THE ENTERPRISE - J jMi Mw * ENTERPRISE riBUSHINC CD. v». c manning. Editor - Subscript toe Price (Strictly Cash in Advance • I 6 month- 3 months Entered at the htt Ofct at WA liamston. North Carolina a* JK*"- dut matter, under the act of Vlarci S. 1879. Address all mmnmritit-- tc TS. Enterprise. WiUjwwaa, X. C lllbAl. NOVEMBER i. 19Z*- Morri*o«i will he called North Carolina's jnreatest (rw*err«or nac* Vance. The name of Aycock i- ««»»r ec for his work ir. proiwai. «owj tional actnritKs Hi the State Ajcwci >implysa« a vistoc. an*: ' carr*-; to the people They saw an*; ««»**• the kiea. • Ilenr foUKftt a ruble tetiit H» hat l justice and rijrht or hi- iiir tbourt- there n- mar ufw-i' xn his principle? »or. Cameron Morris* a* * r-.*i* the res'oratior of tf» »*«"»' a«' vantaire« for »vaihsyovtal sor— wi!! Rive Easterr Ni-ff ' airnn: free«iotr front the fly;rv of the erfu! rai! rnul influences It was apparent frotr. the hrst Uia*. there was- a--real--fgfcC «f- av; ■ k«'«» he cwuitn: must wo.- (rwi m tr,re» ilfwr the iar> a»: invitee tw rai. roaus anc their aiite-: |wii:ira.'i walk into the fijmt The fact tnat the raiinoii ar* their forces stood ir aai a*»ii«t the measure was not the haruest part of :r*r hrr.t Ha*, *•». hanlesT part of it one- frw. man. *mi-|«>l! iciark- who were ant Mor risor. ir. Mn'uuf.: an.? wtw, fitter' the . measure Lut ir urt (je*-_- - they oppu-e. it tmi Mau-r the • ere a«rinst it.- leader. Cal ar.o the Ueti ire (into: Ar. other cnum fur Mr CactuiK, kX i-eeded—centet "... fc-.t-r rirar j..- the .vhee* PalitiLF at hum* ares off are d«f»« «j»t—*tu-k AKn i |k-v cratar «.overtor tr-rr« I y*t fc--pe Anny'» mar »«. tei- v# the a It »ob! ; ia\,t w* i i-i «« J vom of tfci » :!mi »«-. «! ! r.a i-s«i bt«-r. left o# Speak ir.jr about use.- f mm. Siivt R»it lit i! frr.artist ran/ or. the teltot itsuit «kou:>: fca*e Mtt the stu *• .mar. "Jts : rifht to *«te or -« ha: it is a liWsfM for i mar t "*» A ••• the vot;r,r place last Tvxj; re v.cJert a steaiiy 4wtar; t t .f >nt 4, from a iow-«j. wt. rv it *.© the faces sf -w» lata If w» Ka- J -ach a thief.a» ?»t bmki ,t »al i«st for than cor -- takes a Arwf ma* to pia ,'Azl**. Oae tnat * pae -her. |arty and the same «t*a hi fitead totes the offus/r way An he itiUll jtnar «ita he nal mm —_ »isen h* aee> a patty rah hi* i*r pocket? A «nrj «# the rtnh m Learn •Mat) aaib aae of tie ant pea Mrtiwntae» W N—tli Caniao. OOUGHS vTMS j ve> -ex sixfold: J. To ted the prtun: plant o: Macauof the white, rural childrei cf the »wy. 2. To ted the meat to which th nhattaasl mm f of Ui? children a« krmr art under the present plan. 2. To hod cc.;t of teach aaf per pupn IE daily ewiance ir tin -schools 4 Or. the l*a««> of ftrU four.:!, tc wr.rk out a eon_-5-.mctiv* ccunty-wid" pi-. - of .-ehoo! con«olidr.uon ami school Mrldnr a. To lrdicat* !h* particular advan to*-** of tl>e proposed coun'y-wkic Har r 6 To fir*! ti»«- totr.! cost and the *«Cai fiui * > v ttUr tax rate needed tci au' tii coc Vy-wide pfc.n into suc- T--'ui operation Tiit -un nuilr by eiperl.- work iri North Carolina Hatttr S. Harriott, assistant >up- nL-M>r Rural .Schools, W K C *»-iie. fiwi tuiii.-* planning, John J. lHair H«t"? of e : ioo! h«u* planning. 1- Bf_ i-r, S aU- Supc-rvi.-ior >l iloiai* rtowL- : **-■ Vr E E. Sams "rpt *l' !!i- iMtrj-'iae of -ur" * o-n-in-*!! • («• sunf) staff and ttJli'. tlw ! t*»|Ulot ol -j.tsvu coxifi'.y 1 '■«' ♦ invest* iga. us;; . »*- situation Hi Baßrvm! "« sciioulcenters *>i I. iwi'i-iir,.: and equipment M faniilitr fur carrying children U> -J" 5 fr*#m -i»- . *he>e ct-iiUr. l lo t-i . •ace the entire territory of the coun s > plab.