THE ENTERPRISE hj the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO VBawiw. Narth Carolina w7c MANNING, Editor Subscript «or. Price (Strictly Cash in Advance) I y*mr 1 41-* 6 iron tA » 3 months —— - -* tnienw at the I'oct Office a: WB Uaastar. North Carwlirt. as sttow dl Matter, under the act of Marci J, 1879. Address- all communications to T:« Enterprise. Wflliamston. X. C TT'ESDAY. OCTOBEK 2h. IS2C Governor Camemr MomM* (ruur to atfdres.- the pefk ol Mart.t Coonti at t!» Court Hou* Wedm. day. Ocober 2M. at 2:3» 1 M it* sub fttx will be Stat. Terminal.- ;; Water TratispprUUio!;. Thi- l tt foremost economic qpesuon that ti. prupir of N"«rh Carolina have k*t califc upon to pa- OR u; a ■!»■:* . tMfi The farmer- of Eastern North t ar«- lica pr»«]Ucr move pt'i acrv 'Mr. • n. ar.> sectkm. of tl«c ' "'>« Statt?; \f" r is a kuowii fuel U:..' tr*;r narpr. of' much >e •bar that of farmer.- is otiier -uii Hijt burdensome ;n tjrht ra"e» • the rea-or for th» .-mai! m»nnn ' profit of '.he Easterr. Csrohna fam er> Tney h»v«..-ie- p*H 100-HSHck U . tc- Uiincs they sell High Uv fam*-? ruing uiw «»*«» s**- Wbetber yot favor the- «•: Mimi t«ut lß«erwr n|«i tin hi' • r eipr freight rate? can W «»iK »sn» l»* ijn of water :nn?p« rta!iot! ar v.. I 01. am *ll upon the It reviewik : trade !ett»-r in rurrl by tije Planterf Xu'- arm Cnoeoiate compare of Suffolk there s«m.- to j-pprar a -pirt' to lower the price of pear.u".- produce.! It tht- ] c-hit try by advismg the peanut tra-i» lv import f«ri"urt peanuts. Of Courx everybody knows that if I there b a liberal tpwntity «f peancts t*rr iron. lint .orient U* market a il*' he low !mporta*«>t". of peanuts al«a> brings aowr. the of dome-tic peanuts even t hough the quant:t> be very small Wheat #r dif ferer*. nprUtK>r. of that ci.iriik.-iit> lowers the price at home It is apparent that the Planters Nut and Chocolate company •- intreved in lw* prices thar perhape any other of tht peanut people. f«i the wai«s that they »?!> practically al' teeir purler in the manufacture candies ami eocfectio*.. % oe- with the selling price or. a Kgaidiess of the price of the farther"? pctdwrt For that reason every cent taker; off of U»e peanut.- *dil a cert t« tor dividends of the Planter* Nut and Cchocolate com paav. . In their -uroary They say -We do believe that cew crop pinnuti will br kwer ami w* advocate csution". Certainly this must be bed new.- to the farmer who has already beef 'old that he has so much cotton tha" «fce pnee H9 be low. And now f u , the farmer to w*lk up to the inform* **• bureau, that b the buyers an he told he has a pre"ty fooi crop © peanut* and* the prices must be low «r Mill i ■ life even sadder. TW farmer? themselres seem t tkmk they ha* - a very short no; ■ ■ * * v r *e no raid reason why the; aK receive fair |.i «*> for fhei Wfeh the m the part o ••e e# the largest buyers of peacat to tfce oarry to lower price- by try km la mtmmnrn* h% i^wutia» * l yicj^s pjptar ap a bar crop and forecast low (prices it seepes the peaaot fanner >j bcinc pressed into a dome comer | Only oae hope seew now in sight 9. and that s to pom e»o««rh peanuts I tc establish a ——Mb market, jwt a> was done last yesr. It is a fact yet linjeerinr it the memory of ev»ry farmer that the price of peanut.- was the most uniform and onst satisfac tory last year than k the htton of i 0 the trade. It was (mrnlly conceded (0 that it was because member- of th~ 15 peanut nsaeate (naini half their i cr»»p aiki sobi the other hslf or- "ht ■•pen market Thi* hid the effect of ■tahil'iicr tie open mark:: pnr? on ■k . s bs-me-s basts rjtK,-r thar, or a j -nectiiatrr«- tu->- ' Mr J 1 ve> pwial i marawr of -he i';asst Grower.