WATCH not LABEL ON YOUR fafkr, it cawhs m oats tour wocoirnow euugs 'VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 83 RECORDERS COURT HAD FEW CASES LAST TUESDAY bag up fro trad. Jndge Smith was an ■t- ' s The first case was State vs J. Law FtoeL HavigSriMhy for the pwr rose of sale. Tbe defendant plend gud paynNMtuf the coots of action la State vs Nanaaa J owes for art |dtj. State vs Peg Leg Nagia far boiiag b«HT mm hand. Peg Leg was found State vs Nesa Wdl rami was brought into the court for the mcond time. A ec hini and he kept hacking the court an'fl his fee was redact! fifty dollars at Tuesday's session of court. State vs Robert L Snllivaa Tor hgpl been called before aad failed. Judgment absolute was asked, ami the court reduced the ■maun of the bond ' 'rum SIM to SMI COTTON REPORT A report was nlaai I hy the U. S. Department of Agriculture at lIM A M, M.nmiu list, givicg the 1 iilhamsry estiaant • of the productlan of catteß in the United State as hnoed en the csnditisa of the crop mm November 14th According to this re girt. the total |»i lartlm will be IZfifiZjOM hake wb-ch is 2JK2JMO bales more as r imp a red to the lfl_- 19jt71 bale crop per dec d last year There was pwiacad two y.-nr* ago I.7CUM; TJKUUI bales three yuars ago and ISjWJtS tales four years ago. The average ptndurlian far the five years from Ifilfi to I*l4 was 14.- Zfifi.»l bales, ard for lfilh :o Ifilfi it was 11.4X1.M4 beks. This report of this year's production ihiei an imnnse of ITCjMfI boles «ver the estimate of Xovrtobrr Ist (turn weeks previous). This is. of cioaim. due to the fact that there k a gaunter certanry at this tiane of! as art safit from daamflu. The report nliaiai also showed date. 11J47JU4 baka, or fifi percent mi the totnl crop Seven of the fifteen paintipal cotton s>atas shorn an te creaae in production over their last crop. Of the HUDH bnles Mkan e as a total crop in North Carolina. Mfi.- M hud been gmner to November. Waving tfi per cent of the crop yet ly to trtiamdi art wonther toimg ly uatfl the first of Kmmbir. The re porta were aa (slows: t Condition i napaiai* to aoeuaol or fuH crcp 'psiipaetl May Sfith. 13 per cent; June «tl. T3 per cert; July Jfith. tfi per cent; August Sith. H per cent; Sep: rasher 2Mb. 47 per cent and Ort oher fiith. 4* per ant. COTTON GROWERS* ASSLV ■AS ADVANCED FIVE MILLION DOLLARS TOITB MEMBERS inrikg to the aataklj report of iptrrtfaai, the North Onrntma Cot ton Growers' Coopaiallea Aasoriation the cotton crcp ha North Carolina ia five par cert of the crop of last yuur. Mm U i win to da Aoaniallio are umaikiHl largo. A anh larger pin artagi of the state's crop hav nsWl -TALKED BACK _ wMe. who was aftaa his »apfl. Mehrin Wright. Uacda M FOR UTVU ROT WANTED THE ENTERPRISE NATION WIDf AGRICULTURE ' CENSUS KING LISTED FOE TEAS OF 1924 [ Am agricultural census «u iifhw iaed by the «BUI Congress for the purpose of HUklUiSng a bus far MTicitoßl leskfaitiM. md mnnni estimate*. The last agikaltm al census was listed ia lfilfi «hea the prices of agricultural paoflmli. and farming property was roach higher thaa it is at the present time. V* estimate based upon the Mil report can in any way apply to present con diiisns;' so far the parpase of es tablishing a cwmt basis npon which safe estimates can be made in regards tc the agricultural situation, the U cited States Cenaao Bureau it con The state of North Carolina has buen divided into Are Districts, and a Sapcrvnior appointed far ecrfc Dis trict- The following counties are in cluded ia the fifth District, under the supervision of Mr. E. It Uwit, with headquarters aft the Federal Wild mg. Washington. N. C. Beaufort, Bertie. Cemden. Chowan. Currituck. Dare. Edgernmbc. Gates. Greene. Halifax. Hertford. Hyde. Martin. Northampton. Pitt. tank. Perquimans. Tyrnefi. and