*JVTCH THE LABEL ON YOLR - P .rat IT CAKKIES THE DATE YOIS StbSClirnON EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 73 THIRD ANNUAL ROANOKE FAIR CLOSES TODAY; RECORD THAT WILL BE HARD TO SURPASS, ESTABLISHED* AlmrOi Ihree 'thousand Automobile* Entered Grounds Thursday; Klaa Parade FOLLOWED BY SPEAKING The Dure At - ajj fajr of the Roa- K'ke Fair asc*.uation do.-es tonigh' liter Uv r»sj fair of i'u lie The ieat2» were opened Monday } eight and .lr?pile Ute rold weather, , the grown*- have be?n crowded every .lay ami nigh-. Yestentai, considered the Big F'-.y • ot th- wt>4e wexk. was «en the oij - i gts* day s !i» h!.-tor\ of th- Ron rekr Fair i? «*aUon a> well as th_> l ' Martin Cointy Fair association whk. preceded it. The fair fran ai. educational sUnii pout, »- -Jipfnor to anything that ! ever hee« P"» •" in a fair in th'.-. I sectioß. The psohn, swine and live stock ilipirtrumb «fre very fine, an) the agnraltmii exhibits of the dif ferent counties wr? iruika'.ire to . fall wa>ue of the frui'ful and pr>- • uctive in *kif ?« ion Brnk Wu> I'm. Price Bertie cmi 1> won the first priii f» r cooil!; exhibit.- and Martin cou.i ty took seeorai priz-:. Bertie, one of the richest roaatie- of the State in natural nr«wrr - frxni an aimeultur. staadyont. not advertised herself a- much v- -ace or her counties bu: she rank- with the tw.d. Farw Ide * tw» lm Prire In coamaaauty exhibits, th? Far . Ijrfe school cime out with the honor-, (hit ■rrtiwt ha«in« the b»«t bulane 'I dvplai of any wMnr.iui i" r°j>r. -ent« • ! The dfcplays of Oak City and Jam* -- ville were rey crMitable. Oak Ci?y Kat a none elaborate display of (ciri aM women's w,.rk ami Jame-ville w ftroiwvr in the men's ar«l boys' evnihat- Oak City was winner of the I Mtocd price m this d.-partme-.t Thursday was 'be Himni of the en tire week ami "hiring the day about three thou iiii iut.mobi>- iron* park ed in the rrwiivi- and other private paikir.g aner? filled. The feature o' that day parade of the Kp Khtv Klar. wfcirb took plsr' at eight thirty in the wwinf. Giawdalaod Parked to «ee Parade Cranb were on band to witne-s the parade, far it n.« 'he first tiiw hi the history of th? onkr that a paklir kair tr«" ion ha.- been (riven i!i Martin maati The pi.rade wa form r,i on Main street ar»l the klansmen. ciad la linear costume.- and headed by- Old Glory, aaained through town and oa to the fair grounds where tfcey wtfit the race track ami »t p pt-t ul frvM of die g.ar.d stand. Thi * kh:>a»L avIT brnteii by two hl*h t ffmi> t« dirwiM horset fl - by the ku hlux KLu baui Several ntned selections ...were |ia\o: when the j«.. ranif halted in fnai of ibe gtaiair .and. The band was follow** k> Mr. W. L Straus or *m v_s .nlroduced by a bratktr Uader ard he spok*. (or j ■Mt balf an hour. la hit dacawM, Mr. Straus gave Jjkm- A lad. mm of the things lor ethach the hln i si td- lie put the t'Lud down a* Jut world's first u.J greatest it being Divine., He fdhvel Jw Oburcb by the Kla saying it »at the mc nd grea e.-: affauaab' % is eai-tefce. In ans v. e; - •eg ctiiscasaa", he first divided tho:* who cnlaci-e-a .1 nto two da.