„ WATCH THE LABEL OX YOL'R rAPIB, IT CAMtfES THE DATE YOLK SLBSCKimON EXl'lKt.' VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 77 STATE TICKM) HAS LARGEST MAJORITY IN MANY YEARS TW Democratic State ticket wa tamni by the peatest majority in )«n. This was probably due to Jw WM's me and the Port Terminal KB bringinf many to "Ju pj'U to cast their rote either for rr a;: ain t Col L M. Meekms. Republican uixiidate for eovfmo' was the ;Jy fapobliean candidate who did .S caapufn work, the pent .»f iSe aar y Ukjß* no active part in h? saw in a few section* wner* tre »« »e is more eevnly divide-! Ihan h L- in the eastern part of the -tate. Jamesville Defeats Columbia Five The Jamesville hijrh school boys de feated the ("olumbta basket ball team •art Friday afternoon to the tune of I" to C. The Columbia boys were out for Mood and played a strong an-1 vigorous mine but the JamesTille bcym were too moch fur tf.em. So far. Jamcntlle has snowed un •tor all her opponents anl it is pre dicted that she will hold the county champiort -hip by next spring. The riitiar lon #emaine>> over *** l enjoyed the Hallowe'en supper given by the local high rfhool s'u- The Columbia boys were a jolly f*t of good felows an>l we shall be delighted to have them with us again. —Reported HISTIIKt OF THE KEII « BOSS S4H IKTI In the beginning of the nineteenth century at Embtey Park. Hampshire, a +' M wa> u«l to becoim, imm---tal M th. aMiis «.f lie world'?/ history Tfct chll* 's i.anu w:> Flo.-- ««» Nightingale. ?«d who at ti, early age miiufatM 1 a k:*n interest in afennr humanity. She visited (tie chief ho. pr.rls in Europe and 4tdied nor»inr -in rJI its es*nituL> During th* t"nme -n War. she organ ized a bv.! of nurses rnd effrr?«i their *emce» to the War Office Her offer was accept:-!, and she immediately embarked for Eastern Europe. wh>*re she rendered uivaluaU; services to the sick and wour.-ied toy her inrevail labors in nursing and hospital re form- No* only did she render val uable serv»e> to tl.» woumidi sol dier- of the Cnmeuu V."ar, bu she gave to th? world "i first conceptior. of a world-wide or-.niut)o] sole); and in its entirety foi the relief and sucr-.r of th? suffering, anJ those in 4utitue -|rcum-tai-« . applicable hotn in wrr w* i-m- of peace. Te« year- after "he Cnmcin War, representative- of furt-1 nation met la anierlior. it: Iki ?va, Switz erland, and permanent!) «i a Mart) for '.he benefit of humanity, dcaawMtinir K as .he I4e«l Cro*.- Socicty The •ii-tmrtrve had*--e of this society became a red. Greek cros* on r white field. The) formulated rul as and Hf«l»tw yut'raiiir the neu trality of hapiah. ambuL-nc«-s and per— u at'ending upon them, during war times These rales aixl rejruU. tiebs and the Km Ok* as an in signia of neutrality, receiv-d the aii henor. of all r.Tiliied nations. Kr»m iMi the pear in which ihe co ,iv?nt ou at Geneva «l held, the Red fiw- Society developed and Hfiadnt pro portitu'ely wi*k dvdiutiox. In Ifl the American C*ar]CM incorporate*! aa association, bearir." the title of ;! • American National Red Crocs So ciety, on and alone the line of the Geneve RedCro-w- Society. The K«! Cio - Society is a benefi nest and chirr able institution, hav af a manifold pwpci It looks af ter the w-ifare of the dttthau, con tributes to the comfort of the poor aad the needy u4a and assist* the Willi) ana rick danagr actual war fare. ißeviau* and aiticalit Ihe himn of war. and lends its aid »«.