r H INC*EASED DELIVERV OVER LAST SEASON I Kaleigh. Dee. i.—Reports from l!I ftf the Cotton Cwpm'ir; Axaec * tions now Corel ing the eatire Sooth. * miirate a largely increased deliver) of cotton over last season. Each asso rt :ior repents greatly increased mem bership and a much deeper interest a cooperative marketing. Every cot toc prowing state is now organized Lnd Southern Illinois, where consider able cotton is being grown is 100 per cent cooperative, every cotton grower belonging to the recently organized association. OAK CITY ITEMS Mrs. M. L Bellamy of Hamilton visited Mrs Stinett Wednesday. Mr. Hamilton of Edenton vis ited Mr. and Mrs Tom Johnson 1~-* week. Mr. P. L Long went to Rale.-?-. Thursday night. ■ m Mrs. W. T. Stinett was in William ston Friday. Julius Bennett has accept' ! u po sition at Pinetop.- iri J K Stalls cafe Da 11 is Hurst left for Miaina. Fu Tuesday morring where he expects to s»ay euring winter He will join V •-I*' v.ho U WjlKarri-burg hos the summer. Mrs. Hurst has be»-r II tor several months. •Mr. Horace Johnson .-perr last week with his people here. He left f«»r ICa'eigh Friday morninir where he has .'vc;ptfd a position. Claude Sava»e Ic't for Raleigh Tuesday. Mr. Ira Ainsley of Chapel Hilt" 1 "■pent .the week end home with I.is j-ren's Jodie Faithful left Tueafay fur Raleigh. Marvin Ev erett spent th week en»: j at home with his parents. Lotus* Suterson left la.-' week k. . .. ic ntU :i ! »1 > marriage >f h.-r -«i-">*r ; Mses IV.'.- ? at • liia Mai nine -»>» fs r Sa.uniay and Sunday with Mrs. Hud i l et . Mr W. T. Si inner returned fr«n Norfolk Sunday. He has accepted a « i. a: ■ • . c ■ .up >\ his fan* iv Mr Frank Wilson of Rich S.juar • j spent Saturiiay and Sunday in Oak ' I * J | Messrs. Harold Johnson anil Norman j Harrell were in Scotland Neck Thurs j ■ «*>V IV :i , Mr. an Mis J !' V, 1 • fitl'i last week a Jaurhtu. \ i jji I/a.l. Some one wen*, in the house of Mr 'V ! Stinnett Sunday n-pht and r«l» f «i his c»! of sl2 0l» !t v.\-s quite r .ui prise to learn of the marriage of Miss Nina liein eer.nson o Mr. Jesse Kogerson a few nays ago. Mr. Frank Wilson spent Sunday * l*re. - The second year home economics k riri? er'erta'ned their parents at din- j > iter, Tuesday, November 25th It i» W ' f Mt.lo not- the progress- made o> these girls ai d we are proud of H?' * ' SMOTHERS IY| ATA for croupjr children ba caoae it quickly clears away the choking phlegm, stops I hoarse, cixiuny coughs and allows restful sleep No alarming croop when Moth er keeps a botle of I CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY ■ always on hand in the home. Benefits (hil-i-i-. and grown persou. No Narcotics. Sold iii)»lmh I. I COWLMKATC JONES SOH * Oft" I WWWXMAAWA ■ I IMARKET WRWUWIUH REQUEST I I TCLEWWHC OR TCLCOWNI I | IKB. ¥! The school auditorium is being fuml. b~i w.h o«»ra sea's. Thj | s-W r.mch to the beauty s;r! wmfirt " rf the audi'oricn!. Miss I -ola Hine- -pert la.-. w»#k end in Eocky Moun*. We are expert snr Mrs- Saw>e- .»!>• this week She .has beer. u. a V »! j tor the past several weeks , M«ses Marjorie Engia* i and I j I • IBy L.V mer spew Thank -err'nf | | S "trport NV v ' - 1 M : >-s Ess»- Jot-is:. sper. - THa«.fc--l I { giving with her pare :" sir Cr . I Mr. Mrs. H M Air - -p r. j v- kc>l at h»-r>» tl' .>• v-fl Thff* are more WSTs ©f frd : -,r • our a;* "Kir ore V lt'i lfr r * i.. to werse. p'vthai*!y i hav *nueh to ay. .*?»! that "!• rn-uc 1 are- tr •-len-art Bornn is r- ca - > - i.iost ?p|cr.". th*Te is yet asy.h" •■Vrf may he still »* be', we * *-■ wenlkr '}*-ir Rut w -s. «. f>er you rea*' ?