WATCH m LABEL ON TOUR PAP**, rr francs m DATE TOUR snscnrnos EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 76 BISHOP T.CLDARST HERE NEXT FRIDAY The aoanl tMbtin of Bishop Thooaaa C Dfcil. Dioctw of But Canhu. which «■ k made on Pfr day night. Ti m "!! I 7th. to the Chath «f The fiiiw*. m mM with anascal hkML This noU tiaa m —te'iwi lit earti r than the CMI IWihif Durt b ahtay K«ui «tk plouKc hoc Mt only bjr ■ iriui of hk Church bo* by many others He hu Jut ntamd fna m trip to Empr. aim was ftittei at OM Trinity Church. New York CSty. oa his armrsl in Aanin Services w* he held at 7JO P. M •ad it is an»tiT desired that *• many as aid to hear th* Bishop and ■ Ujwas the Ri*e of -Coafinaetion. wiß «Had xa4 be wetromed by the Rector ami the ami m ■ of the MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR OCTOBER WEDDING BELLS RING. MIT MOSTLY FOR THE COLORED POPULATION The »>*lit bells tint u>aally nay m often iw m* October.' the ■vntod awt* the Iwfert math of the fmr, did not rirjt bat twice for while and rr» ■» ■kra)( «he Bat the totofeJ fats of the MK> ty lived bp to the t-adi«ior. *hat "October is the mon'h of fardn" there b«n a namber of mai iin 11 imnf them TV lietawe* BJI'J 4mrimg October Jmtas R R.berioa « Kolia Oj* Wyaau 17; Unrt C Awlrtw'. 48 — M.rma L Wari 40 Cilinl la—e FVwell. M—Aam> Canon. IS; Joe Bawb. Jaars. ». Si mail Wallace. tl-EM Jooes. IS; MM Hifbtaitk. X-Law Moblejr. E Braafci. M; Vllaa Stoke*, tl Skaty Cobara. 38; Henry Spradl. 38 —Maifaia Leary. 88; Saaiail L Chan j. tl—Marjont Washmeto*. 17; Hi|TCwi KibtM. S —fist lie RIHII. 24. Wdla? Etherid«e. Vt—' Fycelia GHoa. IS, Hark Bonner. * —Dm*; « fla». T7 MBS. ». J. 11'Mtt or GUENSIOW HONOBF.F At her UwH; «U mIHBI Mot m Kew Tan, Mn. J. C. (ioiinl. jr. en IMUMM rah a tiin au took pu- Mtti frlar, Hr> W. J HULM of part MI aad bi«l> ml yellow nyiu IhtfMM wot ydaoed allnrtnrl. u. the «Ut ML Mn. Hunter mm* fnca a hand ear kmrin tone I as (Mrt mi honor and fancy cwsdW .*arfcs mt gim as haph score pnuK Duatj nfnabnaat* (MHrthf of a frwat salad with sand wiches and Saratoga chips acre serr ad by the hostess aasiatad by Mr- Those phy«( cards were. Mrv O- H Hand. Mrs. J. G. Stwloa. MIL ■) W. Hamy. Mrs. J. W. MM II ii«. lbs. n—III. Mn. W. B Watt*, Mn. Ptaafc finch. Mia Vdh In In in Mrv H M Stahhs, Mia. Ttas Cntch qp Mn P. B. Cone, Mn. Roy Gar- IMK. Mn. J. L Wttaaas. Mrv Chan. Janaa. Mam CI yd- Hassetf. Iff — Sdße Harras. Mn titfcar WWte. Mn. Late I smb. Mrv Caidta Ba th d New Bern. Mn. K. C Gma, Mia. Koww Blf |1 Mn. J. H Itaawdi 11. Mrv K. B Crawford. Mn. P. C Bamb. Mrv J. S. Bada, Mis. ChytH Maace. Mass Kaa Lptoa. Mrs. c'a kido Mrv C & Hanrll and Mrv Dhwt M. Mr. ami MB. JM B%N aa* Mn • Mr* J. J lk« d Oak Cky wan a the MA ad here with Mn. IML the aaA «ai hare with her! II MII. Maa. 1. C Oaafad THE ENTERPRISE REVIVAL MEETING TO CLOSE SUNDAY AT PLYMOUTH Mr. J. C. f« :or. up from Plj ■iwtli jt4*rdiv sad r'pomi th? meeting there a.