WATCH THE LABEL ON TOUR PAPEE. IT CARRIES THE DATE TOUR SURSCRIPTIOK EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER '•» RECORDERS' COURT IN SESSION TODAY Tribulation Court Filled with Witnesses awl Defendants ReeorAsr's court today did aot pro fund. Judge Smr h exhibited wrthg of the stand-pat attitade ia hi* decu iw "fcf" he proaoueeH jolnmut aiH sentence he stood Arm. The Solicitor. E. & OH. cafied the toll*wing indictments. Sta»e n Gadyst Cordon, iajary to l-rwperty. Defendant plead gwdty to the chance of assaalt whh deadly weapon. Judgment was naip, nihil up on payment of rod. State ts Stencil Jenkins and Willie *ynii was a case of assaalt awl re aistiag am tAcer. The court dis missed the charge of n idling. an of ficer. bat found each defendant guilty of simple assaalt. The defendant Wynn was fined SIOM and half of the coot aad the defendant Jenkins was charged with half tbo cost of Next caat was that of Slate agamst Thomas Locke Two cases charging Locke with assaah with deadly weapa were consolidated. Upon hsorini. the evidence, defendant Locke was nd Judged guilty in each case aad was fined $M in each case aad was chart ed with all the costs. This was a case HI which two ncgiocs were shot in Phnaile a few aights v u. no ii>jary resulting, liswrw from the brawl. DR. MILTON TO PREACH HERE morning and evening of the ctminr of Or. W. H. Milton, of Witaaingtoa. to preach in the Episcopal Church. Thursday «»«inng. Nanmhii Mk. a* 7:30 o'clock. Rev, W. R Nee. Ki ecative Secretary ef the Daoeeoe. and T. R Part nek. of Pljuoth. wl he present also. Dr Milton h tm * th. ■Mat ehigjaan. is the American Charch. hatiaf daw elec tive work ia put'mg ever the Clink's Program which wm land several wan as*. Thsagh erred to go to ether a»> iajr of endeavor. he Diocese of East Caroline to assist ia haepang the Daoecae abreast with others. The pabbr i • nrdull> inntod ?« br at this .«niw on TVs: «H-.- t Tenia* Wanamaker Says: You will fin-1 it a g«-d rmkr not to listen to anything a tattler hi in* ymm i(unt your arighhsri.- Tale hearers have a* righto at 4 should have M Un4mit to it? " ff ceandals or jealoasie* had no cars to hear them, there —M he tower toagae» dour the scaadaliz iag, wart inn their own tint? a»l yaws and ane also—Joha Waaa -rurm ctAMMioniEr The Flapper Graadnotber will be gi»— by a local east af fw*)4w fM ple next Taesday night. Wsiiahr tttk The «Wtor arrived last eren tog and she wiß begin practical "Microbe a# uJ* Jfl hare dlifr quite a noaaaaiatiai to Waai tea for the "Microbe ml Lowe" was tea mr ben ■ Mbimil kf WW**- MASONIC NOTICE There wdl he a special t MI mt Shatibt La4(* Ka. MA. F. * A M Wi fcinliy ÜBhl at 7 45. Nmtfcfi IML Wok m tte i»nl f m 111 jhliy to k * ' • C D. Jr. Secy. M acn faT ["ila lMt m&L Mrs. JUKS a SUw HRIMI HAW *L «T tk iafay the nhiw fa afciffc tk* Sjrfai «w hcUj U4 a «>y pnaiaal pat is tht THE ENTERPRISE BANK OF JAMES- '\ViLL PROMOTE VIIJ .K CLOSES ITS , COASTAL ROUTE DOORS SATURDAY' Too Many Loans & Too Few Deposits Causes ! It to Dry Up Th* Honk of Jamesville clased its !