• disasters of nriow kinds. As to —fmh-rvhip n this Society, men. winmca and children are eligible tad the only yilifcatiwi is to either become actively ftgiftd in this work tf coctribwt- financially Therefore, it amy he nil that Membership is classified into active and passive members. Those who pay the aar-jrl mi i nai at or give phOanthr >oictdly are the passive members. The lore- M - - - ■ , 1, , um w#nDPTf ■ Tinouf vißnw> cwr atitde the active members. The American people have awakersd •» the great ewk that the Bed Cw ■ doow, ami have contributed Nber «Ry ft ia nearly jmp»»i*lr to enwner a'e the gnat gwd the Red Cram fe oety tea tee. and its pn.iWities far cued m the flare. The huaun ted to al the pa a pill mf the te. THE ENTERPRISE WILLLAMSTON SCHOOL NEWS i Plans Underway to Or ganize a Troop of (■irl Scouts Messrs. George Karris, jr.. Gaylord Harrison, and Robert Manning left lor Fayetierille yesterday mornirg to attend he- >*xth annual District Old er Boys* Conference. The>e boys are representing the Williams*on tigh School The Conference wil have the pleas ure of hearing such men as Dr. W. W. Alexander of Atlanta. Ga., Rev. Wade C Smith of Greensboro. X. C. Mrs, T. W Rickett of Raleigh X. C.. and Otis B. H irnart of W:lmin». t©». N. C. l ire Drill The local ,-chool. for the first time this year, rehearsed yes-enlay after noon the fire drill. The entire build ing wac cleared of &I 1 grades within cue finute and twenty Firm this time on the school hopes to pet cut within the record *m»e of one mir The Daily Imea From this tiiw hence mother- nee.l not wonder why their boys ar»i girls «re ealinr more koiiL> Eren rrade in the local school u »ptndine the major part of the retesa- period. ur iW the supervision of a teacher, in taking some form of calisthenics rr *ettine up exercises The boys 'r«»m the fifth rrade throurh the el*-ve?:th prade are under the direction of Mr W F Ricks, who has had a rrea! amount of experience in this kind of work The pirls from the 6/' ii ten. de, through the eleventh erade are ur-.der the direction of Mrs C B Ha-sell ami Miss Eva Peele tirade- one through four are umler the direction of Mis* - Robertson. Miss Tumaee.l Miss Andef»on. Miss Stewart u:nl Mi- : - it i '■"pel that a victrola of some sort car. be provided, so ,J«at ear'. ir lKni ra;i ; apply these exercises by the ' ime of mu ic t.irl Scouts Plans are «"W ureter way for «r --ganizinr a tr.« p of Girl Scouts for the hical community. Th:- fif>e piece of community work is beine uixter taken by Mis# Emma Robert-on anil Mi-s Ethel linfia A hurried meeting was called Thur-iay aftrnKen 3fter school for girls who were twelve years of aj»e in *he interest of this rrganization About flrldeeii j.il .-e«pomle«i We trust that eve«y till who is twelve years of age ai. I older. »ill avail them-el ve- of he op portunity of this hue ori.-ai.isat to 1. It is a known 'ar' tin* ;he ills of «»lay do not keep e«npaui\ h with God's preast outdoor life. It is ' helped that the mothers will back Miss Robert.