-. es T tK«>* who tea»e 3aid only one side J she yue-tW: usi are generally u;i xl«rnM i,' those who have tla k .-pot n their lives end v. o rain it » u. ligii. of Christiai uj t ABerciusm. He illustrated very "orceffcji. iA dii Sway '.he eritkism that omt hears the hlan. Khtc he *«ok up the criMcism of the Bev.-(a«iei.- ue was very caustie m hit itMuih Umii the stand they Mi ag>-f-- a the hlan but he aadMa: by saving that they were ■tire anoamfcd in their attitude toward tt ti.. moo s.nce the press had be. rw. .or id the character in the He. aIM, aiMfted that ihe ku klux it greatly in strength, that there aen many member, with the crowds and the traded nirmhiT were really in the great ■idiarit] in that great gati.er The parade was to have appeared at 7 -Ji at advertised but for some ■fn n> n hindrance was delayed a.i Ndva) Beat Seen Here 1 -p- lanjghi the inunbers of thf Ti i !■■■ and Mir iliann will e p a>l 'heir bag andiHiking of landing tk Wg thirty thaw ears end will go froa here to Beucttevflle, Sou'h Carolina These iha a i Met with the approval ot a| and they have lived »r to thai t tradarf at ef*ahlfch«d by the nan agmut and given eat by Dr. Hilliar the *«ent. Th wend nuj fact eaneerning th: THE ENTERPRISE i RACK MEET DRAWS CRO\) i. # I Jamesviile Walks Away » i tail M By Large ' Number ot ft'oinia j i K.Vt'k MEET DRAWS LARGE CR With a blow of (he a;.!_-tie all .ram- , ti.keri.4i; !he tr.ack meet, wtuch took ; place on the l-u lirwiou.- i - tay. leape.l iitii afce • « i school spirit ar..» iLternuiiaUur. :T, win for re-|>eet:\, h i-tiii; imk Grr.;i j throng> of speeta »r> stoo-i on i snie lines ehceruae !Ne i -jni- «w j ; victory and a.slu ic awrt p»i> aoi • , 'husiasm to the mrt First canie tit i>> r. lay rac*- fi; the byys whtc'i ws, won i> a gooM ' rrxrgin by Sik -j. the >}wr*d kit e. '■ Jamesviile The next r.lay was ti:e I 75 yard dash wharli was run by tV ' jrirls «»f Imup 1. Evert"u> "winninc I the firi»t plac in this even* In radii contest the boys nip - fir«-l with th' I eld fiirhtmg spirit ar*l |>ep. the riH up • heir side of the meet in tho same fighting manner The feafur* of the rntare meet » the -pien*iii»i work of the Jam. sv-'l tram aith Evereu- ju-iin: ;tcm f •, a fK»e -re-ond SA-- W Jm>w a..i. , s»arre>l in almo-t t m> part of jtie nieet in whiek he pariviioto* a 1 show- rw»i nvat. mi for «•!»-- r.die*e team in the •—>r future It, winni v; first places Jam*-*slle first f.4l«*nl by the hard fiehtmr t«i.ns «■* Evere*t», the fnrm r «iiuim ; f fiv«: fir-t if-'- 1 and the latter lair.f liirer Th. rh.»>l- ptrmpalinr in rrm.t I were Jame-v E*.-r.tt- R.4m rxn- , ville. Oak City ar»l ViillaK.- ua. All school- -hn«e-l splend>t t aii-l give us the promise of better athMics in the future R-4»r-ouvole ard Oak City took reverter io -ee-onru a nam her of point- bi* en "he a hole they were hamiicapfol an the u:it of lj-ck of m. ter ai Nerer«he!»