WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR papeO IT CABBIES THE DATE TOUB SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 81 MR. MARK R. COLLINS DIES W.ri*u, Rhodes Collins died Wed neaday «wing at hi* home on East Vain street after a lons illneas He *■* si*tjr three ymrjtm old and the wtiviag natn of a well known faanly of this sect ion. His father "Ut he was quite young and his Mother and sister. Mrs. Robert Md »o«» preceded him to the grave wrenl JWH ago. The deceased was never married and at the tiaM of his deoth was mak ™C his home with Mr. aad Mrs. An- Pnnerd serriees were held at the fcir Brr. E. D. Dodd and the in i t intent took jdaee in the Baptist ccaaeteiy last Wednesday. Peanut Association Graders for County TW IVmnut Growers Association the recent drop in the price of peaants ie causing many imjairies as to amount advanced by the association Many farmers who have not delivered ■ *"» years are going to put a por tion of their crop in this year. Retfivers for Martin county are W. A. Manning, at Williamston. James esvile and Dardeas; C. B. Riddick. Everetts; W. S. Rhodes Roberaonvflle, Haaaeßa, Parmele and Hamilton; F. H. Johnson at Oak City. Any grower* may arrange with these graders to receive their crop at aay af the above named points They t thaald arrange to get car load ship meats. Aay grower who is not a ■*» may put any portion of his crop in that he desires on the same basis as the member grower. Thin will help the peanut market both oataide and in. All information points to a very SMMII crop this year. PITT AND BEAI'FOR HOLDING BABY CLINICS Oar neighboring counties, Pitt and Baanfort are holding baby dfatics « taken far frw AMI lina'ioa and mothers are trained & child care. In Pitt the clinic is held under the direction of the maternity and infancy ■ait of the Pitt County Health De partment. They have already held _ them in Parmvflle, Avd-n and Bethel aad wOl hold one in Grifton and Greenville next week. They plap to \ these clinics a monthly affair ia as atany towns in the county as possible. Besides the clinics, there is a trained nurse in the Held, always prepared to give mothers advice in regard to their children The idea ia putting this work on ia to try to And defects and have them d eorweted before the children enter school so when they start to school they are ready to go on with their wark without being handicapped. OAK CITY NEWS Mr. T. W. Davenport made a flying trip to Norfolk Wednesday. Wr. aad Mrs. H. M. Ainsley were in Williamston on buainess Wednes . £mj Mr. J. C. H. Johnson was in Wil saa Tuesday. Wr. E N. Riddle and P. T. Long w expecting to attend the ball game fa Raleigh Saturday. Wr. and Mrs T. W. Davenport spent bat Sunday ia Windsor. A new volume of history books have been added to the local school library. ** The JUnin daas gave a box party aad Thaakagrving fun feast in the ■ «h*«l auditorium last Friday night. It was very intereatiag to visit the different boat ha and see the display of the nrnlufal talent of that daas. The aaaiar daas af the local school b preparing to give a play entitled. The Little Clodhopper," just after the Thanksgiving holidays The parent- teaehtrs association held its maathly meeting Wednesday night An interesting program was rendered. After which a reception 4 waa given at the teadierage. The hfch ached gills served ddightful rcfreshawata. There win be a rapper ghrsa by the Ladies Aid SodHy af the Baptist church In Casper's store room. Friday akht Maay goad things will be sen - ea. Cmm aad get pour supper. Wa are airy glad to know th-' Mrs. Sawyer is getting along very wefl after amlngntng aa operarioa . the ftrct ml this week. Mias Richardson, a# Waahington. B Cahab dhuctlng the "Flapper Mrs. H. W Stabba - Mr. aad Wrs. Pfcriie Holliday af Mar ham am iliappari in the dty 1 "mT I'T. Saritwfck ana a vidU* m