WATCH THE LABEL ON TOUR PATES. IT CABBIES THE DATE TOVB SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES VOLUME XXV- NUMBER 78 EX-GOVERNOR KITCHIN DIES IN SCOTLAND NECK Buried Yesterday In Cemetery of His p I Bx-Gumnai W. W". Kiiriuii of Scallaad Keck died Snbt moraine after a lon* illness aad was boned j yxiteiday ifhiin at 4:39 t'tkek in "he torn af his birth and ■ the Cmi nao Eikhia a» elected to Ceegress m ISM froa the sth dis trict of North Carolina He then lived at lUibfim later mm he Made the race far : GCHIUM against the late Locke I Craar aad Ashley Home, in one of! tk* hardaat Ctriib ever U|fd in a North Carolina convention. TW foar jctn of the Knchin ad aaiiilißlaaii a* Governor van noted *> a safe aad soand periol in oar At the exaaatioei of his tens as Governor he located m Raleish and ■Wri in the practice of law villi J. &. Manning- la a fern- years, how ■m. Gmnwr hitchio's health fad ed aad ha MM brnaar an invalid. He t«dt a Mae ta Scotland Neck and ka« Jor -eveial rears been horderinr or the brink of the grave. Mr. Ritchie wt» one of the HfNKM an in when »«c left its halU k make Im rare for Governor He w always noted for hi* integrity a»! honor and was fcnaaa as a trne Christian rentle- Miss Robertson To Make Address In Greenville Mas* Kmu Robert Mm. a member of the famity of the lr«al pnmin >dnd> will leave TfcrjvLrv for Giaeaviße ta attend the ir auzl i.e« iaf of the North-east Diriiim -f :W North Carolina Krfacataon Asi'ativ. which wiß be held in that city. Wen her .K ana 11. DIM Rnherti-on will nut an AD DERS at the an'iiy on the -abject of "Health The -abject wfll be de veloped to ihow how it can be corre lated with rendiac and niabfi work of children ta the pnmar> ~rnder Sbe has an elective method of teachinr the fondamertal princi pies of hrnl*h h> corrvdatar them with the rwadinr and inthaMK of the small children Miss Robertson ha.- ia many of the larger schools of fist rr. Cam lina and as rHI ki«vt as a pinei) rrade teacher. She ha*, also, tanrht in the Tenrher- Cottrjre at Greenville WM—la u very fortunate to hav* her in it* schools, she having ac cepted here to he with her faauly n preference to a position ia a -choc.? n a marh larrer city. lamesville Defeats Oak City Team The Jaaf-vdle -*h s«hoo» boy . .It fatal the Oak City basket hall tean list Fruay afternooa ta the tm? o: IT 'a 7. The Oak City boys «er - ou for blood and played a .tnnr ar.: rifutM> fame, bat th? Janiesvilh bays were too anch for tha Tin varsity in from J aar rdlc played - >he h i> half while the rm hs ai-atin t« the lead in the las*—Reported. COTTON ASSOCIATION HAS * AVERAGE Of 2JMm RALES COTTON DAT LIST WEEK R»«c*h. Nov IS-—Aa .