VOl HIGHEST FUCK*. SELL YOUR TCEACCO AT VHSTOX. COOPERATIVE BUGS AND A GIANT fll Portland. Of**. Oct. 8,-Om of the is bailiag the lacs. f«r mm hufc wkm M .4- r«t into ;he wood palp. Direr" or Thor- In T. Manger of the Pacific North x-csS Farest Experiment Station has ncodiji been informed by Dr. F. C. Craighrail. of the Bnreac of Eato malagy of the Department of Agri culture. that baits can sometimes he • ersmM to perform this work for "J* paper companies far nothing. the bag* to work, Mr. Manger was l*U. by ginfliag due to the ground the pine to he cot for palpwood. If this is dace in the late summer, a mad trade of bark borers and other beetles are attracted to the trees and in a few weeks have the bark >® completely loosened that it can easfly le dipped off when the trees are f*UeaL At this point, however, the :nm.hlnu: beetle and forester is ri an end. for lorrmir daring the win, tei foHoo ,ng destroys 'he insect- I arbored m the bark, and this one sboaadant feast is their last. Jan tor Forester McArdle of the Experiment Station recently mearur ed a sizable Dougla> fir standing near Mineral. Washington, and founi the dbmrter at hrvast height to be 15 feet 4 inches, la .-pite of a broken *of«. the tree is about 22a feet high a»l over lUO feet to the first limb Near by firs six or seven feet throogh look bke second gtvwh in comparison. Mr. McAnile is w©r.«lering if he has found the record Douglas fir. Although can dais bare burned a hole eight feet «*eep into the base of the tree, it still stand* apparently as hale ar.d hearty * as it ha* been throughout its mar>y I HERE AND THESE Aihmtiunt pays. One farmer in * j Mecklenburg whtrtinj "Berkshire I Pits for Sale" and in a few h»ar* sold all he had and says he could 1 i hare sold many more Write |atcfc for your ropy of the Agrirahanal Halle in on "Callinr and Feeding Poultry." A card to the Agmultanal Editor, N. C. Extension Service. Raleirh j for Depart j merit Bulletu. of Aurwst 1924 will g. t! a copy Now is the time to get a rood stait | Ipvanis cua t rolling the bul w-evil. | • i Destroy all cotton >»alk- before frost, say extension work -r.- of the State Collego Farmers are ii|ufly learning >be importance of asiag lime on the fam j rpart aaay farm agents. Randolph * Cxwtj ai xie expect.- to use at lea-t forty cars Ihb f«j. Mountain grown Irish potsto seed from Western Nor h Carolina show aa average iacnaie in prod act too cf, 11 1 per cent o x~r the seed secured' fiam Maine, say harOcadtaral aatk-t cis of the State College Extension , dMitak I "Take care of 'hit form machinery ( nam." sajrs fC- I- Raney, farm en- j gmi n for the Fx easiaa dirisiaa of | the State College. Tor although thieves acy nrf b.eak through and steal, the rest will xare get them, which ia jast as bad.' WOOER ZAfter every mud J There is maaey ia pork if yoa htui t right, feed right and imiku right. 30 cots an hoar this aoalJ be lltt s OO.OOO Practically any BeU trlrpimr f can now reach I&JNMN nrawrkiw i See yoor coanty age a* or write U - Animal Industry Diiiiiaa. State Gal- _ SOME TELETHONE SYSTEM - In 1922, there were IUMMMV s telephone calls ia the I'aihd States, r an average of SBJMM** local a sr.- 11.700.000 long distance calls a day. (■' Estimating local calls at tee mi> s 'average length, and toll calls a» T9\ 1 miles, this meant about f | miles of "travel" per day enr tb i wire roate. Estimates say uUnoU r ' operation costs 10 cents a nflr. fat-j I , i00j000.