WtM BODR HULKS SELL TOC* TCCAOOO AT WMSTON The Dixie Warehouse Leads M V : In High Prices For Tobacco. Look the Sales Over Below, and Bring Us Your Next Load and Let Us Convince You That We Lead In High Prices. H. L. MANNING— L. H. ROBERSON- C C. RAWLS— GRIFFIN AND FREEMAN— _ pounds at -30 cent*» _ $22 80 -50 pounds at 65 cents *l2" jS 36 pounds at 20 cents $ 7.20 pounds at 41 cents SHto. f ß 84 at 41 cents 11 34.44 fj JSSSS? ~ ~ 35 S2 "2 pounds at 29 cents __ *2.48 3 l&l jxmncis hi oo cents 101.20 % IK)Unc is at 59 33.04 ~ at " 12JM 90 !>ounds at 49 1I£! 184 pounce at .« cents, J41.68 1(Ml J>ounc j s at 70 cents _ 70.00 ** |jj cents pounds at 0 cents ™,JML _J 626 pounds for $348.66 316 pounds for *160.28 for $lO7 76 292 pounds for SI2O 32 AVERAGE 55.69 AVERAGE 50.70 ~ AVERAGE 45.27 AVERAGE 41.20 - Meador And Taylor i)IXi ; WAREHOUSE WILLIAMS'!ON, NORTH CAROLINA - r Hr> 1 03k> Vl*fTr: of I?\ tDOftitf llif «r*l ff.'t If. !W fit • ill Mr> o*cmr Andfrxm • • • • Mr Hirr> A C»d it Raieijrt win fnrt*t> • • • • Mr aD>: Mr> We>»ey ASlrr >n-i tt.- ile km. I*e»4ey. jr . M*~ K4-rJt i**r Gorki; an- vtmnf Mr Mr W. M IVrry a! tr«eir v-mr si \.-« lc>» r Mbv- Hiiibf*,' 11 1 arf \i« l yirai Bn!l mill attrfki '-*■* «i.»!•> is Scx»:lar*i N«*k toniirh* Jlessr? Krar.k ar»i Ir*i»_- M. "f«» - ;:rxi Si'.rar W sfti*r •'rfc-ai - nni.»r !« Riifkj Kmin* Sands} - Mr » T Mea-w.»-.»r aic' Vi H *3!um.-. jr mrtumi t«> Han-ihi •Suiia! BE *\ KR l»\M HEMS Mr Mir: Mr-. H A (°l!:pbrr a»J Mr Haicowt K«f«r> as »• -v»i |H» !>-n?r-jriJ rrrivi! si II S—.-I UnjntMuy m>»r' Mr uu Mr> M G l'r*t a?-i far -3* vpfr! Sarxiay i W a-ttii.rU* » •> Mr* I'eeie's » -i Mr, M \f Can Mt Mr Rißir Cell iAn irf! Frm> R«rr rr*.r,«' »r»r t,- »»ll «i>r rr!jtnr for M>fw sime M»>?r> A I_ R . • . !« Rayr«©r alVrft-V! !►» In* - • - *c rrntal ir ll\rr-V.r \\ -■ Lifht Mr- Emily (" Miu'-«ii m? \«rf-*'k rmr' Sur-ia;. to .(# «s -e\ -». a' ««4- *ifK r*-r 4*fr. Vf'v if i; |>»,» M«-- l> I>«tM r r-' M:-.rr •M«>r»! t© CimiTilk Winter riW Sui>s j» jiftrrr— r . O' l '*' a rujjr.her «' of t'i- I'teiiW —-r-v *. a' !•» Ba«>" -! fhnrrf ir. W uantu* Scr/jai 4 writ Mr- Ht Rav abt Mr- Sr T 1! Sa-*i?A wTth Mr « l« R,«rr Snr-!i> srhoal Ki- bee-r orrat i> at Vert*•' rti«rrk ln-ri Sar-iay a* i*rrx».-' I' 3 od.k tk« ■s*fcw! ail! *•" Evmkoi) cwnitally mrit*.! to "refiner Parties" MJlun-t»r. N C Oct. 8. IK4 TW ialitur: • TW telffpr N C. Frvnl:- A- a r-jrular psUvL of >w paprr >t»r? I «» si-ktßjf tic t- pubti.-r. ir.ru )ver rolcmn.- ar. u»«cr t* vnat a ""IVttirr Pirt>" i» I an vrC pa-t the fiaj-oer a** of life, bat nil) ! kit* yw/t *M MUX a greet drtl »*k yoan* |*v pie. The fiprr>-:w "PrtUiijr" -.«n to he t|uw nxunw amiGg c-rtair. of d> j i s« bat I am anabt» to yet a aatx&tar r . araacr '» jart wktf TMtil mmi Pminr Partie' are 1 try to - aMa.4 of "*■ 'ia!» an awt* or faauar wRi Ka>:> Walter i TW Leap* of \'a taw, Amdf Gu.. etc. bat I am fonr aa to iK'tl y«ar srpwjpr kww- M( to rr ur r%tt «a "Wttir** Tl Ttf- - ymm ia arfrantr far tkk l * J Cordially. A TOBACCONIST SI USCKIBER- M» CARL 11. McGOWAN FHHIj Norfolk. Va, -fll| b fa ton WilMiky. TtanA), aarf Frifa, to tokr pictare- m tkrj Mto MT, r*a« M-MIHI j .vniifwhtre n. ihr saint brjri:miox f hi>lur>. M»m-!inr ?r. lw - lit. «i { funrottrl; |R-t, i» fi> t» «il" ; fir* W««' k'r-t fria *w i>-.rt; I uf H.I; -!II itofi falli!.! j irirtmir humanity. IX'V E sa- '» : ( rmni Ji?rr»- Ibt httoor » WTJI : a »i •■ro-licchii t'.r ShriH., Snr -l!II. tr«e ai«: "«w /"'> ha! arr x> fi"-«H y r* iatn! Ihi 1 rreal rulntifr pc. -.