«oa(t af mi rr than two thoasand bde* of cat tan a day is the record of diliwtv last week, with aw thre * thonsand tales M Monday, aad a atealdy pat img I—— in the total driioiiki. ar office of the North Carolina Cotton Glomus' Cooperative A mari atioa Every mad bra**. in additka. letters of eaaaendzliaa of the as hen are brine addad srd; day. Re ports from leveril ion th i. iiidiri te a hirv pemeatace mt th? cap this adveaee of S7» ca 5M paaid hales ' The aakad-parlaea* uparta a's u Japaa. Spain and Italy Thir is thr Other sales have'teen aad> to Gtr seKar Mf a poetian af the n LtV» MB Tempie L Taylor of Rear if mate to Eelfoed where she wl 4r THE ENTERPRISE V - now'.ft RED CROSS ROM. CALL BEGAN TOOAV The orifanimaiiofi for she ;-.'i call for the year 1>24 ft: the Vartin (Vanty chapter of the Iced t"m > ha bcen perfecte.l and Mr. K I. C»-hum jf the la» firm of lamb aid Cohan? will he chairman attain this year. K; Cohurn ma>le a rdi call drive Inst year, tnt Ik >«pp ! t-*a»| rot t;ive.i hun as it is I 1 oped »J will be this year. ** Our people were very eirtk* 1 -tic in aloinc Re.i Cm.« work .hrntt-tk* war, hot we hav. Uer. rrbtmt V caav there has beer, m nearly m centive to make as wr rk Rat sitct thr Re-1 Cross came .0 the ail of oar people when we were in nee-! dui !. • the sprinr it ha- tieale«: a neo ir>- lere-t in the organization ">» it 'iocs. Mr Coha»n »I 1 l-ive Ml - Ccst—- It' beri -on and Mr* John 1" 'l> » :«n es a«si>:ar - u.! they will h- v team- *hat vi!l otei the' drive acv*». j in bw number Solorday to br Hij Hay Ovine to the (athat today *> -Amts'ice [lay end a a»l nu*) peo ple are attend inr celehrations .■ otto r | I laces, tHe drive wUI becia in *ar».*-' on Saturday The oorker- are II v J untary one- at>l it will !► "a""**e»f Wp to them if peojd»- w»« lan v3i join without delay. A GOAL OF SAIN VUIBIJtS HAS BKEN SO M»K * STATES With 'at .-fo«?r.- *Vor ~ fur th? Srk of Others." the D.n»v American R.»l Cr»« will heU i * M raal Roll Call, or a**!»v b> tia pa ire fix. in Araaisiice- Ihi !■» TT- j ttri* A fc-oal cf tifjKO n emije > ku hnei set for the tixbt sial- of lb ft" j ■oa. inriooirur Nor k at*. S»i f i. Care l:na, Twnws'f. Gnwya, Alikam 1 Florida, Red Croe- chapter- a .*2 f# aan I ties will caMaci Roll ' v" i: is as noanced. the mooey to ro far ibt sapport id their local artirE«» ud) the national and I - vifcj of the R-d Craa». ' Activities of th- Rsd Oak IV Soath iaclnde disaster reh f aatidantt tc ex-service an; TC First Aid and Life Saritr, Pi* lie Henl'h Kanhf; iaatiailiwj, fiih and man ia Hoaw Hypr* and' Car? of thr Sick; aad glacial rniaa where the Red O*. chapter is thr inly welfare ajpmry- The extent of this mark a ihi ■■ in the ananal re part, of th? Soathem IMiialaa which show. that a the last year nctiaa of IC cisasters have been reh ibdiiled; Red Cra» nancs hav? attended pati-aLs in K.itt hom.-s, and iaspecwd li)5U irbial ckidm, fdlumint Ikn h> helping to set their defects corrected: OM aiam aad , rah tar? heea laaght Hone Hypnelad Can of tV Sick; mil—e has keen gina to MJMT ex-service an. aaa lI>U liiiiaa families. aOialed 1.481 paa fle m aricnUftc aarthe-C of life Sar i« w! MT other » m Fir : Aid Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. November 11, 1924. ONE DOLLAR FOR THE RED CROSS Thi- week the Anttricari Red Cn>» I ! -.Vites you to becom? a partner in the v.ithl - ma:«'' onri niia»Mi o: 1 mercy. In - j,>.