WATCH IB LAB. OK TOW TA m. IT «"■ IK DATE tour suncnrnoN' expires ====== = VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 75 GOVERNOR MORRISON SPEAKS ON THE PORT TERMINAL, BILL TO LARGE NUMBER AT COURTHOUSE WEDNESDAY Able rtff titiw of What Port Terminals and Water Transportation Would Mean - To State of North Carolina afternoon xr ti ifli I with ■ prt tii | a*i what it mhlil area V* fawhi tfcirf w aade m am 4k mmmtr. He »tMM his fcwim tt»l tW pMjlt rt. had bill as * ii to he lijiulHl to the tent ms and of IW MaleV hr« be-i --mu bcb aW the thm mi who ur cprnly Ifttag A we nUer railroad lliilbilli 11 or radraarf lawyers and they have eat givea aay stady to the sakject or they wsal I not appiw a pa hey whfrh a aad has beea aation ally aasafted far yean. Ll NCnOX AT THE ATIAVne HOTEL tjournal aad Mrt. Dun-on aere haasrad with a laaihua by the beli ef Wilaait— aaay af ahsai are ardent idainr> af the piKiit Gov- lajrw Jm L. Huwfl «at Uut i—rtrr (m tW «»■«»■■ aai «m !■!( by Mr. Elton IVtl. Pr» K. L Hfcitlry Mr K .G. Kr\ Mr. SMt| Mr. Harmon. ■ nm UHK. adnanl ll* CSreir Mr tore as ipaa rar of (to bdl for' which to • m* wmUm x» faith Mr. M safe xtot talk «• tto tto gmt ttnfc mklt in M.- rtia i iatay have toes aadr b> all other cith. m 'to State One thing fartnlarl). Mr. Peel mentioned that Governor Imtuu ha- ••»» ft. a»l Martn count). wa tto putting m of a tot on tto Koa ooto river ahiili has already aawed ■ tIMHMh mf ii Kara ib frrjffcl rata*. Mr. M mU that tto toat u pat to ipnatiia wary danly after the liMaapailaliia aal to hiaa should r» tto credit. ■ub tot owtoc to tto lack of U», to mmty * k *~~ w — "toaa far their warn GOVERNOR'S srrni HEARD BT ■tftUBKUS GtfttM Mmamm «a • by a well MM haaae. ew> seal tain* by people fna all «rtaa» of caaaty with w—mj www., (frakkd -a* f.iwr.i by Mr faieit L Cihain. who t iiftainai the State. Mr. IkfrW After a few phmilnn. » U tht ton aai cwwaty. Gnoaar Morrison porta and water IMUfHIitM for the State He «l that the r-*at ■ ia ill a. that either the State or the 11 mil «f the State km not M paMir parts xad water Uan-por I til II The l»tha» tbiafcifri and the mil it mWi al «tr Ue t««- try fatw waitr trwwpartauon with the otqtaa of a few thriwy li|r+'-- f mm* m State. He eifhaM that * had beer, a party ■» » p*. •» appwpriala naae; far «i«ea* aad har jar> foi prapiiatii. i IM in the casing efee ttae. the platf— of each caadatate is haaitij far way* and anaai far rtttef'fw the fanaen Caahdre has with aB Us rreat strength far years la iapiw Jt'DGE VHSIOX WILL STKAK IN EYUKTTS MttlUT BfLNLNG On Min—a I i A. W fl» Ik* wirffci IZMT THE ENTERPRISE la tpedbaf of the fixed policy of Ike Metal iMcnaaat as to water ways, the Governor stated th»t if the Stoto pesasd theJfaad Isaac some ef the mbv ailbv« Mb. V that were paid ate ths fedatal tn«>an «xmM he tamed hack M the State far the iaipweieeeft of it* owe water way*. Tessa nuiiul last year $13.- MMW for canal hail Hag aad we have to pay tee tian as much of that amount as she does according o he amount of taxes eerh pays ai»i be cause we have not accepted the sug gestion of the f-th C«r*res «n«tb sayts. "every I'. S. port sheet.! tt its port front aad the port sjioald be run by an efficient Han. regardless of party politics aad the port sh—ll be setfjapportiag aad each state shoe Id have a part authority But we have completely ignored this suggestion. onse|itentl> the f««ler\l govern a»e«.! ras not boJh.