WATCH THE LABEL ON YOl'R PAPKt, IT CARRIES THE DATE TOL'B SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 79 TEN DEAD FROM DRINKING POISONED CIDER Ly nchburg, Va_ Nov. 13.—The list of poison cider victims now stands at tea with four seriomdy sick. About a dMta otters arte drank of the elder have recovered sufficiently to te raniidticd oat of all danger by at tending physician*. The poison was found to hare oeen ■a the barrel in which the cider was placed, and not a cord it ion of >h> * cider in itself. The farmer had a>ed a band in which spraying material had teen in the early spring and th»r* was a pmea» of arsenic of •end in the cider which te carried to the Hk- home at Bedford City. The inmate* being of advanced aged, were unable to corn bat the strore ptisan. State Rehabiliation . Officer Here Tte State Rehabilitation officer. Mr. Condng of Raleigh te. teen in the county this week attending to mat lars relating to hi* department There were three i.pp!ican s to come under his saperrision and dl three, were satisfactorily attended to. One colored boy was sent to the eeolred A A T school for colored at Grteasboro and one giri wt» advised to finish her high school course after which te promised h.r a college coarse. Jamesville Teams Defeat Columbia Boys and Girls The hoys' and girls' basket bdl teams of the Jam«-*vilie school went i» Cdiimbia last Wednesday and won over their opponents in two very in terestiar (tames. Tte boys won tteir game by a score d 14 ta 4 with Gayiord featurm far Jaaaesviße Tte game was a thriller ftom start to fnish. Tte Colombia giris were out for tte bag end of tte score ami played a iplwilid game, the score in the first hdf being tide 4 to 4 Tte last half tte Columbia giris food Miss Pearl Jonas. Jaaaesviße'* star forward. to fast far them and her playing ended tte lad half with a score of II to I ia lamnißi' favor. This was the Ant gaasa d tte season far th.* Jeme* vile gMs and Judging from thv one. a moot iacre afd season is ahead d Tte yaaag folk* were iavited to stay OHM a while that night and a dee party was given them by tte Cslombia boys and girl> Tte Cdamhia girls will men the Jamesville giris ia tte near future ■ Jamesviße.—Reported. SERVICES CHRISTIAN Clt'Rl Sunday school. »:« W C. Man aisg, Swpenn t ewdent. There will be mm church services. Tte pastor will keep his regular ap pointment at Maple Grove church Last Saaday there were 122 mem bers present in our Sunday school. Let's reach tte ISO mark next San day morning. A. J. MANNING. Pastor. MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHCRCH MITES n Saaday acted. »:4&. Mormntg worship. lIM. Evening service, 7:30. Good uiagugstisai were present last Sunday although sic has «■ pre vented many d our faiihfd one# Sunday acted attendance was 175 and about M mm present at tte prayermeeting Four new converts were baptised last Saaday afternoon at Daniel and Statan's Mill into tte fellowship of tte Raddacks Grove church A womai missionary society was also orgaaized and this work is encoeragiag to pas tor and ptaple. Tte pnstor accompanied by tte falmg hrettera, J. C Anderson. C. R Fleming. B. S. Courtney aad J. W Anderson attended aa ordina tion service at Chocsoisity Thursday Ugkt. Tte pastor wifl begin a series d iperial meetings d Biggs School heme next Sunday afternoon at IM o'clock Services wiH be held at T■» Next Sunday tte pastor wfll preach d 11 sM on Things that Abide'. in tte i