Wash u-ron. Sample copies af the ache date ar reaart that you wdl be repeated to fill oai h vo ben mailed try th% Census Bureau at Washiagtaa. It. C to practically every farmer ia the l hove men tic md countie-; fill tbes— «ut, and hold them uatfl the enwrnrr etor calls for ywar report. If yaw have not received your aaaoplr copy, '■e prepared to give the enumera*' r > -ur best information and caoperption. This work fa vas*ly important, and it fa highly essential that all farm en. and business men give the govern ment agents, who are engaged in the listing of farnas. their best cooper rtion. All agricultural legialatjon. and all estimates for the next five years will be baaed apon the reports that the various states send ia. and ■he efficiency af the Censats report urfll he determined by the accuracy of the report that you anke to the We therefore urge the people to he as aacavate as possible, and to Irani i every cooperation in order that the work may be completed as early am' as accurately as passible. E B. LEWIS. Supervisor mt the fifth District of N. C, MANUFACTURERS OF FAMOUS COOK STOVE HAVE AR RANGED TO SELL ON CREDIT More and ante oaanafactarer* are j ' taking financial arraagesoents where 1 hy their dealeri can sell their rvo ♦act on the time payment or install ment plan of purchase. The install ment ptaa. which is merely an ea ■-evasion of faith in the business aai lallty and integrity af ease's neigh ho. ir customer, fa endorsed hy the hesf fiaaarial autharities. It fa weegai—d as dignified, legitimate, nnd even nl trufatle in that it makes avalaMe for the average family the goad 'khts in life which otberwfae wo aid te unobtainable. The Majestic Mann factoring Company, wnker of the famous Majestic Ranges for forty rears, this year is permitting it pea due* to he said on tfaae paraaewts- R. S. Courtney Furniture coaapaay i' the local Majestic dealer and be urfll extend terms to those of good creed' standing who want a little tiane to pay for a new Majestic. A representative from the factory wfll he at the above aooaed store tl rext week to demonitaate all the new features of the stave. The paMir fa iavttad, whether iate rested or art laterutil. ta visit Mr. Caaatnay's store MR. JOE WTNNE KILLS A PORKER WEIGHING CVS FOUNDS Mr Jae Wyaa af Ctoa Roads kfll ed a hag lart Taooday which might d *7l pounds. Mr. Ashley D. Wjm, a tow her to Mr. Joa. kflkd a yuuaor lmH the aaaae day which dreoaad (fit This fa proof thrt good stack can he Sa tor Mr. Wyaa fa the ikampits hag rafacf wha has reported this oaa aca. far hhfaat fa Keysvflk. Va- He fa* baea a bayer on Hat local auarhet for hato la aw hha go. arson a file spent here okk her paaarttk Mr. ami Mrs. J. W se. Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, November 28, 1924. ! PRINCIPLES THAT RULE THE DAY IS . TEXT FOR REV. MR. SHIRLEY'S THANKSGIVING SERMON Beautiful Theme For Ttuuiksgiving Day Out _ lined by the Speaker BEAUTIFUL THEME FOR THANKSGIVING DAY OUT LINED BY THE KEV. R. L SHIRLEY SERVICE At METHODIST CHI R "H The Union Thanksgiving sen ice that has become an established cus tom in this city, wauy opened with a i umber of beautiful son** and organ numbers arranged by the choir of the Methodist church. The Rev. E. D. Dodd pastor, was in charge of the service* and he was assisted by Reverends A. J. Manning and Q. O. Panto. Thanksgiving, as an occasion to en large our gratitude for the worldly benefits that have come during the year, as a time for pledging firmer faith ia the principles of this irreat «euntry and for renewing our thanks to the Almighty for the countless Uessings bestowed was described by Rev. Mr Shirley in a strong «!