-roi to pass out an ap propnatMMi to •>- am* we pay the Millions whfle the other* get theaa. Mr Marrvea aid, "there is not a Una north of tha Meaaa aad Dixar. Liar that npah the anjKic old Roanoke that flows by William-ton And if WiUiaasstoa was sitaated m aay of the New Enefaad sta'es it woafct not be aa agricultural center only, bat it would be a commerral milrr. as writ With its natural po ailiH oa ito Kowwkr rnrpr, it could to oaade into a cooH u»d pint lor about J7WJW. which e the ro>' of ««il) twenty 6% e niles of f*»l "The fright rate> la Villaaotur end Tarhor* and ultor flace> that h»l boat ■enre several )v.xr> ajt». are stl a little ctaaper than they are mi *ame piaWi and this l- true tsnd wit praaf that with parts am* f«witr» I* ilem. rates Mould to ■ltrßL'« l ak i'l Nofti Caro lina towns." Tto GMenur >aii "the 'ippnimir to tto boat bdl -toes not j»*ers'. inythintr to rtawil? ike situation" This to >howea to be in a .lesperute way. if North Carolina i» to toai pet- with Virjrwua or amy «f the states that hare wafer tran>porta ties. He . reau .oaae freight rates taken from the rwonh of tl-e coun try. showing hoa North Caiolina is mitrk Vjijnia. A lord sdfc- •i» this mV of the N«n.. ('MIiM-Vinuiu ■— mh t 4li.v. thai, u «• the Vimwmm **+r Fretfht r ""' va*» b»« S3 1-3 •« » per «hi' hiclg» cr w our >ulf ikti they are u> Vir r-ntM. "What «k»j| w A afenat it?" 'Senator ''iwiii !■* -iwlol Sow" km iUlrsaai liviut, >i« iwl if we will accept the -wu* «"f ( he ran literal*) VuMi-i "»•!■ liu* r« •, hi w ut Hdpfc-* m- I *m we taU niti wii ul ap- »-itte fariltfk* h> m w*t*r "The aei. «Im> have been " td to lock u>'« *.i.i> Bill are aa>ong the be>t bari—i met. of the w'nJt State aM uct al«a>> been keei ex perts ■ hudlu.r "heir «w erd tkey *a) thai it will pa> the State to i«T4» the nwnev -Will we .ote the -oea»*re down «c —i T«i ih] baeaa*e we believe that oar taxes vll he briwlT Are we afraid to *«*e for it? The bc«d.- wfU be MU aad the interest paid b) :n innea>e of taife « or nw laxary tax shoald the bill pa.—. a«i H will MI m aa hntM of t*ie» or. jLlmi'mm. -We are ptyia* VbMm every sixty h>> h fre«(fht bat" afcd with the water (oaptUwa. the rate» «MU he M Materially rertaceo that we wmM he nor* aMi to pay than ever before " TV Gwew k cwAht-t Jfc*t the HU Vfll Ic cavnM m the State by » idlt Bijani). He ml] vfl pit a MUM» majority Vikt OMMf 4JM, linxkll ««nt rtimiii J adi CWifattr at tea** 5,- OM aad dwi put «f the State west •f Safes** wfl mc m with a i". MAKGOLLS BMVTHCBS AND BBOOLS COVTIMS THUK 3TB ANNI* EKSAKY SAIE Maigniir B*» aaJ Crrals m* L -ll.i > te MU rnHf+cnmy rate T ll~* —rr far DM, r«nka and ■ Lii— that tk»- »IT r tM of#r ■r-tetht pMt ten 4ajr*_ »*• anml TV mr-.% -Man* «-| •ar «te caaMt kt toted ■» fna their j ■tecfc, they « ««Mr giaats or I ,GHT PR/NT Willi afniston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, October 31, 1924. TUESDAY, VOTING DAY IN ALL PAItTS OF THE COUNTRY Every Precinct In Mar tin Will Go Democratic By A Safe Majortiy Tuesday is the day which calls every American citizen to exercise his governmental right and to say whom he would have to rule over him for th? next four years. More han 40.000,000 people will have that sacred rijrht, perhaps no: ir#s* than 25,000,000 will even think or caie for that right. Martin count? has about 4,500 legal electors, about 2.500 of this number are expect e>i to go to the polls ami cast their ballots. In t>e efc-ven voting precincts, V l.lianiMon and Robersonville will cast the !ar*c st numb-r of voles and Mi P. it and I'oplar Point will probably be ven ill casting the -mall eft number of votes. i>riffia- will ess' the largest vote in propottii' i I" its population. • Every pi. - ct in the county will gv lirniwriik by a safe majrrity. The par>y ve'.e for Governor will b« a'-out 5 to I idemocratic. The larjrefct niijor't. » 1! giveh most likely to & county officer Several aiwwilmjnt.