- are prac ically ideal .rrT people oT TeiiiiiTr county »dl. i*. doubt, have thcin ill ■|wratK»r Irfi-rr mi very long. "Tuesday night it wa.- heard. )«-' «e!i throw the whole damn 'lung t*- t!» Republicans " We are *j«t tt Wont tie done; for the ICepub I«wb l-»«f it all except the part} ii»i wants, that * a.- I the voter> u. this part of the ooaairy ■l-ave to vote j- Kepubli ear faiMal *«cket. a Hemocratic -ta*e tacket. vote for friends in the ewßeit» ami let th-* other things nu •' liE'.if-l. mifiit have won on •*' i . pr»4» s r\ but. begorra. he (i e eia the |lolien> situation. *' • » -tfci -r if th.' fe.-pi biican.- e #» - of" :toc oil a«k;i\ in their w««p ; . ucsiday. 1 ->ei tfi. another elet'livii . - irii.r rhabk> «j* aie not in ttie bay fc-i-t Hie I.- ,-ciKicaii >e»eil up la. 1 ' * Jus 4 !ma,:n«- b; lug ill thert wruu. xaaiiai. oil. Corruption an I al lot!» urea.-* taxpayer .See il • v -r —•• sj iWieaMil* ThV porl '•*--» «1> *. . pi_-vS / l>ad.-b « siib. l -e»i a «* cord wli»n il * ported in re.-ui > from -one litth ■•e-fe". , w*y out yonder belweei • "fe-Wj- *J"e r«4*r said The lea. y . li- vo'.(l -"a ts- he pur: b2l v:u.-, "I am lo! Uj u »iant of wha' it will do an. -hat it v. i«*t do." liar» on bud, jot -eeiß to be with the majority. Genrifcor Morrison is due credit a* didtt nn to he -bifr dojr" will! hW *aKrf He took it to the com mmm people of what the hed to say against it. V One twice of news says that the pot M was voted on two year* to j*mm. It mwi to us it is two years « late; for we will havf pn4 mm al far freight before then Offer a mm a Meatus by which his *•*» ■* aught be saved and you I will find opposition; offer him any-j , ihrns that point* to a tomur-i I row mni net bow .. rwit the opposition ■ is. Oiler him a rhaner to vote for j corruption, mor - onbl and see how little opposition you ha»e. FINE FOR KISSING WIFE ON SI.NDAY - 1 ~ i.!ue ia»- iriTocUs fmfimiUy >l/ | ny that any law.- forbidding a hus band to kiss hL- wife on Sunday were ) cveV v by the New Knrlanr colonies: In looking npth? historic and IT:. I facts on this point, r wa> found th lot lowing statute wi» enacted in 1656 ' by the New Hav« Colonv: . I "If any man --.hall kiv his wife or wife kiss her husband on the Lord's 1 day, theporty in fault >hal! be puni-h-. i ed at the discretion of *he court of i magistrates." i Th is law is taker from "Mass- 1 1 ..ehusetts Kurtday Laws Toe*-ther with Old Time Blue Law> from the R.eord. ' « f Mass and Coin."" It was also found in lookinr up .the records of th«» l!o-toi four of , h- M SMicliintU iiay Colony. that I ' .Su:»l »y i»lu - i—* was pass?d in tha c>!« y, ".noh'Wtftf unseemly and !a-rtviou» « uc: ««;s Sunday," s-iid l as bef-ri focr.ti !la! awit r *h's ■sta* ute tin- cult. if Hostor disclose li.ii- (« > r trains wer- j fined and pis? in t!.e «-ck for kiss- I my 'heir wives as they crwtri then on Sunday morning. upon ilielr r... turn from an eit«»i«! inp Kuro|ie Liberty M--«aZ!r». It do" seem a -in ami a sham- for j millior of dollars lr* speit to re>:i I [.at'- ;t mat. ...t-S ;m-«~ n» -■¥ it iili j . 0 tn> f->ui v .I>l- -si*.i s ju--i |»ur« I old i uvai-i'it* i North ( n.-itlira »hi! ' li-m«-.'4i.(-! t>> ur. "((Mj -Um-.suxl rnarin t Sht?' surr i- i-u' ■■f wiiii th« Co- 'l \ ils a *h.'- M.rtin cuufi'y 'Mi t luwa whet be I she wants (»>rt terminals or m»t she only irave 24 majority against " hem l>eaufort -lefn't fail to "ipr**> lie* seif when .