liv> te*qr- • tT : : ~~~ THE ENTERPRISE MEMORIAL BAPTIST 5 CHURCH NOTES i t "Completion Week 44 To e. Be Observed, Visiting V Ministers Will Speak r , Sunday School 9:45. Morning Worship 1140. I Evening Service 740. j Sunday Schad and Church services I were largely attended last Sunday. . The pastor greatly appreciates the . presence of many visitors aad friends »who worship with us. t ' The meetings in progress at Siggs .! School hoase conducted by the pastor I will dose tonight. Beginning Sunday a series of spec id services will be held «ach night at 7:30 in commemoration of "Com r let ion Week" as suggested by the r Southern Baptist Convention. Prominent speakers from neighbor ing churches will occupy the pulpit ' each night and will spaak on some engaging theme. The meetings will be primarily Educational. Inspira- J tional ard Evangelistic They are open to everybody aad will be en joyed by every Christian in the com munity who attends The first speak * er is Dr. Charles Anderson of Scot land Neck who will speak at 11:00 ' a. in. Sunday on "Ocr Home Base." ' He will speak again at 3:30 at Rid dick* Grove. At Bight the pastor will preach 'he fourth sermon in a series ' on "Some Fundamentals", the sub -1 Ject -God's Attitade toward the Sin ner." Darin* the we* Rev. C. G Smith of Windsor. Rev. I. I. Yearhv 1 of Tarboro. Hon. J. H. Matthews of | Windsor. Rev. T. H. Plybon of Wash ington and o'hers will occap' the pul -1 pit. Be rare to hear these men. 1 Every member of the church L rged to come and everybody rise is cor dially invited. _ B L SHIRLEY. Pastor. UN ERA L OF MRS. SARAH ROBERSON HELD WEDNESDAY I The funeral miin, . for Mrs. Sarah i Fran em Roberaaa were bald a« her ! loma on Wodaeaday afternoon at I three o'clock Mrs. Ruber.'on died Suddenly Tue>dat aaorrinir of neart failure. Elder W. K Hnrria*t n conducte! the wiim at the home and the grave. She wa* not a member of ll*e Primitive Baptist cfcurrt. but bdieved in its doctrine A large crowd af sorrowing friet, i« ' ami relatives attendod the fu>i«-rs I ■lid many lonl tribute attested' >ter many friendships. BIRTHDAY PARTY "■ | . I Mrs. Lawrence Pd entertained las* evening in honor of the four- ; teenth anniversary birthday of her! daughter. Miss Ruth Elizabeth, at the : Masonic Hall. The spin* of Thanks-! giving was carried oat ia the decor ations. Crepe paper ««■' artistically made the place very attractive ar.d punch was and from a nook decor ated wi-h fall leaves an-'. s"«roce. Punch was served by Mrs. Roy Gur ganua and Mrs. L C. PirntU and re-! freshmen's of orange ice and orange cakes were served. Dainty little bas kets of mints were given earh guest. Those present were Misaer Evdyn Harrison. Margaret Manaiue, Soph e Little, Virginia and Josephine Har-1 rison. Katherine llardi?oa TiHie, Perry, Hasd Edmnndm n. Eugenia j Hoyt, Frances William*, Of lie Marie j Koberson. Mary Alice Dunning. Elbe > Griffin, Gladys. Sarah cad Elixaheh Gurganas. Nancy Taylor. Susie, Jaane*. Mdbo Wynn. Trdah Ward Page, Christine Manning. Anne lire William*. T Kef ma Cook. Miriam Cour.- ney. Mildred BarnhiH. Daisy Whitley. Mary Carstarphen. Mary Rogcraon. bettie Peri. Messrs John Wadsworth. Homer and Bi Barnhfl, Geo. Gar guana. Jr, Jaaaes H. Ward. Sam and Robert Brown, Darrd Price. Henry Maanmg. Than. Crawford. HaHrs and Edwin IVd. Snleam Na *ef, Marion C4k Brace Whitley aid . Benjamin Courtney. METHODIST CBCBCH Sanday School »« a m Evening aerviee. 