>»« miles cost wall be SM-- , '•OJWI.W'i A good walker *rave: . three miles an hoar: the teVpfccc f * saves 33k>».C> hoar- oi walkr. , 'every day .and all the tmar bende : »■ J TIM Baa nab ■ F>h WM n U i —u.u'i by the Roanoke Fair Associat ui * due credit when it cvnes to piac., j j before BJMO people He bv*- of tS . Roanoke Fair. WANTED: KGCI Ltl AND IKA\- ' J All Master ia rxJ standing . stent boarders. l.« «d 11 mt an-i 'accommodations. Rales icii loaablr Mrs. J. C Orawfocti. Hurt; - ■ SJPVL SOfH t OF SALE \— _ I ' | Coder ai.d by virtae of aja Igairrlt , -jof the Super km loarl of MarUa 1 I Coanty in the Special hwveiaf - t ei title, t George K« ba k. et al. -it.- j , Willie Roebuck, et al. lie aalrrsigned (-■mmitr.tr will aa the IK day cf-j . November 192-1. at the fawn Ho«~». doar, of Martin Coanty. m lh- lorn,\ of Williamson. at I: M. 01-j , icr at |w)rii aactwa. U. the Sugkfc I bidder, for cash the fdlu* at Jexti ! jed tract of lamu Us-ar*; j A tract oi land fawac a» ,!e j ( and Paitie bar. ,^ijoints.; i Uie Land - of Ueary .Sb«e oa Me North and West, G R L Roebuck on the South and Miv MatUe He;art «« the East. Containing 12b acres mote or less and rerouted ia -he Pobiar R-yi ' lr> of Mart in Ccaaty in I'-mA \\\ Page im. | This the 2*th «ay of SyKahr. 1994. B W ILE Cltm HER. NOTlCE^fxjr" TAX DEKD ' To G-orge Spnadl or any other' Ii aterested ftrwu or perxun- Youl vUI take take -hat «a 'he atb day Jol November. ISftJ « U-* jV«-wa «f VKeut ms N C wa.- 4 for -h- tax*> ta? the Toma of W£-1 l-aaaitoa, N. C fa the jvar b22 aii'i 1 the Ton a of W2L*aa> on. N. C be- j came the parcha>«. ard )o •, will farther take notice that if y j ] fad to pay the mm ami mat oue Ic- j (tether with casts ailed . a «rle ! fare the Ist M»«»ta> 'm N«n ale . J 1924. the Boar.! of Co tK» Sftki TmW «J] irf—ii ill u «l • ' Tax Collector a devrf foe lie aboio l Town 1-jt. aa b> law prM»Aod for sal - J of laad for bus j By onier of th? Board of Towo | G H HARRISON. (Ink J. L HASSEIJ_ Mayor 'NOTICE FOR TAX DEEP j I To P. S. Bullock or aay other m- | t. rested person or persMo Yoa anil! take notice, that oa tike iih day of! .November. IKS par Lot in the Town of WißoanUa V C was sai l for the taxes dae the Town of Wd i llimlta. N. C. far the jvar 19+Z and the Ton a of WBimilo became par chaier thereof, aid im waß further hh notice 'hat if yoa fail to pay the said ami ain 4ae together with «*•* »"ed aa or before the Ist Moo T • i ■ tjQ. I ■ H^i ■ I I HIGHWAY FIIXING STATION / WiUianston, North Carolina ■ d day ia November, 1924 the Board of Commissioners of the said Tawa wJI " Ifmaail of the Tkx Collector a deed for the above Town lot, as by law p provided for naie of land for Uses By order of the Board of Tawn »i G. H. HAItRISON. Clerk .1 J. L HASSELL Mayor. j NOTICE FOR TAX DEED j To Siisan Rogers or aay other ia- 1 1 Wrested person or person.-. Yoa wnil .Jtake no'ice. that oo the sth day of' .'Nov. 1523 yoar lo* IE tne T«a of] V flliamstoii. N. C. cas sold for the 1 -'taxes dae the Town of WSliuessan.\ >X. C for the year 1922 aai the jTown of h illiam-lixw N C. hecamr 'the purchaser thereof, aai yoa wili; ake notice that if yoa fad to. • i pay the said amount doe together _ vth costs akleil on or before she Is! in November. 