r i» .7 WATCH Tn liWl ON TOUR rm*. IT GAIIOB TUB DATE TOUR SUBBCXIFTION EXPIRES VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 84 AUTO COLLISION SUNDAY NIGHT V. Jeff A—bow and Will Pact ceas ed a (Mr cad collision Sunday night ■ha they came rushing down Main (treat in a Dodge touring ear at a rapid speed and atraek the rear wheel if a FWrd car driven by Jodie Barn hill. The Ford was knocked entirely araumi, one wheel ton off, the seat backed back about tix inches and the car itself badly damaged. Auahon attempted to clear the Ford and took to the sidewalk, jumping the curb nod going into a large elm in frcnt of the residence of A. R. Dun ring. The tree took one wheel off the Dodge, which went on down the side walk. Fact went nearly trough the windshield but came back down in the front aaat. He was cut some and Aus- Jt ou was hurt but neither were hurt Arianaly. Beth Ptece and Ausbon were escort - H to the doctor's office and after a little pacthiag up were carried on to jal where they spent the night. Yesterday they were af ter they had sobered up and given bead for their appearance before the lewder today. Christmas Seal Posters Very Attractive Ones The posters, window cards and fcther display material for the Christ- Mas seal sale have just been received by Mrs. Luke Lamb, chairman for Williams too. The small 11 x 14 poster and win- dew card will appeal particularly to persons who love children and to whom Christmas, the children's holi day, has a meaning. It shows Santa dans with his left arm around a beautiful child holding in his right land a design of the Christmas seal Both the child and Santa Claus were painted from life. The original of Santa Claas is an old man in New York who is a friend of the artist who designed the seal, George W. Cutis. Mr. Baail Eaves of the Natl. uuU Tuberculosis Association who visitod N. C. recently states that It - is a perfect likeness of the original •ud that the kindly smile and mellow in the expressive eyes represent a characteristic mood. The larger poster represents a yaang woman in winter costume breaking thiough a Christmas holly wreath and holding a design of the scaL The small seal cutout which is intended U stand upon show rases in window*, represents the seal i apportod by 1 gnomes, one holding aloft a spray of holly, the o'her a mt mistletoe. Theoe figures are teggestive of the fairy stories ao lewd by children. This year's seal is pronounced by rimtbliU experts the equal mt any ninifiil seal in artistic merit and is lit beg i aphed on better ma erinl than ever before. These seals ought to seU", says Mia. Lake Lamb, tbe Christinas seal chairmaui for Wißiamston, "merely because of their dseorstnre value en tMy aside from the great work far which they stand." 'CHI'RCH-WIDE PROGRAM BUKDAIY. DECEMBER lITH. Pre»'«yter'ans ia Martin county are vrrj much interested i;. a Cclmeh- Wide Program far Sunday December 14th at which time a cash offering wflt be taken according to the plan of the General Assembly of the Preeby tcriaa Church in every Presbyterian Church la the South, for additional cad improved equipment in ths Home and Foreign Mission Fields. iTk plan adapted this year la far each t—grog at ion to be ashed to con tribute to s designated object and all chaichoa la Martin county have been asked to accept in connection with ttb Equipment Fund the following csaaea:- Foreign Mission Fields, Mis iliasij Dwelling House at Chllpan cingv> Mexcc Home Mission Fields, ChurrH Erection Building aad Loan The chair has la this County rwk-H to participate ia this program are: Parmols Cbasili. Parmele and Roa nshe Church, Oak Chy. R. P. D. Rev. 3. T. Wldaaa is paster mt both INFANT BON OP MR. AND MRS. N. T. TKB DIED THURSDAY Jam, the fnlf an months old Ma «f Mr. aarf Mrs. N. T. Tic* died Tfc—laftliht evening at six e'deck *fter saCeriag many Math. It wmm ilba 