-Kf of nE> kirni. U.»VK I'Kl I IN> L- a foiw of k»*e. Oki a •* are>, bus rir» a- to urn It i> 1 uri*r>t?% f (if »w«-" ii;' 1 ' !■. h.i* y ji*>. Hi|y . iw «•! * .«ul- with I HI: a -IT ir..-uri' 1* * *uM f'H'.ii.f i> fmini «>r.!y in t*» r i.irarv of tl* l -i a;*« l«ruif o«rtioy. Is i -Bpi"' "! "« l« . ir by IN. rin tlir ,-rinift of Itfo. but thv- i.- a l»»J»u '.-r .'!u-h»r. Mamt me?! alt-; if tt-' iil-il* ptllt" »ftrr *k> a bit «•' pe' IF. BIT nviolly amay fr»»-n IM.XIM-: OW •: -» a ith • !t«*fr»-> bniir- ar«i I! a*rl mitvi- if -atliirs? !i» i?^iu!i«- • -ur" . *-urir riri lovr to -- vsarn-! -r*- to j*■ * ara»i' ■ 1-: mahl.- !o»air ab>»ut rt !l"*rift'f. rrfry r...r ka> " > tborrt. \ « • V • 'i i !V : : i. ; . i I /*t . ■* k**- r* > % i h - ■ v~ I j | I Ml I WAY SCl'.A'i: With Zeidinan and i c lie Shows | r... , . ' =r_ ' -> „ ■ j I ♦ i I Furnace I Wtftrfl Special ! Ip lift up®- ... . This Week j 5S® ** *" alffMx u e*ir» bit# K »pm*l »a («num tfc»» i fMB «nL »f b»r IW j 4rffui mtr Cut* ! g I'cricfr ->kirfc «•*» »W»* IM eolur naib] i> "*lkirr iU-ul i)i» IK» hrk'taf »> tV , J utmxt pvmbiß nanH - *n. Tut htatet Lw*%- a |de« «l fur ailurr Hrab- tk* bnlthfal ■»> —fwaicf I nnUi J moi-'. «n# cirrmUiK-r. of «r. | Supplied in a color to hannonize with your | furniture. Choice of mahogany, blue or jrray porcelain emu.iel. A plain fmiish for a third less. 1 l)»n't buy a heatinig plant until | you have seen this. 1 r .. - • — : —-- : • : ' B. S. Courtney , I __ _J ..rid |*ttir.j; L- a nwvt iiutprrott . i-'imr "It bru.r- about' (»iiipiicatMK of the heart aM ua«- ~iri Miaietime- r* inner. It >twak I* 'akrt in liytit rtusts ai»i fu ap»rt Ivttins L- -er> j .jaiiar --sooi (».r. v.h«i tf e'r an- if.; i ..-w»l !as IKRITIII. .«• the I»*T.- J««'. , l>r rt ;i> r «h --i Oi Pettis }»-rtte>. Mh ! fn-ir .*.r* c- rti tiUi " thy came ■« For furth-. n form: _e "»(• , _ l». a very |»>[Ntlar W"!her tohtarrpm-i | "t> *-ltJ) U- hr»o-t exery fall M»SI |MM.: IM•«. AN>«ERS T«- I tiame of I »rive"; lw-: 4th Satur •lay «i x-pu-mber I *--rv i> mtsit* ■ * iti Mark ear- aa>l biark | Kmanl if returned to Herry Ra-1-. Routr Xo 3. City. JS , :.-IST FEMALE WtSTuN KI LL !*»-. BniKllr. >h«rt ear-. K.rr'er ' notify N'at Chtrry. City R I. 2t j \t»TK K t»» SALE ! ri-'i-r ai»i by ttrui of lit* |w»ti • ' -ale eonfaiiseil ir. u mfaiii -ie*- s of ■ • *c-t UTUtol by C \ lar-ofi arxl THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTOX. SOKTH CAROLINA if«-. Lula W. Carson to the uiuutsuu*.- . tru.-tee on tlx Ist .lay of Jan. ISCI. - "v. toach saki oee-1 of tru.-f is of r tor 1 ' thr public reglslr) of Ceß : .> in Hook G-2 at iraiic 167, said >ie. - trust having been Ktveit -*> - . .oii no.-?, of ev (Lit «• ifw; . j -with ;h- sJpulation.> nwu. ai the S*H 4 net-It of irust hairi% " j» ,en to set'-irr cer'ain n s -.Mi ..ite ai». ' mi.