THE ENTERP kv tk» fanSKPUSE PUBLISHING CC. T Xartfc Cmfasa ~ V. C MAXKIKG, • Hkr ~wbni i ip« "n ■ Price (Strictly Cadi la Adranf*» 1 tU» IjUM at the Poet Ottce at »U- Xorth Carolina as nn»» daw matter, smJer the art of March a. i*». Mjmi all (MusmatNai U TV* Ecmfhif. ygiuwrtoß, S. C ILEHUV. W. EMBFB i 1921 fer C 8 l«ectrrt* r. the raocta wW*-giftf are :-*chari*e«i. rtft> bf frwKaO* l» sr* jr. all four com er* of tit* gM>e. tbe aMfltfe of >»• [.rw wi morf joyful rWe Tub sjomt-I.* wiU finri thoa>a»' ■ c.( -'wfiwr- ;rtcrii4! the stores, 'hon-- ;oi» •' Isttle tol> awaitiß* the »r r>i! OS-. Saria. \i* rtrr - sff la~e ar»o at work throwrh me-'i L««\ u» kJ derfc» -oparasinr park ir»> tfcel -*re u»-fne«i»i fai :3r! rjear Bet. * hat more «>U I MT *3l it t* The *aw for 1 tt' .tfeoaaarib of B«e"herfe>- ajki fatfcerie:-i r&jMrex* WS3 r. fi«*i tfc»er i» tl« rimbtf hos-je wfere irkne-- L« f»re nit ami where the. father f harrtf* «o— :• c«) f«od ami tha* j'« eyirtß! t» CMnfort jlose' Will d fc»t Ire l»aa»cfonnaie of aaother ©H Scno*** att*. a *-* W_ he:rr* Wi? f .'. *«eee tw k-aij-r a" work * wit! try hj«. aur Jb »e who are e»-t jijjge nr i - w* "* Ye>_ i 'He j©j ic nsotte. 3. the wr*.ie year—for »««ne Foe *tbir> »t ».•■ the mo-- rm-e. I t win five their la>. out* *• that 5Jb» irx-r* ytfertonate er'e, r-a; «»e hap?y.. it » «11 te» *he happe-t T* wh «! lv«fk w„rr; «,*er via! (« ir"'"e Billy. Johr re Jus aac Man. h will be ■» autt»i t { ?-,^a«e HOLV TKI\IT > MISSION— .» r*n*"i?r Fhf A-heat W i»a*>*. a •ape. h> »>-jrc k ■ f the ».wr. V «' . we eere leftt? "je s *> weli a- of * - r 8»Jl e»fk ttrrrrrtwße~TT»- ilear *»ew—* ••WTt-ittp. Ie a.i«l near the h«»«ne «>f Jfr. Mai«?je Startinr a S«rn rW with eJy a '» prefer* at the kemasirj. K ka» »rr* n antil it n- T * eaja; » wmte thar a fc»r>«lre*t atterr»ier e»efe Scyhy Au4 ay-re. th* pe of that •rykri'W are in the »rt f kwrWim* a chart+i- rv with b«>r ri «*.' wmcjm arni forre.; i4e»ir«--. bwl wstftr thesr «wt It is a ff»t U h» i■■mmi I ii • utfi »•* of thai •ecta* are -dae praise It • «»f»r U- »»t op-nrrt B —.—-—— I I 1 VICTROLA The Chi-istmas C.ift 1 hat is new with each VICTOR RECORD. We Have _ VKTROLAS _ % stock from $25. to $225.00. Easy Terms if desir ed. Call or write — RUSS BROTHERS Wadamgton, N. C. MRJUENZA | A M. •> I chnch *-a*a L * i* walk up-right ia • - stik.—/Jrcat Witness. ! ■ J r? The «f(a« ia N(« Bern i i T rT J - at least the preaence «f 30 j .-.item from ha* cvmmtj. WOl ym be j TKmbmi hi the 30? | If w* were really soory after a miwk ■ - iff ** would be more , rtk-efui before M happened. A» foe the paper itaelf, we would v&na* everyone who enjoy* and every J «•* shr«kl enjoy h, to -übwribe to The AJitM W«ne« and be benefitted the many leading to j belter spiritual world. 1 OIK WAT or TKAIMVG VOITH- Arthar G Saplrt n Journal || . that it is much hetvr for a boy to have plenty of r"-K: * !Vral allowance of spending ' | lu mor -__ wtorh he he ha*. no' earned; s • «ai cf hss. owr. to "amu.