•>»» oatnnia) after a kag 4iar yle through the perilous time- since I9£o. in the hfinawn of the tryinf ,rr iod of deflation, the Bank was tau**!'. with a considerable amount of sl*-w paper on which it has not ben. able to realize. The Hank . toad Bp fair and square and tried to come through fcad had this year been a food farm in* year it probably would hare Bat th? crops being so short, it was m- ; p»=sblc to hold out a nether year. "The deoosi. - were so small, ihe direc ' tot. saw that the expenses coald not be 'iiken care of through the coraiag | year whh ao prospects of more de j posits nr*sl ar.-.her crop r; pr»- ! dared. The official- of iht bank seer-i i* think the depositors will he paid In Ml and promptly. 'I he will mffer some loss unless gred col htiiiin. are made. No chance is nmk- against any of be bank officials or employees. Too Bra| loans in the rood iiaaes and too few deposit* in the t-ying tiases. simply caused it to dry c> There his ieta no iwriTir .ajcJ-t ed as yet. bat it u unWr»u.>i on. cil be appoin*ed withir the test frr days. COTTON ASSOCIA TION ADVANCES 4 MILLION DOLLARS Raleigh, Nov. 18—More lon four r ill .on dul'ji s lave been iitvj.wfi t~ member.- of the North Carolina GTM ers' Cooperative A.v-ociat-eo, -tare the btginninr of the present season, i ccerdi' K to a statement Ufted by T. W. Otmbliaa. Director ef laTer raation last night The exact figures ip to the ciore of bjrineti Nmiuahrr Ift were 9USS.MI.2*. The present crop is coasiderakly later than it was in the fall of IMS (at the percentages of deliveries to date is larger and despite th" short cees of the corp. Cotton is coming to . saociaUui warehouses rapidly and the deliveries last week were far be jond the receipts of the ssme week bt year. This week started off with \ery heavy rsceip's.> brir.r ng report.- of over Mttt bales de- IlitiwL Rev. E. D. Dodd Here Next Year Rrv.E. D. Itodd. pas'ir of the 'lethodist charrh-s of U jHreawoa iad Hamilton for the pa*t year will ■ etami to serve them another yeer. Tfcis is very gntifju* to the • hunches ia both places for Mr. Dodd ir very popular as a minis'er ia *ll has churches and in br th to* as well. He has done a good work ir. his brotherhood and the churehe, -re tronger thaa they have been for years. He and Mrs. Dodd attended the conference at Wilmiagtoa daring th* past meek. ADAM AND EVE HAVE SNOW FOR A BLANKET Adam and Eve had snow for a Maafcet last aight. A few days age Adam was worry ing beeaase Ere was -.Making about what the werid weald ay ahoat her advea.uriag forth into he woods and living as Ibr ongiaal Kv ■ had to live after she was tamed oat of the Gird.*a Deahrless those worries passed ia to eblivioa last eight when the end tarted to blew aad the snow begaa -o fafl aad Adam begaa to get hosy to Aad a warm place to 'ahe his bride ro lay her head. Aayway. we believe that he feood :«oas aisai ef driviag «( the coM for "where there is a it * *■»-" ■" Mrs. EL P. Canoiagham aad little sea. Ned are visiting relative* ie Birmiagham. Alabama They wer yaaaed ia Charlotte by Mr. Caaaiag >hm ha WaskhgtaTbtt aaght. Rev. D. E. Pax ml Panavflc aad Mr. W. H. Helliday were vbhn ia the city Sooday. Rev. C C. Ware, Secretary ef the of North Cera Baa visited ihathei ia Mr. Mi Mrs & N. Gaggaaas saw -Jwt Married" at the New Theatre. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, November 18,1924. SECOND MKETr G OK ASSOCIA TION TO BE l.fcLD AT WAL ACE Id i MBKR 2 Itocky N»v_ 15.—A -f he X. C- I u>ute 40 a.-sociu' i?»n tf t«* Nnlh Atlantic Coastal Hijtlina. *Ol k' held in Wallace at mum TiwAr, iVcember i, scrontinc t-» Uißouvrafiit here tola> by Nannui Y. Cnam bliss. chairman at the association, which has as it. pur- po»e ihe boosting of the Coa-ial hijfi«nv link which traverses North Carolina. Frank M Miller, of Jacksonville. Fla_. presKlent of te South Atlantic Coastal Highway AwiaUoo. a.V Fred G. Want -of Brunswick. Ga. Mtu tary cf th? orerniiation. *il! attend the meeting as principal speakers. Mr. CiaraUk '.atnl Other interesting events ami sul diwti are expected to roam! out the iwvrram which is now in th. more*.: of preparaioa. Rmte # tnrwf.i he S.:i*-? .'m» WeMor. to Wilmington. „ i««ir Ihiuogli ten counties, atT of wh'ch are epettod to Ix- represented a the approaching meeting in Wallace la ..addition repref-ent stives from (Ire tamntin thr mgh which th* high ray. following routes SO and 282 between Wilmington ar»d th" Sou-h Carolina line, are to hf in at tndiicr. T * Rout*- 40 association was fcrc*«i :cveral months asjo at a Bko*!ißc of good tnthu> js*!» fran over 'he -action i-t V.'eklon The Wallace meeting will t-' th? *#r md—of the -organieatio» r while a third Is to b? held prior to the .'■•u!h Atla-:ie a- -ficia? ion's meeting I The c«.niple e prof ram for the moving will be a».rourced in the r.:«r fu;ur\ it is stated LU EIM ATTRACTION IN EVERETTS FRIDAY XIt.HT The Lyceum attraction. "Th • K»:!am Duo" will be aeen in Everetts T> lrr tar aight ia the high school bidd ing It is under the uspic-s of the Everett.* high school ami is giveii as a wholesome form of entertainment fcr the town and community. T3»~ Reliant IHio is a member •»? 1 *he l"*dni~nt Bureau of Asheville I whit h has he h-st know circuit.- over the South.. The Kellams have heen on theaoad for ten years aid have /it, concerts in both th? 1. lilted Can-da. The -otn.«any ir.dedes Mr. T J. kdlam. dramatic reader ami in* [ perv»nalor. whose inlerpretatknw an boil, original and uPH|Uf He w nat i :r»P) a humorist, bat is also a flmdid musician, playing th> violin, j anardola and piano. Hrs assistant. Miss I>?la l>owry, has g strong and atiractive soprano vo*cr xnd she is also an excellent pianist *iml piayi successfully the piano crordian. She appears in the program a many costume Mings. Fo. a full cvenintr'f" fun an-1 -unu. r wst. see the Kellams at th» Everett ; high school build'n;' Thur.-du; ni::ht. j Prirs are S5 and 50 cents. •AMESVILLE SECONDS WIN OVER VARSITY The *A«ntl team of the J»mesv»!ie high school chaßeaged the rar.