fl - Station* -i i. T® J MUM fflH HE HHHIH MIDML lUBERCUUE3S CHHRBKE HI WISOIL OCT. H to the game af Itto the maa wka tola af sat i in aa tha toot hall coach who aaaa to gtoyera akfllfally U pays to play the game. Tabercaloaia Is aa =aM tor pflkm.* "* ' Sleep with tha wladow opea aad the moath cloned. Brer hear the story af tha soft ball ad agg* It's a good aaa Hare horse sease aad aat aataisaL 1 Health is wealth Be a baak previ deal A good health chart to hare la a ■SAL.THT FACK. Whea yoa Ure— Retlra Merer pat oS aatH tomorrow the milk y-aa choald drtak today A regular HOUR for every MgALr— aat a regular MEAL, tor aeery HOUR A good compleaioa cream ia CREAM aa the tas:de and aaaahtae oa tha aaUide Be full at freak air . A bath tah U not a hager hawL Tha aademourirhed child gata far laaa atteatioa thaa tha average aala mobile Compare yowra your teeth aa wall aa yaar % BAT yoar wild oata every day. -We pride ourselves to sayiag that asm y colored family la Joh aaaa tai ty hu oae or mora milk cowa lor lamliy aac. aad that they raise towia aad vegetables the year rowad tkr alcgaa ia: Para lood. para air. fata water proper clothlag. sstklea! rest aad erarrtse" I aura J. A Blag. fcpr»»n Raral Co Schaato Jaha aoa Coaaty a elm a Mr H. L Staa on of tha Stata De partmeat of Rahabilltatma a ready to help rehabilitate arreeled esses af ta harcwloaU Ha ia»a»tad some atatf lag aad ralaahla work la thla Baa. .. Dr. Chaa J. Hatheld prmtdsal af tha Katkmal Teber. eloala 4as»i«atlsa. •aid S would take tha Aagel Gakriei Taw aad I hare ah aat itahilil lahmialaals tram PraahHa eowaiy With yea heart, mlad aad aaaL Lame 1. B Mai oae M D.. Lowtoharg -The Stata Haapital at Sililßh haa •I pi urn thirty patlaata to Ba tahar catoala warda If there are aay mesa wa have aot toe ad thea Of thaaa tweaty two ara tomato*. A af them are bedfast with prohahly aa tape af recovery There are eight male ga Uaata. all af wheat are smhwlatry lbs have beea oaly toar daaiai atoce tha M at tha year aad three fgar were admitted to toe laat ingn af tha dfaasa Wa have dtotohaad fram the wards eight wha had healed laglaa atoce tha tost df Jaaaary SaaM kirn" the aaa type that la pro dtopeeed to kariiMa taharewtoaa h ~M a aallsa m a lammaaMj really aaato aaythiag. tt ta paytoa far sj Waaaa'a CI ill. Chartotta BTIM maIh' MI'II'I anihihiilto HiliM caeamßtoaa to actliWtaa alaag Wa haaacaaaalMMd to rwtadre whaa Wheraatoala In haaa cat la haM to gga gratafal to hitof had a (that the Tabemlosta Cfcrtatmaa Seal*. ara aaU " Mrs Oh as B Piatt. Chairmaa Ta'erc nlosis. X. C Ffdnatka Women a Claba. Charlotte "A strange tkiaf baa come to taaa.! Tha approach to tnbenaK«t« fr- th« palhola»tfal aide la aot referred to m mach as a treatment aa tt is a vrvtresa aff edacatioa aad trainiaß E»ea tha patawt medtcine reader haa bwoaa. aahaaad ta ofrr a care ia the form of a "medk-iae" So ia this f;M tha lajrmaa eaa («t into the racka' with tha doctor aad share