> to the State constitution will be voted upon, most of hem are little known by the peo ple at large. Only one of them will taxes and that is the raising o» the pay of the meml»ers of the legislature The most important mes»ion to be dec.iifrl is the vay me.^ure WINS PRIZES AT COASTAL FAIR Theodore Koh.TM.nV While Irpill if' ton» Take Man) Prises at taaftlal Plain Pair Tl»e White Orpirtßtiln chirk?nts »f Mr. Theodore Roberson took most t. f the pnxe> in the poultry ilcp:'.'' mcnt at the Coital Plain fair at Tarboro I hi* week. Mr. Rubrrmn is owner of the Roa noke Poultry Yards ami his yarils are known far ami near, 'l'he judges at the Coastal Plain fair said/ that Mr. Rotorson's- chickens were' the best they l»ad seen in the State. Mr. Roberson received nearly all lie prizes for his br**ed of chickens, with the exception of the whole coop di.s pi*> MRS. X. BLCKNKK TO ADUKEKS ( MKISTI AN SI'NDA.Y SCHOOL NEXT SI VDAV MOKSINI Mrs. N. Buckner will make an a«l --liirw to the classes at the Christian Sunday next Suinlav m*>ninj.f at 10 o'clork Mr.-. Buckner is, perhaps, the most ittiarlivr woman speaker in he Srmth today and an address of "til worthy maj be expected.Evervone is cordially invitel to .hear her. H. K. BAKBOI K APPOINTED DKPLTY OF IMSTKICT NO. 23. J. O. I. A. M Iturham, Oct. 29. W. E. Barbour, | of Wilson, ha.- been appointed deplity of «Sistnct No. iCt, J O. L. A M. An tMiuncemer.t of his appointment waa made by State Councilor li. M. Oantt of this city. The .-election of Mr. Harbour is rt.n.-xterel a (food one for h(l is rne of the most active Juniors of the lis trict which is composed of Wils»B, Edgecombe and Martin counties. Mia* Brrr) Pawn ThrouKh HilliawlM Kb route To Kal«-i«h Mis.- Hattie M. Barry, who was a roemU-r of the North Carolina Good Aa®o:t» ion who is end ?ii "the i,.- 'her of good roa'lf" an«i wh» wa« an anient worker lor tne KM*I roa W we are now enjoying, passe«l through litre this .norninjf en , route ti Ital tgh from i- ymcutt' whew she inaJe a speech last night on the Democratic issuer in this campaign. MASONIC NOTICE There will be a special communica tion of Slwwarkee Lodge Ho. 90 A. F A A. M. Hominy night, November t. at 7:4$ o'eloA. Work in the first decree. AH master masons in (rood standing are cordially invited. | -C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Jr., Sec'y Mr. H. C. Gttn, chairman of the ( Boned of County Commissioners, wis n town this morning looking after tmmtf affairs. VST PROGRAMME OF RADCLIFFE CBAITAUQUA RENDERED LAST NIGHT Two Brilliaat Lectures Given By l>r. A. M. Hyde At School Baildiax Yesterday The Radcliffe Chautauqua which has held a three days Chautauqua in the Wiliam.-ton school auditoriuir on eluded their entertainments las- um in«» with a very progr im. The lecturer yestenlay was D>-. A. M. Hyde of Btvton -un»' wilhou: i doubt, he is one of tho rongest lec turers that ever vi.ited the citv. He been with the Rndditre t"hau-> tuU'fua since its orxanizati-u eleven \t ars aKo and before tluit he was A ,ast«r of a lanr* «tv church. "That Old Gang of Mine" was the >ubj?ct of yesterday afternoon's lec turer. It was in a sad, sweet strain, full of pahtos but it carried many practical lessons. The evening's sub ject was "Better Tomorrow" and it was a very wonderful licture or this subject. The thread of THOUGHTS WHS that a better tomorrow could only be the re .ult of the application of the teachings and ethic., of the lowly J Xazarene. to Tftfc everyday w;«lk of the |«'ople ami the nations Mrs. Edith Marshall Clark of the Clark