THE ENTERPRISE r«UiM trtry Teeeday and Frida> by tkr iCNTERPRI.E: PUBLISHING CC. VDisastoa, North Carolina vT C. MANNING. * Editor Subscription Price (Strictly Cash in Advance) I year ... $1.60 6 months „ -80 8 months 45 Entered at the Post Office at Wil liamston, North Carolina as second class matter, under the act of March *. 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise, Williamston. N. C. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 5, 1924. The Dearborn Independent in a retcut article, commenting on the "Bright Young Men" on the editorial staff of the New York World, namef Mr. Lawrence Stalling? Mr. Stalling* is well known in Williamston. He mar ried a sister of Mrs. Wheeler Mar tin and has visited here several times He was one of those fellows who had practical)} every iiinb shot off on the battle fielu- «>f France in the Great War. He lingered a* death's deor for many w»eks hut finally was able to return home and now he is f'assed amoit- the bright young edi tors of one of the greatest papers in the world. Martin county may not have oil and oil wells, but she surely has pot the farming qualifications. A turnip tha weighs five snd »hre.»-«|u:.rter pound' i: sufficient prtxif for that "Bazaa-," "Buwr " "Bazaar." Tha* nam? has beer, on our minds tor the past few days and the more we think about it th? worse it gets If we could only change it a little hit and call i» "be-thaar" it seems as if !t would rot be so bad l!ut since the meaning is very fitting. we won't bo'her to change it. The only .roubl" ahout Williams ton's parent-teachers' association is that there isn't on" Th" younir folks go their way and most of the oll folks t'o their way Hoys wil be W>.-. but what ' ktii'l' The s«»ut organization will help an-' swer the question. "It's never too lat to try" and it's r.t-ver too e-irl\ 'o start a task. If jcu don't believe it. start shopping for the Christma of 1925 the 28th of this month and s»*e if you don't buy something the day before that Christmas arrives New.- from Wall street indicates rood times there Securities in bonds end stocks, no;t of which are lodged : lone Broadway, have increased in \alue $3.0Mi.OOO,(lOO in one month. m * wKr VICTROLA . The Christmas Gift i that is new with each VICTOR RECORD. We Have VICTROLAS in stock from $25. to 5225.00. Easy Terms if desir ed. Call or write— RUSS BROTHERS Washington, N. C. PHAPPED HANDS yssaf. :» :», Mcr.y business concerns among j 'htm, th-* American Gas and Elec'ric i ! n mpany the Hcrculer. Power com l i i pany, Niagara Power company, have i '• i declared extra dividends mad* possible l>v :he sudden rise of prosperity. The cotton :nd peanut fnrmers are e,uite so fortunate. They seem 'o rn the wrong side of the fence Just holding the ba;, it appears. D Mr. W. F. Wot ten, president of 0 the' Na' ional Ba'ik of Kinston, was 5 in our town Monday in the interest - ol the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce. He says he has become i» . j'rea' believer in advertising and joints to factf and figures to prove In. belief He says it is hard, to find e tiny real' successful business insti tutions today that |p not advertise He says facts will prove that banks merchants or practically any other business establishments thai have a rot advertised are in a tight and that e as a rule those who have advertised ■ most are in the b; ::t financial shape x The springer of statements that . sre unfounded, unjust and endangers .. i no' her is worse than a liar in fact , he isn't fit to even go to the devil. „ "At: eye for an ey " and a "tooth for jf a tooth" is all right, but for tlu ~ sponger of harming and untrue sta'e s ments all his eyes, teeth and what „ not uml then he should be shipped s to another country. Too much assum j. ing and too few true facts are not „ | roof enough to broadcast u state ment on. ,j Tin Children's Home Sccie'y of p North Carolina is on" of the Sta'e's \ ery be.;t institutions It carries hun dred of homeless ."ml friendless chil c'ren to good warm home;;. For the •• firs', ten months cif 'lvs year there s ui re ."72 children offered tin' society, : iiout .'{7 a month end almost an aver t age of four from each county. p There were 205 waiting for th s oi'oh of the fa'heriy hand on tk* e l.'- t day >n Oo'ob n r Thi.4 institution t is not supported by St:te approprir tions. bu' has to depend upon the * .-•rioft' of friends. tx l »m »■» i»n iw» i »i» i »V» I »n i »i« I m I »u in Iw» > Fin i»i» I iio t Hi l >ii l >i» I »ww»ww»WN»>»wn^ -—-Notice v i i ' i i I" I will toll at my home, near Kveretts, on LT : 1 Thursday Dc. 18th. -10:30 A. M.