"ASK MY ADVICE"—When?--Where?--What? Fffcals! Messrs. R. L- Cobun anc Stanley f "1 mnm motoied to Wibm Sunday I* visit fnends • • • • Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brown anc Mrs. K B Crawfoni visited Mrs Herbert Lilley in the Washin|ftor. hospital Scaday. Mrs. LiUey underwent an iteration for appendiritrs satunlay and at "his time she is improving rr ■ • • • Messrs Robert Turner Gil lam ana j Meredith Smith of W mu-or were in j town Sunday. ••• • 1 Dr. and Mrs. C J. Sawyer, Chas. j Sawyer, jr.. Mrs H. M Bell of W md- 1 sor and Mrs Capehart of E!:n-.betl | City attended ehurrr htr? Sonday j Mrs. J W Andersor: left Solid'.." 'or Dunn where she will visit l ie: I borther. Mr Charles Ifel*' at •end the State C-» *«!«*. of *hc Christian chuith Mrs. Anna Harnswr. ar* Mr ani . Mr*. Jofefe L- Rodeer-vr av Misses Marjtaret aiwt Mar;, nxrtoned U. New Berr an«t Kir-trt Suiviay Mr ijariami Barnkill of Evenetts • • • •as in the city Siusby Miss Olive Murrill is vw me her mother in Richland- th-- w.-*k Mr Wilhani Harr»4'.. H»m»-.ia m Anr ec to Richlan>i- to ti* »«»k end with frieMi • • • Mr.- A. K- Our.rinr ie'» ye-ter.ijy fftf Tiiifi itlftui thf Christian i> hebi in that city this w*»k Mr HIL- Malone wa- in tows. >»*t terday. A • • • • Messrs. Z. H Ku.se —-r S I'telr spent yester ia;. m Rscii .vjt: attending to busine^- l»r. James E. Ssnitrvni, of ill tOW PS'U) 23 '« I Bllft. Mr ami Mr.-. I • lef" \* .-tjerilay morr r.r for I'ofaiwkt City. Marylatsi Ti«ey »U! vi*« M« Barne ' fatfser ar.«t r.v. ts^-r Mrs Wiseeler Martin, ji left tl.ir nK-rrun* for Wakr fores*, shi wil! assist her parerXs. Or a»i Mr H L Potea' wher they entertain 1v 1 honor of th» faculfy of Uakr horert i c« Uejre ■ - - • Mi. Jjtw- lVr o of Sarifoni is vi»itinr his sot.. Re« tTarrrxe Par tit an«t Mrs. Par«b» • • • Mr James Bower- of Washirrton was ;n the city Suroiay • • • Mr ani Mrs John A Manning. Mr. :m Mrs K E Pope. Mt> Ro«rer ("ntrh'r. jr.. Mr if M v - J. O. Mannine. Mr. an#i Mrs Wi-lter «ur fit.us. Mr an*i Mrs G I" Hall aini Mr R. J. Peel iMerviot tise la.! -ueel ,i,l> of the leanui 'V -**» meet 11.* if My mouth Sur.*tay e\«-air r •• o o Mr Johhnie Alfrvi PkfljwS and visited frien-is in Oak City Sunla) ner.mf • • • • Rr\ an.l Mr, E D Doti.l lef- to day for Wilnc:s.srt«*e to attend the Conference of the M E Church Sooth)' They maul" th tr"j by motor Mr and Mrs Kenneth Litxisley an.' —lb; and Mrs 1. P Liirfth} ami rhil ,ren motorot r o Greenville Sunday FOR SALE Having recently sold one of my farms. I now offer for sale for the next 10 (lays, my Home Farm, about 45 aci;es cleared. 3 good tenant houses. 2 tobacco barns, good com barn. 40x40 feet, stock house, 7 room cot tage home; all buildings painted white; hog-feeding quarters with concrete floor.; and self-feeders. Woods hog pasture with running water and 2 permanent pastures convenient to barn-lot, 3 good mules. Farm machinery o£ all kinds. I will sell together or farm alone, with small cash payment, remainder on terms ranging from one to ten years or more. Anyone who wants a real home, con venient to Highway at a real bargain, see u ln next ten days JOHN W. GREEN Bn4vifw Farm Williamston, N. C Ik R.F.D.N0.1 Mr. Camion of Robersonvilie was a j £ visitor here yesterday. Mr ami Mr*. C. B. Sscekotf awl I Mrs. J. H. Britt spent a few hour ' in Hamilton Sunday afternoon. Mr ami Mrs. C. I). Car*tarpr.