«n ami Miss tiriffiu in heir fine work. aiKY. C. O. l*\RiN> 1H.1.1% KKs Kill ST or % SERIES OF IHREK M ItWiNS SI NDAV I.v t ur*la> ntor-ung at Tk- Church of the Advent, the Rev Clar arce O. Fardo. R-ctor .'elivered the first of a setae* of three sermons on 9 timely topic. "Why ar? so mar.y thinking mtu aint women dusiUsJie.) with the Oiurrh and,the Religion of lsaas Christ?" Mr. I*ar»U» saad that one of the it a. or- was the .-elfiou- attitUile of narcn mewo* - That the setfish r.twas hii-t' upon and ai. out growth of the utterly wrong ui*l r .-landing and mn«onoepUon of the true meaawg of the Church. And a very .-mall and selfisn iict ptior. of he Religion of Jcu.- Oir.-t Airt jnt so long is tht Clergyman .s ll« p-l pit ;>nd the member in the pew failed to in'erpret the Motion of the Char* *• and me f' 1 hnsl hungry souls, weary souls, would continue to fail to find satisfaction or peace, rest lad CBB'-HIHMI, nourishment and strength in 'be church because those within were fad in r to reveal to those without the true Church or true religion. The Church must be interpreted it. aasdfis-Jy —for all nn ia all wmditiaa—ia all places. The sacrifice of Christ is the in spiration of the Church. This inspir ation finds its expression ia Sacriice not selfishnea*. w Next Sunday morning Mr. Paruo wjl deliver the mtmmi sumaa of the series. The thinking public is invited to lM*r these icimoau- CHRI3TIA*\CHrRfB SERVICES Sunday Schid.\»:lS a. m - Mornmg church service, 11M We vmt to have IfO enrofied at Sunday school next Sunday, coma an-' 'help as to Mtb our aim Ciujbadj cndtaßy mailed to tfi A- I. MANNING, Pastor. Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, November 7, 1924. TOBACCO PRICES STILL HIGH The prices of tobacco on the local "obocco market soaring. One cf the warehousemen said yesterday that for weeks he had not had a single tag turned and ihat the farm ers were all going away satisfied and happy over their sales. Our warehousemen are making (food their at the begin ning of the season that they world -?W as. high as any of the larger market- within a radius of fifty miles ar„: they have lived up '© *heir promt-es. W'atcti the next report of 11«»- State Department of Agrk-ulture and s» where W,'.liari>,oß >;an.i- on the li-t. Tl»- farmer- »f both Martin and ller hire to a great extent on the ■'ilium-ton market ani their i>atr»ra- ■» is appreeia'ed by both the tcbacco fo?ks and the people of V. il !tam>:-n -Ho always welon»e"them 0 our town. The wan-K-j J- will be close«i next T»-iUy in oto-ervanre of Arniistiee 1 nay B VNhS I L*>si:il 11 FSH.W. II. ARMISTICE I»\> The Finht: JI>I Merchants Hank ami the MJI.IL County Savinr - AND Tn;-'. company «>li jkenr Amis'io> i»av. Tiradao. Nov ember llt I* .i l their .toor- will he ci«.vd for *.!t ■ TfX\ It is rot reitiir ye'. the «-th?r bu-'ne-s nouse* will lie closed Senator I odi r e Lies At Point of Death Senator Henry Cabot l»dge lies at the point of death from a stroke ••f apoplew.. Senator lakdge ha- Imii a national heure in politics f..r more tlian u • tuarter of a century. It »a- he who introduced in Cor.gres- wiial was known as tine Force I'ill TI. . was thirty years ago. he then b*sing a man of sufficient lea>iership to almost f.-rce it on the couilry. lie was the leanier of the fight against the league of Nation.