Jam GOLDEN" SCORES BBC SUCCESS IN nosucnoN OT -WiOT BEAVEV 0 .i a MM Golden *S prsdnctian of tne the theatre world apw him ne the ace pa ii doum abase aB arhers with packing winners, wdl app-ar at the New Theatre. Wsahniglaii. Tared ay night, I' i 1 Ml So ii.atn.aam has been John Gold eai'-i rue re n since his advent as a f■ i h»r eight yenrs ago with the Wcgaat w inll of the day. -Tarn to the Right" that slang Broadway they eava rained the phrase of "Golden Lock" These who knew him. bow ever. realise Golden"s mm i s has not bean a mar er mt lack bnt of work tire kuashdy cf * hat the public *-nnts rombiii I w.ih a ranaiitent te % fcisl to produce unclean o 1 ralrism in bne or idaalian His latest sancu "seventh Heaven' ia the crowning eridenee of his ability •o pick a warn. !t is a play of lii. of lava and ihiflU. Bnt maa aftn Iwgmriag refmed to have a hand in the madnctian With one accaad. they dednaed they amply coahtat "see it", and it is no mam t slang. Brandaay that tfcoae •ho tamed dona a chance to hare a hand ia the hggnt mere., of the ..enson nam bar maay who are aaaong the lender, cf the thentrical world Thi» lands, perhaps to the aeere: of John Gulden's suceeaa—that a, faith. Ift ben he has m a play, all warnings, sbnts out all other conn da ratios, and wnrk> ' antd the end desired a accompli. Iml. ■AIRDRgSSERS PRAT FOR HELP Three huiHtred Japane e women, hair dresae* by trade, are f'-irng the maay gads of Japan to m'ercew their hair m the Aaaencaa fashion Taking advaatage of a aa» tonal hoi MM. • PLAN FOR MARRING BABIEr A new system at mailiag knbaes Hitherto the fcahaes haw been ed by baring them wear bend —* ■ itki I the babies wil be nail *d mm thew hacks wdh some bad mt ■ L NIVEBSfTT PRESIDENTS IO« DAVIS— A aery itgaibiant fact ia the for John W. Dans dwaaig them aae MeOaaken baa M a *y henry -she* at Mr. Coaladge. fa a recent let ter. Ma soys. 1 amk far Dana, ; I trust MmT j I "I know ■■thing, ateot uioiidge. I cant fad Nt the trnth about hi* record as Governor. 1 donl ever artides ha apri when he was rire rinidft What, rise he did as Viee- Ptaaadent 1 dent know. He sa* at Cabinet nMthgi with Fall and IVn by and Dugtorty. anu coold see no 1 reason for change when be came to i I select his own Cabinet- He is aa edit ed Han. He was put together in : paklwdj office and he will he ptaasi hie jnat a* long a* he can find some wU tdl ban what to think." Thns far—the great Koanoke Fair of 1924. the iUdctiffr Chan* aw, ja. the Snndajr Sfhaal Convention, all to he ra ppr il off with the election next Toexiay. And they all cost soeaething aacept the S. S convention. With these in proce*.* ami partly over, wa jnst as well call to your at tent ion "Tarkey" Day an.l SanU Clans P. R. CONK Dentist Ofit* Over The Farmer* and Mi l chant* Bank Honrs 9-12 and 1-6 666 ia a prescription for Cold*, Grippe. Dengue. Headache.. It is the mo»t speedy remedy we know. PUS SALE—SEVERAL MCE LOTS well located. See W. C. Manning. FOR OV LA » t,A'o ■au.l citiami w«>i> t ti: ass i » *" 11 nM«*»t) a its L-ui»*i ci Caaaarn. ■aix-a CAT isan VCDMIXK d* ■* aa (aomt arluch UJkti; ■ iliaias Ir kwni NftKaius. aid •■•aanal ■•■I'JI a TO»S-. WLI « TCTS tac «B llrf Na Kjt ttw r»*»cii % ik* * fcM h> at! tnji Wr. "■ 1 Cl*wer *!