wtth k'ja tha dlgwitv and honor, whether :he-a ha aa; dirt«»n of the f«t or not Tha doctor mar soak the aaprotrcted aia at meaas with a hill that imtt cataa a skill little leas thaa that dis played ta tha ase of the knife bat «a the other hand the**- same doctor* ara leadiag the l|M ta maka lapa siMe these prwrrr-iable disease aad ta that esteat are workiar themselrna aat at a Job The wteare and practara of aadiciae ara aa loager ■jrater-.ca at aa taaer circle The reil ot the tem pla has heea rent aad the go*pel of life aad health is for the waittwg mat-' tttade Aad this tree gospel of health la hrlagiag ahoat a large ca-operatioa | at all the forres aad areactat aj stamp.ag oat these aroarrt* o t mata kiad Thla ooaferen- e mast hax a large iaiaeeee ta briDginir this aboa* "• Or M L Kesler Sapermteele-tt BaptiM Orphanage Thomasi i!ta "A Urge p»r cent of the chtMr-a who corns to as are from parents «ha 1M from tabercalosia la oar :a»'nw- Uaa we have reared tamitm thta left helpleaa at a - oat of frnoi tea ta •flee* thousand Millars per fk-tily.j TV« htldraa ta be sure. If properly reared bate heec worth to the aasr tia.es the lauu. jr speat on tfcerw. fat tt haa hrea diverted from farms of hamaa betterment, la e**ry 4-aaa there waa protmbly a time wa-a 1 If a few haadred dollars were »a»alj aa tha father or mothar la ls. tpiea* stages of the disease, tha who> family; caafld have beea aared A fam>!y. rink aahfwhea. with the years of u*a- i fatara« and happiness of llie» freed' from disease canaot ha *a.a«d a terms of moaey Or M l. Keslar. Sapartataadaad Baptiat Orpt a: aga THomaitiUa j "TW Thom ssi Uia Orpbaaag- haa' aster heaitated ia receirtag rttildrea whaac pareata hav - died of tutana loam If they were aot already actlte!} mferted We kaow that we aa*aas« aa added responsibility ta takrig them aad that we shoald he «oaM) ligilaat ta thetr care la tot weatilatiaa ta sleeptag «ur;«.-a cap 11 ally ao paiaa ahoui4 ha aytri* M L. Keeiar. Bapctat Orphanage Thoosasetlla ■vary form af teaching agea--y ahaaM he called la to the fray aat :h .* hetg carry the good aews mt heal'h la eeary asah aad corner of tha Slate * It L kaalsr Sapariate»l-a Baptlat Orphanage. Thamts-Ula "h by caaaot tha State ha lade* d to aalarge tha State Saaatariem a. d add a dapartmeat Car chUdrea? So.r« f a State that caa spead seieat- » • milboas oa reads la tea years aad athsr mSUoas oa other Metttotaowa might add a tow haadred thoaaaad del la fa to save these children wtth M L Ksalar. gapartataadit to ha aalaadad la sedar ta have keif •ear at toad ~ E L Scalar. Sapartalaadiat H»« tor hare wa aaaa? Twewry Where da wa ga kia Sara* Oa ia tlaay. Aad wa are aa the aap. Narth Carwttaa will, attar a aUto wa tackle the gr at toe g^r LinroN misvs FUR , FINAL TRY AT ■moMMiv mc ■— - I Pilun il to nufe a Af'.h ai*i last try ■ pBM to win the Mania's Capt Sir Thnmir- Upton unlvod oa j j the Urirtfcui. ptainin* preTniriary | | i far roc. ; la 1 > Ta rrportrrs. be admitted tie ->» ' I | tfcil!