&*- CMtK. The Rev. Mr. Shirley quoted passage fiom Psalms in opening Ms splendid wnaoti, in which h- con Itafed the meanttlg of Thanksrhr *g Day as it had been established by the Puritans and the accepted • hservance of the present day. The Principles of the cons' itutioh as a tafis far Thaaksgivine were outlined by the speaker in saying: 'Whnso offereth the sxerifier of Thankagivin? glorifie'h me and to him that order»th his way aright wfll I show the salvation of God."— IVa VO:2X_ Fr»end- and fellow-workers we have a - embled here 'oday upon the call of «ur Chief Executive to offer thanks giving to Him "who has of one every nation of men to dwell upon the lace of the earth and having determin ed their appointed seasons ami fixed the hoard- of 'heir habitation that *h« V should s-ek the Lord ami feel af ter him if happily they may find him** We are not a christian nation just became God is embodied in the c»n --t it ration or because a provision to warship is there but because of the ? P«rit hark of the constitution in the «*earts of "he people. In it religiou-- Kberty is guaranteed to all. That a °ajr tet apart for so sacred purpose j s this should be spent in profanation. I«xurhernnre and irreverence is bv all j .mstly to br regreted. Thanksgiving t* an American, we may say a Purr an institution. In j man> respects it resemble the He ' bwew feast of ingatherings It was firat ohserved in 1621 by the sur vtvors of the Mayflower, who met toge'her to render thanks unto Him rTreth every good anl p»rfec* *ift- When sin and oppression in England had become well night un l**rahle many of her braver mmls and ! | her daaghters sought refuge in a new I land. They cam;- seeking not com 1 "™e. tut God and liberty. Among the&e stalwart sons were to be 'ound P"ritan fathers whose ascetleiam was assisted no doubt by the seven y "f the task of bulling a home and fcundmg a nation in wilds of America Contract their struggles with those •f the early Israeli'es, who. fleeing Egyptian bondage, pressed on 'oward the promised land. How -imdiar in many respects was their faith in the Almight> ;hat «d those Puritan fa* her* to come to rrthcr at harvest time to thank Go>f for "Has merciful leviag kindness and » aaifold henefits " They were children ■f the old testament, they dwelt long and tenderly on the words of praise the Bible. -Ok Lord, awr Lord. mm excellent fa thy name ia aU the -arth." "I will bless the Lord at all nnd other kindrad phrasas "ere math in the speech. And now why hove we come to tether this day and what fa the pgr mi our meeting? This fa art merely a day far the cessation of o'uoainial activity, the exuberance of youth or the mollification of one ■df bat rather it fa a day far ile cxpenasior of a grateful heart fir the bit aain. i bestowed by the Heav erly Fathr Let as always br tirtafnl; far the oia of mgrn itade fa me of the meauaest am* mart mum to which huteanity fa heir Shakespeare was right w**r r he said "How sharper than a serpent"* tooth Tie to fan* • thankless child - We are the chfldiea of a gnat toe fa* Vhther who bau ahoantd upon rever know haw greatly Hfa hoart fa patead when we fiafi to thaak Han f* Hi |nk« HrtMH fa m Far what tkiaga ahafi we be grateftd a three fold relation to.seciety. We are Wimi mt the Uaitod Statca; family. To fill out the full measure of the day should be grateful be '-use we are Americans, because we rre christian and because we are | r 'embers of the human "Tr a'hes there a man with soul so I «i-'ad who to himself ne'er ha h said j this is my own. my na'ive land ~ ; *My country lis of thee, sweet land cf liberty." Yes. grateful as Amer | wans, for the wealth of the woo.led hifis. the l.iddca treasares of the mouatains. the prwlucts of the | plains, and the riches of the sens are Ul alike, contributing to the success | if «ur life and the enriching of our nation. We are the granary and treasury of the world. Maay are the nations of 'he earth that look to as eager-eyed and haagry -hearted and are fed out 'f car abundance. Irfid grant that we shall never become a na'ion of haagh ty landlords and clinging serfs fo* "•II fares the land to hastening ills a prey where wealth accumula.e am! men decay." but may we continue to be the cradle of liberty, the city of f- f-ige. the open door of opportunity rnd the gtddeu gate of the fature. Chiefest of all we are christians. Years ago an Olastrioas president declared that the nation which know* Gau. ia which the re-igiou l rpirit wanes, alters or fails is dome I to die. He voices the expereae of henaaity. We nmst ding ;-l m else all is lost. For it is the certainty > f God that makes men an' njijja* great. Sane times the way i- 'lark. • i -(air almost overwhelms. lh- ' -rre. cf erg seem to triamph ha* Reaind the alark. dim unknown standeth "J-d a the shadow keeping watch enr his own." There arr signs of cheerful optimism •here has never been such aa age af of charity and of service. Th- pnblic toncience is and prhlic m t« re -t aroaaed. The charvh is grap •ding with the farces of evfl wrh re w'wtd seal and energy. She is. ar at least aaght to be. the auker af public t piaiar. She is the only force con triving for the betti I miot af morals ard at the saaae tiae exaltiag Jesa> find a* the saviour of sinners, th* Hope of humanity and the ri; ht of the -rorld. It is the pulpit that must al rip poin* to Him as the IJeht. the Truth, an I the Way of Salvation Let ns hlien with Browning, thrt "The "art at the spring, the days at the ■lawn, the lark is on the wing, the -ufl fa aa the thorn, the mountain is Impel fled; Gad Is in His heaven. 'II is right with the world " Th-n ns individaal members of scrtety. me ought to he grateful, for from whesMe cuaueth heal'h. food and lalmeut; lore, pence and Joy? Do not these call for gratitade* There may be ■' ame lives far from the crowd -vho have felt no disappointment, but they arr few Disappointments and be ■ eaveaaents came to all saane time or her. It is ensy ta be gratefhl for the '•aod "hiog*. but let us he gra'efal rl» far >he tUa« that eemeth no* 'a be goad .Sorrows may have come. •ur hearts may hr heavy; we aaay " igh far the ♦ouch of a vanished hand aad loag far the loand. af a voice that is stfll" We amy dream •4 Tender grace af a day that fa •«ead and wdl never caaae buck ta •3," but if poverty and dtsappiin*- •nent has dimmed oar vision let as -emeaaher "That oars is the cam moa fate af all. fate each life »«me nin aawst falL" And yet again "Far H soaae sweet hope lies deeply buried beneath human eyes and in Sfer years angels amy from Ra grave rofl the stone away." Yes. He fa call tag tans as citi xeus. as chafaHaaa. ami as Mhifaah •a nmembii Him Let aa caaae and i ffer the sacrifice af Thank— fa lug ilm Uri m Ik iMtMM arMck tka hr laaaadi m. it was ikiw, mf lifr i* ilhm. my time » ia ihcy tawk Bdp m fcwuly Father to waKa* Onl'i; ami Ckrirt is (MV" Then «• sfcall to aUt toth to My mm* to thmHy: Tab my life awi te« it to firm cd Lard to that; take my ritor »-J ■my gmi*. aitaaito nH I take My aMnb aaa4 My day*. W * to* fto* to r.«toa praiae' Mr. Cbrt Mr rfjfya. w* Ttoalial an h Qrilto.' Mr. mmi Mn. W. * Haniactaa *■ ~a* Mfs. H Spnl Spaia aarf Ittk aaa. Spraaß SHOW TUESDAY NIGHT MEETS WITH GREAT SUCCESS ' The Flapper Grandaoother" a musi cal comedy presented hy the l.aild of the KpL-r.pal church last Tacsday right. net with t>verwhelm:ng soccers, i financially and otherwise. To give the I sLow a just write-up is impossible. ' It was plumb good, it went oarer the » per cent mark, the crowning effect in the theatrical world. New York I -grinded and then rame more, fad ia the effort of giving it due credi". 