- foii.z on nicely. There writ IK men both young; and dd at the prayer meeting- Sunday sijfc!. These n«"!inn- hare pinoi a wide repu*at»or throughout that >wtioc of the mmtt. A Prayer- BM'-ii* wi> held oat of town last night at one of the near-by t>a» -nd it net with a wonderful «h mi. The auditorium at the rn.~ Saaiay nirt* was literally rnrniric over with folks and many were tarn «d away oa inoml of bfk of room. The awii«f aril cortina* thr>.u h •nrt Sunday iiijrtil wit the Ui man-Corstor parry will rr»* or ac count of Mr Lea man's health. The will **> to Washinicton City tad Mr. r«tM will eo to Saaford. N. C. wfcfrj h * will 1 ad the masir ni a meeting to be held by. H C. Ooviness. WORK OF RED CROSS Red Crass naocr hare aav l-W.-l SJJ nsib to honr wrhere sickness and Ji«*« th»*a:«nrd human life They have UL-p>*lri *ke.*l children. and to set their de fects competed. IIORV- Hyrwr-e - J»-L care of the sich has been taught taj 4MI «all>m women and fill-, -h wr ing them bow to care for ordinary ickM» in the home In B»T cooaaiun.ties where the R«i Ots chapter is the on!y wel rons:ru.ti«e help to IIJ&&4 m Jar flrnlk' . hetp inf ;hem to ft bark on th»ir f«*t rnd bee—e «elf »apportinr In 24 Soathem cwmmuaitie- »irnft by disaster this year, the Red (W* has arrii for the injured and rehabdi at«d :.J» piplr left home I- *. In this work. ths organization vlami' tervd a relief fand of $1»7.717.««. ETVOBTH LEtGI E MEETS Th? Epmrlh Inrue met la_«t even mr at ierefi o -fcrl in the laarar * room in the*" Methodic church The hov wa.- and an fort> ftv - auna'e earlor than acaal oa arroant of the JMBI federation meetine at tit? Ba§>- tb* church. After a short rnwran wa> mrW nl we w»i» to ■!»! artii- Md M«ihU> f« fiui« at >^vra-f*it> VuTerj are ihnys m,-lfnn a»l ?ny one may join if !k"j w 1 We need v« in the Uarw'* work atwl we are f«a artH «- . - Refwr-'r * * i:VMH)IIi»3V (l.t K MKETs The EabnMH) Hub will be eoter linxl by Nn. L B. HHTUM at he: boaae da Haarfetof. street lhi> even mg and Mrs. Harri-on »ill -!-•> er.- •ertaic a ■•■ inker of friend* who are not atenbert- of the Hub In the iateriar of the bwtne. quart i taes of ery >antheMua» will be a>ot and a sala>l rowr>e v. ill br -♦ nul Those who wiU be present hrsxto the Hah neabtn are. Xr> H A. Crilcher. Mrs Cortes limn. Mrs. VlMer Martin, jr.. MK F. P. Can -j-gfc" Mr. John L. Mrs. C- D. Car tarphea, Mrs. Warns B«p, Mn. J. D. Woolant. Mr, G H Hnrn in. Mn. C- A Ham-oa. Mn K G- Harrison and Mb. Anna for PMILATHEA CLANS MEKTING The Phalathea da>- of the Memorial Baptist will not with Mrs. Oacnr Aadema. Prray B«h., Nov. 7th at 7:45 AU arahr. at* re owestod ta '«e yresent ana u j* * MASONIC NOTICE DM will tae a special M—IHHIIH IM of ?ti«iilw L xtjse No. 90 A. V. A TlMndaj (vkt, Kwtrtrt I at 7:44- Work ■ the Ant degrwe. AU Master Mwr in caad tie twtely iaiilal to att-ad. C a CABSTAMPHEV. Jk. Sec y. |3tM m cash at a terict fair ia —rtrra fkiiht tailj ia October. Mr- Mi wwataf the hU to the by the State Ciltgt Fitewiow Sen Oar tm aaaa hm baea braa*ht X n "Saae af the dacp ate aatne ■lac* aad «■ he bred to paw toed Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. November 4. 