at 1M en "What is Sin", this la tte third atrman in a series cn Christina Fundamental* ElUjtedy cordially invited to dl ttew services. A warm cordid wd MM awriu you. If you doubt I, mmt Hd te ten ■ tend • R L SHIRLEY. Ftetor. THE ENTERPRISE ALL DAY SESSION DOES NOT CLEAR COURT DOCKET Several $l5O. Fines Met ed Out By Judge Smith The Recorder's court adjourned Tuesday at C o'clock with many cases unheard. Eleven cases for fail nig to dip cattle were coativaed until the first Tuesday in Jai.mry and after these were eon'inued to that date, maay cases were continued to next Tuesday. Tte next case on docket after thojc reported on Tuesday was State vs James- Grimes for reckless driving. Tte defendant Grimes plead not guilty tut the court after the evidence was :n deeded that he was guilty and & judgment of a $25 fine and costs of j the action was imposed Appe.->! to the Superior court wa> made aw! the bond fixed at SISM. Another charge Grimes 'hat he had heea driving a car under the influence of liquor In aiL-wer to Iter charge he plead -not rtiiky and the verdict of the court uph"W him. State vs Jasper Everett for vih-at - ing *he liquor lews'was the next ca-» brourht up. Everett pi«ul gu'l'y an.! the Court impo-ed a fine of Jl3"fn end the costs of ".he action ami that he enter into a bond for 'he sum of Sl£OJM> for his aHraraaee befor- the court on the fir t Tuesdays of Jan uary and Match. IWS to ->how tha court that he hsi net *obl or other wise dealt in in'oxicatin* liquor*. State rs Bonnie Wynne on a chary.* of assault was b;iu ht against Wynn Tor kicking a twelve y'sr old colors' hoy out of E. P. Hunch's. • tore about two weeks aco. brrakinsr (hf child's leg ami bruisine his heed. Hi? tax was continued under the - jm» bon.i In d-e of S»ate against J.'S. Wynn for having and trans-p-Htine IK .;•>? the defendant ple»l not railtv hut the court decided against him whs* tte evidence was heard A fine oi lijOHU and the cos's of the action was placd on W\ na lie ipp'iiol t» the higher court -.nd wau. ultcel un der a ii»*> bond Stale if Annie Hellajm was the rest ca>- broagit up and "A un*' was changed wsth raving lta;uor on Laiel fot sale. Sh- pit-ad jruilty aW made pnyer for ji*l*n»«-nt This wa f rail ed when •hf * r.ter.-d into a boa>t for 11 On In until the first Tues day >n State v» N. Is. Bnisa. /eke Kr»wr ai*d Ida I r.unu - for Wr >trucl inr a ditch, was another case - ten deffoliul* plevi no; rudty aM he court agre-d in i"s verdict- Slate vs Mark V. irthmgtoa »i a | charge of larrer.y an 1 rere.\u.g an 1 i WonMnrt'-a pirai no: guilt» but *he 'tourt did not agree with him and Itei it a fine of }S *• ai»> cost.- »f " I te action on him. lie appealed to tte Superior court which will ONSVCI* let* r*xt month There were eleven charge? of fausrt 1 to dip cattle jgsj., I the following de I lendants. M. C. Ceufacil. Fr~>l Ctk-pf. N. J Haislip T C. Vhrtley. Kd lou ci. E. R. MDVH •' «. E I). Piirit, W. & Purvis. A E Purvi>, Wilson Counrfl anil Joauh «'aairil *ll .f these cases werr contuiue>( un'il tie ;>r*t Tuesday ia January. lS2f-. JOHNSTON COt TTT SENDS LARGE OELEGATION TO COTTON GROWERS* OFFICE Bdeagh. Nov 13—John.-ton coun lf xsl a large delegation to visit the Raleigh office of the North Carolina Vet ton Growers Cotton Growers Co operative AssucaaUon on Armistice .lay. Tte visitors brought th ii din ner with thena and tables were ar ranged in tte classing departssent d tte AsuciaUa buildintf and •imner was wand and a? urns an old fa.