31 tarty in thia jmr and had had a tevng disposition and was lavad by all thane with whom it aaaw He taaal awihiuu am held laat FrMajr by EUa W. B. Haiilngtea , THE ENTERPRISE MASS MEETING STRAND THEATRE THURSDAY NIGHT Mr. Simon Lilley, Scout master has Accomplish Ed Great Results - ?r! " Superintendent Gives Much Credit To The Organization The Boy Scouts organisation is comparatively a new thing in Ameri ca but it has proven in the short time that it has functioned in America to be one of its greatest agencies for training boys and youths. It trains the head, the hand, the heart. Willianiston has had a boy scou' • iganization for several years. Tlx present troop was organised by Mr. Simon Lilley and at there rre thirty-two members, several have passed the agr- limit and several have moved away, which would bring the ige limit andltay . d'omshdrlshrdhd total that have been in this organiza tion up to a goodly number. There has been little said about the Williams'on organization because of the modest, retiring nature of Mr I.illey, but the work has gone forward and great success, from every stand point, has been attained. Yet Mr. Lil ky baa worked with the boys of the town, almost solely alone, at first re tecerving the cooperation of some of the mothers who were triad to see their boys in the care of Mr. Lilley rnd in such an organization. He has labored along wi' h boys, teaching rnd training some not only during the ir.eeting hour but every hour of thi cay. And there an boys right here today who will admit that they are •re in a measure what they are be cause they had enough respect for hhn to leave off many things which were harmful influences in their lives Superintendent Seymour of the reboots was in oar office the other day talking about the children and young leople of Williams'on and he is s man who is vitally interested in them And in his position, he has an op portunity to come in very dose con tact witb'Jhe boys. He said that he considered the spirit among the boys of our town surpassed that of iny bunch of boys that he ever worked wi«h. He says that they are willing to help in the performance of any task that comes up and they are depend able. Mr. Seymoar also stated that this was the first ton that he had ever taught ia in which there was a boy scout organisation and he considered that their training through that channel was responsible in a great rreasare for their being above the There will be a mass meeting of the citizen of Martin County at the Strand Theatre. Williamston, N. C. or. Thursd*v night, December 4th, at 7:M o'clock to determine whether or Mt Martia County desires to Join tbe tri-ooaaly association for the pro motion and advancement of the Boy Let everybody attend and help in this seed caiae. Mr. C. O. Pardo will preside at the meeting. RET. AND MRS. SHIRLEY "AT HOME" LAST FRIDAY NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Bhirtey received many friends at a nrlil hour given at their home on Church street Friday night Rev. Mr. Shirley had services in the Baptist thai eh each night last week led by some visitor. The pastor of the Wiadsor Baptist church and Hon. J. H. Matthews of Windsor were the speakers Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Thursday Bight, the pastor of the Washington Baptist church preach ad. The series ef smites closed with a sermon Friday night by Rev. Mr. Yearhy of Tarboro. These service were aB wsR attended and were in structive, all being brought by sble mea. who fcave tbe church and towns people real spiritual massages. After the daee mt the Friday night service practically aB the people in town were guests mt Mr. and Mrs. Pairley at their house where a season «joyad fcy «R- Tha hospitalty fully measund up tc the Maale ef ye seed slioa days. Fnrit puMh, lee cream «d cake em sawed. The guests had hat one legiet and that was the shsetaeos of MASONIC NOTICE * Theev wfl be a spaaM esaunaaiaa tioa mt Sksueihi t Lsdge No. M A. F A A. M. tonight at 7:45. Work In thr in»Mod irtwi. CD. Garutarphea, Jr, sac*y. Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, December 2, 1924. CUPID PUTS ON WORKING CLOTHES Cupid put on his working clothes last month when he increased the number of marriage license to a much greater ex.en*, than there were in he month of October. There were 198 licenses issued dur ing the year ending yesterday. The largest number ever issued in any previous year was 205,»*nhking this year only seven below the high water mark The list follows: White Stephen Stalls, 22—Marie Cor?v, 18; Raleigh Lilley, 21—Mar.hn Rob?rs«.n, 15; Roland Lowe, Bertie county, 34 — Marie Whl e, 18; J. E. Bland. 21— Annie Leggctt, 18; Homer Priee, 21— Irene Newsom, 16; George Hopewell. 21—Mattie Thomas, 19; Freeman Hoggard, Bertie county, 20—Sarah Hoggard, 19; Lloyd Co wen, 20—Mag oaline Bullock, 18; Luther Edmondson, 21—Mamie McKeel, 18; Linwood Bland, 20—Sudie Page, 21; Arnold L. Loberson, 26—Mattie K Coltrain 21. Colored Buck Downs, 80—Daisy Williams, 27; Roy Barn hart, 21—Viola B. S'a on, 18; Jesse Lee, 21—Australia Moore, 21; Elma Davis, 21—Sarah V.art, 18; Jack Andrews, 20— Clarp Green, 24; Arthur Williams, 21— Minnie Hassell, 18. Local Physician - Presides at Doctors 4 Meeting in Ry. Mount Dr. W. E. Warren left this mornir.ji for Rocky Mount where he will ore side over the Seaboard Medical As j.ocia'ion which will convene in (hut city today r Wednesday and Thursday The territory of the association coven that part of Virginia cast of Rich mond and eastern North Carolina as lar west ar. Raleigh. There w.'M b» between 154) ami 200 doctors in at tendance. It was quite nn honor thnt Was lestowed upon Dr. Warier v/hen l.e was electad President of the Associ r.tion last year at Norfolk. The meet ing will be called to order by Dr. R H. Nowel, President of the Nasi. Medical Association and aft«r the ad dresses of welcome, Dr. W?r:an make the annual addresn of the Sea board Association. OFFICERS OF THE MARTIN COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The following officers of the Mar tin County Sunday School Association were elected AC the' Sunday Schbol convention which was held here re cently. J. E. Pope, Williams ton, president, W. C. Manning, Williamston, vice president, J. C. Anderson, Williams ton, secretary-treasurer. Division Superintendents: Children's Miss Vella Andrews, Wil liamston, Young People's, Miss Eva Peel, Wil liamston, Adult, J. S. Seymour, Williamston, Administrative, R. A. Pope, Wil liamston, Township Presidents: Jamesville, M. C. Jackson, James ville, Williams, J. N. Hopkins, Williams'on. Griffins, John L. Holliday, Williams ton, Wlliamston, Mrs. Clayton Moore, Miss Hattie Thrower, Williamston, Cross Roads, C. B. Roebuck, Everett s, Robersonvilie, W. H. Atkins, Rober- Mjnville, Poplar Point and Hamilton, Paul Sals bury, Hamilton, Goose Neat, H. M. Ainsley, Oak Ci'y ALASKA MISSIONARY AT THE CHURCH OF THE ADVENT On Friday night of this week Minn Susan E. Smith, a Missionary of the Protestant Episcopal church to Alaska will be at the Church of the Advert. Miss Smith Is a relative of Dr. J. H. Saunders, also ia related to Mrg. Irene Smith. She in the daughter o( Rev. Walter Smith who for so many years was the much beloved Superin tendent of Thompson Orphanage. The aervice on Friday night will be at aeven-thirty. The public ia cordially invited to be preaent and hear Miss Fmith. She has an interesting and en- Joying account to tell of Alaska and the froaen North. Mr. Habert T. Warren returned Sunday evening front Dnrhnm what* he span* the ThanhaM'lnt holiday* with hia family. Mrs. H. M. Stubbs and little son, Harry Jr., spent the holidays with her pareata, Mr. and Mrs. Harris in Wake Fnraat. I IMPORTANT MEET IN NEW