-ity of the same school last Friday and the, net on the home field. Th. re wa "hlood" in th? eyes of the second team, aad the) went in, seemingly, d«*erm»n rd to win the game and take upon ihfaselve* some of th? glory that urroonl the "first". Jamr.-ville first team having won honors over all the -owns of several counties that it ha.- played, the "scrubs" decided to show them who conld touch them ard fro •ceded to do so. They, played right together unti •he la«t quarter of the last half ike younger boys put over a foul and the «cu« at the end of the game eas 14 and 13 m their favor. It is very creditable to 'he JanwV vile high school that they should have two excellent teams. Both have ha>! the same training and coaching and mc the JamesviL*- seconds u» ia a petition >o challenge any schocl m the coanty. ' CORRECTION la reporting of the Recorder's court Itstvpr" 'k it n> aUM ia the caae ef State va Bonnie Wyaa that Wynn was charged wirh lnkiai. a eels ted bey eat of the stave ef Mr. E. P. Bench. The treuUe mi not eecar ia Mi. Bench's store hat arrets the street, near his store. Mr. Simoa Lilley ape at a few hoars Mr. Dees ef the Dees Monument I maths of Gimiiile eras a aaajtea' ia' the dly yesterday. PEANUT ASSOCIA TION RECEIVING 1924 PEANUT CROP Members Allowed to Sell Half of Crop on Outside Market The Peanut Growers As^sociatii.: has s arted receiving peanats from i's member*. The associaUor is advanc ing an average of l-3c mar.' per pound for the crop than it did last year. The .same policy "ill be eontinsed tl i> year of letting the member? -ell re-half on the open mark-"" ard -ie ■ ■ver one-half to the association. it is generally admitt-d by nearly 1 lery one that this method cf har-i lin gthe 1923 crop kept prices for hoth farmers insad* ami ou**idr the a-- -oriation muck higher than they weak! have bat 11 otherwise. Every indication point- to much larger this y?ar than iast year. Quite a number nf farmers are s'raint up m the one ye.:r con?ract ."o irake "Wivfrie- to the as sociation cf a portion of th.-ir 19?! crop Tr-- prrcnl cr.ip is »m> poor ir «-re«l? ami tW priors are lu* •*» x rnmn' of "kf p«Mims of lh*»«- rmlf to thr now Is **sll"r Ib%r> if vmi* ?;K» hovrrf aamt pull !•* *~hi|E er»p~ «*BHt that thr) Kav * pljynl many times.' If everv pear v? grower will put a ■ nrfioii of kit crop in the association. I* will h.-'p !« raise thr price on thr 'at -Wle martar*. anl also have a r'-ino- riik the demer- to . Hare a lor ia *hr dtsnrd PtooA- marV-t on 'he peutat* that hr put- in the »*- is "rti— ***p k* Sniw of Season On Villajre This Morning T1» first of th • srau>n fell ihU iumiaK, eeweniit the honsr tops Starting this ■»mir.> ahotii four o'- clock thr ij>> feH roit-ly until rifirt ha* aarth rosorhr** it *Tfad as It fell, a l»ttle .'irkinr to the kou-rt.'P iifci letter NKKIIS AN OIHi\MZATI«N TO TAKE C XRF. OF ITS NEEDY On the «lm t» thi» morni nk- our at trolled wa> ralM to -rvriil cw? of poverty in l«*n that w*>l im wrfia'r admliMi. by a forJ woman f V 'llumvo Sin- n sc n« for by hos* f-i tjrrf »«:•' know : c* the r>irtm*l'ncf., »Kr- went at ■>«pp aurl f«!