THE ENTERPRISE iff the DOWtISE PUBLISHING CO. W. C MANNING. Editor Subscription Price {Strictly Cask in Adnneet 1 year JIJ« 6 Mth. Entered at the Post Oftcr at Wil .amstoo. North Carolina a* aeeooo cias.- nutter, under the act of March X. .KTS»- Aadrrss all corKmunieations to The foyrprise. Williimswa, N. C. reiUAT. NOVEMBER, a 1««- i If Lie play pmlncers of the b«r' i.tie- had seen the marital comedy Ust Toesday night, we be? every mewtoer of the cast would be utlrrt a cor'firt. The show n$ a wallopir.r saetev- Ostfide of Christmas. Thanksgiv ing 11\ tars.:- out UK-re than any of •he other holidays of the yejr to u- TharA-mrr I >jy is not celebrate* a- a day that marks the end of a b:rter -trurr'e. it isn't because that S bek>veo hero died or. that day that ;t i- eeiebratea, bat becau-e ina: h. • j«-' iV-ut competed the harvest an.l prepared for the winter and in tun 1# tka*fc* God for it. It »s a Day that ■TI }« set apart to show jppwti- soc to Co! for the Ne--!nr be-tuwed Uie.r t b- «!a r :rr the >far and >«r- Qjrsnrr at the other n- I- se»" anot her for another thpf .M -« e.- f»r . Oiris'r a- nr , day whe*. rifts ar» exchanr"* r+»; ' n*rnir»!!r a- a whole'rales with rv ' fen thourhts if its rea! '•' ■ w r> 'ur* kifl TVank-nvinr ' r-.r*i fr.' : .1 * > be retire!) different i'—tr a!) the re.* its «>r;?ma! (tr|»--e more r-'e-'!. » :h*r».| *r> TVi**!,i Jt • ut fr*r*i '*.*»» of the others t«. a* T*' I fs -he m>»! •! i. e*,«-te..t. that pertain-ne !»> *he He * • a> *.* l why Willi., rv'on shovh* * parent tearh-e- " i-jK-n'Kn re »rite v - wu*Jd »•, •r-. for the Hut 'tw e-»us* the torni rra!!f ar-j withoct 'he •railf :! 'louht. r.eeds »neh »> orrati- | rat School i- r»* i |4ae.- for -j»«ne' no'-er- to re* nd of "hr fl il if f.r a few hours—just so *be * i a"wiy, well ale) rvi it «••** Ust .. p* :irw ":h- chil.|r»~ ! \» J i U y., to 'Wje the ».-rk at house. Ua' ( r-: fot . they fir.f rnorr wo r I 2* s fds> j hac at hume !f - rv -!'.*r ud teacher* roatii ret lotetiver and arrange a prt-yram. |>r ilabti w.»! interest mW I-- 'irilite lu? • a J • ■ ov» ai~: at school With such a ,-pier.did school faculty , »it th- .own of Williamstor. iwc ha- I arel for the parents of the town not j to e .operate with the teachers is. it. oar estimation, just a little less than a via and a shame. HHSMAS IS THK Alt SQOV AFTER 1 H ANKSGfVIMJ IS I* \ST Cr -jUas is ia the air the very I neat day after Thanksrrviai; k pa-" ' A few dolls, drums, trains, ha.' Peepe.i ©at of the shop windows ami J»oo d out on the front of the stores before T&nksrivißg but .—iay 'he Christma» top for the ktds xr«l ths vanities and tid-brt* that r«*n- awl even -he oh! tie birr B a** l they *r» np»)l«- CBhur up sitop windows and show AnJ the spirit of (Vrms p [jMCOUS ~ Vl^jS^ , becianhw to permeate the air and m r little over three weeks it win be a our" bones. . Visit Courtney's furniture store during the Majestic demon-Iratios all next week. Kditor of The Enterprise: For some time I have heard people rnimblinr about extravujcanee and , t i«rh taxes. Personally 1 never would t-n~er into a state of criticism and 1 have had nothing to say I mast too fess that I can see some reason wr.y I tax payers should take notice of ;'hings tn Martin county. I inquired rhout my taxes the other day and was told by the sheriff that my taxes had rone up twenty per cent above last year. I had a hard time payinr , last year wi*h a rood crop Now what am I to do with crops down and j taxes up? I do not understand why , taxes ro up all the time unle* it is .to pay hirfc salaries, bir -larares ' and