«re v.ak be- his last, ilf j | Bow ET his MtaCT-foutl \ear. I » f | ShtaU fee fii. h_- four Lag, i Bitkl 3l he seen in la er inter- I t-Uodi c»-.:pits i« Sir '4 hones has ' ie his will that should he j Be! lift the cup before his the I i E»k! l ifter Club of Celfost., ' Infhnrf. Jail keep on fhcll>r ;n? in • J the »f carrymc She ■"h'lwnir' (I mux" hark sws« th_* Athn ie. 't Cp;iai»a l ujukni i t TSe rNaller. must come fma a i » jar* dub a».j he sent ten ninths I I pn».- to -he r- Te*. That is in he! i «fcci' .. eft. • ;«ier this rutin r the » , ctal- **f lii'i r -it fall to s r>.| th« • hf% fe» -a«:i Sir Thoma- hope-, hawser, t «1-~russ with the New Yat* fljk what type jAnl sire . of ha! w.»uii iv* . or»-|. - iHe ami it is 1 h»Un.l that « saea a.- these pre- j 1 ir- .•>» »r a cht.l'on*.? will be J I , Th» per-e v, in* f i the r« fai— :_s of \ adit no':.; t—*■ ssV > .•ptimism is I ilk un -hak ■ and tha" } • bcliovnt the jSktriMt V »ill takr b=ck to Er. - i "*b«l I*"b» hiiiinrf £uin*as cup" '1 ~ T * hat »«« i '.hf cup to Am?rki* u ; -^a 1 *! with a i«inkl > in hi. , rtnr. ~whrr im rant pat,anything in "rt * ' BUknlaal the only thine you V I i«e hft to put in it would burn the L b ..loSB out of 1* " I Ser Na d Ik- will j.pin- i.f | h ; « ia buihuriir a n«-m Sh: -..roc' | ij * briber she be a schooner or too- j ' He wtant- to rtunjf.- to - srhooiK-r. | ' !;• sdMtt»), but .is w illi.ir to accept ' |, i»| finpasil that .he New York I Vtfki Oub mat have to offer r, .Mil) Tlan Here *| T>* fan*hi- t«a imrrhan' and ■ \arkt>aa> wl« rompMed hi.- sii- I twtb trip to America a few days rj .- T». fr>t arrived here in Itiftt, with 'j "39 n bis pork'—.. Never be-fore has he! ► i j -art a wek ..ni- as he got j I • a has arrival | I i IV |ias.srti ,-ei> and many of the; ' 'Ww 4** lat the side of the Ihk I - =■ -el as be -te|ipe*l to the >l«k of j t e FVmla, ; acht of Special lh*pu*y Strain j rttnet t&rSris&vizz SkmrnTm atarta freak. benfcag tl, 11 M at TIHI il the atraaaad wadefibra, CM fag the pam and repairing tha bottle today. ♦ —• • 1 • X * I ...... Representative WcJited . ■ 'I BY CAROLINA FLOR AL COM I'AN •' ' *:• —.e. _. f, fj 115 South ('oldsboro Sti-eel WILSON, NORTH CAROUNA * * . . . : _JL Guaranteed Floral Service Write Immediately j l—m 1 —, - H _ TH* EXTEgTRISE. WILUAMSTOX. MOMH CAROLINA UNCLE WJGCTLTTS TRICKS . ==\ JXAWSS i _i2=====^* ss====== r " Letme jlHake that red on« IV'lnv CoiBB!k-4MiH Barr»n Cottier. with N I'OIK* ' T Earnest athi other notables on K ir>: to uk. him up the tat. Going up to the Onlnba Ywh Oyb. the Police bar>t and Glee- Oat pizyed and -«nr for Km. Sir Tkorai? i> an >>!»r»n cap tar of the •trpartwat. Abcun' the ):eht br»Mf t oamb»i r« r Ennrk one George MacDMiaki. an hawnrar> iVpyly IV!xv Cvmir.:- I»r (-Htoc >:mpr.. Nafutntr Jsme> T CNrfl. lir.f t>r Warn I* \v -icrl. l k r. Alfred NKMHIG. CaL IV;er Traub. !! nfvlK" liiwhs". Rhm'b.n.i er Waldo, (limbrr K Fluw and **ishop l"_ VV HucVr. «!