I«»»-od»ratto«i of lint wa? taki!,>' plac l ira Willi the ?U ?hll.» whtrh ?o; so • favoiafalr ctnw 'Ut ?inic~ Ort-A • Ift. \#u fj-uc)i comp'aint ' t'>e d ' • .a' .. .f pxk linf' - Ir't' A? uiie f I . 2fr"! sa«ii. u? i. -ce>-ary to u *• urn r- to pul! tSe li t ■-U 1 ■« U - . k-. ".IT '( |;I!« _ A ».« KRS By Ap i of tin* met I. ■! e.-taUi rsci fir "e (tid Ui ve»r . f nak '.r ?'-• t- ,-r.--t «mrii t l*ure Taint- So, ;r - :»«-rt -entent ir. this ! ..-r that 1 k M SEMI-PASTE | TAINT cost? S2JK |»r irallon are' a s-alb-r. costs i.othir>- - if >ati factory. "-It i To the Williamston ! 1 ■ | People I ! • i : Ivory family that in l . i"Oor.i? i at they |' j ; ! will !t».t out t uriiiK tin 4 Roanoke Fair j 2 will please leave their nu...es with Dr. P. B. j ; i . i • 'Tone. Chairman of Housing Committee, i i ! j Chamber of Commerce. i v it 1 - ~ I I ll^l 3) BAN*) vun» «■ / [ CO. AS* rJ*tfU/SA_ * „ ">| IE I " 1 H PAIN! YOUR AUTOMOBILE— I —i LET US PAINT YOUR AUTOMOBILE j L WE WILL DO IT IN 10 DAYS AND IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW. | N. A. Riddick :j Motor Car Company I lAgwils For Buick Cars SCOTLAND NECK NORTH CAR. NOTICE OF SALE ( Ibln and by rirtat of tbe power' itM aa* booty m a certain I of' tna-l to the Biuoaga*!'' ,-astee by K. A. James and wife. I >.>lasa James on tbe llth day id April. ( said ktca of trwt bem* of i record in tbe public KfiHry of Mar ; tin Coonty in liook H-2 at pajte 516. j LMtd deed of tfu_-t bum* prn to tc- . core a note of ever, date and tenor, Lherewith, and 'be stipulations con i, tamed in said deed of trust not havinjr been complied with, at tbe re«jwest of j lhe parties in;erested. tbe under- i»rr. | ( e>i. will on Taesday. ne llth day of - I.owmbi-r. 1!*24. at 12 o'clock M- ic , root of tae Court Hocse I»oor of 3Lr I tin County. in tbe Town cf William stor.. N. C. offer for to the hirh- > irt bidder for cash, at public aoctioa the foi!-w cir described real 1* alciitjt iot No 7. ailo'-.s: to P L - Taylor, beene-inr =t the ce*r« r of th canal in Kns- Swamp at the comer cf Jaiae W kitfeW ami running alon- j Vkhit6.-M - I in? S il * 31. j chain? to th? center of the toaii' i t: ence tJaaj- Jtt cen*er of the rm-l -» E ««.. -•»- « cha'Rs to a str.k- op pcs-sjte the on> : of tbe «itch. comer of ; f ,; \o- t; tbw alone said ditch l.ne of |y»t V r-. N- 51 i- r Err c'a ; r.- o tb* rrr.trr o r the otti! tJ-enc* i'p sad era! ds var ou? c* ?h- hetr ic >r- ' i"tainirr -/ _» - m - e ore or .e.s- and b:mr No. * «' hs K T Taylor law i vis* -. 'jeinr -übject to the |,( r j-»- >f 5„ T Tailor. 7 (tx day af October. 1924- * HET : E*: MARIIN. Tru t-e. IM4-* NOTICE Ol SALE i teier it.; by vir t" of the poaer « f ?a!e e». tilled in a certain dwi of ( .rust exec -1* d «»_ s. \ Gn _-7th «iay of Nov. IJSj V. IC' a. •»«'- i f trust is of reco-- in ;ii- publ a of M. rtin Cow:.' y i.» Bw k K2 at pare *A. ?aKi d«d of -ra , 1,-vmr be»-*. - -en to secu.