LIVESTOCK NEEDS BETTER FEED AND CARE Raleigh, X. C. Oct. The buf gctt 'praUn htftr the livestock Huwi hi North Carolina and the one thins which is boWm* hark the do velopment of t bnrr livestock in ilmlij ■ the Slate is ths lack ot at tntiai t* proper feeding. "This," says R_ SL Curtis of the State College Experiment Station "is the one thing to which oar prospec tive livestock farmers ma't devote a'tentiaa if they vnhi be swwssfii I saw an example of this at the rt h rrnt Sate Pair where an exhibitor owirmoom | % IK wiaox ruh lias •rra ——t mcm in. i IWM I 1 _ * •/" * j i ■!i■■■ frnr-rni ESS - ft BIWI M yffln§ mm vurMOuni —Mf gutfrnni Wgg&oW CHAUTAUQJUA SUPtRLNTENDENTS A SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, WILLI AMSTON, N. j C TUESDAY, WEDNE SDAY & THURSDAY. NOTICE —DEMOCRATIC CANVASS THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR THE LEGISLATURE AND OTHER COUNTY OFFICERS WILL ADDRESS THE CITIZENS OF THE COUNTY AS j FOLLOWS: ] . JAMESVILLi; TOWNSHIP October 28 —Dardens School House October 27—Brown School House October 31 Jamesville, School House. WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP October 16—Sandy Ridire October 30 Fair View I , . GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP October 14—Lilley's Hall October 27—Fann Life School BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP J October 17—Be&r (ira-s School House- CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP October 18— I Cross Roa'*s Church November 3—Everetts ROBERSONVILLE TOWNSHIP October 14—Parmele October 28 —Gold Point ' JL October 29 —Robersonville 1 ' ' ' * j j POPLAR POINT TOWNSHIP October 17—Spring Green School House ' November I—Mills School House HAMILTON TOWNSHIP October 30— Hamilton October 31—Hassell GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP October 15»—Oak City Everybody is cordially invited to at- j tend and hear the issues of the dav discus- j I sed. All meetings will he held at 7:30 P. M. J By order of the Democratic Executive ! Committee of Martin County. | » CLAYTON MOORE, Chairman. j •*"' V , I brought in an »»l havixg i>mr of - I ' I • the finest Mood lam; m America; bat ' I jhe had not fed it properly, had al - lowed the "l-'nnl to ran down in flesh j 1 [ and therefore the feed nuia—ii wasj 1 1 , not shown advantageously in the body -'of the bolL We ieed to devote more - attention to the better foedmg of oar - livestock. |» ! "Along with this, we> need to give i them protection fr->«n inciemrct weath I • I * er Such protection wfll cur down the I - cost of fe®dine and Wp to ktep the ; t animals in rood coaditioa. With fjt j 1 animals the open aurht be all j ■ that is needed, but for dairy cows.' I r ordinary beef acirai- ar. J inrp. *e . ! = i : s should hare some place provided aCo _ which they might go in freezing. rainy and extremely coM weather. * Once an animal gets in low flesh he -3 cause of exposure and poor feedinc. 