1 TTe debutante flappers would make The best lock bad in compai iaon The lag doll cNoru- was ju»t too sweet t.» talk about. The ieHy brurs. oreli if you failed to see them too Just mis»ed half your life. And more ir I regard to the jelly beans, t h»\ were more or less becoming in tSeir mcVe Efi We wdl spare our business nu»- i-ver in P'int hut "hot I l »r" will h • f>ng rernrmbered by us. New l alrnt Dasewiered While the discovery of America W..S of great importance it could not have been more startling than when the weak but harmoninus notes flowed from the lips of our prr-ent Mayor. J. L Hassell Tht> alone was worth •b-uhie the admission fee And as for Rastus Jones we woubl don him with a wai*er*s coat, a pair of striped sock*. and checkered trou«er and |ut on a permanent color and iu>", call !.im perfect. The audience wa* not ono- spelt- I r-und but was in a mtdst of laiurhter l» rourhout the performance and rave ♦very evidence at the v couclw»mmi of the play of a wonderful evening'* en tertainment. An attraction which ankle the even ing very much m»re enjoyable was the Windsor to tlltamslon Impromptu t "chestra woach played hefor- "he p (fonuance and between art-. Mrs. Watts, mu>ic l> always •he oul of in-piration. was rUr as sisted by Messr. Evans. Sawyer. Ha>- -ell. Rtck* and Watts. BARACCA CLASS VISITS INMATES AT COUNTY HOME The Itaracra class of the Memorial Baptist church visited the nmate> of the County Home and held relicious ■errires for them last Sun>iay after noon. The ohl aoea and women towed th -ir appreciation to the young men who were responsible foi their hour of wor-hip Ami the meet "ar was also inspirinr to those tak ing port Very lit'le tbourh; is rnen our r tunty Huanr mmates and very few things done to cheer their, their »ad life. Rut let other orraniralioo- fol low the fonts'eps of "t-e Bamrra and visit the Home .tENHHt EPWOHTH LEAGUE MPETIVG MONDVY .\H;HT , 1«»LU»MEI» K\ StMIAL The rejrular oaeetmg of the Senior Epwnrtb LeaKWs Rtß—at the church last ntrht and a very in'ereST at program relative to kimWu> wa> tendered. Mr. John • owelh of Ka>rtte ville was present and made a very "lady talk aa "Missionaries " After the program and the bu»i Less meeting was taislolrt. a -oeial was held at the bint of Mrs. J. F. Thigpen. just across the street from the church. Punch was served hy Miss K» l* Edmoadson just after entering the 1 1me. Attractive contests and game* were enjoyed for an hour before a fruit salad was served Those present were Mioes Evelyn Harrison. Obre Murrdl. Josephine Syhes. Klixaheth Garganus. Pattie Edmoadioa. Martha Lexgett. M>tle Ciena. Christine Dodd. Sophie Lille. Mary Clyde LeggrtL Frances Cor ran as. Sue Liggett. Mattie Lou Rag ♦ rson, EDea Cowing. Helen Summer! ud Mrs Jim Leggett. Messrs. War ren Everettj Jaliaa HarreO. George Hania, John Cowefi. Bdl Harrison TORACTO MARKET CLOSED UNTIL NEXT MONDAT The local tabucca market closed yesterday for the hoßdaya and wdl The proprietors state that the W3- he done in insure thoue settn here that they pfl receive jart ns U+ * day to Rrtaigh where she vdi «-J suaue her atadies at St. Mary's SchooLi Mr- Brttae Ward una to the city T ' T "^ T RECOMMENDATIONS M»R N \KTI\ (TOI NTT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION By R A. Phillips Oar idea." about the function of a public school have clunrrd consider ably in the last decade. It was not lon* ago when "reading, rtting and rithmetic," commonly valued the three K\ wri considered sufficient educa t»on for the average young man or woman. The