*hm»- Tte vdtors rsme earl) in the itiorn ag and were met by H. H B. Mask, and his assistaists and after bein? di vided mto groups they were sh«r# te work d tte Association Each de partment was visa>ed and the work de scribed in detail Assistant Secretary Webster took pleasure » saakmg clear tte sm intmn division and its buttery d machines. Later General 'J... gmr Btalock made tte visitors anj address and as usud te bad sense j interesting things to say. Tte grwup d men. women and cbfl •!rea were gathered at the Wake nmMj esurt tease for a photograph —lnter tte phatagi a phi i had aa ar cdeat aad both of the plates were hiwtaa mi R was to* late far an other because tte Jnbnstaa county folk " Mr C B RiMirk d Eveietts was v ton puSaidav sttending in tew Mr. Ate Adtor d rijnmuth sneat albrita m tte eity. r Williamston, Maitin County, North Carolina, i YMay, November 14, 1924. Peanut trading Poorer Than In Many Yeart, IVanut people ;_y tna the qualit) of pramt . is -o ; oor that it is hard to fnd a crop thai graale.; p#oii. It hi". !fc? pet n*ve: ma tuitd IT. ;II»- hIH I»JD »r? found to be ihlinlli i ami liitht In >om cuek iof pnv «■» M imnuiure they have tsra>l blade ia the hall. Buy«-r> say that the quality is at least aw-thiid off fr»m a good crop and fa mer- cfxrall} hiwk the yield in the 6'M w.ll be off a.- K«"ch a> i thmL This sill 0n../ the crop •K>«T. o only half its usual strength. BASKET HALL PRACTICE NOW GOING ON Local Team A Most IVomisiii? One Wi h a irsrv in »>i for nc-t Kri ■aj nieht the local ha-ketcor~ are whippier in shape for the event. For the pas. f«-w nights Ihe leys arsd y»une mer of the town have beer practicinr in the Dixie ware hou~e. ar«l in dead earnes'. too. With th- exception of a few minor char res the main team of this year will h» tte same as that of la.-t year Everyone know- the record made by the bu-k.-t hall stfiiad uf this place h-' year, ami rene-m.iermif that prac tically the same team is hark asrain thi* year, a rw»ni to he prou-1 of can be iv.'imel The .r.*ere-t manfest*! !.»• f;ns was a gr»at help h«; year arnl has Had much to do wi«h -he .darlin* o* i. team th* yesr_ Frei irs-'icat'onf ir'erest aii e«;ba-ii- sir icn'ly a fcikch thi- -ear; -o «-ut for an -A" No I team The follow mg have iep>'iu«! for praCnoe- for the |oev era I nivhts: l.yman Rritt. Jdius I'urvCrack Ti.)lor. Irving Marevli.-. Kiaxk Car >tarp«Vn. A Ma--ell. jr.. lim C«>ke, A brain IVel. John Henry Edwards, WSiaa II WOliain- £■»• Hill Man Jaliu l\ir». is nunat r. Ctack Taylor, t— asurer. aisl Lyman ISritt. npia'i Mr. Will Sl.»ne is eosch o f the boy - ar»i be -uararitee.- a pood earn for the s«9»«4L Interrupts l*reTchc*- To Him Ih r .tor N. C, Nov IS.—Can ioii ■r> of tbe Rei S *r. Jolui K Hartley i eer irdefday tohi »i en ui -a -tial in > «adrut an uhscft. *l>e rlerpyman hxur ]«d whje preset.!a*- to a New liern ■ ' c*r-rreeui*."!. If*riit 11 lir. j Hartley, who C ifewl'iij! a provincial [ 1 aeeting at W ilamgU>ri. eouhl i : ot IK* I a .allied with for all the de'ail I• »r Ha*t)ey wui th» po- it m hi ; ariMt tkal tbe Aeaeiaran eltcloial > m|> •kferuva- in one tUs»i imi !u dtea hesitate to seek - fUe kttcau* thej fa the> w-ill In ste-cd .1 th-y »7 - e'f- e' A* - : 11 given lo> muck to i ar.-h eritHi-e : R*j ur,ki.«i CMMacnt •aa he'r o!*icial- " •me ciergytaaii «i- ajoo'.etl as sayiri* lie came- to the country from Ere land aad has odd unpurtant diarie ,n the t tited Sttes. There wiii •>" ,irprj.