1 I 3 -it may eat nearly all the time aid >' ill show no effects from th- food j "A rood she*), ink-pnof and dosed , at th» back ami sides, used as a re- ; treat for the animals in extremely bad weather, will pay even in cur eticaMe climate. ! I i i Mos: every joy has its ' .That saying holds alnw4 inrarsahlv.i | And last Friday it held corn more »| • when a poor old colored mar. lost I MNI in re cool cash. The old man had I - j V brought a hore* here r»r anot-rr mar j and happened to win a nm. So hap-' p> over the outcome that he wmt to (the Coast Line station t«» wire his. hoss ami laid his money ilimr in tSe ! . SALE OF LAND FOR TAXKS I. J. O. Manning. Tax Collector for ihe Towi i >f \\ illiamston. X. C.. have this day levied on the following tracts or parcels of land and will sell the same at public auction for cash, before the 1 ,'iiy Hail. W illiamston. X. C.. on Monday, Novem ber o. 1924 for tin 4 taxes due and unpaid for the year 1923. unless the taxes and cost are paid on or befoore that ('ay. This 2nd day* of October. 1924. White TAX COST TOTAI lli>. l»> ra lluiiuni, Kte tr-mtrijcr , j. 1 j>*i («V V» I>l rum. vfu vac .1 m I2on IMI 13.£4> t. M. t.oru>, vikini tu \ Uj ljfci 7-©.» Htmr k-ult) i-i*l tl i oip. ' lUio IJJO 145.66 llari Ltlli 4c I'Jrl, 1-2 liMrlrtf 10. >t jji 1 Ml 7.1*6 V» - A- Jante . r*»idcSrt Maiu. >liws 4.84 I ni 1)6 (.1 H. two ie>»t«uce» _ lol«l 1.80 W2>o —jm tt illunu, nn>nienc« - J I;. llcUtwan, u.«f r -k)nr _ 43.U6 INO 44 No Mart n & thrrv 1.4 - . 124.96 1M» 126.75 Vanning i l'e»l, i>t:r blf (UK _ 5.25 I.B*l 7.06 Julu- S. Feel. ft*»r lot* _ x;(B l.jw» Ji.Ki Mrs. W. 1». l.ob r> >r>. 1.4 _ 2.1(1 I.JJO 3.SMI U illiamston v oo|*m*- IV. a !»'.» 9t»;» I mi 92. lo iWani * t'riteher. 2 lots . 50.4" IJO 52.20 William-ton Kwll) an.) Imp IV, mw lot 945 1.80 11.25 Coloored I*. S. Itullork. r» >i».t-iLr» i.hii Kverett, ifsMßn 11.74 I so 13 54 W H> man, O'rtrinle I 10 2> I ixz.e H .wkir.-. M 2.H1 I MI ;; yo A rxlrrw Jamr>, one lot 15.711 1 s0 17.511 M «ry Ki bfca vacant kt .. 3 15 ijmi 496 llann.-h l.lo>l, :♦««. H. Moore, (Kant lot 15# |*ii 238 rarMir Purvis, rf-hlfnf» 17.14 it«> 1894 Stewart Ibcas, re hl»m>> ... _ 14.70 1841 16.50 Mary Eliu Kojtr>, ie>kttnrr 12.6 M 1 Mil 14 4rt Abe Spruill, residence __ 1150 IMI 13 30 Sherrwl Sade. residence K.«i IM> 10JO '(rtbnH Wirifin-. n lenre 24.10 I mi 25 W» I Turner William-. !"!•: William.-, r --i-l»nce " 24.76 1.80 26 56 - | High Grade Pianos j For Sale ! . I j| We have on hand in the office used by ! Major Julius S. Peel sevei-al strictly hiurh ' I in*ade player-pianos that have been slight ly used but not abused that we will sell for I j 50 per cent of their former prices on easv ! I j terms. I | Pianos are different from automobiles. 1 Autos last for a year or two, but a tfood piano will last until you children are Array headed. Fathers and mothers can play j J these pianos with their feet while their j children learn to play them with their fingers. Seet them at once. I • i HARRISON PIANO CX>MPANY Williamston. North Carolina. ' " I." " ' "■ ■ - . I - - -'ILI» - ■ . I JUST RECEIVED, Car Load !. Haywiie, car load ground alum salt, car load No. 1 shingles and P car load of wire fencing. || g| " " Cheap for cash —Call and see me before buying elsewhere. I C. D. Carstarphen & Co. I WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA | j THE EXTEKI-RISE. WILL lAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA cokml vailuiK room and in the H , ciinsfnt left it lime. He left the ; -tation and upon returning the monev ■v root. The old man who. just a few minute* before, was overwhelms' with joy. broke