-s» thev -hewetl splendid trainio*. ar«l n.oeh enthusiasm. Willian-toi. had t*en trainiur steadily un>ier 'it* ui»' n i»v.r, of foach Ricks. «ho Kn-r, rivint? them some lure wori-outs. brt they too. Were badly haeiirtiiwtl for _'he lark of n«Vra! On the other hand. »hev ili-nl:. v»>l w ' ml mo»k and kept or *he jpiHt to the last pi 4\ T)iw was th* fir " !T»e|f rieet in mhvh Willi?m.-trr M fT*- taker, put, M •e shall hear »v-r» f.va her in the I future. In Group 1 Jane-vißf place securme 2> pain's. Everetts seooifl. with 17 points, tub r-..r»ille hint with IS pwint.s. W'lliam.-".r fourth with ES. »r.s Oak City a.'h 9 points. In Group rann«.r il tlx- clxwds •erine were Farm li'« auj I "at nr. It Th.? honors in. 'hi- roil» « wwe t*r -1 riol o«f by the wit vnrt of il*- Fartr Lif» Ir" l j I poie's ' as a total, while I'l n.H- di-pla «d a wointrrfL: I--* of 5-.* d ftl.lHf all the event, iilir.r as a t tal ' ?1 points In tne li-t few ninaio «f ' the content the |rp iw! v iji and Farm Life pfat.gol ahea.i over Parmele by a marHn of ten | * points. I Kefei'eC: I *- ;-f 1 roily Coih • j ' j Hurt am. N. (: ' J Score K" p i U- A i't .liip- of | Everett j Time: -Two bt«d- thid/ . bn rtes . r 1 r e HONEY GIRL' AT NF* e THEATKE. WtShl^ult^ il i With an ever ntsrJ public al t wi y.- looktne forward lo -oraetHne i.ew in eafcter th- ait i n. HMtneai f a typacU Bnalvii) al i, ttaciion with z owpten; ea.t ai>i s supporting company raluslly er'i-t e more than pwag itUatiui At any e r.tt cecusid rable intern* is bear*, to c l»- "a Ik* arrt efferin? at f'w New Tat at re. Wi hiagton which A starts a erf etae r of on*- P n : ?fct «>n* , Monday. Cctener 27. Tne a ! r*le ef tfc> prtd-je-l on it "Hooey GiH". i ft is in two acts ard fi-cr -een?- with !»-ok and lyre- by John P. Mait--rew e and naasw by Ed Ho'cfc«rso-i. The to have piwdul an anc url plct one scm toaewK plenty of *T— i# fair thit year it inpir-kK bat tnf it, fire it to ,any hat ft tSe best i- | fot its ■aaainai 1 . iu exSibitt. am) r, its free arts, et il were of a -uperior nature and i|aalilj ard the wuu.J Willianiston, Maitin County, North Carolina, Friday. October 24. 1924. MARTIN COUNI V CONVENTION SUNDAY SCHOOLS Meeting to be Held At Baptist Church Next Thurs. and Friday. A county-aide convention in th-: n".ere.-t of betttr Sunday -eho.4- will he held Thursday night a:»i Friday o: next week at the Memorial Rap:it thurrh. The nroirran? whwfc is ore of 'practical plans and pr» b!env-"* a.- anil "inspiration- appears in this i--je lr. aMition t > the 'oca! -pfat Vr D. ft Sins. General Sap- : r csd ent an.' Miss IKiisy Jljwe. (T 'kire of th; Sta'e SiiiN-.iy School a-sortstier, w>ll :.ppmr o i •he'* prorr.'in Everv srhocd - ai» -uaennt. n>Wit ih !li' w v is urs-e-! to h» present. e-p?ea!i\ f»r the all-lay meet;r?e or. Fri.l v «'..by ?nff l»lp make this " \ Ro-i l etter", tiay in.the mtere • of our Sur.iay j -chool- There wfll «- a -Roll « jir| if schools an-i it >- harvestly i»op(- ; ti at -very -cnool -x-l! Iv- n.4i tYi«r -entoi. Stinty the pr . lani ami |'r • to rome Brine a itote Im-it and a hot j -f lunch and ial a 'ln in hear.re i h«'W to make a *rrea- work a !"".!e I creator arnt e"o>l Sun-lay -chools ;I j little better. t.