-ace a f i*l in a*tr ihf Kt«l l ro>c t!.? h»nl of nu-icy toward* fcffei-r- in 'ill iari«l . WIMMI di- ste. frippie. a village, or an ent»re nation, •he- servants of the Rfil t'riv- ar* , . bhuis the debri , as'nr )om an asta.nin ■ hutp.-in life. To rec-.ler efficient the ; vie * c this oreainratMMi t.'«j«iiee the l:.5» 1 -■ iboK-aJni of w ■:! ~s •» ii To t!i»* -iivall Corp- r.f »r.irtc» I'ftcrj-. Not every «i - ii-*n b aWe to eive hi. , or her, tmr- t irtint>ter unl* li.4M .-•_fei im ll the wake of alllir tKfl h"it il j; within ihe compio .- oi' j-1! to join in the j»n-ai work by lie- I rwii w a member .by |>a> iri the year > du« . f «r.!> ? 1 0t» .Screly, thtif aie l.niialicdx of r*»l «r- 'hi: who will jwt f tk> y tr? approached luit as it b ihir for \ d*i'(-e.-, mi.l 'l ee. ■iy 11 ib rrflip drive, IMW : ia, ar> a- veii.l in our dollar "o R. I- '' Willarr.-lon In'so a ir.:ir>e* hip is s*>i 'or the en-aia? year rd the n .»ih r ! d/- tht joy of par n j»i»it at leist, in tf y«:k f 'he rreat oryaaiia Mi. \V hik a >«riy •number-hip kt ces a'.'achf- . ir ;V ef en!) ea i - aUe, £r.J viHlßt. to par f.jS.l - *. tie r*mt of $5, 510 a;> 1 ■Z+ :. ijTX. are iiie nec2j»>*r,t» e x .ii: uJ rn... i:iticn. 1 hi, is yjt. y to your feltow tat Disasters never warn therr virtiai "»ar own fair ■Jftk.a has not ky Mir*rtii fioni th? le uw a' V «: 'ia :!it hp s 107T«a30 and it nl2t>! air 1 P d Crota r?i.der a* :n! r r.-in •» essls" ance. That aM, t 1? of value, mu t be inl*lJ'e, an an only be ; by natloa-wid* of the Ited Crwj •turine tki tw mh-r-hip drive, now if or. OK. zb* lo last aii'il ritthiririaf fhiy. •' ■TlttfT' response rjH enable Ik; na- H.nal ;re*j-ary o reopomi to appeal *jr.m am part of the I'atte-I Slate-. MRS. J. G. STATON IN WILMINGTON Mr- lames G. Staton left ••esternay for Wilmington to attend it ef the W' Aaxiltary. National C. bw:l ef the Kpi copal charch ! Mrs. Staton is pre-- K lent of •hel Auxiliary anal will preside at its ses sions. The following stales will have 1 ' :epreaentatries at 'he meeting North arolitj. Tennessee, Alabama. Soatfc Carolina, LauLsiana. Mi*-: .-tppi aad HIIUHP . R.tbodi. ' The P.oU Call, officials stare, as the aaly appeal for support the Red Cross holds, and. it is te naember* ; ps wcwal that the arnumiai look; for rapport of its activities dinar . thr taamf year. SIXTH ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION Would Do Well to Study American Dough !>oy and Be Wise Sot years ago today the u. r'.t | was it the midst of its cr.-jK- s wa, I I Sis years acw at the striking of the j eleventh hoar ia the eleventh m.