1924 jhe Poara lof Commissioners of th— sard T«*t wiil demand of the Tax Collector a '•'?H for the above Tcwn lo". as h" I "aw prviied for sale of hoi for taxes. By order of th»- Buani ef Tow.' Commissioners. G. II HARRISON. tTerk J. I- HASSELL. Mayor yOYICKFOK TAX DKED lo i > Bailr> miwt i4hn ill take | tnst ori the it» day of No\ j > '.l .>ur lot in lh- loan of Uil- II i« - n. N. C. aras ss kl for lie lave-- n» K*n of N. C. If or the year IK.' artd lee Town of j'A i* i:.'.!'!or.. X- C becaiw the p. r c'>-t lirreof. atd you will furS;..-r | • ■' that if yoa fail to pay the jac*; i H>unt due "orether with coal* j jfttel or. or before the Ist M«otay in ■ Ncveenber, 1».'4 the lU>u>! of Com- j |n.ission?rs of the said Town anil de-1 numl of the. lax Collector a dee*: for 1 ' the above Town I oi. as by law pro« id e«i for sale of land f«t ues By onter of the Uant oi ommis>k>ners. G. H. HARP»SOV tlerk j J. I. IIASSELL. Mator i NOTICE FOR TAX DEED To Abe Spruul or aay taseiested jwiMW! or pei»o»i. \OI v-«a tako at» tire that on the oth .»a> ti Nov. 192 J our U.t «n thr lown «f Mdlramsloii j N C. w»« soil for the laie> due (h»j Town of M illtam-ton. N. C for tbe year 1V22 aint the Town, of William -U-n, N C. becaase the purchaser thereof, an.l you wdl fujsLe" Jal. rtolice that if yoa fad to pay aid amount due together citli »>!> a>ble»l on or beforo tke Ist Moexiay •In November. 1924. tlie Ibarxl of (°.dinu>Munei. of the Town will Semaro! of the Tax I'wUecfor a dee«l (for the Town Id. a> by la* j; r-»v!«le»i for sale of land for laies. Bt -r>irr of the lUartl of TOWJ. t '•mmi^>ioaers. G H HARRISON, iVik J L HASSELL. Mavwr. -MMTK* ill S ILT ' i As Executm C. T A. aal as sole 4 b gatee u»ler the V»dS of Dr. J. & II Knight, I"fcri-oi. utiee is here b. (fjv-n tha' the ander-igaed lc.s f«.r ;f3Jr certain pTM«aI property of Dr 1 Thr.e automobtte?. ««e horse; two jcows awl calve- *»! one heifer; one] IJ. II II Knight. lVea «l. to-wit j HOW rft CT9RS TREAT CflLfiS MO THE fill To brial ap a e*U on ar *a cwl I than aa aliari d p-,|e ol.acau «r aare ibwl, phyuriaee jal dcagfnta ae a®» ri rammeuibiif t lUeib . lie a—ienlr-- ICahmd tablet lb 1! » jnriel Inn da« - T-" ■* t« tr.ed amj Ho H . >, M aaga, 3»» I far aare effective aes « ■' :« fcf ad ! tfjle rib arl. bmtd i » . 1 by ' (bfaruas. lOae or to. Caleteiat.^- * ' r »nb a rwaOow al aa aisat w rh— -s". " librae wilh ooliag. uaek ar phi' 4; - - -'i: iag »■» cold ka anas- • •cm hrb irhnW axrf r j.- are aald aa?y ea oaiia. - .-r •* few ka rear* far th» *- • « nrr. thirty five mau far ibe 1« . jarl •r» P-rawmea led aaal pimMl be ' tiorn» »: Year waf" bo'b d too are o> I ! ?S € h-rd.-a* t | _ |m TOE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAEOIJNA r Nntj and harness; also one stock c I drap, including furniture and I anedical instruments ami all other r personal property situated in the of - . j Scf on Moint Street in Willisana**., iIN. C, occupied by the late Dr. Knight. ■ The property above mentioned vfl be i*>M at private sale, end for cash oc j terms to be agreed upon by the ut iwsigwd and the purchaser. Parties interested may call upon | the undersigned at any time at their WJI u>d pleasure, i This the 3rd day of October IM4. ADA B. KNIGHT, Exfcutrii C. T. A. ami Scle Dunning, Moore £ Horton. Attorney, liv? ELECTION NOTICE Nrth Carolina Msrtin