«-e him" and j t~ep ».jus on'- of pool-rooms: a best r r-rl to k-~p has ftnly; a motor boat Jto ret him taam-H and strong an>l '| * »ar. lone varat >on in wfiieh the " f thiag msy Jwp morning, tliai. 'jr si to ( him to work. Work «> | **i bey? It is a»tree.l that it i* ' ' raStf.r to their pr*ie; stunts th«>m ' r->,«!h. gnria- h m to the le\ei * of -lave-, akr^tfr 1 hesTt "tit of them -f. ■ tJ^wjspwt I *' th» h?" ,r r thitiT® • ~« has- ptwvide- for thejr ben r , - - *r*t i*-Will finally ra'J e : 1 I, i > #• t dod- 1 his ha.- been p c *™so«»trale*l to be an ab-olute fact, 7 ■ m the tey» of fieorw Wa?Ht S' 1 ;, f A«saas-. JefTer-on, J.iws Mivti- V, Thomas A. !.«'> -re ?«»i .xomr eher- who were ir'e! ' | *«>—*- iMt rui2je«* aij*l sinnled in phV'> | , 7j * bi ' *rk h"f're 'hey wrr ' | . efe-are f th»- of Nature. |- « >M> W 4 'hit '-a.' \ Amerif?'- i v -**■ ■■ .J ■_■■■ vohsah-: i i Kami >n hard surface roa-!. four mile- ;i i Williamston. Kaini !as jrooJ house. i : jjood tr.ljaceo barn, -15 acre? c lea re i. and is suitable for the jrrowinji of tobacco, |»ea- : M nuts and all other general eiops. ; : | I Vice and terms cheap and easy. * V\ t MA N N-l N"4», WILLIAMSTON. N. C. mwmiu k«iJTi Tii. «« iMKiwr/K- i iiwtmt—mmmmmm—imm ■Lift ifi t i mrfl 1 / ■ '' :4 y fim Coach foam as Buick builds if Has two wide doors which permit people to rater or leave the, rear seat from cither adr without forcing"front seat occupants to grt out of the car. As Bu*ck builds the Coach, it is a convenient, modern, sub- Istantial, smart-looking closed car with Body by Fisher. And m addition to Bnich't two Coaches there ate twenty-three other Butch models from winch to teiect your Butch. . MIIM iStandard Sax Coach 'till Master Six Coach *1499 £ .Tr * ta,k N. A. Roddick Motor Co. v # - HOTUM) KIX'K. NOXTH - *k — - •■" . t __ . ... . ■ wfcan ncMar aatoaaobOes ate nuflt, Balat mm Mi mnm vt-c p2>'dttei '.o v--rk as they children- I was np fate* ifring with 11 older mm—evm7 other Baa «f theaa M mjwtf a 1 signal IFII aa a jannager of a grant harinaaa; cotton affli, bfancheriaa, publishers. shipmaster* and heads of transportation lines. AD of them were •uhted in yonth by utmg made to ..ork. Three of the* tes-ified to earn ir.g their own Irving since they were i •.;{ and one of them head of a j " irUf'at !4. father dea*i and mother ' r -' he bftc-winner for five small- I ir e -uVlren. ff he had not b-en com 1 ellr i to work, he might have been r golf chamrw. u«*a> n*.ea*l - beinr six fee- till *ri i-cllir.i' »U,w?s s j -alary of SV>JOO> a year, as be is and hes ( HI R' H I'MONS-i- I)KI yon ever stop to think jnst why you attended a cnarch union? - ' " - . . ... Ohe > HOOVER ftttin «.-!