-mh| the armies of the vwW lay down j their iwaadi lln hi "i i, ininlilj ,1 fearless tfhtiaf -men of the worldl • beran to th-nk «f hoire jnd lova-.l j I*tses ai>i arh=t peace wcuM mean. | Hit real armistice day was a day j j never to he formation No one cm] le-ti-nate the joy pi the mother on I'hat day vhnw My was i n ;h- tniaUt I"■ 'He fray. No «>" can t.-'im.-u- th?j |joy of the yotj -on. th? y.ur.c I and the J«ane father ,:> I Ihy ii»ni hi= m end Oouch: of | K «.* smi WsJ oar That in.lee. wn- I the nay of days kr civiiiisiip!'. -Krmistice l>ay w IKli wi. \«ry (fiff-ctsily cH Having amve« I f*me »jely % few wc?ks \*forf 'hail •'-• t the hoy •narfK 'i i»'c urif«»m» I '*"• ttsey m.-rn ar the Hirjloihor.l ice. Iv*-|'eni it- -W>IY »*»■ mditary cMnmarii.- an> l».r of rx ~oldiet> executed\ movenwats. Prnad fa* hers. lovin» and you at- wives and -\ree: heart.- MUv«i their -oldie' 3- he became the tenter ~f attract>. n. In : wwrd. ihe Ameritan «>Mier was •trew* parade. ICut si* years and tfo stern bii-i «>f naktnf a living have dulie>i *'e —jcavry of lh«. .lay. Tailay ■theae- wiß he fe«. • gaai tions and few paiadc- Tlie discanh ciuforsni 11* in may instances mmh *o> - null to -Ij i s».» ■lk 1 . voinfapei, whlcli yoar soldie- h. las pal on Rathf r thin ntarrh ar.d 1 iwde today, let » xobeily cr.nteoi Hate Ibe lessjn» that "He Sa!i' r ■ \ tav-rht the world The American harhl»y *a- 1 di« Ml l>f npoa the %Vestern frw Hi* cwirwre more th:.n m>rS>l th.»* of his tl«e 'lrili.n T«-n»»i*> His Itracily earrli ~i «h;»t e f h«s t->u:her the Fm»* Podu HL- atlnpta twa to disciplti - tfi, m- r» thai >vtatch tla' ff hi? i.nta«»i,i->t- l>K 'Jthbs. BIT to th** crxiyini; c»'Ur. -f tile 1 r*!sh Tommy. ih«- never ** tenacity n fthe KVeimh I'oitj ■;.ird IV ntor> . •l'-ci|>lv>» t-f th ■ .-m which lias rx-ver been -ur tr any earned a fav»i «.f Ikemocracy i»i listi* vfcft. Lite Yalfkee Ikuuehiaoy *: mi l * *r-t th- hilltop, of * Kaleaio T»e«ry I? fhat wc nsi.-i t learo 2 lesson fct.T.i Ih. hoys tha* we tr' ver t!eir. To a lon* v*or> -U>t the Krat iralum" ■ ( this aitirk i • hi tl>>s day of, "easßßn" ™. Iac«' : >nr ar.d iar. it vuM 4.. «dl to stu>ly th* A mercii iMirtibn) arxi he * ise M?:i>FC\f SOOETY TO MEET r.fcoal !►• tr'ct Society -hh the TuCwi.H Society » »ll in-»I it the iineexivdle I!o*:«ry Club or ">«-- «lay eteene, November 13. A *-ph ndid ff, nn is beinr ar a «d i»y l»r W K Warren. See.-e 'ity of the S»«*■■« IHstrirt- Arcof>t ■a* to the neplie- remvnl to the in vi'a'ioiw ' 1 ere «il| h> a brrr at •esidbußice. The CWMiiM? (I l, l |ia>iur 'be Secoix: !f ; irirl are • rave.], Heaafor^ liutik, 'aUiH. i'andiro. Ilyde an> !"«tt In E. T. !*tk nro. is pres> s'w.l and l«r. Will Warree.-Secretary liver, wnht •• fih» Martin Coun "y Medkal Society i- cordially invit *d to alter, i. Fditor W. C, Manning Attending Meeting At Dunn, N. C, Mr ». Mar,l,inw. edf.