County. Under and by virtue of an orvwr parsed by the Boanl of Conaiuiolms of aMrtin County .entered at the r regular session on Monday the Is* day of eSptember, 1924. Notice b hereby riven that an election will *v held at the usual voting place ir V illiants Ttownship. Martin Coaanty. or "he 4th day of oNvember IJJI. »being same time ami place of the tieneral Elect ion >, for the pur|M>~e of taking the sense o fthe qualified vot ers of said William Township. mi ;he question of whether the Bom>: of County Commissioners shall w. til ue to levy, in accordance with the ww existing Special Road Tav lj« of said Township a special tax for the purpose of improving ami main taininc the public roads -a.l Township f«r a period of fi*e i.y years from ami after the riiHWiw «" f -he no wfxistin? Special l!»»i Ta\ lew. At said election th.-~e qualifier , ts who are in favor of conttr\un"c said proposition shaft v.>te a KalM 10 which shall be written or printed "he woriis "For special r>x»d a\" arvi h*se opposed to the proposition shall '«« it nw stands shall vote a ballot or «h:di .--hall he written or printed If-' I aonls "Against Special read lav"" I Said election shall he conducted at I the time ami |tlace aforesaid by the j same Registrar ami Judges -»f dec |tM as shall conduct the • ieoer-d I elec"ton under that date .ami wider' h- rules ami i>tulltuii> a~ air j now provided for the eelctlon of retm hn - t.f the e«ineral Assembly, uiuttr tin general election law> of the State I ". iTticr of the l?>ard of t'oiai s!WMrs of aMrtin Coan') on this the (it day of September. 1924. S. S. BROWN, i Register of Dee«t> ami Ei-oStm' | r irrk to the Board North Carolina Mar* in County 'll i lie Superior Court ttefore the Clerk W It. Wooten Vs Willie hrake, Curtis Drib >«J I * 'iia It rake NOTICE OF SALE. I*arsuant to an order in the above entitled prow>liis sip*l kj R I Peel, Cleik of the Superior Court «-f M: ; r*in County, on the Ist Moewtay of Art. being Bth 'lay of October 1924. the undesigned commissioner ap pointed in the -aid onler ail on | I Registration and •- | Election Notice |j IK The Registration Rooks for the Rejris- mj. K tration of Voters will be open iram October P 4th until sunset on October 25th at the eleven voting precincts of the (ounty. II v|j you voted iin the last primary you are ivjr- *jyj istored. If you did not then set* that your i|i name is on the books if you wish to cast sjj your vote in the November election iti* The votinK place for Poplar l'oint Township has been changed to the New jg| Hurt School House All voters in said ||j Township will take notice. The following are the Rejristrars for ;*w; the November Election: ffl Jamesville Preciinct ~.i: Luther Hardison ~ Williams Precinct L*»e Hardison Griffins Perciinct, - - Ephraim Peele Bear Grass IVeciinct, Javan Ropers -£j fc=3 Williamston Precinct C. W. Keith uj Cross Roads Precinct, •—— J. S Ayers Robei sonville Precinct J. L. Roberson wal B Go! 1 Poiint Precinct. J. L. Croom jj?i gJPftiUr Point Precinct W. S White / Hr,; Precinct, R. A. Kdmondson !u:! fi Co - ; -/* ?*C3t Precinct, _T. H. Johnson $• 29th dav of September. 1924. IP» R. JENKINS, | 9 r.R FAGAN. i m H M. BURRAS, Martini COORIJ Board of Electiona. | of Thursday the Cth day of Nowmbei »; W24 at 12 O'clock M. is front of the r court house door in the town of Wil - l-amston. Martin County. North Caro - r I'Ha offer for sale to the highest hid -jetcr for at publx auction ihr fol ( lariat real esta'*. lovnt r IVvaaaded on the N-»rth by R_ 11. liur • acts. .