-evi;t ia olGriahiom v.hea the people five heir a lected te f resentatave> a better !aiL Or. Hart ley told bis New B*n hearers., !• • ignibd —-- ia the coojrrega" on lei; I i seat, »'ij4f to »be pulpit, gra pe -'m preacher's hand anl ,-ai.l. *"Ameai :r." according to tbe .-tor>. Dr. Ilart- . * c-.aVojpd After >h eme be frit fetttnd. The di/ni :»ed, grayer KU.. he '.-araed, «■ FardfoM '"immnni many yean * -ember oi -be L aited State* senate SANTA ( LAI'S MAKES YISTT TO KIINMES OF WILLIAMSTON Santa Claas made a visit 'o tbe Vddies d WlbaadM yesterday. He oat flia W. J. aad J. E. Siaunoft* d Tubus ta bad oat what tbe little folks here' waated him to brin-* them Cbris'snas. He tes a letter to all the children ia this itctiss a rijother pari of 'his paper. v .e!bag thena of the bactiful *hiag« te te* for item atd to >0 to tte furaHure stare wner. k Tarteru aad *ee me of the greatest and nanst aacMinst display of to)> m tte 9* ate. Maim Ribritiaa. Turnage. Aader MS, Stewart. Vtsabaefc. Peek. Mr* C. R Haud and Messrs. Seymour rad Ricks d tte lac si acted faculty lef* this mivmmk far Greeavflk where ttey wEI attend tte aacHnt af tte earth eant iiiisiia d tte North SWINDELL TO SERVIi 30 YEARS IN PRISON GRANDFATHER OF GIRt. VI- TIM WHO SHCJT SWINDEI.L l»K WIS ONE TO THREE TEARS Kiizabe'h ' Ci'.y. \"o. _ . .I- !,: Swithlell. coavictevl of bivm - ins proper relations with a vuwg trir! here, yesterday was sectenoesi .1 Su perior Court to serve 30 years it tin? state prison. J D. Farfior. of W3>an. -niV father of the girt in the case, who made his way into 'he jail heie r» - .cently ami shot ani woun i- ' ."win «K"U so badly he probably wfll b* s cripple for tbe r-malnder 'n- life, r a ntenced to «ene one to three years in th* s'ate wisor.. K.irrio p!e;.i!ei! ruilty Swims-i: wa- M by a jury. * I'astra Carolina To Have Exhibit At New York Expositioa At the regd?r me tine of in? Ex- commit*e of the Ea-tern] Car *!'i:a Chamber of Cooi*rr?. Mon day afternoon, it was to tnak-» • lefinile plan* for havine at exhibit 1 at the Southern Exposition to he held ir» New York January I9th for! the las'rni Carolina Chiiaher of f.immert?. A pian ha- he-n wrrke«l whereby eiery town an«l fwsnl> !ha' ct nvs ir on this project will le sriven ii.«iiv*>—al recognition arv' si>ecfic fKiblirity. Ju-t how much • naee will be |Kirrha«! sr;B r«~t ' 1 •tet»-rmined un*il a survey of the '."■ritory shnQ HaYe btci: Kji' MANY THINGS TO OFFER V.'«'h the irany rhan>uts that Extern Candle . ha- te ofli r. z. r*al creilitable exhibit can he r>of« n ui * the proper frr»ni «h> tovn- counties of Eastern"* an* I na. It is coa»ervat:te!y estimate! Shrt th- re v-ffl L• at lei. t Sli.AO pe«» l«le fnm Ji the MJ'ry, uh» wilt visit I'.|»»itic3 Hall dur ir ik- !v.- *.eek». With a fr phic el ter pretc t on of the ninnof Iji-fin Car !ihu. I*') .. c*k»n will rec s*e m«re favorable coti-xl-rr»ti»-o_ "l.n v.ill th« lla>t>rn ptsrt of Stat*. SecnrUi) ! artlett. rilh trw hd| of the ioral i evre arie>. v ill ntakt a w iir" rinl ' :.mpaign to ■i«-terr iine j'j-t how mut i. jitv.- •?n ased for this -liow h, KIUMW) iTumh-r c-f Cwsanserci •ree»ors liai • :Jmdy i'«.- «» m', l»in' tfi steUtkil lb !».*. Un | hs c- • of the Eidetn » ai>diiia ; hjniter >«f t'opimeree. Ses.t*iary W T. Kyter «f 'he Kir. IM • hanher « ' Commerce. i.« al>o Seci«t..r> of .he : :«.rth t aridina committer . f th;- bit aid will aad an |n*ttue a .