THE ENTERPRISE MbM ever Twrfij z*A Fridi bj Ite KXTEKTRISE PIBUSJING cc VJiißßtao. Nartk CirJnu V c MANNING. ■Tr SobecripUeE Price (Strictly Cash in Aili) 1 r-r »*> 6 i.aonths » * 3 month.- ** ljuereti at the Post Oflfcw at Wil fa—ton, North Carolina as *****> matter, nc-ier the act of I,TW. Address all comramiitatKm.- to Tt> Enterprise. *illaißstnii. S. C. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 192*. i abent teachh associations— No doubt e*trj parent at one lime or o her ha> aafced him.-e!f or h;rs*i ihi- question Why were |*»rer.:teacr rr association? intnxmcet into «*» r pubiic school system ? It a few words we shall attempt to answer this qur> tiori ir- the eery early iay - of our puoc^r irh»«l system, it wi- fo tne folk? of a naBBUt; to *ak«- wcek about boaniinr trse tearhe. fcacr family wtiier boar>ie» tbr teacr er r>vt thi> in purt |*»> mf '. of hi nor. hiy salary At the CK»~. of «cho» each Friday afternooi tne tract* httcheri U|) his ob> rrey mar* if 1 possesses one. am 7 drow US l" 1 beanlunr P*ace Howler, f* was r« cons.uereu a boanier W htie ir. tfc* homr> of the resperme community he was cortsWerec a twmber «»f tl-- family wi h w|j>rr. be «i- >per*m.« tt.e week At nifrnt.-. wnile tne bo^t *ssess preparing supper, he *»"• before tbr rreat oper fere place anc played. ibiimi aim joke-: with the lit ie lots of the rome w'J the cal" for the even sr. ir mea' w*- vouwie» Why. he ever 'jet*nrf so aenweratic as to strike grentfy Tw family cat vh eh brushe*i aramst Kt- sitins is a frier dly an.i affeC wcate man»«er After .-upper the little ones *er* put to sleep an>i tner, caw a pern*:: of ftcdjr arx' preparatnor for "be raeit day'* lessor. or. tne ptrt of the older boys an- rirt- of the fatmly To tfsesjr -M. cave >«fl i-.-t-'anc* a>«£ >•«'> 't>oc as »as«ie»i Af"erwaids Uirnr wrr u»bere«: jv > for tr* » ;*t t ■ : t?!r*ajß«t«r of ft" p-n«i w*»r» or t rn»* erte> at *i- pen* wth "h» m*»*her af! of the h.n • ia'k.r i-»er tne \ ar>-a- s-rot> : ■*.- of He seh««'. IE Ihb way it «a ma»to ~«e for the teacfjer an>! ifc: jcren* to ha*e that p»rs«al rictart :cd mutual urier>UniUi( which is '» to the welfare of the c+.M at*: of :h school but as time |a.v-etf IW "board uajr round" systew »ent owt ®f eiistean j.s a result ?ne nM-fMaixjicr be nveen the tracer and u* V-me was However it »as we mtiiiN that 'S.e tea«w*r"s »>ri was bnnf f _.«lic ippe-: b> sot ks»wr/ tac child iUolgk the KofUe TV l- fart tec both p_;en; aL! Ua>iei U see be irfec of r helpful xryar iralaor arjerety tha of both u«h'. br »«**.-el / K.d the !tw as a w nole the need of ar. orjraßtzatK-r- lrr«*» w di ie teacher ai>! the parent, tne ciJd's -two creates* tcacatan. «r„jrht k es each other aad hare (f«tm ec-ope ratio® I", r; Me aad Ifcali of Tbr tnilio TVere a tha» happy i boa p&nE.-tcathcr a>Mrati»w: tkejr deal with feliam'a! nnat nliti—t pi la tie a.i«d»ii d«weiop kat nd the shad air cocstdved s laic* factor Aac always tar com fbrAH Trcw »s j factor in the extent to which wcckj j come to the jchaol and the taw . i sitd the chfld ip their midst. ! iis tV fcwhfMt of th» individual i himself hw beer a \..j k relationship between the two social maitiniMi the honr and the school, j The child leavin* the direct e mroo- I menl of the home enters in entires I different environment, the sehooS. ITr-er* the leaciier is intradneed u- the child sm heron*-.