extravarant prices. f ! have no'iced the bir claims for mares made by people a'onr the new State highways ami I f* some lir allowances paid people whose },t« r«erty has been benefitted rather : damared. Farmer- livinr alonr wjv from the hirhway aM reeervinr little benefit* feel post a little sore when our taxes are increased to pray lama res to men who are helped I can't come before our cHleeri and it up to them hut I hope you will pr'rt this and tha* it may rau-e "hem to think a lit*le before they ar •p wikS. ! h»ar it talket! an-un.' *hat 'He ">cnty ha- river s road in nor 'own •hin one thou* nd dollars ar-f most w r-"e -lain\ jt rj- not proper to -*o * c .c - pit far «""r h to -it •!-» to- .o j>j'. r i/Wih 1 ! •»; :r - ■ a" fl it « * re; Hi Ctsnir •- !,er vho r. -t .•e:r -e on tht» !>ial irji'" l of. with ;.n-*frf-r omnxsinrer wI-. wi ur. anxious f«r a county -Jer >n«"ra tor I rue-.-, everv bo«ly liov- ;h* o-raii— l«: i-r had prum, o! to !e" the pn-plf va'.i* iin the county >iem •n-traitor :-nd when the frwr-ls of e; n o ro! .•-l-s-ovr>. wh« had ' • -« that pr«»mi-e. -aw rHem break n- ;d«. i pi' i'i-e. :h* > k*! - 1 h» .» i*..i*' -t. m n had hkxb ma'! I!.«r- mu-t 1> -omething »•» * il.e ric I ,?rtpar.r.>c to. to -p>*iel * til"!*! which if ihe-ir b>' i.-l lot is true the) will hare (o hnimw I '■ ; i i aoi alt :\- aruin-t »t:es;llie-.,, 1 . I am al o. acainet wj>'e(u ii - I ili-l Mlh' l lnllit--.-. I feel that f _j- lia-ilv .-Martifudaf*' »»i !--ar-d«i i «: ln-«-t C3'f" s| -uld l>e ht :1 in Wi • pr «>ut i fund- o-it of le-ijifc - traripr-! a- a- M. : ill nsjMv j i farmer i\- a» thi- tin-e il admit t'-jt »-ff-rer- u * U- e* thitirs to c-it-end with tm e\|*rt I 8 Hour Service i ; ■ MmnmniL iwrowfCHA—at • i We solicit sick battener, and return j i theni recharged within eijrht hours. All cr- ! ders given prompt attention. r . . „ . Jone's Electric Shop I —+ (Rear York Building) - ihonc2?7 WiHiaraston, North Carolina . j • sane thing* said against tWem are I exaggerated- 1 da not want to create any had feeling. On the other hand ■ ■». ihe people si.culd be c-ansiriere. a. aOtimes- It may .'oi tie proper for me to ei.ter nay potest, yet I feel that 1 i a within "ny rights when 1 express myself on th? arronodinr woditiwii. Yours truly. TAX PAYER. Speakinr about taxes, the reporter I' tays they never worry him He says tr-ere is no time left for worry be caase all his time is required to earn. > with emphasis on the am, the atorey i with which to pay them. Be sure to attend the Bazzar at the Masonic Hall next iTharaday afternoon & night There will be a special dinner served at six o'clock. The old-fashioned (r'rl was :iOt. how ever, a bear for tellinr the truth. No matter how enterprising the mosquito she always said she was bitten on ""the ankle." NOTICE LAND SALE I'nder and by virtue of an order of M. V. Barnhill. Judre, sirned on ■he 19th day of November 1924 in the case of' E H. Anre vs The Bank of Jamesville, notice is hereby riven "h : s «kh(i!(ie-s, directors, de itc i, creditors and all other par t; . interested in sai»l bank, thit on h- date- aiiove mentioned the under ~a»i --a. appointed temporary Re ceiver for the Hank of Jamesville. awl rotice is further giv-n that the order to show cau-e why this temporary PtceK -r hip should not fcie made per maierit will be l»eanl before M V- Itarih 11. Jualre. at Kocky Mount. N (', on Saturday, ih? 2J#th day of NoTimb-'r IV2-I at Thr®e (3:o>i o'- clock I* M in the office of > iminor— . ret Klanr. Inc.. This the 2«ith day of November 1 ML —•> j I Gained Ten Pounds ;i * Mrs George 8- Hunter, af Columbus, Cm., aaya she suf- i i fered severely with female troubles. i i -1 had to ge to bed and i I stav so-netimes two weeks at VI a tin*,' aaya Mrs. Hunter. I -I could not work. My .. . 