BERN TOMORROW N. C. Coastal Route No. 30 To Hold Meeting There at 11 A. M. A mass meeting of the North Caro lina Coastal Route No. 20 Associa tion has been aclled for Wednesday. December 3 at New Bern, N. C. Thi? meeting is being called by the Presi dent to discuss plans for the immedi completion of the unfinished pro ject:;, ami ou'lining plans for 'he at raclion of tourists. The South Atlantic Coastal High vay Association of which this Route 7 a par , will be thrown open to the H'blic March Ist, lt>2s. The highway extendi from Quebec, Canada, to Key West, Florida. It is estimated that t |ipro:.imate|y 600.000 cars will leave V'ash ; n"ton next year for Florida and he big ho'el interests and automo bile clubs located on the Coastal Highway arc figuring on handlin (">oo.ooo of this number. Mr. Frank Miller of Jacksonville Fla., and Mr. Fred C. Ward* of Brunswick, Ga., President and Secre tary respectively, of the South At- Ipn'ic Coastal Highawy AssoeiVion will be present and address the gath ering. Th»y will also make an inspec tion tour of a portion of Route No. :(! Every cc unty should by all meant l.i've a large and well representative delegation presen', as we are very desirous of making a good impression upon the officers of the Association. Tli > Assciation has invited the mem bers of the Tiedwater Trail of Vir ginia. and are also planning on a bir oyster roast. It is very important that a good it-presentative delation be present «.t this meeting for number 40 Associ ation is trying to make the Na'onal Highway take that routing and leave cut No. 30. The meeting wil be called in the morning at 11:00 o'clock. Basket Bsll Tonight Th» first real (fame of ball viin'ised in Willinmston this season •vfll l>e s'atjed tonight at the Dixie •vnrel.au.se when the local town te:ir meets (he strong five from Bethel. A e.ecd came is expected. Attend and i eip the boys to (jet off with a good s'art. COUNTY AGENT'S REPORT FOR MONTH OF NOVEMBER Following is the report for the month of November as submitted to the Hoard of County Commissioner* I>y County Agent, T. S. Brandon: 14 days spent in the field. Five days spent in office, Six days spent in making annual f7 conferences with farmers, G2 letters written, 36 farms visited and four articles written. One meeting held, 22 hogs were treated for cholera. 32 pigs were treated for worms. One flock of sheep was investigat ed and fount! to have stomach worms. Ten farmers, were assisted wi»h permanent pastures, One farmer was assisted with sow- j ing alfalfa, Two farmers were assisted in seed selection, One farmer was assisted with clover Four farmers were assisted with feeding problems, Six farmers were advised a* to ge«- • !ng pyratol, —• The greater part of November was devoted to making annual reports. Pr.rt of the month was spent in try ing to get a car of pyratol. The farm ers are a little slow about sending In ti.eir orders. Part of two days were spent judging at fairs. At prsaant I am making plans to pat in a cotton variety test. There is one type of cot ten that 1 will yield better than all the ethers in Martin County, let us find the proper one. I want the test pot cn a very public highway so that the people aen see it. It will benefit the largest number of people if so placed. Mr. Mark RuAn of Tarboro spent Sunday in town. Mrs. RuAn and little sen returned home with him after spending several days here with Mr. rnd Mrs. J. H. Britt> Mr. H. M. Britt is spending several •lays in Norfolk. r Mr. C. B. Siceloff spent Monday in Tarboro ant! Greenville op business. Mr. Osborne of the Washington Daily News was a visitor in town yea terday morning. Mr. BW Hsrrell visited Jamesville Sunday night. Mr. Charles Biggs of Raleigh spent the week end here with relatives. Mr. Andrew dark of Everetts was a vfs'tor in town today. T MAIL CHRISTMAS GIFTS EARLY Washington, D. C. Dec. 2.