1924. MR. W. H. DANIEL DIES AT HIS HOiiL IN GRIFFINS Largest Crowd Ever At a Funeral in Martin Was Present Saturday as the -un «r.-s sinkinr in the West, the life of Mr. Viliam llarmon Daniel faded from this earth. Mr. Hanwl hait been in perfect heath until aboat llirt months axe w-fcen he troaUnt with what was fim suspected as malaria. From this attack He soon recover «d : • rrnal -tr.n;Wi. At j.ks of the samt nature cwn aiwi occasionally, he ivßmui*. h«.'t*r. -uffv-~-nt!> to enable him to do l«Rfct work OB Tnsday pr,«-r TO his *'ea*h. he wj.. tak n ilown ami mw * «r>e. Upsinr into a >utr of unco.- t a»i in which t^te he -Tiluf"v slept hi- life aw?v. The of his death was «me hver tr>»• !»'•. thouirht to be a cancer •f the IKer. Mr Danici «?.' borr on th; jmr >p°i rti» t* flint, 77 years IKO J*'« h- of V. ilium Daniel ivllv ! 4 ixm I>u ir H» wa> the joßnfi-j of a family of li\»- on lhal !hrw dauf hU-rs, all of lltnii ixrv ««!~r him to th? K?a\« All of 'he brother- wrc, -oldirr. in l"ivfl ■»r. of .hem 10-mjr their hvr> ui the stramrlr. Mr. Ittnirl w»« z fv-nilxi of iW N. C. jiMivr r a»«nl *as rot IS years of a * I* -uTtßiferM. H.- , . re- ii'ir visitor t» most of lt» "o»»- fei:ora"e re-ui MMn, to -he fullest • ltd.l the r-te*>i nf V «|ii imvlthip of b; t 'or»e ■ rth tht.-e of «u.- - who ha-l in youth so travel;, mom the ;rar ar»i who bov have crown err) an.' f> — * almost compete*! iheir .-pars of life W. H. HwiH m.irrxl Hanna I'jn' woo in March I*7l -UKI -V -*r% yv« > MBL TO them we?~* U»rn twrlve EKlL «t**a, four of them l> inr in infjiwy or childhood. On.* or. Jan> A ■*» Uleil accidentally in S. p»» miter last. Three son-. Vwh T., William l» ami X. K >•>! friif h»rMt-r-. If iu Miry A IVir.sel Mr. Helleti llar*ti Sin-. IVti llanii oi ar*l Wr». Fannie Gcitiniyr .*urriv» him, all of th«ni Ihiiir in (he heme commun iy He km v S mam? children ami one rrrrl rrjwtrkrf.! Few men po-«»oi mo-- tiwor. Me wa> a mechanic »v|| a, r SB"I built nar> null an.] lhnMirl>-ut Mjrtii tmi a>.- joiaiir Odm'i* It K nut of him k) ell hit WM> !**> that he m»l" ri«-n r4R>>- u>) ' etpr.S bur;* >»>■•'* !Wfl- with-m'. (i-n> Hfcsation than ar>V o.h-r Mat! »f hL 'Htiua H- Wait alepr t .^ll In help a in dwrtM a *| «u ■f" f»ll to brar tlx htTi-it of Ufinvv Tk.afK well |»- the ""thrse zjmi ten", ht i, *\ r a- keti aiir odds> for hi» axe. Iat was r-.t.«> to bear hit >hare of the b-jMin He , had br.ti a member of the Primitive Rap* i«t church for thirtv -| two yean last June anil *a» clerk «.f !h~- rburrh at Smithw ckV Creek fcr more than thirty yean. He wai Herk of the She* ark e union n*ti«f for 'harty-one years ar.l dwin? ikr ■"any j*ai» be kail carry in* the kcob to the me -tin* only nor time and was absent that time on ar coant of *arkrw-« F rw men ran be fuuml who are tf*r »o their rHixsow* con« Ktua> flan he was. He att*n4>d * batch mins, unaoa meeting- and association? that are Ml uniull). terulaH> i " In politics he wa> a -launch deaa ' "at. to' he never aifind to foliti «l «dßce> However, he served his n-nasn.l) thrsnitk