nuwEVßrnimmißPUsis BOE HIES ME OF CMPIEIE SUCCESS —rmmmm A ptoa fer ■ f—l ttlil e« Br. Alhart fthwctrt BOOL • ■■l li Ml tm the finbmw et cattle apM tabaiielncla. la m* 19 Br. Allea K Kraaaa. et tha latraa Kavtew e* Trtmdnli. la the October -rtir at that J a ara 11 Doctor Itoww Dactar OUMttai poaltloa m» Aasiataat ****■oo. wkUkte aaaa that Blif Walti |baa hia varciae. n a strata at tabula badlW whMh has haaa mm throe«h 23* pl'alfcar at tbaee carats la that arhlla they are Ilka ■thai" tahaaeaMs geraaa la BMtat parUcalars. they ara aallke them la ttla wirt that thoy da aat caaaa tha oedtaary paOLaaess of tabor tmtmtm. tha ssttlat ap at taksrclse. aad tha aalsift daatractlaa 2 aadaaSb U — t^rsss1 are iatrodaced tato the 'y»te» Ceivae laocalated with 808 have resisted ettarta to give thaas takirtaliala with vtrataat hhwh bacOU tar aa laas aa afehteea anatii Calmette aat hli aaaoclataa hava aM wi thia IT* yeara to rid iiailaadj taltacted hiaa at tabercaloala hp gradually doing away with tha aea-vai riaatat cattla aai keeplag oaly tha vacdaatad aaaa. aa thaaa fiiml tha aatmral la cr aaaa by birth woald replenish tha hata. Bp to May. IMC thay hava vacdaatad I*7 yaaag caWee •B at which riaalnl la |rt»q health Tha wadaalaa reached by Calaaattu la that "at p>seiial ibi 1 laailaa aai aaaaal ra-vacdaatma Slaca forty par cast at malai a adalt cattla. that b. > yaara at ageaad over. geaaraßy thsaaglaial Aa coaatry gtva ovldoaeaa at taber ralaaia. Dactar Kraaaa palate aat that aay rfarta ta aat aat Cabaette a ecpertmeata aad aaaba BCO aaafal aaaiiahaaa woaM a a aavtag at laailna ■miaaa at dollars to tha cattla iadaatry at tha worit Dactar Kraaaa patato aat alao that Chlaaatta'a aapeii»aata la baTha*wetlaaa*akalhaT lm «aya at Ma ara aajgwi;.- active immaataatlee at ehlldraa ia thla eaaatry. Ha iatlaaataa that htwa thla la attaaaptad. the Mat exhaaativa taveatigaHoa ahoald ha ■ada aa cattla: tor. aa ha says, "oae caaaot halt taaMa« aartaia that whataaer will kaap cattle fraai gettlag tabercaloala fill alao eveat aaßy ha faaad ta pramt tha dlsaaae la aaaa " Ca&ette'a BCO la ■aafcl -aly la aalaaala that have aot prerloaaly baaa lafacted with taberralaala. othara tha BOD la of aa valae. Metebhataadtag the kaowtedgo aad yirtaaa alaallli work la taberralaala by Dr Osmetic. aad tha implicit caaMeace placed ta hie ability aad lategrity. yet It la aeceaaary that hta work, as Dr. Kraaaa aaya. aboald ba -checked by may observers ia maay laada aa maay aaunals aad later oa taaay lafaata that will likely be ex paaad ta lafectloa by their arathera. aad that the Baited States of •■"lf* witk Ira favored acaaoalr aad adaatldc outlook aad tta warm appreciatloa of the aatbor'a work la tka taberralaala world, ta thajlaca ta hava a largo ahara hi piaita» tha valae at GaMtaH Nocwtthataadlas the fact that tha praat at tha valae at thla 800 ar varrlaa caasat ba accepted at thla atace 4 tha lavaati«atloa aa typhald aad diphtheria preveatlva iaocalatlaaa are. aad aatwltbataad las tha fact that It la oaly elective aa aa lmaaoaialaK aiaat ta tboaa wha hava aavar had aay laftactiaa at aay kiad ay the tataertle bactUaa. yat ia all prahablllty tbia la tha graataat dlacoreey that haa aver brea aaada toward Imaaaiaiar acaiaat tabercaloala Arrangement* have been aaade by the Nattaaal Tabercaloala Aaaa datfaa whereby laveatisatora psoperly approved may be able to aecara Oalmatta e BCG tor experiaaeatal parpaaea. praeided that each tavaa t*»-*a meet c«-rta a ro .dltlaaa laid 4o«r» by the AwoHatloa COUNTY GOVE*N*ENT _ 1 _____ At tfc- last rrjruUr ■Mtinf of the North Caroline CU, Mr. Paul W. Wa ter h—wi Bumm Efteieacy in Gmmfty Gtnnmitiit As an introdoc Cam to bis paper Mr. Wager mailed that ta 1917-18 the Club ha.! d»cusse.l '*•» *bject :ad thr litnuwu when pahlii liui in Ike yearbook bad attract ed |Mt attention within and without ««hfr sebjert ever undertaken by the the state, in fact more than any Ctak. The North Carolina Ctab wa> eiplMtan a m« Md. The awakened win*«t ■ local (wmnnt