- a kirk failed to be ratified ul hi- perianal ami hitler fi*ht K\ l.R\ ONE WHO CAN GO TO « HI R II Ol (Ml TO |N» IT • hurthjruiin wurhl to tie |>ut down •i one of the c-uUi4kil feature.- of me\ life. I r.l?r.- .vh iti»r it; duns rev uhrly. it L- not W e-a.-ily. Itesul - »or> church atten-lanee is hard. One ht.- to fieht a battle every Sunday, and no m/* L- stn.nt? enoUKh to -urvive an ■ r-s.al like thai. A thinir which i» not .!«.ie easily i> in danp-er •»f rn keiw looe ait all. l*i a person once divide that x«inx to church de-eree* a fixed plate in the -rMiil* of lu» week's life, an.J the battle if won After a short while to church wil* be as eaay as "••me to Church irointf is really a part of a man's business. If it i* reyai'le-i as an extra, some hir.if a•Mot. it becomes a burden, and voluntary bw>«ii> are sur? to be dis caiML A buii goes to business every morn- i BJI whether he feel# like it or not. It is 2 part of his life, and other il.i»fi ife not keep him away from it. Every moraine there are a dozen hings wr.ach recsakt do or would like "o do, Wt J* ibctn Hfkle be a*-e M>ue.-s comes int. His feel iap„OL no figure ata'l. because he has inven the right of way. Let a •nan put church first on one day of every week, anal be will find that ob -JtaeSes an»l •liAcwlties will -pe*dily appear. Even his feelings will give p tieinffc iMs and fall in line with his purpose -Charles E. J offer - (CABALA l LASS OF BAPTIST (HI IHH HOLDS MEETING T>* llaiwa cla.-» of the local Bap :ist Mtairit beM its monthly business l»: might in the calls room it the chmrch Ihe attendance was very ITIMKL Many matters of much interest and lafmiUim were brought ; paul •!L-ru?-#>i The enthusiasm » 38 nuiaf high- Cmt both t tally a»i .-leriUaiDy werv mapor-l nut far ht c*-ns"rjr year. ■ ] Coote aad join with u.- next Sun day. We «* at the Williams ton Mfiial Baptirt Church every Sun- Jay aoraar at MM forty-five. J. E. HABRF.LL Beporter. IEOCIATIONB WILL VISIT SILOAta THIS EVENING The fMnIMK will viiit Siloam charrh tha i uaaii instead of holding aniiu ia the Christian church as wa* int MMMi USUAL DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY GIVEN BY MARTIN COUNTY Boat Bill Defeated In County By Only 24 Votes , The entire democratic ticket for I'iesidential, state and roun'i uifices was carried with a majority around ijrhteen hundred ou: of abvut two thousand vote; cist in this con'). Ihe majority s.iven A. W. Mrl.?an Aor Isaac M. Meekirs *a> IM#. This was about the usual majority , i neat many members of both parties n.« -i»ing to the polls to vofe. Senator F. M. Simmons le>i his op jionent by 1832 votes. Among candidate- for countv ti" fices. H. T. Roberson. democratic can didate for sheriff led by a majority of 1849 and all other county candi dates had about a like majority - John W. Davis rfffivr.l 2w'l votes. Calvin fooliilire 21 and Ruber M La Follette polled fifteen rse> ir the county. In 192 l» Harding i.hout fttiO votes anl the rrlun;- ®e this election would Miatf that the republicans of the county are r»>t m well pleased with the (VJVUT a.l ministration. Port Hill Strong in I'rttaia Section* and very Weak in tttkrr- The Port Terminal I' ll proved (•e very strong in certain section- .«f •he county. Jamesvillf. V illiair. Clri*- li.is, Williamston. Popiar iViint rul Hamilton town .hip. rt.'ii/ i' a bi * majority but it wa» weak in Pear Grass, Cross Koa.tv Rnbei • ■ vdle iold Point antf »M>oe Ne-« • they truing prart:call« .