7 -JO. E. D. DODD. Factor. Mias Ojdt Haaeeß matorad to Washimran yesterday. Mrs. J. L WKama ia visHing her parents. Mr. aad Mm. Chapamn m Griftaa thia week. Mm. Dufta Cum and Mrs. P. H Biaan spent yesterday in Washing ton. V ! . Mr. aad Mrs. Wheeler Martin and Mr. Ricks atteadrd the picture ahow WilJianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, November 21, 1924. | ONE DAY'S INCOME i FOR THE ORPHANS I Raleigh, N. Nov. 20. —As a means of securing funds for the North Carolina Orphanage Associa tion in the drive for "One Day's In come for the Orphans" M. L Ship man, chairman of the campaign com mittee, has sent out an appeal to all the motion picture theatres in the fate asking that they following the lead set by T. B. Smith, owner of a motion picture theatre at Clinton, in giving a certain percentage of the proceeds of the motion pic'ure theatre on one day between now and Thanks ' giving. In a letter to Chairman Shipmsn Mr. Smith states that he will give part of the door receipts of his thea ter for the special pic'ure thn' he will run on Thanksgiving Day, to the North Carolina Orphanage ticn. Ho also uggos's tha' every theater in the state be asked to do likewise ami expressed the belief that they would comply Already an appeal ha* Iw made tc the people through ChimS r cf Commerce and civic, welfare, and social organixations,and direct by letter, of 2OJWO have been mailed nut. While a special offering will be taken by many churches of the state on Sumlay neat, the drive will con tinue until Thanksgiving Day a* which time it is hoped by the com mittee that many amusement houwri ' will give part of their day's proceeds lo the cause of the orphans. HOTEL RICHMOND To HE HEAIMII ARTERS FOB N. C. DELEGATION Announcement was made this morn "r-- by Chairman N". G. Bartlett cf the North Carolina committee for !h» Southern E*po=itW, which wi'l be held i ; Nen York Jar.u:.i>' 19tb- Slst. '925, tha* Hotel Richmond had :K-en desigi'.ate>l as heali|uarters for the North Carolina delegation. The Hotel Management of this New York chain of hotels has agreed to give spacid rates to North Carolinans who make thia their hsmkiuarfer? dunnl* the Exposition. Each state will have one day ttcsi-r --rated at the Exposition as its own - pecisl day. Jus* what ilay Nor* h Carolina wil have has not been an nounced yet. On this particular day Carolinians in New York will to cooperate with the coir.- mitt«* for North Carolina towar ' • nuikinif i" the biggest event of th-" Exposition. Parties interested in ftinl ng out moK 1 : is-cifically the nature of the program may communicate with N. G. Bartlett, Chairman, or W. T Kyxer, Secre'ary, Kinston, N„ ' C. The committee is very desirous of | making North Carolina day the big j jest day of them all, and with the j proper kind of support from North i Carolinians this can be don?- TAKE MY ADVICE" "Take My Advice" wa> a preat uccess rnd met the approval of all j who saw it Tue»liy night. The cha.-- ! cctcrs were all portrayed very strife | ingly by those taking the par's. It is the general opinion of local "hsatrt grers that the acting In "Take My Advice" was far above that of tl • regular amefeur show ami -that r | plied not to one but every nxmU'r ' I i the cast. | After the show Dr. and Mr*. ll.r j D. Biggs entertained the cast ar.d a i few other friends. A salad cour ' ccnsisting of ice cream and hor - . made cakes wa» served. CHILDREN WELL LOCATED Friend* of the Ward children in the community will be glad to know that two of the smdler ones will be taken in the Methodist Orphanage at oi-ce. The baby will remain at the Greensboro home for a &i.ile hmfx r. A letter from Ruby and Vrheelcr states that they have a home on a j farm near Mt. Olive ami are very 1 happy there with the people and the surroundings. Mr. Wilson Ru*s of Russ Bios Variety store, Washington, was a visitor in the city Thursday after i..on Dr. J. E. Smithv.Vk of was in tovn last night. Mr. Marion C. Jackson of J«k viile was in town Wednevlay Mr. Ransom hobcrson >.' was a buainess visitor here Mr. John F. Lat>ii.n ipprai - r for the Federal Lacd Bank., Cclui. ba, S. G is ia the county this week. Mr. L. M. Brawn of Jamesville wits oa our streeta thia morning. Mr "Tip" Chaacey of New York visited friends here today. Mm. J. G. Godard. Jr. Mid Mr. J. G. Godard motored to | t 'bis morning. ; t MOONSHINERS' I REVIEW FOR WEEK ; Officers Catch Two Men and Destroy Many Illicit Stills v V I Moonshiners ia Martlp and Hertie | counties hav? had a bad weds. Tues day prohibition officers. J. B. White. '■ J. J. Robertson, S. F. Slielton ami ' ' A. S. Harris dih Deputies J. R. J Lanning and Inmoc the day in; "Gawk" where they found Wnc stil! and four s ands with abort 800 SAL- j IC n.; of bcr, which was POURED ou' . ] No wa.