9 were irrerular and I rot very Z th.ia I weat from 12a pounds I d -wa to less than 100. My # mother had l*en a user of Z SARBUI Th Woman's Tonic || S and «'e Vre.v what a good i il O ntahdae it was fur this trocb- J[ I y It. aha tM me to git , p vceiie and take it. 1 sent to 1 * 0 tlee after it and Vfore ( ' z I l.ed taken the first bottle i i 0 bp 1 o'C-a «J i..ipiove. My j ' 9 :*'r k' lt less a..d 1 to ( ,1 ® t{ . heskii. I too"; fe'ir i(I Q m *3! «''-ring the lest ][ I Y ten uor.t .i •-t jiidui r ted as , t j 2 a Set tci.ic... lam well bow. i i 9 1 hts e f ten pounds r -ad j j x am st .1 gaining. My ti-Kea ( » A do not double ir.e at all and V 1 niv ~ . are/pute rerular. I 2 S know that Cardui will beip o I others suffering from the 9 I I; THE ENTERPRISE. WILLI AMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA MARION C JACKSON, Temporary Kttum far The Bark of Jamervflle, N. C. NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under aad by virtue of in order of re-sale and? ia the matter of Geo. Robersoa. et alf, vs. Willie Roebuck, et als, the undersignad commissioner will «n the 2nd day of December. 1924, at 1140 o'clock, noon, in front of the Mart house house'' door of County offer at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash he following described land: A tract of land ltnow.i as the Isaac and Pa'.tic Wiggins tract of land, ad orning the lam'.- of Henry Slade on •he North and West; G. R. L. Roe •ack on t%e South and the lands of Sin. Mattie Bryant on the East, con aininz 12S acres, more or less, and l»ir* ;be tame laivi described in l ook XXX. page 104. The biddiag will begin at $2625. This the 18th day of Nov., 1924. B. DUKE CKITCHER, Commissioner. 11-212 NOTICE OF SALE I'nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a c ieed of irttn executed and delivered to tl«e ii erugntd trustee b" .* .ah Harnett ar-i -rife. Martha Harjrett, rn I lie 34th day of March 1921 which said oeed of trn t is of record in the public regis try of Margin County in book G-2 at pare 195. sail «'eed of trust securing certain note - of even date and tenor thmaitt and default having been ivie ia th* paymert of the -ame .">1 the *"ipulat*ons container! in the said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request cf the K ol>>r o* raid uot»s the under signed :ri4-» will on Mo.iday the lS*h day of Itecember 1924 at 12 o'- clock M ir. front of the courthouse I COMMUNICATE WTTM JONES, SON * oa H iNrof*MATio« fßrf ** a*Aß©e. by TCLrPHont o* toxowh rsww*f SI , ATI , "M |7 NT THE CONDITION OF I Planters & Merchants Bank j f '•* Everetts, N. C. ft r. . ■". 1 | AS OF THE CIXISE OF BUSINESS NOVEMBER 19TH, 1924. IT I ft RESOURCES - ■— LIABILITIES ,ffi.' ! uans a d Discounts Capital Stock . ' 38 it LJ.US, Mock:, 5.50000 Surpias Fund 7,500-00 ffl •i%*' Ja;»kirg Houses; Furniture ' ndiMded Profits—__— 720.56 m 1" u.d Fixtures- .... C.3 t;.JO Dividends Lnpaid 1150 gg fayh 3.1 hand and Dae frrm £5?" " naMa* 1 Banks G1.420.59 I'ayable il jj£- Stationary Account .... 575.00 Reserves tor lxid dehts _. ; . 2,270 95 ft | jkj. ■*_ w i| $212303.75 $212,803.75 | IP t . . * ffl ! !The above fijnires taken from out* books will show you how vo stand today and what |! we are doing* when it come: to ban!iing. You may notice from the figures £ iven below we I ¥ have more money on (iejrait at this season of the vear than ever before. I.