« the East by J. K Etheradge. i»3 Suu.r. by J. A Jim-5 ar«l on 1 ;thc West by F. M. Edmorsdsoe. cor. r » acres more or less and be jing the same land thvt was deed-d to jlfta Wooter, by R W. Hons; ami wife by deed of record in Rook Y-I a? page 3W. This the fith day of Oct. 1924 ELBERT S. PEEL. Commissioner. Jlirtir ami Peel. Attvs. 10-7-P :m»TII e OF S\le ... _ OF REAL ESTATE i rder ami by virtue of the pomer , jaiirl autkt-n'.i contained in a certiir. .'«ie*si of trust W he undersigned tru- Iter. executed by Sabrtna Ward o > •the s*h ia\ of F.-hruar>. IK4. sael iNe' of trust being of record in the psW* registry of Martin Cuan'y ir. li ""k. tj-i at pace j#. said «ieed of trust given for the purpose of ym ; c rtair. rote vf even date ami : .aar therewith, and -he stipulations la .-aw deed of trust not having Wen n-rcjiw with., at the ! of the parties »n*ere>?e«!. ami in ior«-r> I »«c» with afc or- •• r of re-sale. _►! or- I r I «»er being of record in the Cierk's I Oftce of Martin County, the ctxier 1 ' .rr>rd. * ill on Mondr-. the day j 1 of tVtober. WJ. at 12 o'clock M :r ftwßl of *he t sirt Hihix" IV»»r > f Mai I fir Curly in William-tor North Cir - I Ina idler for sale to the hi.' | ier for cash, at i-uMw ..ut ,M th - ' Wk«r ■nr .»e-« ibe>i real esta"* : A boßse an-! lot in tie T«-»i of tiriliam tor. \ C_. on the >•■«» 1 . of Main Street, idjuiiiirr M « the norti . Mr Mary \ .•■! o i •I* East. » lane of Stre— :|t- South ami the lands of 1- - ,er llasoell or. the West. a:>i !w.sc th •am lami dee-V*! to Sabrina \ . •* by N. & Peel ' 1 His tW 4ih .lay .»f OrSoh--,. li»Jt | I WIIEELER M VKT'V Tre-t-e Mart it f IVe*. i . i MITM>: OF SALE OF RF XI. ESTATE* I i North (arilua J- Mart n tVsanty la Ibe Matter of M. E Halloa. \d j I— >«tra»ri\ of ibe E ate —t J. I* Katler. Ilrmod. Ek t*ari%. i I'mler ami by virtue «f a-- order • f rt*e M'p rwr Court -f Mart • ok:, j tr c |ecu! I*r ■ceeil'nV er*« • d *" ( tl» r-. tte-- of M E Hatton. \dmi train of '>» e.-tatc of J •* iiu l- i Acrw-oi. Ea i.*~ c* W c»ui)s>iMef. will or. Vexai. Ifc» " ' •lax of V«»r«k*r. W'l at !"* "Ht M. ir. 'ret! i' ?He t"--urt lio.j-e 1^ (in tie T»m of WiSiaaastoa. S ' , «ffer *'T • ile to the k K i> • biM- cash. :l (ohl c j'kiior. th* ff>' j k wine 1 sct:h«l red e-tat-* t-- :• j T* • |:. ek store Mildls - «n ti • . To«i of 1 line- il' *C-r h t"ar«d«r same |. -m« .« Water Str»-t. j-1 v* inr th» :.rtrk store l>l "Kv b .lorg*s! t.. I P Uu'Wr. at tie *m»e «f • I LOCAL MARKET SOT THE IAJIGEST W GOOD AS TR R9T erAts death. t This 3w h) of October. 1534. - WHEELER MARTIN. C« iWKaonw I - Martin A HM, Mtyj. 10-7- NOTICE FOR TAX DEED i« Sjrtnesler WvoUrd «>r ani o"v-i 3 T «'#Sfd or You * ill , lift Mtin that OR Uw 3*n day of I Vv I*3 u«r lot ai the Town «i I A ..li3ia>t»n. V C «i- mj&j for jji a*e- due the To**, of WiJla2B> l : ar.. N l tor tite y*»r IS2J a»j ibe Town of W 'i!iam-v»r . \ C. brr* a y »'w parrnaei ml you wij; fus "cer Uk? c»ttt* that i? \on faii ?r» P»> ti|e >a*i irn-tr,: tae "■''l tas"s V. -v'sy .n X-»\eirber 1924. the Hat i ' > > tawissaaiteis of *be sa»i r»« i| ■ .ietnan.l of the Ti\ t\.