- foutwl at or n»ar cithe: : cf the places. Messr-. J. B. VT hit? ard I" 1 . K. Siel ten accompanied by Mr. T. W. Sneii of Ply mouth went to Uertio Wedne.-- day an* titcy c:l|rffird und (woi coolre«i men, William Ward and his son, Charlie Waifl. The Wurds had a cell e«|uippel plant and a gooT bit of THE finished product on hand. Every thing wa:; d.*>-troyed and the two men . were brought to Williamsti n before I". S. ('..ninii.-sioher. W. C. Manning. Both waived examination tliu their counsel. Fanning Craig and were bound over to the Federal Court at Washington to be held January 26th, 1925. On Thursday the officers went into the Everetts section of our county where they found four complete stills. stands containing 1,000 gallons «f beer. There were no liquors or nu n seen on that day. The officers repor* much evidence was seen this week qf renewed ac tivities among the distillers. NORTH CAROLINA COMMISSION TRYING TO GET NATIONAL PARK IN MOUNTAINS OF N. C. The National Pnrk Association he'd I !• inec-linj in Raleigh this week L«> iiuik'» plans »o send a committee to Washington' to present the claims of N. C. to the national authorities whr> will give the END a great national park and show place in 'he near feature. - The light Tor th* park IS- expected to lie between North Carolina anil Virginia and a committ?e composed of Senator Mark Squires, John G. Dawson, I). M. Buck, A. M. Kistlwr. Or. E. C. Hrooks, and J. E. I'ate left RALEIGH for WashinT* ON Wednesday to present the claims of North Caro lina Tnursdry. CHRISTIAN CHl'lldl WILL HAVE BAZAAIt The LADIES of the Christian church will hold a Ll'izaar at an early dat«. The Masonic Hall will be used and upper will L»e served at attractive prices. All finds of fancy articles will he for sale. They have a great many articles suitable for Christmas pres ents. Visit the bazaar and save the worry of making your present:;. The • xnct date will be announced in :M etrly issue of this paper. — adv. it _____ _ A LETTER FROM SANTA The children of Williamston ard Martin county will And a letter front ■'Old " Santa" in another p IRT of thi-- f-apcr with a list of sill he thin-fs that be hes at Russ Brothers' store ■n Washington. They can take this le*t«»r and make a cross mark beside 'hingk that they want him to tring them and get parents' to •ake them to this store and give it to San' A Claus on December 4th or mail it to him in care of that store. Don't forget the date, December 4TH BOX PARTY AND CAKE WALK AT BEAR GRASS SCHOOL The public is cordially invited o a box party and cake walk at Bear Grass school house Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. November 26th. CHRISTIAN CHCRCH Sunday School, 9:45. Morning service, 11:00. Evening service, 7:SFT All are invited and earnestly re cues'ed to attend all these services. Our Sunday school did not reach the ISO mark last Sunday, but help us to have that number present this com ing Lord's day by coming a. id bring ing come one with yon. THE COVERED WAGON" AT STRAND THEATRE "The Covered Wagon", a James Cruse production and ■ picture cf great renown will be at the Strand Theatre tc night and tomrrcw. Critics dl over the country class it as one of the greatest pictures ever prodi»c-1 b* -r While the pit cure i« a bit old, macv k>cd people have not seen ft bat will tonight or tomorrow night. 