Novelty company, assisted by M iss Soule of Boston, pri>vel herself to be an artist of unusual ability. She was marvelou- in her handling of the Swiss hand bells, the xylophone, the cello, and the musical lyre. Miss Green, superintendent, has not yet finished the contract for next ve:tr hut she already had more half enough signers and she hopes to have _• he rest by tomorrow when she leaves. The Chautauqua luis been e'njcyisl; ali the program* being interesting. Some were more outstanding than rthrs, but the lectures have all been exceptionally fine and they have been enjoyed by all those who have avail ed themselves of th« opportunity of hearing them. The trouble with our go.«l is that we have yet do not hear mary of the good thing- that eie hroutlt to us, or it would not be anv tri.uiilf to get a contract handle I. Hnrrison Wholesale Company Ships (■oods to (irew What W'IIIW you think when >»•»- >uw Kvangelo> Papagorgion ami Vathy Sarr.o. ? Could imagine that the former «ra> a cu tune>- n» the Harrison Wholesale fompai.) and the latter w*« a plate in Gree.* where this wholesale company is slii»- pinp or-lerst W ell, such ig the case. A few .lays a»n Mr. IVnnls Tavlor, one of the H. r rison Wholesale's best salesman, pick ed up aly order for 30,1*10 |>. per liap kins lynw shipped to Mr Kvuri-elof Papaporirion, Vathy . v »mo-, Gr »•* The postage on the order will amount to about $13.00 atvl sevenl week- will lie required fir 'he or der to reach its (lestinat ion. 'I he customers owns one of the* laree.4 infos in Vathy Santos and is a lirotli.- of U. George. the h •* IOK man, who is well-known he-". The place is a few ;te,*s from home but in spite of the -lU* tree it «h*a sot 100 far for the lacal can ,-err. to reach it with iti ,'ood*. KKV. E. I>. IM»I»I» HAVING HJOESSrUL MEETING AT H01.1.Y SPRINGS 4'HI'KCH (in. E. |>. Itodd is holding a n.eei in( in the Holly Springs church near here -if*! gwat result* are being >een. Hev l>odd is assited by the Federation of WiJlianuton ami the whole community is being awakened 7 The meeting began last Sunday and will come to an end tonight with a fc..pti*mal service. There have been many confession and many others are expected to tonight. : ' -•* NASSErs DEPARTMENT STARTS ";ET ACQI AMS'Tfcl) SALE" THIS MORNING Sas.r.s Department store, the big »twi up-to-date department store in the Tar Heel building and which has been doing bu>iney in Williamston for only a short while, began a "get acquainted .-ale" this morning. » The management states that he wishes the good people of Martin ami .unrounding counties to get at- -taint - ei with the wonoetful b: r,-aii antl with tj)e big .store with the all prices- They 'have a most compt *le Hne-aarf ten are striking bargain in anything that may be wanted. Household chair.4 and a!umi:tum rets are being grven away loday ami they are going f«t> FOR QL'ICK SALE. IVER JOHN son Uiryde, Standard SI4OO. Hub Partial motor attachment. If In terest ad, mm Chiriw Knight, City Peanut and Cotton Buyers Hndorse Port Bill Two men. one a pe: rut buxer ami the other a cotton oei town, indorse water tr isportatien measure tor North Carolina bfrosc iVy can pay the farmers higher price.- for their produce. Itelow we print> seat us bv these two lea»iin? buyers of this community. Editor of The Enterprise. IV? r Sir:- I can pay one-eighth of a cent por pound for pcrnut. when they are shipped ov?r the boat line- than ure shipped over the rillror.