all the local of ht- aaad the eoanty once, as caaty Ob Saaday a/tnMM L» WAS LUL to mt m 'h- plot wW hi- aansUn hare rested for nwr than two Km •inJ )•"> with «M of the Itiwii «*ti*r*tita> of frirxk attfMiw lU fut.'ijJ r- rer «it neaped before is The funeral services »rr (aarfart e«l Ly Elder-. Sylvester W B Himiiftuf, ud John N*. StftrMa The -ei»w« at the pave was WU by Rer A. J. Manninr ead ia be—MM W6M' be PAID tribute to >UA and t> hfe terrke to tV world. The flora! lHWf> were n«MiN> and beaa tifat Will Elfoon sad m Wd •wa of iMharea rioted friends her- Satarday. Taca Tarheel cays the K« eWtrir Iwhta ia his have will help biaa to enjoy ha wading these laar wiater Owly sweet patatiei of rad qaaK> •y riadi be stored hi the iatia> haaae. The braiaed. eat aad daahged fwata ahaald be kept apaiilt far ear ly aae. MHI.NG WAS NOT VERY HEAVY IM RING THE EARLY HOIRS TODAY Port Bdl Caaunc Much Interest ladicatmas Point That Port Kill ladkaliea Paiai That Pert Bill a Get Im )t a Majority VdCic has not beer very hsavy in coanty i«nn(t tl « earlier hour «f tl* day eccor-iinit to telephone ires-axes from the various voting places, bat from all indicatinn-s it w ill be rath more brisk durin«* the bulanee of the day. Mrrt'n county bein;» so overwhelm rrly democratic. there is not muth in rest manifested on election «la> «ak># there are some sptvia! mea aies to be voted upon. The Port ar«i Terminal Bill is receiving morv at tent>>- as the polls today than any *th cr bJI. In the county. frjM all the points heard froir. that mensure is rrttinc a rood majority of the votes that are b?ing cast. It is th.-ught •bat the opposition is rifht stror. * -fjd the firal ttuid's may lilf*r from present indication.- Th" bill to pay memkn of the l-e>.- .-la tar. is finding soi le opposition; so b the one for a loan to th? World Wir vc-eran*. l» the latest repor.s frnw some of the precinct*, tbere was indications v f things wanning up. In Iwo township* independent tickets bobbed up unfx p>ctodly. The worst p;*rt of it was tb>» iaim Inl Hfmixi to he sponsored •y i-f.-niii-nt demorr:.ts. \t tt>e present time. »«• have heai.i i. u&( from the Stat.- or National •"cket.-. FEDERATTONS VERY ACnViS II I»:R UION MEETING L%ST NIGHT AT THE t ill lit II A joint meeting -of the three local 'ederation> was held last nix-it at the Ra|4ist diureh and was fie ltd aw ftin|t» held -t ace the L-lo# of !e revival !S «m> b\ Mr. IS. Kk» CrKtfcff. |in»ilrii] ui thr Mti.'s fc>!- • ntmi Mil hf wa> 'he lea. I*- tor the •»*ruitr Mu> reJe iir.« .«♦ h»*ir Inet; anew at 'Lis service a.xt much -.uirii xaS f«w wan received by |>r> till NC PEOPLE'S FEDERATION OF PL VNo I Til WILL HOLII MEETIVt; MERE TOMOKKott Ob afh-moon, the Yo«ui* i'rnplr"> f*df! jli n if Itymax-CK will MJ *nK*- in the Memorial ■ k iciri. *itk Mrs. Mel. G. l-eaman k»"ar tbe mrung TVn * >ll be funrsl ears »( tbw U> coiii** from I'!> nw.u'» uad a *•»«■»' meetinjr is cipif fil Th*> fi *f the local federation tts Inl PSjbw M;.