- as- 1 jirntwr ha- j»t aatiounr-x: tta' | firai settlement Wil: he nuxte or. the IKE: crop, ber ir.r.inr tha> w-»k ami i sre'tin- thrwuth i»1 a rapadly a.- check- i-' r be m ;-W out i Th. "-f- pnr? .uawi ■*.- i-i-eil* • |ir» tlw km b a fraHim h- i hsr. tr - r-\-r.-r» p»x» paid" by th- • i.-aier- in" the i> not a i muri a- the milirr cost, which th- ! octat«._i hz«,- i«i while ' t=«- H•-;•! | r r >-re . .• c]' ~n «h n I •''*k witk : "»» .-* for mi!lir«i | charges. Mr \\ ..r—m -Jtttf...d in r» dtscinr tin* spi l r.:ti>.g cap n e »«. th *■ " A ." fijeurv of ; --1 [iVi *.» v v*-ar" operation ever, the. raceip murT -sis';-! H hi utwiifc nl' in pnoirttr mr'rart. aticH.} thel' cost of tianiliiit the pte- Ti! cr-«p will l' be considerably leu I r«- a>sociat»««r. will operate * •: . , , It -ewsoc at ' inr S--' > .'ur if tbe frrr-er * j|| | » the - ofl" e will imt Urtter r«*th «m thr ■ in-eie alrf or *§>= --U* thai* IS M«\ 4r I v>( upr.oht their t»»" 'lioai |' 1 ' - thr. r t.r-v—- i,. luulj '•'••Tt by r. t a- :* .i«- l>y boe: ! Ti «-r vote for boa'.- or -r 1 I taa wii!. oat farm? to paj J * port.- \?-ani' j! f 1 ' -ha rites come out of farmer?" («■. 3 duct.- j I VkUIK JUNES , Karw J-tr, - '.oc- of ■mar..- La-t >pr«»ir. *4>-i it jr. I | 't illiamitoCi by beat asl -aioi $!•>«• He ptiaiiKf*! lr uyr> «.' - 41.■ if 1 } -h.ppev the* t- \orf«tt ,-M saved , » li. fie ri t He rir» trree ky> , I.ji - of piar-at- ai.jch re -1.-.- . |*e»i hi »j-fi h- f-uh -:t« «• , Eft frvigrrt |j I are*r J«- «- says if ' boat can -a«r huw J -4 r«' i* «]> true , tew in oa>e yeat. r t- jro.r.r to >■»". , 'or m.-ie b.aL- ar.-- t«i;n bi*t> I, p ( \oter. dent irt pjlitxal cau-e y.-si to f»*r*rH Kaiinrr Junes' , U-jrw f . SONOm l\ SCHOOL ' man agenenr— t i This tfttes' flos. has rrcwr.tly t«-*r. f iisked- '"Air* oar Hiyh I "nr. r cipais this. Martin County tr: aer „n atf-I t firmativc r w « negaUre isu-wn I r shoufci be gtver. with ut espianatioi if a Pnnctpal draw- J :r/«o yjarly •t salary aa-i r« Ics a which r _ entitles ;»tm to -iraw n. «nd «ioe» cot I I f • t===== • j »t ..ML ... :=r=z=lz:.j > f j PAINT VOI R AUTOMOBILE— I to I LET US PAINT YOUR AUTOMOBILE * WK WILL DO IT IN 10 DAVB AND IT •> WILL LOOK LIKE NEW. ir ' " - N. A. Riddick ~ Motor Car Company ! ' ' •.. - ! j Agents For Bukk Curs lL: ; TOE KNTEKPKISE. WnUAMSTOK. NOBTH CAEOUKA accumulate other eaats to his -peciaJ tax funds, financially speaking, he is "» good bay." However -here are cases of Prtiicipal* not exercisicg proper precautior. in hiring teachers. It is the daty of any school official. Principal or Committeeman, who has the iMivilege of hiring learner* to have candidates for teaching posi:icns fill out an applpe t»i hhtk a:=d Tc «ini same to either of two rating authorities, the Division of Certifica thn. Raleigh, X. C.. or to the County j r. -Supcrinten-lent. bef jic any contract -is emereti into. In the event thi- is ig . :.rei! ami a paor contract t nurse whereb; teischer is fc>: fc trice . ' ;t-f "he salary schedule, the County j t-up- ru.;eMeni ha.- no oth -r cltenu itrvc- save ciiarre the eir«s# up to I'.-' It-eai tax funri-s ~Tht 'Ke»- may 'bring i'.*c cos; of i. i 160" !* .»coJ i ir» tha" of a Prirc;p&L Ci»- r rubterliy a Principal to rarait the tec-.-:or. of th: rating aulhortty before tlririnr a trane tnt» a *each er is 'ikely to prove an expensive luxury. Thi.