>i I. T FCW DEN. Editor of The Enterprise, Dear Sir;- On account of the cheaper freight lit' es that we enjoy b\ shipping our cotton on the Roanoke river, we aro able to "pay at least twentv point* more, for cotton Hlrn we cuuld when we -ln;iped by rail. i»k J\o i» ::w:t;s IXK AL MARKCT £ \Y ITH THK BEST 'ihe local tobacco in »«-k«-: -lav- with tie best. Spe. ula'vr- th>- market jure scarce «rt."!•■ . the-. •\e f«und that tobacco "n fi Pit.i« l-ioi* -eHs a high as it does in Ivtky Mount. W il son or anv place ei-e The -ale- yestenlay ami today are holding up to tbo-e «»f several w*ek> ago aiiti the farmer- aw alwa>s plea sed with their -ale- on the Wil - liiim-ton thiors thi- vear Tobacco wert* 'IT thr tir-t of the week. hut it is coming h.ick arain ami the advertr-ements i.'i this i -ue will show >«ii that, the price- are high and are with the be-»* to be found an) where in Eastern Carolina MKMOKIVL BAIT IST r Oil Kt II \OTKS Sunday 5:45- Morntnjr Worship. 11-t*i Fveiiinv Service 7 ..til There wa_> a -lieht .Ir«§« ».ui Sunday School la-I SuisW>- L'" Us I. ull luck to our . wal of »»» fw "*x' Sumlay Iwu iil at Uj«* iiH»rn int; v*'!\ ire The * 'II preach Sumlay at lIHW a. m. on Thf lour Alls". At niiflu the -ernce- »i!! U* uiitlcr the of the Iti'jfa- I'hilalhi'a rlsv*-. Tv luvf M^ur •,l Mrs liurkner. at.* loved • hrouirhoui tin* Sla'f. to whtres.- tlii> meet in*. fcv*ryho>ly who a ' U"ht !•» hear hrr »ml f\'*ry oiie who ,ias ht-j/il her * ill luear h**r Kt member ' the h«»ur. -event thi rt > Sumlay nitrh* Come early an.! vet r. comfortahl.- m>*i. The peu>tor mill at Jr'H J' n». Surday n Ik r» pular monl olv seiv •cf at iiMhlu k - •■rovt- A tonlwl in vi ation i- e*teii«ie*! lo all for all hri« x>nm*- H |_ .«. I'a-toi I'M EM I»K.NT IA I. « VMMDATE IN Hi t 01.1.1510N N',» Vol k. t»r.. Johrs W. liavi l)» mucratic IV-Hh iilul iaiid*late ha> a narrow escape Widniay when t«» his I «.n. - i.ear l-onc Island The car in be wi- r".iirig wa crowded agani-t . iiolh;*r cit on tln Queen.-born bridg*. It.err wa.> n serious ifijar>. HON. U. G. HIM MMIT!. IN THE CIT* Hon. !>.' G itiunißUl , liemocratic candidate far Attori.ev Ora-ral was in the city Wednesday. He went from Williamsion to Kobersonville where he ntaile one of the mast able -peeclie > that ha. been made in the can.pi' in the county. Dr. arxl Sir- Jiune K Sicilkw (k rf Jaiw>vi!k altenrinl the Chj-utau i|Ua her*- »hL- »f*k Mrs. W. J Hunter ui Greew-bno is visiting Mr. Hunter - mother, Air>. W. T. Hunter at h«r iKine in New Ttwn. L Mr> t'ulnepper of ElUabt- i) City! is visiting Mrs. **»••)».• S"a*t'i Mr". Culpepper is a /ull.ul .fiend of, Martin yutd risi'el h t> f>r»y --t»o years agu. Mr. Z. B. R«*>e »|*nt days of this waek ■> Raleigh a>. a bu i nes* trip. Miss Isabel Meekir, -of Kliuhelli City spent Wedwalay with her col sin, Mrs. VMlcr Mart if. jr. In the afternoon tk» with Mr. ehd Mr- Mar tin motored to Plymouth where -hey heard her father, C«L I. M. Meekins nkf a pot; mi spec*, . ftSTRIICE TO THE ENTERPRISE COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVEN TION IN SESSION Convention Closes To night With Interest- Program The County-wide Sunda) School Convention began last night irttjMi* Memorial baptist church. A short laeeting was heUi owing to the x 'l.iu Utiitjua, it being the w -' lll ot the six entertainments Rev. R 1„ Shirlex inttodut'.|• Mr. Sim.' of Raleigh who is at tlie len I of the Su'idav sch.-xd work in North • 'a- itina srd he made » general ad dies.- 1o the officers an-i "eather-, of ihe Sunday schools Mr. Sims is very capable ..p i know ; his subject and he imoai* - 'V-e knowledge that he ha- so -I - ny. that it is impossible not to -ecer n uch inspiration from him. T 1 e re marks he made last night just nit the hijrh places ami prepared the \ for today's work Tere were only re'.re-en*. it'ves fiom the Williamston Bal-ti-* i.ure • at the meeting last evening with Mo* exception of the pastor- and a very few others. The teachers, ortic--i - a' i in te other churche- 11 th * county cannot afford to miss t' e. e n-.eetings. Thosession .bis morning was per •«l with a devotional service oy R-x \ J Mann-ng. Miss lhu.