down and wept worse than a child who had lost its mother. i The !hoagM of losing the money wa.s * rot expelled bat lingered with him. I for he cried until he departed. I _ Not b»astiiur of too kind a heart. ; Wit if ■» had hai that much money * H would have been the greatest I pleasure to have giver, him the a hmuil he lost. And not to boast of a had disposition, but if we could have , exught the rogue, wc would have been to help haunt him from the * face of this green earth ! I HINTS ON SAVING KI EL •v Now that time is here for taking your coal stove out of the 'storage, room an*l fixing up for winter, it > j seems timely to suggest some simple! steps in maintaining your healing equipment and retaining the heat that j is generated In firing a coal stove or furnace and even bed of fire should j Ibe kept over the entire grate. This I I , ■, bed of fire should not be disturbed I { too often. Renew with fuel lightly and j frequently Be -ure the ash pit to' 'I ! the furnace or stove is clean before j I beginning the fire and keep it clean . | for all times'fire is in the stove This! r!ash pit must be cle -a to allow enough i , air for combustio.. ami to prevent i , the grate burning out. Soot is a non- j , corductor of heat The furance it.~elf. ! 1 therefore. loses he .I when s«x»t is al- j li wed to collect on heating .-surfaces, j The largest loss of heat is due to the • I Iti-k of a check damper and turn damp «-r or from neglect to use them in j stoves and furnace- Hot water pi|es | '*vse much of the:r heat when hey ' are not coated With asbestos. jam! furantvs waste heat bv premi; J . 'jting col«l air to ent»r -he fire box. I Remember improper regulation of the > stove door and a_»h pit door has tnc j ame results as irick- in the stove j ot furnace produce A broken grate j shoul«i be promptly repaired because I it re>ult* ir the los> coai l>urii!k.'cokl weather heat generated I u: a r*H>m nw be kept in ind cold ra» air k.-pt out. l.o.»-o fitting .; • ?i«l windows should be -ppaitn! K\- cessive ven'ilation should be cut V tlown ami iloors -houl-i be k«-pt clo-ed while not in u-e HK4VKR l»\M UK'IL NKWS V Mrs Knnl> »\ Mitchell left KridaV for Washington wh r > V w>ll vi it U relatives before returning to her home 5 in Norfolk Miss Mable I'ricv of Washingtor. » !pent the week end with her coiisin ii Mis. J H Rogers. |J Mr N M l'naut of Washington II spent Friday with Mr and Mi \> n '■ I'eele h Mr. and Mrs. K.lnwi t'he- son p-?-» U Sunday afternoon with Mrs. V\ II " Rogers. I Mr and Mr>. J H Roi?«-r> and Miss j Je.-sie I'eele and Mr Ijester Rogers ' -pent Saturday in Wa-hineton. Mr and Mrs. Sjrlves'er Rayiior - atxl mhi' Julian attcvM the Ijeainm- I Ooston revival at Il\mouth Sunday. I j Mi I ullipher motored to I Greenville Satur>ia> night, j Mr Cecil llodge- -pent Sunda> af | tcinoon with Mr William I'eele i I FOR SALK SKVKR \L Nil K UITS | well located. See tt. C. Manning. iMW r ¥IORS TREAT ; COLDS AND THE FLU To break up a .old ■ mftit or to cut •kort aa tllal »f f"f,r tafJueau oi tore throat. iJiimcum jr i ur o»» i nouKradiii Ol s k, 11 - uumlrH Calbawl tablet. iki: pu-.f: d liua dan I getou« and nVi . r!lo! |i*M« «li» luw triej it ikl »: a.-t- 1 y i igri .by far iwrt rfletli. ..j c . it. ~'.L -|m „|d •tile cal ■ mel. k*if> ... t tj by phyaieaaa*. One >i tn fVoti?.