locals Mrs. W. A. James is visiting her kr*har, Mr. Taylor in Richmond, s so Mrs. E. P. Cunningham and little son. Ned returned this week from a visit to Birmingham and Charlotte. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lucy Cunningham, who will spend Chri?'.- mas with her son and Mrs. Cunning ham. •• • • Miss Elisabeth Hassell. Mrs. C. T). Carst&rphen, jr. spent Wednesday jrnd Thursday in Durham visit 'Pg Mr. Bryant Caretarphen. • • • Miss Lucy Turaage left Wednesday for Wilson Mills where she -pent • lie holiday with her parents. She will re,urn tomorrow evening. • • • Mr. and Mrs. F L. Minga arrived Wednesday evening from to spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. Min- I *'i> mo*'i-r, Mrs. Mary E. Peel. ■■ • • Mr. Murphy of the Southern ' ot en OU Co. of Kaleigh was a visitor ! ere this week. i oO so Jure. M D. Watts and li'.tle -lauj'h tert. Jean and Julia will return next week from West Virginia where they ' ..ve been visiting friends and rela tives in different sections of that Mate. ■• ■ • Mr. Kicks of the local seho il fatult.' left Wednesday for Mt. Olive to spend Thanksgiving with his p|rents. lie vilt return Sunday evening. oo • • Mr and Mrs. John L. Rod*erson and •laughters are visiting relatives in li chmond. They will return Sund iv • • • o Messrs. Sollie Orleans and Irving Margolis left here Wednesday for ' hoskie where they joined Mr. and Mrs. Walter Orleans and motored to Norfolk where they spent Thanks giving. - • s s • Miss Estelle Crawford of IU-l!iave:i is, vis'ing here mother, Mrs. J (. iiawford. s • • • Mr. Uruce Wynn of Farm Life is pending Uie holidays here with his mother. • s • s Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mann:n? i f (ioldsboro are spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. J." Manning. • • • • Messrs K. F. Cozzens and Jace.s It 'tuss of \ .'ashington were husineva "isitnr in the city Tuesday evening OWL-LAFFS | ' tOs With Lsaghter) It is hard t-» lau»rh at your own ei ptnsts, es|>ecially « n th» first of every month. -—o O .1 - The automobile cert «'nlv is repine ii.g the I.iirsi', n-i'.uul: 'il the diner when he found a piecv' rf a tire in t; c reusspe. • OS* I guess I'm about on my last lei's j remarked the football pants us thrv I carried out the defunct fullback I ■—o-O-o-- Everyone is cracking joke- about | the cross word puzzles, hut Bill II;:,-- I APPLES! & 30dts. A PECK One Day Only (Saturday) COME EARLY!! AT OLD TEXACO CAFE - - NEXT 10 STALLS GAUGE J. W. Watts Jr. nil says to ha* tried -fem ad they're m jokes. He—lf >•« hadnt takes *s Wag getting ready, we steoM kw* caagto that train! She—Yes. and if jr* hadal tamed me so, we .should have had sa Umg to wait for the wxt one* Piaui the Sh» Patron —How did yoa lite the con cert ? Critic—So man) sowr wtt- tha? I ieft ihe hall with an nctd S>—n t —o-O-o A mans salad days ate tte*se ir * hich he is the most ptrtwa'ar aWot drfsiin;. Collins Peel thinks a lowhevw a«t liave an easy time wiping the »we»" iff his forehead. That Settles Thai Be*" Now why n '.arsh t» >•« insist on slidfci? ltd of *anu»- paper alone the floor ? Cant cam it on your -nodder ? Hardware Clerk: Aw, akst f 'er nice does it make? Boss: Never mind* lit ka*e i» «*w pulling any roup! -tLff araev "h« 4 pin—, Two of the teacher* in a -sears? .chool were overheard to SI? . a.- tie*: d-seussed the co'd weather Teacher No. l ««M «*i •» i- terrific: >lj >ni krow 1 «rae Icet in »n old -haw! ever* nirfet "" Teacher No. 2—"That t» a SBte 1 'ign you'll he an old I Set ew »tay cold."