- is a day of ot-ofentm IfursctKrninr an>» move i fiprritl o* *.choo! official- than ever before ( T*« »etl ri«iKM -chuoi man is*> foutiii. He L- the prmiuct of Ittainiasf. of exf^'n^nce, —-ji short of I j growth. One of 'tie surt -;(rn- of J -*.asrr> .-r a mi-fi' l- far a teach » r «.r aay oth r Urfiivhiu. ' for tha". utUr tt» btmm" iwpertioa.- to «dc?--," to IreeoTte uidiridaali c. or M IHilwa'.e lie serial teed- t>f 'r - community aixi him.-«-if To buihi a "IwJier-thaf.-thou"" wat! about I one Hf. to lteco|®r hrcalac'. "to fail to mix j-with 'he p>tron> of, ;i• their social life can have but o;se re-- . suit. That result is thr !"srrei?«:t i. either thar cani of 'each: s* ir.- iu. :-c«-. >uct. corpiurt o> tlw part «f l-teachcrs or of l*|>al-- w»«S >r. t:n. - jrrove ntr>vjra» • of a kiixt T" * •teV'a'K"--, of fttftHtk L- the ••»"> ■' tie heaai of a schneL l!ct tbr- r -.iM; . ' -thility of Co operative fwmkwtaf •> !arite*y |4ace-i at tise lYir*i|«t.l"- -i'—' i-ffi the lei-.i-ti of hi., .-ucc. -,-f.' tenure of mm!>try 1 detent* not .• a iemorratir commur ity by the ra. response He >f.ould continue if ho hi a.- thi> majonty rc-p-t-f bu" without it his work is waste Wr have a compuL-ury at'en-iaiice law It is essential that reports .njr itec* - r> iata be .-er.t the >upei »;itendent of I'uMac ttdfare The responsibility of ren>iertnjr ' iae-e re pt»rts belonifs to the Pratc;pai ai» S they are to the proper fi'ix In. :u tr i f othei oMnai. of the iaa I* M» i -ip.i- are enr»J!e»i ar>! the f atijia** u:!t at'endance for the sch. -| is fifty, half of the salary of ' H-irsctoMi is a h-ss. Therefore, it is s t» j..«i'ul to I, .re Principals »»r teacb ei - »h«—«• utrv.- -E efforts in visa nt tha parents carr.ot or rto not pro •'Uf belter attendance than -owe of «ur ,cWl« now have as hey aie "tie , iow average. The of a -cohol is j u.-ual!> delighted to the wheir he is capable. An etabntk FOR OVtH YE. J. j iuui cmitmi aei!iru£i4(h« , UK U*S(lpr&r • I (atiirk. tittif CATvam; juuKnrj «-»•« of ti Otf lie-, -v: abdl >■ at; . «rl*'» bjr Uxa: i aoi Iki laurfif Krii-ta e Tciif- *fei k ut> i ikmck Ut «a Ike s*sar i tact*, tfcia re#»r:r e As i«t »a»;aM-«o. j 30i4 by ail i^-hu. '. J. Cfceoer * Cc_ PeCeOo. Ofcii I course pruriiaCTitr la wills of hteti ' sdiool work can be worked OG*. and • handled by three h%k school tacfc r «J if the ama«r daily attendance is ,;tess than 80 pupils Thi.- is suggested ,}by the Inspector of High Schools for .; State of North Carolina. The hiring ■j ef more teachers to do this work ur.- . !der these conditions is likely to e»- ! larrass he district financially. The 1 county follow.- the law; it costs local distr*U to depart from it. Whethe. the district urn ore- the law at the . suggestion of an uninformed Principal or otherwise, this is expensive tuxv. NOTICE OF SALE Cnuer ana oy virtue oi the power and authority conuuncj in a certain . J e *" l 'taut, eiwu.t- ,o the under rned trustee by iJ. S Hathmy ar*i w, fe Ida Hatha wa> ■m. th* 2tKh day jo? Aj.r;:, litfi, ami of record ,a thr regi> r\ of Martii, County in , H-2 at jugr 2961, >ud de« of t*ust jfiren to secure x. note of eveu , tt-.t* and tenor ther.-wttft. ar»l thai - - npulations in said of !nwt not ■ i-zvsiij; beer, compli i, a' the n j ifOe>t of the pntk> interested. th..- j ur.der&ignHj trustee will or Tuesday, j ! November, 11th. lr>4 as li cci- it M ir» f font of the Court 1. * ■». -• I Vac, t~-1 1 Martin County in WillamtMi. JCo.t. I ' arolina. offer for .-alt it V*' " a- -1 jtior; to the imriws: bn-i»r for ~i h . I | -I* ft Ooviag described r««! esda e Uesrirniii|» at a coriet of I k tj "tad and t»« Sebr os 3ji # n i...e j. rur-ninr along «i| | r .