-C>YP*'R\OR MOR RISON TO SPEAK i HEREWE[>NESDAVi Will Discuss l*ort and Transpot tat ion Measure o.verrn>r Cameron Mt-.trison wT j dress the iie.vple of \\ il am ~0. a. ■'f 1 Mcnin cuuniy ne\c WeAedJi. (Sei. .•Vth. at two-thfrty o'c! ek in lirf af'- | err.oon. Tl« (knrrriur will ,»• *i t »Se j.«- rules of l>era«r?rt ia !«wr4 (lie Port and Tran-|» - lataon n»ri urr j in pbirwul..? The-e .lie somr of l.t weirhtae.-t «|«*e-'. K.i - to he foti-nkrol t.atay in North Ceroliwa. Evt-rybwly zhuaald itear t'., i» ili-cu 1 h> th. I Gover&or of in-" Stal - Uol»s --■t- V. 11 I.INDSLEV PRIli HARD - The marriiMre of Mi- Mu«c» il Pritrhard. itaiufbter of lit and M. - L J Pritrhard. of Virginia Ih-ach. to Kenneth Pa' ton l.indsley. of Wil 1 iiam-*on. N. ('. son of Mr are) Mrs I. D l.tnd-h-y. of tie.aia. i«4 pLce \* -tenia - , aftenrnx. ,"t t o'rlork at lite Fir-t ItaptM Church. Virginia IVaeh. ,-ith the pa tor. Re*v Tt"Ha» E l-iortle. olfiriatin.-. Th» rhureh v.as decorated with |alms. fern-, r.u tumn foliate* ..isl ntMral raislle- Vfrss reorfe !V.ti-h. «i-ter of the trtwri (Jijo 1 It* ifiuie-a^ 1 : I efor,- the frenntiy Ho. -t v. - br:>l? *tle a.l I«,-?! »bl • it "cm oi* fur Irimn -d , i.'it.ai.',-') -is «»e cloth, with »at aMI ant- «re to i i-jrit-p.i->l H« r Howe r- were a cor- I ";ge of br:«h-s - ar~! I*l. .- of if.e I valley- Mrs. Robert Norm-- was :rji- I «-f hoi or i.r«l the b-.de r »*ay. She won; a of at-Vr I :.tin crepe with picture ha* and c r : tied an arm hou«naet of Buttery i l oses. The brn'o.-nii .1- a. ,-r V s )lary Pritchard. sister of the lr~ie, a.nl Miss fie--i- Drink water They wore gowns of ru-t rhiffoii r*p-- f 'rimmeti with French - tmi idi rk picture hats They carried ;n» >a»On(Uets of Ophelia roses. The b-trte wa.- precede»l by the flower girl, little , Miss Eileen Boush, dre«e«l in white.! >nd Otis Billupt. coas:i> of the br>ie. !_r»ei as ring-bearer, an>l wore t| FauitUerov -ui* of brown velvet: The t ridecroom't best man wa- F.lwir. - IJnddey. his laothrr. ard the u-her » we"? Herman l_ Pritrhard ard Georee - l' Ush Immediately after the ceremony Mi and Mrs. Lindslcy left for a vekinr trip South, and a* its conclusion they V wJI re.-ide at Willianv-ion. N..C The " .ut of ;owr attending be 1 weddinr were Mr. ard Mrs. ft H. k Pte-c-t*. of Teond rif>. N YJt Mrs. *■ E T Downs, tf Hoi)fAe Ma.-.-.. Miss ' Helena HarrL-on. of Picton, OntarU. TV above account of the Lintslev- Pritchar i weddinr was tak- f> froan * Sunday's Virginian Pikrf. in which i>- h sue a very dorniar picture of Mrs. 4 I indsley appeared. Mr Ijndidiy » a atnkr of the firm of I jndsley -1 alley lc Ce and one of the natt proerv s-rve young " nsi f- ne.-s men of the town, and he hat * n-ade friendt of the Wdlianttten peo- A | pie who w9 aflcaw hi- bride to the r [city. They are —king their bane with J J Mr. and Mrs. Lnwrenee I indilty at fc . ssr-~j: ?n Npt TeS#r— I I : ,j' PKtiGkAM Martin Coua.y .inda> S.haai toevc. -•' BAPTIST CHI UvT. ftilluastaa. V t. j, Thur-*lav anil Fri*i«y. tictotk»r 3tth aid s!