*. :it* vr.' o' a c* r -nil'- iea*h iii-1 tier f" b 'k ; f*-* \*ars i:ii recall "he ".ir.; whett y»u v here pushed h j«! Vns* w *> t.v • • e „ "\ii>e if • i«e.| t f as he- ji -t: | ■ jut '-rt- ,-o -mull -■> Ok ; . . i."f o-j» 'or Vol er"» i n a'«' - x ret anwjii:- m it! "hat c . >»ur brsi fr*"-l ha- > ' ie-; r --v.rrast ahd ~g tr, it rws yc-*' rw- ■ '>|l»r ril "he *i»n- N»* r'»* r-a'*; J . ,'B'e of it i?rt *l -"ip» th"" I k« •! t" 1 p|»n>. • mmmi n«iKSK I n K rent t (-en !«*#.xhi !e: i >.r »::>««■" "tsw lian »on (?!•*. A | I onpieny. H I'lasvmi. V. ' - H»K S ILK: M EH MM JKh'^E^ l V;k- S'M I'sulo *r plants, r» r ' ji«- * I. i> TV® r p- Strawbr-* > |-' t *Jf.' -e ; '.>!r-l a • ; rjck f r>. ne. i •i" : \«»v u»i IHr-*- .» r i*t i;» >• 11 "ci | . Hall's Cal.trxi ,ifdicine Tf-"* wtK? *rr * Tw*-4.»m r" 1 ' f»e4* rt!l #> af r *Urrft bc'Vti tbt-i j rrtj.?- rr.*-f th » »?ft t* in fac4 - *t mt It s» ■ •*» . * ---a * ♦♦ >. f i »«•■■. % • tTtlikll *1 IMf IM* *f § r«r' B*d T".i*»r..rl »-»*h ! - ~m trr n! an! !>« w- * sl i ib (h# **f » jitarr' f«»r for*? - T»trf S"M b* *!! f J A «"o TV Mo OM» r.: % on it if U ,'u\» "a b»r »• v.'l; * *. » irl '**4' I-r i J;! -M. " ,f - CMfH ; ji i. , r S tr *''. i lei.ti> i M Alii - A t '>M: \ I iIAiJILIuN. N. l\ _I« g Old Folks' i 6 sp « Ailments • Qp gf- "I fc*gsn taking Black- k ® Drang'r.t over fifty yeara ago ■ aid my experience with it > mfi rtnetches over a good long m 2 l '«e," ,-av Mr. Joe A Biake ■ more, a Civil War veteraa |P| {g an*i fwni.er Virginias, whb h B ™ now a oro*ainer.t otitea «f J 4B r. jd. Taxa- "It is the beat j| laxative I krvtw af far «M B _ pe«pie A good many yean ■ "i ago. in Virginia. I ased ta HP f get bJ wu and I fond that B S ThedionPs S BLACK-DRAUGHT C was the best and q-.inkest TO- B ft lief 1 could gat Sian I can* S to Texas 1 have these Maaaa 5 S attacks awry now and them ■ M a rets wJI get Unm aaj- ft f' »hete, you know—aad I had 5 V that a litJ* Blatk-Dmgh V |g sona stnaghtsaa ■( ML ■ After a few tmsa. in Ihth ar m VI no tune I'm all right again" IV 4| Thedford's li r I ighl •is a par*:? nmtli lhar Zj Mrdtcias. u*ed m America fW I ■ aver eighty yean. It aets ea ■ m the rtot ach. li*ar W«h Z liNNlNllli i Way To ;ieavy Cough .i: £tT Ufa istt>ni«hed how a is" 1 coiigh l.--appear* v. e - l vr.ts a new double ic.. 5 lt.il is simple but »v^£.rUil !-:« . :•-? B to>i «h-b is hased ■ S r r- .ui iH' irflatisn known M i". k:'.js .N»v lwcorery for Urcki X --a *-•1|>(» take one tea — jA 1 ii is in yoar throat I-r ii „r !■* Urfore swallow- In* w-;it-ai f» ilowtne with water. I TU jw t *cr«• t> j a double ac li e ! jsly tMiUws and beals , bal »iso ! iw»u iU itswict ILc Phlegm and | c«a(tslkk *s.ct are the direct t • JJ--C *• tie - iteisr When th« Ie w» is r*a»»T*-d_ iu Ktcrtit cough BSekiy I Tbjs ntai»i.l is for roucha, [ el -*t ulii IScUiLr. sore throat, t -a* i cv»| etc- 2 ec-ajr-ej.j«d for chit 4r« as w«*J a* erisis foiks—no urtotk* cr op-aKa. iveonomical. t*. is tie «"jmr la onlj- one tea s '.-fjl /.i all giMd druggists. A--C t3 NOTRE or KE-SALE i ,«> •: i» t._. i .1b» of ai> or ler if tv. Sjpr*r Csar! of Martin County f.iivsrsj * i»->iic t«f ihe lar-'l- an! r-r e- df rfril»"l, the bid sh? f .-'r'-r which was matle 15 :. ■ ' ->l «iay ef N»vecib?r H'24,'h;.v im-ec rs.:«e»: wfshui lhe 'im«? re • n.i -s Uy Lv a:xl zicconlnj? Ib law. - • - irljri- i Wi .i.»r b -en desiji • • »» make ie-sale. will on - - :. h uiy i>i liwimti'r 1524 at i? • *ock NW in frw' of the Court jh _■ ; «k»or o f Mjfsa Coun'y at Wil i ;?r.