11 IWILLIAMSTON I DEFEATS FARM LIFE I -The V* illiamsion basket ball team ! uefeated the Farm Life school iaet i right iii a hard fought game by a I score of 58 to 14; The visitors were j thusia«tic throughout the game le j spste the score ami if they had play | ed 'ii as fist games as our boys had I !;• >ea: the score would very likely ■ n* t have been fo one sided, i The match game that our boys , have been 111 showed they were goine |to follow up their last year"'s record j which is one to be envied. I I tot h teams u.-ed the game !a*t ! r.i »ht to detect weak spots in thei' I liiie-up -and changes were made throughout the game. HOME TALENT * MUSICAL COMED*' TUESDAY NI(;HT "THK FLAPPKK GHrt YI>MOTHi:K" TO IIK GIVEN AT OPERA iiocse ti esimy mghi A musical comedy three acts, to be given at life Opera Hou.-.c Too-dry night of next week, is without a doubt one of the mu;t delightful home talent production; ever staged in this pari of the country. Williamstou people bought "The Microbe (if Low" and "Mr. :>.nd Mrs. Polly TicKk ' were wonderful and could not l> • «|u;il l. but ' Th* Flapper Grandmother" fjir sttipas?os them both Every one h;>s rare tr«>:.t in store r.nd r'in or 'hilt", you just afford to miss it. Tha plot deals wi«h an old grand ait who invested Tier littTi "Savin-;.' Th" oil, from which rhe h c:>nie a million aire and wrt to Europe in search of voutS and beauty. In the offlc- of 'Or. I. Skinnum har old f;.ce was mail* new and .-he returned ,o Ameri ca a real flapper grandmother. I» is * riot of fun and laughter—in fact tn audience ju t laughs until it is •xhautcd. The song hits arf right up to the minu'e. The whole comedy is a classy production— in fact it is a whale of a hit from beginning to end, the au dience recovering from one convusion >f laughter only to go into another. The ridiculou* matrons attending 'he bargain sale, good looking "Jelly Means," pretty chorus girls, the pre r;ous little children, rag dolls and lit -le grandmas, to say nothing of nil 'he main jeading characters, will si i* ty appeal to all llring your handkerchiefs along be cause you will laugh until you try. Check your critical faculties at the rxj* office when you come in the door, so you may relax your face and give it a genuine treat in the way of-a -rood laugh. Word-* simply fail us when we try lo describe the beauty, grace and ir resistable charm of the 16 lovely girls who compose the chorus in "The Flap per Grandmother". When it comes to honest to goodness charm and down right good-lookingness this chorus can actually make the Follies look like a ladies aid society on a hot Au fui' afternoon. CALAIS CIjOTIIING CO'S. lilt; SALE MEGAN TOHA Y Today mark-l the beginning of i iie of the biggest sales ever heard of in the history of Washington, th t' of the Calais Clothing company. Mr. Calais says, "If anyone is going to need an overcoat or a suit in a year, it would pay him to buy at this sa'e. Foriy thousand dollars in gents clothing must be. turned into rash fiuickly, and we are offering unheard of values." For further information see their ad in this i*sue of The Enterprise^. CRESCENTS HOLIDAY SALE M. It&mie of Kobersonville has moved Info the store formerly oc cupied by E. kainie and the store will be known as Ciescent. He will s'art a sale tomorrow and it will be known as the Crescent's Great Holi day sale. See the ad in thii yaper and find out what is being given away entirely free of all cost. KILL PEEK Messrs F. Edwards ant! I ete Hall brought In a nice deer this af ternoon from a short hunting trip. Mrs. Rettie Teel will leav? Sunday for Farmville where she will spend setrtnl weeks wi'h relatives. ... - ' Mr and Mrs. Sherrod Corey of i Grifllr.s wert in town yesterday. Miss Myrt arrived home i Wednesday evening from St. Mary's 1 Raleigh to spend a few days with I her parents while recuperating fro/n I I a recent illness. . ~ 1 Mrs. J. E. Smithwick and James Siafthwick, jr. of Jamasville were in town this #e«k. i .