• -I»d .min-' the measure It lost in the county t»> twenty four votes. The first r»-|*.rt diowe . (loose Nest -10 vo'e- for n»-j-un . I,'ivinir the bill a 27 majority, but »IK" "i. >al returns came in there wer.- only four votes in favor of the bill pulled in loose N'e-t wfitrb «lefeatel the measure in the county by 24 votes. Alistract of the votes cist in the inunty follows: Ull NTV TICKET Krisist-r mt limb J. S. (iet injfer, 2WU; J Mari-u Griffin, 170. t oum> Surveys* T. Jones Ta>lor. IST7. (amtr F. Lee Ldwards. 3CI. sknil 11. T. Koberson, 512 a; A. T. Peirv, 176 (•an!) Trruar.i C. 1) Car a»i*- Membern ol ike Hoard mt I wmi J. N. Ilopkin*. .1)11; 11. (ineii, I! >1 Hurras. 1574. T. H Slade, jr., l'J*i."t; J. ti. Ibrnhill. Warren W. Waters. 174; G. I- Green. 177; John S. Avers. I7i; M I» Wtl -on, 182; G. K. P.ele. iw Indue of ike Kfrtt4ri'» («ut J. (' Smith. 1975; Wheeler Martin. 192 Solicitor Flbert S. Peel. M* STaTK OFFI« KKS If. S. Staalw F. M. Simmon*. z»«22; Anuole A Whit*ner, 190 A. W. Mfliaii. 3i12: I sur M Meekins, 193. Ijntruii I r*i rr Mt J. Klmer 2HO; (J«orr» II Ward, 189. Snrrtai) Stale W. N. Everett. 2W23; J Yale* Kil T>an r 189. Slate toiler Baxter Durhani. 2019; (Tirttopit-r V. Ilelamar. 189. Stair Trriwm Benjamin K- lary. 2fr.'t: Robrr 1 A. Hurrh, 109. S«pl Paklir I—tmtiw - A. T. Allen. 2G24; Sam»H M Hoi toir, .jr., 189. Allmr; Gnwral " Dennis 0. Brummitt. 0124; Garrrtt D. Bailey. I onMiMioiirf of UUr 41 Praam* Frank D. Cri-1. 2023; JUI.IU. B. i«..-len, 189. } ( nutuwi A(iirallatt Wl A. Graham, 2034; A l". Strsupc 189. luHUMtt CaaMriomaaer Stacey W. Wade, 2026; Jan -- W Stanton, 188. luaraarr of Rrfniw Rufus A. [)oo|;h!u. t 2tC4; J es I). Mason, 189. Men her C«rf«»tM Cwiniie tieorire P. l*eU. 2624; Jon es T. lied rick, I>"9 Chief J eat ice of Sapnac t oart George E But Ur, 189 A—ariate Jaatirea of Sapreae. Caarf Heriot Clarfcsoa, 2023; Cum W. Conner, 2024; Fred W. Tk»—l,\»; Robert W. Herriar. ISO. (CAFni NOW IN OPERATION The Monticollo Cafe which has been under '.he management of Messrs. Will and John Selby for the past ten months has been taken over by Mr. Simon Lillej. It will be known as i!ie W illianis.on Lunch Room and will be one of the most up-to-date lunch rooms to be found. That this is not an idle statement, everybody will be certain, because Mr. !_illev, the new manager has tit? ciTi fideare of the people- and tTiey know he will make it into a first class cafe. The interior of the building has uren cleaned and it now presents an attractive app arar.ee. Remodeling will (e started in a .-hort V.THT" and ac ooirvxtations enlarged. Mr. J P. Ward vill be assistant manager and oper ator. "> WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR CLOSES SAT Washington county is holding its second annual fair at Plymouth this week. The fair opened its gates last Wednesday ami will close Saturday. Wnlnr.olav was school day. all the count* schools marched through the town anil into' the fair grounds as a hotly The exhibit- were mostly all from Washington county with the exception «f a few farm products front neigh boring counties.. The exhibits were • \repttonall\ got»d and showed the tine type of -t»il that that county is t