-lie |*>ur*ii such a nu. jority against ti.- bill. Fhis migh' not hr a blur sictivli 1 f the country, K. ■ -hr rfrtftin]\ some blue |> uj4r After all. the Kepublica* is el >ct i-ii Mr 'ooltdgr. !n: » out Pm. • iust the same. Election is »»"r \«t b-ick t«. h ft :4 >r «*h!e* t-s- -.« ie local ha>ket« -r --■ i>->' t* st 'n the next few .lays. K ,3U>e Ijc.-# of J-.;- ' •«' a f"-t*« : l fot ' Vt ~ - »■•»: : b e!ecficn *im.\ !•« - . - o rT ?YTI JC ! f'HOP I ; J i . lotteries overhau ed, and recharged. Elect lie Auto wiring and repairing Quick Set-vice—Ex pert workmanship JONES ELECTRIC \ SHOP Rear York's Garage Williamston, N. C. i ► ~ "Q*™ CA»oum FOR SALE: MCE EAKLV JERSEY Wakefield Cabbage pUnu. Iran proof Jtoc per kumuc-j—U». *»-*■£ Suwhny piaii> «I 24c »*; hundred ax my rack fa*, near Has sell, daring Xw. and Dae. A. E. PURVIS. U-7-8p REPRESENT ATI V E WANTED B1 ' Carolina Floral Co, Wis*. V. C-. Guaranteed Floral Seiike. *• * i WANTED: AN INDCSmOCR HAN irous of nakinr MUM to f7#.ot» week.y in ilartit uwM) jeihng Whitmer's n ract>. loot", iitirfe. nonie remedies, - "'- f Little capital needed Car cr v-am necessary. No experience rnpaw- Write for full ptr icular*- TITE a. C WHUMER COMPANY. Dept. !9d C«iHEW» lada-i- NOTICE Ncrth Carolina, M«irtin Coonty. In the Superior Cwun. i. nion Paving C« VK. S uthem Wili t* Piariag Ce. NOTICE OF EXEC! TH»\ SALE By virtue of an e»r»*.iK -"rwin* in the un-tersignefi from tt* I Court of Wale* Coui.: • b» ti*- iS»« f"title«i action. I will o» w ; rl day of lid. a! 12 j o'clock M . at the Court H sis* Door of .-aid Cvur'-y. seli «fee bsyftesi bidder, for cash, to siltfy -a" tx • cut ion, all the right. title. -J* **>-1 t rest which *he £*>u".B*r* W Blrte ' vine Co. defendant. fci-- it fol- I wing f (> oribe-l perxxrul pros»c-ri>,j ' w lt; - J 2 heatinr kettle#. 1 lri|Uoi*e Asph»»" olant -2 Crar.K , lit,sU) I ineal f*et. portable rrow ejuge trick *® *'• f"** -*" ! . ns, all mtmul- for track H T. ROBERSON. Swn? EXECITOR-S NOTICE ■ Hav : ng tht- da? «)«a!?fc*s a-- Ex -1 rculur of the f-U'» J- " " Knigbt. late of the count? of | i>o* ice is hi'fby i!to all h-'-' : -rr *"«-*- ' »»** ****** u j present same for |»> «***•-'. •* ■' I* | for.' the 3rd day of Ort«A*t. I*£ : * |'h s not ; ce will he ir, t«ar of ! recovery . ' 1 M persors *' i®*l e- ate 4 V ill r .me forward ar i 'ak- 1 irsmed- LIBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE aaggggg :?g^="grggß^nmggg. • | STYLEPLUS | If 4&. CLOTHES T M How much does a I GOOD overcoat cost? I jjj« overcoat is a niignty §f poitani garment. It won t give you m what need unless it's made >£ luxurious, wann all-wool fabrics — like Stylepius. t» j$ YOU won t get satisiaction i {£} of wearing it unless it has style and Stylepius. ! 'S| How much does a good overcoat . Esl cost? Too much, if you are not judge. Look for the mark of distine clothes at reasonable price— Stylepius—and be ceilain that your ' ffi coat is stylish and good quality throughout. ■ Stylepius off all the fashionable 93 1 I 9 models, weights, fabrics Select yours . 5w | n today and make sure the Stylepius I ft I label is in it 1 I arr * son Bros. & Co. I WILLI AMSTON'S LAkGKST DEPARTMENT STORE " j I v "Cone aad See la AH We Aak" . ■ ■J 1 ■ . LHULII*.T ■ ■ >■> , , >*V> Y .»