- V - P te DEPOSITS COMPARED ! ib; (J ' ] W NOV. 19, 1923 Our largest year to that date $185,696.04 | 4 NOV. 19, 1924 Our deposits just a little larger $190,699.40 | Y.'e are net quite .to large in figures as some but juit as safe and guarantee you as p good service a • any 1: ank doing business. Try us out and see if our statement is not correct £§ 1 I Planters & Merchants Bank jj I Everetts, N. C j| jij j j?)?jm i 7 S 3 - rf :,- . " . ... . _ • ". _ ' »"1 .ii" J.': - a*., . - - . .* . ' door in Martin County in Wnlia— ton. N. C off«r for ale to the high est bidder for cua the foGowiug tract of had, to-wit: Bounded on the cast by the land* of Ed. Peel and L. & Harrison, on the south by the land of Ped and Godard. cn the west by ik land of J. E. Bamhill estate, aad on the north by the land of Ed. Peel, c—fauniag SO ae tzb more or less, aad being the premise? on which he row lives. Th"s the 12th day of November *924. k, G. HA!IRIS?N. Tnivie 11-14-/ N'ortu Carolina Marin County' In the natter of N E Hatton, ad ministratrix of the e* ate of J. P. boJer, deceased. Er-Piartc. Cnder and by virtue of an order uf the .Superior Court of Martin COM!' in the Special Proceeding entitled v above the hereinafler describH bsi having bsen offered for sale to highest bidder on the 3rd day cf NOT. 1924 and the aid having been raised the undersigned commissioner will on Wednesday the 26th day of Nov. 1924 at 12 o'clock M in front o fthe courthouse door ia the twwn of William-it on offer for sale to tne highest bolder for cash the follow ing described r~al e taf to-wit: Th brick store buifciin; in *V 'o*n of Jarnesville. North Carolina >.un» bei»» on Wa'tr S*ree' :' beinr the brick stdr* *iwl lot :!.a belonged to J. P. Rutkr a'. «:e tiir if his death. I Thi-; the 10th lay of Nov. 1924. WHEFLER MARTIN. Com missi Martin and Peel, \ttrmeys at I.r.w. NOTICE OF SALE '*i*tpr t-«d by vit rue of the power of sale Mftimd in that certain deed of trast executed to the ■nilrriianod trustee, by John Edwards on the 2nd day of May 1922 and recorded to Martin County Public Biigishy to Book H-2, Pajre 3N, securing certain toads of even date and tenor there wi h and the stipulations therein net bar ing be complied wjh and at the re quest of the holdei of said bonds the —' 'It — 1 trustee, will on the sth day of December, at 12 o'clock M. to bust ai the Court House Door uf Martin County, North Carolina, offer for safe at |« ! Jit auction to the liigh est Udder fur cash the following 11 i.a« i » » Beginning at a Gum in the fork of a branch, Bettie Andrew's corner In Geo. W. Biounts line; thesce up said Branch 82 yuurds* to the rood, a (take; thence up snid rosd * 1-2 yavdf to a stake, Bettie Andrew's corner; thence a West cocrse a parallel line with the flirt line tt yards to ahranch, Blount', line; thence down said Branch to the br*in ninr Containing one acre more c leSU. This the 4th day of November R. DUKE CRITCHER, Trustee. ~ 7 ; ll-7-4. R EUEF^*, Brimpm rrnt im the dog time and deep mt might. Stoaa M 72 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY •• IM upon by people every where for brondual, "ftn" and whooping coughs, croup, tick ling ttouut and tiuunlesoin# "*~U«« coughs. No nutuba. R>n»fcibcd> rMffcuuand grownups. New Way to Stop Night Coughing ImmZtJnjSwfiM t!* nm 2Tu - it2Sy e 2li 2* wSSS ti J 'i* "i i i -"— 2 F«r lhm|> a vmj unplo tmt> ■■t th» tr-tlt CM b« «hp« *!• «S£ fcTSyS 527lL«^ti after fb in MaL Jtay r»w ttwg tm hft —. ja^gST*" Olbe HOOVER rnmWrntm mmCkmm II * tg2s Co. Washington, N. C.

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