FOB HIGHEST PRICES. SELL YOUR TOBACCO A'l ttMSTON. THE*ENTERP RISE 1 Pi 111 wind rrrrr Tnetday und F.ida* b> Ihf entebfbse pi-blfsiunc O'.j North Carolina ! * Xv. C. MANNING. . Editor .. L Subscriptit'ii Price (Slricily Cash in Advance) I , I year ... - ■- ■ - ?160 Carorai? ° 3 mor.LiiS f Entered at the l'ost Office at V\ il- Jbrnton, North Carolina as second- j daso matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. *»ddre&s all communications to Tin £uuu-pri*c, Williamson, N. C. FKIDAY, CHTOBKH 21. 1924. in liie educational 'department at ?ht Koar*»ke fair thi> weejt. f H l»£mston hiifh school t-xhuii :eo ,»o. l ci. represent in |f ac» p;. o! T'i i.i.u prao beini: l»> a man v-- i t K ha ve lit* >tuod waiting for Lin «*om* to hs- meal The set lint' ?"* i* 'tL. siene wa> true *o lift fo» ■ nu.hin? that come> t «>vi?'! which.. is til rreatti nit* • • i n Home Paper. K v people have . «•» hi. :« ■ »* *ne .ehormou- work r.'ju'!«" ? » « or*** a cop> of **v» r mail lit*v* paper. Th* hiiff «rh*o! exhib>* . *-hox» tha* i* n f tj, ■ • an«- people -to ire! »u* one * -i, I'h V.r't:-rpr li lor liLM'.tifi ♦ \n f >i I fro!* h« fdlto! t» ♦» .» ar.t from the !ype--.*!!ii.. =« 1 »• i ii v ' u» t f \er> !•*;» * « ihr 11:»» ' i—* ar* embrace* i. Til*' ill; I *cho»l cla> which » \h'n i;e*« 'h- !*>> •« * jwrh.ip >/ -uro* ■ n>or»- ttmi k' :*■-u uin ■« i* ;a«»':ia ar.»t nuot* know? th, • ;» '%»; it , 2T~ l**»v read** kn«*v. . ' ♦ : ✓ me?!* »r\ *«• i»* ..HM . ! t i •ue *-x. . ,x }■.-».'? t *«o i»e> k'u-v ti.J fiuc •>' t .1. a' V r .U'f »'•»*- - •' • : • I •.»J»- » f• ; | ' • xer> f•»* * ' • •" ' * 4 .* ji,, ji *r * ••• . *...r T'-t - • • ;■ .V. ''»* *> « t*= if 'r\ " ■ iiutk ' \ ' x*. .- !,r» !' ♦«'! ' f'.|» f -• * " • r ) - K ' i hi .' *. • *»tiu'. i|. • t » • Cs* U'/.a* ioJ. U .a .f I.- •" ' t it* l-i a! * i ' -il.' ♦ ! V,l I\« ■ !«»! . ; t\ . ' «. ,'»%■! '' • f • f It ,»ara ■ ■ i t U ! .ft*' rxp.v* ■- o .it j. i j r»»rh .i\ -oi.-it er -Uf - O! . ' . l« , «X l» , , «.|M f'UX X r tro • ! i-f. ,rn„ .. 1. .-V. ... »s« ! • ■ •!■:! . >• . • t •. • • . I . 1 tr> • j . '. j- ■ . : ;hi I 1. v. tiu A- Ti-r t fnyiva}, «1! : ; •1 • «**... u'. ' V, t. • | • f,,UI • W. * "fi'? i rr l r- .'' 'T' I ," -• '« •* l>. -IK ,i .11 : .•! '.'.l An:, r« i. tin' in. . \ «■' «a.- rharacl» ri-! if ». r : • ..t r > f -r« • I •!,•.• • Tilt ? iif** flnti at.H ait' ih'*-rt*>tiriv I:,l ; eciistiufti 1 *a..\ \rv\ a Cu.-.,- wiiici a furt> fi-fh: |>a ;« a on» "jw Tiu- i.- quilc :.n thiii. -two at unr • ' will Jf' boti. 'T; , M if L 1.• ~ ir» plant. '!r V. ij.ii*' Mr , i, .