LAST CALL FOK THE ROANOKE FADE. WILUAVSTOX. V C.—FOl'R DAYS AND FIVE NIHTS OF JOY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 71 FAIR OPENS MONDAY NIGHT OFFICER LOSES A TOOIH; COW ES SCAPES DROWNING Cdorcd Man Knocks Down Policeman and Escapes iWSiau- Township CanupMdoNt i Mr. Roj Andrevi came near ilrowr. ir.g a com ■ a .liypuiK vat recently. j Jir - ittl Ibr cow in bark 1 ward from a standpoint of a safe ■ getting N*. Ike com went in the ««■* etui ai the rat and when shr |«t in sit fiii aeitchr swim out walk Ml Mr tan tn*d; 4 Mr. Andrews M to frt a —«y» to get her out. At a recent awing at a Primitive Raptwt dinrck. colored, near the Ren Gray place on tke Jamesville-Wil Iwtia rand. tke police officer raised » mart that he was knocked !»■ 1. by a strange colored brocket and in tke affray tart a tooth Tke report was that tke officer wa.- drnkaf IN was the instigator of tke tiodk Not ao ranch blame was ■ttnckaJ to tke mn who knocked tke officer ont for taking advantage of kit poor wa Ike officer brandished km paid aioacd with thunderous threats wkta wer«* else was he having in' an ord-rly manner. ATTENTION - SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS A macting of great interest ami important* wiß he held on Friday OrtoWr 31st at tke Baptist churrh 1 kit is to he a Count v Sumta* Sckssl CoomOba m tke interest of all the thadax Mr. D. V. Sams. State president. Mia Floosie Davm. associate suprnn I If lint, hoik of Kaletgh. and aevera I—l and other count) workers will kr on the program. The matter of arrangements will he antler tke aaipirr ■ of the super ialiadiatu of tke local Sunday schools Farther smomitatnU of plans an pi«|im wffi be made next week. TEACHERS OF COUNTY TO MEET HERE TOMORROW Tomorrow opras tke 1*24 -tt Count > Tmtktrt' Motac Tke Reading Circle as it is rightfully called was held one Sktnntat *. ui e\er> school moath last year am. p#wl to be a very mat and of much hel| to the irhul as well as to th= teach en atteadbg. The meetinrs will l» aader the dwectaoa of Svpenntendent Pope awl record meetings, are expect cd to be heU this yea. Tim being tke int meeting of this «b ml year, every teacher in tke canals is nrgexl to be in attend FIFTM ANNI% EBS %RY SALE OF MABKOUS BROS AND BROOk* Tke iftk auißtan and expansion sale of Maisoias HMkrn aad Brooks •a* of WiUnm-ton's sasartest and ml ariasv* sttres, began today at am o'clock Tke stare has greatly enlarg «' luultl} aal tkey are offering tke baggest ana hest line of merchandiso ;a the bajJBT J—hi c that they have ever atn : /t :ke height of the senaan. akj ewrryene is 'most tend) t- hay wartr anca.diae at regular prices, Mar oils BJO her* and Brooks tie •' 11 tketr fifth anniversary *alr and girsa (ca imin tke benefit cf gi 1 all J ie iace I prices at the most Tkey are celebrating their fifth birth •lay m a d-#eeeet m oaer from the in •i.vidcaL lastaad of receiving gifts, tkey are giving tketr friends aad cus tomer* a treat in tke form of values hs minhnaiiia that vriD he long re ikis firm has enjoyed a marvelous growh aiace ft began business in sarvuas oI its. monager and buyer. Men Frank aad Irving Margatis; second, to oeßmg oaly ap to date and sS*ap to its gammas policy. ~l j Lk.iMj refunded if no* Mra LC Beamett aad Mrs. Wheeler Mr. Mi Mn. T & ShM, Mn J D Tkaaon ami Mioa Bra Mai at 'toadM the fair la Cmaißi Thara ** : t rrn THE ENTERPRISE ROANOKE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION COM PLETES SESSION Attendance From Local Church Very Large The Roanoke Baptist