«. Tsltte Ot j . Watch repairing a sneeialtv. verware, China, Cut Glass and Novelties. W. C. BROWNING JEWELER West Main St. Washington, N. C SALE OF V ALL ABLE FARM PKOI'KKTI Cader and by virtue of the author ■y conferred apon b ia a deed of trnat executed by H. R Modi* an.i wife, Sarah J. Muelle, on the Ist day af September, 19C3 .and accorded in book of Mortgages 0 2, at page «97. ne wdl an Satnrday the day mi November 19M. at 12 o ciocfc noon, at the Courthouse door ia sell at pnhlic auction ' . ...i to the highest hader the foli. ,an.l to I wit: All that certain uact ..- and of land lymg and being in i ~ Ur Poin; Township. Martin Count... North Carataaa. cantawimg 278 arn» more or leae. bnaail. I an the North by the lands of J. H. HOIIL AN the Eas- by the land* ml J. W. Grdbi. R. G Grif ia. the Gltssoa lai-1. and the Harry | Land, an the South by the B*»eeh aad an the Wad nnd j ®f J T. Barnhill. and bein*~ ■ jt . >unbe. oae in the diihiaa cf the J - »f the 1 late Lizzie P Coffetd ard l~: , K the tract allotted ia the sai. !i.*ira to H. L Codfeld. and more |ru-im!arfr deae»*ad as falaa. to-wi-: SGIK NING at the corner of v«- Harr • JUST RECEIVED, Car Load Haywire, car load ground alum salt, car load No. 1 shingles and car load of wire fencing. Cheap for cash—Call and see me before buying elsewhere. L ->• • * ' . • •' ' . .. '- ?y• Co D. Carstarphen & Co. WDXIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA THE ENTDUVISE, WILUAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA Laid ui the had Wiiia -ira. ..-jed in Lcnctt's Bnack, tkcm X »-/ E 7i (Mies, 0— NU MF. as poles, thence 12 M E K pales, thence N 11 E 1M prie. thence X 81 1-2 W TO 4 pales, thence SSW 2174 poles. Thence S 73 W 61 * poles, thence S 1 1-2 W SU pries, thence S 1 W 37.26 poles, thence S 1 1-2 W 92 poles to Branch, thence aknt the various eonnes of I eerettV Branch to the begwnine. Saring and emyaf from the operation of this deed of trust a small tract ratfiinhg 7 acres describ ed as follow*, to-wit: Situate on the ens* side of the road learfmr kj the tinrylirr of J H. Mollis and liiwa at at a pine. Joe Hoi lis and H. R. MixeDe's corner, thence Westerly with H«QL« line to a stake, n corner htUi«n Win Kille Hi 1 i 1 REPCBUCAN COUNTY BALLOT | . P v Dr House of Representatives— g C B. FAC.AN S 1 Tci "heriflf— 1 1 i A T.PERRY 8? I j Fo» IJetrister of Deeds— \ MARION GRIFFIN For Judge of Recorder's Court - | WHEELER MARTIN |j fe For County Commissioners - g WARREN W. WATERS—— —# i C. L. GREEN ® JOHN a AYERS M. D. \VIIiSON g GEORCE K PEEL xi New Theatre Tuesday Nov. 4 ELECTION RETURNS BETWEEN ACTS , John (Golden Presents | "7th Heaven" ! _ Direet firnn a Run of Two Years at the Booth Theatre, New York THE USUAL EXCELLENT GOLDEN CAST Prices: SI.OO to $2.50 Washington, N. C. i brew. H R. Miselle and Joe HollL-, • thence Southweaterly a straight lite to a short leaf pine a corner, said pine being recently chopped; thence Easterly a straight line about 100 yards to Glissou's line a corner of H. I H. Miaelle, thence Northerly with Glisaon' line to the pnhlic roud. thence * Northerly with the the crater o. the said pnhlic rand to the beginninr at the pine and containing 7 acres. | This sale is aaade by reason of the I failure of H. R Miaelle and urife. i Sarah J. Miaelle to pay and dis- Ichar "o the indebtedness secared by I said deed of trnat to the North Caro lina Joint Stock Land Bank of Dur ham. i This the ISth day of October. 