school houses were unat tractive in every way and no attempt was ma.i»- to keep the children in -chool by making it interesting for them- I or. if wooden home made benches on which the boys often carv ed iheir names with jack knrvr- an.! desk of the same kind made up th* furniture of the average school. Map : nd charts were few and blackboard wer«* {uinteil planter, with chalk if 1 si*' lumps. No attempt «a> mj.w * I* -iulify the school irroands or fur n:-h any ft-rro of physical drill lhe «hiMren were suppos-d to have -ulfi cient esercise by chasing each o?h«-r i,bout the grounds and walkirsr te and from school. The people were al ways distressed because their children disliked school so badly ami it VJ *wsan to rerularly ue th- strap to pprsuade them to go These «ere the school.- of years a*o in Martin j>nd other counties and in som» pta**-- of very much r-cent date. We are Happy !hit such conditions are fa-J beinr eliminated throughout the c >un- The first move was to improve the -urrnunlings by installing a -eparate -eat ai.l desk for each child so shapes l •rat h» cotihl sit with comfort. Ther •he various teaching apparatus have l*een greatly improved This was a long step in the rieht flirection. Final il people concluiel that "book lars ng" was not -ufficient but a stronr heal'hy hwly -h.u1.l he ileve|ope>f ti upport a stnmr healthy mind. There fore the interest in Athletics. Ath letic programs and contests has rrad ■lally developel. At first a few po**s were erected «p 'he school yard- with horizon'a] tors •.cross the top and on these toy.- voiilil see how many tint*-- th*y eauld • raw ihems;*|ves up ami t«»ueh their chins. Mai.v persons to even •his small beginning as they rot a oii'; all right in therr > unr lay vi bout anything of th? knot T > rt itude of the people in 'hi- lega.d iowlv "»ut rrau'iaMy ranged an«i ' tin is i|Mir a «r \tMet v- «> uipmrnl '»• • (■» sckrv -I*l for Athletic contests am»nr IW •e *k They »f of rMr«- l» ( i- » " •'if twhe s of Martin rn n*\ '•» ri.Ulance i.i a wholes.. >» ■ I rnfum In view of the for* r»>nr we i.tDffi mrixl that the teachers of Marten roan') form an Athletic A- oct«*ioc to rfirrrt and control Athlet* (*■ rrams aa«l conte ts. that A'bletir-- .-nay be st imulateal alonr w..l l»ne~ aif I on a hifrti |>lane. I reennune .-•! •he 'ollowini. constitution. t Mstitatiaa Arlicl* 1. Nsmf.- The nam-* of ilu .rc7MlatiM) -hall be |S» Cublv V'w/J Athletic Association of Mar in County. Ariicl" 2 Object.—The ohf-ct of *h»- a- sortition shall be to fo-l'i rw.' Mint aii.l t?ool sportsmanship i» 'he Margin County Schools; to lm» lair. to control, arwl to «ltrer* jbnr ■ «wm.l lines an.l on a hirh pltne Miic School Athletic, in Martin tonlj by | men - of l*ublic School Athletic ("en Article 3. Officers. —The uAcers of 'hi- association shall be the chairman, -chairman ami a secret ary-tre»s Section I.—TVsf officer • -kaß b» K«fl annually by the Irarhrr- •( •kf school* that are member- of the A-variation. Section I—The office of the secre tir) twaMirrr shall be the (nrnJ Hearing b«u*e for the bxitnlna All fon**pomience a* to cMtr>t -hall be ruxliKlrd throutrh the wtHton'' ■A*. The MCHUry twtmw *bal keep a record of all Mttimr »f the imanation and of the eiwutwf no mittee. He shall have dam of all fnnd* of the Association and ibil under renorts to the eietath* t»n MIUM and to the auatiatte. Section X—lt shall be tbe 4mt? of the Chairman to preside at tbe n«t M|p of tbe executive committee, and at meeting* of tbe committees k n. charge of the varionn contest*. I* shall be tbe doty of tbe Chairama to ral nwtir.p of tbe MMrtb* r»— mittee Tbe chaiinn in with tbe woCary-tnanßr and ea watnt committee shall set all data* Article i Eiecatm Canutafe. Section 1.