—•b mmrnChmm. IjpjL Bridjareis-Clifton Co. Washinjrton, N. C. THE EXTEEPKISE. WILXJAMSTOK. KOKTH CAKOLINA , while for others the « •» *t quite so pient&uL For the Ma who Kc**, attends eburrh, meets old friends, ask* of ald-tam? acquaintance* hack ■ the eld Imh Mi|»M».nii r■ ■* rejojrf. miD(lii« with the throngs, does not sneer at the wai of the | SAYS BILL TO JIM- I 'my The Big Smile?" I P : !' E3 I — I K ' I l!f«' IV I/ 1 1 m* Ami if you will go and look over Ihe larrc- stock of goods of every kind at Harrison jji '-others & Company's Big Store and ask the prices on their goods, you will surely \eq ft\r>e away with the goods you may want and a Big Smile with them. A •/: L' ey have the largest assortment of goods to make your choice from that can h - found anywhere and where I found them so much cheaper thart I could find them ft jb- anywhere else B \nd if vou will give them a call then you will come home with the goods and a Big §£ ■ Smile too. H I Harrison Bros. & Co. 1 li Will J.V KiON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STOKE Id . / "Com? ard See Is All We Ask 44 ~ . '] ; - ...■;■ __ .. .... .. _ «j P The Great iViajestic . I Rar/e.a beautiiiil fc Store, elect r! e style jar ! size 1 ange that lIM is .he new mm** Grea Majootic, .he fine* Kange ever ha*. || m vn.i ni-p'nr and heantiful ranire and ex- u * cs ■*** f * ri *** ***** perfectly AII coh»f reservoir pm £3 you pie.Cl dl.a 1..1b IJedUUIIU taunt auu CA abundant hot water all the time without Mire fuel Burnished quisite copper set are VOUI"S blue pofehed top Rfim lit le work Beautiful throughout with ,I2J !j>; h-aTy Nickeled TnawiH' hor? and splasher hack paneled in (Mj | YOU WILL NEVSR REGRET SjTr.'ZL'S; | !jg Not once curing the many, many years ■« ,lt •"» ***** * Uewl °" rt - jB BJ that your new Majestic will serve you, will . . _ r . T _ i| jrfj jjw you ever rerrct having bought it Day af- . |ffi ter day, reason after season it will go on j||| j| water whenever you want it; saving fuel juM jl nlete satisfac l contribut- j| the factory »*pi*s«r - i, he aisnerous cdvantages of \ -wWP' II [flj the wonderful Ke«- *'c V»t wiß be delighted tr inspect the t [InW 1 4 ran-e and the beaut f I Coffer War*. A ridt will positively not L X J*I Z.\ . I H obturate you ta bay Jit t» sure '• so*me THIS WEEK! , Q, 15 Wo wa gimm this beaatifal sot of Fttahed Mid Coppar Ware "« MW W § /vii«tfwiA«7 abarfrtplp wilho*«*tryau decide to buy yea# G BEAT MAJBS i j> # n C ?» »**» «f » giro yoj a ww. ' rfaßy irrrwahli set of Fn-mil Mi 3fi WilfiamsUNi, North Carelina c#ww Cmmk ** *** , - baby, and partakes of a great spread of delicious and ape'ixmg food, it is a nod wonderful event. While for othen the display of delicious foods B the sole purpose of their attendance, for others the young ladies, dressed ■t. their finest robes, has So do with r good many's attending. Bat no mat ter what the cans: far attending is, the spirit od GLI I»TI aad ckeerfal res- is always dta^Mt The neetftkgs at fTailliaiil Creek *nd Maredoaia chaicbea last Sunday wer? well ■fUmli il and they wml as a sure proof ta that spirit of cheer. The sermons were irplrndid aad the jejs as a whole cite of a high nd-r. The dSanrrs d'd M to ta prove the fact that some mighty good cooks live a thoae aughbor- Loads. Be aare tc attend the amea nitiag at S*iand Theatre Thursday night.