-rentable rihthit their foi thi« see ion. Any town or ind>ii'«a> ij.t-r*--t --(d, ri.a\ ?rt tb* fdl f*rt- V. either mmuniratinr with the Eastern Caro I ilia Chamber ;f Co mm-ice or the I in >ton Chamber of Cammerce *. EACHERS OF .STATE PI BUSH MtiMHIA MAGAZINE .•0 in t nuaiy llaie IM * l'«r few: '•lemtersbip n N. (. Ldncalisu \iaarulis Th- of the Stale CJC pub shing iiHlepewlently f the S ate lle . iirtnvnl of Educate,, a monthly laestiM. th* S. C. Teacher, in th. and (nogtfs f the educa ! system of ibe S'ate Thi.- ■ aeanne deals |=artirui_rly ami •'efii ilely with indrvti'ua' schools. * .r.-ons and priiblrmi- A fee of tvj daUin eitrtles yoc . ntemhei h;p in the Nerlh Carolina flducd'cn Association ard #*-übri|> on to the North C.'.T.fif. Teacher In our c»unty we have two schools t at have a Hundred percent member hip in this n-isoct-taon. Oak City and V. illiam. ton. 1 hey are to b? Toagratu .;tcl uu>ir this achieve nacat an! ■ her school.- of tte count> >iocld 1 rtve to attain this TMntal ( 111 H« H OF THE %'!« ENT *? Re*. ( laiance O. Faada. Rectnr U. *"», Church schooa IO tO. Advent I- U-- cb>k Holy Commweinn ami Minor TiTO, Evening prayer aad erw.ll WILUAM M. IUTLER TO SiatEb LODGE William M. Catler Sas ben ap pointed to succeed the late Henry 4 'abet Lodge in the United States eiialt from MauacbuOs. Mr Butler b chairman of tbe Ke national ccwut ee. He is - n attorney and a masdartarer of nde. Miss Nellie Fbter d tte Macedoaia feted was in tawa yesterday Mr. Lewis Mizefl d J—asße w=s a busaaeus visiter teve yesterday. eretis-\v'illiamston Uoad N earing: Completion Tie Everett *-Williamston ri-.v: is r.ear coirpletio:.. if late reu«>r;s a.e accurate. Witii good weather. i!ie rna>i will !>.• rorapijtol by IVc. mher the fir t. If th* ro;-.d !•. completed :Khit 1 !u: time, trnfiic will l*e able to puss ii.ijith h; Chn.-trsa.-. T«f I let het-Tarboro link df No W is »iporte« ! ro."*ips. to*l and it i> ;»reh iW? that the entire road **on; \Vii lli**r. to Kochy Mount will be coin ;«! te«: and r*i.iy for . raftic by t!:e las! o*" th? year. ! Ford Oil After IviJncr Tests THE TKXTS lOMI» Wl I'KRi KI TS LI BRICANT THAT STtM'S ST I TTEKIM; Tie \uio:no" ive ensrineers have Ic-ng felt :h- nefivsilj f.»r a .-}» ci ! jootor oi! for Fori! csr . Tit-; heve 1 >7 J *-I ''' ,t i- - ■ -I rn. which after Wr in }>r.- - ; ir th* low (reir |iolal. or th«- oral. '.il e >uld l« - elii 'innted !■> 1 l>.i»r ; c: it «-l • r ir.;ca!:ir !ualit\. In or»!cr to pr>«luce a Fi-ni lubr ; ;. Nt possessing the r«i| h.Trae teri-tic*, the Texa. Comjai.; chem ists and automotive viii. rt rs aave -|-ent tvo years in irve^' igatin r the entire übject for Ft-rd lv.hri at ion Th * *'on»|K«ny"s laboratory, at I -oie ' -latd City was fitt«>l up with c • tinier of Ford engir.ets equipped with •Selicate ima-uilav :ip|nra'us. Tin ; ppaitus detern»in".l the pres ur* re uired >n th" f«n»t |«e«lals to pr«luee chatterimr ami th* ciaarl amaunt of chat'erins rosultinir. Mairrt.iindreib of ten: witii' many .ktntls of oil were nuule er. t!*.' Ko. t riein«. The work contn.'.ietl for two ■ «ar- .until the ent'inec-rs finaily de lormineil upon an ideal Texaco Oil for Fords. Thi.- oil al*-o rece-ve.l long te>t.- imler ruiinii i' comlitions jiin man> :ale-man's c-rs, in orde r t«> 'hat •t wa> as in aetue' 11 e as the laboratory te.-ts indicated it wol-hl be The non-chattering »r "m»ii-.tut teiiiig" pioper'y of thte oil. a> it i.