—Ex. —o-0-o- things happen t» cKi-'w. according to the no'es th*ir p«ue«ts ?er d to the teach rs. Here are a few i xamplei: "Itear Miiu>: Mary", was *i and I k.-pt her home for three *3ayV" "L>f»r Ma'am: Net W" »»> B«C W»B enough to jro to sch**>l *e4ewa* Her '.i-ad wa* very tail ail utaj. it . rke-l off during 'he There U a sermon in a slew. an old philosopher. Rieh* eweolli •vh-n the stone is an riea* XCtTH r. A .spotted sow ane. f'Sjr «p«rtled -I.oats will wei>fh ahwot T> pmstj-Is l.nc been in my pa-tare for alt-*" K» days. Owner will pt*a.-* coeae f*f | them. Karrr Perry ft 1. Jiinr>i rfV V C ! OST: A WBITf HOI AH B»>*v h ad. Murk -j>' on Thi -Ve* i- a blood hound and ha.* ** R»WBEJJ l- n-" cars I.ost en R.,a- k. rw* I. -I*l*ll Wil!i»estm i>l v ill" I.'VKSI rewar»f tf-r 4 I»1 i:ie ■' > his whe»esifc»> «*r > i V T Store. VHhtadan V C Write or i>h»ne me «• > VTFTV TEN" ANT OK H WHi? « r W. 'lave a futr h. w 'jn« with piwl tenant house. bai «art :-Me f-ir inttixi. w* i -Wl peyite's. will lea e • r sell m% t»»«r SI Aid KHOI» r > A fOMMNT. IIA MM TON. N C. ;--s sat Fit . 1 on hart* surface roa '. fear mile from V* iiliamston. Fann has house, v.oo: I aibaeeo uai~n. 45 acres cleared, ami is suitable for the of tobacco, pea nuts ami ail other j eneicil crops. I'rice and terms cheap and easy. £ee. W. C. MANN INC. \V 11J J A MSTON. N. C. THE EKTEm-mSE. WILHAM3TON. NORTH CAROLINA HOW'S THIS? Milt or "aarrt or Dntoca MMtS 11 ? ®*SSM« • *rnm mt aa Otetrnml whtea Q*Ur ffco bursal MtCdM. a Task, wfekk MJhmg thoJßlood ttjyMway FOB SALE: NICE EARLY JERSEY Wakefield Cabbage plants, frost proof .Kc per hundred.—Lady Thorn p*on Strawberry plar.ts at 25c ne hundrcd at my track irm. orar Hassell. during Nov. and Dee. A. E PURVIS. 11-7-ep "666 , a a prescription for akk Grwt. Uengae, Headaches. Coast ipatioa. Bdieasness "! is the most speedy »emedy we know. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad xauitriUir of the estate of C. M Luuts decwasjd. nTt»ce is hereby giv en to all parties holding claims a- I rauut said cs' ate to present same | on or before the 12th day of Novem j brr. 1>!». or this notice will be pSeaoed in bar of their recovery. All pernors indebted to said estate ire requested to mak* immediate pay I T?wat of same. Tins "he 12lh lay of November ;«4 J. N. LONG, Administrator of C HI Lonr. deceased. 11-14-® TKI STEfTS SAL* By virtue of the authority conferre«l i «r m- by a "IV-ed of Trust" eaeeuled '« roe by l>ewi.s H. Peel on the 11th way d October 1919. arxl duly record ed in the Reri-'tei of Deed's oKice in Martin County, in Book A-2 pare ZS3. to setiife the of a cer 'a is bond bearinir evil date there with, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not lw:«-inr been co n plied with, I shall -xposc at public VICTROLA j The Christmas flift j t hat is new with each i VICTOR RECORD. j We Have VKTROLAS * stock from 525 to 5 9 25.00. F-asv Terms if desir ! el. Call or write— RI T SS BROTHERS ■ Washinirton, N. C. ! j auction, for cask. ou Muhj the 22 day of December 1924. at 12 i lock Noon at the CaaUhMK DM in Martia County, the fdU«iaK pa* r«rty: Those tracts t r pareet of bw* this cay sold Let-is H. Pied aad Via* •'escribed in said deed rs "!>■([ lots numbers (ll one and 12l t«* in 1 1 lock Cof the J. W. Wat's Fan la rd Division, as plotted and ««r --i Teyed by D. C. Jums, C. E, which I .-aid plot or map is of rrcord ir the j |kblic registry of Martin Ciilj In ' LarJ Division Book X*. 1 at pace i '.II, a reference to said pi*t or map r-s hereby made for a more definite (.estrip ion. .