-• / - - c : •- | WILLIAMSTON SCHOOL NEWSi '■•-u Mr. Pardo Speaks; Hon or Roll For the Second Month Wednesday mo riling at tiie asem- l>ly hour, >lr Part to >(Kikc o Iho stu ilento.. After readimr. :i few verses of ! scriptitrv, he called upon dillercnt | hoys nn«t giHs '«• give what th-»y con sidered the word in the Hng ish language. There w«ro quito a few ish lantuaxr. Th;re were quite a number to respond ami every student j'ave different voids. Mr, Farlo chose the word "pep" as one "f.the greatest words in our language. Around this word he developed a short talk trint was thoroughly enjoyed by all pres ent. HONOR HOI.I. Klli SECOND MO\ 111 Requirements: Central average of '>• and not th:*-i Ka on any >n« subject. At If.' 9» on deporvment. \"o absence ar«! .no tardies. Fir.-t Grade: John Gurgann. Noah ' 'iT 'anus, Ijjwreuce Lindsley, 11;»rry t'tubbs, France* "•amhill. Alta Cri'ch or. I.ean Ma- Glenn, Ilenry Gurganus Crac e Manning. Mary Robertson Carrie Williams. George Iff Rober son. Second grade: tTar*:ice Mclyeel. Mil. lie Pope, Nellie (". Harrison. Kogei Critcher, jr.. Josephine Arider-or Fi;:nces Wbelcr Martin, JI James T. lUtrnhiil James W. Oixon. Mnttie Gurganu-. Hardy Rose, jr.. Mayo Hardison. Thin! grade: Enimett Whit lex _ r ''i see W. Barnhilt. Myrtle \V. Mrowsi. I ueile Gurganus, Nettie F. Meador. Jennie S. Moore. Mildred Pe»l, Louise Perry, Chris*ine Rogerson, Virginia" " G Taylor. Millie" t.ivorman Fourth 11. trade:" Huth Ward, .las l«-r McKeel, He* Sini|i>*n. Mary Clyde Williams. Fourth A: trade: V.'heeler Manning Fifth grade: Charles Manning. Edith Peele Sixth grade: Ruck Saunders, Mack Simpson. Mary Alice thinning, Jose phine Harri-on. Seventh ifrade: Mary t'.irsturphrn. Margaret Rogerson. tilwln Peele. Ninth grade: t'annelle Jones. Kl'-'vntli g ratio ■ I.aii i a Orleans. Quite a number ni's-, v d the lioror tool by being unavoidably aliv^ JAMESVII.I.E NEWS NOTES The Luxemburg Stock coiip.,'. f A.-heville entertain; d ir. h Iruti ville high school tiudnorili: ' uosdn.;, evening. M is* IH at rice W t • : ."•! . "».!• Martin visited Mils V',ul 'o; s Su.i day. Mr. -J. Urr> Waters K-«"t for Savan nah, Georgia, where he is expect inj* to stay for -jeveral m»n'h Mr. Charles I>av np.«r !•( ured *" •he young boys of the turn on Tncs day night on the evils of cigarette smoking Professor tt ideoff. one of our mo t |;o|iitlar high school h is lie n -uffering vith •he jr:ip f or the |:• ' v.e;-k Mr. Paul \\ater> received ;f tele •ram from the Oak City basket l»all earn statin# that they would If till able to play the local team tonight as they hail expected Messrs. Hubert Gurkin and l>an ' Fapnn mo ored to V.'illianistoii Su:i day. It is learned with j*re;>t pleasure by ' 'he lame-ville people as well as fie U-cal stwl*nlß that ML\h Carriw?rt™n 1 who hi'il the misfortune to pet her leg' f>ri k n, ia improving rapidly now. • Miss Allie llaul-n of Roanak' Ririds has arrived to take a position at; t'-arher in 'be Janu ville Kchoolt=. j J. K. HOYT SELLING IIART. SIIAKFNER A MARX FOR SI7.JV« J. K. Huyt Iteiran a sale on Hart- > Shaffner A Marx. Fashion Park and I Michael Stern Rent's clothing Thnr day with prices ranging from as low ' ILs (17.00 'o no higher than $24.50. ' The .sale will continue through to rr orrow and for thos* neeling a new » suit, this is quite the time to buy ' lor these are three of he mas! po;» r ular makes of men's clothinr OTI th- ' market. Mr. awl Mrs K. It. Crawford and 1 Mr. and Mrs. O. H llrad saw the "Alaskan" in Washi:.;»ton Weilrnwlay ( evening. 