-> il'wi bv the T. vis Co?npany. 1- not I ruduccd I>> the addition •( aiuma r oil- 01 MWp-, but by . jkCii! piore.v. of relinuiir. Th«* pio>luct is ur H|iie :n that i •M -n. xero pour te. t. which meal.* na' it riinain- fluid at very low tern ■»T.t(in*- Thi - feiturs i> hud)!) de n-'tle as the For.! ei.gine de|i*ml n .- |>!a it lultricat>n ai.d in odd rather the Texas Company's pro •uc will give immediate iuhneat ;oe The elimination of »;u!'trur- by he use of thi i"*w oil is ey|«-e»i-.l 11 .-are Ford owners **re; t ?\|k i, t well as furnish alda d rldui l ; com -it Fliinin.ition of vibration in resses* the life of a car, incteasss its • cond-baml value, ami lower'* up : .-p co>t. 1 WENTIETH CENTI RV tH IS MEEI'INt The Twenli th Century elub h«-ld « *ting on We.lne alay af ■rnoon wi'h Mrs. V/airrn 11. !!igtr« s h»te . Ih* proeram for the af*ert:ooii wa ne of Rose McCaula-yV late*', book-, 1 old by an Idnit." Tlo* main ialea :vugh! out in tha' Ls that history, ke an idiot, merhan>eatty repeat-" it- -If. The c*.i»-f them, ui "Tohl by at alio*." is the nla urd ia|aetit>on of hL ary ;-JM| the ever-revttrrinx revolt of he \ ounfer -.'j-n'ra! it.n irain-t 'h». Mer. The sti i y i a |-moram;i of (* chansf- tad even's of the >»ars torn 1H79 to l'SSt a- the} aff.-ct th. re* f f |li> ls«rge Ganif-n family, ah f whom tad different natui ■ - Mts Biggs read a w*H wrifler «ap-r on iha- ls«.li d.a!iii,: with th« )ararteriJ>*ie.- «»f 'he ar.d show np how th»; portrayed the charae er of the author. Mr.-. J. 11. Saunders read a (taper jaating with portion of the book that ~*as alevoted to 'he "(ieorgiai. period." Mr.-. J. W. Manning read current vents. In the absence of the president Jin. Wheeler Martin, jr.. Mr- J. S Khod«-_- pruidsdr Tfce hod*y. served a «lelic.ov- fruit -alad with chocolate cake uxl fruity. ff (tmiion of Valneu I am a nickel. I am not on speak ing terr.i«' a Wit!i the candy man. I am too small to get into the movie*. I am not larpe enough to buy a neck tie. I am of small consideration in 'be purchase of gasoline. I am not A* t7 be a tip. But—believ* me—when I go to Church end Sunday School. 1 am SOME money!—' The Episcopalian. RED CROSS ROLL CALL IN FULL » SWING TOMORROW Have Dollar Ready For Representatives When | They Call Tomorrow Tomorrow I in- !'e-l Cross roil nil,. M !u-iteer woikers cat! on you for a .'oll.u and more if you fi—l :.b|.? lo . rf.V#. T Do not funret what they 'iave done I lor us both in war ami in pence. And 1 hould ttc no! respond >o the U>->i I society's cail for financial aid J v. i!h which to carry on the good work that i* doe-. ami should we have • cession to need th" Red Cross to l'.*lp u- and rail on it. whether we •nl !i"tle or lurch, it wouM conn* to • ui re-cue. That is the spirit >f the »*svat «r- ar.u.i'io:i Thaf was the spirit of our I.ord then he was on tiiilh. Hut. lot us peciilp of Mania coueU, who are so well bk'ssoi one ilollar a year wouM -.not -make any material difference. in our live-. Ix- . thankful and apprrriative enough to. (five the •lollar without-delay. !t will lielp the workers ii" you will lave vour dollar ready and w ill give i* with a -mile It's hard work when i; comes to asking for rii* fiu e ami i' i"v with *he desire to s.»»rve humanity t'ia*. tie volunteers will call o.i yiui i "Take My Advice" At Opera House Tuesday Evening —"Tat? ' "SIV~A.k i»'t- Vvil! Is* .i\ en Turvlay mtrht in-teal r' Tiiur--I i i *ht r was fir>t aiii'MU'. iHI, «.!