-—lte eatawtbm Anntfta •ioofc'ta'tbe (Continned on Pact liana 1 CSX ADVERTISERS WILL FIND Oil tOLI MNS A LATCHKEY TO KM HOMES OF KAKTIN COLMTT ESTABLISH til; 18i* tft'O BEARS KILLED BY ONE MAN DUR ING THIS WEEK Mr. Shm P Rober-vr of Orifßus iirwadup has the championship among i—'ar hunter- of Mar* in county so far a- w can find out. He haarged two b-ars in awe week and such a record -* hard to beat anywhere On Moolay Mrs. Nick Paniel saw a tar w amblinr by her home in leisurely fashion and then attempt to crawl over a wire fence nearby. She telephone-J to -ome neighbors ami Oey came with dogs and gurs ami he tan the rta* which Mr. Roberatn -««• eifcW with a single shot at l-ruiis- Tuesday Tii*fW. Messrs. Koberson "d * C. Whitley were coon hunt •njr near the same place the same hear V** killed In a few minuter after I ear arrival the dogs were on the - fail of a coon, so they thouirht. and ?ad him —lreeM" in a few minute*. When the men arrived, they saw not > ow® bu* a big Mack hear —a -etting up the 'lee - Aram Mr Robersntn -ho4 once the second bear was e«I» ! •d to hi* lL«t IWENTIETH CEVTI'RI 114 11 E\TIRT%I\EI» tti:i»^M»\V rhe Tarutaeth Centurt c'.uu m t -rtainoi tt rdn-lay afternoon by Mrs .«Ar * Mannina: at her or- - >,i « ■ urria -treet The interior of tlae I «-o*e. the whole floor of which was "brown I ■.•ret her. wa» .te->. rated with red roues i»i long leaf pine. An interest inc prorram was ren •'» rev J T*»-re were throe solots charm sngly »-T»Jered by Mr J S. Khotes, In. I- C Itenne-tt aixi Mis.-. Eva W viae The tofHc of study for th-- meeting v>s "I u«ri Pirandello"* and l*elha Carson rea.l a paper on his T "rk-. wharh krvarht out hi- promi nence as a |**t atvl a wr-ter of .-hort jiories Mr-. J S. Rhwie- read a err seism «•» hi- -Sim Character- in Search of an \alW~ which when pre-enied in Cmb' hi I5»21 re-u!?ed in a riot arsi fc» faev a» a dramati-t * a ra>le « ver aiffct Both paper- were much en JaydL Carret.t event- were prepare*! by Xr- C. II arsl were very la terestanr At the concha-ion of the program, •he Ko-tf.- assii-ted by Misses Carrie IMIe White. Marraret Manning antl I -ura rtrlran- aened a .U-liciou- -al fcd wane nfftistiar of chicken -alad. >a«id«icl»e-, ,chee-e straws an-l hot lea. Turhey la-krt - -ueeestive of •he TlhanksgivuMt -ea -on. filleti with ■.n*» ae-ee rneti each raae-t. ImitH guests f«.r the s'temsou ■ ere Me—«la me ». C. Manninr. B V'. Hardy. A T. Crawford. Ilennr • rawfor»l. C. (• Par.i.-, l-awrence Peel. K » Hjrtuw. C A. Ilarrtsan. C. K Ha- ell. l_ C. Bennett. t; H Ham-on. J l» Woolard. A R I Han "•a#*. Carrie Birr- William-, I I' Kenneth lin>l-ley. Ijwrence I nd-lrv. A A»>ler-ori. W. E. Warren. •" I' Cratcher. R." f7ai I auui Ka on I H. A Critcher. A. Ha-sell. Mamott Itr I*l and Huarh G. Hur on 1 WO (HI R« H I NIONS IN roi vn THIS W EEK EVP There wal be two unaons in the «aatv the cominr Saturday and ■''aaliy The Primitive Raptist I naoa wJI be held with the Saakhwidk's Creeh rfcairf and a great meeting la « vperte.l The Christian church of th> r awake Ih- nrt will meet with th* Mare teaiv churr for their qiuarter*v "There will be several aaouster - 'i« • b-r dastract* pres*nt aaH for loth days there have been interesting H»(Li aaai planned** -ay t the of "he Mamhru church, A J. Manucg. NOTICK Xaftate to all member* of the pea nat growers* association aad any p a—t farmer who aaay be mtere-.ed in the pa ice of pearuts. there wfll be a ftut of the pea not jtmuat* a# Marta at 'he lauitbauil. Saturday. Vi iwku tSth at S a'doefc. HtaMlr |i ill 11 to atle-ad. The a»- ndMiaa fatcea mm vjakrr to ABwi Mr. Mn Jaato F. R«aJ.l»h «T til I the "Flapper T S7T*.T£m J umßk*. » . ; *■

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