-> an address on th? -übje«t. "Th Masterpiece of freit'jn." Miss Magee said that in all of Cod's creation, man wa.- pronounced llis greatest achievement Tha even Ut Ihf new —born — habe- was hoUC i,ll the |K»s.-ibilities of the highest achievement of man The prt-ce— of of lM>ih Imlv aioi mind of, child is in a great measure delegated t oman, the .mother, th father, the teacher to train the child .111 the way it should go. "To do so," Mis - Mji'tv sai' , "those who are to tram must first themselves know ho wto »lo it. Ihe trust have the proper organixat ioti mid equipment li» the Sundav schoo! proper ei|uipment is ju-t as e-sen tial as in the day >cho«d. or in tin 1 l'io|»-i place- should Ik- pro vided and -houlii l«- ei t u:pp;d v. ill uch furnishings that w.,11 eontrihu'i to such a state of r.n -d ai d c •in tort of btwly that the thii* may look up and learn of the thing- higher " M iss Magee is the t > |r- of lej,de I that. succeed.-, her soul i> ftlh-l «iti the spirit to move on and upwar' ii he giMMI work >he is now doing Mr. I» W. Sims spoke on "th« teacher for th» das-.", giving four necessary thiogs for She Ir-I work "I'hysical prep;iration. Mental pretiar iitlon, I.e-.-on pre|Kira> ion an>l Spir Duality, all of them together making th« goiwl teacher. "The work of the Snn«la\ >cltoo' teacher first of all must get thi pupil's attention. The attention .nlusl le held in order that "he real work 'Teaching i'hri-t clearly" max t« ac complishetl." Tonight's program will be the most nte]re-ting of the entire serie- MisH Mat?ee will s|»-ak on "Wor-hip ir Sunday School " Mr Sims w ill : pe*k on the ,-uhjert' "Our I'ui|>o-e and Our Ta-k " Everyone is ino.-i cordially inv.tei. 10 hear these two speaker.- and foi iho>e who fall to go a rea. trea' will lie missed. Mrs. Frank Hitch are! .'lr Juliu.- S. Hseh motored to Washington y-s --terday. Mr. Andrew Clark of the Tam pion Auto. Co. of Everett*. wa- a x isitor herto>lay. Mrs. j. W. Hardison, Mr.-, v. Ilu.-- sell and Mrs. It. R lutrnlull aUeno ed the Coastal Flam fair oro Weaine.-'lay. Mrs J. O. Manning, Mrs Henr. Harrison, Mrs. J uiie> r. Ilairison ami Mrs. W. C. Manmn-; motored to l*ly nioulh >e->terda> where «iw\ .-peiit the day with friends ami attended the evangelistic service--. Mr. Van G. Taylor, Cashier of the I'lanlers ami Merci an' - Bank »1 Everetts, wa- in town yesterday. Mrs.Edgar Long and LHf j Waldo of Hamilton were slo»p|.er liere this week. Miss Susan lamlun of the Cotton Associat it.ii who has been spending ev. ral days in the county addressing the |>eopie at various plac left this morning for Raleigh. Mr. C. C. Smith of Wilson has been Jn the city thi# week. Miss l.uara - Norton of Plymouth spent y«Kla) in the city viaiting her father, Mr. M. J. Norton. Mrs. WiHiam E Warrsi and Mis# Sal lie Harris motored to Washincton Miss Daisy Magee of Raleigh Is j* the city this week. , ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OU* COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO Mi* HOMES Ok' MARTIN COUNTY- ESTABLISHED 1898 8 BALLOT BOXES FOR NON-AUSTRAILAN VOTING DISTRICTS Raleigh. N. C., Oct. -Eight ballot boxes at each polling place in the 81 counties that io not hare the Australian Ballot system will be require*) to handling the voting i» the (general election on November 4, says a letter of instruction? sent to each of the chairman* of the county boards of election by Walter H. Seal, chairman of the State Board of leceltions. In the !'