«l Saturday ami a iwinft ft tbe 'wo federations provr.t i» l» of rrral }««rr. Miss Eva IVel ar«l Mr> I. H. Watts, jr firrinl the tt dlumstoti Vftune down to iltnutuli atxl Miv- |*er| wa.- IrwVi far tbe afUrn .on. *> aoc unable to ascertain tlw curt hair of the meeting but it is •mpertnl that the mrnbfT. front Hith«ili win "irTtve abou: tbr**e n" (btk and tbat the meHine will be M4d about 3 :30 [k'morratic Canvass Ended Ni^ht At Everetts Tfc; Ifttfuocratic county tu»a>> dwH at Everett last ntrht wh*r> •he ramlidiU s mailr tKrir announr-m lit After the an MBonMitt were m»k Ju>lr - F. D. WiikrlMi nul a pecch mnt.ut J>( Ihawnr) with the |?overnnW nt rf |nlitM» as wlminLsteml by Ik* Hu4iatt-T«liiip' ulmmutration Th* ,«tre hkrutil a lift : muurt of tht ir xi tan>« his and pvnrturf«i tft*ir armor in m-uiy - places Hf a) way* |fawi the imple where* r he Mb.' Jante- Kd wards' ha.- rtumH frrm GddtWa where she spent the part week with Mr». WesJ>y AIL u. Mr Harry Onion of Scot' nd ■' J peat the week end here wr h fri-WK Mr. Huf'; It. Anderson has -etana «d from Tarhoro where h~ h" been ■kMf Mar) Clyde Legxett, t arrie hefte Whre. Gnm Cook and Mr Saawt I Bey attended the CafSaa aeHinr in Pljrawrtii Sunday Ha* Minnie Roh*rtaoa who is *t *rn lat the Col lege a* Gteeavfll* spent the we-k fad arh her Mother, Mrs. Sadie COMMISSIONERS OF COUNTY IN REGULAR SESSION Proceedings Dealt Most ly With Road Damages I'w Caul} of OwmKn'ii e»s ot»r*>t > i** t in r -eular MKUMt jr-ifWiy m the court hotte «»tL a*! ntrn:Mrr- of wh* lituM pfMis. TW- tnwpwiiiT? iiiull mo-'- I> wrtlr rwsail 4am»«- in several part» A : « . T*iy cvnimilWf et' avani-. apfwa t»~' iauvt «tl hsgh»a> t ttir,>*T 125 nut- recon. intcUl9. *»l thr; •*« acr-'|i(ni N> Bna;i a) tfi? mfdini; Th - rom. mit'ee «a cvmpOM>l of 'lf -*r-_ I J, R4>rT~«r K O Mar tin. J llibv4 B3jr>. A. I ~n«i W. t hwti It *H> w«m w hj (hi cum- I garter titrt J E_ Kv- .*• t aiM Jar HoB: - I* («»>4 !!i» 'un> of *!&>_ 1 *>l nr»k r.j; jl fc3? j; l.Sf nrgwaawjdatH»r.> more; I». 1» S'al!-'. ■» •«»••**: Hi Gurjwiu.->. 'laaiurs; Jw CbefTy. no -lam are; VViutley - ihi .:;imasTP; I ! T Fo«-4e».'_ rm umiiv. J —■ I «-j --! ?»(l, m> «fam»r~. J*** no lam ; sr«^. J.* Imlwi. rnr> .oH r«ui. j Jue l v ak\-_ 'hmai'i' ; M I* VVil«*!. J A KinHt. \* Wvwtr . J. St at on JIDO >bßarr . A T l'ra«f«nl, no •fcantare-*; 3whr-*cm. *> l J t. SlaU» Syirh' farm. bo dam sit*. IWti tx» ianiicif«: Flfl KivWl ii— •ttw-rr: V I*. Tayk>r. « !M» ss# -linar • AWumlfr W \nn JS>(N' >ij«af*^: K V Arrinjrtnn. m •tvmc- J "I- lAim) -lanv i»"»e: Wt' « Sf-rro.l. r»> ilintasr; • K Ph!rir»f»j. f.Vs«i\(jii'nr»; t' .* .Lamar* Sth ter \lav". tt*> >l.'nar : F—d Csnhfll. !?• 'limj'r: Harry o M l» Khef rv»t. im .twow. ' A Itam imr", ik> >tira»r>-- X F. «• 'lanati" It I* T»■«. \ V *nr !ei ih> ; It K Han•-!' • -(..>•• no rfawr*: I T Siiijr. no 'bniagr; Mi> Krwo*. nUlr. no hma«r; Ben V.- v>_ w taa'im——: l«u Ma)« l!m»n.l f» >'taar»: F(V j».i Barr. no l*»Wf HarrHl. n- 'lama it: Uitk ISa«wi*ir;ar. m> •4:mart; J. T iw Oranre FkM l» 'inwr: * B MiwlK iw dam a?»: F I* I'm.f m .an>fe: John SJi-M., i« 4a»ea*f- Killiam IVt* no damapv" I |i»»r. «*a*ir b\ V. I! Mi r nasti* ir»' |>> f A \ k>«r. iKr mhb -f C.'