-e th« pa«- , meet of c«-r.am n«Ae? t f eiea dat* arv irwor' with : jv: def^u— b?. _j* me feert no* in inr paymei i «1 t'=c a»t noleri an.: the -tipulaHons a ;.-d jn 'he said rtee-1 of trv-t J h- la' mr tat? n complie«l wish ar»i j s « :)«. ! f "he ho'der of tl*' j ' at-; I**w~ >tH- uiwei>.«!ied tru?tre j t •, . t "! Ib? Mth day ofl ! Nov !*2? a' '2 o"cl«k M in front | ,f iI -Hurt' *» -ioor ii» the town of Wfl anstur. North t'aroliiia offer for ? »e to the h t bi-ltler for cash at •ablw aiactM-* 'hr f..lloWirr .iecnlie! r» ui Xftitatr u> Ic-wn or the Nor? of N -.h P - - S rrt boun-i j . -* » \i rth by la»l of H A *»f*> j t TOE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTOX. KOKTH CAROLINA :nd East b> Una Oi liratW Sif*. MM Mtxor VA O* MMM Oy did SUCK -and on the tkm by iana* »' *- B*«e b(U« wt of Um .*!» Oij convey 'eu to taid Grey bj aid liLtal and ; wife t Tkb tkt 10th ib) of Oft 1924- J A. MIZELLL Trastee. l Kartii and Peel. EXEl'lTOrs NOTICE | ! H»v:r'if ikL- dt) ci Eitta , "lor of Jar *-•«» rJi AtnsU M 'Wcolard, lair of lijr.a ill; haidißC tU:«- : p Ux-t taic !«_-:rke are htmby Ui file tti» r.>r laynrnt or. or toef »i* U* 13th day f .vpcmUT ISt- or th» bo >oe wil: be if oaf o tre-r 'eewerj. /J penov- ii!iWS" to cil will cuw inH Bak? ntmetf aie pu j■> of »»■?. _>L- .v IX iJit. T F. KAKhl^'N. I_-Oj », M- Wool-m. Jl«- 9-l«-4t jl nlt SALE—SEVERAL XH t LOTS wet .orated S» V. C Manning. W4NTEII AX HOXEST EXERCI- T x \ 'VIIIF mil U> in j r*is ait 4 rwr/n. lio-tler ear. tr^.k» m*«y; or-e of «or »» r> f '•SVWC last year " , ri* i» for r. cula*s :f yes : i*. f> I** - ; alt-bwrj Va*t»"» * * -*»* i T * '•f - I •IT, Sali-kw;. X- C XOTIRE FOR TAX DEED t-> Js» or s«y inter - or >r- will tak !«►•«*. that on M"• day of Xm. T»2r toar lot in tie T«w» «-f Wil 'aB~l»f X- C n- ~»4d for ' S. Ie» doe |bf T'. • - of 'A lia ts, > for tb» yeas' "ifS a-wl lh» *s i ' Willi -tor.. V r U jift.- f. r jc-aser wrmf. as>* >-a * ill fjf"! • jtr-.k> 'ottre lha! J >««e f*il pay i*t 2»mw( .ii» tojre»J t wan c ts aUol •« or b»fere IW ! ?(■»■ i tay bi X«vesibe "y'l. the Rrar» t.' C r tuu.-Mairi.- of tuc Ti»b «i il! -iefnand of the T« » a -«ee-i | for the abote T«w« let. a- bv lan provided for ' UM for ia\e-. By ortrr of I - K-.n- of f ■*>. ' H. Harr -» «Vit J I- HAS.M I I, Mayor NOTICE P TAX n*:n „ # T* J D Gray cr any «lk >i btrr ! fwrvor M YS> w*!*! Uke Mwr .iKi! or the sh .Jay of' SI'BST RIBK T«» THK EXTERrR'SK I "DETOUR SIGN" j; **h ! "V* ' I For Lower Prices" - fo 8* J 1 H ■ !t always pays to travel over the best road for every purijose. even if you ha\e to go several miles out of the way. If you have not been traveling over this road. jfej the next time you leave home for the purpose of buying or selling anything make a detour to HARRISON BROTHERS & COMPANY where you will find one of the j|jr lar* est sloe :of good? to be found anywhere in MEN'S and BOY'S SUITS, OVER COATS, SHOES. BOOTS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS, HATS, CAPS, INDIES* ard CHILDREN'S READY-TO-WEAR and MILLINERY of every kind from the cheapest to the best. i ' , f tSO I _ W eare i-eceivingr something new ever 7 day, and by carrying a large assortment as we do, it niaces us in a i>osition to make the prices lower. If you will pay us a visit !