.♦ counties oper ating under, the Australian ballot the law specifically provides tie num- Ur to he used to that county. The letter stated that tne rmnl had been attempting 'o firwl a mews by which the number of boxeo nec essary-tor—balloting could be rc«'uced but that under the law it wa- round to be impossible. The eight boxe* required *«t de scribed as Na'ional Box in .vh'ca .-«iall i*» deposited all ballots tor nre'-a dential electors Congressional Box lor ballots for members of • -hi: State Box, in which 'hall be placed \ ote> Tor state S-i»rpr»e Ci.urt juii„e- and "■ • •-•Hit judges ;Coun»> Boxes for C'u.'y ifficers; and township tn«xe. tor township offices, and the Const itutron ,J Amendment Box in which votes for or airainst Constitutional a'neid ments shall tie placed. Iwo adoitional boxes are required for the two referendum One box is to b- lat>» led "World War Vetipuis Loan Fund" and the oti ler ! t.i'.)lt.>h >.ent i f i ort T.-riiiinal- jihl, Water i"-a" porta' ion. '"The providing ot » «a ! lo'. Ik xcs foi the referendum.*." say- the* let ter, "is made necessary by reasons of lTTT*~fiM't that Hie -Act- to |iwaJt I'ort Terminals and Water i ran.-por- Uitlon (House Bill St>7. Senate Bill Extra Session l!«t( pecitically provide* that a separate ts• X -iuill be used e.-pcciull> for the ballots cast •or approval or disproval f this Vet and it« provisions." . t tH'RCII OF THE \II VENT Be*. Clarence O. I'ardo. Ret lor. Twentieth Sunday af'er Trinity H;UO Hol> ('omniunioh 9,45 Sunday School. Harry M. Stubbs, Supt. H':Ut> Advent Bible .C!s*s, *"lay ton Moore and Rev t O. l'ir*lo, teachers. II :(J0 Morniw*; i'ij>ti an-i Ser mutk :!.Ul> Sunday School and S"rtn»»n, Holy Trinity Mission 7 :■>» Eveioiw l'r:t>er i.nd .-er inon. All Saints I>ay service will be held in the Cliuich » lite Advent, .Sa unla) morning .:t eleven o'clock. The lll> ('..nimuii; r «fill be cele hinted b> .the liiflir. lia alios oi offering at this .-*nr i'-e aie made in -jiecia! memory of i ur beloved dead and treuied » xclus ivety for charity. Mr.-., t B. Mi eloll •. L-ring rel tve.-> in larboro thi *tk arid at uidinir the • oa.s'al t lain fair. ItOHERSON V ILLE lUiTO.N REt Ell' I S I E \l» IN MARTIN UH NTT Mr. C. I- W il.-on, ictii'vmg agent ior thi* I o a.n lioii'.l. reports iZH bales deliverer! ai llobt rvnvdle kip to and including O lokr while ». W Hamilton of Jan -vilie ami J. U. Andrews of Willianistoii report lav« rable deliveries It la expected that llii cu too As ociatlon will receive a much t-r eater I roportion of thfp I'J-4 crop due to the fact that the advance cf S7O! plus i he loan of |2» is dignity -mailer than the retail price per bale at the present time. KILLS I»ELIi Messrs. Cox ai-d E. I* Cun ningham, bagged a nice three snag buck Thursday * while sqiiiml hunting on Warren Neck. They walked upon the df r and Mr. Cox shot with a load ot nrmber six shot at sh»e range. Tiie oeer «Ik shed t :f a little distance aud ft I dead. Mr. Fred Outland of Wash agum wu> in the city yesteroay. Miss Evelyn Harrkscn arrived l.ooM Richmond Wednesla ; n-gh*. Ir. J. Marion Uiiftn has accepted a position with the Milliwutut. TeL Co. Mr. tintlin operaUd in -ia» ville for several" years. Mr. Frank H. Sauntiers mi Taraaf* was in the city yestertlay vtsitiag tk« tebacco market. Messrs. J. J. Roherson, A. L. B— buck, R. O. Mania. J. Dual Bim W. Robert Evertt were in town morning en route to examine tl* Hamilton highway for the purpose mf J right of wty 1