Association one of the largest ui the State, com I posed of Ks churches and numberim lover 104)110 members, concluded its | annual Hem ion of two days at Tar boro Wednesday The attemlance was large and the meetings aw brim ful of inspiration and enrouragemeni Rev. G. H JohiisMi of Enfiel preached the annual sermon fron Exodus 11:16, "Speak unto the Chil dren of Israel that They go For want " It was a wonderful message, thoughtful, inspiring and challeng fa«- Introduction of new pastors was gracefully done by Dr. Charles An derson, retiring pastor of Scotland Neck. Amonr others Rev. Chas. T. Plybon of Washing*"- R" « L Shirley of Williams*on and Rev. W. G. Hall of olthnaaa ille were pre sented. Other viaaton and representa tive* of tke variant denominational activities were presented ami heard in doe time Report* oa all of religiuu: j v ork as fotstervd by Baptist including State. Home aad Foreign Miseior Orphanages. Edacational and Minis tenal relief were presenter! ami after informing ami inspiring disciassiol were atwpted The meetinr* «til be W.I with the First Baptist churrh at Washington N. C. next year. The attendaace from the local church the largest in the association. Tne following persons fu m l»ere H»- t> ivied one or bo h days: Rev. an. Mrs. R L. Skirtey. Mr ami Mrs 1 S Coartney. Mr and Mrs. W. L Ta>- lor. Mr. ami Mr- J H Bntt. Mr am! Mrs A J. Samaaerlir. Me*>rs J. W Anderson. A T. Crawford, It A Critcher, Joe Everett, Me>alame.- Wheeler Martin. Art'je Amlrr~i.n, V J. Hodges. Joe Ta\'or Several from Itiddiek's Grove also were in atten ■lance, among whom were Messrs. John Hopkia>. Joshua Colt rain, Wil liam Hopkins. Mrs J. H Riddick anil ethers. CHURCH NOTICE Protectant Fpasrapal Tke Ckai 1 b of the Advent Rev. tlaraawe O. Paido. Rector 11:00 A. M. Hoi) « union ion am. Scrmod 7 p. M. Kvenmg Prayer ami Seruaon. »:4& A. M. Samm> .Scho-I !0:W A. M Ailvent Bible Class. SEPTEMBEK TOBAC CO SALES RETORT Markets Sales Avg Price Aberdeen IIJM SiA.» Ahotkae XOM* 21.44) Carthage 1481 Chadboarae 1,1.!#96 12^4 Ciarktoa 137,7* 11440 Durham 42fe.724 . l*.4i br. field ZIO.GSO 21.91 Fair Blutf ~+ibX>4 14 7! Fttrmoat I.47iJS*«> 15.K^ FarmviDe 21.10 Futpaay Sprdrgs U6>44 2ZJSO G.eeaville »,177,7» 10JG: Colds bore Henderson 16^S Jacksonville 1«M&2 15.87 Kinstoa Hjc3»Jb7o 18.4S Liniabarg 190,10s 18 99 Lumbertoa " XK2,4fih 11^3 Oxford K.«4 P.netope 7*.J»«> 2U.6« Raleigh 2U.2T. Ri bersoavdle JO 36 Rocky Moaat Rowland IS7JM4 II.M Sanfoed Smith fiekl 1J1U24 1K.«» I Tabor «ua»9 UJS Terkoro tMj&t 20 if I Wallace MjM 17.12 . Washington IjBOR2M 18.7h Warrentoa >5.492 15.41 ' Warsaw ttSJOO 18.41 ' Wendell »MM 19 37 Whiterffie SXMIS 15.65 Wil ■ H an UZI.MI IIJI , Wilson ICjV79yXO2 21.47 , YoaagsvOr C&£42 19X1 Xehalaa TtiJM 19J» ' ' . State Total MtiajN SI9A« 1 Caapnliia Crop Report in r Service SUB9CUBE TO TVS ENTERPRISE I ' ** Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, FYiday. October 17, 1924. OAK CITY IN JUDGING CONTEST Three members of the aKricultural class of Oak City high school left Wednesday at noon for Kuleigh, ac companied by their coach, P. T. Long, where they judged livestock yester day. Two of the boys are judging farm crops today. Oak City hopes to at least main tain its record of last year and is try - inir hard to improve over its record of last year. In 1923, Oak City won seventh place out of fifty-three schools that look part ill the contest at the State fair, there being only a few points difference in their score and that of the teum winning first place. The