-t-r. N. C «dfer for ale. pub lic U- She hifh st bidl"r-fi c- -. r . tk* r oli"w inr de-;cril»t- i lain Is r.d peenu-e--. v;z - !i-ii,» t'r ine property described .. a iee-i 4-f tnt-t from Warren Whi - S«W ard w.fe "o lh» Trus • r-i c' rfeurii in tlie Public lie> - -Sr.. * Marian County in lk«k K -t iar? r."-4>. ~T-i l**t.Mld :.n'l d r. #.»( i, TVj" teac* of i?mt I; ins sr.'l lets' in fto*i*'s Township, ai!- }■ ar,« ll»e lind- of I F. Cmwfor- 1 V: r—are? Anlrr* - iwh ami o'.hfr IVeirn-nr a* a |-«i*e stump on 1I« Main rw ( . leads*." frotr ".r.H i:vill - V. f to W illtam.-to'-. N C and lea'- .w>? a-t tlje re-;d*'-»-: ' | Albert |{.~ beck's hone fit; i r-rxi bo-ijf tli" J'.mr- If Ta-lor OS. r ie! •unr. : t:- •(♦rs* iW r ;te r.*w rond {• a tar k » bed. 1 - IVr Condeton cortie al r.v a 'ls rfc to th ' "-"1 IV - I.- Pr" nmirr; rrxt ft- .' 1* -r* -rv4". earner, j-fiil c*-.' inuir M*a srs! hr_-ck t« the Old ?!'' -i'e. li#K» florae *l«e Old Mill Pa'" rrd •!- Old Mil Pa h to V.' A K- - t-x-k his.', now M .-.rjraret A.ndrew' lire '.*• I -adiiie fiom 'I" iid I ■ r«-es v:'le ai»! Williamson ma-i t». |K»- «.W Jii- - H Taylor (•m'il'w rew ttiw Whitfi-W's wlrnc; tViK» with -aid avnue to ih? bogir i i> S ~»t- beinr the old Jr H. t;-.' ■ 1 ! d. ; i.i coav 'yci! 'J i .« 1 r Wni*fWd b> A S IM »r -- I I". Raw!- -rsi R 1". Onm •-* siM o MeUii ote hundre«l fifty i! '0 sent -. nK.ie «.r tie day ef November. iv • A K nt'ICNIWI. Trustee. 12-2-2 MmCE OF SALE l i»*r ard b> virtue of author" y oafenei > pun th. coir e- bswer by an onk-r of sale in ? 'fecul preoeedina in Mar'in County '•"afenw Ccwt, e&iitleil W. I". Pur eette. et al- -vs tlarance Uth.ni it al- . ►e* at law c* Mr*;. Ann Hur ne'le a*, 8 lie saRM- being No. tM -leeul |>r.ceeding Pocket vf «»>: Cout, the rndersimcd coni wtßPmrr will or the third day o* laa'oary IW>. at 12 oVlick noon, a" V a in Williamston SC. offer for -ale 'tti the hiche-* hi*.W for rash the following de rriksi real e-tate Iv mr beinir. am' ;tua>t» in Goose nest Township. Mar •ir., f*i nety. North Carolina. to wH: All l*a* trar*. of lard which was e*»veyed to Mrs Ann Hurnette by G L Hwe which deed is of reco--' in M«rt»e '«irtv PuVic Rejfis.rv i«i " ••4 \'\ a* p-re 2s Berinnin - a' • wh-'e «.»V hesb on L P and J. V" Unjr V Ire: 'Vnr« S 4 W. Sf p«de > i li_wtod »J:ur-.p; tlheitee St. r To a white oak in 'he ft y -»d!e Swamp; thence up said |) 33ii>p 212 rwles ,to Hells corner il «keiw a •'-tch IS poles to a pub'i- J iti! lea-'-55* from (Il Hohvtxxl Fork J *• Oak City. N. C.; thence along said | read to the (efir.nmv cot.taming 150 'J rem. or less. . * •Jj This *he third day of IVcember. I l«l H-J - L W LFOC.ETT, Commissioner I *.".-rtk CaraUna I jbrh Cmmv Ila the Superior Court Hefore the Clerk IJ. W Watts i 1 -v*- L IL Itusserman Ca.. Inc. ar-l W F. Daley The defeeaaals above i.am-d will «: k» aatiee that aa action as entitled v- ihm was arstKated in the Superi or Cwit «f Martin County. North Carolbm «■ the 28th day of November MM skrna Plaintiff daims the toto mt SIM M Am by the defendant THE ENTERPIUSE, WILJJAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA tor brtvh ot cumncl unt M sar rinty in "he sale and dffcc;., i a certain car loan of appk iris*" sjtnmons is returnable kefwi -be said Court on the 2Ttl dry of IV cember 1924. The (kfndaets will al tak.* aKirt that a warrant of a tochnK*nt vw Is sued by '.he said Conrt «e "Jr iay of November !Kt the fijopei ty of «aid ill li ilawl i whac,i warren Is WumaW* before ok f >urt at th? time arirt piar-e ab/i r r mf.l for th? r? oft. of she riMm rr.ons; when and wPerv- ;ke «•?