haracteristic of having. The ladies' tle|«artment was in a wit h—the —larger—fair— —of iht*. State Xeedle work, cooking, preserv ing and other exhibits in that depart ment were numerous . The schools of that county had a nice line of exhibits which showed the type of educational work th 1 is being' done in Washington county The poultry department gave evi • 'eiice of the'care the Washington Count} people are giving to that very mportant industry. M i T J Swain who is the sec re - Jar* of the fair, is very much en couraged at the attemlance and think., the expense will IH* taken calf of by the ga»e receipts. The fair i- not for making money —ever)lKMlv without |>ay ami .-11 iitrtiiiH' (joes t« promoting auri • ulture MKs \ tMtKIISIIN, IIOSTKSS Mr>. A Ariion entertained with two table? of hril»;e Monday evenir.tf in honor «f Mr>. W. J. Hunter of Gpeensboro. -tllgb -coie was maile by Mrs. P H. Hi own ami she was presented iwi lotel) hamlkerchiefs. A delirious salai' course with sand wiclies anil black coffee was served Those present besides the honor .■ere Miss Kleanlir Slaiiltack, Mrs. J (i. (iodard, Mrs. John W. Manning Mrs. Ortar Anderson, Mrs. P. II Hrown, Mrs. H. VV. Hardy and Mis, Maltha I.ouise Anderson. KM KI'IION H»lt IIISIIOI' OAKS'! An u.foi mai reception will lii (tiven llii* evemnj? from nine until ten' o - rlork at th« home of Air. ami Mr.-*. laytoii Mwirf on t'hurcii ..tr ;et hy the inember.-- of the Church of (nc V«tvei,l, li.io.ini' Kt. Reverend Thomas C. If*r>l, Bishop of Ki.s Carolina, who i* vi»itinK this Church. No ari.» have lieen i.-suoH hut the l«ublie in cordially invitwl to cuWJ ami iotei li.'.-hop I hirst. Mr. "lau«l* M-ulenhall of Griffins was in the city yesterday. OAK CITY HIGH SCHOOL TO HAVE LYCEUM COURSE TUESDAY NIGHT The l*ietmont Bureau of A fv:ville will present the Lunlbertr Scot; com (any of Music and Drama in the Oak City hi|fh .-chool builli»K Tuesday iiifrht, November 11. A trroup of enterpri.-inir |ei|!e h- vr joined together to brin* -I enter tainment to the community If you are (orated in the county or this par ticular community you should atltnd An sdmissiun fee of 60 cents for s-ilult-- ami SO cents for children will be irli»if(t~~^ Judxr Superior Court Second lliatrict M V. Bamhill, 2024. Third Diatrict Carland E. LEGISLATIVE TICKET Seaatar. Second Diatrict Carroll a Spencer. 2000; P. H. Johnadn. 2000. Member of Hmw of Representative* Clayton Moore, 2018; C. B. Faftan 174 _ COOUDGE SWEEPS COUN T R \ Has at Least «J6 \ oies When Only 266 Were Necessary It is fully conceded that Caltln Cool idge has at least :i67 votes. when n!y 2*>*> voles were nece>-;ir\- Jlio. W l>avi.s carried the twelve Sou hern states, Robert M. I F»>l lette carried his home -tate, \Vwon sin with thirteen votes. Montana. North Dakota. \eva>la and New Mexi co all combined have lost fifteen v«>(• >, but where ever "hey tinally will .inafce no difference in rcMiUsi Everybody is -ayin.i;. "I t«!i >«> i: so." Lots of people all over the country say they can tell the very reason why Davis was not elected an«i few of them can t«»ll why I.a Fol I 'ilo was so badly bea'en ard can -ive the resan Coolidire wis «• i verwhelnrtngly elected It \PTIST (iCT Tt»-(;H'lli:K MEETING \r WILSi»\ K" present a*ivefc from t—* -i* 1 .