-tron» for tht- election »!' I \ a%> Bryan. Mr. McAiuo. ii?. V: _&• Ifainst La Follette. but tie »i- a»ar that every democratic vot, c: ,i f- Iji Folie ■* h; : |>- 'hat mucS and ke e •. erj ros v! . M r Coolriff and hi# f,!■'-i's It is trw that the r* ".cse> of Mr. FoUet'. pre moc- wearer like those >f Davi " ban ar» thwt of Mr. Cot Mse. ■ T ;. f 'OSE fVn^ist '•ft* ( 'tr TV Farmers 1.1 Mel chants Bank Hours' 9-12 and 1-fi —————————————— DABYS COLDS ■ I Mm "aip|iiiil in tha bod" I# >UM by oaa at— V|C||S — - , Professor Ainsley Speaks Or. Limanes B> Praifawir H. "M. Ainsley Generally sj»eakins; a school library, i wbe ber for ti.t hijrh .school, elemen- j tary .school or tor both. sh"u!! -er-.t j the school in the fuliowing it j Mlpplj a well-selectet. i n "■>- . r . "' 'i T; Nit k f" ' r . ' '•!' ' , tr tjpf»!err|»ni ii •' v.-r k i f ev ; * •.•-• .« • I.' . • i.f j ' 1 ... I Ik a. ' '. j i t i.k> heir sprcu * '•• !!■» I he " 1 ;:ria» -r leader -.'hj ! : see! i • tl , .in- r iilcc"mi ii«.- b: j •i i ••••' bu' prows in a well I i. r«i : v.a>. »ti every d'i«rr * t'i i■. h>» k which are related , wi-rk * i>r .p*T ! ;^ ij! rff -f-r. rull^c ! * i. .1 »>• :.'I de|mr*nH>r: rontain . i- .rlppfiiia. • • rtii.",.' • : .-r;!:>h;csd :ml 'r-'iv'irul : ■ • f. i..,! 1 i.ri'.ry ■ ■ it. -* rener i r '": ' - - ••• •• ;.r • i t • cor ' ■ ,• . ■. ;. -li- !ibn-ry ',»■ [i inear »' f-minr !' t- -le for ... It :«:>•' reaiPm lat* . htt ! !if>r: r ' • !. r ■! • • .«.k - • i*" "»• 'abb ■ : k ; "• ' * . «T' k , * I'ir.f*" ■ r. it* I- t.H. • t , : f'lal >. . i- ■. • ! • ■ ; liation. _i . • L _ .• b..,.k t • . .... !• . t . , . , »U. * • ' ' 1! " 5 - I '' ti ! j . ~ .. ~! . i.nV .: • . t! • I- L > \ i; (>» | vNf« 1 »U . AN».. I (> \i;. ! J: ' «).V C" IO» *' " f -'V " . , V _V ■ ' : t\. c 'le\ O'! ' f I oil'>wi iii' tracts iciiiti. ami \.ili the Same at i»iduk- aik' :, n I«-I: cash, neioj. |( ity Hall. Wil'lianiston. N . \. on Monday. I\ov «r. I; ..j* for the tax* s "in and unpaid *"or \ v (year unless the ta •--' nd cost are oai* on oi l.efoore t! at (lay ! i> ' ?i " ' '.iy ot Oct* *'* 4 > ' \Y ilite* g AX Mi ! .!. l-uil .»• . ' i. # • - -11 1.. «*■' ■ k.u .i i'_»l (• .I*'. ... Ut '• . i \| t, U>i • • l h ci. i, . • . . hi'' in i 1 •'' Mi.!", 4 V.. I. \ - i '••«> •- V>. A. J- !« • '■ -m :.««• Mi .. V »i I «'»•»•«• *»«• .«'M- « - } W.i.- . ' i . • .! . '• I l '- M it r: & !"• *»•'■ : *»'■" • • . '.i.l l.i- tV 1«• • •• il'.. . ' • Jullu. "■ IV*-1. f.'Uf In! M->. V. I'. KoU r> .a, lot V : .in-' ,t ' I«t . t V .no A ut-.- «!. - !• ~ •* V. illni>ton K»alt\ i.i**i 1 tup. I • ( olOOi y • I S. Ruiiork, rrsi*«*ucc • ' .! hi: !♦»•:■! . ' ' I , ' VV. Hyma .. n-M.if, •« ' " f " i, »•: u '.• H.; m! 1, >• ! !«•» •«' I it. • H> -. U'. t ..-t • :• . I. n- -. n!;>" i . , M rv Hpbiwa ! _ ■,i.