*«**- .nts are require! to -i.pp»rz 37: - • c *er or lemur to th-- CMnpCi'r . ~r ~h relief demanded wil! b» ""sas** 1 TV-is NOT. 29. 1924. R J. PEEI NOTICE OF SALE I rifler ar.i by virtue of the powir of : ale cor.'-air.eu in t'ia. war am 4»t« of trust ex«ccte>i to cm by S_ S. ! iatliey on >h-* i»>th «nay of Marc h 1920, and of reconi ra Mirtk C- I'uhl jr Registry rn IV*k A 1 je«r-» 'TO, ;:ctirin«t a cer airt boai 'A ev»r «'ate ur.d tenor therr-witfc. as»e the -' ipulations therein an: havjE.-; complied with and at tfe«e of the holder of said bof/!. I sfl. « •he 2»th day of l*fcemirr ~.yZ4 at 12 00 o'clock in frcaw f tb» Court Hf.ose door rS Cwaty ■ •f-r a* pvblie auction to ti__ I r'der for cash the fefte-srbst' de ; • iibe>l real e.-tats: !Seini» one-half U£»tt*i»dl»*>t ar'ere:;-* i and o that fraet of lain a *y««tinir 1 h«- lands of ft". W. • .rJt Lawenoe Jani.s, Joe Yarrell. the- Swaur "net c.f land, !:.ac Nichol- mad w-fva" »* known as Dev i> Cat, casta ?ar r I - tvreen ei-h. a.n»! i.te- IBnmdred acres n ort or less. and kromr. as tfoe M» iaii • Fa.tn. :»n»» brine the •sfciwr hL4 jrt '1 b> the -ael S. S> i. ■. > is- 1 Ciayton Xuxv Testi. .y . t-»U ,{jy 0 f Vi»r -imfti'T 1*24 " IM Ki: CRITCHER. H2i4 NOT HE OF RESALE ot REAL ESTATE I inter ani i>> %t r e* o"? .»I.- ,r r i f :a'e fwitaipv! if « ;_ta*r of trust eie«utt*i to t&* esArr . ; * tru.- ee by H. '"r_.y tiw "7 I ray of Nov. I>l> wh* 4 trust is of rec t m -» ph.ii'x ?*■•- i>try of Martin • «er 1 > it IsmA li-i a pa>rc -IS4. >au* *•.! »f Irw-J lav iieen Kiven to sevsarv cwrSikc artAr* even ilate and t- nowr "e*»»•; a nxti • 'ault having l»-m nvV jr li.*- yu>> - ' * of the .sa.,«. tote; tki- **• {>- .. (irtaifu • n k» .j| «.f no'!,'having b«- r. c* Mfi'vc wftfc ;l . v ' r'•!*.- t e' ,i,e I :4i-y t ' • • t>j{«•■• 'he "*r-l V«e4e ; "r i>, -cribul hav»rr ■' r ! . old cn ;h* !S 3» i*y «• . and ti >t * - "fl havinK been raster •: rn.it. il> ii •• s'llowcit by la» aari is j »-• ;> i jcrtbeil by law, the rrii'f i t: .tee will on the Mtk 4s» vi Iv- r''J! -it 12 M. tn ft*n* >faf :**■ wttr ' i : -door in the l*«i «i miiaa • . offer for sate ;• if V«-k --• b dder for ca.»h eh* **4K-» r «ie • b- d real er-tate. t»-w* •;!i| uatp m s>aiW >»■■■ «f U-X«ri >f N'-rth K R Sdwt aa>4 o:- the N»rth by the h;il «f H A I'tzxy ■nd Fast by *' !*s r>r?- Manufacturing and Nw;«r •"* «w f- eh by scW sfre - ? ?■!!»# •« la erf !•» I ir of S Kan-* in«t SmC «f this day conveyed t» *a»4 •»»> I" sTTtd IGwbuek ac>t wife. 1 hi.- the 22nd day ef N'ei I*2A J A VI7EI IE. Tr» W Martin am! Pe^. Attorneys at Law 11-2V2 II II K OF KE>ALE (it REAL t>r r.E l i 'er ar.d fc . ri ;c» if oLr «»«?• ' yl" con: irntl i>» a c» I*l-3- 4e-«d of rrst cmccSW u cW ■> lii»i il trustee by C. V. t.»rxe a»-- wif I.ula t 'arson on th M 4» *4 Jai 11?21 which »»a4 «fc»e-li -4 trt-1 « .4 r« rord in the I»Wc n«t ■" of Mer lin County in Booh Gi at puce M !-«e«l of tna ? haoringt S ■»« jr»Ci: ic —cure eeraia bk(» «f era and tenor therewith eriiut bav .»it been ifiven to ecatr n*la I IK*l - f even date and tenar tfctmriU! aM '• f. ult h«'. uijc bee*. mKS- i* •---r' ef the imjfbl.d»- (fcf s'.ipulatioiis contain ! in t> -t>' si." ' dee«i of tra-t hart- - with and at tS»e «""sae*- «f ifc holder of the »-v»J tV harißjt been advertr- d Jn4 „*ZJ *- the 11th iby of X»r *H :h bid having been nud a rasnt and within the tane fncrik 4 ki law, the unier i(fne»l uc -w wrX « V.'oinei;Jay the ltth Jay «f IV IS! resell to the highest kati *f> ea4: at 12. o'clock 1L k mt the courthouse liw h 1% tm *t RT3- North C imftai. ike foßow inr d«scribed reel eKite. town: Beinjr one M »it mate ■ the tan ml I'armrle, X. C. Feirinninit at an mo it mb in Ra3- tlience Southwardly with Bwtmk'i line IS* feet to an inm ttjlhr in anU R> ebuck's and J. D. Vflhr " mwt thence Westwnidly with TJ ! 