- iglu churches of Koanok- Ifcipti-t Association are in session at a"irr-ai in.'pirutional rally rt V.'il- »n t«-«l-s > I'lans for the celehra'fon of "tow '>let i:Hi w.yk" to bo Sn. to \»>v .'SO • hrouifhout the South irn Baptist Convention are under discussion. I>r. I. K. Scarborough Texas who has been director for the past five years of the Seventy Mil lion Campaign was the prin.-.|«'' I leaker. The local church »a- n-pre eptetl by the followinir person-: ~~Rev ah.l' Mf.-i. R. » Shirley. Mr antl Mrs. I!. S. Courtney. Mr :•>. \lr'. if. i. Ilorton, Me-rs A. T Crawford and James E ■ .iri-li Mesdames J. I). Itimrs, I" I: "one .1. S. Seymour, I I. IVel. \\ J Hodf*es, Arthur Co*an. Hid l.otiis liennett The Kidiitck i'rove Church was represented b\ Mr .1.-1,. t'oltraiu, Mr. ami Mr.-. John '!opk ms, Mr and Mr- Win.un Hop kins i: M « IST ( 111 k' II NO! I S Sunii; v School. !»:45. Morninir Worship. 11:0n I'vi ninir Service. 7 :t0 Sun»Uty* School aHettilniite l i • Sun la>' was 174 wi'h -in ulefii'; if HI fis 'or the orplianatre. I'astor prt-ache«l four li-e.s ur"I.K lie day and eiijoyeil it all A Itaptisinal service »iil !••• la ! d it Dsimel and Staton's Mill at .« II m. next Sunday. At morimu' ■le i>,istor will preach on **En-lu»intt ■lanlness" ami at riirht w. I preach he second sermon in a -ei*> on some fundamentals, l-e-t Sumlay il«- übject was, "What is Christianity "" Ids Sunday .niifht: "What is llo* Mihle," A cordial welconu' always at our i-hurch. Come and -ee —K. I_ Shirh > , I'astor. itITII THE UK AI. FIRE DEPARTMENT VSednesilay nn;ht, the fir* CVIH|M I) answered a call in New T"*n, hut 'he file was of such a snort onirr • hat it was out when th? company ai lived. An automobile belonging to Mr. Spit r caught fir- but was noon ■ xtiiiguishing with little dnmag.- re sulting to the car. It just serm.- that when the company leavA the City Hall the fires ro righ* on;. Some oinpany, we say. Lut night the members of tin- fii. i-wnaiiV turned in on the enamel of lie fire apparatus and gave It a shin ng look. They had poli-be>l all but he tires when we pa».-ed b> anil Mr. Kenneth lJndsley wa> eoing toward hem when we drew ou*. of sight. HI Kill DAY I'AKTY Hamrlt.n, Nov. 6 —l lit tie Mi- Barnhill, the >oun(ce.-t •li)wh er of Mr. ami Mrs I. J. lu*rnhill i elebrated her eleventh birth>la\ with ■i: Hallowe'en party last Frt«iay ru»rht r.t Fier home. A large number, of bojs i:nil girts attended anil ail expre- «-il themselves as having a very good time. The house was appropriately .lecor i.ted for the occasion which made it truly a Hallowe'en party. After play ing several interesting g*me» the quests were invited to the dining loom where a delicious salad mure was served- Itamhill received Many gifts and each gift carried the v/ish for many mors happy birthdays At nine o'clock the guest* 'leparted . fter they hail fully enjoyed the evenihg spent in fun and plet. rare. Mrs. J. W. Watu, jr, and little son, Jimmie, left yesterday for Chape* Hill where she will visit her aster. Mrs. Lyons. , ■H ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OCR COLI MVS A LATCHKEY TO ICM HOMES OF MARTIN CO I NTT. ESTABLISHED 1898 i LiAiOliH t LIBERATION HOLIJb MEETING Ihe Uui l'wipte'> F .Tiers ion of t*!y utuuth ci»:.;-- in a lo A uliam- . .