1 Mrs. J. G. Oodard, Mrs. Oscar An ileriort and Mrs. Elbert Feel motored I to Washington Wednesday. Mrs. J. L. Jones. Mrs. M. L Rel la my and Mr. Onrod Cook of H«milton 5 were in the city yesterday. ~ -I Mrs. J. 8. Rhodes aad Mrs. K. B. Crawford sprat Wednesday in Wash ington. i ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUB COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO ISM HOMES OF MART.N COUNTY ESTABLISHED 1898 TEACHERS MEET HERE TOMORROW The -Second Reading Circle Meet inif of th? Teachers of the County ' will be held tomorrow at 2 P. M., in | the Grad»l School liuiioin/. These meetings vill b» held monthly for I the required term of six months dur , ing the school year of 1921-25. It is to the ■ advantage as well a. o the t redi|nhlc standing of any tencher to attend every meeting tinles . provi • Viittally h'inl- rsl Atle*i icn paid to every requirement of th? School Code counts largely in se!ectini» terchers tor future work in the Couiity. Just Too Had For Anything It !5 surprising to feel that the authorities hav» a '"hunch" that those dwelling in East Wdlir.mston, 1 r "New I'own" a; it i.- bett«r knoiitn, •ire own«*r- >f car or have th. Mii or ilered so that • hoy may he ab'e to motor to and "ffoin their bus inc.- s on Main -troet or «Jsewh?re. Evidently, !ie City Fathers hive forgotten 'hat f hore may he a fen who hive to wait vet awhile, or th*')' would have tV llcnk wallce'iKMnii for -afotv's akr at least. Fur -omo' iuio it has beef almost down in the ditch, a stat' caused by that ilownpour of rain al .■f us romemlier. Strange that a sec tion of the town inhabited by tax payers should IK» SO littl* i»garded i the matter of mak'ng >t passable fo I hem down Smithwick street. Attei 'ion has bo"n calleil to the nlar-k wal' until the narno has become stereotyi od, and its usual condition a -ta' i'*kv —l»o ti\od-. let*s- >pe the drain and cross by ferry. A Pedestrian. HARU'AK OF II \PI IST S. S. TO IIWI O SERVK ES XT tIH N l \ IHiME SI NIIA The IlaraiM- of 'he Baptist Meni •;:! Sunday school will ho'd ervic ;it the County Home Sunday aftc noon at S o'clock. Every real Mara will moot at post office corner 2:30 p m. and go in a bady. 1( F. POPE. Pre iileut. Itaraca at Baptist Sunday »ch In re is .omeibiii'; in - ton' for v lie th *ro Sunday. 9:45 a. in —R. i I'opo, president. INHI'STKIAL STO hS M \KE \l»\ \N( 1 The following advances have be i-owr .ii industrial !icks 1 |oeti«i, : I iii Pi;*, g' kj/Thi • :M G >tM •!••• •, oei'i IV'-ltint Cer»- r r 1*»; S.'U'h- ri ivvtiiu s, loss 1 '\."on slight ya'n; I-bacco, hi'ii e Ih' report may iodic: to pro.-pcr : ! !.t it looks like It (>»■■!s >iospet torihe manufacturers bu # anj*tM il.e except that for the tanner ;. tl.» 'S«uth. Industrial writers, h • \or, use pretlicting Sij. e- or!- for ffcim pnxiucts a' en e.dat A "LI'iTI.E. t 'l.OI»ll«>PPER" TO ME .l\ EN' \ I HIE II Will. TON IHGII St HOOI. TONIGI "A l.ittle Cloithopfier" will lie giv h> the Hamilton high M-11001 this ev« ing. It is a three act comedy and f \ i f fun from beginning io cmL 'I he play is directed by i! • teachers and is beinjf presentetl (■ the purpose of furnishiT for the school huddnu; which is to under construct ion. HE AVER HAM LOCAL ITEMS Miss Bessie Maione of Rear G:a * spent the week end with Miss Je. Peel?. Mr and Mrs. W. A. Mi!roughs :1 f:,r.; spent the we-k end with M Mi_- R. T. Williams near Oxf r- Mis.-| Ruby Maione of Bear Gia sjn'iit the v/oek end with Miss 21'*:' be*h Peele. " Messrs. J. 11. and W. Henry Ror"" went to Williamston V/clnet-'day business. Mrs. G. W. Hardison of Willi, r- - i ton spent Tuesday and Wedne . n with Mrs. W. Henry Rogers. Mr. Elmer Chesson went to Evei Wednesday on bu.-ines. . Mrs. M. G. Peele and Miss Jc si l eele motored to Williamston si >p Ping - Messrs. W. H. Rogers and H A Cullipher motored to Washia x. Monday morning. Mr. awl Mrs. A. L. Rr.vnor nnd ■* Richard mot ore.l to Everet s & ' day night i Mrs. E. R. Chesson and family t V Saturday afternoon with Mrs. «V. Henry Roger x. 1 Mr. Meredith Smith af-WimUer ■ * - in tewa yesterday.