-L ?*til Tlil RSDAY NIGHT. OCTOBER *■ 7hi IVvotiot al Kev. K. L Shirfey. Pastor Iwpi-. t v ' urr >. William-tor. 7:lo—The Challei of the >oun« iVop*r Ms-- .*- Aee--. Raleigh. ~ M— Sonr. 7:3s— Bait Tha' Catches ar«i lluiilt Men ar>«* r ,«• Saa«ia> School. i Mr IV W Sim-. Ralei^h. AnrowxenM nts. 7 :ao— Adjourn. FRIIVW MORN? X "G. IH"IX>BEK 1 .y.:«li_Devotio'.a! Kev A-a V nntrtjr. Fa S>r • « *.w».; . Willis mston |o:4a— The M i irrpiec? of Crei.:»#- Mt-- Dai-> V. *«e 11:15 —Reconi of Attendance Appoint nieiit of Committers. 11:30 Sang. j, 11:35— Our Purjvw arv.l Our T.isk Mr I* W Si«c- |S —(1(*-ri!- for Support oi N»-rtr. i atvi" aS j L.y >e Association. it 12:2^— Annou: .rment.- 12;: a- Adjeurr. DIVNtT: AT I HFt li; RCH. F\ FRYISOD\ «~t*Nl i* av j, BRING \ ItA-iKIT 'l FRIO%ITI RXI»OV mll'BIK II ( 2tlo Devotion-*!. Re\ «> I'ar.ko. lift. • Efocmil t"hur h, William-ton 2:1a — Acr *m|di htne a Purpose Ml'.ii-' 2 la Son«. 2.an —Heldiiu l'i« ent l*upiL- Mr 1» ft Ssi-i- i J Oue.-.H-!.- iixl IHscus.skmi Everybudy r**,vr-i .. tak - i«ail S all Ref* rt - ~f ('(.mmittee*. lYes. ■ ati« n of A!li'>'arxt- I" nnaiM I ul— Adjourn I KIIUI NIGHT. IMTOKER SI 7:*t IVrrtiif 1 K 11 |toi*l Pa-lor Vokbo-il t (1 .rch. i William -ton 7 la The T- :chei Before th- * la- - M» I* W Siifl >2ll Sone :2i Wor-lii) in the Sunday Srh«>«>! M»-- Itai-i Vif - . *• iO Ad jour' ( oinmiller on trra»ter.««l. J t" An>le'-a*i Chaimisn. SBpermlf inteal Itaa* s-t Sau-i-i Srbo *' William-ton J E Pope. Superintendent Methodist Sor »* W illi ioi-to. W «" Manni' i- Superint -irlen* i hrt lt>-i > a *»ts% N«»J. W»Mrl -ton »UREE SERVICES AT PLYMOUTH NEXT SI NI>A. ; [HIE SEVENTH ai»IMAM«EN« | M 111. BK > Kit HUN SI aJIXT |\ SEKXII KAI II v. M : liw follow-im »ill"li«- Iwbl : t»j 'hr |jr]in.; i ETMCIBI* I r»rt> iit H> mouth n Su-»la> II A. il, f«i only. H>' [ .«.bjirt f«i Mi Lewuan's «-rn»!. w > l i | v ""The S. V ■•th Cii—ll»tl*lH " [ Th»> :eivine v. ill t* hrW tn 111" tul» rj{ |, ai.| »!,; it *ill bf ano'ik-l :«• at thai k«i tMnlur'nl for * »«"• » [ b> Mi J I'. ( 11, jr, which will '.«• j |.iM ,n ihe win hoU.e. 3 H ia -ivk«- in I hi- t*ber-t rl" tm 7:"5> |i m_ x'K'Ot r ;t wral -*erv ic-* j |i. by a jiraiM mectinir 11 the j if*# «•'._• HiMiii !■ "I bj 111 J' I" I i^tofW II Ih- Ilym -ilii revival k ■«* »«•* **ih jrieat ; Jctfts a:.l jrreal -r *'-•> 11. lapuijf •!*■:* >laii *a- v«-r int cij a" - *•1 b; Ibr b»l -r> •! Il* Il> inual i i*«H» .>1 I'fckHV ST %K ATiiiAOiON 111 /.Kli'M %N-IIH.I.IK: SHI»«S } Hi H I. luhtsr of ht Zeidman inrf i'ullc kj- Vlif of llk- met US >i9Ai k *rll m met r»ui.ir> al ".!•« lair. He i> CMWNtoI nr|,b (M Sb|i' ihu. nk of the alUar -1 :us> of lb** A-(niUi and SVjlie ' unl oij» llal k> dealt -nil mort.-. cm ->lu: b» rec* ;>fi ll* a(j(>(«vil »i j ( ur>oiMf who ha» j I>i Hulw kaa laoiii ami ulutitii) ' lOifoxk l-1-irlaml ami was rrailualf'. Ifioai the I njrtr.kf of hi.- town which ' j A.~ fit >.ortd'.> uresßes. 1 >Luul He ba traveled nUmi.fl> ' alii ii n|> ami rich ir. fipfritiif' ■ " He ~t*m ■ u have the abi'ity la r>.rwi ; an»w alm«.