7 • 77 feet to a Mb, Roehedhf* tfinu, thence NVrthvini'> *)A S»+-»%" lice ISO feet to a stskp to RaJinnii x ; 1 _• ' « ( wardljr with Bailmnil freet 77 feet a ( 1» the beginmng -1 Ksbsc as the hocse and lot con e, veved to J. I- Whitofcnrst by J -T. -. . tke-s. later conveyH by White ' tant to L D. Kt-HwcL lie in? the j t- V* txa! prupf-rt) conveyed in a - ; ;V J from L D. lu>e«urk zed wife .0 , )i' fail C. V. Carson are' wife L.U Car- ' rj Mr. dated on the 2Sth day of Nov. a , iXfl. And this d*e«J of trusi is treat a' t«i for the purpo— of M«mug 'he r ; ja.aiwt of a part of the purchase 1 - j j.:.5e xntiontil as coE-ic-isiivn Ie 1 -1 sui deed. . 2 This toe 22n day of Nov. 1524. T. JOKES TAYLOR, Trus ee j Jhr ia and Peri. | Attorney at Law 11-2&-2 NO*. K E Or SALE Ot REAL rj ESTATE i t Vnoer ax>* by virtue of ttoe powe: j of sale contained in a certain deed of ij IBs! eiMtfei! to the un«ier ;'*ne- 1 f 'mrtrc by Jl G. Luliock ir/1 vr.fe » Delia Bollock « the 2Sr«l :ay o: r t - ~ « f rfwiit in the pc' l t rtjj-s.ry cf e M. rtir County in I!ji ' G-2 zt jar* fiST arid the said d- H of "r>l se b '.Brat cer"air notes of rei. t uea.or therewith a»i 4ofs:!: fcivinr » been ißi-k- in :he peyn*a". c ' thi ai ! j- ia*i t.'ie .'ip«ilt: kms container! • m th? sttil dee-; cf rut t-» bavin ] ie« cxisplied with end at Jie r» '«e»t of the holler f tHe tjkki MXfi • lie Br..i eo »li cr. Fr » «"'ay the IW. tey cf i r. IS."! j r o'rlidi JI. ir f.-oa*. of ■: v- . t ♦«,. tfef f 4 i Ncrtfc raio' :-.- r "/ ->!_ to !:• - ! iri'-H b- tdcr for ea h-* pub!i? auc -1 the foilowjrse desenbe»f. fil es pj 'ate .to-wit: i Adyoinine Ue lands ' H ■» IV d. r 4uiru-til- "lark. J. S. " .'Kite' •>!. A E Gurajix aret We: A)ei.v lying - .»» Cress Rwa's and liear Graw Town *u|». eon'ainir. - * 2 acr».-. nn»ie 01 V«», ii_«J be ne it! tw9 tide's; one ■ wd»! to u f G ''c«!oHl by Williair l:u}lort an. c-re -jeeW to DeOs l:»l)oek b> Mc IL I;e!'ock aud h?.v •ar jaocti • M>apr« ** |-owt b> nj-p of line br J H- SioWey. >ar "or «3 f«e Ilth !■) (• Aa* 15*21 i.l:th •n* i> o-- r * *i ■ T*e r, :>r«s lark o'" CVu la vir j-- U d dtJUibid ; n m"rtr?f M * , !" '. el ax .1 t.f- lv:!a l ul'.o k V ' I V F -I—.'j la'- 4 I'l'k fcl«d Sept h !S2i ar'd reeor.ied ir. !Jeok Z-l t Tl - h T - !7 t ■:&: cf !"c* » :•!! "i T S" I FK f tiu •-- 1 5- t- r leM ta, l!Jv-4 MilK i: OF S'LF ii IV iL ► ESTA'K * Fnder r->l fey %> re o" ihe >«e: ' -a 1 - c in : a n ■!»* . of n-t f-j!- -i .0 the lfytetsiyr"! r; >"e- b> I! M IZcra- c ■ th? Ist I iaj »' Oct. Is»'»> arxi of r-oord in the ' - hl-e 'j of >. Otu."( ir ' i««k O-l a: t i.e of ' nisi >tini.» certa:i iw.es oi «vet -*te ir>d teuor tberewi'h ii»l 'ault - b-fi na*e in th« jayAr.it «f K fee same an; 4. v * ' 4 >,". : o: - f->r, iB/J in t*e said deed iru.-' no " ivn* teen com.dsetl Ti' h a,.'t ut 'ie re ae-* of the 01-'-r * ' : sai' *- |W!■ «in s«is-4n} ii**, ate.afll *■ ' I 7«ta- Shi l*h «!.--> of I' ~w-.be ; - i*24 at 12 o'ciock *! 1a f.ont of the .M>'«ce ii *hr U'm of \\ il ® jui-tcr. North Caioli-ia olfer for *- to the bidder f >-r ea-h 'tdWwior lerj estate, t«- 1 wit: Thi> '«-uw the «ant i d xl. r ' land •'eerie-i to II M Bur-as b> C. H Golvui ai-t wife Thi- beir," for »of ;be [njrrh • Kj:i .. Tf-e . Atn Kt*- t y ;K ' Vir. Ji oo lur Av C—sytar. tH.