NOTICE A spotted sow ana few spotted shoats wID weigh about 75 pounds have keen in nf pasture for about 10 days. Owner wiD please come far . litem. Eager Perry, R. 1, Jamesrille N. C WANTED: TENANT OR PI RCHAS er. We have a four horse farm with good tenant house, fend sait- , able for cotton, tobacco, corn tjd ( peanuts, will lea.:e or sell on terms. SIJ.DE RHODES * COMPANY, HAMILTON. N. C. j IX>R SALE: ONE BI'ICK COCTRj In condition. Fi~r new tires, ' 4 Price *IOO.OO. See Mrs J. S. Rhwie^- FOR SALE: NICE EARLY JERSEY Viskeficld Cabbage plant.-. fro=t per hundred. —Lady Tbom pson Strawberry -s at 25r ne' hundred at my "ruck f=rm. near Hasseil. during Nov. ami l>ec A. E. PURVIS. 11-7-ep NOTICE LAND SALE Vr.cier aii-l:virtu-» of the p>v sr oi -al" co !"a!i*e I ir i c-»r.aui »?*J of 'Vrst w»rch is recoidrd ir Book H-2 page 148 Martin County Reg istry. to the umiersigre-i trustee, de fault having been msde sr the |«ay nient of the notes herein ami the holders hereof having maie for the exercise of said power, the under signed will on Satuniay. December 6th.. 1924. before the Court House door in the town of W illian-.-tor. N. j C.. offer for sale to the higher i" der for cash the following 4«tid* in Mar> in Cour t>. Xorti- I'na. Robersonville township Two parcel- of lanl locate-! a >d j i escribe*i as follow.-, to-w it First: One lot ir. U>wn of Farmele. N. C fully described in a deerl from Leslie Fowder ami wife Susie Fowden and Wheeler Martin and wife Louie P. Martin. late«i on j the 24th. da> of Januar;.. 1920. »n-! i-econlerl in book I»-2 1-a"' 21.. tr V.-liich reference is hereb;. ■«*!*•. Mw \ ■in County Registry. Second: A one-half undivided in terest ih a c-tam tract of lend in T'.oliersonville towr.-hip. Martin Coun ty, adjoining the lands of W R Pur\is. Henry Council. IMI; Ward. John Mayo. O P Robersoc. T*.e John Mc Mathews land, ami uther.s containing 45" acre . more or les- Beiisg the same land «le>eribe>: in a t'eed from J I. Williams ami wife Ma'tie L. William- to 1_ D Ktebadi. . «l*ted on tlie 17th. day of 1918. and recortled in B »k Y-l p:«pe 19. Martin eount> Registry, refer enc to which if herel>> leta-ie for ti more accurate iie-cript, «.i. This Noven.l>er 7th. 1"*24 H. PIRMS TAYLOR. Trustee l!-1* ' rOLDS d imdw ihn mamrmt mm/tf W maud aatsnasDr wfck— VISISS w IT m m ju.iw betrayed Their first conversation betrayed the facttthatt t she teas mot fastidious. AT a distance ik' kiJ appeared /* unusuallv twa*. unmacolarr But upon their fcrsi fac«-10-face meetinp he discovered that hef teeth were not clean And he sou® low interest NotKe today bow >o«l. yourSKit. watch another person's teeth when h or the u talking If the teeth are not well kept tbey at uace kec «e v. a liability. , L,m, ■■■ Tmtk •*— ZTT..a^^er— tmdbmtmi. A large tube of 1 iMeisne T»rk Paste is only 25 cents, at yon« di»r pst's f wl(- r 1 -J/~* Louts, v S J j Don't forget | I Your Hay Wire, While jj • hh QZj li It Is Going Cheap. 1 Culpepper Hdw. Co. 1 1I ' WHJJAMSTON, NORTH" CAROLINA LAND SALE I nder and by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by R. H. Long to the undersigned, recorded in Book 4C2, Page 43, of the Martin County Registry , I will on Tuesday, Deeemb- j er, l«th, 1924 at 2 P. M. in front of the Post Office in Oak City, N. C sell at public auction for cash, the following described real estate, to | wit:- ' All the right, title and interest of ' the said R H. Long in ami to a cer tain tract of land situate in Goose 5 Nest Township, Martin County, State • of North Carolina, adjoining the lam! 