following boys made the trip to Raleigh, Clyde Manning, Garfield Hunch ami Wiley Goodrich. ■ The boys feel very much encouraged as they won out in a contest at Rocky M unt fair last week. Clyde Manning winning 2nd prise in judging swim and Wiley Goodrich winning third prize judging dairy cattle. AVERAGESGOOD ON LOCAL MARKET October Will Lead By a 25 Per Cent Average Tobacco is one of ilie main com modities produced in Martin count> and when it fails in pounds or price business in this territory is wreath affected. We are unfortunate this ei-son in production, the crou being less than two-thirds of a normal yield On the oth.-r hand, prices; aie ranging much higher than last season. Septem ber did not show a large difference in price, but for October there is per hips a gain of as much as twenty-five per cent over last year. Many farmers hava averaged foi barns through on the Williamstoi maret this week as high as seventy ■ cents and lar.-je numbers goit: :g fifty ami sixty averages. 1 The local warehousemen have made J stronger pull for tobucco thi. season than for seevral years and c.inuderint: the short crop are getting good p-it lonage. While the break was not so large today, prices were' soaring a lound the high marks and judging from several conversations with farm ers they are highly pleased wiih th« sales. SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School, 9:45. We h:»d a fin last Sunday a id let's m.-'k' r.?*t even better. Ai 11 a. m. anil Ht 7:30 p. m. :.'gular worship, preaching by p:istor ;t lx#th hours The pi:blic is cordially ij vil' il. Kvery Methodist is urged and ' EXPECTED to attend, don't die be fore your time come?. On October the 21st (Tu" ; night) at 7 p. m. I will baptize those I who may desire rnj to by emersion in iht- poo! of ihe Disc : ple church ii 1 Williamston. Ail those who- desir.- I to join our church :"id d : ire !»•»•»-■ tism by emersion, please Ijike noticv ai'd be there. May 1 now thank our Christian . friends for the use of their church an' i pocl. It was kind of them to off»» ) the use of same. > E. D| DODD, Pnstor. I 1 Shower For Miss I'rilchard Mrs. Robert Norman was hostess I Friday evening at the home of her mother, at a miscellaneous shower . given in honro of Miss Murceil . Pritchard, whose marriage to Ken ( neth Lindsley will take place this ( mouth. Autumn flowers, candles and I Japanese lanterns were used in the lecorations. Little Randolph Mumlen , held the umbrella to collect the rain " drops, gool wishes for the guest of ( honor, who also received many use ful and pretty gifts. The above clipping was taken from the Norfolk Ledger Dispatch and wi|- be of much to the friends of the groom, who is one of the most I.rominent business men of William ston. Mr. Lindsley came here about two years ago, and with his brother j built an ice factory and established . a coal and wood yard and they have I become real factors In the business E and social life of the town. Mr. Lindaley left this week for j, Norfolk where the marriage will ' place tomorrow. ' ' ~" 4 ' OFFICERS HAVE NEW EXPERIENCE i INSTILL CATCHING; Will Chesson Places Still At Feet Of Officers Sheriff Rober>on and Deputy I'ee! hail a new experience Tuesday just (he sun was hiding behind the west ern hills when they were huming a ling one of the prongs of Reedv swamp and suddenly came across I hree barrels of beer. After medita ting over the circumstances for a few minutes, they turned aver the barrels and outpoured the beer. Every thing was lonely and