*« - va ii|i|iti'|iridlrl iVramt Ms in (irifltii'* Ntf, • ™*bi|». i' **"• 1 •« "f 'hi- amnui l i- Ito hi * »i oe> "he ruii Wrinninr if Ha-» biMti lW*r* xaid r* ■ '» I w- R Cilay'* tore; 'l*" secon l)w»jsu«i a» to iw knl in tlx- paff of bap *n *lkat»v-i laswfe- tKr ■( tha* »rtini! o tine Jwurt in# l~«» it Ik- 1 biiil f-- !hnr latidH S. I! I «B» » «ri« »4ea-e»4 fron> poiawt' ®f 'aw- «n PJifld on pro t-ert> ir li4^l Hanktl - all««f>t *.Vn# c• bi«iti of IS.WI per m« itlHi a» feeretofor- «l I* *. E. « IKKIA IN \f IK FOLK l*r Vk F »mi ■j b >n No. folk Ifce* wt «b'r be ka p ii# to con alt **7ara- "w4at«-> '» ; .mf -> m ptuo •! -11 —art- trwwMe. Hi «ttk> (n M- bope Utt-y «ul n*» ;wMt -ad that be will xmm retura tii niM. nisini\Kii I vni TinMiKMiK MI.HT TW BwHinf jf tli' lioar-l «f l«n «x■■i»>jmkt> was not hel-l b t Mght Ut aidl be behi tomorrt* mkM iacCM*. Mr. J. I- Na>*r. »v r. lM Mrt of own aid for lli*t tbe ev. |Xn>tpon ei A (Ml fam ;«o«ilt r> bou-e L> ma;, well Tcßtial«d, convenienti> aM mafMnirall) «m»>l mcl «L H i£tn r*nr cf+i- save tbe m>3 frna Tbe -op sis incbe> of DI wotab of tbe a raiblb |bat food Mi«s Fmiw Gw«»r.«s retumeal fr-'fitaj ft*«B M> wxxith she k. ■ hew* •' pi iili»f r o«a t;m - Mr aM Mi.*. Herb-rt Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hudpri awl Alamo Hat I*o Jr. ilwti to H'iJ» Forest Sun ' ncj to «lual Me**r*. W. J Hodge*, jr. aa4 Hoist Fad. Jr. wb« arej 'tab*l alt Hakr Fwet colte^*. Mn. MT. J. H«a*er «rbo Iru b ■ ntihw bar ■irtv-b lri *f- '** T. Haalrr afl irtaiu tiwai low mom am* to her baaae fat Cwaili w. WHERE THE CAN DIDATES ARE TO RECEIVE RETURNS » The prr>Ktra!tal eamtwtate- are ! ryinjf i« «|uw their nerves Toiiay in I ■irvparattor. tor tin* final fla>h.*- of , the elwtK»r, !*•> tonieh* * ' Ppfsiilcnl CoolMif* i> at the White House to rwtvt* return- in hi- lib rary over a -pwu! I rs?te»i j win* ami by radio Junn W. i»a»i.- to- Jt Use honw of • j frie:..i in -ecluswn near h>» hea»»«m»r- I ter> at the Mm»i* Hotel, wh«-re a j l>ee-a! election wii*i -upplenwrei; h\ i«. will ke?|> bint inf»ni*>: «n tv ' 'urn». j Senator RobertM 1 a Follette cas* i his vote in Ma«ii-or.. Wt- H«- retume.- j to his farm Sui>ia\. jr»i w>! j remain in Ma-it son to ycf ivr el«rt i»»r returr - Tuesday (mw. Charles tt Bit an. !¥«».' r rat IT vice p-*>siential (ainicut iJar. - to receive report - of th~ eWtior it the piv«>rHir'« man-son ir Lincoln \VI> -J!u- I im foirt t»• i»si a- -»•>» s if kr-B th» treni of lh» vote-," He sai.l. | Oer, Charles f. IW ca-* his vot« j in E\ an-ton. 11l- lie will rrreive thf j fleet ioe retum - •onirhi a* hi- home •> j K\ an>ton. Hallowe'en Party Mr-. Jam- A l>*vv *tt ar>i Mr- j 1 I" Thiep'n rntertsine-i (*e Ip . worth 1-eai-ue boy- »•») «r>rl- K» • :t« j r .rht. Orober .1! Th*- irirl- uof bovs mat tKi j Methodist church ,it "ignt Vdock. a!' I •:re---e»i in Hallo»«-'en cm-mme- *it I j 'Mr ; «w ma-keii After all ha.i ■ vrablrtl a -hort ci et* I After 'he proeratn the* wen! t,. hot ,Hnr .lint iitfl wr,- * 1I ' HamKurver. wennie- a"vi cor..