*• cave 3 Wessinr to Sir TWa- a- V hoartkv Ihr Kl.-rn.ia TV«f hur*':**. hmpv mnmMr:." as th«- > xrht [»>.>»>! Ihr Katt-r\ Fifty-five tm u.> TV-ma- Jo!-» f i-r? Upton >Utrrr>i i-K.>r- ir f« York. Mark m il 1 - c« ~1 -iu-: in.- Cjipiait for hm'h. fror, :!>' fancx 1 r >r »l a i *arV :> -If-iivr He ha * ? -t*im«ai «»sj k- _»-l Kriut t t»> m.f > to p.-;. fur K-> l«wi. litaifKi fr\tn fc> f -wvalnsent after (he ka! n» a' »hl «ltK kick- ar>l s*t l«- hi> p*v-ar» by >W\rlinr r-uil M *\| a « \ILKI> Tt» Stl I k* %|. IHOI S%M» OKAMUTHINS ON IHSASTKR PIH' IKEIMESS \! Wi. Ga.. (IH.V» »:—**l.»-i fhs»-ter> Strtk«-.~ t> ll mi* of .. t>rirf rumul Bailr-I tobi tu firm! 1 r«ni-»n.t cmr oftrul-. litMjnr-. r--' | ui Mlll-lUtMs by I|* iiiutlma ikri-K-ts, ■ Amrriraii II.*! 1 ffw*. ir its for dba-*f i 4j(f prrfun- tur | I o«nj»»W«t by tl - k-\i iV-.-. •'irrrtor «-f «*-a>ter r*»»rf • .rk. IV i>-i.ui nrr> a -m'lii.- of '!» iikx-I rffmnr !> «.f •train r w;tH i-rlnf pnki»«a- . WRtSLEYS 1111 ami other disaster*. It is fxised on the experVnr? of the Red Cross in administering relief follow ing over 500 disasters in every part of »hr country. nffioiaU declare, ami is the latest and in fact one of 'he fe» manuals ever written deslim; with thlc question. Many of the 7C2 Red Cross chapters •n tha South now have volunteer dis -*ttr Huf organizations r.-adv to .ope with emergencies on a moment's rot ice I*oe>n'; it seem odd to pick m> the s fff and -ee nothing ;il*>ut the worl.! fl^r- * l>n*t it ahout tinfp for a U>ok of "The Garage in American Architec ' arc ?" 1 JUST RECEIVED, Car Load 1 P « " M sjv . M jjj? Haywire, car load ground alum salt, ear load No. 1 shingles and __ m) ear load of wire reneinjr. •■■?■-. M SS» ' M ff? . • ttj m Mm ff Cheap for cash—Call and see me before buvinu elsewhere. pi; - iitl I -1 ;ii C. D. Carstarphen & Co. |jl Uf' 0 % WILLIAMSTON NOUTH CAROLINA 1 i Sj -.*> Jil? jlt~ Srrc 3" /v rrrt-'l:■ K '. 'v-Pi -"r:.~f ■■■■■ TiT^T». ■■ ■■ ■ ■ .M... r....... ■ .mSSSI NOTICE I | rp rp t-v i| 1 o lax r ayers I ... jof MLrtin County i his is to advise that the 1924 lax books are now open and in my hands for the purpose of collecting same, therefore I will thank the Kood people of Martin County to tfive them their prompt atten ilf ■ p ® !] ; - | tiojri. I will be nlad to leceive partial payments if it will be"of serv -1 ice to the |>eople. ~ ; ! - _____ You will find myself or Mr. Peel in the office from now on to ; I serve you, your Bank also will be to take your money as here i tofore. Thanking you, \ am, Respectfully yours, •„-■• 3* rHERIFF . j H. T. Roberson 1 j j • • . .. ... •- f.... . .^ t }j rr- ■■■■■■ 1 VI v PAINT VOl U AUTOMOBILE LET ITSl T S PAINT VOI R AI'TOMOBILE : WE WELL DO IT IN 10 I>AVS AND IT WILL LOOK LIKE NEW. I N. A., Riddick ■ II Motor Car Company ij . For Buick Cars

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