'of J T. Savage, L. H. Hux. Bill ! Jones. Calvfn Smith. Claude Green ! tnd others, lying on Tarboro-Oak City RoadknOwn as the Joe Long -place, and containing 350 acres more or less, the in'erext therein convey er! being a one-tenth, which said u. H Long inherited from his father. Joe I-ong. Th ; s Nov. 15, 1924. W 0. HOWARD, Trustee "V 11-18-4t NOTICE OP SALE OF REAL ESTATE I'nder and by virtue of 'he power «i" sale container! in a certain deed of tiust execu t*t to th** ir trustee by M G. Bullock and wife Delia Ilullock on the 23rl day of Sept. 1921 .which said deed of trust .- of r rord in th«* public ; g' try o! Martin County n liool: G -2 -' r.«r: 2>i.d tl.e «l-eil r*f 'rut j rvrinc certain note- of even date r;* 1 j tr-nor therewith ami d.*ta\»lt h.iv •: i l>eeTi I• la'lr* in th«* i»: > vvi:* «f "-!•• i 'nvtes and.the i ipu!:i"i')n^ I :r , the said deel of ru-1 not havm • 1 betr* comp!i;ii v.ith s*nd :.t .he re ; of the holder of the said note - j the und* rsigred trustee will «n Fr ' ;»y the 19th di>\ of l» r. 19' i* at 1 i o'clock M. in fron* of Hi cot". - ■ » in th«* 'own of V iil r.'riS*'* | Vort'i Caro! ; !:a offer for • ?le to the HOW S THIS? ■*UH ( ATARMII • Hi:UI4 IMB Will do what we claim for it—rW your system „f Catarrh or Dwfnfa ■ au« d by Catarrh H4UD CATAMRH MBUICIXK con «(»t* of an which Qutrkly Rrlleves the catarrhal Infle.rrmation. and the Internal MeJlcl-.e. a Tonl'". which arte through the Blood on the Mu»"OU» Hurfa* ee. thus restoring normal ondl tftOMß Soid by 4mni(U for over 40 Tears. K. J. Cheney A Co Toledo. Ok'ft CHINA SHIPS MILLIONS OF EGGS TO U.S. EVEN WITH CHEAT INCREASES IN OUR OWN EC6 PRODUCTION AM A TARIFF WALL. IMPORTATIONS ARE HEAVY. TO T AL WH WIS 1916 IW7 •IW : 19t9 IWO jWM BP DOZENS iS' _ J i/_\i V\Ml \T "*§y \/| \ — KIOOO OOC Mi I ; ■COOttOOO —1 1 —_ ■OOOO.OOQ I II O » ■Mwomw unninTvan wumi mi DOZENS Of ECCS IMPORTED FROM CHINA MM NOOOOOO —— *4 TOO 000 wtt n too 000 WJO "J22 222 km iicooooo •»000 000 mi 4*400000 »" 000 »n 11400 000 im w "Q OOP 'hinese liens art- layliic millions of tlmriu of * f£* to be beaten Into Amer - ho rakes and cundies, in spite of (lie Inrnnwd height of the tariff wall I'jioukli hliiK)' eggs are coming Into the I n.ted States annually to funilali approximately one dozen for every family. Itut the Chinese ben does not coui ;>ete with the American hen in supplying ilie eiK" for the breakfast table. Of lUe £1,710.000 down (Dtuing In last year (inoil.-allj all were In the dried or (njin form. according to the Sears It.-chuck Agricultural Foundation The American hen anuot he accused of loafing >n the job. In addition to furnidilng all the e(tu* needed for A u.eriran us* , she |>r>«!u« es a litijte Mirplus for ex|K>rt. Last year this surplus amounted to dozen — lozeti more than were Imported The American e\;-.rta were largely eggs In the shell, which sell at higher :liun the frozen and dried eggs from I'hina. In IVI4, Juit a decade afo, there were d.nren Chines, eggs Im ;«.rted By 1918 the Imports totaled dam, and in ISCSI the mimlier !iad cliiuhed to*U»*t dozen In l'.C! the year the tariff went into el'ect, oaiy i 11.827,000 dozen were ii;ip«>ried l.iat «car the numlxr «at still further . educed, with only ;3.710,tn*> d»z. n . . minx hi