■ r vacsnl ! ( '* ' ' . _ . , in :*# 1 v l . * t' .••: ii r n I •»>»»- r* -iu *nft' s - ' H. Moore, vacant lot . 1- •* i ~ I :i\ .. i, "t 1 '- ■ _*' 1 * t'. ' r.iw lr..v r-. r»- ■ ■■ ■ s ' '' * ' I*? ' , t v 'ft * M' €»• pf r«wi s!;* Tf- 4 . 1 • * * _ " r . . . .. , »I »>A V i .ibr:i'l V i * r. n mscih • '..r v. • m -**» i" '• - v h V. - •t. ' 54.74 \M. ' !• Ml n fU^o.MOBI!Jv :J| • • * j j.-r jo |n ivT .^-rTOMORILK ;j| WK'WffeCno IT T!t >0 AND IT All \V»! 1, J.OOK IJKE NEW. ; I(! • * * "I N. A. Riddick . ill - . if. 11| v * jf Motor Car Company I | For Huick Cars , ► I | _ . use as to helonp to no i./se of .bew,,. classes form a tenth cits-, buru>u ed IJOO. tact, of Uit.* classes u, .mIV ; dirwal into ten •• viM«n.« tro.u 10 u , ;iu Each OOOK ir ;be library y- da.— i -.ned accordim- ir» the croup m whka 'i «i falla. Thus a or l-aßii-;. hi— ' | or; wonio i«e unn-berM :«40. vj. Cfat- i ili (History* Ditmsb 4 i i. Ai» I l««iks are artuifi. on '.-r.«>%r • iti i j simple number oraer ace t *L .:s? —«! rias. runibt-r. . v.,-. ci. ... x»i. btxik . : : iris . *. •: iiook- tii ea«. tla _ art I to* shelve.- aiinuib.'.icaiiy -j* 1 | The iiumbei !*.*» *. *.%nerais.- jai. •' »!teC*l\*" : »|ifS i i-U. I { live: f»r >i»verai ,ti *j.k . I iii» i» m*k - a ;u» ar anv* oetieatiy by tiie auira»r> UF.atjf Clav t iCtHfti MiObiii liol be . * i y the iKwc* .-v.> em r»«»r »: -* •iUthot '•**♦ v !»;. it *if arwi arrange-» al;* ir i:r.:, l ry by auttw*rV jcurr^ir~e Alt reference }>. j C «iee ox it. TV b»H»k- i.oiiiu j kept ori .-«epar«s*e Shelve* a> a * t r t «»c C;'iuU>''. i-acr. m • „_- e . ia i*c»a> iriiiubcFr unUeii »l I>er 'ieft riaiHi cornier of the pairt f««- the title i acce d e rvcur*i is ilrrt mo>i tfn)niriar.t r»u>!i*e>j» wrt - : 1 usualK - of a ' coi£>eeutiVei> _ ! uitiher** li>t of ai! bouiKi b#.»oks itf trie, ooiarx ! "r i» k « t rt ?uL* f t-» -iiutnor. nh. pi.bfi- ha.- >pac« ai>o u> f»«v -v - • ih r | :» *cif* *»r purchase. T' r prepesra" .* »'« «' iicf-k- for I ruiatto!.. .-hi'- -'-rr- !•*»* Kac:. •» "k - 4 : • • i:t*i h. *• a fr» # »k c»' ** | ehatk"hr » ar» e i «i k' » «r. - i the author. iilke, c a • r a* •! ;*«t • >* rye un»*» -r ThtK car*: t j»» in a a f*a»L • h'M»k Tni> car»f L* » »n i>| k t> *»r t die!f. \* • * «.♦' can! . - f, aip i, ' \x .i i he !*=•? r -** - r« iti f . ant* Mi. it . * >iip ii. fr« i/. * ? « -7 »«*k. t».» .ii.-* w hen f** -k . 'I * then I orate* li» «let >aiite 4at — J v f Tit fa* Thh-HT ui' hoti * 4 •' hulfarr » * . «l»-charjtft »iate 4 I "I ll* »h r tv . e*? for «**« ••, v ■ •t» »0 ' »f * - > tii jr~ U .. ? r n f* 5 \ k jub* '♦" »a«*> !» *r \ . *=.« . : \ 1 *1 >?