|ij we are sure thai you will be convinced that it paid you to make ttie Detour. M - •' * t IB I Harrison Bros. & Co. j WILUAMSTON*S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE "Gone and See Is An We Ask** J . WIIJJAMSTON, . .'wt. lxß your lot in the Ttw «f 1 . j %* nltanuOou. N. C. was sold f«f the | I'lun due the Town of WOliamsfteß. i •!>l C. for the year 1922 and the | I'Town «f Wiliiamsiori X. C. became , j the purchaser thereof, and >ow wail, further take notice that if w» fad , jlo pay the said amount due together , i i with costs added on or before the I*' ■ Mrnday in Nortmber. 1924, the! 'Board of Commissioners of the saiaT .Town will demand of the Tax Collet 'lor a deed for the above Town lot. las by law provided for sale of laad j for taxes. > By order of the Board of Town j U_ ri. HARBISON. Clerk J. L HASSELL. Mayor." -XOTiCE OF SALE" Lnder and by virtue of the power cf sale contained in thai certain Jeei > el " ruj-l maie and executed by War ren Whitfield and wife to the under signed Trustee. and bearing date of | January Ist 1916. and of record in the puUtc registry of Martin Canty i «r iiooc K-l- at pare iaM, default having been ma>ie in the payment of; j he .indebtedness for which said *e>i; ■I trust was given as .security, and at t \ .he request of the hobier said notes, f or debt, the undersigned Trustee will.; ' or. Monday Uie ::rd nay of November j 1924 at 12 O'clock M . in front of the! C ourthouse Door of Martin Cowcty r •at V. illutin-ton, N. C., offer for ****•> ja* |MIM>C auction, to the highest bid ! for ca h, the following described | J tract or parcel of land, to wit - Tnat certain tract of land ly :ne aiwl: l*.fit' in Cro%s Koai> Township, ad-' I joining tlw laiwi- of J. F. Crawford, • •far*?;, ret \ :..!rr*ws I col I an.) o her- | iteinnrsuic at a pine stump on tne Ma.i rua>«, !eadi>jg from (Greenville. X. lo tt illuntton. N. C. an»' u« the re.-i-ience of J. Al ' rt Roebuck's home farm, an- 1 beine ;i lane- I! Taylor Ob! corner, ami r. oning tli« ut* alonjf *he new road ;s a iarkiln U-i, the Lei. imrlftao comer, tuence aionK a ditch to the i- ,1 "en O.njrU-ton's comer in B»tw llnrci., thence •town saiii Bra; eh to J Rv um Roherson's corner, ROW J. *■' ' rawfonfn mmer. and natinab? 