-nd being the nar lots cor.veyed to J. O. Nann sr by deed ■iated Jpn 21. I)lt ard of man! in * - blic registry of Marlm Count* in Book T-l at pare 23# Thi- tls'. 'lay of Nov. !B4 E. &. PEEL. Trmste*. 11-21-4 *OTICI OF LAND rut SALE I'micr an«l by virto- aS the pacer .1 saJe rontainci in a cer*ain deed of rut execute*! -o the a: ru.ee by H. 31. i.iuutu wife- Ore Ru.iL c.. ;h-» 1 : of X»ie»- '-*r. which said tieed of trust a of •tnril : r the public retri-'ry «f Mar :"n Coun' } ic* Took C-J at far* Wl aid lee-l of trust K»rm* b»e.: jnn •»r 'he |wri»«» of a *«^a-3 ote- of even ifaie arid t*sww tSere ~ith and ifc-firlt harinr b n nadr is he pay men' of the ther^ by >ecured ana! the «ti wl r.ions tw tained in HefJ cf trm-t u»» hav ing bwn t-,m|4ied with at>l at the! rewst of 'he h«Mer "1 the said I f BIG FBEE PREMIUM OFFER! jplbjipSs Next Week Only 1 llWgiLlVjjffll l>l KING FACTORY LXillßfT OF I pvw-, gGreat Majestic M It J#'if! CaJ h majestw ...... * |u The Range with a Reputation !, J5 WE WILL GIVE WITHOUT COST TO EVERY PURCHASER OF A MAJESTIC S? K r RANGE HER CHOICE OF ONE OF THE VIpImMBI BEAUTIFUL SETS OF WARE ILLUS- I Our store will be the must interesting place in town next week. You will meet EE many of your friends and neighbors here. We clon t want anybody to miss seeing this beautiiul new model Majestic Range ■ * and the exquisite polished solid copper set Hrrr i* the o*w ■» H Great Majr.-tir. i be finest Kanjre fm built Of SjH\'illl MSJCStiC Ware, eithei Of which, v: at the buyer's choice, is to be given away 4f, M*. i-* r«i"''T> itt'ie »«rk. Beautiful throurtioat nmk free to every purchaser of a Majestic range TV hravt XitkfW TruuKi^ —rtoors and splasher bark pfcßffed' M " . ■ . L - jW White. Gray, or Ittwr Kmaanel if desired. Has rustless floor rest: lICXI WCCK. SKZZ%IS& 2^- r h pan an " - ~ r ** fc An Kxperiercec expert from the Ma- —. . ' | jestic factory v. ill be in the store all week. B Vfl I He will gladly show you the many new n Ml * features of (he Majestic »an e. Whether I JJ you bay or not you will he welcome. Don't ,«s-ECONOMY IN IHis LONG RUN Any housewife ought to consider well the !uTj|J WxJMI . _gWy|A cooking and wearing qualities, the fuel i [ . economy and the appeai-ance of the range she buys. Remember that itis a lasting jS A iiv jfcjMMy if'it purchase—you are buying for a long time. ' ,uix '^ ase for the home is more impor- I . tant than the kitchen range. You cook on it H§ i . " l three times a day. every day in the yean 'Wj ! iiens*iiiitn!iM H(.k |al wit week Iwe will irtve ih Your peace of mind and the health, energy Ifc ££*££ contentment of your whole household !t buy or not. Ami fcj •• ewe in and see th»s beaMifai *•«. ota> depend (Hi the better cooking that a New d tJ ""' m Majeeic Range will enable you to do every meal. It is false economy to buy a cheap kitchen an , range that wears out quickly and often U. . f*|U makes the best cooks M The only true ez economy is in the long run. Therein lies the economy of the Majestic. It cuts down fuel \ and repair bills and its long life of neter falling efficiency makes it cost less per year KmBB than any other range in the world. REMEMBER—ITS ONE WEEK ONLY 88 KjHSM Our big Free Premium Offer is good only K. next week while the factory representative I i is here. IT Be Sure to come in.ill east you nothing I B. S. Courtney WILLIAMSTON, NORTH'GAROUNA J » J note the undersigned trustee *9 mm Friday Dec. 5th,1924at 12eWock M. ■i front of the courthouse door ia the town of Williams!on. North Chißm offer fur sale to the Vigbest UUs for cash the following iluuikd real estate, to-wit: A Sot in Williamson. N. C, begin r.inr on Main Street of said town, a corner between Eli Gurganua aad H. M. Barns running a Westerly touts* doßg tfce line between Eli Gurgaans aad 11. M. Bunas 70 yards Ihea a .