ifuiet as could be. The officers walki-d a few paces to a fence and when they looked over it they beheld a portable liquor fac tory. Mr. Will Chesson had a .70 yal lon capacity still on his hack with the snout on his shoulder and Mr. I'almer White by his side with keu> and other equipment to lie used in the manufacturing process. Just as the officers saw the men they were seen by the manufacturers 'She sheriff called to 'hem to come forward and Chesson walked deliber ately and laid the still at the sheriff's feet. Different notions entered the man White's head and he turned his shoe sole.-, on the .sheriff and soon disappeared. Chesson said the beer was his and that the still was borrowed and White wi>s a helper. 1 hey are to appear before the Court at an earl> da'e. MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH NOTE!: - •:rxlay School. 9:45. Morning Wovship, 11:00. Evening Service, 7:45. l-arire congreations were present both at the morning and evening ••rvice last Ixird's Day. There was an attendance of 192 in the Sunda School. The itaptismal service at nigh was a'tendec by a larne congregation •'ltd was regtrded as a U-autiful and impressive -ervice. The «t.nual Church letter wa> read at the morning houi and revealel the fart that about six I ty new memliers have been receive"' during the past year and over tftum iii free will offerins has been con tributed. An attendance of sixty at Prayer Meeting Weden.-day nighl was most enrouraitin to the pastor anil his people Next Sundav the hand of Church fellowship will lie extended at tin moi nu.K hour to those who have jus' been baptizeil At te morning service the pastor will preach on "The Mill istry of Sucering". He is anxious thai all the agel and invalid folks who can will mitk- a special effort to lie at this service. At night he will speak on "The 1 nknown Hod" Come and let us reason together on these vital things. A cordial invitation to all th people to worship with us. R. I. SHIRLEY, Pastor Mrs. W. E. Warren Entertains The Embroidery Club • The Knibroidery club held its reg ular meelini; with Mrs. William K Warren entertainirg Tuesday aftei noon at four o'clock at her prett} home on Haughton street. Pall flow ITS in profusion in vases and crystal bowls were used as^l^corations. A delightful hour was spent in conversation ami embroidery before the hostess served an attractive salad course. Those present were, Mrs J D WM lard, Mrs. fieorge Harrison, Mrs Clayton Moorr, Mrs. M. A. Critcher, Mrs. C. A Harrison, Mrs S R Biggs. Mrs G W Harduon,, Mrs A. T. Craw ford. Mrs. W Her.ry Crawford, Mr. K. It. Crawford, Mrs Jno. D. Biggs. Mrs. P B Cone, Mrs L B Harrison, Mrs F. I'. Itarne* and Mrs. J. W An drews NEW BARBER SHOP OPENS ON WASHINGTON STREEi I'sing a part of the Farmers Supply 'i -npany's building on »i. street the L*-Next ItarU-i Shop has iieen openol by Mr Griffin of near this place. The establishment of a barber snop . in that section of the city completes ; the list excepting f bank, and it has been rumored that one will be open . id there in tke course of a few years. Mr. R. A. Pope made a business trip to Raleigh this week. DANIEL BLAND KILLS SELF ACCIDENTALLY ( t, Was Member .of Family Thirty-four Children | r i Early \e>lenla\ morning, Daniel j U'and went to the home of his bro'iiur > r \. iley Bland, to borrow his gun to | to squirrel hunting, lie picked the vun up ami in some w..y the hummerT of the gun struck ag.'iusl sort" "li- I ject and the «un tire«'. the entir- loud I assing through the youiiK u.