|}ect.»r a[ r ■» for the above Tow® !oti as t-y * 1 la* rrovhied for the sale of lar> for turs l-> outer of the Hoar! of Tn G H HARRISON. tTerk J J. I- HASSELL. Mayor I*l BUt' L*\l» S%LE I I R'Wr ai*>i b> Ttrtoe of power of sie wta-r#»l ir that (Vrtjit wws of ro>t e\ecute«l kt H 11, if»i fife. Saraf J. Miefle to '.He (TiirV., Itatttj Tru.-t tV T»x4r* and (war . J let >«ate of March i*r-l inj sr | -annt *he -am of T k rt% I've Hcr*'r>» ; IVjlii• payable to IKr I'? Kiential Ir-anrrf ("on>pa»\ i' Am* t | o «sefa»!t Suvir.f by- mt!r ir tH» I of -ca>» T»Jeb"e.|-w - a:- I *etn»- of ,-a>» Ira-! i ~«fer "H* -u«?er wiR ,«e- M«*\I»AY. Noirti'ber .Ipi at I■- . i I PLENTY PNEY TO LOAN! | i i 5 Percent Irteiv i c -n'improved fa in laiuis j s Appiv to !| S ! DUNNING, MOORE. & NORTON I I i W'LIJ * MST«*N NORTH CAP. i j j , . i r . » * NOTICE OFMtH'RAIIC CAW A S THK I>KM(X RA* IC ( { FOR THK IKt ;ISLAT \ VK AXi* M HER j COCNT OFKM !. - v V»• ! A!>l r-SS j ! » THK CITIZENS OK THK COI'NTY AS : FOLLOWS: JA.MESYIfI !: TOWNSHIP I October 28 Daiu iis School House j Octobe.* 27 Hixwn * IHK>I House October SI ie, School Hou-w*. | Wll.i I A.MS TOWNSHIP \ October 1(» Sandy Riili'e * October MO Fair Vit A j (i IN: YmYNSHIP October 11 Killers Mali October 27 Farm life School { i " ii ISKAK (.'RASS OW NSHIP October 17 I>car C»a.-s School JinH? CiM>. S Li>\!>S TOWNSHIP October 1H ( ro^; K a«!s( hurch November .5 Kveretts ROKKiittON YH LI TOWNSHIP October 14- -Pari tele October 28 Cold Point October 29 Rol»ei-sonville / ' I }\ POPLAR IMPNT TOWN'SIIC.* October 17 Sprir.j- Jieen School House [j-r - November 1 Mi'ls .School House HAMILTON TOWNSHIP October 30 Hamilton October 31 Hsure!! COOSK N*£ T TOW NSHIP October *,5- Oak Citv 'if l Everybody is cordially invited 13 at tend and bear the i su ;of ihe =!av discus- u UL s°d. - All meetings v. ill Le held at 7:30 P. M By oiiler of the Democratic Executive Committee of Martin County. CLAYTON MOORE, Chairman. o vh - ' 1 I 12 o'clock Noon before the Cwt Lorn* door at Wiiliait—. X C. Mar tin County sell, at, public sale to the tM oer for cash the f«iiant( «K.«ed land "Sitoated in WnrAift c-ur.t> of Martm. ud begosait at a Take on Use north side of the r~' *■_ a turner between the La«!«a« Ofeanee ar-i J. K dwaut 6»ct X-42 1-4 la«S !> cha»c- ar«i K!- S ,rt) up -a«s path; there* al.>~jc aud folli a, rih SM 1-2 «tei 'H - east !!>■ ca*',-. Uk-i.c* -oa h U 1-4 ■« nu.. ea.4 liu cr.i.r-s. :n*i f rt .tr, - east V. u': nor i . 47 *- » ree» west 10 ('aai-. soitls ?? ■«)[r»> »f-t - ~.~v (Bains ;« li. r*- j-en brarcf l ; thenc* wi.h per. (•rsnci -.niti, 4 west :4 s»> chains to Kate- fcrarta; titer** wji h Tales branch -oa'fc 1 *t"ee- eas-1 ; 1-x.Sti chairs; there* oa:* £7 .least - I:*"*> chains; theec-*-3* ••leitree- east •» Ihe an»t cor.!aar,jjc il«» 1-2 acre®. and beui g *is v»-y trac: af land purrha-ol b> tit* sa*B I: R. M x*o* .«f H t • j»rk r - : ai- arVh -i*l !•*! is twor"*! «r Hjtp C®aa !\ |hi64.v r«i-tr. ir. bt> 4 ■ I-jjf# ?x- IV vim liwi of : ts- r i Sr II K Muelle ar.i wife t-. O Trust Co i> tr Maitie (i.s puhi,* reiti-try sst b.4 I" I «are 10. —l^—.at .saV wJI be »x|Uire«i to .yp-i* > ■"« '>»r rul jf the ap' -ar; t-- »o ca-H or, •be •■.l \ o» ;h«- >ate. TI.l- Sept J~*l ISfl C Vjßilfj r-tt-t *'->»• - Tr* V V RUt" > .. »' „> W \ Ihinter., a"*v "t , wr»illr \ l' fbr! IWI. 1 -, T V'U am*tor. \ C !.* t

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