-ojtherly course Si yard* to the L» between H. M. Hurras aad W. H. William.- at the bock of W. H. Wil liams lo*, thence v an Easterly direc tion 75 yards to Main Street, a corn* between W. H. Williams end H. M. rurras. thence 35 yards along Main Street in a Northerly direction to the beginning, containing 1-2 acre —r. or lens being the same tot off which the said H. M. Hurras now Uvea. Also a second lot in the town of Wflliamston, N. C. known as the Wiley Micelle and Whitley lot. an the East side of Main stiuet I *adiryr to Roanoke river and adjoiniog the lands wherein Eli Roberson now lives and others and containing 2 wres more or «sss. This the 4th day of Nov. 1924. WIEELER MARTIN. Trwstee. Martir. and Peel, AVornc-ys at Law. 11-7-4 TRt STEEN SALE By \irtue of the authority conferred n by a "Dred of Trust" executed me by Carolina Farm lond Co_ t-y W. C Manning, Pr»sident. on the *M'h «lay of March I*2l, and duly j * «>:iW in th~ Rer«*»er of Deed's I • (Vp in Martin County. In Rook G-2 317. to went the fajraot mt a mtaia band bniag ma Arc there of TVnat act kariag km aafbd with. I shall I ipw aft pklic awrtiw. lor oA, aa N«hj the B day af DLIIMIII in*, at nth* rttak. tia Canty, the fJniat property: hgiuhK at a stab (him sear a 1 |h>ae pale on the aew callec Haaghton Stmt Extension. I naai Jl there a Westerly cmrc with said itnat M feet to a tob k«ace hack hUaua parallel lines 80 feet m » ta Bake alattO feet wide and eight} feet deep, wrtiiaMt 1-8 of an acre more or leas. Bens 'he raa»e lot deeded by R. A Lloyd to Guvia* Fana Land Co. ai mhlud hi Book D-Z. pace 124. PMhlic Beg Martin County. ThL- 21 rt day of Nor. 1924 E. S. PEEL Trwste ll-Zi-4j ■ ■ - ■ - I TtISTEPS SALE By virtaa rf the aatharity c—iht— d m me by a "Deed of Trot" rnra ec | to aw hy Charlie Jaaanc o« The 2S da> of October 1917, awl daly mnhr m the lighm mt Deed's adfce fcj Martia County. la Book M l parej M. to aeewTe the pajnaeat of a rr j taia hand haartag erea date her with, and the stipentiou in *• Deed of TraC not btriat beer, coos I plied with. I shall spree at palair cartioa. for cash, oa Vac. h« tb* 22- day of December 1924. at 12 o'clock Noon at the Courthaan Door ir. KaKh Cawaty. the fallowing paoper ty; | A certain tract of tard lym* : s Maith Coeaty. daacrihed as Wha»: Bx-if at the C P. Ph», «wi iwnaing thence S. » W. alaag Mid dtotaa's tin to aa Oak. Battery's oner, m Waif Pitt Branch; there aa Easterly coarse with said Waif Pitt T1 ill I* to a black oak; thence JIT* E. poles to the beginatog. 1 th^Narth side afWrff*Pitt a pad fraas the hale of North O retina to M. W. A9ge aad record ed m Book JU. at jap 54*. Mirth Cosoty PaUic Begwtry aad beaac he same land ihati.hed in the jndT* .reot in "he case of L H- Wyna, at siv ts. Dennis Siiiaaani baker CX. et als, aad recorded in lliaale Docket No. 7. at page 417 and 418, oAce of the CM of the Sawerior Caart of Martin Caonty. This the tlst af Nor. ISM. A B- DUNNI&G, Trwatee. 11*1-4 I I —— ; * AU kinds Jecclry, f Watche?, Hocks Tfl | China. Cut s j Glass and Novelties. } Watch repairing a j -r^wialty. j W. C. BROWNING JEWELER West Main St. Washington, N. C -

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