-i any iofi r« satin* U the |*a-t ami Kive.- oca » itaMAaUe an »er>■ to que-tioiu a. k«-«t r about fa are event* that people .akf t treat in J-kin« what i- to f happen. Dr. ll.!liar say* there i> etm.- ler . able in the athune of pto s lie with .. the tart decade, especially is it in* of ■ '«ur,i? women, who a>»>l - to, acMi'lii.. Ui him. be uuioit •« * kr-» if b*r future hu>han-t w^nbl - ; !(.«e ami faithfvi. while now ;h« l wrtri! if wil he have money. I>r I 111 liar stand* hi eh in hi* Aehl t of work. m> lie science or crystal l_ _______ » Mr. Fr*»l Water* of Greensboro na. . a fcntines-j visitor here T«es*lay ud ■ Mr. aad Mn. Mayo Liule of lot t *-;»» lie were ririlMt to the Km MAKI«\ COUNTY ! 4 Ak.\is RI;PO::T FOB YEAH i Ihe lav • MMbi- K-C ha- ju-l i-- Isuard t - or. Mat'in «ui I? j faint- l. r the IHr ,-U.a Malt!?! roui t\ j far- ri CtHlvale acre-- of land jr;L":i*2 an leu if nillnalot by ib.it r- as- O.M «(«• by teiiai:t- Th«- i • j»e cad in .ted a> i ; fl»t Jl« /»* »-«.'• M* ".ll lw« ahoU! Ml ' » cm! «>" Ur lo*i J - .■. t «l«'tl 1 valr.: 1.. t>«ai t laior-i -, tlu le tir f- terar= famer> in t;»- c«*'i i t ty I hie laito city tsitivjle.! tii Mir I tin rw*i»ly ale «li*ide-i !•> aei* a- n»l Slow-: 1 , l *.«toa. i»M. I«•*»««... 52.1 IU. i Innti. Iw-7l*». tsn.. it.Ill: alifai. I flats. I.JM> Lye for eraiu, jra-, for harvr.-t, t f., . All lay-. 2.7 ii. liei pota'o .-, "I. Js-aeet pMaIM-. 1 ruit tnei, InprarM ps-tar7l2; nil? ?rtrs. iT»i. K«.iai«l. IIT.W Th .aaii>u.t «»f f»rts"ti .• ( ta "22 UK ton-. Tluef« aei- 14.# s'rt. p, fci «i6s I.* > J 11.1 j..»* raid* - lh -sahje •! Übf-a- Ciop.- ;.re not ' total inrnanr •kiaat T - I l ' «l »■ dl. hidr IgittM. Va««-a- tsl«u:e » «ve tlie Ftotai oi iha a*a " a dail.. ii* nn- for lewery a tin oai' t> u i to ex (rol If'i c*»t - I J _ | " " .( IH * R \t * k-PIHL.AIHF * HlFlt IALS MILL VISIT »ILI-lAMSfI»N MA! *%i*:k ( t Mr- SL •. Sirretury ar«l .Tiea--aiet >f llr l*hda*J»ea I nn.li. of Ast*eaJle. Mr W F lv»i\). I'resslent 'of the llarir> i r.-»n »>l Mr. A B '(Sahhy. la." wil "arriv t»TP ' [ pert w -ek to W the w-t- of Mi ar. t *|, i /_ II It- r it 'is- Allan: f hoi-l . I V. tub ae 1i=»» * fl Wi'l hr.'d a I I -eries * f m.- tanr* W tl, t!,e Itinera . |aa»i Pkilathea cite?.** 1 - n the saarroswd {ina raaalHs. :i -- - ' IJI (M.E KU !•!!> IV HtITIMtIRF HOSPITAI > j Ashide. Oct- zl Th- furo-n.l of ** Imin J lis Kay wa- hel-l itiis morn o ] dsg a« b> r*.sj4e»cr- in llorri-a ill - d. The ftmeral was wi'h Ma e MHC* by his boanr kder 1n,,-a K»} died at lohn- Hopkins ■1 kn petal in B:huo«r Tueiday rii.-ht J )olrt Ray ww- one of the younrest of IV J'uprn i r c-atri judges, but «».- e- Maoi a on* of the Spate's ablest 4 aad nost papular judges i d' ■ r Mr. Travis B iktndie of Oaford wa* a vttiu* h»re that vsieek. i- Mr. EL W WhUgkri of Ikarkani was lag n wvanl day* «f this week. i lit: RAIHTJFFE ( HAI IAL i t t A BEGINS NEXT Tl b>j \ Splendid I ot J i'oncerlsand Hays Is Promised h rum Luriir I \cnk. « };ao t iu« ( ua A.r%ai*r l£jnrpctrHra*ai.e t 1 vfrybmi) - v *►*•.