—Last year, through the generous coopera tion of the press, the movies and other dvertising mediums, Christmas mail ers were induced to dispatch their Yule Tide presents earlier in the mon'h than ever before in the his tory of the institution of gift exchang ing in the holiday season. As a result, the spectacle of the lr.st minute rush of former years, wi'h its attendant heartbreaking labor on the part of wearied and nerve worn store clerks and postal em ployees was avoided. This year Postmaster (General New and First Assistant Postmaster Gen eral John H. Bartlett have determined to make an even better record and to banish for All time the suffering un dergone in past years by those en gaged in the sale or transportation of gifts They hope to mak» "Shop Farlv" ami "Mail Early" a habit with the American people. Mailing early does not mean De cember 1 or before, but if everyone could get their holiday tokens in the mail between December 10 ami IV c ember 20, the post office could no' rsk more. Particular attention this year will he paid to greeting cards. Despite the success last year it was noted that the last-minute mail consisted large ly of cards. Possibly m*ny of them were returned greetings to friemls heard from on a previous mail, bc» overlooked on the original Christmas list. I'nlike parcels and letters con taining money orders. cards. o* course, can not »tll be marked 4 Do not open until Christmas." Therefore :t is possible that the many mailers hoM t hem until the last to insur- de livery on Christmas Kve. This class of mailers this year, however, -i.ay find their cards undelivered -r til after Christmas Day. Itelieveing that the energies of )Mirst> al employees should not be sapped to the last degree for any avoidah'» reason, ami, intent upon securing for •hem the same Christmas privileges injoyed by others, I'ostmastar Gener al New asks the hearty cooperation of the public. The las)-minute, or zero hour has been moved up so that all postal employees may eat their Christ mas dinners at home. Rural carriers will deliver no mail at all on Christ mas day ami clerks and carriers in •he city offices will stop work prompt - I) at noon. Martin County Ginners' Report The Martin county ginners' report shows that only one-half as much cot ton has been bailed this year jts was last year up until the 14' h day of No vember. In 1923 the report showed 8,143 bales ginned up to November 14, and this ye-re there had been only 3,345 bales. This means a great financial loss wh'ch will amount to around a hali million dolarx in production alone and when a comparison of prices of last year and this year is added to the sit uation, it will show a quarter of a million on prices which will mean an ajjgregrate loss of $750,000. Of the six countie.-. beordcring Mar tin, Washington, Reaufort, Halifax, arid Bertie are all below one-half of last year's report and Pitt and Edge re mbe show just a small margin ».ver half. BAZAAR AT THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT The annual buur which is giver etch year by one of the four churches wil be held by the LaJies of th" Chris l .en church on Thursday aft*rn->on ni •ight. Th" doors will be opened at Ave •'deck. In addition to ma y attractive oooths where you may do your Christ nun shopping. I hero will b» a tur key dinner served at six o'clock. For those not caring for the regular din ners there will be chicken salad, sand wiches, coffee, ice cream and cake. Any one wishing to reserve a table fcr dinner will telephone Mrs. A. R. Dunning, phone No. 81. Your patronage is moat earnestly solicited and the ladies promise in re ' urn a Meat delicious meal served at tractively aad at modest prices. Mod crate prices will prevail in the booths Thoae desiring Christmas pnaenta of any kind or description can And them among the beautiful collection that the women