1924. i THE FIRST NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY. Trastee Durham, N. C. 10-241 TSL STEE-S SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a "Bted of Trust" rurutnl to me by Julius & Feel, on the Sib i«iay of September. 1921, ami duly re corded in the Register of Deeds' of fice in Martin County in ok G 2 I"**e 377. to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date there u th. and the in said De«d of Trust not bavin* oeen complied with. I shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Saturtiay the Bth day of November, 1924, at twelve o'clock. Inoon at courthouse door in M*rlir. County, the followjnr property: Bwnnim; at * cvrrser on Mai?. Street. J. L William"» line. iWilliam ston. X. C.I and thence a Westerly course alor., Main street SO f eet. thence a Southerly course paral iel to J. L William's line ahmt 32.S feet to the run of the Branch. bence alonjr the run of the Branch to J L ! Williams" line, tence J. I. William-' line to the beeinmnir. hemic one-half «»f lot purchased of J R Robertson under deed dated the sth «iay of June 1950 by Julius S. Prel EI.BERT S. PEEL. Trustee This October lOth. 1924. 10-10—4* NOTICE (IF SALE I'nder an.l by virtue of 'h> power of sale contained in that certa*n ikvi •' trust executed to th? mdersirned I" B. A. Critcher anil wife, ami B Ouke Critcher on »he 24th iav of I jty _ NASSEF'S MET ACQUAINTED ! | •S\LE ? | Began at | Com ? :'$ LOT OF l)K jffl SILK." tjfl New Styles an [ft Value to $ B Now $7 1 gingp R 500 V; m loc ' | SHOES ? lOne lot Me Values tn ?>7 MEN'S I>l _ Silk, Values for only &L 9."» Wfcy Noi I>.c«B-up I WOOL klankkts UNOIXEM | . Values | 45c Yard * i Limited Quantity l; ■ j $4.85 CAGE HATS j nrnFOR-rc gjj Values to $9.00 I . , \yMPORTS ® At 56.35 Ketluced- Why — j (old? _ j LL SHEETING I ~;~T Busy Bee Brand j GOWNS j 91-2cYard ! ° ut Sleeves, $1.50 £ Ten Yards to a Customer J values •- —_«— i—— j 89c „ PILLOW CASKS .J Kadi I9r i CONGOLUM RUGS H SHEETS J _ Values $17.50 Each I_. ; 89c J $11.95 mm KEPT. STORE WIIJJAMSTON, _ NORTH CAROLINA | January. 1924. a»i rmnunl in Mar tin fount) Pablv in Book G-2. W t seeurine certain bond ef cm dtte and ttaor ttwuK'n ami *J* stifaUtion. Ther»-n tot kavuiK cwip!»i with and at the m|wr t of the holder of oud bund* the under si« Tied wili on the 12th day of Novfm hrr, 1924, at 12:00 cdork. \oor. in ficnt of the court door of Mar «in County offer at pubiir auction to the highest busier for ea»i! the fol Representative Wc Jited _ BY CAROLINA FLORAL COMPANY 115 South (k>Klsboro Street \Y ILSOX. XORTH ( A R)LIN A (■uaranteed floral Service \Y rite Immediately 1. wine de-cribed land: Being a new six room bvnfibv locate! in the Town of Wii'ianfltob a--) now occupied by J. W Andrews; K.unded on the Fas* by Bay Street; •n the West by tbe aßSntad: oc th» £outh by the Mr*. Haanan Ray iiowe *nd lot ar«l on the North by J. H. V.'arH lot. This the 14'h da) of Oct, 1924 WHFELER MARTIN. Tt K -10-17-4

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