>r of TV-- Katerprise. left \e»tenli)- far Dunn where he will pre-ide at the animal comvenUon of the North Cartdina Oritianl Dtsciple-i chart of wiiirh he t* pai iileat Mr Naaiar a* heea president cf this >onventi»n for twelve jmmrs seal tbi- j» pili aa boa*- whin if bestow ed apaa oar towitsmna. for the charch ha* nude raped strides in its *r»wlh a North Carr4ina dunmr the post few jean aad has a line nrnWiMi^ There are many prominent ■rn from this and many other .-tales * n'finliarr at the caavention. r Mean. Krank and Irvinif Marjydi* rotond ta Warsaw Si lay to visit tktir brother. Mr. Max Marred is. They - are piodiat this afternooa in Wavh qtm ill 1 ■ finy the foot ball pae. RECORDER'S COl RT HA!- VERY LARGE DOCKET TODAY 1 ourt Meets for Firsi Time in Two Weeks The Recorder's court opertd its ucors this morn-nir fcr the fir-t tim - in two we?fc-. I-i t Tne.-silay bein - j titrtna -iay. an coart was heM TVff are aroano *rn,y -me case? •-n the criminal -toe Let ar«i .'II of to :ay will l>? consume*) ar»i pr«-haWy j -« n* of tomorrow The fir-t ca-e was ;ttate anicst I Marshall Corey for operating a car | ithoa" lirw-e He ;4eal £uil! a rui j was staspendeu upon payment of co.-t.-. In S:r e v- Liu Kverett for vi«»lat ine the !i«iiio: laws. Jula pS..-. 1 guilty and oa-V prayer for ju«lsm-nt. v h«c?> was rrur.-.«-«l at>i ctant;nae«t until first Tiae-'tay ir Manrh !>i r > for fina! ;clt ••>er:. c|»- her j»ay ins i It-* c«>-i --the ac* -.n- The ca-e of Iliar.i Shop wasl Riven a fi—l! i>vr' A «; icnieiit —fiirh h-d Fa „u. ■ ..Ki.J was r-Moko! at. i a f.:i-~ of t- !!>• .11>: costs w-a- iJie r.;al s#-n!es>cv pi*er | bias. • Another »»! I case aea:..-t Sli-..p h,t settle-1 T?>e action was i»roui*hi a - tainst him ais i Killrbn« :i.-l the siitlifovi : tir-t r-i:«ier*.i w.v- s'licker « at -arjtl a fre «f SlCi' ii»! oi»e hsif ?he -I— V.O poat.'e-l t.ft V|i Oat p.t|,-i i" tine of _>«' an i o«se half :le co-ts « n K iIW-r -m The -en**! ca-e of o(ent >n a ca I withu«.t lic-?n-e w-- Sta'e ajtaias* j Chart** —William-. M'Ottowi- "fayart ( i::lt; aa •: julfcuinl *; - .-usprmhsl Ci»>a |s.«\ >ls n of ctK-i,-. J-'Ute v~s livisj llarrell for a-sav! with aejp tr.- - j!h> fir.-t c:* Hit- iittir-ii impor ,i«vs> aitsrh -«l Mar a ell »Je?.t iU'liAuii-1 aa- -.-ntemre*' !« ih- coanir itaiU f-.r cifh'ni Wi 'r .. In State vs -Johni-or "01« > for tha »ei y val of tn-p-. Corey |d a«l no! rvihr but was rtsfy. Jt:aa* ■in ait was ,-jl jei.M .hovever. State Vs Jiifs-. Griures fu seckles airivice «» beinr trie.: at «hL- tsni». Ttii- ..e-i aa scroant 01 •U ■ |iwr pro foliars t-f If-v cowl ■a.'at 1 •'! U . » a -it .tr le v; is.-ce-.* Fii*toy-Eii»h!!i .* it Conferenc. ifce etcbtr-eur>>tb a- : -ul o :|»e Seftl- C:-:«di?ia*?- of «lt. Meih«-!.-" Fp*-Ci-pal O arch, Sa-uth i »o Bst-et in Grace I btrrh. Wflminrtor "t lauiioa r-a.»i.i-v. No.» *of--r 1- wth lit hoj> oilins IVr-Bv, atf R*ti m »1, pre-idioK '>■' thii«! con evative year. The cootfeier** is cwapoxtl of nii: I're-elitt-- K'-ler' I i:-l! c: . in "ifraj rharce- awl crramtoi rhatfhts. ■ ItH -Ola.' |-«Tt.