-.on Aednes«iay aftcn-ooir to visit the local federations. Tfte sr> a'v belli in Ji; Mrlho • list church jnu *i- a very ecthusi a-tst .ne. The visitors wo e verv bit- I ' j t'T ■•eam.-l ".ae wC.ich is in pro i cresi in l".y mou(h an*» all other fairs, jin fact. Th *y ii ed ro lose =;pht of la fair i- an e-'uon i !«i-u and upttft- I ini community itfa.r. but viewed it :i- one of ihe tr(?te.-t places of vice. The meeting w->- a very irood one. \ irreat many e-tim.>mal- were men T «nf a mVnuliiiT together '>f those I who are enik*avonn lo carry on the j iitrk of th« I .>r i •».- Vn ei joyable. At the conclusion i of the *rvice | tin local fe«ieratiofi - invited their |irue>t> ovrr *r> the I*f-ilath"a r»om in the Memorial Kat»t: t Oi«rrh where ■ -atsiv» u'i «•- ,iß>t ;«inch were -en ed. Jamesville Challenures R«hers4»n% ille Team | P h -4'hiN'i Li -k *t j kill ?•»:»»> * '** Koh | * ith at mpurlal from ■ (urn n !««-» tfrtme }4a>rtj Riik*>ronvill * an* 4 JI «ii»- I ate ir »-*• to ih*» r**ujfh :>layintr J th-» irfatf «»f tb^ I J,v»ll*» nJaw*vi!le want.4 Ito >ho» Re*hen«oeivill* 'hjt tM are riMii! 2i*»i hav to I nrr»»isrt that Rolier f «*ivill#' # mt> « 111 KM II MtTlt K Ihr (liunh of TW \d»e«l Kr». ( laramr t». l*trdo. Krl»r. the Ut-iil) hr»i >ai.«ta> «((i-r 'ftrinity j\n» \ >! vhiMmrj. Lucarist. 9:4s A M ~-u; .tax Scluwl - Harry »l StuMfc-, ,-upt A. % l Advent bible Class — • ta\ ty.r' M-«>r»- Hev ( (' i'anie. earhef-. ! • i> Mon Mi«- I'rayer atxi r-vin»oii. .. j> I M*' Holy Trinity M --••»n. 7 i .»• * I"* ,»y «-r .H i Serhnm. The Kii-K: K-vwml T 1 - n».t C". ttar-t. t;rsh-p of i Carolina V ill at til-- OiMrti of the Asvelit *o nik.Tit. November ~th- liishoo l>arst L- a very popular prv.«cher ai. l i- al ■rays by all who 'war Hin. Tlj ISL-hop i- coming to roniinn :» jrw numb r who ar«- >i« -ir»u- of en „*?tu'k 'in full commur.oii *f the J hurrh ituMi- i- .--iduilH in ««• till MiilKS V \RTIN ••I M > ' »l b t« tak-- tl.i> > (.|-.rt unity to h ii k everyone of yu'j- for your vote . ; t for me in thi- ebction for the [V" f f"ini,i-r I a.- ur.» yoa that :-iite was nwir» than r»l- can expre- > "I thai k I Mi.-i re>|»ct fully youi>. » l_ LliW AKItS. RO Tin: MI.MIM KATI' VOIKRS «»| MMM IV t «»l NTV: I tak*' this opportunity to thank | tnii for lite -up|*>rt piven at the | i-.11.-, on la-t Tue-day, November 4. I k"*nly appreciate th« fact tha* you ■ Have a'wiii t ru-te>l me, anl if you will lend me yi-ur usual moral -up •o'rt 1 sbi.ll try inn rive you an nest ileal. rhis NOT. "TTB, 1984. Very Sincerely. J. C. SMITH. . TO THE VOTERS OF MARTIN CO! NTV: I takr this mean- of thanking you i i '"or - the majority jriwn hie at the • j IM.II- la-»t Tuexiay ami to say that I ■ witn )i>ur moral suTpori I will try II - repay that tru.-t that you have •• i rillin'Sy towed upon me. Most -incerely, li H. T. ROBKRSON. 11 , LAKI;E MMRER attend - SHOW IN WASHINGTON ~'th Heaven" in last ' Tue-la) night w?> a real drawing ' i c t rd. for no les-- than -if» '« f tin local ' | |>eopie atten 10l the show. Johnny Alford clashed it a* mo-t prr«* ' while all attended say i was very ».ood 1 CARD OF THANKS We wish U> lake THV- ■eans of tbankMg -v tammy CEAD fheih and ■L IT lit IM wh. a* kindly mifUterad e and ASSISTED H ■ the ROEENF Olneea ' tnd D#B'H ef EER HWHE* and FCUWR, . waiiam H DaafaJ MM. Hannah Ikuuel aad children.