- ar. ape n". bu" mo*, a soie yr*rt. in its oevelopmei.l St j U car. t» ems fly un.ier low: why -here j ■ houki complete c(' Oj>-ra .jor t*- j ' 1 tween parent aixi t~acher To furth-? this erx! parent teacher association 1 are i itiMithri In the-# association* I parent* am) teacher- meet lor 1 pa'hetic ur»»e*«*r.-l!rir- for frank! ■ dMli>siMi'. of chilu problem- for the| I «»eveiopment of a trreater love f or I i 1 .lilhoad ami for inaktr.,- eon !iw J *ve crt wism a;*' practical -urire- j liians. H«-r» ppr-em! p"- f"• »r j persona! rivalry are atoareior.e.l for • the best interest of the chibi. Thej c».il! u- the centra! thought. -Hfil | ! . .1 I I a' Fl* * »v * j I jlrai r* — -f "be cfc'W (He of the ma:n aim- o' *ne a> I -ocial.: L- to piao lu'-rl.- in po- it tor to thorourhh «w*r'j'. i 'he j r -choo!. it.- teacher-. :t.» its j . rorrair « ' work lmi it- itfl. . it* j .deals ai*i aw it.- i i.-«ieti ! i* - i-courate- parent- to ho s*- uainle«i witf lie tearoer. 't-i; liie chowi. at*- take ai. active . •• I cent m*eie>! ir. the -rr.wl J «>-• i* E. I •wn' It L- certain that, if ■ !;■ »ie- of school rvij »-» ■!- I mux-i tale! v vant-Ji » I It l- -so an i-im of N a --«r . U ew..uiatf leaes>er- ar. » ,-r: ficiai- -i. rent, the u>mr. it.- •-»>»«».. inei . cm nWli--: of hfal'h «w, . ate' he> environ I'rt-per rt-latof th»> !y|r .r. the |ur! of paret! aw leactirr n t--urci t«- re>ult ir. nnuiwriity m>ries.- TV |«re: (rad(M avwe. ataoa endeavors .«■ e-tahfi>c the rijrfct j MUt of triati>«.-hi|c. In lists »jj it tw-pe> to fo-tei tne i*r»'.er ohimbiuii'). w of piosperous l«om-.-.j uri the happy. »«eal"ny ! For 'he -ak« of y«nsr r*!il>'. it.- >Mnra Hon. it - jfrow tfi. its -lev s-*pmr»-« o' Ktu j ill .. will So »fat » -»■" I: st .*v; j r tf-nu*b Cjurrt vc Urjtni »*y Catairti Hill* I lIIHKII airDHMK eoa «»•* of u OKI-MI «kvfe uwcklr iietaevea the caurrtii m aad Inwraal M«Nl « a Tmk. vUrk ID* K»4 «a (W Mai a— At points where lubrication is often neglected, suck as fan hub and universal joint, Buick hag automatic lubrica tion. Buick engineering has Buick easy to lubricate. It is easier to care far a Buick, »4WM N.A.Keddick Motor 'Co. , •• • ■ T "j _ ! fIOOnrUND NECK. X. c * character, its preparation for the citizenship of tomorrow; to yon think • William-tot aced.- thk type of organ nalM.? Uecion time brinfr* back to our! wmk the olden time? when excite-1 mens ran hijfh. when Uir-e m: is in ju.' entire county wouki vote for prohihi- | tftor. anc that number was. coasHntd ' _ | iarre. ana when every cit lien thought i it b humble duty to township —nd ! ij' tor to vole. i Last mirht brought tc a dosr he I ' umia.n.. today's votinp will dteWi': j ■ the u.-ik- While the spreche.- a; t i wnole have- bser. eooo. they lack.t. > ll»e pep ami lea! of a few years aft j 'The votinr will was character;.-'.«; | ' 1 ; of its quiet ne-- and was carrieil out j j j an uninterested manner, more or I One incident called to our attention j j i?. oncf si mar. nfh' hfrf in Margin j | county jn-l forty years a*» star ! j perer* to a larjre pine stump and saki.j , **«entlemen. I am runninir on an Ir. j I depfiiW ticket for the Lejrislatur. | ion two platform.