• * Wihx. v uh? i nijUu»(Ma -rf oe«r>* %«. *•» *'* **b«k lark-"L.-, a? «1 uearinK »m. t«* I >*» Rj'tcltrt** v'lhafa -fcirgßl * '4#" in . 30 trj I a«i»* ■%** .-am. >. \ |t rU rtiUii ct*- * h b«. i J cvc uuroU r? +Z > j* » V -f o»'nyrr. j»ijy>. E- , 3' 1 rt o»*ri tr«»m •h« • 'hauUu*|ua u un* -' it th«* ~ lvo bf lo > b; tr MV- JmaTt t« it' ni fi«rapfe**f b* a~-4» Tl v> are a Imrt? i'F**vp» * w»...ru -: who (»uk _£ -i tvariK a ru>ii a- -*ll «>i 1 HiHf), >nt)fi»t 'rP»»f» a- al-»» player wfr«" hr \i T S tuff* «*# • 4 »ht*». Will haw A' Ht- --"jf* jrct, SofßetJfcß&taf i' | i**pirmg talk. '.H *• *«-* niL'ht hr « ufi» w?1 uiik *' I |iafTirr>"*. TH» v St»rar\:' k |ta%*r «a! 1 **•=■-_* cl "Tilt* IM". r %±rK-p*-s fi* ■*-••• liv' SK k r:«bn*> c»»t»v»t*. ""TV-- ■* % niifht , H*»> givf th*"•" -sa> jutp uf — 'Hip Va*» »wkl ~ *«- I! ft b»»11 S |>TL, rw» w. Im" •" 1 •■» > \f S|»r iru»- lio.- pfnif "**♦ : •* .a-* !«*>♦» jt-vt •»- •,•* -n • i I \ •irumattr tfwui*"* • s* 4*- m *».- h. t Kl» \ kP \ 1* I * h-r rl2 -**■ I «fit i|r#»'rtr * n' J(*?:n ii, %Wb. aiM) Fwtrc J l ''!!♦• a? 1 f t i *: !'f I :•*' -t t"- »:* -t» . " • 1»J J c ur- :»n»f «r» II •«»» ** frnrM 1 I'M Umi ii| | « ( i» - i., * . V | 54 ,X. ■'♦ •• ! 1 ra.r !• . UarkH, v L i.- n|rak-f *«*■ IW e*"''«r n h( (>39tiia*«t. ku.- **§*-k#n ttrailv rifft -''air* **£ -*j; jih-s*. »ha»t * rt -. n:•*i > v far -, K•* fu*> -- oua :>l»*»l M'rr To*"■•tf'-r mt~- a »• v " ' 't|u|ihinr jf'i ««rfEw -I* f --1 Kl-h Hu-WH • I*-* i»* D.ut iUt rwir 'i" S»w i- tkw «►»!> taow «M f 1 . r »rt»i am »h»r- l>» i. ■-*i'- .»! ti«'f K.-.it*tir,'ul H l- M'>- .'■••jlr, «fc' ««*■""(• '■ Mr «'l-»rk» k- IW- pn--»- f.r ■' '. »'K, Of »i ■t\'-r f»>l t » «tetierfcl -i- \ll "i 4-isT . u : (ul int«-r- -t ("• • ■** ?t«. • \ l t»*> .uJtvs* iiS, * * ■ s « til frui» ■»> * *«• K V-hj «. • U-l"! >»f »BJ»>»nw"s Ir . m * 'ikfc-t " ' .• r..nlt-~r i- W-Bif «W'*'i' .» li>- --'J •• >i» n ulikh f-"* «r -■ *n'r !'w irnt >•( * >*J * —a- 1 tickrL- - M,3an'to.; ' ~ -i| t> - ;■!»; . Ift V • It-fnaljß ;n ' f 111T iv~f-«*)>► r»a.l« ftunw. « i « >i> 11 11n>»ltM~» r«*jt-s Ni9i4> \ll-j. *lit ilfltf J. ttliJ«.."i »».»«l •»..«»♦»»»•»* *«"! »« i! . p i hi: Ol.|> t i»Lo\t 4u i • u; M JWLMIUi. M»l*H \L\i Wi\im I ()■« wit Attijutm* *m ««• ! i.> - i'n-ilwmit «l I Amlli «« i* I Olt i"«tua> Ir«- **t; .fc»>, IktMkrt l*.f irnn* ill. . M itr f i vH-«J ±»to*naß... , The jv>«-»«» iu» i- '.r. ■ », Ihit dkr> »id pawuwaA ji ,'Sr* in. i ombiri.it!**. »# Jfc* utmigi- *'-t >" i>«! widi tWr MUtiliW 3 »>• ct " A ' TKe aunnt>ipil' »» « i|« nl> I : r« l««l b> th«->e > !>■ f • * . inl tln-j Jm |.Tf>«it JI iriawii; 1 • ft i»." la*' IVkiin I p*ea» v -"f ' |>f(t>lly nitt>» l~* - Thi* attra*t»* 4* »n '■ ihal mi)- w «JU «j««. I MU am^'.W s ~f 3Ji. ..it.l M> J«te * Giw. aa »>> *' (W 1* luliintUi!) b« |fi * la* Si«.a' mssa W » KUi a j, - M ~r Mr - > fl ■ a a >|iy Tl frunflM- tiJMi ■MWi'iM'l c V V r.