*#» s»'* cf .late pQMff> prince*? . *• ' *■ d;fr **t* t*»e 1 1 f» »•% ' X / • •?«?* > r ' ; THE ENTERPRISE. WTLUAKSTOX. NORTH CAROLINA .. ctu-zsra* Ua>. 6 A nrr -ler of borrower's (care immt un 9. itzik; t jIS".. of riib L«pr type, -rlc I*. 1 7h* fiiwoag lei i«'f«ieuee» for * sft-rary htlj*. t'w m( Lthrar* School Linri tetiui IBj Anw r tot i "br»ri»-- « f L**eabi cf ' IX>>" C«fl : ' . '! • IViCT J.': : ... . f . ML VLt.-mp 4 E^ntant ? : He - En>n»sißa»e of i ".TV t'M" ir t; oaf - I'. S • *' - i'c'Vtii . 19IT N.. 2- f' r--nt ' •K -I K:N .:. OCELOTS] K*. S* V . ( . M; *.~>:np. 1 »•! - r> - .I K « ' 't ;•. i • i.ti conier : - bj '* I >"•-—■ o* • rj,-; r*«c«»*- v - * *i.j i ;i-. «»f «'-• , ii. _• •• .it ■ r—r •! - the Kf • M*.. jI«.rUB Q • ••* 1 at' j " :T- '-"4 'W ir- I V !•:.• **■*--.' »f i «- - f. Uflrl Ka'- «•- f!» (bit ".f :«. the -t;pQ - "• -a: I*- - f.-a-i it-'. . *n . w*.i ! -hall e> ! SI •.* te i.f Xuvfin' - f r»-r: cf J 6«r« r- awi I* - . I t * a SOis of i• «i n i "-" -J- '!* fvS « :-*• y»r ''■ rss' :-r ff hiVi ! t ! I Clu I vfnr 1 w&s&H ISwilJEJgf » - 7- pry *_ \ » ' u - , .D ' / --g'/~/»7,:. 5. >c7/6 :1 / i |. PI ENTV MONEY TO I 0* M j i j T re ■ : , -10.10111 i■ ovec! iHi»i lands ; , \!»})ly to i j 1 DUNNING, MOORE, & MORTON | i i ')H I'M CAI :, i '] ' _ _ bpeaai Showing | of Mens r.,ivl Km I Boys Suits aid J J Uver Coat? JIP | > cii s Over v4XiUran«J S'lits frcii SIS.CC lo S4(V.O—and we H •* || *■; -Iht. ill the regular size rian tho stout i an, t c ta'l jffi . rccia' in f ovs" oait : T \\it>. two pair oi pants, from &v.Ou lip. n biiit iij[j ii v j rave one o" the largest a&? rt avails to -wi s».icct iYopi HAR can TK? found anywhere. j| ?I*OE c «! r 'cr fr ? .e eitiiie Fapily and no matter 8 Ipv wilai kind o shoe- you .ay \ ant 'vejt'iink we have it— and BBBjWi we will suuly hiuke iiit price to suitjyou. >& * r Harrison Bros. & Co. I - WIU iAMSTOVS LAIMiEST DEPARTMENT STORE .1 | -t: "Come and Sec- Is AD We Aak** §1 . ... • , . ' ~~~ ' . - " . -K- ' - - " ' .:• ' 4&L i.nd !ie.t| in Ifcar Gnu># S«»*E-- r .iitj Martin Coun'y. State of North Caso-j I Grass twimp. theoce tp «♦* *j ! lua awMwunded a* follows: BfP T ", ' tiins at a stob, a tome: in ?pri:.Hin Kiandfion the Wiliuun.-too-C.r»*imae I n ad. thence dowr. the various course? • «,r sa*l branch to the ran af Reai ; 'sr.M fwimp to a ew. a corner in . George R Terr}*s line, thence a south erly co'irse alony Georze R. Terry s line to a stoh, a cr-rtser on the % i'- liimrton-GreewilW TJd, thf T." s westward]? cours* alr.n- said r t«; . th- beffinninir eottaisinr . acre- more or less. ' This Bth 'iav cf October, IK??