-l that they n«W in H di, hinf »r»l si .«« iixl ar. 'Teraa* by an aflkt'd m^n !f = bere if any* on* wKo c ; ; Jms to borate a • null um or an old over ■ •a! to tlxj* Aflki either to Tk CM ijvi ' fad the> will bf gh •i !» (he p>«.pt-r um» TAKE MY AIIVK ir ~T;-ke V> which will be een at «he S mat Then'.re tonight ci«ai -»r> to be a |>Uy of laifli 'pier art# there will be «aa*s arel flHlnn> by Wflliaiti>o:n'.-- ■*». itift nl MI wi a fu'l rvenin of en it prwnixii Sea > are S *r»' 7J ctiiU ".It bow will be well worth the mon--> II TOWiBILi: KILL MOKE THAN *AK A -.or*b3» kill more than wir. i knr - c.iies irfort fourteen deaths ta an-liy from &a omobsle (.juol it. The «r«e«.v The citte» . e 'kiu«, i>spljs»lt and Bufcio. .OX PABTT AT THE I' IRSI LIFE MHOOL There «iH be a box party at the Farm Life •*+*•J neat Friday eren n*. It M ill t» j .toifcil by a musical mi (■ (uut'ax of intlnimmUl ■■sir jazz (Lonitei and nale |uar A cake will be rim away to the iu»t popular kuL For aa e-renm* of fan. ko to the party which wl' >«(ia at 7:l® Friday evening. MISS PEEL AT HOME lattetet haw* been bitj at foi bm: I l»IO MA Rath Klizabeth PH a' hiiar. Thar ay. Kanmbi i SMk B:St to 11 P. M. Maaiaic Hall * * 0 Mm Eleanor SUahaek and Mr. .%May. They wee- mcmpbM have by Mr. Bade*. Mr. Brace Wy— «f Farm Life! *peat the week end ■ torn. ' ■ ' ' Tl . • WILLIAMSTON WINS IN ASHEYiLLE THEODORE BOBERSON~S ORPING TONS FROM HIS POILTR* YARDS WIN LOVING CUP At the A.-htvflle Poultry show bete iast rofk. 51'. Theodora I'.A r»on won ;hre? first and three third pm». ami alsc. was the recipient of the lav •n; cup for having the W> r c-«km4 -n ;h? wlol? show. The Kmante Poultry Yani* !>as« com;ieie i with poul'ry »n 'he State both this ar« last year an-! many t !TV'.- have cor. pet >1 Tfa pt-ahlT fr«-m other states a.-v v II z.. mcst of the breeders uf North Carol-r.-. 3rd Ip nearly every show -pTimi from? the Kosr«ok~ I'-rhn - Yrnh hav- ■«»» distinction. Th- Jmi?es invariably te!l M: ii.!- erson ' h?.t His -t«t is dearly Cis9y ahead of any ether m tNe S"ate. Next wet k Mr.«i wiil -etc h's chickens to the ("rr-itA. o Pod try shovr* :ir«l he e\-»rt> t > n»-fce 3 nlendid shuri?i ;S.*rr f; arp»rn: & Merchants Bank has *iven Nine teen Years of Ven ice KARMKRS AM) MEKCII %\TS BANK HAS GIVEN XINK m\ YEARS OF SFKYI« V While resolute a>i» this ntnu'ir. me ftw am > the one of fh"" Ftnnrr ;.nd Merchants Rank The a>l h nn. What—aixl Wh»— are i«tk of thi_- I'ank? It answered Ih- ifjr»t»«r ?'linlgllir Plofrviten*--. Il»lpf«ri »ses a-»>l Confti!enc". Thai (wsi! s«atiß»rnt> sr.- *«rv- mm Ttai n t»ni rt :!«lr.»n all ore. the ec :.te count t will htar It has riveo nineteen years of to "hem anal it is no* r«aoirr its re tw!v By reeehrrn? th? nnM-nr» o r rll ttse i«r«pie. Mm irrofßiml rhrourhost "hr S"»t lor ,krir ke*-ri vlsmr w>i t.seir Ni>i ixjs (Wtcu —mcr of >*> i: m«nt ami stres-eth. av k4:«| thr Fanners :ml Merchant- Vs. Ik 2i» H*-y art- msit! " >1 «ne •>{ 11- afest . iml stnmrr-' innb i.