« lA li—lll lers aa! payinc in 1 'J~I tat ail pary—«--. «r 116 per member IVe -t te« .-ran" plar> is ast-i in sta the preaclei-. ihe utite I "re •♦iajt Kt-sf-r- f.-rr i nj; the c: Int. fot "he It -ht p la-S year titert * if 11-' ?■ arse- a»«l a there are only 1H errin*; tl»e foarto year tlaere wil! ■r>KU he oT'-Iy Ta t-r !«I chance ,1.1- year Of 'lie o'b. r-. !!• are c'o iiif thr Ik-pl year tttA ;«J tie -econal Tb»» at".- c-line Ibe / C-»oferei-c, 'ion Kitl-jiMtM :.)e i'ex ar;-' Mrs E. Ir |fc«»l ami Sir. I! I»i»ke Crilriaer MR. M. F. I*l KF WAS AC* HiKNI AIJ.V SHOT IHIS MORNING Mr W_ I". I tke. U—kkeeper far tin YVi-tts a ret llorton Han-lwm-i wish ar- W- It. Watts *»-• rjbhit hunt in:' hi inorni.' r acre— the river anal ar -drabßy r»ee : ved nome of the »hrt hzl Mr. WaO htti ialeAilnl foi —f rabbet. They haal been -rpectinr lb* lab hit for a-inal aialu aid ahe it he d d cv-nae mit Mr Pike hart chanced * t> position ami Mr. Watts not kr.t.w injf it Ami kis van. hitttnr both the .abhit are! Mr. I'.ke Ihe ahots, five in ali, entereai his left thirh- Soar of them were re ■abved and afur they were t-k-r. ou* b) l>r Saunaler . Mr. !*ike ara» aWe to be oat. TO THfc \OIERS OF MARTIN CO!"NTT: Jplea-e accept ay many ihanks for yoar sapport are.' the ides cast for aaa aa November the 4th-. ar»l the splea-lad aaajority ahich I received Words cannot express my jrratitnde While it is a great prnOere to ene the people of ay Conaty as Segiiter of Deeds, it will also he a red pleasure May I hope to repay yea ia serviee. Wrth a*eep apprer-ataoa. I aaa. . Sincerely. • r J SAN GETSINGF.R. PEANUT PICKER OPERATORS ! HO LI) MEETING I'niiorm Price of Forty Cents per I>a£ Was Established A number of Martin Count* fsm- «n who y operutinir, peanut p«rV-• -- •s|eld"s» mrftlnx rccen* ly i'J a (irice for p.okirir peanut* »a- r "J!. I !»»he«t for lh» year 1924. II wa- ilochlfMl lo tnak- forty or!- l*r ha>f a uniform price. -ince the crpp «fa> short ami Is w uires more timf than usiu! u (»V hi ix'anul- when the tr«» t- ft*- :ir*l those inacKlif- .•J- 1 not well slfnni to pick 'or !• - "hs-m trial price. Th* re *> re ah.>ut ,hirt» n|v I resent and they atmni to xk lo , uniform iirio 1 . In former t *•«(« j many :iurhine owners have cV. ork — | to .he big 'arnt-r an»t chanr»** | in.'l farmers the [•fN* Th> machine owner • in this | ** i! will altrmpl. fk; the rear 'o nryanitf ? picker = ' i fiii—- -Hi :he S-tter takin-t care >f lN* !«- • less ami handling it in a i.iorv l-u-. • ic>- 'ike way. SEN ATOR LOIX;E DIES AT CHARLES CiATE HOSPITAI Was Statesman. Lawye* Author, Publicist and J Historian ———— S-t»:i*or Henry Cabot Lodge -i 2*l ihe Charles Gate hosp*ta! la»* S«w« day niulii front the r(* *ct of .» I |of paralysis which he «!•?» -e»s •1 I W«|iw.«lii), \i>. emb -r V lie was - «a I in t"»ii«ro > v iien it ci>»wv>( .?t ►» I !.'ek- .fr«m i.uw .nnl «l hi. v I eistv-four years, he wa.- very atthi I aijil mentally k«*u a-> »• any yon -*e I ok n. lie hail -ervoi a-ntkncn !