-.tii'. I l-ody. The load entered just aOove j his heart and passed out above t.u ' left >houlder blade. F. 1.. Eilwanls, coroner, was called : vnd lie -umntuneil a jury and mad.- .i :ui! imestication. Ihe jur\ round I that Bland came to his death from a fun shot vrount 1 accidentally caus fit by his own haiui. Mr. Bland was 21 years old and leaves a widow ami three step chil dren. He was the son of Reubiu lilund anil wife and was one of a fsu.iily ol thirty-four children lie w« ii\ing rt Weldon ami was on a visit to hi; father ami niothei i nihe i tos. Roads section, near Robet «.•!ivilie HU IMSI> will lie L>UI id today at Jess,, liiirliuik's farm near Rolierson - vOle. ' :■ First Meeting oi Twentieth Century Club Vi cdiH .dio On We>lnesala\ afternoon at three thiry. lie TVei.tie'h t.n'ui. clul hebl lt-s fir-t |>ro"r:im nn- ton of ih, club year, at the bono- of Mi •'. ;i Anders >n. on Ex-t ai. i i >t r« The officers for this yeai ale M Whe*k-r Martin, jr., prevalent. Mi Warrni I'itrirs. vice president; Mi; Vella Amiiews. secietarv ; Mr I lay tin M«»ore. and Mr T. S Critcher. coairman of the progran. commit te. New members are Mrs Oscar Amlerson, Mrs. Dellia Carson Mrs. J. G Godard. and Mrs Kllierl Poel The club 111 .:| •;> for tu'\ tlii y»-ar pw ent da\ liti-mtun- and pro ?ram sub eet. »II In- tak n Iroir IXLOKS L'l£! "! L I The übje'; for Wednesday after i noon w: , "My tiardeii of Memory" by Ka •• DOUKI. Wiggins anil N |k.|ier *va »ir-,«an-i and read by Miss i Vrlla A.wlrews on Kite Douglas Wig gins' "ei.tiui* lor Friendship." Thi I paper was well written ami illudrat «1 b> her friendship for Dickens. Mis Kva Wynne r»-ad a selection Iron i "M; I iaitlrn of Memory" which wa very much enjo>eil 1 Mi-s Martha Anderson, ac I r. in|ianied by Mrs Wheeler Martin jr. saiiK "Ma Curl> Headed Baby' j ami Mr.s. J. S. Rhodes, accompanied , by Mrs. Carrie I'.iggs Williams, sani "A Gypsy Song." Mrs Claytor Moore read interesting current new: ar.d thi.» concluded the program foi the afternoon. Mrs. Amlersn s«-rviil a delicious salad couise with hot tea and sand wiclies, which was very much enjoy l «•'- The mvite«l guest' were Mrs. U I Shirley, Mrs. Pardoe. Mrs N C Green Mrs Carrie Bigg* William*. Mrs. W. II Crawford, Mrs. John Itiggs, Mr: IP 11. Brown, Miss Anna Crawford, ' Mrs Roy tiurganus, Mrs. A. Anderson, 1 jfc!rs. Julian Anderson, Miss Martha l.ouise Anderson. Miss Eleanor Stan ami Miss l.ue\ Turnnge, Mrs ' Seym«»ur, Mrs. C. It. Hassell, Mrs. I' B Cone, Mrs A R Dunning, Mrs O. H ' Head: Mrs. Maurice Watts, Mrs. Charles James. Mrs. Luke Lamb, Mrs. A Ha.-sell, Mn. Wlieeler Martin, Mrs. E P. Cunningham ami Misses Thelnip ' Brown ami Nina I'p'on Club members pre.-ent beside. 1 li ne wly elected one were. Mrs. Whee ler Martin, jr., Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Mrs J S Rhodes Mis* Eva Wynne ' Mrs F. I' Itame . „ Miss Vella An 1 drews, Mrs Titus -Critcher, Mrs. J W. Manning ami Mrs. Clayton Moore HARVEST DEPENDS GREATLY ON GOOD SEED ' Nothing counts more in the harvest * thai, the seed you plant. Mr. 11. B. ' Thompson of Washington makes a r speciality of seeds ami buys from re putable growers ami graders and can ' rapply your needs in the seed line. 1 Mr. Thompson wfll have a booth * at the Roanoke Fair next week and ' it will pay you to look over his seeds - and supply your winter needs for * covers, permanent pastures and any ether needs yoo may have. STAGE ALL SET FOil MARTIN'S GREATEST EVENT WHICH BEGINS MONDAY AND ENDS FRIDAY Show Train of