mated by the appearance of the dob Year- Rook fed to the State and County Omcl held oa this campus in Sep tember Ull Her* were gathered MR than three hundred representa intt The Governor presided. and bte aad local oOcnli brought their |s ihlimi up for discussion. It was a conference aad bad a healthy *•«* oa North Carolina government, bo h local and state. Tww years later came the first Re pml Conference on Town and Coua . tf The state associ atisa of county naak'iwn at thee- 19X2 meeting endorsed practical ly uui one of the ■qtrtjiw which .had giona oat of these I safin am Ouac to lack of time Mr. Wacv a— at county affairs. He / ■aid. lham ia not a nwimlii way - "■ad a BipaMh■■ way t* rwa a court house or kaOd a highway, bat than la aflawider public affairs as simply, as dnmtfy. as openly, aad as cheap fiaaace: tax meriag, tax collect lag. cad tax npfdtog. sad North Cam — mm i«u. ' As for tax mmtmmg. it to to (he ta ke fpeilj listed. aad at a —if— 4Mf that ~aß ptiputy ke taxed ky ..-» •* ' ■ valae in money." VSt*' the lav had heen so completely disi«(anl«i thai in WIS the had to pass a Krnls.itinn Act mjairuiK that all |m>r«tr he IL-ted at its market valae Thft resul «ra« that the val ue of all iropfrt) rose from }US9, 000, Mm to $.!. 1.^.i or an in i*aaa of nearly 210 per een*. There •eie aMol to tha tax book- more than car million acres of land that Ha escaped taxation l » fortattHjr this valuation **• ma>W daring r perio! of ialb'in; am* ♦he slump there hod to be a readjust ment wh rh was left t>y the ature in i* haixls of separate roun •* ties with the result that we are aow farther away from a standard! valua ion thaw ever before. Tax (tßfriait Mr. Warer next mentioned the de linquent taxpayer, aixl the Iktinr of 'is property for sale, but ia aetaal waetiee not conducting a bona IM* safe. Noboly will buy br»u>* of the annoyance involved in ret tin* a valid] title, and the county •AeixL do not Ju3t Received I I 3 Car Loads of New Fords § WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED THREE CAR LOADS OF NEW §1 2 FORDS OF ALL DSTERS, TOURINGS, SEDAN, g g TITDOR AND COUPES RS * • , Hi! & COME IN AND GET FORD PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY 63 YOUR NEW CAR. I WE CARRY IN STOCK. A COMPLETE LINE OF GENUINE 1 _FORD PARTS. L | i- 1 ". m . ~ - —> «. So B. R BARNHILL I i ffl Williamson, . hay in the property bem* they are afraid of the political effect For a whOe the an pa id taxes stand ajairot the land, bat aooa a new set of coon ty ulun come in; they do not wish to mate themselves unpopular by try ■K to collect old debt*, -o the date i b wiped off and the nev ndminislca ' ticn begins afresh. In some counties !h» '«ss from uncollected taxes, duo | to these lax methods, ir 35 much a - I en or fifteen percent. The cast of co!" taxes has been unnecessary hijth as a rtssii of paying the sh' riff on 2 cMwskic' ha? \ since he is paid 5 per crrjt cr. She firs? STOW© cille.-'eu ard 2 1-2 per cent on ;he halamr. It is evident 1 ha* with taxes arverarir. - S"2SO-foo per coun'y. this is 3 p'etty !Jfr. tire commit'ion. The treasurer hi- i".o'.her vn mc: iry eipenae, for th r; arr terV. in every court v which arouM vliilly Kanii'f coun'y fund- for noth »n|t. At leas' 'wentv-six countie.- have akeli'ltrtl the office of county "rea urer. »r a h«r h: ve chose: >ome her!: si? asarer. Tax K\p« adii'- The o _ her main source of waste is in the exnenditnre of the fends 'n 1522 there were only fouteei rour> ie who ■> trrrert expcrnlit»r» « •- less than 5 If*' (W while ther" vrerr Buick Continues its Leadership ' For the arvcnth consecutive year Buick hat first choice of space at the National Automobile Shows. This signal honor is awarded annually by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce to the manufacturer member having the largest volume of business for the preceding twelve months. In winning and in maintaining this enviable position year after year, Buick has demonstrated conclusively that the true