> ir I the I . S. Senate sine- I.VXt a&>l Kt I bren l{eptihlica!i lea-ler Mr. \va- ta?> rttai. pub"mtt-i author, lawyer ai»«l lu-tona.. r.» mut.ifoM activities have r»a*i-" a • Wj. nijire sion on cont.-ni'. ra -w«i- «■ 5 Juef prominence, i» '' h.u>. t« a- liiiler of tie* .S.WI » •on !«• the leat,Tie «f Natkri 1 I teat> i 1" \ l*Mtt. It' !'• .ur> I 1931. lit was bort> »n lei-art-. !.il worked \ i«r«nc-|4e laid Kil> life was: "The first thinsr f« man «.f k»i>ure to ilt», if W i-all *i-lif.. to iuum: in hi «L»y m»I r-;»f at ion, l> to avoid l»ing an aiwtrw \lthou>;h hi- h%l practically ■>.*> irtec •irni of practicing law k* *»(k hard and won a ilevw ;n thai I>-ji * at Harvard and then later *oikoi iv a Hi l». lieeree whK>» h • wuct THE FEDERATIONS There will !» a join' nuMiitr «l Alt-a's, Women*.- and V»iiir i'ewiAr • Ketl-rath»iu- at the I tin tat rtwr 11 I r-day evtnii.ij au'l a i--4 «w»~ ' tif is expected. All the people «»f ih uHii and community ar-- an-n ;«« a. UIII. Is. 1)1 KF « KiTt Ili:i:. Pres.. Men** F^lw-iiaiti&sii. M EEkSYILLE TEA! H EK> W ILL VISIT WILLI A MSI UN NEXT IHI KSI»A* Mr. Z, 11. Kiw. pri-pri. tor of tin Atlantic hotel, received a n»" -ar" front Mr. IJ. F. «il~ #f We*k-*ille "hat Mr. Coat* with ih.»l w-r.:v I hve of his t arlH r > t miH *L tl V liant t«m Thurrv.'a> ..ItniuMi T»« a-re en riute to tireenv.lle «•» a!te-i> ■ l e North Carolina litara!i«B Sw»l} aiee'inu which will be leM tlwr#« Frialay an.l Saturday. 1 The teacher - w ill take tie tr p k | the -chottl trucks of the court;. IW) will he quests, of the Atian"ic Mil •or dinner Thur.-«lay fvmnif CHRISTIAN DISCIPLES MEET IN WAN IHinh. Nov. 9.—The "•th a*M*l >mion of the North Carolina >tale convention of the Ckrutai cknirk iDuriplenl is beinr heU ia l>»a Approximately ■*»l«rates f"" all part* of the state, as w«0 m* le»» fis of the church from other state* liml nations, are expected to attend the convenUoa It wfll likely fce the most representative relwwv ga»k«r inx ever to aasemhle ia Ikna Those attemlinr the cocviati— fna the WilliaiMtaa church are Mrs. J. W. Arvlerson. Mr». A. It lta*amr. W. C. Mannmr. jr. aad W C Ma—ia» president of the cearreetiee- \I>VEKTISEKS WILL FIND OC* IOH MVS A LATCHKEY TO IM* HOMES OK MARTIN COUNTY. ESTABLISHED 1898 AI TOS CLASH ON HAMILTON ROAD SLNDAV I Occupants Have Narrow Escape When The Accident Happens —- > irnu; r.izht alxml ten o'clock .! Mi«i l*es»rl _1 arringtoii. anit Messrs. M j. hacfit-lur I_ I'. Bark' >y | t.-l m rafM* —.ci I** from liejtii «*vi —rti* if which they wjrre ~~ ■» •«* i»n *(.» H'tmiltjc*Wil lam>'iir, raaii sbuu! onc-ha!" mile « «j>- fi-.m Hamilton. Miss ?i> Mr. H.icheior ha«i spirit the ih_" r \\ jwn wore on their way home vtj'-E Mr Harkley's c: r. towartl !! «T:!lt«R h I ih. ir'-, cau.-:nv tho i|&.>r .-4*7' a;>-l h'nitir,: MLv Cufinir ".»-c; '«i«t or tit.' htoUI. i. In th' -nsa.