i -'IfHiA" ft£vT: T t fJF ff'} S SKI '" J £ r BHBHH DEAR CHILDREN: f 4: I want all the little children lo know that I have selected RUSS BROTHERS VARIETY STORE, of Washington, N. C. for one of my distributing'stores and! want at! of you to have your Mamma and Papa to take you to their store on Thursday, Decern ed ber ■iih v. her o you can find me on their st cond floor from 3to 4 o'clock and tell rae § what you want If you cannot come write to me in care of Russ Brothers, $ -lust a few items for good little . oys and C iris. , § aft | Aluminum Toy Sets Flash Lights Too! Chests \\ agons -Monkey Climbers Trackless Ti-olleys # Telephones Cook Stoves Toy Horses p $ Foot Balls Walloons Toy Roosters \ Rase flails and Bats Rubber Balls Toy Sheep g Base Ball Suits Skates Horns m Scout Suits - Banks Fiddles j. Suits Sad Irons Dancing Coons .. | vj \ir Rifles Xmas Bells Dolls | '-nrden Sets Doll Carts Doll Houses S r ap Pistols Doll Sulkies Tea Sets Boxing Cloves Chairs * Desk Sets j& Punching Bags Candy Table Sets fa; Automobiles Yelocii>edes Doll Beds eg ' : oat Wagons Drums Pianos Pocket Knives Moving Picture Ma- Doll Trunks jg "hines ' * Doll Hand Bags 1 RUSS BROTHERS i fc *' g MAIN STREET WASHINGTON. N. C. j DRASl!™™®! "' r , ■ v A i J ■ J. I | Beginning Friday Nov. 21st. Our Entire vr . 1 i &• 1 '' fl* _ 1 _ * jj ; 1 Stock of High Giade Ciothing, Hats, and Men's Furnishing and Shoes J | At A GREA f SACRIFICE. Why Wait Until After Season? We Are ft •• - % iii- I , .. .. .. . . . . : " . : | p | (Joing To Take Our 1 «ss "Now. Only the Best Standard Makes of All Lines . | - _ • . *■ , fi lij w 'v x I Kuppenheimer Clothing - Stetson Hats - Manhatten Shirts GENTLEMEN GET BUSY NOW AND COME TO THE GREATEST CLOTH INC.S'ALE IN THE HISTORY OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. OUR REPUTATION IS AT STAKE, AND WHEN WE SAY PRICES CUT DEEP WE MEAN IT. COME EXPECTING TO BUY GOOD CLOTHES CHEAPER a THAN SHODDY ONES. LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SIGN. . _ I :' ; > * I Calais Clothing Company | | Washington, North Carolina | THE R U , SnitrjT f.\ROI IN A © • . OWLLAFFS jjj ! They rmt upon tht parlor lounge, V i The -xorW SRHKII quite all right, jl| But were even bright stii., („ | When be turned oat the light. Juj I O U^ - ffll Seek a Missing Buik Cashier, says t " headline. First they rushed out into the s'reet and look sooth, north, east• K west, and then undoubtedly they looked straight up. % -«-©-o- j We Know the Maa Sm:th is quite a talker, eh? BYes, he's a large bm, high-com-1 press kn job with an eighty-cylinder line. jj] ® Nudse *o housemaid I Bcby's gn her mamma's complexion, tjl Father (from next room) —Nurse, >2* are you letting that child play with S those paints? -o-O £ The winds roared and the lightning ;'2 flashed. Above the deafening ro'se Jj| *he was heard to cry. "All my jewels -V for a life saver.' And the one her h}t '•jj save her was lemon flavored. IS r rfi ~ Modem daughters do not tell *5 mo* her a lot of things, bu" then, this Cu modern mother probably kro*rs Pj er.ough, any way. lh Hah W He talked m well of what h? hai 4' Jo sell, be sold himself a lot Or ?oods ... But not he b In bad; lj He duns himself—which makes htm If hot! MB A hobo :s like a flannel skir", he J always shrink-- from washing. V. ANTED: TENANT OK PURCIIAP- er. We have a four n »r» farr with good tenant Sot v *. :.J a! . able for cotton, toba .o, com i. .f* ■' peanuts, will leae « >.ll on tenn... SLADE RHODrIS ft COrVANY, HAMILTON. N. C. iw«. V LOST: A WHITE HOI Nil. BROWN rh head, black spot on kick. This do-; j>» U a blood houml and h&s remely lonjr ears. Lost on.Roank: river /, between William.-'.on a.nd Jame * ville. Liberal reward offVr.d |ja»f --1 ing 'o his whereabo j's or return 1 * to W. T Stone. Wjlliamston, N. C.; ££'' Write or phone me. I Tali's Pills | fSS.!3%'SWS I STISm ■» I AGAINST MALAMA | Daily Uattles—What's the Use of arguing with yoo. Yoo don't ! . know the difference between a base ' ball bribe and a stolen base. . j FOR SALE: ONE MISBION OAK • (Davenport; One white Iron bed; one dresser; one kitty coop and • one baby carriage, all in first class ' condition. Mrs. J. F. Thigpen, City. , I .1 * NOTICE | A spotted ROW ant. four spotted j ; shoats will weigh about 75 pounds I j have been in my pasture for a boo , . : 10 days. Owner will please come for j them. 1 Eager Perry, R. 1, Jamesville N. C • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE i Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of C. M Lxng, deceasad, notice is hereby giv en to all parties hold ; ng claims a- j gainst said cs' ate to present same ; I- ' F. L. Edwards Co. J UNDERTAKERS Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ambulance Service Day or Night WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ! . y". ' *'; WE STRIVE TO RENDER , THE GREATEST POSSIBLE SERVICE ' TO THIS SECTION OUR MOTTO _IS "QUALITY AND UNEXCELLED SERVICE 44 c F. L. Edwards Co. UNDERTAKERS Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ambulance Service Day or Night WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ** . Phones—office 87; res. 221 . : —— *-» on or before the 12th day a 4 Mull | bet, IM6. or this notice wfll to (■leaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ! are requested to make immediate pay ' ment of same. I This the l«h day of November, , 1924. J. N. LONG, Administrator of I C. M. Long, deceased. lf-lW i • ■ Watch repairing a —ecialty. verware, China, Cut Class and Novelties. W. C BROWNING JEWELER West Main St. Washington, N. C