■ .i«'- »unt > f a |«via! service viu.-li v. j'l !»■ held in the Kpi- CI1|I.«I ohuu i >i> ihe lata-r «lata. , v "Take My" a jilav I lit i lie. (annul a (Tor.! lit miss. It i. Ii 1 . latic com««iv 1.1 which a "liw-wire" . - a traveling -al*-~nian gws inio a • ea.l country town and wakes up tti • inhabitant . It. is the accwf:jpii---Si • lent «f a miracle r»n«l th" -.k>rk ■ «.« aicontiiiß hi he he i'o, "'•> nuuw .* a Iwiiil* ii In ramp " / There i rniu/li of |ta'h> .-/rui.nii • hrourh ihe story to In- '*/•*• - i> l>f« 'ut humor i abounding tHlriVatJi'U lie cnt'n- |> rformance. I' i.-^aTwy musng to the American |x uplc wh ave ma-le -urh i;ia! striilvs i civil ■a!ion in such a icmafkiihly - Inn iiiie, to 11«»- modem an.l tin* "an lent" cum.* in con tar', e»|iffinlh wise. ' ■ aii' (ilayii if tin - " roles "ii| ■mate" and "out-of «lale'\ The r i>t i« roin|MiM*il of the f.illo a ;isif wel! known amat ur> vrh Mr ">«h:i l>. ISigp- a- director: I»r lolin I'. I'.itrv*, Messrs. IJ !. 'chum and II M. Stool, . M. 'allie Harris Carrie Utile White. lar'l.a 1.-ui-.- ami Mr , nhn I». ISivk'-- So, ilu ii*»t forget that "Sonii-tli inv? i • mini to happen in the ntil town" nev Tuesday nicht. It wiH' take, place at he opera liou.-e anil an admission of ;> cents for ailult- am! 35 cent.- for hiMren will Ih- chanced. 1.1/MIKTtI 'IT*. IIKIM I tM.'li AMI \» KKKSVII.I.i: TK \« IIKUS VISII « 11.1.1 AMSTON 'I lie fnlltiWHiK t» -n'lii-r- fioni Kitza ■etli t !t>, Hi rt ford aril VV-» k-vill« chool- visited our city last nitflil ami •eft this morning for Clttnvilli' where hey will atteiiil the Educational So ciety meeting which is beini; liei I in l>at cny Unlay ami tomorrow. The rachers are making On trip ~firou«;h In- Count iv on new International chool trucks. Kl ulK'th Ciiy— Mmsji M. I' Kill, ■ill.> ut Hayiiian. Nannie liruy. Ail-, lie ttkitehirsl, MVrtle l ine, Josie 'jee Car.wiighS, Beatrice Itobertson, laiuli l.eif;h, Margaret Chesson, ■ oldie l!ak r. Ruth Mumli n ami Vte -r> I: I. White .nil ICalpn Mer « er. Ilertforil Mr. S. M. Keeil. \VcelL-vilie—Misses Marjorie Snow en, Jemima James, lima Jennings: Ulla W. • Thorton, Nernice IJtnton, Klizsbeih Fletciier ami Mrs. J. M .-'cott. ami Messrs. Wm. L'ltavis, A. D, l;j(ler ami K. K. Coats. I'farter's note—All exceedingly d-icok'nK ami e.-p.-cially nice. C. FAKMKR SHI HITS WIKK AND SELF Til DEATH Kim-ton, X. C., N0v.13.- ftajmonil Jackson. auel thirty*-four, white farmer, living four mil.'s nor h of Kin-ton, this morning shot to death hii> wife as she lay asloep in bed. then turned the gun on himself and ■lied. _ " J Mr. D. A. Brawn of Gold Poirt parned through town Ttead&v en route to JamesvOle to see his brother, Carol who is seriously ill with pneumonia. AbVKRTISEKS WILL FIND Ol'R COLI MNS A LATCHKEY TO 16*0 HOMES OF MARTIN COUNTY. ESTABLISH El) AMERICANS DON'T KNOW WHAT TO EAT SAYS DENTIST Dallas; Texas. Nov. 13.—Unless the American people eat more w'/jle I'rain brea is, more vegetables, cooked to re" kin the iirifce -all,-, mure whole n;iik ami natural -wee's. "the next •two or three generations will be a nation of Tar as bone and teeth are conrfiWil," Dr. C". B. Kowlkga -if Birmingham. Ala. asserl i e»' in ui; jiWn-.-i '..-lay at 'hj Ameri can iHrtta! V socatipn convention. "in the" matter of diet. the dental I rofession ha» an opportunity for ■ ioirisj a reu! er. see ' ir. outlining a die' -that —"ttrr:- —•- l-he iitessur) lime -pits so build tooth aid .bene ■.ruc'ure ilurine the pre-ra'al an»( j re-.