*r j 1 visited in Hamilton Sunday. • • • 1 Mr. Harry Onion of SmithfieW spent the week end in the city visiting friends. • • • • Mr. J E. Matthews Washing ton was in towi: yesterday for a short I wliii • • • Misses Inez Bell ard Thetma JpKik j son and Mr. M. L. latum of Jan*- I \ ille were visitors in the city ywtw -1 , day. - \ Mr. W H W Alias of Petersburg j wa.« a business visitor here •• • • Mr. Ge«>rp#» Ci. Winsttad of Hwck> Mount wa> ill the cit\ jrwttnbjr. • • • • Mr Charles H Jenkm- of Aular»h-r who lias been spending several lay's here attendiittr to business' ha- re turned to his home TO THf: tJOYEKS OK CHILDREN \\' ■ h:-vo re'idy fur aiioitt on th fi4- desirable children: 4 beys, yoars oki; 1 boy. 2 year. ciii; 'I boy: I ye-*r- olo ; 2 boys ( />:.! >ll; 1 l>oy 1 >»■;tW; IT ts«ys > years oil; II b-1» j in oki. 1 l*>>. ll> ytar- !d. 1 h«>y. 11 yrji old; 2 lw>. babies. 6 mtvuhs old; 1 lw) b: I>. 1 nion'h old ! :-iri. 1 y-f old ! itirl. - y.-r.rs !d ; 2 oris, years «id; -♦ -r» . « sill . Iyears old: 2 'it! b~bi»-s f month* old Th- fol!owi"V r »o . - •ouired: > r r i«t - m" 'O-p'"*"'' rhl'rer f»i* a. , v?r'w?*#iKe •dv .tu.!:- 1 " 'cil'ti - • * tl.ir o»- , inui..t;'. S-.-ond: Foster, parents hi»4 *»• neriber; of el:uret a:i»S Sua. ray nd a 'rtT to unite h- child to.bc.th ; i-;j. l Ko-tr-r (i i "It- mt t furrl h l-j., i" i ■ i--.c" ■*o Ml:bflity :-.| k !.•■: } (:':»• to |*. 'erlj rase child Tt.o c!;:l«ii •n u - Vr. .- r - «U» rr»M* ? ( -vi-r> w: y and artrth* r • ry -t l -.m» in North «'ur - ; ,i ; 1 »- 4 j *• vc^s'ih \V. d . i "I.uure " e: : r-scter Add re s jcT-nifit'y. Children". Home S •»-«- .e? *»•" * fYrolina. Ii •>»»• r h>rr. a I.IK VI. SC HIM US OBSERV I TOIMY AS HOLIDW T i As well the business t-ousa-s, 'r>* : schools ar>- oix-. r\ tir u j a holiday. It via.- a surprise te th* 1 j j i |iils when Superintrnihfii' Se-y pwj! . I'ieed the holiday ?t»' tiv u\>l ■ J Ir om> ju-t ht'fot« sehoo! yn • j leu lay r ' ; I VSS4K I VIION SHIPS COfTtlN TO ITALY. JAPAN AMI SI'XIN 1 j Kaleiith, Nov. 5. Shipmer.t,- »f r»v ton -to S|>ai'T."~ltaty . ard Jipti ; n i» port -d by the North ' aro!i»v v'ot j •.or. (Irowers t \it»«! k T-.e are ti.«- 4ir»t -- -i- - •b- »" tlios coun'nes b> l»n" A..NifUt) " biml IS the l>eit.if'n«r of ba-- ■ *:' . ihe cotton buyers of 1 "5* r rrd G-noa -the ports » -'t Ii shipments so Last srsason IH« N i*' Carolina Co'ton lirower** ii jro»«t b.isine-s wt»h llrvm-n. - rrtd also V'iih the l!u>- iao mills *•« the maiur expee*s r««»I oi«ef frok both countncs- sea-m- Me' dim*- cottoi. 7-* to 1 tack benrrt J by the Japanese people and rbe ship-. merit to li4tr HCKRICK %* ARDED ONE CEXT BY JI RY j Manor! Herrrck. former ewirK- - mar from Okiaht-nia. -jed a bishin - | !«-r uamsel for bnarf of prons-se. ar** 1 wms awarded one test fcy the Jury. Th day before ...however, the U >y reewer ' ed from kiir •« amAxt of al j letrea libcloai s'i'.emfßU. TEfe. time j i the mar. pey s. ! TELEPHON E MESSAGE I PSETS PI. »\S: REAL MOTHER HOME ROCKING ON THE PORCH I Kir-'or.. Nov. s.—C«.-p>' foßtd I j Lenoir e«ntj -fcciai- who yesterday I -e.urnt to detair. a little mis- isamW | j Har*lisor for Her Marfan county rel | ative?