I'resent price* are not .specially nttr-j.tiic to imports The demand U lor strictly high quality eg*?, the troUucti.u •-( •I.Uli far lb* Ituute uiarkata Um Awsrban hen monopolize a THE ENTERPRISE WILLLAMBTON. WORTH CAROLINA iigheu bidder for ai public auc tion the following- described teal es tate ,to-wit: Adjoining the lanos of H. D. Peel. Augustus Clark, 1. S. V. hilehurst, A. { E. Gurganus and John Ayers, lying in Cross Roads and Bear Grass Town ship, containing 90 1-2 acres, more or less, ami being in two tracts; one reeded to Mc. G. Bullock by William Bullock ani one deeded to Delia riuilock by Mc. G. Bullock and hav ing such shapes a.> shown by map of same made by J. R Mobley, surveyor, on the 11th day of Aug. 1921 which map >s on file with The Federa' ! Ijtnd Bank of Columbia and teinc | same land described in mortgage M. ! !•. hviiock ~nd wife l>eila Buli'jck .o !Tii? Federal La.i-1 lianl: da* or! Sept ISth, 1921 and recorded i:i Book Z-l at nage 74. j This the i7ih ds> if Nov. 11)24. IXBEirr PEEL, trustee. • an Pee! attorneys. 1 l-S-4 NOTK'K OF RESELL j I r,der and by virtue of *h • jof stle cwi'iiinrd in *hat cert:*in dec I of tixst rs'cu'il bv H. I{. Mirell'- and wife Sarah J. M zel'e to the (.'>!ic:uiri;:?3 tiifl Cdirjatv. t*uste-»- -i-.I b.'a'jr." la." of March Knl |S*2*" *d enirin; :h; sum of £3rovii> pay ' j»lil" to the Pude- tie' Inrurrnce C'oiv.- j'pi>n> of Amebic j, !c-frul*. ! iving Ik*! I r.:i;*> *ii the paymen" of the sa id ir.debt»lnes-- and tl>e t rm- of sai>" t» y.-t iie«-' knvi ig rdvortised and scid on |lf Snl oa*, of Nov. 1924 Dart t'.e*bid having b»-?" raised t'. rndei , ; nei tru -t will f .."I! tie r oII \v ij: describ'd lr r*i >"i The I o I lef. 1924 at 12 o'clock M in froi: —U*e—fourthuH i~* drmr in tl*»» t.iwr j «.f V. illium ton, N. C. to the lughr. t bidder for ca.»h, to-wit: Situa'e in Cros- Ron*«s Townsh.|\ County of Martin, and br Tin *"*» a : sU ke or. the north knl? of th' path. ( a corner between tlie ljwrence Chant'* and J. R. Swain binds; thence N. 42 1-4 ijieifire. East k chains and *2-100 up did path; thence rJonr aid path ncrth 38 1-2 dej*ees east 21.90 chains; thence south 46 1-4 degree e-ist 130 chains; thence north So east 17.83 chains; thence north 47 degreei west 25.40 chains; thner north 79 df|jrj« west 27.70 chains to Morse-, pen branch; thence xrith Horsepe branch sooth 4 )■»• *s 14.^0 chains to Betes branch; th*&cc with Betes branch south 3 degree* cast 15.50 chains; thence :«ih 67 degrers east 12.30 chains; thence ;cuth » degrees east 6 chains and 7&-1 M to the beginning and contain inn 116 1-2 acr*s, and being the nm» tntt of land purchased by the .-aid E. K. 'lir -l!o of H. D Jt et ll> wr. ch aid deed is recori—i in Martin Cotn "y labile Kc ir r> fc V-k D-2 f*;** n. Ths iiald deed of trust esacuU-1 "-y N R. M'i'll? rr.d wifr to Ch-cimava Trust Co i* re:#nl?il In Martin Coce ty psb!:c registry L> Book P-l. 10. The purchaser at the --ll' w£D be required to deposit fcr (10l per cen* of he amount of the bid in cash or: the ley of the sale This Nov. 14;h. 1&24. CHICKAMAUG*. TP I ST CO.. Tn-'tf. i \V. M. rilio't. of «ieb". W. A Darder, Atty. Creenville. N. C. Martin A Peel, Atty.-. VHliarnston, S. C. 11-1&-2 NOTICE OF KALE O WEAL ESTATE lender and by virtue of the ;-wer ' a!- :-r.Vi r ni! in - c*rr?2 : n d#e lof execu 3 '» the •• 4frs.;iwd r i c by H M. Hurra.- o". th .