-, OIK' of wfc:ch is | " | (otiibitior andthe other is no fence : iaw The first I use »- my pla'fnrr j becau-e liquor has ruin-.! m? J*nd it f will rum my boys; the second I use, | beraus « nc«V no rirht I o ejt iie-th-r man's act-rns." 1. 1% ttr? sue! ar. i c-lent for"y | ' '-ar- :.;*o 1 •■. man is. this uartieular * j towr..-r«.f> voted'for prohibition ar-«l I e*eri last or# of the other vo'ers j Ivo -i : eaifist it. it require.! a man I to stand up in tho-- days for such I is.>wes At hat time a man Wis for 1 » mr y«w' »♦ 1 I l"»ctur« today An oulrajreou- I fal.-ehoot is pour -1 ou* ir one part J of the country while it is contradicted | I m rnolher par so that *he polit tcia>> ' I rrn rain his desire that, in the end. H»K SALE—.SEVERAL MCE IjOTS well located. See W C". Manninr. ACmJTW-DONT MBS IT Sead your name and addntai plaia IT wnttea. br(her with f> cento ' and this slip) to Chamberlain Modkiaa ('"•!)■ Moan**. lowa, and lettlw ia ntnra a trial paikafre iuntaiiiiaa • 'HAMBEKLAIVS IXH'OH REM EI>Y for coach*. r«Uf. cmap. In« chial. "in ' aad whuofiuie coogh. .. and ti- klinc thrx«t. CHAMBER LAIN S TABLETS f-vatmnarh troa bU uwligeetioo fraeev paina thai moJ thr* heart. Nh-iiwee and com «!«!>«. al»> t BAMBERLAQI-K SALVE, needed in every family foe barn*, arali*. wonnda. Balea aad »kia afnlMi throe rained family medi cam* fur only 5« i ab. Ptm't mi— jj ■ THF ENTEKPKRE. wnUtMSTOV NORTH CAROLINA Is** »3! he T~C if. # - No |U«tnh. bo dibs, no fight; h»c i ja hi resorud to to nuke an election . jters iag—t* I 'H I of vzJoe to all whe~. property k hated and thrashed S I out by the speaker, will create an in teres*. NOTICE OF SALT | Coder and by vir set of U»e power !h' saie ctifltaiun in a certa.r oeed of "rust executed by H A- Crey or the \ /7th day ef Nov. 1'.'19 wfcict. a o ileed |of ;ru ; is of' recond in the public | rvgislry of Martin CoanT> in Book j \.-'l a", ic.te 4*t. .-aid deed of Irust jl. T'.~ ; Vet fc vn to secure the pay- I mcr>' certaaL notes of ever late i r.«* ieu - j [in? beer. m=sje ii. the payment of ■the said ncte.- an«l me .-t.pala'joosj contained in the said deeo of trusty no* harisK brer, romplrn with and a! the r?t»ues of the holder of the i -aid notes the uswiersigned trustee i wßi on Tuesday the 1 llfc day of i No*. 1924 a' 12 .o'clock Min front of the Coorthous* door ir the town of |Woliarutoß. North Carolina offer for | she to th* hirhest bidder for cash at • tib** aurtioe "be f«Ot*irif liescribed yj jjesQte. to-wit Si uatr in saiit town or. the North •»jde of North k. it. Smt imi boutMi v-n :w North b\ Izm of H A Grey .nd Las: b> !»«• of i annn« Mig. »:id Motor O®. m. South by -Juc Street •nd oc true West by lands of S. Kane incj bnsr lot of land "his day corney •i to sim Grey by *aiii Roebuck awl I * fe | Th..- be 10th day of Oct. 1924. J A. XIZELLE. Trustee. I Slartm ml Peel. atty.-. 