- , | s s all my farming implements consisting of n plows, hoes, cultivators, disks, fertilizer jf L i; distributoi*s, planters, tobacco transplant -1 er, mowing* machine and rake, wagon, cart, tobacco tiucks and one good mule with j | corn and hay. y Jesse Keel I; : —I .. ' ' " ■ ' j ) I ■ g - |M| . | I II ... llj FOR SALE s s Farm on hard surface road, four miles \ ■ |i r from Williamston. Farm has good house, ; good tobacco barn, 45 acres cleared, and is suitable for the growing of tobacco, pea nuts and all other general crops. Price and terms cheap and easy. See, W. C. MANNING, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ill ' THE COUNTY HOME : DEMONSTRATOR— ! One was right and one was wrong One Board provided for a county demonstration agent and the new Board rescinded the order, now which ' := li/rht and which is wrong— we don't know? l!ut it looks as if we licet! a demon stration agent for the homes as well as for the county. When a home de monstration agent does work in an 1 entire county and when this work is . i;dded up it amounts to more than a * 1.300 salary. We are truly . orry ' that the new Hoard did not see fit to let the order of the old Hoard ' stand. DESIRED; A YOI'NG MAN W ISHES r to call upon some school teacher in the county next Sunday night.— ' S. C. Peel, Williamston N.'C. I > The new Hoard of County Com missioners if? certainly practicing t economy. We po without a county R home demonstra'or and we ride the I r.;>me old bumpy roads, provided w«* live in Martin county and reside in i Griffin'- township. We ars glad such matters ar? i I the hands of the "Board" and not in I curs. Here we need this and we need, yonder we need some more and j end where is the money 'o pay for this, that and some more. Old Santa is just around the corner j. From whence he came and to whether he goeth we don't know, but we all will think before his trip is over that he came from the North I'oie * Mid is going to the North i'ole We don't know but we hope Tie is" riding the day coach and not the pullman, for the ole kr.le is a wee bit scarce. No operator with tni still m >!'.n.- no bonus. Now it's just one thin". It ft and that is no stills and some oper i (■tors with stills. Hut still it is the still that ni 'kes the runt. p SrnSCRIIIR TO THE ENTERPRISE TBX ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA ' A poor man's Christmas bye and bye. Every year the poor old man j taid, "well next Chri3lmas I hops 111 f- ■ be able to buy Belirdy a new dress * j end for daughter IU certainly buy her * ! a new coat. To mak. the story sin? 't I ' ~ " ' J Special Low Prices and Large i Stock To Pick Your | ■ , # . ' - I I Selection From § | WE WILL SURELY MAKE IT TO YOUR INTEREST TO GIVE US A LOOK ON 1 I WOUR READY-TO-WEAR, MILLINERY, SHOES, OXFORDS, HOSIERY, HAND- | * I KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR AND PIECE GOODS OF ALL " I KINDS. YOU WILL FIND OIJR PRICES VERY LOW. ijj ! | I Men's & Boys Suits, Overcoats & Shoes I I I WE HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS TO BE FOUND TO MAKE YOUR | R p SELECTION FROM AND WE ARE SURELY GIVING SOME VERY LOW PRICES ji | ON THEM AT THIS TIME, COME AND LOOK THEM OVER BEFORE YOU BUY | | AND THEN YOU CAN SEE FOR YOURSELF. . § ' SM ! i * r - £ I Harrison Bros. & Co. | :;! WILLIAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE | ;; "Come and See Is All We Ask" Dwellings And Lots I I t =_ at j I ROBERSONVILLE, NORTH CAR. | | iiliT I" : at 11:00 A. M. •Ji ' There are 10 dwellin s, about 50 lots, lar&e factory building and smrll farms j Si Only one block from high school. An opportunity to buy a home ready built or a good T or investment. Fhc large factory bu'lding" can be used to good advantage for many dif jj, ferent enterprises. Look the property over and meet us at the sale. $ ! NICE CQW AND OTHER prizes FREE f I EASY TEF ? ._ . -J .: ... BRASS BAND ji! I' -,' • ' " ; - * Ij j j Prince Realty Co. 1 SELLLNG AGENTS RALEIGH, N. C ij i Dut the hope for a "poor man's Christ mas" is still held in mind. * LOST: ONE SAMPLB CASE, FULL of raps, between Williamson ind riar.'ens on Sunday November ,'o.h Reward to finder. V,'. T 214 Main street, Eljzub»th'City, N. C. 5-1 HOGS FOR SALE: ALL WEIGHTS. Farmers' Prices. Buy some and clean up your fields. PANOI.A , FA KM TARBORO, N. C. f.-W XMAH WREATHS FOR HOME AND Cer. "♦cry, ' Fresh Galax leaves, bronze or green, 10 eta. bunci of 25. Give us your order early—M.-s. Jno. Pope, Mrs. W. H. Biggs. >-4d L FOUND ON WASHINGTON AND 1 Williams on Road, a pair of ) glasses with E. J. Miller writ ten in case, also Waterman fcv.n --> tain pen. Apply at this office.

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