- ,-t I i i .re »ith a ul m) r iba! .. i. No tall*, ■u i'i'.-»a a»r the ' •:>! *ferenre • ith w«..L a|l - »: f. ■: morn ifltf »«■ . .Id vi- •'« {"h r-'fethed »| t ■ I lotah* are « >ld oe»* in ong> V , " . i• tagrt. price K3 for ibr . ♦ .(I cue; I thirl, foe r. alt Iff jb luge famdv park »*.e. MWfdrd and guaranteed by ilrnf ." >«or Rme> la kil you are not sW : sk-ttl- adr .LOST AT FAIR GROL'NDS. » E&' night, One Gobi op«i-faß! watch, j without chain. Initials on hack. J. P. B. Rpturn to Richard Smth ami I receive re wan I P. B. CONE Dentist OUke Over The Farmers .wl Mer chants Bank Hours 9-12 and 1-5 j SI'BSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE NOTICE OF SALE I mter ami by virtue of the power ; « f sale contains! in a certain d_ed cf tiust exocuti.! by H A Grey ««; ii* - 27th day of Nov. 1919 whach a>i deed! jof trust is of record in the pub : ic | registry of Martin Court - y in Book |l' - : »t 4»*4. ■l,-r-l of rust j | been to '.V puv ' rnent of certain notes of .iat j nd tenor therewith and default hav j in*.' been made in the paynvi.t of .Jthe ■;> id notes ar..l the icontained in the -an! •teed «.t in -1 j no* having been, complied wish ano ; Jut the r«»|uest of the hol.ler of the' said notes' the un-fersitne*! T rast will on Tu'-.lay tV- !lth h; of! Nov 1924 a* 12 o'clock M ir of the Courthouse tl.ior in the town of i I\N illiamston. North I ar»»!'r.* >*? r for . I ale to the highest hsi.ler for cast* at | public auction •he following describmi . j real Estate, to-wit •Si uate in saw! town »m tne Noit, | | side of North R. R. S r-v! itM houzn j 'j ua the North by land of H A\ • ».!sd East by lan I of ran»vU* and Motor to. on South by sat: Sir t ami or, the Wist h> land.- of S Itam ami being lot of land 'his day c»»«.\e> i | j «.ti to Ktsl tlrey by -ah» Kviiu, k am; I lh!s the ItKh .lay of (V 1921 J» A. Ml/El I.E. Tru ire Martin and Peel. attys. IO ;4 ! NOTIt E OF SALE i I'mler ami by vtrtut of tlx powc ill authority ui a curtail, 'deed of tru. t to the •jr.-ter-u-•« trustee - by W. A. James ji.-i wTTo Lilian J .tines on the Ilth .lay of Xprd 192.'!. -.aid deed of 'nt-t Imne •: record in the public reKi>'ti of Mat 1 till County in Book II 2 at pa»;e 516 ■ ;.!ii Or.-! of tru tto to e cure a note of even , *la*e .: s„ r i. ... • herew.t.i, tiui.jjit -. tvf. ' laine.i in said «le*d' of trisi ;n»t 'jv . , bceii complied with, at the ; N|ur>: o{ the parties interested, the un-ler u-n »d, will on Tuesday. tie 11th iay of 1 November, 1924. .it 12 o*ci«k M i ( I tout of the tour. Hoc e lV«ot of j| .r tin County, in the Town i f taifliaai -ton, N C. olf« i f,. -il - «> ihr i, ' -1 bidder for ca.-Ji, at i>. : the followiniK described r* d »-c- Benij{ lot No 7. alloioi to II 1. 1..>10r, beKiiiiiini; :it the ceii'tr of lh? • canal in Ros. Swamp, . t i;.- -t Jane W hittield and i Obttiii . at ' ;4:iil U hitti.-M's line S2l A I. !w chains to the cent-r of ;h»- ro-«t r t' ence aloni; the cen'et .f K• i» S &9 E In, :a) im> ch.- in to .. .t A- op |*o-.ite the ei»l of th«* -litrfc, mr-*-r of lot No. 6; thence alour «a»i "liict, ■ line of lot N. •>. N 34 15 E. cVain.> to the enter of the «a; .1 tl.ence up sahl ranal it> i n ,-u courses to the ivMain .. '/7 1-2 ajres more or .