Thirty Cars to Arrive From i'eters burjf Sunday; Poultry, Horses, Swine Arriving in Car-load Lots. TEACHERS AND CHILDREN ADMITTED FREE TI*ESDA Y SPEC IAL I'R( * ;KAM Thousands of Visitors Expected Dujinjr Week / ; PRttGRAM MONDAY MtdlT- Opening. All Sho#» on Mid**) will be open, free Acts and Kire- Morks Program t omplele. il KSDAV—School I»j>. VII Schouli in Martin Counlt Will Observe thi» da> as a \l! t hildri-n admit ted free at Main Gate IHn ing the Day. Special Program to hi- Rendared by Nine of Ihe Schools. WEDNESDAY—Bertie Day. rilt'RSDAY—Everybody's Day. FRlDAY—Beaufort - Washing ton Day. Gate* Open Each Morning al Pi O'clock. Program Pack Night alTligST I I'cloek. I'.ind "Concert l»aily. Hear litss Lady Who Sings Wi:h the itand ilternoon and Nih". All \-t Between E»er» Race. No Waitinic. Don't Miss the Fireoork* Greater tban last Year. "ItOWOhK FAIR. WII - • IAMSTON. N. t , Blt.t.Kß ItEri'Kß. \N|» GREATER •HAN I *ST YEAR. \V«I I II XT' GOING SOME." . - / ANNUAL itED 1 ROSS KOUa CALLS NOV 11, AKMISIICE DAY The annual Re I Cross i"ll cad wu begin Novemt* r iltii, Armisiici- Day continue throagh 'thank ijivi.. Day, November 2nh. Williani.stoii and .ll .i n. count) expected to secure * ia> no-mb year. We sent in only m. inter- io. the last yast >ear laii, ami tho» were the result of tne illort- of Mi P. 1.. Coburn and a few young ladle of the town. In the pa-st >ear we !>a\e bad K casioll to call on the Rel I loss tui help, both nurse.s ami mow) */r. :.ent. When the c>clone swept ilnougi Martin count), carrying absolute le struct ion in it.s |>ath. tne i:«*l » 'ros rent representatives in the next da> and they stayed in this couni> i> week-, afterward, leaving oid> »)« everylnxly had b-en care>l for an there was no actual suffering for ih necessities id life Eveij cmm wa listed and *aken car«- of in a sy.-te matic way which mirmt be done b. a temporary relief organization. Th- Red Cross has one of the most elfte tive working machines in the- .worl> ami it hamlled the .itiuliuii in Mar tin county in a very capable manner The work done heie by th« Re 1 Cross is mighty small in comparisoi with the great work that is done b; !t. Us work here should make a i!*ej impression on u.s ami help us to look up those working in tne campaign tc give them our doll; r. * rwo CASES BEFORE RECORDER TI ES. The Recorder's Court la-1 Tuesday had only two nse. O.i docke*.. Judf. Smith preside"l ami Solicitor Pe prosecuteil. Both ci es w.-re li|Uoi Ci'ses and neither re.|U.: -«l very mucl time to he heard. State vs lion Johnson Hid Jm Slade, charged Johnson ami Sladt w/'lh manufactu"ng Injuor They aal mitta-al having materials on h.- si. The defendant Johnson was firie-l f.KKi and all the costs in the ami ale fendant Slade was lined sso.tMi. State vs Ella Wilder was a ca>* of selling liquor anal Laving it in he: possession She was fouml euilty anal flneai $25. and costs -.nd sei.teivwl to jail for twenty days, which part of of the judgment k to W suspend -al for six months if she can show good bcharior. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE M VKE VOI R PLANS TO BE IN WILLI AMSTOJi DIKING THE ROA NOKE FAIR. OCYOBUt » ;TH. ESTABLISHED 1898 ■ The b ail -*t f«»r M_r Hi tci.ui.iy- greatest ev-nt Tiw ! Fair which up n» ili va"e> iit M«n jitay nitcht ami closes njrht, liMviiivj four «iay,-. and fiv- r.izhls of fun. ,amuM-Die':t and ftucj: oral wl- I vantage- to ih* people •»!" this -eel iv. Mr. il. M. IV. »ne «»eral maaa.;er j if the Roar.oke Fa>r A sotaM is (•lit- .