• Ist iay cf Oct. 1918 arv! of record in the pi Wlc :; ;Ls ry of Marin Ctufy in Book 0-1 at pap* 355. •'-*»«? of A Good Thiac - DOKT MISS IT S. nd your name and addrra plain ly written, together with 5 centa (and this slip) to Chamberlain MciHn i On *D« UoiiM. lowa, and mvht in return a trial tarkage roaaidw CHAMBERLAIN S COCOH REIT EDY fur cougha. okW. croop. bra chial. Flo" and whooping roughs, and tickling throat; CHAMBER LAIN S TABLETS for atomach trim- Mae, indignstkio gaaay pain* that crowd the heart, bibojimn and can rtipation. _al»> CHAMBERLAIM*B SALVE, needed in every family for burns, maid*. wouadi. I«W and akin affections. thrae rained family ncA cinea for only 5 cents Don't man iL Hot Barbecue & Oysters —AT— WILLIAM'S NEW STAND Next Door to Taylor's Drug Store Telephone No. 151 West Main Street Washington, N. C. I Getting Down f 1 To Brass Tacks 1 YfJ S I What - And who - Are jj Back of this Bank? i NINETEEN YEARS OF SERVING THE PEOPLE OF VV'ILLIAMSTON AND « VICINITY DI KING WHICH NOT A SINGLE* DOLLAR OF OUR DEPOSITORS I MONEY EVER HAS BEEN LOST, ARK BEHIND THIS BANK. MEN RECOGNIZED THROUGHOUT THE STATE BECAUSE OF THEIR KEEN fj VISION AND THEIR BUSINESS SUCCESS—MEN OF PROVEN JUDGMENT AND STRENGTH ARE BEHIND THIS BAN K. *. | |j STRENGTH—PROGRESSIVENI*£— HELPFULNESS—CONFIDENCE I I Farmers & Merchants J I Bank r : $ ' WILLIAMSTON, trust securing certaia not« «f cwn date and tenor therewith -tnd Afadt having been made in the pnywet of the same and the stipnlal-nrs con tained in the said deed if tms* not having been complied with and si the request of the holder of J* notes the undersigned -rustee wfll en Friday the 19th day of December, 19£4 at It o'clock M. in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, North Carolina offer far sale to the higher bidder for cash the following described real estate, tn wit: This h»iiig the same and identical ÜbH deeded to H. M. Bums by G. H Godwin and wife. This being for balance of the purchase money. The said land is bounded kpr the Wicomico Lumber Company, the Roe ! noke River, The Williamston Cooper ! age Company and M. D. Wilson. For further description see deed above mentioned. A. R DUNNING, tnWee. I Martin and Peel. Attorneys at Law 11-18-4 ~666~~ is a prescription for (old*. Grippe. Dengue, Headaches. Constipation. Bilionancaa !t is the most speedy ~em?dy we to®. Lame? E fcj i [Wxf =SSBBBSa Mm out stiffness and ache After heavy exercise, apply a LttleSloan a. Norubhagji— Mary —the liniment itafnatartv fresh blood circulating quickly through the aching muacW. AC once —the stiff nam vaaUMM, tka aching stops! An ill mgil« 35 cents.# Shi's LM—M*fAl t • 8 Hour Service We solicit sick batteries and return them recharged within eight hours. All or ders given prompt attention. " Jone's Electric Shop | (Rear York Building) Phone 237 Williamston, North Carolina 0 " . ' • »| i Wonderful Shoe Values! ■ 1• ~ 1 I We are offering to You a complete | line of shoes for each member of the fam -1 »ly at Startling Prices. We have Slashed i | j the prices of our shoe stock to *uch an e> - ' f f tent, that it will pay you to come in and j see for yourself these Wonderful Values. 1 ! 1 We also carry a cbmplete line of in | fants' shoes in all the desirable colors, and j in all different sizes starting with si^6. f . ! I W. R. Orleans | j Williamston, North Carolina " I . - . ;!

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