PEAT. LT ASSOCIATION CLOSES rasr \ SI OCESSFCL SEASON "Ketaraed frow the paw" is a my l'lb| title far the story of tW history of the Psaaol Grower*' A r»o ciatisa. aca tpifin marketing or gaaiioTiaa of SjOSO psnr. growers rf NMha coanties in Virginia awd North Carolina. This was tW first large n apLiitin a.' 11 ruti— to W organized in •" W Siwlbirt. the work ktb( doae is 1» awd ML the first crop being h;ndl«d was that of 1«1. Hismac -zemewt way he listed as tW prin c pal came of tW poor .howtn K made by tW aswrntioa daring the •«*Stw» rears of operation The aurialiia. greatly redacad in twj d hasiaess handled, has j jast completed its third year of operatior. as a sarcess. The IVa at* Grvwers' Aasociatioa is now at »W ttritmr point. - TW story at the organization ard operation of tW association woald tnakr a textbook for ase in tW teachiß* of cw operative marketing TW dMtahaes that it has Wen throagh and the problems it has had to fare nave proWU> been as varied as those experienced by any similar organisation. Oaring tW first year of operation tW •reanixatioa received from its mrni'j i■ * 778.17* bags of peanats. brtoun 2S and 30 per cent ot tW entire crop of Virginia type peaaots of tW crop of 1«1. At tW CUB •iasaon of tW marketing year it wasj that tW association could pa> , !• tW growers only aboat one-half' of tW average price on the «pcal market for tW year ln **"' d this setback the grow ! Hje aaaada iaa ZM7 ifi«* of tW somewhat short crop •f ,# 8 This was broaght abo«.t partly by tW open statement of tie Snorter* that the> hart been large^ ly for LW inability of «W ■■■■(■ m. to do better, ard based apon a new aaarWt *■* to W established Before *1 d tW year the new system down. lb hen the " une came far the final payment on the crop of 192* the association was able to pi. j tW Ci*«rr a boot MO per rent of h» apparnt average price on tW opra market for tlu* crop. TW payment i aa Spanish type. Wwever. was g«td.l TW improved showing was largely dwe to th- mstallataon of a new amn agemeat la J c !y, IP2J. wbich man agemeat is still in charge. At the ope nine of the selling year far the crop of 1923 tW directors of , o tW organa'm to growers aa tW basis of economies already af I fected hrifej tW last few aoa'ki of j tW mHk year af tW 19*3 rrwp No j P**™were made. Seme I with perfect fai h ia the princiales! af co-c.p*rat»rg marWting and (wro - • ■■nag (he dMnttw ef Aa pan^-l atiM. drtieeied IMS* hags to rW Hliaiu ion TW selliag year far tW ■ crap of 1»» h Jast dasiag with tW! aaaaacemen? that tW finaa fuytitu 1 ta tW p«wt> irß Wing * W price J received by them ap ta tW avenge I **• "Ptw market. TW faith of tw! giaama who have stayed by th* or-j TW raaoe of tW greatly inipi nil ' i ■ **■ ii at tW Ptsaaat Grwwers Wag ahpM bj hat Far tW firs' aswddaa Mr. Vtnhaa gave it a ration. TW smt wt ri Mr. Ho.- tfcti has hn made passible by Ike wrtw l»yltj of a few gromt. and the hard af directors Checks far the fail payment or. the ISO n»p w which are now be in* ■ lard by the asaaciation will ne the MbwbK prices to the grower?: Jußbaes. tnb per poaod; bunch. per |w«ii. Ml Bp—Ml pwws will brae sllß per taw ajrain?! J] 15 per fui by the Georgia Pnau! Grov I e*s* Assarnticc As the nthar of business de clined a woali be expected that the expenses of hunlv r would increase but this is wot -he ease for the pa>t year The hwiww haaM and ex- H* per hi In I pianls follows: IS£l. 7T2J7S kat> at Jl 62 per l(Vi ponmis; Itt. iC.TKT bo-v a t $I HO per lflO pnaad. aad IP2S, 7&.458 bars *t |L4I per IOC powi*i>_ This shiws that with only not faßrtl- as irary ha** as were handled in 1«2. % e*- *»■* ®f haarflinr in 1523 was reduc ed alawt S per c*r.t t The association is wow "Making raar'nents to haiadie the crop of Ml Imbmml of advances to made ow the new c Tup is expe* > .i in a few da) > NOKFftLK HAS EXt "ELLENT FACILITIES ItW HANDLING «F (tiTrciX Anwla* to a letVr i->u "I by Meanr*. J«o> .