- !!ua m4l ice X.;K_xt-:on tV^aer f«aua) sE.i M !•. * 'l-i-n For b*» ■ fserijf Mao ?ee «ie»>l above : .en s* vt>L f A. IL IH'XNING. trustee. 4 lutia ana M, Afonieys :t Law 11-18-4 i LAND S %LE / I -it: i '.j 7 j-,iy ef "hr (\>» ,1 •n («t>'aael r. : ceili n ' : of tra>t which is i.ec,.k>i in Ko->V > H-t H>?e 111 Mann G«ry IV., :«4ry. to the andrrsiicnod trustee, k a- fault fcav-TEK be—r ee.!e in the pay- v 4 estnt of th? notes herein secured six* "V Jollier- 'hereof K: \in— made foi e the einrw of «•> p»»er. the under -' siarned wul on Satantey. December 1 *th_ 1924. before the Court House - ««r in the town of Wdltamston, N. i' C offer fcr sale to the tushes* bit • «ser for cash the following deserihe«i 1 lands in Mar*in C-tncty. North Caro r tea, RohersocviHe tonship. * Two parcels of land located and r .escrked as follow-*, to-wit: 4j First: One lit in the town of 1; i Piiih. X. C fnlly d-rfrihed to a e 1 M fna Ledie Fowden and wife I . Sasae F—den and Wheeler Martin rind wife Lotoe P. Martin: dated on - he SRk day of January. 1920. and f] .mriid to hank D 2 «a-e 217. to wkick ttfaant to hereby nude. Mar I- "to Ci ntj Registry, r. rft—: A ooe half undivided ir. '• I—l to a certain tract of land in d Eilmwiik township. Martin Cm r ty, adjtohr the lands of W R hnif. Henry Conned. IWU Ward, r. Mto Why*. Ol t. InktiMS. The (H- ?fa"!■?>•» •«»! .-o" -h.- a -wn£t"rtor *s® 2C.t.. rs. ? c* ■--- "p - She lin 1 fcid .1- - Cijfr l : e- deec frees J. 1_ Viiikjns aad wife Mi. tie L Williams to I_ D. Roebcck, F '*£ ?d OE the 17th. day cf Dec?mber . H- 3, and rercrded in 8.-ok Y-l pajre ' 49, Mtrtir: county Kegistry. - rtitr- I -to which is hereby mad? for j a .aoi* aerurate .'wciptioß. | Thi- 'November 7th. !?24. H PURVIS TAYLOR. Trtstte. 111-18-4 "TRUSTECS SALS I' . Ly v.r u» of the .u.f>oru> conferred m me by a "Dt«i of Trust"* executed i at b) Lewis H. i'-i! on ihe 11th nay d October 1&!9, w.i ciuly recurd f-i in the Recite: of Deed's office is Mr rtia Coao;y, in 3c>k A-2 pare 2i~ , to secure the pr.yment of a eer & n Lord bearing ev?n date there «i h, an«i the ?tipaLt-onj in sai>i De-d of Trust not k*inf been co n plied with, I snail -xpo.~e at publ** t i::.nn, for cau-h. ca Monday the ilay of December 1V24, at 12 0~- -k-ck Noon at the h'u>e Do«; i: .ATI.a Couaiy. the ioii«w;gg pro | tnjr: 7h®se trrxts . r parccL- of larxi thi •a;- o!J Lewi H. Pcei and bek« fit fribeiJ ir. -oii.l :s "ik?;ng lids v:nbcrs 1 1' o.e an! 121 two in i t«:k C of u.e J. W. Wat's Fam I -i l)lv;- on, a - plotted and sor -1 by Li. C. Jtm!.-. C. K. which a. ' ii'o - . «r nap is of retor»i in the j - ,!•■ •>! Mar~.ii) County la .ai Wvifioii B«ok No. 1 at pagr i", £ »eferciec to ai«i plot or maf .s hereby ma>Se for a more fl t fir.i'.e f .-rt'i ii-r, UMI bedi? the aee lots tor.veyed to J. O- Mann.re by dee»i rjtai Jan. 21. M*lH ainl of recorJ u jAblic r»-iri..try of Mar .in County ir. 1 .• *: T-1 at pare 218. Ihb £l«'. of Nov 1924. E. S. PEEL Tni««*. 11 21-: TRI'STEE*S SALE By virtue -f the authority corf met. •M me by a "Deed of Trust" eutu H '.o i:ve by Charfkr Jam ■ on the 25 day of October IMT, tnd duly t*conle«i in the Rejrister of Deed's office :i. Martin County. in Book M l page •i*™. to secure the pajir.ent of a cer "ain borsl be&rr.f; even date 'here with. and the stiwialior *= in sa»i !>cJ «jf Trust .to: having ken com idted "with, ! >hali .xpr.-rc at wt!