-. wber they trier If pr'-veo" . j ler marriare to a ycmO riinei »V hit . ker Ihe coupie ?ppear»»i oefore the *—trr of deeds here with a nuiticai kerT'Sratf a;id 2 wwnan who claimed I Ito le'tl# rill's moh er Thr reyiJ (•k-nbto : tiat lYftibr was *!. the I sare he la* e Kim-elf as iemc an I • I thai ihe r:ri wr - 1 >*. a- sh» atle-t*-' j Ire la"*-r that she was only it Re- I fu>e>i a lifer.-* on the (irsj v-i* U. ] •he oAiral. the f ,v U|fc» i". t'-'"*' witi. « •he rrman . I TV-n the iwi-ter niias' "e-" th't J I the womar. u? «i b? vrje prrwri kr.owT! to h-w Tti" ■rw wi'h-J •-few for a partey P» SMfikM b V § : njHed. It «>' tl- ta'.fier ihi r~i j at his Martin fcew akiie .I*' r tlon The fiH'- srot'er wa.s •»?' in j stall*, sittir.jr ori the pi irk .f II ••me. sf» or &> m;b- Siwajr. at ah! J IHe dfiin-' «>" «"«si a f il» eiaUVj I _ rr t II r nr. a»i br»ie awt tlw Del! K | I moth'f I># nri-ter K«' he coe' M'j I :.rt -n that matter He fi jlly ■*o cure ar *»- t>ke *le *r | I fu>"ui\ IV >r»- ar 'elk r wbH '* I Iwatel tiw- Iri > na«i «f>»; i. n i T(i' > i J »ad not hw located! today sr> the j i -eiris'er »-?_• w tf r/V;iii. if CTIJW: citt ■ i w-jr ird jerrf frnr. hxS f« - " way for th* r«p' .i! t ' *» «i" ni in -•>!»» o'.l»' bt Jr. 'I: A mn v 3 ! KARIA JERSEY AKEFIEI.I? | • Yi»r .y r | ' |3l\ «J& iw-v ap»; «». r Jeilire, \\ i!- -i l«»R SALE: I*l ANO IN IST CLASS 1 ' 1 mhiltK>C r»««f fw» V". v- - rr.fr Apply !' 1 II iris. Main S" reet. Cnj. ! I o>T: GI N T \KEN IROM V> car Mif a) The ;un w.- > a tk'ft* -two Colt aj.om ittr nit STOVES L -• 1 / r ~ To lit the room whether it be larjre or small may bo foimd in our stock and fit reason able price:. We have in stock a larae assortment ) ' * 'A of stoves and heater- with either upper or i » ® lower diaft& A comfortable home is not complete without a heater selected from * -- _ 'i 'S w•. our stock. B. S. Courtney "THE HOME OF REAL FURNITURE" Williamston, North Carolina TilK EXTSRPkISE V.IU !AMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA leather ease>*soo rewaru for the r-tum and no questions asked.—J F. Hudson OWL-LAFFSI —— ■ - (Oa With Lighter) Figures don't lie—patlicu>.:t!.- f tiiey're in revues. —O-O-0 hJecttaa Covdidge arirt Coo! idg? aixl |la*'e I like the ankles Th:-t Cole Philliifc- «lraw»! —1 ~" Pr»-ideii" 'ocli«t?c declare- he i-eve. h an) of a ea 'ltrla'e who wa; «>?• a*«i l»ciu-f h« talke>l •««. ue. Or that theory the pe-r'y that wtn's a sor? thing .Section «»u?h* to tea 2 dnf mute for j resWienl —o O-o Jrs-l r.r.i: mier wth ir'.lcr t« be SlTßfillly »r»-k ■ ;» ! iy. k—lly hiok- ii o It -s uifkal* to »fi om- ram to io chore' becaa. dor:"* care ■ fa; » O !1' a'i'. i'. v : fe. s s.> l.ie C-un'„ w.th > t-W«n h-*. .rub..lip-, ff h * p-tH. ». ■1 • very luice and i.»» r*-r iia'k 1, • •' ;uw»;«.-. _ -O . Y r *ola I bis f rv> - ami ii >ou her h's teii I© ot> het ftierd.- will fiiii her in a uawr>tK'f> Ufwo the honeymoon is ever. ' "O Tli* dock -h»«otin; * atM»* i> ''t" 1 row. rjid if you h. ve » hwi 'ers eaji. a •tin. and c >r hrx a you at. at lil-oriy to try and -h«-»« i' —o-O Th- r.ex» time we no »o a c-reus wo -ire j-oiiijf to carry .a ciuh aiol th-: nan or child who 'hrows prai=ut shell ut kvt, iho h «ck of o» r editorial r.eck v i.i t« Im> ri .. •t h -..iiih.i! r .-v 1 c a.: -a (Mihi hotd .4. ct-n --|\er'.it«. ti a U-ltphdti. booth «»-Oh> , liapp»ne>s u. 0 be- cranks v- s k " rtoi> . ha.