- SOT A Co Inc.. Nor folk's Macinpol Terminal, which contain.* istfi i nt spM» in itself io *tore at owe tine ahaal one half of the eortow nop of North Cinliu atwl N tnrhua nakel is one of th« l-i».l «** fea*are* of the -wtton facilities rf Vinrnut'. bmi.t wi port city. This *?tn fn»:t terminal n.nnect* with trunk |p* nulroa.i- Darirg the 3«fcwa of IPZ3-Z4. the shipment*. of rotUn from Norfolk teCaWvt 43C.7S haln Of this amount -I**3l hairs were export d to Enr- Und. France. Holland. Bel *"■. Ifcansta »d other foreim cmun •l*l - TW fanliiW for Tans|.ortation '» hntJtr (wMninr cevters are • •fwally as eood of the lar»?e *ibi of raflroads >id coast-wise wwb »»'"»»• N- rfolk TV- i> f-rtr' 1 CM--'..'- nt Tolk 4«r*" ik ~f r-ast «•>«• r:» a littk mope th.-.n "A "wr h TW total receipt.- for the »»«« was 11*14 hd - TK. re-J reipts akact *2 pr cent *- w «W awr -aire f«-r tW previous five Tear*. im this rmt iicrfss? is lareely doe to Norfolk's wonderful trstsportatM* an) terminal facility., ifd to the enod prxvs which ar« *e iw«d la tW opouon of M«**rs. Jones. Mr»win'- r iKirJ7llg ; i '> F; : #"*. ■? ?tip. g??»3§WjS3SERgs 14 | In The Service of I I. Its Customers || » This Rank makes evei-y possible effort to serve its customers s|i | in sueh a prompt and cheerful way as to make each transact ion | invite further use* of its facilities. Farmers and Merchants § L n* , Bank - I (Largest Bank in this Section) [ WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA. | Son A Col Inc., Norfolk is destined u> become one of the haiipg expert centers of the world. Keep that school pit cwppJ- ' ar— out of the rain. RAT'S CAFE—WASHINGTON ST. . Heals served at all hoars. Special enters catered to. Piry us a visit- tf 7 betrayed Their first comvmattom betrayed the fact that she was mat fastidious. AT * (InlißOt tlx had IffKSci r\ uMiniit neat. — »i dn But Uf»d ihrir bu bcMwftn artftnt be ibuanid than hrr tcrtV were not draw. AoJ br k>« l« mir iw Noricr todav boo \v*. nawii Hlick lIMbl prtva't l«lV «Wl br or lit ■> iitiat If rW mtb arc M acll Irf rbr> jt son kciwi' a l.afcbt. TOO 111 I R«0 IW. « ■ Ml M—M M 4 1 tm mmm .fc .ti I■» i All i J . A lup (ah t4 lamar T«*V PiHtncdf *> c»o«i at yvor li«r t psrV-LinJwtfu'i.a. jfc'. .int.' n. Umis.V S J NOTICE OK SAL*. '.'inter ant b\ iiliur of u, (wner of MIT r int>i in lfc-i.l tr -i t «i • t of tru»t to ikr uifc' !i!n*» trustee, by Joitn btaant «s iW >•! . ! .. I JONES. SON 4Ca H i ~tiw ni > imm I hahket mpof«MATioH rumisneo on request I ■»PF»rf * CMARGt BY TCLCPMOfie OR TCLC6IUnt«I rsiTi■ II «» | ™ KNTEKMUSE. WIUJAMSTOX, NOHTH CAROLIKA UNCLE WKSGILITS TRICKS J day of May 1922 am' record*.i in Martin Coaanty l*ablic lle)»_4r; ii ['.«! II i I'atf «Kri3c o rtjin hoods of even date ani t?.v r sh-rt « i h atv- the stipulations t!*rr n not Hav ing he complied wr H arx' at the ne «ee-t of "Se Nifc of •»/ bor-.|; the cn-'ei>icr»«*»i iiu-tee. will on the ">t: • day of IVeemher. at 12 o'clock M » f mt! of lN- Court Hoe-* IV»r i' Ms.rtm Coaanty. North Carolirr. ..ffer for -ale at |j4ir auf'-on to t'e |e- ksMer for cash the f«-l!owir. r « -erihed land. IVrinning at s Gum in th.> fork of branch. Rcttie AndresV cvrnei in ".ea. \V. Klounts line: t^ up iSr. S2 yrant- to th«- rv.-l. a :j ke: thence up said n>. i ♦>'» 1-2 >ar!' to a stake. Bellv Andrew"- • I'inrr. thence a *M coi rse a ! jnltel line with the {fort lint- 6*l !>knt> to ahrariC* Itlount' line: I iiesce «H»wn -am I'r.nch to the K-ein , tnr. Containing one acre m.»re or Tki- the 4th «l»y of Nvtenihrt 1*24 R l»l KK CkITCHKK,. Tru-tee II T ; \oTICK OF I.