>f tin* most ar«d enthusi astic fair managers of li.- w>Hde >Utr uiul he ha s|u red neither trouble Tor expense to brin- the fair up to its present hi»fh standard This- aim munrty has already profited by the work that he did in correction with the fair of last year bu" 'He program for this year will U' the culnumt on of his ijreate.-t efforts wKsch have t»ia.-ed the Koatioke Fa r a.sis »n(r the most iio e«l of the entt; -late. Ti>e executive staff of tSf Fair ~~ Association is composed .»i r**osi c=tp . -Uiilt and etljr'fnt ;ye: »uaK K- Mr T W St: it h-on of jl.*k> Mount wil! (»• office executive aga»• his year and everyone who ma te •-nine- in I . ' year's f:ur rumnf-r her pm fic M'C\ in the office M* "I ho- *a" 'of? vho is one of the h» - * iasi'i ■! horse men in the I niteil State- wil! have charge of the races. The free ac's of the the* this year *■ ill consist of a concert twice daily f the M ullson (iar>kn baini ami a if rand opera ilso a choms •laiire. :« conmtv act. an acro batic act ami many other- TV»e acts 'are in a differet * cla-s f-.-.-t a;- 'bin* h.'i' i u ual!> re t at r i Tlie fireworks program will ticrfij i-livthimr seen in l!i>t."i> « ..lira ar»i it will !>e more this n tw as large a- it was last v >»a r . Show Train \rri«e» sundii The how train of the /-»|ma:i an«i Pollie Show- oi-istinr %,( "hirty Ixviil cars. Mill arrive Sa"stay from I'eter-liuiwhere th-»y lave been shouiiu' this »ii>k Tver"; five -hows are put on »y thm ami _.■» (H'tlexv ly clean in every r»- : Messrs. /eiilinan ai it Jtmim • s,i«o are immln r- of the Sh»wm»i.~- 1 ri«"aTive Committee which »pmn>r- only clean amusements Tl KSI».\). t lllt.l«KI.\ S DAY A i ihe main i;au lui - .«> ;very chihi. .-mall or large, »!>. ■#. , v hite or black, »i v'brr wor- ju i .-o Jour are a child, yuu '*di b -•'i. fiee of charge In the es'atlishi. •n. v" . L:> —I the Koanoke Kair. u i I -»-• tiiit an \ Inteli>st might U aKakaiww. iu tJi.- younger cilurus, not ufu> . - she amusement hue but alot.. . r iiJus- Irial ami agricultural hw - Im- .. jin aceineiit like- ti> see tW .*> iiavt a i;i>:hl tune; .HI e»«i)th:a- ".hat will jjo toward pleasing t!w. c!. «irea Us l-een attended to. An interesting fU' > ta.. |>r«:.*.ni ' hits lieen ariangfi! l>> tit-. . r.n-os ichools of Maii>n County, anal this feature within it.-elf *.ll ; ci ■ v. jfth whil* your cominK o th- i. e.- S".mit» of all kiiuis will tie -tajrr«. I his |MX> Krai 11 has ha»i tue inckui- of -vei > prinopui .11 the ci ii lj- awl is expecttil t» pltk-:^. Al the Ma rin cmdn.% ii-acher i laeetuiK tomorrow afteriws in tfac li ral school aualitorium, passes, will ht ixsuhl all the tearf»er> ■( tht ctain ty for Tue.-iiay, school iU> Several carlumb of tatv i.vrs» have iiireaily arriveai ami en*r.r- .are being receive*! now itaily in niiuhers for the different «ie part men ts Messrs. J&rks ami Koberson are rcc, irnj ap plications for entry cards f.—m pan trymen from all over the cuoa ry and their ilepartment will be filled to «w --fli.winir from all indications Thousand of visitor* are expected to visit Williams ton and the Roanoke Fair next week. The Chamber of Commerce and the WOlkur-toa peo , pie are making (Ml preirinti— for entertaining those who will vi tl oar town. r . r® Leave far Orphaeage i j v Vj, " Misses Ruby. Lacdle. Mary Mm* ■ f Masters Evan and Wheeler Wa/d will ' leave for Greervshore Mia liy w irabir J 1 where they *9 eater am erpbeaege. | bom by" Sap*. Pape wW wfl r tin 5 next Tuesday.

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