4rwir«aiil branch to »'»e Old Mill 11«-r>re ali-nt the Obi Mill D»"i ami r»M Mill I'ath to W A. fvrifr now Marj-Ttref Andrew's e»r ner: «lrf»ncv sk-nr »he ol ! W. A Roe- LAPEEA - ; tmmtgimr pew «m ertfw* far. Keep vour stomach aweet m£ your lifer active. Yuw i 1 ,be repaid with apwrklmg eyes-dear, —smith. h«althj an Md a breath with tha odor of Spring. Chamberlain's Tablets will 4i it Get 60 of these pak tablets for 25cta. Take two to-aigbt. OCAL MAUET WOT THE LAWZST hi GOOD A3 THE KPT **-* law. mam Xuprc T Adlio'i iar u m none indiog from said Unmfle road to tat ift# taw H. TtyUr midin, Cam WMrlft residence; | than vifc aU nenr to the Giwn vrirt »-l nai to the beginning Saae beta* the aid iaaa H- Taylor Home S IMi aad uawyri to aaid Warren WiutMd by A. a Robemm. J. B. Bab aM E. E Grimes, aad said to crtdaa Me bcßaied fifty (ISO) acres, > \bx the 2nd amy of A. K 1C441 , Trustee i NOTICE TOR~" TAX DEED To Sira Cfc-rry, Estate, or any j sthtr perm® or |er>o«b. Yoa will | rtkr MCicr. that on the sth day of • N-r 1*23 yoar lot m the Town of SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I, J. O. Manning, lax Collector for ihe Town f of williamston, N. C, have this day levied on the • follow injc tracts or parcels of land and will sell (the same at public auction for cash, beioie the City Hall, W illiamston, N. C., on Monday, Novem- Lei 19z4 tor the taxes due and unpaid for the j> tar lifZJ, unless the taxes and cost are paki on or |»i foore tnat oay. l his 2nd day of October, 1924. white TAX COST TO,AL Mr Mjr* «*ie * 101-raic. one vacant lot i-WP J* _ K* Factor, 1 E. 3L Gardy. vacant lot •» !*, . Hear- itamw A »V«1. 1-2 untere t lot hJ* 1J« "-*» *.4 Jaae>. nCT M»u«. stree- _ ,*"* l ""J "7*? * H U«tX -»o 'J?? JK- McGaaan. oae « . «** j" Siit s A Fowdm. Uuw lots _ _ *-*• ™i? Kauac A oM-haif lot Via im «-» j_i c lyj 'our lot* - IMS IJW 'IJO *tTm D k-fcrr«m. lot __ l» i*» V dinarta Cbl. & vacant lat» •* '•* 12.10 Waid A CiAcetf, 1 l»u I* • ~ V>dlaatM fcil" > t»] Imp. C®. ca? lot 045 1-M* »l-2i Coloored _ P. SL MWrl IJ ® Jahe Eitrrt . - - "■* O* W- B}~ res*-ace 21» J"" Ortrair Ha»ll -«• J*' 'J® Ijbm Hi«kw-s vacant lot • ** .** , Afttmr Jaafj. oaf lot _ - *- J® * M. r> bhwu Luier. vacant l«' -- *•» '* ** HMBik Itojd. B-M W *" J* Gee. H N«mt. vacant lot __ • :_— 1-SO lAO tJ* Caesar hrrtt. residfTf, * _1 17.14 '*** Straart Ra«er-. rc vVw _- I*.** J*» 15l.*r* Bm R*w. residence - l2*9 I» JJ J™ Alv» Sttrill, . 11-W I* 1130 hri«l ?We, iwadnw ** '* ,8 -J® PWia .re Ttoa» W"Hism-. resad'we —>-r- ®-l* '■* 31.20 W"WaiP#. — —— I#-50 LM 1230 tt'*> msHom* 2i-7* I.M KM aae the Ttoa aC N. C far the jwMO ton ■ thereof. ami ym wM fc»- ther tzbe notice that if faa fafl to pay the mM «a»at *m ta&iltai with casta added aa or beta* the Mh«- day in nil I ■lll UM the of fa- the abiit Team Ut, aa by lav jtjnJcd Car ale af had far taxes. £y trier af Iha Eaanl af Tam G H. UA-UISOis Clart. J. I- H AS. il I llaiw _____ FOP- j».v. i^JiS ■AU.I CA.TJLK*'!I v 'St *aa kaaa ■rf mcmM) * m caiaal of UUI CITiUB HrLHin coa >an af u mu. -t i "* WfUj I Mkwi fcy _to- -j —t. ui the [ Mnafk Um «o"o- Vcm Itoai dkaa u _-i, ■ affc a t HI to aa mm*m r. J nan * Oa. HI to. CMa.

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