\M» ink S\LE I n-ler an>l hy *«rt«*- of the pom-r t ■ ' ale rontainol ii s certain leed of Tru-t ««ntol >o the un>(rr.iwi tru-lfe by H. M Hurra amt wife. « On- Hurra on the Ist day of Novel " fbei which aiii .lef.l nf Inij jp of i oiiil ir. the puldic registry of Mar I ,: n Coun'y in , :aid ■ie*»l of tru-t havine heen riv«-n I 666 •p« null for tvM». t.rippe. IW-aeoe. Hra4a h. v ('•aMipatna, Hdian net - ilt is the mo>t spee«l> *eme-l> »e knwar. tor the parjn .■ of »-cunrt a certain I otp of even i!»U n.t s«»n«r "«iih. as*! ilefaul! Kj . ne !»»ti m;- h* »n !l» laymen 1 of the ii>W«»)ne-> iher.- by -.Tur»'i af>i the eoh- Uiiml in *vi .ireii of trust M bav in? been complies with ar>« at the r»*,i;e~t of "he hohtef of the -a»-i ti-l- 1 li e uriier-ijniil ;ni'fr e ill or Friday oth,lt»24at I2erl«k V ir.'ffor' of \h~ conrthni..- ' door I* the t. *r of W -!liam>"«»r.. North ( ,ir«Jira offer for -aU to tl •* higiic-: ifr f« r fa>h the real • -fate. to-»it: I Change of i life • " W hn rkufe of life K'r*i on mt," says Mrs. Lewis J Usher, of Lamar. Mo.. 1 suffene*! vo with ironunly a irxkam. 1 suffered a gnat 3 ileal of pain in ny hark and . skies. My limbs would cramp. P I ditn't feet like ii«int my J £ work, and there at* so many * 2 steps for a woman to take on ' J a farm I was very auioui A I 3 to |cet better. A friend rw I CARDUII II UN Won't To* '/ f I to me and I began Oiinc it '|u It 1 certainly improved. I went I j through change of life with- f 3 out any U.mtk I ran highly ? I J recommend Cardui." (I 3 At the •* of about 40 to A | SO e.vry woiban has to mm il i ■* lliivbfli a critical time, which u ' is called the Chang* of Life. {J R At this time, great changes , l| take place in her system. ■ causing various painful and r J disagreeable symptoms. f If you are approaching this A Q pert»!. or are >.nady suffer- / L i»-g 'n«i any of Iu troubS. s A f or «puj.tni»i, tVe Caudal. It sfcaul! b«t? Ton, as it has • F He'.ped other*. '« j N So) Jhy all dr»igc-st s- _ I rii2t"? •* ■" **" A a. - NOTICE To Tax Payers of Martin County ! i This is to advise that the 15)2-1 tax iiooks are now o|»en and in [ my hands for the piiifxjse of collecting same. therefore I will thank [ the jjwhl people of Mp.rtin I ounty to .uive them their i>i~«»mi»t at ten- [ i tion. I will he j?lad to i*eceive |iat tial if it \.iil in* of serv \ i ice to the |>eoplc ou will find myself o * Mr. Peel in the oiFice from now on to " f serve you, your Bank also will be triad to take your money a.- here- / tofore. Thank in jr you. I am, \ * 1 % Respectfully youiv, - H. T. Roberson ' : . • 4. SHERIFF T „ yT. - . ■■ --- v ~- 1 ■ — - ' i— ' : % ft? Hll ■! -v tTf I I 111 >ll« r-' --- ~* ' " " ,J " 1 ■ : A lot m Uutußt»n. \ . nin-j on Ma:n Stree» of sa»: to*n. a o-mer between Kli i.urra- u- and II M Hurra- rurninr a Uesterly rour e a!»ne the line he'wwii Kli Cumna an.l 11. \| Rum- Tii yar>l- , Soutiberi« cour*»- 3S \ .tr> - \he In. between H V |turra.> a-vi \V H. Williams at the of U H »i! f'3ir~ to*, tnerxe an E»~terl\ t or. . >ar>l- to Mar, S'ie»t. af. rt r letneen \\ H Milium- -r,- II V I'urra-. thence B \anl- 2 1,«r Mafpi Street ir: a Northerly to th-> con'aimnir 1-2 acre T>.>r» er le»s. the ■are "oj ,»» vhich 'he >»■«! || V Rurra- live a U ib tie ioa> if x t illiamston \ *" kromr* a- t»w Tutt's Pills I AGAINST MALAJUA , " PAINT VOI R At ? TO.MOi;ilj; ♦ LKT I S PAINT Vol \: AITOMOP.ILK WK WILL DO IT IN 10 OAVS \NI» IT WILL LOOK UKK NKW. N. A. Riddick I Motor Car Company | 1 * * i Far !>!iirk Cars » x ii« } S .Zi'il .. »' . *** *\ V". 1 Kit uf Mam l*awHc; to k*v.*m«k» % river 2P*t tKf lands *h«»r*tr Fl* K.>«*rr ?.m llVf- SFhl rtth#r» l£i>* r«»r*3-r iry « Trf> or Hib (hi It*- «Li\ of \*rt ;vs WHKKLKK MARiIV Tnt-«* PMartir an«^TV*T. ; a! l.i* 11-T-4 | Watch repa J rim r a • I c wiaHv. j venvare. China. Cut j j llass aw! Novelties. 1 W. (. r>R()WMN(, JKWKLKR j j • West Main St. Washinirttip. \. C

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