«n, for ca-r. on Monday th ■ 22 «:>• of December 1984, at 12 o'clock N'oon a' the fonriUfct Door in "ar'ir County. the following itioprr ty: * c rtaiQ traet of land lyins ir '-.ar in County, de.-«vibed a.> follow er i nr. t Ise C P. I*.!!*-, ar«; x'nninjf ti.er«t« S. 23 \V. aloe- M>*i •t!eton*s line "oar. Oak, Ha ter)"s .'crrier. ,n Wolf I*itt Branch: tbeace «n Easterly cour>e with said Wo!t I'll. Ilranch ;o a black oak; the-nc* X 2 E 127 juio to the beginnin** or.*ai»«g 27 Mm rnoie or the tract of la-i 1 b"B"t . rtuate cr. he North *hle of Wolf I'iti Brsrxh *T hfTis TH" rsr-.e B&L 'lercribed IT 5 iTtnl from !l" S'st of No" 1. 0;-rolira to M. V.. ami r-co.d •I in Book Jl l. :tt pa»t &4*, Mirtir • junty i*ublir I'ejp-Jtry sr,il be u» * .aiK latvl i!e*nikl in the j»lt irer.t In "h'* cat e of I. I!. Wyiia, e* L-, vs. DennL- Lumb- r C« —t !;« No. 7. at pare 417 ahi 4!Bj «»ft>re «■' tie "U-rk of the Suwri'-r Cjitrl »! *lart : n Coupty. This the 21s. of Nov 1924 A R DI NNING. Tiu.,'.-. 11-21-4 TKI STEirs SALE By virtue OLL'THCKTTHTI.IL} x ni»- by a "Ik-sl of Tru> *" ixtttlct -o me b» Car. lin.> Kann l-a..-l C o •y W C. M. nhiiii;, on hi ! h >iay of March IV2I, £»l iiJy recorded in »he l!et_-Vr of IV -®ce r Martin I out :y. in Ik ok G-l I'aee 317. to twin the paymeut of a certain bond even da'e there *i h, an-l the aUpclatioa:- in aid Deoi of Trust not having been cot with. I shall expose at public asetictt tor cash, on Monday the 22 dry cf (Vcember 1924, ,at twelve 0 clock Noon at tlie tuur.hoo.-v door a Mar -n County, the followinp property: I'eia* lot in Town of W3iiam>t«t. Lifßinnir..' at a stob driven near a ihone pole on the new s»rwt, call--, ll- ujrhtct Prset Extension, ruutut •Vence a Westerly cour.-e wi b said -ueet 10 fev-t to a -h nee back teiv .wu lius W fee* so a.- io nak; a lot 4« feet cide and feet oeep, comsurin« 1-ti of ia aci* more or less. I>inc *he rsne lot | deeded by R. A. llovd to Carotin. Farm Land Co. and rti»?rtd ir Book IV2. page 124. PcWsc Re? I Martin County. This 21st day of Nor. 1924. f ' E. S. PEEL. Truster 1 11-21-? k , 1 NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC -1 TION OX J ANL ARY ML 1925 IN I BEAR SEASS SCHOOL DISTRICT . MARTIN COUNTY. NOR F CAROLINA. In compliance with the wishes cf a Petition signed by a Mensarjr n=ir her of qualifie.l of BEAR GRASS SCHOOL DISTRICT, vthirf was dcljr approve.! by the BOA RD OF LIH C'TICN OF MARTIN MI K"N 1 in M!IBP -cith the niwbV - «f Ar.ide 17 of the New SctW Cafe of 1923, \ V"OT!CE IK hereby rrrea that m • ckctioa wiil be heid at Ayers Sti*L l. Ucar Gru. N. C, in raid r GRASS SCHOOL DiSTKiCI. which 1 1 ts hereinafter describe", for the pur- " - 1 pose of asceitMEiag ihe wtii of the r qualified votas of said District as to wfsetker a mjon y of sod voters J f'vor the l;ryisg and coSectia;, an- L.ually. of a Special Tax with which i I to cuypiuaa: ike funds for the six I iccnihs sdaol approorla:e-i by the 1 i~2w cf IXBCJIIM, fhe r= ecf sakl ' 'p -ca! Tax not to eveeu a inaxi j sua of twenty : cents 0:1 the j One Jijtjdrki Dollar " .aiuauoci of ail I, f: -•}*• r.y. real and jsrrs«*nal. wiJiia . ■«.' bocris of its Dii ritn denibed j u follows f> "BEGINNING* at the mcuih «i Pig . Fta Biar-ch an! .he Sear Trap Uiil Pond: there?? a southerly c-arr-e up I he Phr Pea Br-rcb to *i*eler and 'J. V.*. Greea lire; r thence aloe % said r.ir*. in ssd . Or:*en line to Es-el. LanW Cora . ijny lite: li. race a «re_s erly couw r to 'the A. D. Had!-y zr-1 C A I'eel i«rwr; ibeete s .Toolh'ry '"inrtioa 52* f id! ) arc F - i Iro to , H? . Africa jsinp: ibctte i. KJ.ii rly s jur-e » ..tratft.' line -.0 an art e.i 1 ;«e t>ar 'lra. - :o V. on ae;l » - r-I. a . ir.. !' -f f.V V-h!ey Jlzr .