have been preparing dar ing the year. Mrs. Carrie Biggs Williams, Mrs. Elbert Peele and Mr. Harry A. Big*? wfll far Richmond *h» they will spend anrersJ days visiting Mr. and Mrs. y g. Lawrence. TA? svpprr at Maaonfe Hali Dan. FIRST HONDAY AT COURT HOUSE, MANY CHANGES Various Officers Sworn in; Board Turns Down Two Issues Mr. Henry C (Jreen Elected Chairman of Board for 1924-1925 The Boanl of Commissioners for Martin county met yesterday at the courthouse, the outgoing boanl, H. C. Green. chairman: W. H. Harrington. C. A. Askew, J. C. Barnhill and T It. Slade, meeting for th« purpose of completing certain items of unfinished bmin—. Motion was maile by W. B. Har rington ami seconded by C. A. Askew that a committee composed of J. J. Robrrson. N. T. Daniel ami W. T. Koberson fce appointed to supervise the building ami repairing the road T Griffins township, leading from J. K. Corey's store to llaw Branch by llardison mill and that the chairman et said committee be authorized and «in powered to draw- on the treasurer of Martin county in «he sum of sl,- l ("0.0(1 in compliance with onler pass »T>l on November S, 1924. Those voting for the motion were V\. B. Harrington. T B. Slade, jr.. rml C. A. Askew, the othor members fthe board voting against the mo tion. There being a majority it was lieclared passed. Mr. S. S. Brown, Register of Deeds, presented hi;; settiemei t for the fiscal year ending this la'e .wliich was ac cepted and approved bv the Hoard of Commissioners and ordered record- All accounts fur ilt-Ms «Uie to romp in the account* >f the fiscal year were |tail The then aljourn al. The organization of the County (Utanl of ConiinLsioner; was tom ple'etl Moi.lay. December 1, v.-hen Henry C. Green. J. (I. Itarnhill. T. It. Klailr. jr., (1. M Hurras ami John N. Hopkins, commissioners-elect came before H J. I'eel, clerk of the Su it rior court and took the oath of of fice. Mr. Henry' C. Gt*i was elected > hairm.in of the Hoanl. Mr. J. Sim Getsinftr, of l>i ills elect, qiulifinl for the ilulifs i f rccister by taking »!*l subscribin; 'u the prescribed oath of offifc. He • hen presented hi* official bond in tin sum of $5,000 with the Maryland Casualty company as surety, same was accepted. Mr. H. T. sh-riff-elect, presented his official bond in he sutr of $5,000 with the Missafhiwrtlf l-oiiding ain I Insurance eomp-iny a> rurety. The bom! was approved amf he look the prescribed oeth of office. Mr. C. D. (arstarphen. treasurer ill cl of Martin couny, presented his official bond in the mint of $2,500 wl.ich was accept-: J with his school hrnd in the sum of $40,00t1. Mr then ,ualifte>d by taking the oath of office. Mr. A. presented proper bond which was accented awl he wns iualified as constable of Pop'ar Point township. Mr. H. M. Peel qualified as con -1 table of Hamilton township .IIKI rave I ond for same which wns approved by the Itaanl. Mr. F. L Edwards. coroner-elect. |i*alifted for the drties of that office. Ordered by the Hoard that John A veil.- be permanently relieves I from -the payment of poll tax on account ol physical disability. \V. F. island of Hobersonviile town th p was released from payment of poll tax year 1924. Ordered that /nderson Shaw and r/'fe be allowed $3.00 per month ac ci un' of indirence. Ordered by the Hoard that J. W. Pugh be paid the sum of SIO.OO on ttrkl expense of JtlttU Xkil - Onlered the.t widow of Jarret' .'Tkiles he allowed $5 00 per month or account of county poor. #> Ordered by the Hoard that V. G. Taylor and brother be released from payment of S&S.M wages of Earl Tee I charged to them. Teal having failed to perform work aa contracted in court crder. John Bland «u duly elected keep er of the Coaaty Home for the year IMS at a salary of (50 On per month. The Board passed pp the applica tion by the Eaxtern Carolina Cham ber of Commerce for membership •'» Application for