« >| «|TI ILgt IV* | H"T« G*>\T TiiygvVgyg G W i ' VT U\^*^—-VO VF Y # YLILI* ■ *»*-» W W »■ * *- »• 3. ■ I MMM MF 1 AU.XGJQ^|JHBHT i» te payment of sane. This the 3rd day of October, IS«4- ADA B. ENIGHT, Executrix, C. T. A. NOTICE OF SALE Under by virtue of :h» pawer' of sale contained in .hat certain deed , ; c ? trust executed %o tho undersigned b> B. A. Criteher and wife, and B I>-ike Criteher- on the 24th day of January, 1924, and recorded m Mar ti County Public Registry ® Book G _ 2, securing certain bonds i f even di-te and tenor therewith and "j* .stipulations 'herein not having t»-er. con>p!ied with and a» the «ptik ■J the hotter of said bonds the under signed wfli on the 12th da? of Novem i«r, 1924, at 12.-U0 o'clock. Noon, in fs« nt of the court house door of Mar County offer at public auction u» the highest bidder for cash the fol mir*|r df>ubH land* Bejig a new six ror,-. ngaJow !oc*l*-«l in the Town * - «I* tn*tOe a;A bov occupied by J- W A.drrw»; KBOiini on the East by I-~> Street, , the West by the aßflruati; on tfc; .-vath by tlie Mrs Hannah Ray hou.* *.Ttd lot ar.d on the North by J. H- V.ard lot. ThL« the day of Oct-. 1J24 WHEELER MARTIN. Tm^tee. 10-IT-« V. nh Carolina sS;«r*.'n C ur.ty in Superior Court B»*ore th: Clerk Willie Nichols T«. " Nic'tols 11'- defentkai". -.bove named wil! —;i. tk» —fitr rr action tntitlwl-ajs : t«(V» i>a. I-*!: comrn-. ree>i i® th uwerior ctiur; of Marti County. \ r r, Csroliria, for a divorce: *n>) the .■i.«ef>-tniant will furthe- take riotics that he :s required to «PK l ' 1i« 'i.rr the clerk of the superior twr - * Martin r >nint), at Willinmstoc. N. ". on tlx 28tii «lay of Nov. IW4. and •THIS NIGHT JL mmy emmmmym Sallow akui w more than dda deep. Forthattired, woraout, lirtwat feeling, keep j«r rtwmach, liverandbowetf free from indigvatiuo. Uuuarwi and oonstipatiocv. Chamberlain's Ta lets | wil. keej you dttii in' Jr. Taka two tonight. They wi:* rvH r aka you sic'., -'nd wiß fed gwid Ut~ ■ aurti'V..# for "J£> tents. SaUooyubß iE. au or dt nan to the implaint or, plaintiff mE apply to the coart for] the relief Arwmmfai Hue the 28th da f of Oct, IMA R. X PEEL. CM Saperiar OkjL MML NOTICE OF SALE Under aed by riitnr of the p—r of *->» contained in that certain deed of trart tncattd to the undersajen ed «a the 16 k d=y of April. »17. by Frank Everett and wife. Lacy Everett, aau recorded Ie Martto County Pobi»c Eepftiy in Ik*>k O-l, pmge 42. «ecwrizu? c-rtain bciw- of even date and tnor thucarh. and i the sti|id iTirn* therein not hsvinr been complied with aud at the re quest of the hahier mt said bands the anderrigaed wiß on the 28th day of S'oi, 1924. at 12 o'clock. Noon, it front of the coart hoaae door of Mar Mr- *.. —— - For the Carpenter or the Home Mechanic .ood. sharp Tools not only make the task easier to do. but * hey aid you in turning out a better piece of work. The tools we offer for your approval ai*e the highest quality we can get, yet the prices are very moderate. Culpepper Hdw. Co. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. tie Cooaty tffcr aft pabtic *»* to he ki«k«t bidder, f« nA. iha fcl k>wing dmi*ad wl «*■•»: V; p.. v ...i..i mi Ac Nartk If W. ~Wf Wjira, ob the W«t by lbtt>> Ik same land pyirhuH bj hw* E»utit, Sr, fro" to *MU«I. limit 11 acre*, mm* « •aaa. Th* the 28th day of Oct, ISM. T. H WOOD LEY. Trartet MML HOWS THIS? biliu el* !■■■ armcm «n do *SM » rria tar K-ril v qMi rf Cian"i ir Dwfan» acal ly Ckvk liiifS « ITITM *• .JUK rmm «J?i cf ko '*im> r.t s-.i't QAklr _ Utr»! lie aun 4.: sUsaalia, «■! " e lr.!«rut j(«! ;**. . T.«lr. stick »■» • ta !"!»• m the Monaaa «a> thus iwuiij: anal eaC «T I —III! ftor • Taa r. J fbwf * (V OMk FOB SALE—SEVERAL KICK LOTS mB 1« rated. See V. C- Mamueg-

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