value of any automo - bile is reflected in the consistency with which the public buys it. Since the of t .e 1925 Buick models, public patronage ha: increased to an even greater degree > f A tribute to the Buick engineering skill and manufacturing ability t!.j! I«ave provided newer and better Buick cars w . hout departing in any way from the fundamentul« f po.ver. canoir.y and dependability 101 . L.cii t>!l EaLL* been famoai. N. A. Kcddick Motor Co. SCOTLAND x»;« K, NOKIH 'Ali; Whm btmr mmamebOm are built, Bakk will fadd them TUB ENTERPRISE. WTLLUMSTON. NORTH CAtoUKA fifteen that spent over SSOOjOOO. ! Strange u it may seem, only three i • . or four of these cour. ies Kit* syste- ; ' matsc business-lik? methods cf toil-! ing these funds—no bßsuKs. Biaat- j er, no complete audit, and no method- j ' cal book-keeping. Most of the officials' j are elected because they are cood j i fellows and need the offiee. They are, ] not selected for their business qua!i-' | lies : n the majority of caaes. Mr. Wager cited a lor.jf list of *■; '--•fci cases recen ly brough* to ligH | w»;inn the stale which j lii? ck> > of w-ste, inet*»cienc>. ui.l j occasionally fraud. 'n one county it w»s discovered that! a carload of floor had been loi-.ned; I 1 ' to a merchant. If 'he fljur was ever I ! j returned thera was no record tj shew I jtor it- In another the sheriff had cell >c;e' l about s2.(¥ X) aftar the roTo- . ha-i j l>een sent in to the auditor. IK- had j j pan! all th» state hr.d demanded and] ' Was yet due #2,000 but d-d not J ki . w it. j hi Lenoir county an audi; saved the | county about $30,000. still the audi | tors did not charge any officii with intentional wrong-doin*—ju;t a result o' laxity in the kcepirg of the records. I One county reports "The tax collect ed after the books wer»» close.! and j the errors ami insolvents jast about •valance, so we make no record of these." | ! In one county of the state the j » 'sheriff is. SSO.AIKi short. Yet in spite; It: this th.- voters of his j»ar:y re | i >Rvru> ed him. He Inter withdrew ! his candidacy. Ih one county ihe Cieik of the > Ccnrt, who \ -as a ,cood feSlovr. mis- 1 'appropriate"! .-o-ne before) j finally bcin;r caught. In a iieai by county t'n» County I'oard of Education has been found ruilty of practices that are not or"i> j unbusinesslike but illegal. It is a common thing to begin J makir.: collections for the new year liefore Ihe books are closed for 'he j ; previous year. In this way shortage* ' may be concealed for years. In one county the Commissioners had nM j had a settlement with th» sheriff in ; tfocr years. No Headship In our NUianal government we | hsve a chiey executive in ihe Presi kn* »vhi» Appoint* the heads of the departments, in a city either :h-* ir.iyor or the city-manager has :he | j ppointive power Hut in the countv '1 . ' Ihrre is no chief executive and no Tadation of authority. Kven the j ifuntv commissioners have r.o effect j - ! ve control over the sepnr-.ite ■ They simply audit the books for pay ment after the debt has lieen cor I tracted. If the bill is reasonable thev 1 - • j P"V it. if it is unreasonable the\ fume a little and then pay it. Some Remedies In conclusion Mr. Waiter j ten principles of business efficie- cv 1 in coun'y administration that would | help to lessen the waste of pub! ■ j funds. , ■ 1. List all property at a uniforr ' rate of valuation. 2. Attach a heavy penalty to will' *ul concealment of taxable wealth. 3. Abolish township accessor* ami «ll other township officers •4. Aboli-.?. the i ffiee of count" treasurer 5. Collect all un|>ail taxe.* from »-*rsor,al property if tiotsible. la- 1 -hould be sold a a last ie--«rt ami hen it should lie a bona fi*ie sale. Kxcept in tiie |oore..t countie* put all officers on a salary basis: 'very fee ami commimssien to be col lected ard accounted for. Devise and install a s>mn!e ami uniform account ing system in everv ccunty, with a manual of instructions. I * Secure adequate appropriation* j 'o provide «he state auditor with a . competent set of field agents >o the, I- : niiual audits may lie completed ® Provide a full-time business mar i ?rer to execute the order* of the I SEE WHAT ' A ;" Yo " ' >rH,efttd 1 \m Against Autonio |jj| $2.00 DID bile Accidents? || Federal Life Insurance Company j | j« j ISAAC' Ml I.l.Kit HA MiI. TON. President .