a small dona* ion or the B my Snatu mo re moat was d«v ***■ , > The Board then aJjoarned to meet Tuesday, Dmaker 2nd at 1 p m. } Mr. Graver Hardiaon ioave to mo*rv for BaKfepr* wkmm km vfll ■P«ai aaotral oa Nitmi mmm * mmm AUmi M Hau l rff ADVERTISERS WILL PKD Oil COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO MM HOMES OP KAITIK COIVTT ESTABLISHED l«ft» WILL PREACH AT METHODIST CHURCH Kev. V. P. Scoville. pate of the Greenvill? M. E. Church, ril preach to the Federation* at the Mrthftt Church tonight Every amker mf the three Federation* is arp>l ami re quested to be present aad the poMic is cordially invited to attend thL serv ice. Kev V. P cones with the rcputaton of betnc a preach er of fi*»t Spiritual rift* and we want to make this service rot cJ> a Spiritual Feast for every tembrr of the Federations bet for the entire town ami community tha; w- -way be .strengthened arsl emuacri to car ry on the ■*« rk of the Kir r'->-iL MRS 1. W WATTS. JH. EVA PEEL, It DI KE CRITOHER An Old Resident of Dardens Passes Away Mr. John Emsley Rfci-'irk. W? in the vicinitv of Williamson. Oct 31 IM7, died at his Nww at Daniea*. Nov. 24. IW4, at the a** of ~ year* ne month and four day*. lie was tlie father of 6t* fri ; an! fiv> boys, ,ind lfa*e to rawnm hi? I'eath his »'fe. five m»- a» 3 •ianeh tirs, two dacgh'er* having him in ile.»:h. II" al-o trsws. ai prand sons, nine far rrrnt if ran I sons an»l two fM' fn*si dpuphters : n«l four ■hirt'"»T- a b« anl two son?-in-law Most all the children ae>l ch ; ldren wi*r* present a* tbe funeral which was neld at the family Wednesday. Novmber 3('L Ther— were many r.eiehh. r- an>i frt-rd in attendance at the fun~ml Mr. Ki'Mx-k wa a iwmVr of the Ci 'lfederat-* Veterans sad • rmb ' of long stwding the IVimi*ive Baptist church at JanaesvJl- The fir eral er* »ce> >rt» by 'he Kev. V/. B Ihrr-iftM his pa>- •fir and fr»-»rd. The love and es'e»m of his idv t v*x ami friends were- rim>'-J -a irany beautiful #i,nl irtirt Covered th? wkf and *V r "he grave. Mr Riiklick wa- a mm of rrrat I'atierce an i courtre and is ereasly nr-sed Sy his liwil on FAKMKKS AND XKKt H \\TS BANK STATEMENT SH.IH > GREAT STKHM.TH t»l BANK The iiankinf laws r-qni-* paUir" - •o • of a report r>f of r.' 'he bank in the Intel Sate*. Ir S stale ?"tl ns.! ; o-t«J bc»t et*n • !.,ee mon'hs. Thi is done • -d-r »hat er-iyhod; nr»r •» f*- ' ri- inselvs all th* ftrur- ■>« iikj i« ha; e the conditi .1 of b* luck h WlTch lh»y are hrimdel -*»> "t» • 1 'iness. 'I he s'ron? ho->k. pobi-li their ta'ements as m.' .re '•loud of their streneth jal waat Ike ' nle In know how H»i tial '"he Farmers and SerrK.M - 'tank •Ks issue of The Inlrrwi-' that all iff those who are inlerriCdJ f?a ~ee ir> mthe statement >KJ' all ike nrW r» i|uirements of the tanknr law* are fu'ly adh-red to. Its legal reserve is la* acl tae kalf tintes more than the las require*, which in i'self is an *Wr* ewarae lee of safety. The Fimrn atd Her cl ants Hank Fame Iknark ike >l«rar I- riod with a record to k> fwl of bi d they are present mr a t»ti ■. 1 1 fit* condition on t!v last pace *f this paper. J MESYILLE TEAMS »!N OVEK THOSE OF EYERETTS Th- Jamesedle boys aa.l t id» went -o Everett* last week with ike —t»a »M-n of hringiag hark Ike hr e mi of lite score in two basket hi |»— 1 The rairves were hard b«rkt fraai beginning to tml bat ia the prit gaaae the JamesvQle lassie* go* m the lead it. the last half aad ww «n their opponents by a score af 17 to 11. The boys raae was aire or tee* cne sided, bat clean fna the be(B i.'.i*. Jimtnflh* ll-mi 1. I—l il Howard Cay lord aad farwatd. fan 1 Brown, had their ri tatnl iatil««nd and witthe aid mf the other —mm hr» of the team knagkl tie mm* mly four far Emtte DOLLAR DAT SALS NAJWEF DEPARTMENT STOKE friends aad cmalmmn. the "inif dr h tmmmi aU* mi the —7'" ' l

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