10 14-4 NOTICE OF SALE U t iwler and by virto* of the power [ i.ii au'hority contained in a certain of tnt to tb under? irr»ed (trustee by W. A. Jan*- and wife, : •_ liar. James or. the 11th da\ of April. ' is®, ~awi dml of 'rust being of !t.eor>! it the pablic of Mar *'*r. r>.Ußt. or Hook lf-2 at page Sit, | ... a! i.' !rc.3 bjinig riven to sc i t»r • a rote of eveta dale and tenor |-ih«-.ewtf. ai»> 'be st'puliitioii.- con llssKfl :b s»«d de*l nf in -: not having e«flit>i with at the rapes. «f pare ie"ef*-lr«k. :l> undr: ;«rn jc«K will o.k Tuesday, r* ]|*h »is- o' jNnvnnVr, 1934. it 12 o'clock M. ui Jfiur.t of «h* Court Hot * l»ooi of M'.r tin County, in the Town of V. ;| liam- 'stoK. X- C tirr fo fsl; "o 'he hijih t«-» (wMt for a4i. at paUi' :.urtio.i 'the njl eslitf: Krmr tot X* 7. alloted > t> K E L T&yfer brftru'ES ;t the crn er of ?h" 1 rrrtal in K»» Snmn. at !(i» «-->mer j- t law- KMW ani rormr' r'unr i V. hf:A.+*- »§iw S2l * 31. 3» 10" '-+am> to th* wl -r of the mad m I For Week Beginning j i|B| + 18 II (9 B n I ! Monday Nov. 3 | il WE OFFER THE LARGEST SELECTED STOCK | \V ( / OF DRESSES, COATS AND SUITS EVER fg / { i « / j | SHOWN IN THIS TOWN. IS SEP* ! j DRESSES FROM— I ""ft ji $5.00 TO $39.75 | ig U j | COATS FROM— a r - $9.75 ro $65.00 I 1 N" WILL SURELY PAY YOU TO GIVE OUR | I : STOCK ALOOK BEFORE YOU BU Y. I II I II : a I II Harrison Bros. & Co. j WILLIAM DION'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE "Come and See Is AB We A*" Brass u uu.i nuatf thence along the center of the mm S. X) L 46, 30-lUO ffciW «• * route ute end of the ditch, comer afj lot No. «; thence along «■* drtth : line of Lot - N. «. K. **-1* E. 36, chains to the center of the ewfll,' iiiMe up Mid canal «» nr w«» courses u> the beginning, tontaining 17 1-2 acres ■"* or ice and bsing Lot No. 7 of the K. T. Taylor land i iriiion, same being subjert to the life KU'e of t T .Taylor. fhi» the lUti. day of October. 198*. V HEELER MARTIN. Trustee. 10-14-4 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by rime of the poorer i sale ronuincti in a certain deed of trast executed by C V. Carson and wife, Lola W. Canon to the mtncr*:gn m trustee on the Ist day of Jan. 1921, which said deed of trns. is of record in the public registry of M art s Coun ty in Book G-2 ai page IC.. »iid deed »' trust having been given to secure certain notes of even siate ami tcrar herewith and the stipulnucr: coataui -! ir the *aid deed of trust having Leen given to secure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith and he stipulations contained in the sa*d ieed of trust no* having been eoir.- pj,ed with and default Kavinr been made in the pay ment of the notes se- Irured tber»-by ami at the request of j he holders of the said now the un iie.'signed trustee will on Tuesday tie llcb day of Nov I*2* at 12 o'clock M in front of tlx- courthouse -loor m Ihe town of W flliimrtor.. Sort 1 Car-. 1-na offer for sale o the high*-- •».« ider for cash at public auction .k* 1 following de crih«( real estat« • wit: Beinir one lot sftnita* in the »« of I'armrie, X. C. Rffknirir »• an inn #take in Rail rail Stiwi, EwkgA"? comer. thence Southwardly with Itarhack's tin* IS* feet to an iron stake ia «*1 Roebuck'* ine and J. I_ Willa;* corner, thence HOW noCTORS IBEir COLDS MD THE Fll To Iml ap a 'jld ««cr ai«M a* «a catf wLurt am attar* *4 mf aflma ar Me ikwl. pkiunaa* arf ilintO arr (*a*. t"» Cal->a»rt tibi't |«M i. q> *U • * daa I'd >.H«r jsf «H TK • *ho luir tr o! ■.: m> a: a bl' mmztc. kf (ar im rc dltdm ai cr rt s •tic «U a;e -a>avl. be e- «i 1 iLivuti .e ' (iat or law '. ila i at I ' "*k a •: -aaer.