« th»- .f thr State. Mrs. Hardings's Con dition (iroK? Worse Miron. Oh*,. No?. !7.—?lr Ha? en C "flow- of the bu ."re.-idem, Wairea l. Har»l' , . h* "een liaseri'!? at •i.-ath" >k-r for n ill la; • arxt i> rn>tk.iH> em* ar. *arre. * Ml: *. A. ri:KRi A WEATHEB PROPHET Th-t Mr W. A. P rry k> j w*»?h*i •rt|»!»e». we ar>» >er-' in w: yesterday mor .m- art I talkie * l«.u« the -t»«Mett rhiie* 'R the wea her. h- fjid to IK. "•»'« i»»r "«• R.»w in a very f.-w day* " H»- V~~ i» r»?v>ii- for rotfc'nr it* tmaik. antonr ttem that tV kd •leers K-'l t«n jo> fully -iMmnnrni" approach TV; w. r- -mm; I irpinf -o bfip l> y- »• r»la> ntor>» nj «V>n Fe f*i»* oat. He tl«- l*4«- i. «hat •!' clouds i»«i~a* -• -bot. and Howr | » ti»« hank' W lh.-y ook*d I 4» " mxti-r Wor" to an. Ami to tr h«-n« - * k«l i, w» fell "hat Mi l'«rry h> talk » r hrouarh his. b!. !-n' «k-» w*- ear ■ u; from unl-r Ih - b|->ttk.t- thl aorf!!iif, and ook a '»cp «*: «he ink- t. .be (rsl thi* k that w So or mj/l «a- th%* SI.-. P--rry ««•» l» ; weather .-*r % nwerk KICFIS OF TOBAMO (WTINI F. MM.I! Th price- beidff pairf for tohanro on h- Wilian»tM ami Eastern Camlma markets continue high. A rr«t «!*al ■A the weed has been narketol tbm hie imme>lia*e teeiioa, erptalh in Martin county The fanners of Ber tie "till have a laree on harvt 'end A majority of that wdl le "ok 1 on the* local flotr-. Wiis Thelma Brown -ptt :i# veek nd with frewL in Winbor. Mr. aad Mrs. Nathan Orleans, Mr Mr*. Waller Orion* aad Mr. ■ y ilnnna Orleans notrJ ia Bocky Moant San day. Meur. Behert- and GUa of Aho»kie wna ia the city Saadny. Mml E D. Haat aad little aa if Chenw, Soath Caroli* are eaitiag Mr. ami Mn. W. B Cherry at their home on MaM «*reet_ Mrs. rherry ■net Mrs. Hat in Saafned «*h a - r aad they made the trip home C th* tamiti j. Mr. H Hamfl ni'rnl to Rdew loa Suday flt.nxaa I DIRECTORS OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEET I ■* Drive for New Members and New Life to Be Staged A wine of the directors of the k ra! Oumbfr of Commerce was h«W -r the bs oß«ces of Dunning. Mu re .-r-1 Morton there wr-- no other busmen atterv-f «i to otht-r than th; putting on a . uve i'or n**w nv-mtv>rs -livl n-w life Kw plan- were finally a-'ople-i but th i- will l> ■ another drive at ar trHy -late an-.i the Chamb r of C»m i*iw »;ll recreate the T.I-r.- ■: t.f •eveial months ago. UN- Chamber of Commerce ha. is«-trum-ntal in retting several n n;> .iojir for the ailvancemeT of ami Maittn tounty aR«i it t» ilo mori ;n «h-* near future. MRS. SARAH F. ROBERSON DIES SUDDENLY Mr- Sarah I". Rob r-on »f l.nflin- ilmi ihis morning at Vi-tk She lia>i Im-ii sic*: >inr - Sur. •"ay. bo" irr.s thought to be much i.««T thi.- m«minir whoit she ma> o'Mtilj taken with an at lark t-f /.-art failure ?n-J lyin«» soon alter Mrs. KoSer .on was the widow i f •He late Alfre«i J Kob-rson ami rh» "■ave- a family of *i* children. Mr-, i'lk Mis. Ultra Rob nM. Frank. IVrli* ami Mack R?d> ■ i son and Aiihur Koberson. Mrv Rckerson was a ilautKl»r «f "«e late C. C'oltiain an.l wife diuhrth Cullmln She was lit her ":fty fflh year an&'wss a" si-J"r if ~lc'am--- 1. an-t C C. CV-Itrain Mrs. Herry lu-V»rso-i arid Mr . T. Holiday. Ih; r«!i"*ii*:ib for :L' fs'Rtri! :mi burial ■ erviees liave not Seer a 1 thi* time bu". it is e*pte"e«* hat tbey will tab* pi M -y tuinorroac »!