- o-ia While 'hey »rri* erjo* mr the f« -t | - pro—re-sive rtw.-l tale v.a i «' by Mis HH.-'. Sunimrnri sn.l rmt l |«| by Ml— M ity Harris T>n ii '••Ik then Marwl to Mr • F J Tliir pen's where each i»th» had hi -1 told. and which would not »k> | »• Ik- tolii aiuii'i ill company flTwi J they »-re served wit' u ro»-i • I i-urich ami home n> i !•* onili »l then j mouth' -ur«- isi -mack 1 t#n -sf 1 ( (■»>k hi- lum in -livinir into a [•«•' I i I untier iwl catching i? rn-pS«- | the ni4>uth an-i other raw ar«i con , test.- »ei» much fisjnyni TV pi 1 - I ant . veninr wa- en.l*»» In Inn itr . *h- li-»ht.- low af.-l telliiti.' »itd. »ntl ] I'ho-t -tori's All that k-o* b- fnwi j ■ ut rumtnc our feet (Mnr home wa- I that «he old Mack cat fort---* to j, ul! | Reporter IWENTIETH CENT! K1 til B ENTKKT %I\El> ■MK>. Till St RITt HI K j Mrs- Titu- Cruct-er ent-ectaiivd the I Twen'ieth enturv Huh at it- r- i-u j lar meetine last week at her sttrac j tive hone in New Town tr\ an i 'h-iiin. urar (si in tall va*e- * ere I c.e»l in th»- Itvinr rootr tn>l «fii» , t*j rtM.m Tic r>r»rr .m for th»- .-f* »rm«>r wa- i on Kmr Tut's l»mb a#-| waver» i.i t« r*--tin* Mrs. F I Barne- rea-l a j |«*per preparrnl on tri- -ui-jrct uhich was very aiel Mr». K It (>.* for«l hail a re*.lir r "• " The h»-te - IV-r_>t jd by Mis.- Vel'i Andrew- ---rv si t .Se-I«rk-u- -ab. «ourse a' the conclu ion of the pr;. , •nn. Inviteal true--"- were Mrs. W. J j Hunter of Mrs I'ave ' ISail>am »f IjlenliHi ar«! Mr-. C O j Pardn. METWUMST MISSHtN A>V SOCIETY TO ORSER\F WEEK OF PR V\ Kl: Thu week u olwnel a- a «»ek of «f prayer ui the Mt-Owu t Mt-K>r ary tl.rwurhout the cwrifer ence. —.ial prorrair.s ji- (n->ii ! ed for arh day. A .parol ■#!.' will be aken at each mtvl i r Mcetinc will be h.-hl at tie* chuiih at p m as follow?-: 1 u---«la)'- -akjert. "*l*ra>«-i' Mi - E D. IhxM. Mtr. Wnlnenlai'» »übjtct "The West \ rrinia Coal Field.-" Mr- W ilium R Warren, leader. Thur-.ta> "s übyrt: "Prayer ai»l Ciftt" -1* be rrv-a by th - Sm»r l.pWor»h |j*|r ar Mrs Tkirp u. I*a>!- er. Fr>iay- -■lifrt: HliAtrtti Who l*raycd"—to bf |im by the Junior Epw*rtb Leajrwe- Jlu- bum K-i--rt -ori. leadfr Mr ami Mn C- A. Harrison, and I'aurhter-. Mi--e- Herfc. Kitluiiw f»i I'larch and Mis* Mary Ibtrv I Hat#— —tarrd la Gauiße Sm- Mr* R- Lte Edwknk and little m Preston are if brr Mrtk -i w Qi ■mil in G»Mibiru this «Jtt TV 1 return Miqr. ADVERTISERS WILL FIND o\ COLL MMS A LATCHKEY TO 1M HOMES OF MARTIN COLNTT. EST AIiLISH til) 1898 (()l NTY AGENTS REPORT. (KTOBER The couUiy a*ent'- i-pntl a- -üb imttnl by \ --.« T. ft Bra.: .-ton u> the Boarc of "oUi:t> Cemnti. sweets f. r 'he month of (jrt.wer foiio* : Si >tays -pent sr. Seb! work I -lays in oific- «r iirk ■V i"'J* ronferw wtf 1 - faim»r-« TO letter* written >3l mile-- !uveW in per'— rminir ■!«l"sia> ciMM"t> 6 article-- w nfm I —m*-» f inr- -«iih a total at'— tfinl-rn- of JS2 ".111 h-.e- *r>- t« i th ; - nru-nth mak n« a total since kpr! -»f Ui 1 f*r !« •"armt-?