- ->**'» . » »alu. no ciittra a i thr oi>ys. "Ml f*aor ratnif. a >ri w . ut'S i 11 r£- yocr'oal laa t »r» a ■« »*" ■•a (*-fe t» /» -aai a 1 »i : ' e» '*- :- arc j^ m * "4 a 9' I i" - 'rt or * v ae»" ;V *- "n - ta ". tl f t Psr ma ir' .> t> rriU 4 b* • « > rvitr •*-* if wi»J - -J* Northwardly with Roefcock 1 * fat 150 xvetacfs corner, ttww Fnol v.J> iaflrnad S ml 77 fee* to kit bc«inning. vcjed to J. L V.kitekint If J- T. jjkes, later etavejed kj VUtafant oLD. Roebuck Betnt tfce idia>i> I property cwiwyri ■ a deed (in L D. Roebuck and wife to said C V.j 'arsoc iud Lula W Cm*, dated ■ ihfc i-ih dty of K«rr- l»80i And this Jv«=o of trust is ere*ted for the pw j-ose of securing the payment rf * part of the purchase price mentioaeo if consideration in said deed- This the lOJi iiay of Oct- liii T. JONES TAYIJOR. TMH* Martin ar.o Peel, attp. 10-14-4 NOrriCE OF SALS L oner and by ratw at the power rnd authority contained in a certain red (J ru»t, executed to the andcr- trustee by B. S. Hathaway and wife Ida Hathaway on the 39th of April. 1»2». and of record sn the public registry of Maitm County ■ Cook H 2 at pcure 261. said deed of tuso prea to aecare a mmtr of fw ante and tenor therewfch, and tie .stipulations in said d-ed of tract wt havine been complied with, a* the rt ouest of the parties interested, th? ut.dersiirned trustee. will on Tuesday. November. 11th. 1924. at 12 o'clock M I ir front of *he Court Haete IW uf | Martin County in VOlnmfUe. North FOR SALE Having recently sold one of my farms, £j e| 1 now offer for sale for the next 10 days, my £ P Home Farm, about 45 acres cleared, 3 grood $ tenant houses, 2 tobacco bams, good corn £ $ barn, 40x40 feet, stock house, 7 room cot- Xj '■% tage home; All buildipjrs painted White, vj hog-feeding quart ei-s with concrete floors H and self-feeders, Woods hog pasture with {B ! convenient to barn-lot, 3 good mules. Farm p convenient barn lot, 3 good mules, Farm jjj machinery of all kinds. I will sell all together or farm alone, 5 v. ith sir all cash payment, remainder on 18; terms, ranging from one to ten years or •• MS U # more. • a Anyone who wants a real home, con- g ivenient to Highway at a real bargain, see *j me in next ten days. jg JOHN W. GREEN, | Road view Farm Williamston, N. C. f. R. F. D. No. 1 | Czraiho. offer for sale. >t |.>Hr aaj", Uh to dae kifhMt Wkr far n* KMlMd'tke Scbron Bnaa line. ami leaiiai along said Uae S«A to B. 1 Aadmt Gk ad the Cauori We* Sad, ran «l-i aid road Ifcr b lb the 10th day at October. 1934. J. T. STOKES, TraKse Kartin ad Mai. attys. 10-14-4 How To End a Cough Quiddy SbS flt'niww m>* irrito ba, bat AaU ahi haamf w which are the real eaaae at the vent coach qmchty diayan. tam*u Dt 'kiair" New Pmu-mt fcr W«a ■I in ■■» I— I ■ Mr. u« 11 ■>*« Un ku«r km ilk to »l»i» u H»» lk> trfc taw It hM ■»■—e«r «*». **r liißieWto. tmym- MM, fenarkW MlfeM ui teafMOML Cm mum at ■» «—« «m»e> i* to