-chool perwo. a- -*-eIl u luring to t:-.e eighteenth year," I'r !>. Kowike- vi:«i. "One ha- oi'ly to ook about him M'e that "K Aiwrfiij people are not eating the niriit kind of breads, ri" :.n«l w«' . t.> -av iidihing o' properly pr ,».• rt oi.eo vegetable • iiet."' ih- !«e.-fc«-r declared . He -tated If.a' it - j«--ible for any in •i \ loua! rt-r'lo- .i, ri> M hi,-, own I'iou'h 7. per c. : t i»y propel* home j'. phy!a\:-. a-.d hit prop r mouth h\«rien** r- \n' the iKTCCtitaRe •>' loMaeeou -' -..i-e;; •- i«. tlildreit, - a,- -carl-1 i.-ver. etc. Cotton Asswiation Stroke AH Records l ast Monday Ka'o'.t-h. N«.i ". 1 S*. > ui- cotton inner* -pp' * vi'n' - •«-. a t)U;-r.ei of ■IIIOII 'io!la: ■> . n.- .• i. ;n ! V i\ui4 Jou r ;K a ai i !>a!e- of cot- I •••II in OIL- .:a.. Ihe Xoitii t'r.r.diwa | i J .it-ofi t .-n;"Tt tiv' \ -oc r.- ! ' on l.roke all •t' iu> M'n iiav. linut- ma.>. b, •r«-uib-li» reach a'l'i. i?."an' ;h" f?cf-ivinif clerk " were actu:d?_. -vamoe-l wi'h work lii ; »r>'k *i> .i im*«vk ami this -ek piorm-- lt» Ih Tlo* total 'j 'liver!**, la • »e,-!c v»--ni nv re han -Ao :• .u-ai.i. Ul ; !-•'.■( 'I e l»!« r •• thf -!> ' "* > k 111 l'j'J" aTnl ; l« ili'neiK- "d- oay e. e l'..r ahead ...| I'll - .-elive! e- ■ the .ir.V" i!;s;. n year ago. !;--»e:|'. -IIW NiV .1.1 •T I v«*.ir .h«»A .i*» iu r*' a* over the niw- :• w ... t r arii of n: "C than • pr cer.t Mi »r;e* **fihe v-.a*cia-" on a..- ■ a '.he ro'.- •..II i-! a'.'i the V -oration is 1 lakitu- af> f S7« on every "•» |HIUI..| Isile t nndhtTtr Slmii Co. In Jamcsville Tuesday Nipht The I un4l» fi* v, ..k a>in|U»a> w ill . pp-ar in «l.e t e«;t «'f the l.yceur.i t"..t.i>e at th.' JanKsville hifh ch«.l -it. .I'oriuai;. _ Tue-.lay oiirht, Nt.%rinlxi ls?h. This Tofirpariy ha- a ;.roi;ra!!i that varietl an«i . ill.iii'i !*.' lilt ell'S" 111 IT to ioth youn.K old. A one art play is variety to an evening of music, | 'rt»th in-lrume-iilal i .v*l. The mem I'• i - are fari'diar v iih concert and I Iraiiuitie work I. v«- • iven in'ch : tU'iy to tht - fir? rr T7«rk atwi are ally capable o* rorvej n.i; l lie t>est o.ssible that their r.) iu work rf •rils. * Miss I un.l'x ri' tn il-lmivni in this mimdiate s •c'ioh : i'«i State. will avc ri»a.«« of the prufcr.-.m. She is .•i> f.ipjHe iinf vRe v.vJcomeT By er I.'JIIU fotJ • fetetl'l-'. "Just Married" At Nev. Theatre. Wnsh- Monday N%ht At fit*- New Theatre, \'.a.~rtinfcton, Moitnay, Soveiiih rlr. Jul".* HurtiK • iid Me-srs. >#»ubert announce "Just '•larrioi", a truly "llelifhtful ci.m«ljr ».y A-ielacie Matthew- and Anne Nic hols. stajre»l by J. C. Harrraftn and Clil7onl Stork. Ih»rti>i» it* ruii of 'lwo years at the • "oioeily. Shubert and Nora Itayes theatres. New YorST «ritio- were ura.rimous in declari:iif it to be tlie roi.-t jgie ahlf nml eiiter tainiin; play «ka*. ha«i been produced in years. The seen* of this merry farre it on board the French Line steamship, "Ijifayette", bound from Bordeaux, Knum t» N.-w York. Just before the .-.hip's nailinr. * jotrially intoxicated younir nan abmnl the «hip by mis lake, and later in the evening, into -he wrong stateroom. From that tin* oil the peace of everyone aboard k threatened—they bwan so hope lessly Mixed op. thato 'her* is ap poreatiy no way out of their ililßcal tin Eitßtwljr. hwv*r. tbinrs ar Etrc.i,"h«med ou*. and the royarr pro

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