••>> i>l }• , • I r»t No. 7 of the K T- T «>lor !:«i^t j i ivision, same beinr 'ab>t to the life estate of K T Taylor lliis the Itlth iay of Ortobea, 1924 WHEKLEK MARTIN. Tni-t e 10-14 1 sirill E OF SALE „ L'mler aiwl by iuu> ii«* p»« -r f -alt- con tame, i m a certain -ieeal of , executed by C \ Cmon arxl I i wife, l.ula tt Car>on t«» the iwlrr i - • l tru.-TtJ-f on the I_>l lay of Jai- 1921,, which said tle#>l of Int.' i- of rtx,nl in the public re|(i.->try of Martin t'wiu ty in Rook G-2 at pat;e 1117. -j»l «»r*»t i ' tru.-t having bnn (iim to --eui certain notes of even -ta e iwl t -.- .>r herewith ami the stipulation:-oxata n «il in the said ifo-vd of tru-t luimu; It en jfiven to secure cefatn ih>l - t.f even date ami tenor then « It. ami the stipulation* contained n, the sa -l deed of trust not havinn; b.--i. coi; plie«l with ami default bavins U>:i made in the payment of the wv. -e runs I then-by ami at the st of the holders of the »»! n*-l ■- the u;i itersijrnel trustee will oi. T«.--lii t «■ 11th day of Nov. at ii o'clock M in front of the cuurtho«t>e .hx>r in he town of William-t"ii. North Car; l-na offer for sale to the hitl. >: hi" der for cash at public aarliw th-> following tlescribeal real estate, to, 1 wit: 1 Beinit one lot .ituat - ;n the 'awn of Parmele, N. C. 1 Beifinnin»{ af an iroti stake in Ra:l - oad Street, Roebuck's comer, thmcf ' Southwardly with Ko.-b«ark% line la* feet to an iron stake in sahl Roebuck'* ' ine and J. L Williams corner, thence ' Northwardly with Roebnek's line 150 feet to a stkke in Railroad street i.«ebuck's rorn-r, lias:wnidly J with Railrakd Street 77 feet to the t beginninf. i Known as the and lot cm 5 veyed to J. L Whitehurst hy J. T. I stokes .-Inter mnrttnl by Whitehnrst 1 o L. D. Roebuck. Rein* the idwtir. I t property conveyed in a deed from L I D. Roebuck and wife to jnid C. V. 'anon and Lala W Carson, dated an 1 •V 25th day of MOT. 1920 And thfci l-ed of trout b created far the par • ' ' . J ! n>se of securing the payment ml a ; part of the purchase price im utinned as consideration in said >leed. I This the 10th day of Oct. 1934. T. JONES TAYLOR, Tro ee. J Martin and Peel, attys. 10-14-4 ELECTION NOTICE Ntrth Carolina County. ] ' aiter and by virtue of an order i (ti-eii by the uoani of Cemmjswatn jo? aVrtii* County at their jr» - -liar session an Morulay the Ist i ia> of eSp'.p.nber. iJ"2I. Notice is j hereby (fivct: that an elect 10. *3l be 1 telti at the usuai voting |x- in V- ill ams i to'vnship. Martin ounty. lon he 4th iay of oNvember 124. st t>emir ame time am! plac- of the tiwril Election!, for the purwwe of jtijk.R)f the >ense o fine t|uaiinei vot trs of said Williams Township, on .tie iuestt«n of whether the jol 'oun! i Commi.ssloners shail con tit ue to levy', in accor*iance wiiii the j now existing Special K- ao Tax Law of -am Township, a fecial tai for jthe {Nirpose >»f impn-vjnu atsd main (UnmriK j«j il :c roa«is of oti jT wnship. for a per:od of are tat '>ear- from an-1 after the • \;- ra , "on 'he no *e\;stini: R a-. Tax law. At sail elect im tho-e •jualitie.i vot !i - who an- m favor of cort.' an* j said ;ifopositK»n .hall •. ote a Haliot ji-r* which -Kill '»• written «-r pr itdl jthe wonts "For -p» .