• "« it*w-:i Mrs Bah -r-ori wa- a hi' restricts *.~omii?i who lov*it til th« -e A' l ?e. fcho!" fee r«e* i:i drily contact anl wa '» 'avi.l by ;h-W. She r.'H rr-atly in her community. Saunders vs Hani Ham vs Saunders T*;» «aV of liiscuvkid i-. Miwts«-I ■ p>i us by lk fi#*ht tetv. - e*n;' "i 4 \V F. Ham ::nd Wit'T W P ••{ K1 italic*S City. It -tem -0 t« a ca.e v.hre t«« • nr-ms ha*e «rt. talisllit' a -rnal . t>>r»n 1: w all Have to be admitted there » ■wirt) i»ii each .lid" llam Ic * rmsinixeil t«» be a great |>i sachet jnl « H" he p- a Vii in»y t-f lie h.'ing torn- pr. I cur . U Ibe cot ill r>. liat. hul thoib'Jkb ttf i'Wii honest Christian converts ami ' jwjiorr I'luch ..owl in th- rwuii). I kr iimi I «th«r p opl'-, bow rti r e b:* - 'hi m.".ny clirgi - r,» ir lim lie, thi tun.-, mail-' chare* gain--! Juliu- i;o.-i'ii«aM, a. rtt«» *e» ~f Chica-'o Satwlfr imn ilci>!» .»«k issue with llam and m.iit«* !N 'al-wat that .en. i« «i flat a fj|^ h buu j>fK _r> thai Ham it- - .- !«I>l utiM u i hi - uWulikM* a- wt I ander* becjiu.-a- ih-y have . oowp 't*tr tw;r*r «4»*s r iiwr «han the.! I *■' I#-? to It* Wollll. it i«ia> prove a xalu'ibb- to 1 IJiv Mr llam ami nil iikilv twh hilt) that he can't Ituiki -t> >iutiuiity b> crucifying J«c> Hi. ptc-acixr tlial ha.-. t» bu» -1 his i «n tiavp by cur Citho!irui • lletnewism. Monnnnism ot any o h-r kind of ism ha- not miS light mm ht- (.*n catxlle stick. Uei -and Mrs K. I) OmM ami Mr. !; fluke Critcher retuni«i last evening *fv*rj* M ilmington where they aliens? e>! Ibe cutiferetice of the Metbtalt-: .» lir, K. I*. Cumungham was a visi "ct a Wa.-hiiigtor. last night. Mr. 4. Marion Criftn spent the -.»*+ mrf in a»d near Jame>TUle. Mi. aixl Mr . L. I». Ilarrist.n, Mi - f.wlfl Slarnioi awl Mr. itill Ham >«i visited friend* in Tarbero Sunit > Mr. and Mrs. K. F. lleydenreKii *4 BUxr.tinvill* the week end in ike est} with icUthm. Mr. aud Mrs. C. I>. Ca.-starpfcen J Mr. Latham Thrower, Miss Mar) and; Carstarphen, jr. pent Simla) ir Bdharaa with Mr. anl Mrs W. A. Mr. aad Un Pul Ear u' Meta J one* 4 Boanake Bapid* riot ed Mr. a*d Mrs. Hi Kay near Wil I M«i Frank and lr»mg Manrais fidM friewds in Rocky Monat Son —» AOVKRTMEES WILL FIND OLE COLI'MNS A LATCHKEY TO ICM KOMEj» OF MARTIN COI'XTT. ESTABLISHED IW j HLARS M-LEAN HAS i NEW PLAN FOR TERMINALS Champion of Public Ports Claims to Have Inside Information I .* . .. ItioMsboro Tiowsi T'at W-jwr eieet A. W. Mclean I I! r «n mm-rMi the appropriation of for -he e*»ab!i*hjß??!t of Ijallt u-tminals in North Carolina to II "he C.rtrsl Assembly, is the :n;er*-st!jig tut of piJiticai -p-.cula ; i***i bf»oeht to Cold boro yt-s*«rda'y I by .• champHm of -he ports roca»0!-» s * rl.' ?.*.- to on the in. - ccor-:'-- -o th's ourc-' of infor : i. Cw.