--. » * - . Nnrn f ann» k r> «en* sr. put tir-jf «>ui 7 of pfmur/t* posarp Foartf*r m *>r+* en •*♦• l of ourr. Six farmer in re rant-» t»» «i#- omtr*4 >f telecco ; n v*- i*rtine .-m inea nat.« 1 mruremen»> h»v *na*l* ti« •u* or tc-t S»»pm» !•!» •» ira ije\o!.xj %» f;*ir lh#» ar *?»! iiultaii/ «»n a r-ua!* !x»th !h» r .iir One .iu> thi" if^nt treats he.».t «»f . f«»r farm fh> vhirh „t rveftp? la>"« w«»rk I-"* arr>»- p»nnirf»! tx*~tur* U The .nre» *H» fa?wwhivp ml wji with !'«• .a>-*»tire *hm Part «»f SoTcmbfr *:!? f Kc tk i* # '«»r ? nw* •■VRamite -r !#»f? or>r war m.frial 'Ha* *■'! b' -4«f to 'nr Ma-t --i" -tuirji-' ...» «he firn- Thi.. cx -1J..-,l\- i- ii»m- iV -jw t- -Kurular ••\f-amste and h* ii »it^ • number -i\ cap *n-i It car lie '»> uc 5 -! f*r a(»-ut s>*•»• i» - '►siwitnl "f «-\|Jo-i\e ifliv ir.' At any UW' -nu •-■ t- - i ufity \ijvi-fs *n*r ca.i (ihoi* umber I !".> or * ri".- Sim a: tt i!f ai»i V will rono- "o »-ur f iwf . - -won as I h - |w- ij . can. II RV I IST FOR DECEMBER TERM SI'PERIOR COI'RT i - . ...1„ V li:.«f »* H- i--,ir-! of « ittiiti t Wfiin-.!->H-iM-f- )• t the i ami-- «-f tlw jury f«»r 'e I'• o-mber I ti-rns of Martin's Si(»-r:"P ci-urt «rre I i.ram- afurh are a- follow- : I ir-l Hrrk ' J I .v ituii. VV J V. -i»-I. A I*. | •■..nJ(M-r. V «" I«r« ar K I . Stal X Corey. J W H--pkm-. S- E pAlanninr. * « Kuler-M H I- Hani i'-or. \\ I rn.'i S M«*k*. I» D. i Stall-. \\ II l: *rt I' II Cr-iwa. ' I K. ar-' U • XMd M ni j U ti Blaml. i- B Buiiurk. Mariar> I S A4H-. N R Rufer-i-t V. H Miielle. j \ R Au bar \\ l Raebwrk. Hit' li. ber- on. J I* Roher-u*. \ciru-tu j 'obn- -r. I B lilmotsnl-o::. H. L Kverrt*. ii R. K -tw: F L Hai- I-lip. W I P-jni-. lin a oral P * rre. V. B Mo>-r-- and I I l vwrsir\ N. 1.. BAKTLETI l\ |n*N Mi N- li «,f kii> ton. N ' who i- -«-cri-tary »f tlw K - -tern i Carolina I "harober of lobrt.w «a> visitor in town )r-"u>ljn u> the niter -t of la-t -n* fai alms's *- 1 i -lopmeiit j T . Mr arel Mr-. A. 1* Mil-lie and i I t tie -wri. I 'in ar»t M r - i it-aik-r Itelk | «•(. Tartmro -p -nt Sun»L»i with Mrs. I Anna lUrri-un at tf> ■muf of Mr. ai»l Mr- I I! rfarrwn on Ha«|rb> ton .street. Mr-. C. I». 1 arsiaipbrti. Mr*. A. Ili—'ll Mr- «i. Haru.-«>n. Mrt- W II Crswfoni an-i Mr \ -inaa r tt*pi m»tomi •« Plymouth Sacday j to ;-.ttei!-t cS.urrh. Mr-, lacy Culpi-ppr-r of I3iubtk City, who has been n-itine Mra. *lwler Martin left Sandaj fer Ham ilton to ,-pernl 'hb wirk with Mrs. I ton Matthew - She will r -turn Friday to sperfcl Bur? tw- w;b Mr» Martin. Mr and Mrs. Laahr J. Chapman. Mrs. K. A. John-Mi. Miv- Marie Chapman, and Mr Lloyd Chapman of (infton -peat Smidiy with Mr. imi Mrs. J L Wfliam, at their home o Main street. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hamscn. Mrs. Myrtle Brawn, Mimes Jaaephme and Eva Harrison and. Mtx> Myrtle Waal - rtl Brown m»t«ied to Grmrfll Sunday Mm Carrie Lee Peel af the Teatb tn C«ll«t?, CiMitHe, i pent tk* week end with her parents, Mr. ml Mr*. KII.M. Mb* Prances Mm lb who is altfU •n® the Ttacbtn CoHa«- a* km vlle spent the weak end hot with Dr. ami Mrs. P. B. dm.