- a stlf s* :.r»« r. • —o-O o— rr r, tiffi i"k 'h' p■ i o «> o - The tra:-. vlth the it- cr rr ; n i«":. n his hetd «vc.s -f i successful :rs ruling. |ji!y: Are you sure tikes-" fir-Id jltsses are hijrh poi.i-rT fADBES! I AU thr bulf cTv«m» m rmrtk fin pMt mm mHirr tterr. Krvp four stomach swed aa' tvur liver aeti%e. You will be repa-.d with sparkling 2es eiear. smooth. b«ahhy m an>l a breath with the odi r of Spnng. Giamberlain's Tablets will do it. Get 60 of these puik tabbu for »cts. Take two tMigtl TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR Rent. Water convenient, rent reas onable. Phone 93. 11-11-» ' Northe Carolina ' Martin County In the Superior Court L. B. Harrison ▼s Southern Willite Paving Co., a cor poration and Willite Road Construc tion Company of Pennsylvania, a corporation. Notice of Summons and Warrant of At iaekieat. The defendants above name«.l, Southern Willit- Paving Co., a cor poration and Willite Road Cons*ruc iir.ii Company of Pennsylvania, a eo.-poration, will tak? notice that on the 7 day of Nov 1924. an affidavit txs issued am! ord?r of publication :,i-jd» by 'h- Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Coun'y against the d» fondants, the Plnintiff claiming the si.in of $5»0.00 with interest from the 1 day of April. 1924 due on account of contraci between plain'iff and de fendants, whiih said ortlor Is leturn ab!e U fir? the Cierk of the Superior Ceur 4 of Martin County at hir office »r. th? 8 day of Dec. 1924. r t Tlie def^-nilarts will also take notice I hat a warrunt of attachment was !1- sued by -aid ( Ifrk of tlie Superior Court of >lan,n County on the 7 « ; >• of Nov. agvnst -lis proper •. of said defvndant* which said war r;nt of attachm« nt is returnable be furc 'he Clerk of th* Superior Court II f .Martin County a* his office on the • dr;;. of Dec. 1924, at the time ami j>k»ce ramfi for ihe return of the urar.tons, when :;il »he;e in** le f, ndant is to appear and ! aa ws-r or ti' mur to th# Complaint ihe relief prayed will be irr»*nted. This ihe 7 flay of Nov.. 1924 R J. PEEL. Clerk t! the Superior Cour tof M:*rtin Coun ty. 11-11-4 Mart'?! & Pod, Attys "NOTICE OK RE SALE" I ! Not e* is hereby tivi-ii that undei ;.r.d by virtue of an order of i*-sale pivon from thr SupsWcr Court ir ihe mat'er of F. W. Hoyt vor us *• In Peoples Bank, the bid nt the form er s »le having beeii ra'sed -within the lime ro«|uired by law and in a tr.J.r oei prescribe.! by law. the undersign i.l Keceivrr for The Propl*** Bank. 1 Bad Coughs Ended Quickly by Doobie- Action Remedy • Remarkable results in quickly t clearing up the severest coughs have bran obtained with a prescrip } tioo by a well-known specialist that dues two things at once. It not only soothes and heals the soreness and irritation, but it very quickly loos i ens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are the real cause of the coughing. It is often aston ishing how speedily the cough stops. Tt>e iimrnpUM la kn>n u ur. Kin# , New D«cov,ry tor roufla ll la pkrtuvlarly ttlwMr fur ItlcUt raufWaf. To promptly end lau annoyinc and muk«lu| •»■!