THE ENTERPRISE *V the • ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING €». " ~ w. C MANNING, ■wt , (Strictly Cash in Advaace) 1 rev W f months —— 8 months >*f Entered at the M OAce at Wft liarastoo, North Carotins aa sacewd ■J- matter, under the act of March 3. in*. Add re** aU eommanieetioM to S Enterprise. Williamston. N. C FRIDAY. OCTOBER SI. HM. • Railroads of the country an mak ing a supreme effort to secure aad hold a monopoly of all transportation throughout the Uaitad State* by keej. iiiii boats from operating upon rivsrs improved at ir.un»ouj pnhix expense and by forcing the Pmama canal "..J boats out of business. And they are forcing lar|~ r.u» hers of people in th= -oath. Il* aout beast and in tho ■»:, who have beer and are being taxed by tha M aral government to improve the river> .and build the canal, to pay tne rail road bill for making the improved waterways worthless commercial I > These startling facte have bean ra vaaled in a survey Lsadacted by tha Intermediate Rate Association. repea aonting every business ami farm u. terest of ten western mountain state* ta a campaign for national legisla tior. to wipe out railroad discrimina tion in freight rates throughout the entire weau,a.»l in all parts of the southeast where th» railroads are fighting the boats Congress has appropriated $1,200.- OOO.OOu for improvement of rivers and harbors and for building of tha canal, but there are hardly any boa«» oper rtuig upon the rivers of the south and the southeast—tha Mtasicaipp t, tha Ohio, the Missouri -because tha in terstate commerce commission has permit* ed the railroads generally to violate the long and short haul lan o! the fourth section of the transport, tioo act. By means of thaae rjala tions of the law. the railroad* haw in the past, and arc today, levying tribute against interior otn_- si. town? by charging them exhorbstan: iy high rates in orii -r to recoup "h ■j, losses they sustain in making tem porary cutthroat rate* between rit ice on the seaboard or on aavigahte " *treams, to make it unpoasuate for boats to meet the competition and carry freight on the rivers implored at public expense, it is ihsaa ia tha scrvey of the Intermediate Kate As sociation. « Having secured what practically amounts to a monopoly of transput tatlon thruout the south and south | esst, railroads are now trying to se cure a monopoly of transcontinental freight traffic by attempting to levy a similar tribute against interior cities of the weat so that they may ir.ake cut-throat freight rates from Chicago aad the cast to Pacific *garf cities— LAS Angeles, Sen Pranosco, Portland, and Seattle—to drive tha Panama canal boat# oat af haiaiaoa The special cat-throat rates made by railroads to force tha beats eat of basinssi are not given ta lalariar cities and towns, the rate I'imstiia •array shews. Inataad, the ratdrcads Make tha rates ta poet cities so law that heats cannot aattthta.adn **» by dksrgfcig high Maay existing vi Ili , mi the leag aad sheet haol law by railroads ASTHMA typical violation ia ■hewn ia tha rates charged by the Illinois Central mm ■nptemaoU from St Lav. The Db aois Central today charge. SIIM per tea to haal ■ carleaJ af a>ihal taral implements 836 miles fro- 9t Louis to New Orleans. lacatad aa the Seaboard, bat charcas SIC a toe to haal the same ihip— nt the ahattoi distance of €42 miles over the sa-na tracks to Alexandria. La. The far-a er at Alexandria has to pay &9 more to get the implements be aaada oat on his farm than the itavadara at at New Orleans has to pay to atadk them up on the docks and levee*, de spite the fact that hs is IS3 miles nearer St Louis. And the rail reeds penalise the fanner so that they may keep the boats off the river the fane KNOCKS YCLLO^PROHT-STDRCS Falac - Patent 12 Ik 24 It ** lb. lb ! FLOUR 55c ' I.ob 2.05 4.00 Wond»r S-lf Rttinf I FRUITS AND VEGETABLES i Appier, (•rime* Goid n er Cfltnr, Kbl"jr Bio'J. i. York Imperial, perk _.. He it il 12c Fury Tokay. !U. zk Uitun. H« zA _ 12»- Grapefruit, Florid... k, 12c. Ik Krsb* . ! ®rr>d k POTATOES. Irish. Peek Mt Pacnd 2 l-«r FISH Sardine.:. UoneaUc. car, k GarUs'* Ind) to Fry Gorton'.* lV—p Kuk Kor. Cadkzk. Cu .. . 14c I-a rjte on . 24c StliM* Fick. Tall Can Ik I A Kb. Good Caok-n*. Found . lie MEATS Baltimore Sugmr Care! Firjk S .o«lkr». pound 2k Ham, Small sues. 16 2k Swifts I'r- auam Franks lb 2k Swift* All Fork Sausa** S«ifU Caetrj: S'fw Sm^k Meat, pound .... _ 27c e-! -•»_ pocc. ?7c Swift* Boiocra lb 21c S.:lt Rib Fe-i. lb _ 71- Swift* Piwihia Ham. lb Jk Sak !