-o !me. - h •« a soatfcer'v s tftMse, fZnirbt line U> th: Jlariin ; rr f Teatfort Coar.'y ,i*?e CE the ea' t 1 -,' de tf Ijoais Ta;k>r - "itj: Ibti.c > - 'on* .-aid Couaty line a southerly ci i action o the towr. 'i'ra l : je at Iht t li'-mth of Bear Gra.-_ uaJ Turke. s Swamp; up the m itnlerir" 1 -r Turkey Swaiun o thi oW Bigi •• , Mill Site; then* rp C«w i:rar.ch 'o s the Willianrstor. and Greecville roati thrrce down said rcal to Ileei' •' lessee down said -vamp 10 the beginning .~ At vaid election, those who are in fnxor of the levy aw* collertion of a Special Tax of cot naore than i twenty- fc_.. cents on the tK4«O val . uatk.fi a aforesaid, shall roe a tic- H on which shall be written or print ' ™ .he words "For Local Tax." aii ' • iiss wU oyptac the Wvj aaai col ' KCiion of a Specl.ll Tax of not more than twenty- eer s on the $l(JO.4) - taltu ioe as if.-reja*!. shall vote a s ■icket MI whkh shall be Written or prir'ed the wont- "Apm.t A local f Tax.- • - That "4r. A- B. Avers be, aia. it 1 he-reby ed Regu-trar. arid Mr. 1 A. B K >rer ji an-l Mr. H. D. Cowin ire hereb;. appointed Pofl-Hohlers for .-aid election. That a tew regisirataor. Is hereby •>i-iere»i. and that the regislration ! !«- k- *ll be ••per for such •etiiting with N.,imier twentie h. 5 192-1. and will cvcliite open until lit ucber tweetaeth. WJ4. The Re-ris ■ rar v3l be at Avrr» store. i.Var ■ lra- -, N C 'intra- the above .Is, • s for "h > pcrp--e «.f registeiing ;.ll p tk«w> 'itLx'-fi.-i to vote in saial l»*s lr«c*. I - -lie 'i> ;h(? JiJ .lay of November. ' I°?4. fey e-.ler of the BOARD OF ' 'IINIV COMMISSIONERS OF -r.'.RTiN oii xn. — * By HENRY C. GREEN. Chairman. A. te^.:: i S.- I KOV» N. of .• «bird L\ O&ia Clerk to the > o.,id of County t* 1 wriaiiwinoirri 1121 NOTICE OF SALE later aiwi bv. virtue of the power > of .-ak mttuekl ia 1 tee*: oi tro>' euriud and iHi.oe 1 to tk i ;re.-te b; Nah Hargett • *. d wife, llaithi Harr«-it.«ll the 14th !>} J Mazttk IS2'. which said «.ee«i cf tru.t ii of rerwd in the pLbltc regis try of NerK Coaaty in book G-2 at i p»ge ISO. sa»J ked cf trust er«riii:' arta a roe.- .-f rrea late and temr therewith and A':«lt farinr Leen » mriie ia tlu p yaert cf th • tune zjnd ihe ripilitiftt contained m the 1 aid deed of trust not having been 1 complied with x»ad a*, the rajec t . f •he hoNier of :aid sm*f the urd r ' signed trustee wffl *a Mjjd&y 15th day of December 11*24 at 12 o'- " clock M is front of the courthou - •kor in Maatia Court y in WuUa t«a. X. C offer for rale to the higl - 1 est for cash 'be follow n . tract of laad. v to-wit: 1 Boa»ied on the east by the lane's oi ,f Ed. IVel and 1_ B Harrison, on the ' ca the wt by tbt land of J. E ( PanUl estate, atku 00 'he north by the lard of Ed. Peel. rHiuumng *" kcr.f Ban or less, an.l be ne the szik pmsassf ca which he now lives. ' This the Ith day of November * • 1*24- . • : \r R. G. HARRISON. ft -; Trust, e .? . 4 11-14 4 ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTICE Havmg this day rJzliC?d as ad • ministrator mi tk? cs*a*e of C ?1 ' i fag, dtceated. notice is hereby grr ' HI to all parties bold ne claims R gain-t said estate to present aare • on or MM the 12th day of Nov.-r - her. 192&. ar this mtice will b • " pleailed ■ bar «f their recorerr. All persons indebted to sfjd «'.v» f are nqnjted to aakr Immediate p; ■ TMa the tth by *f Norevh - f I«L -- J- M- LONG. Administrate- ' • • ' -5 ♦ - ' 0

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