- ;he»*itfc v-*' e s.ipulatio: - cc.nu> rie«i in the •! , ' «•' f>*"T»V«=t lit." i'ii me brfl rtfa ' Ltoi - A JMid_Jefaul: ViViiiC hre - a»' i>i payrm ;t of the iw v » * ♦.' W tnrr»*byai.l at the >•? I J. >Jie'-s of ll .-.->>■! . oU's ' K jm- I- *-rs;r :*■! tiusle" v. !I.' on Tu \-L> Ile ! ith ■ ■>} of Nov IVi! 2* ','J fioiit of t!i •ojr' h.,u-e iloor tr . .it:* toll! of Will i.ti: siori, Nfcjr.h * • , ;j. iim offer f or sab- • .(•«* !>y:he*t , I- rr for ca. h a: public r.ort:«>a :!W[| (lescnUr-i r.al «-.-tiit«. . i>> | ' 'it: I j B* .;* (#' lot 'v..' 'in the v • of | a 1 if*T* !«". V. C f ; j •Vttinrinr «' r 'run >tak- ; f kail > r «.c Si•«•*». Ku r-irn-r, , F 'Southwardly "wile Ku 'buck's line ISA , lif to an iron lake in sait Kurbitk - ; i» ari ' 1.. U iiliams corner. Ihrw , J" «i l jkith K« ."buck'.- line Ij» J |- -- >• a lake in Hailroaii snt! • j ■ j-'iUid c..rt>- r, 1 her rr Kxstw »■£!> i - K ■'» .!.l S rjet 77 feet t«> the 6 1" -in' i«tf «, " vm . 'he h«u r at*l '«* r-y ■ !•«»«( to J I Whitehurst h; J T i f THE ROANOKE FAIR I I '-• in Williamston, North Carolina | if - ' " " ~. . 1 IV • H |r. t 'i ffl | Opens Monday Night Odober 20th. 1 I Full Programme and Fireworks 9 | Tuesday October 21st. School Day 1 I Every Child Admitted Free At The Gate | ir COUNTY Ft KID DAY BY THE SCHOOLS j 1 | . • "* ■ ■ . 1 |l| 1 Five Nights ' Four Days 1 Each Different j v. . .uke.-, uicr rwivtved by M hiteiiurst L. I> Roebuck. Keitir the nttauczl • property CTnvrje-i in i littd from I_ - !* Roebuck uni wife to s»*l C. V.| - if-M u«i lula V. Carson, ditm jo t l * SM.fr-, fey of Nov, ISiU. Ar»l tte -•J w f "f-j-t 's rrep'eH foe »e par -f Ih laymt of l I j . : the purer:-, w" p.-r- \ -4l . r> ■ rrat cn ia .aid iw>i. T». * l'bh .lay of Oc*_'W. j T JONES TAYIJOK. Tr» I .'ljiiß ;nd IVel, ittvf. 10 14-4 MHIt K OK SALE I ' f I r.- er arnl i»y virtue of th> p »fr j Jri i»'.Ouf;lj (MIU .'.kl in a ce.tair . ml of -nist, executed to .he ur ier- j *Bj oi .asire by |( llatlUiW»y arl , «r fe iu Hatha ma > on thj 2>Nh day J April. !>E, aM of reeor»l in the j Iridic re*i-tn of Mart n County in I BmA H £ at pa*e 261, said • ;ee?i of ■ i"-as. »rivfi to «Hure ~ rtote of ' een j is te ?od (n«r ther-*with. an>l the i .-t'feaJatioos in said 1 nl of lm«t not { feavujjt tem complied nr.th. a' th? r- ! •-ne-« «f the |arU» iatacesWd, th * t" Mtp4«r-. «iR on Tuer.tay. - Xwieinta, Utr. fKt*. at 12 o'clock SI «e front of 'he C«;urt Hou »- ileo- of I Maria County in Williamston. N rlh ,1 arolina. «.ffer for sale, a! public . uc tV"« to the hi(iif»t bi«Wer for c .sh.» l>« Wlowinr i«.-«rihed real at a corner of the pvbiir « ji>'l the Sebnori Itn w»> lire, .iml nirjim« alone sakl line !'->uth te K LOCAL MARKET XOT THE I-AHGEST but GOOD AS THE BEST T. Ai*ii*w> lute ami tf* (-UoJ *>« tU' the KoberwaTiUt iW II • I«i'» Kom. thence akwir =>»*t rnX Xw - |to the beginning. This the lfeh -te> -f Ort«*«. IKI J T STOKES. Trart-* Xirtin »n-l IW. »tty-. 10-14-4 I LADY FANCHBON CoL Uttkton's Educated Horse with Zeidman IHt- I HA~I.ES J. sAWYEB 1% UHimr. N. C. OFFICE YORK Bl'll DING I*rartice limited to Eye. Ear. K-«»e and Throat from 1 to I 2a Wiiliamston every Friday tftawa

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