*>a«i i'.' ami jth. se oppo-e-t •■> t'»e proposition -hall l.t- -t m» -tarxi- -ha!! iote a balk-t on fitch shall in- *M"e: or printed •' " Vifa n-t Sneeal n«>! "at*. J Said election -had Is o)»iw.ot at i.iie rmv a; o j4ac»- : by the Registrar ami *jf eSec tion a- -hall comiuct tne •.• «ral i.m umter ttiat« arn ea.iT I th» -,inv rules ar>.i r« tuiat,«>,.- a.- are j !.«■* pMinhsl for the eelctiori of r-errt |t«r- -f .i»e e'it:eral A--emr>l>, ur*ier th* cetiera! election la*- of «He State. 1 Itv onior of tie |»,ar-: of t'onmis .' .turn r- ..f aMrt in Cou"'y i»n t>'- the 1 } 1-1 ..f September. 1924 S S. BRtIWV I't-e -tpr of tVe- 1 ir * E\ vflm |"erk to the Roam -NOTICE t»F S\l F.' A> F*t-cutri\ C T V ~( as -de Klfatre un-li r the Vi :ii ,»f i»r. J. I',, it ' hy eiveit tftat tin- uiKlrr-i|(«.l for cerlatn p-Tsortai ,n>p«-ri'» of l»r. ■ I .Hi' auto!iHit»«its, wile feujsc; t»o*v alid calves a-ai oia. t.eli. I. one J ti II Kiiii;!it. IVc a-oij K- wit; l aiii;) atsu liar in -.-. \!-o one tock of ii e-niai in-ti uioen s an»l aii wtber ipetsofial j»r ■ '(s 11 v it ihe of - !n- e -■( i .lon.. . M .-t' .n ii I. la'tis toe. \ « . occaprol t>> the la. I»» K. .:j»h". I he pn/|*-ri> al».vv rm .>. -[■ol a ill he sohi at private sale, atd for casta or i'-t m- to b-- attreeil u|>oo by the un j-i I -i>'ti> I a il the purcha-s'r. Parties" n4H>-te-i it»a. call upotul th u »i. i j ari> rne at their f I'•«'-« ure I'M 'u- -rd ia> of lii b*; 1^24. XI»A i: KV«i»IT. Km a»u» . i V . ! « I • • ittee. liunirinif. Moon- A H-irtim. \U(«nieys. 10-7 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina M irtin t"ounty I In ihr Matter of M I. llatton. Ad ministratriv of the Estate «d J. P. Ituller. IVcrased. E\ Parte. I inter ami by virtue of Hi i r-ier of tie Superior t'ourt of Martin t'ountjr, ii the Special I'roceedia? rnti led ~ln t' matter of M E. llatioii. A.-iminis ti itnx of the e-tate of J P. Butler. A Ex th-- er-»l r-urned emmissioner. will on M«i, lay. th* 3ni y of November. 1924. 12 o'clock M. in front of the Cour. lion e IWr. in the Town of \\liliatn-von. N. C «tier for .-ale to the lit.:rtf-x. bolder for cash, at public auci -n. the fol- I. v. ii. k ilescribed real e-tate. to-wit; Tlie Brick store buildug; in the Town of Janie-i die. N >r h Caioluia. siil-ie b-imr oil Water Mitel, and be iag the- btick store xrd lot .bat be loi.|jes| to J. P. I.utler, at tl«r *inie of his -bath. This 3rd 'ta> of Octolier. 1924. V". HI EI.FI; MARI IN, 1' iiini mnri Martin A Peel, atty>. 10-7- - NOTIt E OF SALE I mter ami by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Martin • ounty in the Special Pun i nling.! In title.), tieorife Roebuck, et al, r> | Wdlie Roebuck, et ai. the ondersigntd I I •innussioner wdl on the Ist day af November 1i»24, at the Cj«rt Home ■K«-r, of Martin County, in th? town of Wdliamston, at |2 o'clock. H. of fer at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash the following descrik «l tract of land, to wrt: A tract of land known as the Isaac and Cattle Wiggins trac - fwt the land* of Henry Slade oa the North and West, G. R. L Roebuck oa the South and IK. Mnttie Bryant oa fit East. Containing 125 acre* raore or lra> *»d recorded in the Public try of Martin Connty ia Book XXI. Page 104. Tku* the 26th day of "jj' ki, 1*24. ' It DI KE CETTCHE*,

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