- JAVAN ROGERS, Trwt» 10-lIM TRI STEE S SALE By virtue of th«* ajthority TouUrf H, ri? i>\ a "i)et-! of Trttf to me by Juiiu- S Ptei, on ria> t«f n,..1« in the Reif»s'*r i.f of n. .Marti: Cot»r!y in U : *fT7. to M«tt tie jayratt. of 'a bor,l bearm? even «ate 'her>- fu ih. art*f the .-tipulatk-nj- ii> sa o ueod •• jf Trust not oeer esßplied ; with, I -nail ex pot- • a; j.uWk auctsoii. jfor can, on .Satur>uy be bth «ia> of November, 1924, at iw*ive o'ci- :k : . noon at courihoa-e door u- 'Miit.. { Gwitj, the folio#ti«sf p»f-"*y: BeftinKinj' at a cwr of, Street, J. L William's i:ne. W ill —: • ICR, N. C.I AMI rjnr N»R :hec . Westerly course «h-nr- Main -tr* • OCAL MARKET NOT THE LAi'GEST but GOOD AS iHfcBEST jfret, tittace a SMthdf course p*kJ ! tfi :o J. L. WiUan'f tine about 320 feet to the m «f the Ihwk -hence alon; the mr of ifee Branch to J. L " Williams' line, te4m» J. I- WSliaia«' [line to the hi|'Jihg. heinr one-half IPENDERS i TUAjO**- front-stores FLOrR I Ik. r. PATENT 8. P. >ELF «v!S!\G tl6»b Z „ ■ ; { 12 ib. 6lb ba* . „«c j 24 ib far : L 25 !2lb. tair - I 4S Ifc. ba* 240 24 lb. bajr ; ' i Vlb bag; 4B lb ba* i * l! !' Pktcce fc the inex rrsde # .b. ha* —*» J narvi Sc-ar « th« I». P. S*lf PiF&w t. ■ | cesrfet. (Vhi h feaitarv ''.»?!> gcod grsde of Wirier • j r'olh Sar 1 - * heat j i LARD Cmi Ctdnw. Powwi - j j ♦ DRIED FKiITS ; i I PnM». M'lm Sin. ft 10r: Larw lb Ij | Pitches, Fiiscj Quality. th. iht : Apricots, lb. =£ • .j j Apple? Ib - j FRESH VEGETABLES { Jr. -y. It * ,a* ss 1 j i «_i *je x . nr.-. Is. 'I- %, - * *, it. eler>. >"»' ! f* t >■>, • I-A ate. HcAti - 1Z I-* t SAUSAGE j j it . «t» »' All l't»rk Ssu^a--- } ... StjSe -s .-•■* Mf2", - -* r | |f * .7. ft • f»r lloioitita. IH 21c j * SMOKED MEATS * ' Ifa. : Sujz: rr. «il .Swifts PkXic S'nonWers 1b -*■" { .- k. lb .SmilSifieW Ham. Jordan* i Kttr,*&o» F. » \ Hjrs. It. ITf Tip Top. Ib. - Wr J J « «e ir- t- ;«f Fffck, «h - '* I i>i:l Mb I 'MAS & BEANS j Nscv !>a - -fe * l.S„rk. v. Peas. !b. NX N I3r ; i l i». % «• - k .'r.ej Bean.-, lb. 14c CANX'ED MEATS -4-1 t >Aj »i >h it~ -S«- Fwufc I ;ii'C>- Tit'iyue rar. bt ' i s .I*.. it Sw. B til, JW Wilson>.Corned lieef lta.-h. » j Trp*. N" 2ea - lx * 1 it- caii - •«* 1 j i Libi .- z ij'j i BREAD | J I' P. iliik LmL i€ owrf ?« > j Ol'R rial s. 25 «.*..•.«* mkUm wrapped loaf 9' \ i CAKt I>. P Oil w-'of Superior Quaiit) w* > t fd*t ft«m, pouni Sc j | COFFHE - i * j ! 1» I* BI.EXD. The *VorW - lit-- 1 : I trit k. I ib. -rafcii |>,cbm ISc j j V.'i ,m If f.: « #*w G«l«l«-n Blend i,lfw. The OW ;» i rw»l 1 !k se»ii»! Rriiibk, I Ib. ?(akii ;>kx Jk I , i»dhp •'** i i h ——— ■« oi 1«: purchased of J- R Robertson umicr deed da"ed the Bth day of Jane 1920 bv Julius S- Peei ELBERT S. PEEL, This October UKh. 1934 L r 10-10-41 -