- L fag. /Wj j£ | Claim No V \ } NOV KM It KK 13. IU2-4. ; j|fi iwj i— r ]— P»y U the order mf Ht>NA MAF SCIIOt.I.. I:KNEFTCTAKV OF ITS S2OT*TW J «1 J3J } -3 £ TATE JOHN C. SCHOLL, DECEASED ' $4 fffl I i txi i?M I » I TUO 11101 SANH £ XO-IU) ItolUrs . fro i { i ,n ** tl mm*. «.f da ms a.- ,ir? ftfipt mi kick ht*rc»t. \ Rf; | ** I To Federal Ijfe liuunkim Compan>• . . , , ~ . \ ' \ {J I wj | (i.aa K o. in-1 .M. rxlße fil BR j f Payable lh>u*n f J fcli M j j , Stale lUuk of hiraco STATE MAN ACE!:. j { rj Ky John C. Scholl, painter, F-.rd Mulo? Company Charlotte. . J! I yj pa«l annual premium t,f fclOO on August Hth, lifcM. for one 1 t! j l£ of our Federalized Travel Aftui' nt policw.- He jw in- F] J w ssantly killed, Noremler 6, I :'4, when his .-tUlomobile K»j lC •> •*« wrecked at Avenue crossing in a collision ■ •El W W 'V I 1 switch engine. Above chftk shows that claim was u! paid on fourth day after accident. L 3 I f—lßi i !■■■■■ n,it policy Covers injuries ,lue to wrecking, disablement jit) U ATTRACTIVE or k*"'* tnrown from an automobile, street car, railroad 'm n IC'lTiriX! ".rain, or while in a burning building, :ukl pays also a Ui 5 ■ " viol 1 lUll weekly iixlemnity of $20.00, limit 13 weeks. It can be ?£ I I TO ACJFNTQ *"->• issued to both men ami women, age* 10 to 70. You can- dii - not tell whj-t minute something might happen to you. ' W j ______________ liefer plr.y safe and ilepoait %2.n0 with us. ffi. Federal Life Insurance Co. I ■ JAMES A. LEG(IETT, Agent WILIJAMSTON, N. C. | j P. M. EDGE, State Minaser, 19 West Fourth St Charlotte, N. C. | toard, act as purchasing agent, audit the bills as represented, and prepare the annual budget. 10. Establish a budget system in every cxnty and publish each year an ir:ell;gible report of the finances. —University News Let'er. "NOTICE OF RESALE" N'otice is hereby given that under .*>nd by virtue of an onler of re-sale riven from the Superior Court in 9 the matter of F. W. Hoyt verms The Peoples Hank, the bid at the form er sale having been raised within the time required by law and in a man ner prescribed by law. the undersign ed Receiver for The Peoples Bank, will on Wednesday, .he 26th day of ♦- —.— _ T | j PAINT YOlTt AI7TOMOBILK— i | i LET US PAINT YOUR AUTOMOBILE j j WE WILL DO IT IN 10 DAYS AND IT ! ! WILL LOOK LIKE NEW. i I ! N. A. Ridclick j j ! Motor Car Company | I . I For Huick Cars I ! - + ♦ — J ♦ I I j Your Cemetery Lot ! j i How Docs If Appear? J • The unkept cemetery lot is a reflection, fts appearance is expressive of their t'eei i ini»s for the one hurie.l there. I | Perpetuate the sac red memories ot those of your loved ones who have passed T j hy the erection of an enduring monument ( ome to see us or write for designs and j j j prices. If we can't interest you we lose, if | j we can we are l>oth ahead. Dees Monument Works Monuments Maintain Memories j GREENVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. j ♦_ J November 1924 at twelve o'clock U. in front of the Courthouse Door of Mar;in County at Wlliamclcn, N. C. c-fier for eale, at public auction, for ca>h, to the higher bidcsr, K.ld sale 10 be made .subject to confirmation by the Court, the following described property, to-wit:- That certain property in tli-: town of Williams ton, X. C. on Main street, known as The People? Br.nk. together »i"h certain casements thereto be longing. ami all furniture and fix tures thereof, and being the same property heretofore 1 sold by the un dersigned Receiver, adn now re sold on account of the bid at the former sale having been riised. This the I»th day of November 1924. J. G. STATOM, Receiver for The Pt»oples 11 nk 11-11-2t