-h °lim> Carrinetin i'T -rul a hrok'n 1 a;-! minur Hrui Mr. It chelor | wi_- hart, 'mt l-eml;., on the I-- ci and IVi IVtikii-j .-.'lTi !"»! - ,«'i:! ! v-ry' Ikxl • ■ W> iWbt ' h*- fic - : -i.| a rns. Tt* «iarr»j w:- !u>li- -' to H. ntil ■ •t« »t w l »i? ;r--..-cui tei.t-.i'i va r?- « "tm. .»:ni v.i «-r- I ■■■ ■•inton • st ti. . 1 , th* i»*l p f the t 1 r> ;. •! the *!*• '. i" ♦ "••• . c -? ■ t 1} curr -ti. it 3»«i-V a- if !t. ri ih r *.va on hi. riiht -vi -i -»f th • ixi;. l ~rd i> .t "(*tic to a : -w dr zz't\ r.>. m '! . I*.i»kt» . i ii. - -he m«i o' ih r-;ui for. a t« * srd s.i> rur.t-i'e * '! th>* v mo S>> n-.t.1, I i-• ;>r Mr ll_: V.e; va- «Si n . I- r ' 1- rt. ill Us' 1 iiM.lj-ln-l a:.«l ■ :. o ffer »«i f. r -al •by h m for S4»V Ih" car I '--•« M' n.tchc'i 1 >' i ilrii|iiiie wa -I——l—.o t—'ily ■' •- 1 «>»» I ?vn of a front wheel, tiro ii«i ra l .itor I Hi" Caronyton 1 from Stent. N. I" awi wa- t}»*." popular t-achcr of I > «'«art an.' fl'h irt. «** the I ' • jp 1 * ill- ch •! while Mr. K ichelor I x wart'-r 'n the -am» Hool. Mr. I'ailli-i 1- Cim'iWtnl with the State .1 !i» iy .«-pai;mtnt It'-i«le. in 'l-.M iti.lL ( J In tie -la-.h Mr, (tarbt'lui Its-vt a li of keys con^*i*tinj; of two For*! k-> . a trui V key. uo-t .ffice %. it *ou e key also a m=vr m- I i*t *'jt«t- lie wouM .'.pl'recwte it if I the ..finder e .'J''l fur w;*r-! th'-ni U him I»* iJt^. ll ARI.ES » ON(i DIED LAST WI:»:K It • ~t«r !/•■„' of ♦ln^t % ii ui an attack, of I * Mr ! «n,' na a -*»» or .**! Id..- :tvA vri ft 51*! !» •; I n n hL 'l •*) Mc :narric«i Mia *.% v} '% %!i !ur v the in ."«« inn'. I«♦ '>'!« l U»rr \ifH« i> 1 ii** his r, he i t»> It- mother tw» 4+* r - '-4* l it* ua- alw; \- a i'aruter an* t!u» ivh -t hiifMy kz*-s*> in hi- 'Cv*tio!» lie !«»ti a ! ! ,fc l«i'. m>«* of u eftil u» r > un«l fifii' 1 hor?^ Tl- butiai 1«K»k .n the »!• ■ a* ctW'-u 1. ar 1' it* v. A. J. Mar «4»i*hi* fvneral imria Ik- c.l \i. 4 a fin ml» j « tK Ciofnj church fjf a i f JM - •tusiress Houses rve A- mis; ice Daj In mi-fnory of thn* lirnr boys r - *A dium u.n :,!i.l Mart.i xunty wh . ,*«t dne tlvt-ir live in the V.'or' l war _«-! ii. h..i,**i of tl.n-e who' wor IKaki lor t«"o year- and K2V. 1 of the*. tasMe ati i ~«rv k.', the hu hoose »i Uiiliam>ton are clo-vd today. %.lbift-tiir> fc- nberving the holtda an a i|uirt niai.nt T Ui at- : K-,*+ another cehhralion liko we ifav -«r «Mirr in 192fl uii A fiiiis 1 'rt it*y !5»2i **Take My Advise" At Strand Soor "Takf My Adri.*" v.'hich will I ; «i\ei at the Strand Theater at * &rly Oate is a play full of patkv I d ukN with the won«!t-rful magi . ■ twrar. This play has had a run t * 1 m -~ years on the American stat * rad it has met with mosn! Www 1 Amd it is of the good old America 1 type mf advice that every gm.l I Mrs. a W. Hardy and little *R. . IteajaaHß are h E heU and Wddon I*M week. , Superintendent J. S. Semya«r a . Mr'rWwt-Triugr football gmi t fa Dalai today. They Made the t - thi —gh the eMßtry- *