- South •«, ; | 1 Andrews line :=i»! th? Canal U,, : j ■ ! Roheraaovflle awl Ha- i I;oa»t. aloor sum nad j *o :fc# lefisrs i Thjr'the ikh day of Cy-tobe^. J T STOKES. Tr-_ Vartin ai«i I "eel. attyr. j«» " " * ■ ' i NOTICE OF S ALE «»1 KK \l. EST TK ; I reier awt b> virta- of the «*owrrj authority emlaiufj a a c r*„;.s j "■"♦ d «*f !n! »o he undersigned trv j ♦be "irh .lay of Februar. . I'l4. .5 »* ! • ' »rurt being of t--rt..r> in the ftbi . registry of Mart - CV-wn'v ir l>«»k Q » at |s.i" ;4». deed of * l -~ s "■>e- for ri e pur*. -e of • ru■ * ' * r 'rtaifi t ß o*e of t-ver. «.a> sjml f '*" ,r therewith, and »we tipu'iti- ir said •!#»,( ,»f tnt I not hav-ng : complied with, a? «h» reluct of the I'artie.- interested. a»t jc accord ance v« ith ar. order «»f re-sa I *. A fc« [ «*r heme •{ rvtxni in the •"•>rk"s of, Cocnty. the i-der -!*i*d. »ill on Mor.«iay. th? I. ,Jay " f October. IV". at 12 o'clock M in ' fr r' of the Cm ll..u>e |i,«r of M„,. | tin Cuv.\\ in Waiiaautofi. N'onh Tar., lina. ..ffer to' .-ale to the hfhe-t b« •ler cash, at public twp HM*;, f ||,> , I Special Showing £$ | of Mens and JB | | Boys Suits and £pP I I Over -Goats ' IIP j ijgj Men's Over Coats and Suits from ?15.00 to $40.00- and we y-1 them for 9 the regular size man. the stout mao, the tall []£ ij&- man. the short man- and we hope you will conie in and let BplSgRI j*f£ us show you that we can tit you—and at a price that will surely please you «8383j1i :b if SjKvial in Boys* Suits, with two pair of pants, from £6.00 Ijgp a suit up- and we nave one of the largest assortments to fl select from than can be found anywhere. ■ ■ SHOKS! StiOES! for the entire Family—and no matter m I® what kind of shoes you may w ant. we think we have it —and in we will sut-ely make the price to suit you. T I Harrison Bros. & Co. I WILLIAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE ' "tome and See Is All W> Ask" "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!" 5 BY BUY BORNE r ill 1 ■■■ ' in »'■ ■■ ;■ |CM EE/? UP. I I Courtesy vf A heville Cimen fdUoamg mi e«U t; | A iwwr •!.■! lot it: lit Tov.n of * U lUan tMi. X- C-. on the Soul .-ide ■of Man Slrtfl, nijuir.ini; Nau .Stmt »-R 'l* r«o»t«. Ml*. Mary Ward on . Fart. I—tam*—or sin*; *m u»« South ami the larat> of S»! ~>lrr on ll» W>ft. *i *l ,r tfc*| -imt- !a:»! l> f-ib. :»i V r fl t" X S !'*♦! 1 tlw' tih «!a> c.? Or ofe, "!t4. v\HHH-KR M.ARTi::. Tru*:-* S rl.r A IVvl. a"tv> *O-?-2 ___ 1 _ Korth CanJiiit Mar iti County la !i* Superior Court Itrfow th* Ork B. Mvotrii Y* Willte I>rak*. I»r..V. . ml I/Mii I*rakf. _ J NOTICE OF SAI.IL f'jr uart to an onlcr ir th? U>v* »- titled | n«wiir.r sifiwi by R J. I'eei. Cleik of the Superior Court of Martin County, on lh Ist of I Oct. beicf Stfc Oay of October 1/il. ' ;he a»> in the -said order will oo i rfcurafaj «K- fell rfay jrf KWfWkf.' 1924 at 12 O'clock 31 ir. fror.t of th? i i courthouse door in "h.» town of "A J I I -amston. 3(art>n County. Xorih Caro jiina offer for sale to th- kirhe '. bi.3- I«ter for ca>h at puMjc auction lh- fol lowing «ies*ribe»i r*al wta'e. to-wit: Bounded or the X->rth by K. H Hnr 1= 7 EAG^ I POOL 1 I tK* eg NtWrQfIKjUSJL mwmmmma^jA Mil. vo lis* East b> J. IL Edwridg*, - Jui» and on tht Wt%( by F. M btaouboa, coo ' laiiuu 49 arns more or ,k*» and be r.k the 3M» l&ad tku »i> to - («• Wwirt ky K. *. lUmt ami wrfc by i!wd «•' nwr! k Book Y-l at pace 3W« Tai* the «k ta> of Ot*_ I*U RIitERT S. KEEL, jHsitir ibi IW. Attrs.

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