* (Wt l» kr> i>lf «• iialr tint -h ' t« grt'tDK aW mj sd M tUf tim bttMr CmrfM a»4 Mar I ki.u KlitM at ReHttiM the fair W«*wh**, wc&l. Mr. lack Miilwn at Wa«*ie*tei «v a>« ar iwtor Wrr q*—r WiYhKTtSERS WILL FIXD OGB (•iLI M\s \ LVT(IiET TO :«H Homes ok \i\s»rs> on« >tt. m AiiLk>HEl> 1898 !.MITH INTERtbI IS ! SHOWN LVSC riIXIL EXHIBIT AT FAIR j Williamson '> uiS . A-*st lYize; James\i!le Wins Stxond Tf>e Hist. ft>f k *.j£rt.y f«artici|iat irftf in "N* $* T* • * J» ! - *-rv rain, c--«-4ps .'xfrf'Hij? *«» !»"i a htifh :»?»»i r i*Tv«. Ti> r t o M- . - - f , - «r tfucr-r-. ' - * •./■ k jV -11 t' - *. .» -♦>* • - % >: if ' * v]n .«•» - r - • > • - - : ! tir-t rr» wp * .• » •.#r* ' ,$n «. j c > r :iv «r • • ' of tr»ll**- b ,- J ' t'f"Up 1 • 4 '♦> *' «•*? fu H -ft?.IT! -t i - i iJS^' r* l r -»•»•'! " ~f W*-» tl j;i v ' ' i •**■»• " * Y-"T* :*h f ? t*w> > r ' - " t w*.i - K. * - « -'■f-r- y tj " 4 t ! ■ r u t •! - u * !■': - \ r itTf-i h.i.i ip 'w '• s * Aj=-| r»* ■ifcrtr.fiv "-f • ar-.-i t -vr "f ff - * ib\ "t* r * k .vv'-r.- rr -af* T * r :f • 1 p'U' * • ja^rtM t H,*t tf'*• \ ! a-l w** rr» pt «*■*•" IT*» * H'if * *..rt 5 a '-»!♦•• .i r " i" • >C'.bM . . u » • . • ,-v. . The v r, ~ *• i " • :*' "*■» t*rri^si •: « *4. ( to t' «i« *■ tf • . ♦ •• • , * V 6 ' W \(,()\ I:I N o\ LI? r;y AiTcnTomi:: Mr U. Ik. ' *■ , -■ M u hi> m at*v" *' r«v r. I■>*, -c- * f d, *»rr »nr» i.vr- t • - 1***1:1 by Mt> Ul.k!u»*fi uU'*> ''«»«>. ' *•* * Mf Pawt- r*t an* " . a nui'v .tn fr>>m " * »•?*..# *: where tN*> tt-t't- r— i>«i v. K-t-t! .: h' t^e VI r f V * %*: ■ ~ -trurk ' ; - ft*m iir» Sj»l Mill "tit a; • • X., Mr rarf . *-v». *. tig mit x flox, TRTI thi.w#r - w-' " ■ +■ *Mi - *itK fi* 1 iior -v 1.. Uc r*m-ft*rd ftt«* triet. -•> ar: I* -m "tf*- jp.t ' a* -k •it.-i }»ru •♦**!. ' a . ii?f I# I. »it ? .«L> ' f Ch jrj-* N *les -* % ' I « v\ I , • 'ut u . ' *x* im» t.uifmark a*atr k.» «*ith 1 •* .tl atfrß'ia .^ n w :i^raca"s a' i rruilch «• ' tux** •rtt?X!»9'* 2 ? *r iS t i aitff' a» • 1 .it niuff ti*n\ al i" 11* v-Miicr*-k v - )wf » al Vf.lAlCt. *i '* i**t « r JiJ i*f * f« ll««a -hip vka _w t- * - »>* a»tm * J- r> at tht- nuftr.iji^ Nrkt Suii'ia.> *. jhir^rt • 1 I M» a in u& "* VI if! U : »i ■. flik'ht uTi *1 NT I 111? M 1 utll.vdl, i,\r| !,4n+i> «!W gH. . i -J; i_- « tt» fit-ar «a*K wtf ]i r> *JI fee ., 2" ri* ui tiPCm wfat ih«* -al-c l^eC *■ u> all tfe " . -a a^ljr LHa "U.lf IJT 1 a»?\7 5 I*a>- A sJvaa f* ' --. i- >mu a r wur cftsr-. ' K L 51llfcUlV. 4 IlkkLl i.!i\ 1 . In «>ttr Lt >£ **■ ti- mari afMl *' |:r.-.L- wl V. j.-!;- ..• r g V, C Of c a»-f it - ». .*, 4 * 4' l>r- j.t HOI »*•» *•' (U.i ita -J;a4 , iK ijrjre - i>r»- 1 r.*~-i\v wsKfeinl- at.- r-- -ilai c" u ¥ a«hipr»—, knm- i> » n«; i> 1 t Mr ami M*-. C„ *». «f , Tai b».n. t*j J faor ,k«v ",V«d --m *J«y. Mr an 4 H v Vut /.r« M tfc- >«e. Maruui, a# T-hrt«r» a ' .Oe4 fair , 1 Mr. C. K uju Hiei lth»» act k'ir>. Fsrrn » Mr. u>i Mi- F. *'. ( :«*■■ rl lit the F»»»te X(«»ra2 l« ytif Oct. .iiiajrh;?r. litri CI rlt On>rT J Pltwn Cun: » wfl* seal 9 ( S th* TTvek •«.» m Hirnii willi Mr. t line. Mrs. mis !»>» hfm\e Mr. Mr-. I MMf rwl Mr R W PUm «f tsm* «w Ml If V- w* W t MI tlnuw if. yaa eu acrxtv .otiy r #r *.»■■■■■ ' . .. 'J

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