>wk Pkl». lb Ik CANNED VEGETABLES Colonial Ijma Bean*. can Ik Tomatoes. Fancy Stack. Colonial Pea-;. can Hr larye car. Ik Colonial Stnnir Beans. cm 2«c Libkys Saarkraat. can 15c SINMAID KAISINS. L(. FIG BAILS Fk*. .... .. 12 1 tc Seeded or See Hie** Faaad _ _ 12 |-jc D. P. CAKE Your Choice of 8 kinds of the World's Best. Paaid 25c D F. Fumw Found Caka D. F Ka« Spaap Cake 1 lb aft. carton . Ik 1 lb canon 25c BREAD D. P. Milk iMf. bad, _ u H PKIDE 21 ouocf mrhinc loaf _ >ou >cet more ir quality and more in qaaautt Bay D P BRKAI) and save tk» Mime* 'D. P. COFFEE The World's B- * Drink. Ilb sealed package _ ; u, To pay more is jaat like yaw m.aey fa tba ash caa Teßaa Fraat Catfae GaMea Mead g ~-+TT 1 lb. sealed pk* Me Ilb A- ... Delightfully rood Tke OU MMfc WHY PAY BIT ONE PROFIT? PAINT YOUR AUTOMOBIUS— LET US PAINT YOUR AUTOMOBILE WE WILL DO IT IN 10 DAYS AND IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW. : -i . ; N. A. Rkkbck - '» • • Motor Car Company K - ' • | A*mts For Buick Cars A vote ant Taeedey is a vote. wUI be ■«!>■■ «f vetea caat that 4*l Deal feogot te east FM. YOB My b MO or IjOM ill n fma WuhnftM. hat JFNT vote will help to seat a mao m tk* PMUoafi chair jat as Back ao as a vote cast by a voter «W lives n siiftit of the From aaarise to aaaoet the polls vrjll he oyec to imp yoar vote. in wumwwm. MOM CAMUKA toat ai«ht had Mb wri(ht to «ten«- mg the MMt mt the M people profram was «i 0 Mftk the price of a MtM ticket ate the nnw w DMI (OINT to NK sat IMV it might b* yomx tort dun or fiat to 4m ao. Gtnuwr Mmtoe'i i|iirt at the Wntaiiliy whea he | i Hi Nt the Wkh • fear MM act mt hie type we nald imagine that the nee far aa hoaaat ttrhg WMU ha aWfii to •toggiaa parched apoa a limb mt aap peaedly fame taking frwi tha c*a mon f elk trem eae hand mad fraa the corporattoaa. nirmli. etc. from the ether and all the ante claiming to be looking oat for the rood of :he people. Some four jrwn ago thia MM au addreaaed ma ■■IHIBII m the city hall at this place. When be larntismil she fact of liakiag the tariaaa eauaty seats together with hard surfaced roads and iaynred nwdi. he was laughed at. Weil the raada are hm end there iaat a mk of w wha would exchange the raadi iur the caah >pn: to build them. Now he offers aoae li.infr else and yet some of as laagh at theaa and pnkaUy that siat is being paid to laugh EIBCITOrs NOTICE Having this day qualified as Ex ecutor of the estate of i. B. H. Knight, late at the csaaty of Martin, notice is hereby gives to all pcrsoa* holding Hiiai against said estate to present same far payment oa or he fore the 3rd day of October, IK& or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted U said estate will come forward and aake imased iate payment of aaase. This the 3rd day of October. IM4. r ' "" ADA R. KNIGHT. Fi at at t is. C. T. A. | For Week Beginning n II | . | .Monday Nov. 3 ftftk j WE OFFER THE LARGEST SELECTED STOCK I i) OF DRESSES, COATS AND SUITS EVER j; I- MLJCI SHOWN IN THIS TOWN. WBR DRESSES FROM— SS.OO TO $39.75 j V I COATS FROM— i j U I I $9.75 TO $65.00 j |JZ(# IT WILL SURELY PAY YOU TO GIVE OUR * STOCK ALOOK BEFORE YOU BUY. j Harrison Bros. & Co. | WILLIAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE T V "OMH and Sec Is All We Aafc" I -• " -J. -• .'V it W novm or UU Ketfae to h—fcy *"**T atohev ef the CaZt'to a ortmto pi I'lj State of NaTh tey of Itotater ISM at IS o'dacfc M, to fMt of the Chaalhaaw Paoc «■ the Ughaet Udder, tm caah. the fal i j M. C, ad- Jatotog tha late af M. * Weeatoy lad Oak. Htoaa. B. D. Tto rmi Jaaae Joha L. Htoaa ate K. M. Wonley"* to the right af aw oa the «adh rite ■aßnte; thaaee M Eaat alaac »H rick mt way to Ma L Hioe» ate I In The Service of 1 I I I Its Customers This Bank makes every possible effort to serve its customers j | In such a prompt and cheerful way as to make each transaction ; jj invite further use of its facilities. j _ I Farmers and Merchants fi ' ' I | Bank -| (Largest Bank in this Secti—) WILLIAMSTON NORra CAROLINA. J | Jmm Tkimu' MM; tkmm NHMj r VOMTT («•) mm, mm m Im* Mi, >. D. Tmm b j mJTITiU Im ni wife, i U» HJMB. I TMe the «M «f Oililn MM. HUGH G HorroK, ' »IH I NOTIOE I Mutt GaratiM, c Ktftin County la the Superior Cowt. . liwkm Purimg Cm. ■ Scthil WBUte Failf Co. NOTICE or EOCCnOH tAli" ;gglf§ mt mUGMt. alti 'W' ' kiriricr. fa CMb. k ■" «*" lpvfiHK |HMHI pwpßtfi

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