(•. ■imply U(m retlrtaa take one teupoonful of Dr Klnc"* New tMKovery and bold It la your throat 4' ! o *• MivHda before nalhialaf. ft* pie who have leen unaMt to real on ac re«Bl of continual (i>u|Ulitf kate often font g their full I or t bpurar aleep by ILa aimple uietkod V br Ktnf'a la ercellent. too. far chil dren a apaamodlc croup, kronv hltie. Itrya (ttu. bronchial arthna and hoararnrau Oa aala at all (ood ftMfWU. aafc gar * *v. 1 . The Weather Man Says- - * "Light Summer and Heavy Winter"- We've had the light Fall an (I now be prepared for the heavy • I Winter— ' ' . . -T. _■ ' . * T. ~ T' . V - . | No liner nor a more complete stock can be found any , • ~j where's for the entire family. Dont forget the tempting prices tnc £ale offers—Sale will close Saturday night— . ' . - •* • ' . £■ • ... ....... Margolis Bros. & Brooks "THE SHOPPING PLACE AFTER ALL." WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA will on Wednesday, U»e 26th day of November 1924 at twelve o'clock M. in front of the Courthouse Door of Martin County at Williimtton, N. C. oiler for sale, at public auction, for cash, to the higher 4 , bidcer, s:.:d sale to be made subject to confirmation by the Court, the following d. property, to-wit:- That certain property in lh» tow. j of WillienrwUon, N. C. on Main street, { known as The Peoples Bank, together wi h certain easements thereto be longing, and all furniture and ffx-j lures thereof, ami being the same property heretofore sold by the un uer*igned Kect ivcr, adn now being re pold on account of the bid at the former sale having been raised. This the 10th day of November] J. G. STATON, Receiver for The Peoples- Birk. 11-11-» NOTICE OF SALE L'mler and by virtue of ih - power of sale contained :n n certain d»ed of trust executed and delivered to the undersigned trustee by M. P. Taylor and wife, Emma le« Taylor on the 2nd day of August, 1922 whkrl sew! deed of trust is of record in th- pub lic registry of Martin County in Book N-2 ot page 334, said de-dot Hot Barbecue & Oysters —AT— WILLIAM'S NEW STAND Next DOOI to Taylor's Drujr Store Telephone No. 151 West Main Street. * Washington, N. C Announcement We wish to publicly announce the open ing of The Williamston Lunch Room, in the same building formerly occupied by the Monticello Cafe The new cafe is under the management of Simon Lilley and J. D. Ward. We are prepared to jrive you early and late service and your patronage will be ap prciated. We Kuarantee excellent service. Williamston Lunch Room Ward and Lilley Props. trust i«g certain notes of even XJMI tenor therswitk and de fault harng been ail l in the pay ment of th: same and the stipala tKHLs wtiinwl in the said deed of trust aat having beta complied wit. jmd at the nqvst cf the holder of the said notes the undersigned few tee will on Satai&ay the 29th day af November 19M at It o'clock M. m I runt of the courthouse door in the town of Williams ton. North Caiolina offer fr sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described re-I estate, to-wi« Being X dam of the He. G. Tay lor land, one betted and one bought frvir. Mix. J. A. Everett and bounded as follows, en the North by V. R. Taylor and the Hamilton and Wil liamstoii road, on the Ea-»t by tbs Und of F. J. Roebuck, on the South by the Stanley Leggett and 1. L Taylor lands, and being 214 1-2 *r:» by surrey and being same alnd cover cd by mortgage to Chicamaaga Trust Company for S 1900.00. The above land will be sold sub ject t*j the dower of Emma Le; Taylor which has been recently al ii fed. This the 28th of Oct 1924. L G. TAYLOR Trustee. Martin and Peel. Atty s. * 11-4-^ - - - --- - - - - -

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