-.T/.r M irrL-iw ar. I Ihe • e: «-th .vi- reach-si a com ;.iont« e on the i»rt terminals mea ur«. *1 -r»iij Mr. McLean will rec •«a-.met. a r«i(f m-iiw . i«- :V-t i - ran;.;..e t?" he for .-*-r's. ni fi.c.t This approprlc > "S ■' j - •* bc j K- a Wt.tir.!! 4 to I*; out th** !L JAITFSVnXE NEWS NOTES Tisf ll?i.k of Janv--ville cloie>l last Fi>lav It i- ery un:"or*unaie ef «!se u—pi" it wj.s ur.ab'e to to • |.ouh h i -l* year >- ::,ich |ir> m rathe l--.r i i-i i is i,nrße«'". 'e Mr V. 'iiiam Syk-s of Uichmocl *a- in tow.i Saturday. The 11 >mooth fe«b ration me* at th? isaptis' chcrcti of our town last Thus* "fht 'I - Caro* I' rr-w • wbo I -*s b.-e.i seri- E-iy id with pn"s.»m n«a is much bet 'i Usui Mss> Opal llrs wn of M-rx 'it!-, tol * KaS- »gJI. «p"nt the we-k eiii v.ith Mr br.itt«r. Mi- Carol lln.wn who iai bee* rtiy »ck - Mr ai-d Mr-, liu h Smith and wnsVr -t Greenville wtre th"? g*_l» f Mr. Mn. 11. I- U.vris of l-ar en*. Mi. >id -Me» H. f»e'dwi w* -iirvi - wi*h Halite- *»- ar I'iae opt- I Mi Aiiiii" S.-w'.on «f Han jston !t«ad-. \a \iti'.i! fn- wi- uwl r--la •si" i»ai J.*n - vill.- Ihe |o.t *>-ek • is! M: J U ) ft-Ur visit'd fri?r U f. IV-tumn .-(l'niav. A pr.'tei ififetii" was hef.l at the 4f*- «.f Sivv Mary Fa»a» liW I'ri | iy -v 8.1.K A i;cui crowd *1- jres 1m Ml - • "aniiiSto*., a iik'nitK r of the lucau citoui faculty, and vho hail the ti ifc:tsii- io lin-.ik in t !s» in ar; au ocMstnl- tcridefc' a short wl'tle ago » im|«vi nt veil h t is. I*«-r frieis»ls . .!|» ' it; J •IH stlii' wish "■y» a iSed-b.! cha-o*e ; ,r li t- b at . n e-rly dale. Mrs r - tan lirown and Hubert . uik-i. aie ir; to oi"an'n a club . 1-r i«b» >vilii i! ;h scnotil. They ■tu kw: inr" *uh eiicoUi,rgment .|> ibut l:*j ate much in e-« ,n lit-it >»o:k i I iiilti Dies I i.lir Mi i' IJoy Miiitii, lilt _ -.tiii-. o i oi -it. aiid Mr.-, r ii-lit . unit, (I ir ai JiiDf.-vili" 4m a", i. c . var ol l*s pai ?"its lar* Thuissiaj. • i.i -r* i l.sth He (.at oidy aboui .iftten i.ioii 7 its , , \ -M .hi i_-.l -keen >ick i >r anon* .n The lnMiai rll Iti - w- .e t ..Hiucleu *y Re*. A. J Manning on Friday. In • ■oi-: . *«i> «ta«k- sr. '!.** Aage »i>- i ___ ■ ;its-e-s Mar. | j . f le.t*#! SianbLck ami Mesjtrs. II Hi. ell. la-wi. Foci and Uav .«ui Taylor atli-inied 1 lit show, ""Just %arrwd n Ma-ii'i.gU>n last night. Misses lvl.i and Helen 4nmid aid t hat.. Godwin, jr. vers Mian >n a hington Li_ t airnt. Mr anJ Mrs. O. 11. lltad. Mr*, iame lligys V. ill-art*. Mi- I- C. 'Vt-u'.t M«l M Juilis- S i'rtl at twkil the gold tournament at the :*nan&i Anne Clah. Virginia Beach, ast «.«k emL Mr. Ball Harvdl witniri the bow a Mr- Habeit Morton awl ir tie Laugh er. kalhenne have retairned from oßsta who* they have been v lu: mg dainw. Mr. Hubert Morton has retained i 'imb Gtwria where he has been oa i ® | . be- -rem trip. "Take My Ativiee"* at 'he Opera lliMt this i iiahg Cnk narty TO will the rack. Man Tralah Ward Page tpemt the week ead with her mother. Mra. C Mr*. Am ll.iniia. Mr aad Mrs John L lilimw and children spen' •he «nt cai m Tarhrra with Ida tills-

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